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Super Robot Wars Anew (Crossover)

Plan: All the diplomatic penalties is a go!
*Rolls the dice*
. . . Man, fuck you guys. :(

I love that name XD I should have gone with that one.

Also heck yeah! Come to our side Amuro! We have the greatest health plan ever!

And the other 3 guys can come too I guess, we have enough space for them.
Shakedown Cruise: Final Details
In the immediate aftermath of the Colony Drop, life became very very complicated for a large number of people, though oddly enough it also became oddly peaceful. At least for a little bit.

Delaz Fleet Attack: 71
Federation Fleet Defense: 41

The attack by the Delaz Fleet against the strained Federation forces went far better than anyone could have ever predicted. Multiple space-based Federation sites were heavily damaged, and in a stunning turn of events, the Solar System II superweapon that was the Federation's supposed answer to things like colony drops and enemy fleets was effectively destroyed. Anavel Gato and his accompanying forces not only destroyed the command and control ship, but managed to deal extreme damage to a large number of the mirrors, albeit at the cost of a chunk of the Delaz Fleet. While the GP03 Dendrobium and Gato's Neue Ziel did clash, it ended up in a draw with both mobile armors damaged and forced to retreat once the SDF-1 Macross suddenly appeared in front of the falling colony.

In the end the colony was destroyed due to the assistance of 'renegade' units from both sides of the conflict, though the Holy Empire of Britannia was quick to spin publicity in their favor as the largest polity of the Earth Federation. King Charles vi Britannia gave a rousing and impassioned speech about the bravery and honor of those that abandoned the battle in space to help stop the colony drop.

Chuck is a Scary Politician: 106

He even went so far as to offer titles of nobility to Zeon soldiers that had betrayed their orders and helped stop the colony drop, leading to an iconic moment on camera where he personally pinned medals to the uniforms of these mobile suit pilots and the captain of the Musai-class ship, accepting them as Honorary Britannians in good standing. Captain Michel of the Lady Celeste received high honors as well, enjoying instant celebrity status as she got to rub elbows with the Knights of the Round and the nobles of Britannia. Despite the technical victory for the remnants of the Delaz Fleet in space, the actual aftermath was closer to a draw as all sides retreated to lick their wounds.

THE ROCK: 19 [AT Field Active]
Britannian Forces: NAT 100 [Cannot Penetrate AT Field]
Shinji: 83 [Sure as fuck CAN penetrate AT Field]
Rei: 10

In the time that the SDF-1 had been outside of the solar system, a new threat had reached the Earth. Named Angels by the international organization known as NERV, massive aliens had begun to attack Area 11. It was during the first attack that the Britannian's revealed a secret project fielding a land-based Super Robot known as an Evangelion, successfully destroying the alien (albeit with considerable collateral damage as it exploded). A second was destroyed as well, but the situation changed with the so-called Fifth Angel (where were the first two?) Ramiel. It appeared in the Pacific Ocean during the battle between the Delaz Fleet and Federation, and immediately destroyed the entire Pacific Fleet with energy blasts that outclassed battleships in penetrative power which would lead to massive scars across the bottom of the ocean and a few stray shots carving out grooves in islands before losing cohesion.

Upon reaching the shores of Area 11, it faced every Knightmare Frame, spare Mobile Suit, and soldier that Viceroy Cornelia li Britannia could muster in order to try and fight it off. The sheer array of military might and piloting skill actually did manage to give the Angel pause somehow, the shifting crystalline entity almost seeming confused as it turned this way and that, as if it was unable to decide on what it wanted to destroy first. Scientists would debate for some time as to whether this particular angel was truly sentient or more like an artificial intelligence, due to this.

NERV was able to deploy two Evangelions with the time bought by Britannian forces. Unit-01 made use of a massive prototype beam rifle to pierce the Angel's powerful AT Field, while Unit-00 deployed with heavy starship-grade shields to cover it's partner. While the Angel did manage to get off a shot at the Evangelions, Unit-00 sacrificed itself to block it while Unit-01 pulled off a miracle shot to destroy the Angel's core. The remains of the Angel were immediately quarantined by Britannian forces.

