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War of the Seven Kings (Super Robot Wars with Code Geass, Muv Luv Alternative and more)

Maybe , she is among those considered for Lelouch's harem after all. His coming accomplishments especially in the upcoming chapter fourteen will put him firmly on the radar of other women too, as chapter fifteen will explore.
War of the Seven Kings Ch13
A/N: Special thanks to to Jameyofthemegacosmos, Icysnowsage, Darklord331, and our Gundam consultant and designer Redrat8. Greatkingrat88, and Seerking have also contributed to the development of this story. I had begun in-between projects since early last year.

For this chapter a REALLY big special thanks to Greatkingrat88 and Silkdreamweaver for their double beta work on this chapter to polish what I feel is probably one of my best character interaction chapters I've made. And I owe it to them for really polishing and enhancing it, since my biggest worry with this chapter it be too dull and I worried some might find Lelouch and some of the characters out of character, so I took no chances and went the extra with the double beta work. So this character should see some interesting developments for Lelouch and Yui.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, left a favorite and a couple follows, they are greatly appreciated and always encouraging.

Now on with the chapter.

Chapter 13


It was September 19th, two days after Lelouch and his newly formed squadron had successfully passed their Comprehensive Combat Skill Evaluation. Following this, Lelouch had been informed of a tradition regarding the successful passing of the exam, and it had him wishing he was still on that island.

"Come on Lelouch, everyone is waiting for you," Aki said, knocking on the door to the wooden hut Lelouch was inside of. "No need to be shy. Most guys would kill to be in your position, you know."

"Maybe, but…"

"No buts. You are changed, right?"

"Yes. I am," Lelouch said, taking a deep breath. There was just no hiding from it. With a sigh of resignation, Lelouch stepped out with a blue towel draped over his shoulder. He used one hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight. Before him was a clear blue sky, water and sand. As it turned out, when a training class completed their exam successfully, they celebrated with a day at the beach.

The beach was located on Hachijo Island, south of the island they were on for the exam. Yui and her friends had been brought to the island to take part in the celebration, taking a break from training with their Gundams and aiding the Japanese Effort to keep the BETA in check.

"About time he joined," Tsukiko said as she watched her superior emerge from the changing hut. She sat under an umbrella, wearing a white two-piece swimsuit. "What is it, sir? Do we ladies make you nervous?"

"Well, he is the only guy, so maybe he is just feeling like the odd man out," Yuzuka said. She herself was wearing a two-piece swimsuit with black straps and reflective colors. Aki grinned, seemingly enjoying his nervousness as he could feel the eyes of the women surrounding him. Lelouch was just thankful that Milly Ashford wasn't around. She would never have allowed Lelouch to live it down, no doubt delighting in his misery. All these women, teasing him…

For her swimsuit, Aki was wearing a simple black swimming bra with matching swim shorts.

"Come on Lelouch, let's race. This is a good chance to see how much tougher you've become since basic training." Aki took Lelouch's hands and tried to drag him towards the water.

"May I join you?" Kazusa asked, approaching them in a dark blue one-piece swimsuit.

"Sure, the more the merrier," Aki replied, still dragging an unwilling Lelouch. Yuzuka followed, her expression a mixture of worry and annoyance.

Marimo watched Lelouch be pulled into a swimming contest. She was wearing a light green two-piece swimsuit. Next to her was Michiru Isumi, who wore her own black two-piece swimsuit, which like her former instructor didn't leave much to the imagination.

"These celebrations never get old," Marimo commented. She was smiling, quietly enjoying Lelouch's awkwardness.

"At least this one is likely to be more tame than ours," Michiru remarked.

"Oh, yes, I recall Tsukiko being more of a handful back then," Marimo said. "It seems she still has a bit of that aggressive streak in her, but she has mellowed out more."

"Yes. In a strange way, I am glad she came back. I know the loss of Sonoko hit her pretty hard, given how close they were," Michru said, recalling when Tsukiko dropped out of the military.

Tsukiko and Sonoko had been close; in fact Michiru had noticed the two spent a fair number of nights together. One night, she thought that she had caught the two in a very intimate moment with one another, but it wasn't what she thought it was to her embarrassment. Instead she had caught them with smuggled rations. The two played it off as nothing more was happening between them, but their closeness was obvious. Michiru, for a while, suspected something was happening behind closed doors. Such things were hardly uncommon among TSF pilots, given the stress and trauma they endured. Seeking comfort in one another was one of many coping mechanisms, something their superiors would turn a blind eye to as long as they were still fit to fight. Given how strongly Tsukiko grieved when Sonoko passed, it became clear to Michiru that the two had been romantically involved.

