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Video Games General

Finally got enough Ballistic Fiber to build my modded suit, so I have cleavage now, which is nice.

Got through Graygarden's quest- clearing out the water plant. The super mutants took two tries because the one with the missile launcher got a lucky shot while I was still reeling from the suicider exploding- not close enough to hurt me but the flash is disorienting. Second time I manage to kill it before it got that close- or just didn't hit his nuke, not sure which was the case with the first one, I was almost but not quite in the blast radius when he went off.

Got the plant drained after dealing with the Mirelurks. Had a Legendary in there, which popped out on the... second pump, I think? I closed the door behind me, so I was up on a ledge where none of them could get to me, managed to lure him close enough that it was just a matter of shots.

I did mod in Legendary Modification, and managed enough to afford Explosive for my combat shotgun. Which is cheating, yes, but the RNG for getting it normally is horrendous so. It makes a very nice BOOM when you shoot the water, as the Mirelurks trying to hide found out.

My prize was a leather chest piece... with resistance to insects and mirelurks. Welp.

Awesome. The crossover no one expected but it should've been there.
Awesome. The crossover no one expected but it should've been there.
I remember a couple old SomethingAwful LPs (2007-10 old) that used M2TW skirmishes to model the results of CK1 battles.

Plus, that's the core of Rise of Nations' campaign gameplay: Risk strategic maps plus AoE/Empire Earth tactical battles.
New short trailer for Space Marine 2.

Looking good

Eh, I'm not sold on Captain Titus. The OG Titus was pretty understated, keeping a calm and level head despite the chaos, almost treating the orc Invasion like another day on the job. This Titus seems to be much more of a blood knight, loudly yelling at the Tyranids to come and face him and looking forward to a good fight with a powerful foe instead of the original treating the whole thing as his duty.
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Eh, I'm not sold on Captain Titus. The OG Titus was pretty understated, keeping a calm and level head despite the chaos, almost treating the orc Invasion like another day on the job. This Titus seems to be much more of a blood knight, loudly yelling at the Tyranids to come and face him and looking forward to a good fight with a powerful foe instead of the original treating the whole thing as his duty.
Guess the time with the Black Templars left its mark on him.
Eh, I'm not sold on Captain Titus. The OG Titus was pretty understated, keeping a calm and level head despite the chaos, almost treating the orc Invasion like another day on the job. This Titus seems to be much more of a blood knight, loudly yelling at the Tyranids to come and face him and looking forward to a good fight with a powerful foe instead of the original treating the whole thing as his duty.
Fair, but we don't really know the context beyond Tyranids attacking. I'm willing to at least look into it more when it's closer to release.
Eh, I'm not sold on Captain Titus. The OG Titus was pretty understated, keeping a calm and level head despite the chaos, almost treating the orc Invasion like another day on the job. This Titus seems to be much more of a blood knight, loudly yelling at the Tyranids to come and face him and looking forward to a good fight with a powerful foe instead of the original treating the whole thing as his duty.
On the other hand, Ork invasions practically are "just another day at the office" for the Space Marines, since they're by far and away the enemy that Astartes (and the Imperium as a whole) has to deal with the most. Tyranid invasions tend to be a much more serious threat, and in general, the Ultramarines as a whole have a much bigger grudge against the Tyranids, after that whole "Invading Their Homeworld" thing, so it's possible that Titus is a bit more pissed here than he was in the other game.
Reached Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Difficult fight, very difficult, even with all exploits I could get a hold on. Had an epiphany when I summoned a LetMeSoloHer wanna be and realized how much it disgusted me. Decided to try and solo her myself. Still difficult. But... I'm seeing it. I reached her second phase and got her down to two thirds.

I'm beginning to believe.
The Etrian Odyssey remasters dropped Wednesday and I've been having a lot of fun. The mapping tools don't feel bad to use even with mouse and keyboard, though I haven't tried controller yet. Having the old games on the new engine feels nice too since it has all the quality of life features the newer games do as well as getting rid of most of the jank from the DS versions. Like the skills actually work the way they're supposed to now. I've mostly been playing 1, but I've decided on a team for 3 and I'm gonna start that soon.
Dunwich Borers is much, much worse in VR. Way creepier. Not that difficult, but I could never be sure if there were ghouls coming out of the woodwork again or it was just the sound effects fucking with me. Kept my head on a swivel.

Also they really fucked the swimming controls. Motion-activated only, awkward and inaccurate as hell. If I hadn't had a Mirelurk Cake on me there's no way I'd have been able to get down to the altar and back up without dying.

To say nothing of how many tries it took and winding up out of bounds once.
So today I learned there's a company called "The NFT Gaming Company" and more importantly they are a publicly traded company.


Anyone else excited at this glorious new era of gaming?
I. Repeat.


Going through Hubris comics after taking down Swan, just because it was there- have to figure out where the heck the radio station is so I can turn in the quest items, as I've forgotten- thought it was in Goodneighbor, but I can't figure out where.

Made the mistake of going at night and I have the Darker Nights mod on Medium, so a good portion of the place is pitch fucking black. Took down most of the first and second floor ghouls when the monkey went off, easy-peasy, like a shooting gallery as they came down from the holes. Creeped around the rest of it, taking down a few at a time, dealing with that stupid radroach when I found it.

Then I got to the top floor. Saw the Glowing One hiding behind the stage and thought, foolishly, that it was the only ghoul left after having shot one wandering around up there without seeing anything else. As I'm debating on how to get it to come out so I can shoot it at a distance... another ghoul comes out of the sound room to the right like a bat out of hell.

So naturally, I yell "JESUS CHRIST!" and fire wildly at where it was a moment ago until VATS activates and I awkwardly shoot almost at myself to hit it.

Fucking feral ghouls, man. I know they were probably just as fast in the pancake game but they sure make a hell of a bigger impression in VR.
Going through Hubris comics after taking down Swan, just because it was there- have to figure out where the heck the radio station is so I can turn in the quest items, as I've forgotten- thought it was in Goodneighbor, but I can't figure out where.
In the Memory Lounge, or whatever the name of that place is. Where you go to get Kellogg's memories looked at.
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I'm making progress on Malenia. Managed to trigger her second phase two times now today. First attempt down to one third of her healthbar, second one down to half. I'm getting closer, I can feel it.
Throw bleed or frost pots at her during waterfoul, knocks her right out of it.
Do these pots proc their elements on hit or how does that work? I already have put an ash of war for Frost damage on my main weapon. Also, which pot? The blood swarm one or the accursed blood one?
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Ok, folks I got a dumb question.

What's the best way to get into Street Fighter and get all the lore and story bits?

Yeah, I know 'Rivan cares about story in fighty game lol' I know it's dumb but it's just how my brain is wired.

I heard about the 30th anniversary collection was based on the arcade machines. Do they have all the story stuff or was that just for the home consoles?
Do these pots proc their elements on hit or how does that work? I already have put an ash of war for Frost damage on my main weapon. Also, which pot? The blood swarm one or the accursed blood one?

Blood Swarm, and they do indeed proc their status effect, though it can sometimes take a hit or two.
Blood Swarm, and they do indeed proc their status effect, though it can sometimes take a hit or two.
Well, I tried your trick with both the ice and the blood. Either it took too long to throw or I simply missed her. At which point am I supposed to throw? When she starts to jump? Because that's a tell about a split-second long.
Well, I tried your trick with both the ice and the blood. Either it took too long to throw or I simply missed her. At which point am I supposed to throw? When she starts to jump? Because that's a tell about a split-second long.

When she hovers in the air for a moment and at any point after.

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