King takes Pawn: 85
NERV Awareness?: 32

The critically damaged Evangelion was recovered as well, along with the ruined and melted wreck of it's entry plug. It's a genuine shame that the pilot was slain by the extreme temperatures of the Ramiel's energy attack, but word is that a back-up pilot will be ready to make use of Unit-00 once it's been repaired to continue to fight against those dastardly aliens! While there were sightings of the rebel forces like the Black Knights in the area during the attack, Cornelia li Britannia gave a grudging thank you to them for not interfering in the defense of Area 11. Of course, immediately afterwords hostilities started up again in their usual guerilla fashion, but you can't win them all right?

Federation vs Delaz Fleet ends in a Forced Draw due to interference.
Solar System II has been mission killed, and will need serious resources to repair.
Fedeartion's Space Forces are Moderately Damaged.
Delaz Fleet is Moderately Damaged.
Anavel Gato and the Neue Ziel have survived.
Kou Uraki's GP03 is Damaged, but survived.
A number of Zeon-aligned units have switched sides to the Federation.
Tensions are *even worse* than before.

Ramiel vs Pacific Fleet ends in a perfect win for the Angel.
Ramiel vs Area 11 ends in a victory for Area 11.
Ramiel has been cored, and it's remains have been recovered by Britannia/NERV.
Cornelia li Britannia's forces gain a morale bonus for a flawless fight limiting collateral damage.
Unit-00 has been Heavily Damaged, and the pilot has definately been killed. Trust me.
Shinji Ikari is real sad, and is gonna be awfully confused when a new Rei shows up.
Zero continues to win behind the scenes.

Sir Milton Barrows & Spies DC30 Diplo: 74 +6 Diplo +3 Fame +2 Claudia = 85
Amuro Ray DC80 Diplo: 89 +6 Diplo +3 Fame +2 Claudia = 100 Crit
Char DC60 Intrigue: 84 +5 Intrigue +5 Sayla = 94
Olivia Vector & Spies DC40 Diplo: 87 +6 Diplo +3 Fame +2 Finn +2 Claudia = 100 Crit

For Captain Ruri Hoshino however, the immediate aftermath is extremely busy. You've immediately tasked your Valkyries to fly around the area and see how badly damaged the surrounding towns are after the double whammy of having a giant battleship land in Lake Winnipeg and then fire off it's big gun. Your remaining Scopedogs are distributing supplies as fast as you can produce them, and you've taken on a whole slew of survivors in need of medical care or a new home. While there are some hard feelings here and there, most people understand that without your intervention they'd all be dead anyways. Probably helps that the literal city of children in your ship's belly have been going on and on about you being a literal saint, as well as what happened to Mars.

In a surprise twist, not only did an attachment of Knights offer to join up with your forces due to your 'honorable deeds', a trio of Rick Dom II pilots offered to join as well rather than tag along with the others who went with the Knights of the Round back to Pendragon. According to Olivia Vector, the leader of the trio, they were caught in a kind-of rough place. None of them wanted to be associated with the Delaz Fleet, but sticking with the seemingly stagnating Zeon that just went along with things didn't strike them as good either. Regardless, they seemed fairly honest in wanting to join up as opposed to the very Britannian soldiers from the other group. Those you might have to keep an eye on in the future.

The meeting that you were really looking forward to however was the one with the cadets from the Aberdeen Training Base. When you first entered the Macross you didn't really have anything other than casual clothes to wear, and that continued since you weren't technically a true military, but in the end the leaders of your little town (primarily the girls) all banded together to fix that and give you a more professional look for just this sort of situation. It was pretty different compared to the Federation and Zeon uniforms, and you weren't really sure about the skirt and hose at your age, but the upper half was actually kinda cool . . . you liked how it draped and swished when you spun around. Not that you'd do that in public, that'd just be childish.

Kaname Chidori invented future Ruri's outfit early. Cuz reasons.

Taking a breath to study yourself as you felt a faint, but somewhat comfortable press against your mind, you stepped through an open door into a lounge where the group of pilots were waiting. Four of them were all teenagers a couple years older than yourself, apparently the cream of the crop from that base's training program, but your attention was completely stolen by the young man leading them. Standing around 5 and a half feet tall, with honestly pretty average features, was one of the legendary ace pilots of the One Year War: Amuro Ray. Stepping up to him, you reached out for a handshake rather than any saluting, something he smoothly responded to.