I guess that makes these traditional celebrations more precious, she thought. Haruka, Asagi, Yuzuka and Haruko will be going into real combat soon. I just hope Lelouch and their new machines will break the cycle of new squadrons never surviving their first sortie, Michiru hoped that the new pilots in Lelouch's squad wouldn't suffer through the same sorrows.

This gave the exam completion celebrations a dark undercurrent: congratulations on passing and becoming true pilots as your first battle could be your last.

Unaware of the pessimistic thoughts swirling in the mind of Michiru, Lelouch, Yuzuka, Aki and Kazusa finished their race. Lelouch had actually managed to finish ahead of Aki, while Kazusa had beaten both of them. Yuzuka had been following Lelouch, beating Aki as well, leaving the girl in shock.

"Kazusa I could understand, but how did I lose to Lelouch? He was so skinny," Aki pouted before turning to the man in question. "No offense."

"None taken," Lelouch replied.

"You can probably thank the Major for the improvement," Yuzuka said matter-of-factly. "A woman who can knock you flat on your face with one punch and threatens you with an electric cattle prod would motivate anyone to be the very best they can be during training."

"Her efforts do show," Kazusa said, placing her hand on her chin as she eyed Lelouch.

Lelouch was still relatively lean and scrawny, but now bore more visible muscular definition as he had filled out. He no longer looked quite like a human noodle. Claude's concoctions and Marimo's intense and hellish training had clearly worked.

"I suppose you can't really tell when he is wearing clothes," Aki replied, suddenly feeling better about losing to Lelouch and Yuzuka.

Yui sat off to the side on a towel, watching Lelouch, Yuzuka, Aki, and Kazusa. She wore a two piece yellow swimsuit. Izumi sat next to her, reading a book as she wore a white one-piece swimsuit.

"If you are worried about Lelouch, why not join them?" Izumi did not even look up from her book, but noticed Yui's concern.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yui said, caught off guard.

"Don't think I didn't notice." Izumi finally looked up from her book, giving Yui an exasperated look.

"I-" Yui stuttered, surprised. "What are you implying!?"

"Stop lying. It's obvious that you have a crush on Lelouch. Can't blame you for it, though. He's a nice enough guy."

Yui opened her mouth to protest, but had no words. She closed it again, embarrassed.

"I don't know if it's because you are afraid of your own feelings, but if you are bothered by him being with other girls, then you need to speak up. If you don't do anything, he might slip away," Izumi explained as she shrugged.

Kasuza, standing a couple yards off, noticed their conversation and wondered what they were talking about. She had her suspicions, especially given Yui's expression, and she wondered if she shouldn't go speak with her.

"Hey Kazusa, how about a new race?" It was Aki, interrupting her train of thought.

"Uh sure," Kazusa replied, noticing a reluctant Lelouch once again being dragged into it.

As Michiru went over to check on the preparation of the grill for lunch, Michiru noticed that Marimo, her former instructor, had the beginnings of bags forming under her eyes.

"Are you sure that you're getting enough sleep?" Michiru asked worriedly. "It looks like you've been doing all nighters."

"I appreciate the concern," Marimo assured. "Whatever sludge that woman stuffed in me sure works its magic so there's nothing for you to worry about."

"Sludge?" Michiru questioned. Knowing her former instructor won't divulge anything, she decided to let it slide. She faced the parasol topwise once more. "Just don't blame me if you end up in the infirmary due to insomnia. Speaking of which, I understand that there is a new ship waiting for Lelouch when he sets off with our fellow Eishi to other worlds."

"That's a problem," Marimo sighed, closing her eyes.

"What is? Is it about our people leaving our world?"

"Perhaps. If they are needed at a critical time we can easily report them as being assigned abroad until that becomes a concern. Like all ships and military units, Lelouch will need personnel who can cover various roles. Maintenance crews for the TSFs, navigators, engineers, doctors."

"Doctors, that's going to be the difficult one to fill," Michiru agreed, which didn't surprise Marimo. "So far, we haven't found anyone available- or rather, no one is willing to volunteer. The invasion and the damage it has done to Japan has left hospitals overwhelmed. Any doctor we could ask has had their hands full."