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Amuro Ray, of the Federation's 3rd Test Unit. It's a pleasure to meet you Captain . . .?"

"Hoshino Ruri, of the Super Dimensional Fortress Macross." You managed to say the whole name with a straight face, even as you could feel the man's faint amusement from noticing your buried embarrassment. Damn kids outvoting you on the name!

"Captain Hoshino then. We all wanted to thank you for going out of your way to come back to Earth and stop the colony drop. I know it wasn't your first choice from what we overheard, but saving the Mars colony was something I probably would've chosen too in the situation, especially knowing that the fleets were still near the colony."

You nodded to the young man, seeing that despite everything, his cadets seemed to agree. "I'm just glad we were able to do both. It helped that the Federation soldiers and Martians were able to damage the enemy enough for us to arrive and sweep them up."

Reaching out to the ship's systems, something that Amuro was clearly able to detect and seemed to find interesting, you made note of the last of the pilots to come on-board heading your way. "Looks like we have one more guest coming, but before that I wanted to offer you and your men a place on-board our ship, either in an official combat role or just as refugees."

The cadets looked outright stunned at that, but Amuro managed to keep both his face and his emotions pretty firmly locked down.

"I understand that things haven't exactly been great for you in particular in the aftermath of the One Year War, and likewise the Britannians haven't been treating your cadets as kindly as they should. I outright heard some of them calling you all some unkind names, despite you heading out to save Britannian soil from the colony. If they can't appreciate you, well, we can."

"Not that I don't understand why you're offering this," Amuro begins, "But do you really understand what you're trying to do here? You've bought yourself a lot of goodwill with the Federation, let alone Britannia, but I'm infamous for a reason. Nobody on any side is going to appreciate me being pulled away from where they can keep an eye on me."

"Well, they're all idiots." You helpfully pointed out, drawing a snort from one of the cadets. "If they wanted to keep you guys around they should've treated you better, and I'm living proof that even without your involvement they're gonna keep experimenting on people to make more of you."

That drew a wince from the man, as understanding began to dawn on the faces of the cadets. You were about to speak up and drive the point home, before a knocking sound came from the doorway.

"Why don't you just accept her offer, Amuro? Surely you aren't satisfied with being a dog of the Federation, stuck living on Earth instead of being free in space? Even Sayla is here from what I can tell."

His words came along with a *big* presence mentally, like a mountain suddenly appeared to your newtype senses. That aura resonated with Amuro's, his tight control of his own emotions bubbling over as he took a step forward with his jaw clenched.

". . . Char!"

The tall blonde man adjusted the sunglasses he wore, before smirking.

"Quattro Bajeena, at your service. I understand if you'll want to reshuffle the ranks a bit though, young lady. I explicitly appreciate you reaching out to support Mars, and would like to offer my services as long as you continue to do so. I would appreciate it if you could tell me about these new foes that seek to destroy Spacenoids?"


Sir Milton Barrows and two lesser KMF pilots join the party! Suspicious though.
One Gloucester and two Sutherlands obtained.
Olivia Vector and her two wingmates join the party! Not very suspicious!
Three Rick Dom II's obtained.
After additional bullying, Amuro Ray, his four cadets, and the mysterious not-war criminal Quattro Bajeena have joined with a variety of GMs.
This *will* get out, and the Federation and Zeon both will be extremely upset at the highest levels.


Making up some excuses, and taking advantage of your goodwill, in less than a day you had the SDF-1 begin to lift off from the surface of the planet. You didn't really want to risk trying to transform the ship in atmosphere so you had everyone hold onto what they could and simple pushed the ship still in robot-form up just high enough so that you wouldn't scoop up the lake when you engaged in a space fold. People from the various towns, along with the military forces, watched in awe as space twisted and bent around your battleship before with a pop and implosion you faded out of reality . . .