"That busty woman of a time traveler claims she has a medical license," Marimo muttered grudgingly. "Though I hope we can find someone more… compatible with the crew's tastes."

An unexpected, ear-splitting shout came from above everyone.


Falling from the sky was Claude. She seemed naked at first, but as she neared the ground she slowed down before she gracefully landed on her feet in the water near the shore. With the water only coming up to her thighs everyone could now see the swimsuit she was wearing. Everyone internally groaned from Claude's arrival and the swimsuit she chose to wear, if it could even be called one. It was a two piece swimsuit that was a size too small, as the straps looked on the verge of snapping and the fabric barely covered anything.

That woman has no modesty or any sense of shame, does she? Marimo sighed, unphased by her attempt at a theatrical entry.

"Speak of the devil."

"Uuuuh…" Claude rose from the water. "That was quite anticlimactic. I thought I'd scare at least one or two of you."

"I… think your presence is becoming more of a common occurrence here," Yui looked at some of her friends. She found Shamiko shaking, Kasuza facepalming herself, and Aki throwing her arms up.

You just killed the festive mood everyone had, Lelouch thought.

"Perhaps we should go elsewhere for now," Haruka suggested approaching Lelouch and his group with Yuzuka and Haruko behind her.

Haruka wore a white, flirrely, two piece swimsuit. It stood in contrast to Haruko's strapless, blue, two piece.

"I get the feeling this is going to get messy," Haruko commented, something that everyone within earshot silently agreed with.

"Right, let's go before-" Lelouch began before Claude appeared behind him and threw an arm over his shoulder. Inwardly, he cursed her supernatural speed.

"Well, well, congratulations are indeed in order," Claude said pridefully. "You know, I was worried you weren't going to make it through training even with my support. When I first picked you up, you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag, but you not only pulled it off, you even overcame the heightened difficulty thrown at you."

"No need to compliment me," Lelouch looked to the side.

"Oh, you should be happier than that. Especially since you are the only guy on a beach with beautiful girls all around you," Claude patted Lelouch's shoulder. "If you were a couple years older, I would do something special for you, but instead I suppose I got some good news… along with some bad news to share with you."

"What's the good news?" Lelouch asked hesitantly.

"Good news is, the Shogun and I have solved the crew problem for your new ship," Claude replied cheerfully. "There was a problem finding people to fill the necessary positions for running it. With the invasion and the heavy casualties, the Empire has been very short handed on people they can spare."

"Understandable," Lelouch said.

"We had to outsource a chief engineer from another country to complete the staffing of the ship. Thankfully the Shogun has reached an agreement with Australia, who is sending a prodigy engineer from the Australian Defence Forces. It's part of a united defense deal," Claude explained.

"Okay, so what's the bad news?"

"Bad news, you will have to take a different ship!"

"What?" Lelouch blinked with surprise.

"Yup, I am afraid I had to give your ship for Yui's cousin Kyoko to use. You see, there was a BETA invasion happening at the Suez Canal, and if they invade Africa then the vast majority of the food supplied for Earth is at serious risk," Claude answered.

"Why Africa? She's still needed in Japan," Kazusa stated, shocked by the news.

"Because the United States has been planning to pull their forces out," Claude started to explain. "They've been influenced by their worries about the loss of Africia to the BETA, which currently is still home to millions of refugees from across Europe and Asia. Losing Africa would be seen as a far bigger blow than losing Japan would. Fortunately, the Shogun has proven to be quite sly. Given how effective the Gundams have been against the BETA, Kyoko was sent with her own forces using the new Minamoto units and the Takarabune; she has already slain a few of the BETA's formations since arriving," Claude said with a big grin. "I think the crew really love using the Positron Blaster Cannon against the BETA. The armor combined with its shields have reduced damage from the Laser-class BETA so much, they might as well be throwing ping-pong balls at it."

"Just how much of a kill count are we talking about?" Aki asked, listening in awe.

"Hundreds at least. I don't have an update to date on the kill count of what Lady Kyoko and her group has racked up, but I will say it stunned everyone on the international stage and guilt tripped the Americans. Their continued help per the treaty is ensured and they were being… convinced to be nicer to Japan since they got so many nice new weapons, thanks to me," Claude replied with a smug grin.

"The Shogun is taking full advantage of the situation," Lelouch deduced with one hand on his chin.

"You bet she is. The Shogun has other countries throwing themselves at her feet, completely ignoring the Prime Minister who is supposed to be the official leader of Japan. In fact, I'd say the Shogun is no longer a figurehead. She now has political influence on par with the Prime Minister since he was originally against developing the Gundams. Boy is he feeling ashamed right now," Claude laughed.

Lelouch sighed. This would complicate things.

"Come, Lelouch," Kazusa said, taking hold of his right arm. "Perhaps we should move away from Claude."

"Yes please," Lelouch accepted Kazusa's offer.

"Man, how did Lelouch and Yui survive months in some space alone with that woman?" Aki said, watching Claude as she was lost in her own world.

Moving further down the beach, Kazusa and Lelouch stopped when they were far enough away from Claude, where the two could talk in peace.

"I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to take this chance to speak to you more privately," said Kazusa.

"Not at all. What is on your mind?" Lelouch asked as Kazusa led him under the shade of a palm tree. She took a seat on the ground and leaned her back against its trunk. Lelouch sat to Kazusa's right, both facing towards the sea.

"I wanted to apologize about what happened in Kyoto. I helped you perform a mercy kill for our commanding officer," Kazusa said with a saddened expression.

"There's nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should apologize for being unable to do it myself," Lelouch admitted.

"There is nothing wrong with that. Taking the life of an ally, even to spare them from suffering, is not something easily done." Kazusa placed a hand on Lelouch's shoulder. "My father once told me how he had to kill his best friend to prevent him from being eaten alive. It simply wasn't possible to save him. It was the best thing he could have done for him, but it still haunts his nightmares. To hesitate on pulling the trigger… it only makes you human, Lelouch."

"Is that why he was so strict with preparing you for life as a pilot?"

"Yes. It was a good decision," Kazusa said with a smile. "He prayed I would never be faced with something that horrible, so he made me take my training seriously and ensured I would demand the same from my fellow teammates."

"I take it that doesn't happen a lot?"

"Thankfully, no, as far as I am aware," Kazusa admitted. "I can't even imagine Yui being able to do it, especially if she lost everyone else before my own death came for me."

"There is simply no way she could've done it. She sees you as her best friend."

"I suppose," Kazusa commented, deep in thought.

"What do you mean, 'I suppose'?"

"Yui told you we became friends after she bested me, right?"

"She did mention that, yes."

"What else did she say?"

"Not much, but she holds you in very high regard. She admires you."

Kazusa smiled, "Is that so? I guess I had viewed her with a level of disdain when we first met. How much did she tell you about her own House?"

"Very little," Lelouch admitted.

"Are you aware of how ranks among the Samurai Families were chosen?"

"Not too much?"

"Well," Kazusa began, speaking with confidence of a teacher, "First, I should explain that the ranks of the Royal Guard belonging to the households that make it up are decided by those who sided with Tokugawa before and during the Battle of Sekigahara. Those families who didn't join, but were spared by Tokugawa afterwards, became Tozama ranked families, the lowest ranked. Others who joined Tokugawa and were related to him would become Fudai ranked households, below the Regent Families with only the Shogun, chosen among the five regent families above them."

"I see. So you, Aki, Izumi, and Shimako's families are from Tozama Families?"

Nobility. Hierarchy. Positioning. It's all too familiar, isn't it? Lelouch thought. Something must have shown on Lelouch's face, as she replied, "Correct. You take issue with this?"

"You could say that. Is it safe for me to assume that the ranks are fixed with no way of advancement, over something your ancestors did a long time ago?" Lelouch asked. Kazusa nodded in confirmation. "It is… outdated. Medieval. At least in Britannia you could strive for a higher rank, but in this system? It's a waste of talent. It's unfair and ineffective."

Kazusa shrugged, and sighed. "I guess it is. I mean- yes, of course it is. It's just… it is what it is, you know? I can't change it. I can only make the best of what I've got. Besides, it's not all that bad. There was a system for advancement in place until the end of the Second World War. Although, only a few families had the opportunity to advance their rank. One of them was the Takamura Family. They were a family of skilled swordsmiths who in generations since became engineers developing weapons. Japan was losing such talented families frustrated by being restrained by such rules left to strike out on their own, so to prevent the loss of any more of them, the Takamura Family was elevated to a Fudai house," Kazusa explained.