Damaged Space Fold: 85
Even with penalties nothing exciting happens :(

. . . and reappeared safely in Mars orbit. Honestly it was a big relief that even with the damage sustained, you managed to make it to Mars without issue. Likewise, you managed to successfully transform the SDF-1 back into it's battleship mode with only minimal issues. It was going to take some time to get everything repaired again, but considering you managed to stop a whole-ass colony from impacting a planet and reaped massive personnel and mech gains out of it, you were gonna say this was absolutely worth it in all ways.

As you descended to the surface of Mars to land the ship near the Casatus Dome, the comms lit up with greetings and cheering voices, welcoming back the 'Heroes of Mars'. It wasn't all good news that you received, but in the end you decided to look on the positive side, considering that if you hadn't arrived here there wouldn't be any survivors at all. Pilot Sagara reported that of the nearly six-thousand people between the small defensive fleet, travelers, and citizens of the Casatus Dome, only 1,236 people managed to survive assuming no other survivors are found. Once again, like with the Macross Island incident, these numbers were heavily skewed towards the young and very old, though nowhere near as badly as your crew.

Casatus Dome Condition: 29

The dome itself was actually much worse off than you'd noticed at the time. Large cracks abound on the actual dome itself, but in two places at the base of the dome there were actual holes blasted open in it, exposing the city's insides. If you had arrived even minutes later, the city would've likely been completely destroyed, as if filling the dome itself with dust and carbon dioxide wasn't bad enough. The civilians that survived had been ones inside buildings that were already rated to survive a dome breach like hospitals and labs, or had been close enough to evacuate underground immediately. Some wonderful person had thought ahead to have the schools for Martian children not only be rated for a dome breach, but be entryways into underground shelters, which is what saved so many kids lives.

Unfortunately, the nominal leadership of the city as well as the ranking members of the military were all lost in the attack from either being caught outside of safety, being on-board the Federation ship, or being in the small Federation base that had been slammed at the start of the battle. Without any leadership, the majority of the people looked to their saviors for direction. Specifically, you. It was kind-of weird how so many adults kept asking someone your age to boss them around, but at this pint they were probably just scared of making things worse somehow. Or scared of your big honkin' space gun, either or.


The Casatus Dome is Heavily Damaged, both the dome itself, the base of the dome, and the building infrastructure inside. It will take a considerably amount of resources and time to repair, but it is absolutely doable. On the other hand, you've already created a small town inside your super cool space battleship. You've got plenty of room to grow and expand before you get anywhere near the maximum occupancy. What will you do with the Martian survivors?

[ ] Rebuild the Dome: Will begin the Guardian of Mars Arc, requiring long-term investment and care.

[ ] Accept the Survivors Onboard: Will begin the Mercenary Arc. You'll have more freedom to act and maneuver.
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As usual feel free to discuss stuff, add in bits, request a subvote or write-in.
I say repair the dome. Mars must be ready as a Port of Call and as a Bulwark for humanity.
I think we should take them. As far as I understand it's mostly the kids and the elderly that survived. To make this colony productive again the feds have to ship out new military officers, supplies and people.

Instead we can take them on integrate them into our ship and grow our productivity from increased pop.

Also what would happen to these kids otherwise when the feds send new leadership?

Edit: If the feds want the colony to mars back they can rebuild it and send new settlers. They'd have to do that anyway and where would the original inhabitants go?

Unless of course we're the ones taking control even after rebuilding it and doing the same thing we did on the ship.

Edit2: also it's been noted the feds were stretched thin before this. They definitely don't have the ability to hold mars if this happens again. So we'd be split in options again if a bunch of events happen at the same time.

So unless we do what we did in the ship control and develop the colony then I don't see this being an effective defense against aliens.
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I think the smart thing to do for the martians in this scenario is take them. but on the other hand rebuilding the dome sounds more interesting, and that the actions needed there will help us in the long term more than a bunch of short term mercenary contracts.

@Zarori, questions from someone unfamiliar with both Macross and SRW: what's the macross's fuel situation, and how does the space folding interact with it? Is it just running on "Robotechnology, hope it doesn't run out", or is it something specfic like Sakuradite or He3? Separately, once all the repairs are done, will firing off a bunch of space folds casually cut into our supply in a significant manner, or are these all details we don't have to pay attention to?
Okay, but taking them leds to the Mercenary Arc, and I'm not a fan of being a soldier for hire. Who's going to be our clientele when the Upper Portions of Society have beef? Tensions are at an all time high, but nobody is really equipped to restart fighting. If fighting does break out then it's probably an all-or-nothing which humble potential Mercs like us would be too much.
I figured we'd be doing the meec arc after the construction of mars regardless. This was just how fast we're going to get to it. Unless of course rebuilding mars leads to becoming it's king and then dealing with politics.