"I see, so it had nothing to do with the work of Yui's father," Lelouch commented. He remembered that Yui's father was the main developer behind the Zuikaku and is implied to have been one of the creators of the Type-74 PB Blade.

"No, but his work certainly improved the family's standing. This rise did cause some discontent among the lower-classed samurai families, which persisted until Takamura Masatada became the new head of the family. Even then, some unpleasant rumors and slander continued, which worsened when Yui was made the next heir to the family name," Kazusa said.

"Because males are usually successors instead of women. Barring a few obvious exceptions," Lelouch deduced, thinking of Kyoko and Yuuhi.

"That's right. Lady Takatsukasa was first to defy tradition by becoming the new head of the Takatsukasa Family. She faced a lot of hardship for it, but she has managed to keep defying everyone's expectations," Kazusa said, admiration filling her voice.

"I can't even begin to imagine what she endured. It only makes her accomplishments all the more impressive. I can see why both you and Yui look up to her." Lelouch nodded. "My own mother was born a commoner and she would be the first of non-noble birth to obtain the rank of the Knight of the Round and then she would become Empress, all before she was eighteen."

"I take it she too faced slander, resentment and envy?"

"Naturally. Even my sister and I weren't exempt from it. I remember one of the Emperor's other consorts harassed my sister, breaking a new doll our mother gave her." Lelouch began smiling. "Of course, our mother showed up and threatened that consort with violence in the sweetest way possible, while carrying a sword at her hip. The woman quickly folded and ran away like a coward."

Kazusa couldn't help but chuckle. "It seems like she handled it well," Kazusa complimented.

"Yes, she did," Lelouch said wistfully, but suddenly he looked down at the ground.

"I suppose it just means Yui and I can relate," Kazusa commented, gazing out to sea. "Now that you know more about the households and their rankings, I can explain our houses and why Yui admired me as much as she did. As I told you, House Takamura faced slander and accusations from the lower houses because of their ascension in rank."

"I would expect no less."

"My house also faced similar slander," Kazusa began. "We have a very dedicated military background. Every member has served in the Royal Guard in one form or another. We also enjoyed wealth from our family businesses, both the manufacture of TSF parts and the mining of the raw materials to make them. This also Includes weapons, from pistols to assault rifles used by the army. Our long generations of military experience, as you can imagine, has made my family distinguished as pilots and consultants."

"Why was this a problem?"

"My family was not the most wealthy by noble standards. Not any more. The mines we drew from have long run dry and the weapons we produce have been surpassed by other competing families. We lacked the resources to pivot to other means and most of the known mineral veins have already been claimed by other families. Most now earn whatever little wealth they can from military service for the Royal Guard in one shape or another. Their living conditions were no different from your traditional middle class family."

"That isn't the only problem, is it? I recall hearing about there being trouble between the Royal Guard and the local populace," Lelouch said, thinking back to Yuzuka's animosity towards the Royal Guard.

Kazusa nodded. "Correct. Relations between the people of Japan and much of the regular military have become strained. Many of the people see us as remnants of an outdated system and look upon us with contempt."

"Compared to the higher ranked houses, you would be more exposed to the public's abuse. You would have to endure it, while putting up a front to protect the image of your house." Lelouch couldn't keep the frown off his face.

She gave him a sad smile. "For families such as mine and Yui's, it has been an unpleasant experience, even when we attended academies that allowed students from outside of the noble households like mine. We always had to be kind and dutiful girls. Always putting up the most polite front," Kazusa explained. Lelouch could relate.

"It must've been torture. Having to be something you aren't, all to meet some arbitrary expectation set by someone else…"

"I know you've also been wearing a mask. In the end, we're not so different."

While Kazusa and Yui had endured slander and unpleasant remarks while having to present an ideal image of themselves to the public, Lelouch had been living in fear that should his true identity ever be discovered, he and his sister would most likely be put to death by their own royal court.

You were worse off than us, Kazusa thought.

"There you two are," Aki called out as she approached the pair. "Come on. We're playing a game of volleyball, and we need one more for our team!" She grabbed each of their arms and started dragging them behind her before either could protest.

"What are the teams?" Lelouch asked, noticing Kazusa's annoyance at their interruption. "I don't think there are enough of us for full teams. Unless Michiru and Marimo take part, both teams are one short."

"Lelouch, as leader of our squad you should be on our team," Yuzuka said, as soon as they drew near.