Also such negative connotations to merc. We can choose what our contracts are. No matter what we do we're dealing with politics.
I figured we'd be doing the meec arc after the construction of mars regardless. This was just how fast we're going to get to it. Unless of course rebuilding mars leads to becoming it's king and then dealing with politics.

Also such negative connotations to merc. We can choose what our contracts are. No matter what we do we're dealing with politics.
High likely, but taking all the colonist on Mars feels like we're abandoning the Planet, and it doesn't feel like anyone will resettle with the ongoing tensions.

As for the Mercenary disdain, that's a result of who's going to employ us, and who we're fighting. Human-on-human conflict is on hiatus at the moment, and unless more aliens come by the system looking for Troops to fight other aliens then we're out of luck.
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High likely, but taking all the colonist on Mars feels like we're abandoning the Planet, and it doesn't feel like anyone will resettle with the ongoing tensions.

As for the Mercenary disdain, that's a result of who's going to employ us, and who we're fighting. Human-on-human conflict is on hiatus at the moment, and unless more aliens come by the system looking for Troops to fight other aliens then we're out of luck.
Who's going to hire us? I figured the contracts could be for info on new stat systems, alien tech/information etc.nmaybe if nerve put out one for angels.

Also were likely going to have to get involved in human on human plots if we decide to stop events before it happens. Like the colony drop. As long as we're in human space and wish to avoid certain events we're picking a side.

If we become king of Mars and make it independent somehow we're still going to have to pick a side or just wait until the end of whatever event to prevent the worse.

If they're going to abandon Mars then us rebuilding it won't make a difference. We'd have to make Mars wholly self sufficient in that case. Including the military.

Say we rebuilding everything, they'd still have to provide more pop, logistics and military to the colony. So if they're so strained thay they can't rebuild the colony then I domt think they'd be able to maintain and restock it anyway.

The only other way this could go is if Mars becomes neutral and everyone pitches in as a symbolic gesture. Dont think they'll worl long term with everyone having a problem with everyone else.
Alright, what's the benefit of being Mercenaries? We would have people, still need a port of harbor to do repairs, and then actual need materials to do repairs. We could gain tons of materials by assisting Mars, and develop a Power favorable to Macross.
I could go for either option, but I'd like to list the Pros and Cons for both options just to help our discussion.

I may edit the below with points made by others

Guardian of Mars

Fixed Location to Defend (Easy to do so) Fixed Location to Defend (We need to defend it)
Self Sufficient Port of Call Far from Support from Earth (We're It for now)
Not Aligned with Major Factions (Neutralish in their conflicts) Not Aligned with Major Factions (Need Diplomacy to Build Relations)
A Good Place to Help people Escape all of the Earth Sphere conflicts We're the only Folks that can travel to Mars in good time.
Split Support Systems (Our eggs are not in one basket) Split Support Systems (What we can't make onboard, we have to return to Mars for)
Mercenarys / Refugee Ark

Mobile Force (Hard to hit) No Port of Call (Need to negotiate for resources
Able to support whoever we want for the right price Unknown Who would Hire Us (Need to research that)
All of Our Support is in one place (Adults, finally!) All of Our Support is in one place (And it's the most dangerous one too)
Quick Access to Troop Replenishment A Stray Shot through our Armor Destroys possible Troop Replenishment
We become a mobile beacon of refugee safety from Earth Conflicts We become a place to hide fugitives (Some people would target us for that)

This is just the basic stuff off the top of my head. Again, Might add stuff later.
We can always teleport to other systems for material help. So I dont think thats a pro or con. The ship is pretty self sufficient

All of Our Support is in one place (Adults, finally!)
Wasn't most of Mars kids and elderly. It's basically a planet wide version of what we started with.
[X] Accept the Survivors Onboard: Will begin the Mercenary Arc. You'll have more freedom to act and maneuver.

All come aboard the macross! We have perfect health plans! Satying roitted in one place doesnt seem that good of an idea to me, having free mobility and acting as a mercenary could give us some opportunities.

Some interesting rolls all around, also damm, those crits on recruitment were sweet!!! Yes!

Oh yeah @Zarori one question, thought not really that important, do we have a more detailed description or character image for all our crew members and new recruits?

Seiya Uribatake: Your Chief Engineer by default. He might be an ass, but he's surprisingly skilled with just about any tech, and can keep the Macross running.

Sayla Mass: A former crewmate from the legendary White Base, and a young doctor. She's responsible for saving the lives of many before and during the fold incident, and is now the Chief Medical Officer of the Macross.

Claudia Grant: A Lieutenant Commander in the Earth Federation armed forces, and your Executive Officer due to the fact that it's what she was trained for. She knows how to work the support systems of the Macross, and acts as the link between you and the rest of the crew.

Lynn Minmay: A young asian teenager who was separated from her family during the Macross Island Incident, but was saved by Dr. Sayla Mass and Ruri Hoshino. A decent enough cook, a trained waitress, and an amateur singer. More importantly she's been taking care of huge swaths of the youngest children, and is damned good at it.

Finn Schmidt: A former Zeon pilot and spy, who upon seeing how well the SDF-1 Macross was being run, ended up flipping. Clearly he was already having second thoughts after seeing how the One Year War and it's aftermath went.

Kaname Chidori: A blue-haired teenaged girl who is effectively in control of Macross City's Factory. Despite insisting that she never did much with science or engineering, she has an unusual talent for both, along with skill at keeping others in line due to her student council experience. Feels funny to your Cyber-Newtype senses . . .

Skull Squadron-
Roy Fokker: An ace pilot, and your primary Military Advisor. He's a veteran of the One Year War, and leader of Skull Squadron. Currently dating Claudia Grant. Has a strong SPIRIT, and great FOCUS.

Hikaru Ichijyo: A young man who grew up alongside Roy Fokker in the circus! He's an amateur pilot of no little potential, though a bit cocky and rules-allergic. Has a strong SPIRIT, and will PERSIST till the end.

Maximilian Jenius: So you know in SRW games where you gotta do like ten different things to unlock a secret unit? Uh, you did that out of pure luck in the one turn it was capable of happening. Max is the definition of an ace pilot, and is probably one of the best ones out there even without being a Newtype. Fuck. Has a strong SPIRIT, and great INTUITION.

Ben Dixon: A surviving pilot from the Macross Island incident, and subordinate of Roy Fokker's.

Rita Glass: An orphan from the Macross Island incident, who proved to have some talent for piloting despite being as young as Captain Ruri.

Wanted to asks cause if you want i could try and look for character images to use for all of them. It's something not that big of a deal but i do like to have images of the characters to help picture them better.
[X] Rebuild the Dome: Will begin the Guardian of Mars Arc, requiring long-term investment and care.
Uh, we have a thousand martian people, mostly children and elderly. I don't think we have the ability to actually FILL even one dome, right?

Unless the Macross has good automation techs
[X] Accept the Survivors Onboard: Will begin the Mercenary Arc. You'll have more freedom to act and maneuver.

edit: changed vote to onboard. if we're going to be mercenaries either way, this is the much better option. we can fit the people either way, and not having a relatively vulnerable base (admittedly far enough away that we don't have to worry about sudden losses) is all plus side at that point.
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[X] Rebuild the Dome: Will begin the Guardian of Mars Arc, requiring long-term investment and care.
@saganatsu The SDF-1 runs on an fancy precursor generator that does not *so far* need to be topped off. Instead you burn through it's supply, and it 'refills' on it's own so to speak. Rechargeable batteries! Multiple consecutive space folds will damage the ship no matter the circumstance, and require repairs to avoid 'risky' jumps. If you do some wacky shenanigans that are a problem for the amount of energy the ship stores/produces, I will warn you.

@Kingster I can get more deets, but not *everyone* is going to get images. Especially not like, all the cadets/OG units.

Also note, you're basically mercenaries flat-out, no question about it. This is really just a question of whether or not you're putting down roots (temporarily or not) on Mars. Unless you all just straight-up want to go Stellaris, which *is* a thing . . .

@veekie you sure can't fill up the dome to capacity, even if you emptied the Macross into it! There are definitely valid concerns (and completely invalid concerns) mentioned on all sides.
[X] Accept the Survivors Onboard: Will begin the Mercenary Arc. You'll have more freedom to act and maneuver.

After thinking about it, we can't even fill one dome, and we can't even crew the Macross to capacity either. Settling the dome would require running a skeleton crew for both, assuming the Macross has miracle automation tech in there somewhere.

Thats not a base, thats a supply depot
@Kingster I can get more deets, but not *everyone* is going to get images. Especially not like, all the cadets/OG units.

Understood, if you want, pass the deets of those that get them and can try to find images that fit them/are close enough.

Also note, you're basically mercenaries flat-out, no question about it. This is really just a question of whether or not you're putting down roots (temporarily or not) on Mars. Unless you all just straight-up want to go Stellaris, which *is* a thing . . .

Oh I see, good to have that clear from the beginning, then, this reaffirms my idea to not stay rooted to one place yet.
[X] Rebuild the Dome: Will begin the Guardian of Mars Arc, requiring long-term investment and care.
[X] Rebuild the Dome: Will begin the Guardian of Mars Arc, requiring long-term investment and care.

Ok making a polity is a possible choice. Gets us a voice on the big boys table. We could find something to leverage on top of the distance to get us neutrality.

As for pop well just accept refugees and go through them with a fine tooth comb.
Ok making a polity is a possible choice. Gets us a voice on the big boys table. We could find something to leverage on top of the distance to get us neutrality.

Not really? it's 1236 people, mostly kids and retired old people. That's... not a polity, that's a (failed) settlement. While we could eventually get it be a polity, its not anywhere near one, dependent on both a large amount of immigration, as well as some viable industry sprouting up.

Also, this is SRW, including a gundam crossover. If a Side can be polity, having a (colony sized) mobile ship be a polity isn't much of a stretch.

For that matter, do we know how many people the Macross can comfortably hold? 10k? 100k? 1m?

presumed typo:

Ramiel vs Pacific Fleet ends in a perfect win for the Feds.

I think this is a perfect win for Ramiel?
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Good lord, these typos. Fixing that.

Re: Population. The SDF-1 in canon had over 70k people aboard between crew and civilians. Right now it is doing a lot of automation, and Ruri is effectively doing the lions share of the work by directly interfacing with the ship with her cyber-newtype/Nadesico-tier bullshit. I PROBABLY should've increased the numbers of people to start, but it being basically a ghost ship is also cool. It's also why security sweeps were on every vote, and were actually kinda important.

But yeah, there are a lot of kids and teenagers already basically being raised from the ground up to run or fix one specific system on the Macross. (Or are being fucking lunatics skating around the ship in Scopedogs with Sousuke, playing at being security and rapid-response. Sayla has had a Scopedog practically slam into the medbay carrying a random kid who broke a finger or something on multiple occasions.)
Re: Population. The SDF-1 in canon had over 70k people aboard between crew and civilians. Right now it is doing a lot of automation, and Ruri is effectively doing the lions share of the work by directly interfacing with the ship with her cyber-newtype/Nadesico-tier bullshit. I PROBABLY should've increased the numbers of people to start, but it being basically a ghost ship is also cool. It's also why security sweeps were on every vote, and were actually kinda important.

Okay, taking the remaining martians isn't crowding out space for useful adults then. Rather, we're (still) desperate for just about anybody that can operate a computer or turn a wrench.
Also I *think* I mentioned picking up some extra folks from Canada, yeah? Even if I didn't make a big deal out of it? Lake Winnipeg area not lookin' too hot after a near colony drop, the macross firing it's gun, and landing. I'll get a rough number up later-ish. Probably after the vote is finalized and tallied. Lotta bookkeeping updates I'll need to do on my end.
[x] Accept the Survivors Onboard

Yeah, even allowing for the genre conceits and so forth, splitting up seems like it will do a number on my suspension of disbelief.

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