Yuzuka was joined by Haruko and Asagi who had a pair of sunglasses on her head."But who will be on the other team to even them out?" Haruko asked before she pointed to the other team. "It's not fair the way it is right now." "Then just go with five person teams. The people in the back will have to pull double duty. This will be a fun test of teamwork," Marimo said, stepping in with both hands on her hips. "That should keep things fair, and that way you don't have to worry about Lelouch giving one side an unfair advantage, regardless of which side he joins."

"In that case we'll show them as his new squad, that Lelouch will be in good hands," Haruko said, cracking her knuckles.

"Is that some kind of challenge," Aki asked, one eyebrow twitching.

"Maybe. Worried you girls might lose to us in front of Lelouch?"

"Bring it," Aki challenged, raising a fist in defiance.

Shimako could only sigh, "Please Aki, this is just a game. No need to make a war out of it."

"Yes, please try to be more mature about this," Izumi added.

"Oh come on, this is a matter of honor for the Royal Guard," Aki proclaimed, pumping her clenched fist into the air dramatically.

"I apologize for her overzealousness," Kazusa sighed to Lelouch.

"Oh it's fine, I wouldn't worry," Tsukiko said with a dismissive hand wave.

Free to sit out the game, Lelouch sat down in one of the unoccupied beach chairs, with Michiru joining him, while Marimo acted as a referee, with Claude keeping score. Following a coin toss, Yui's side started with Kazusa serving the ball. With a powerful strike she sent the ball into the air, flying over the net where Haruko intercepted it, passing it to Tsukiko who spiked it back over. Aki tried to intercept it, but Tsukiko's spiking of the ball was too fast, giving Lelouch's squad a point.

"Score for Lelouch's squadmates," Claude announced, flipping the cards on the scoreboard to reflect where the teams stood on points.

Now Asagi was serving the ball, sending it flying over the net.

"I got it!" Shimako intercepted it, passing it to Yui who sent it to Izumi to spike it.

Unfortunately Haruko was there to intercept it. "Haruka!" she called out as she passed it. Haruka managed to send it back over the net.

Shimako dived in and prevented it from hitting the ground.

"Someone, catch it," Shimako called out.

"I got it." Yui caught it and sent it back over.

However Tsukiko was ready and spiked it back towards Aki.

"Look out!"

Caught off guard, Aki barely intercepted the ball. Her interception was sloppy and forced Asagi out of place to try and spike it back. . This time, Kazusa was waiting to intercept it and spiked it over and into the ground, scoring her team a point.

"Nice one," Haruko complimented.

"You might have gotten the first score, but we're not letting you win without a fight," Kazusa said, clearly taking this game seriously.

Asagi served the ball for the third time, but Izumi intercepted it and bounced it to Shimako, who quickly spiked it before anyone on the other side could react.

"Point!" Claude called out.

Watching from the sidelines, Lelouch found his mind unfocused and a growing annoyance taking root. Throughout the game he couldn't help but notice the way swimsuits fitted onto the forms of his friends, the way their bodies moved, the way certain things bounced… it both annoyed and distressed him. It wasn't like him. He hadn't paid that much attention to girls before. It wasn't that he wasn't aware of girls, or rather their sexuality, but it was something he didn't really bother, busy with all his planning for the future. But it was natural, wasn't it?

Don't be a creep, he reminded himself. Even so, he couldn't help, but look. He tried to think of something else, but he kept finding himself in the same loop of thoughts, his eyes drawn to the girls… especially Yui. No matter how hard he tried his best to not focus, he couldn't help but give Shimako, Kazusa, Yuzuka, Haruko, and the other girls an appreciative glance or two, before he would avert his gaze.

To his horror, Lelouch felt a stirring in his groin. Shit, shit, shit! He grit his teeth, crossing his legs in embarrassment to hide his growing arousal.

"Hormones causing you trouble?" Michiru said with a smirk, sitting next to him.

"It's nothing," Lelouch said, trying his best to keep a solid poker face.

"It's nothing, eh? Your face says otherwise," Michiru chuckled. Lelouch's cheeks started to fill with red, a look of flustered annoyance on his face. Lelouch was mortified. Had she noticed his… condition? Clearly she did, but, thankfully, didn't seem to judge him for it. Luckily the girls were too caught up in their game to notice Lelouch's trouble or overhear his conversation with Michiru.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about," Michiru tried to reassure. "You're a teenager. Being interested in the opposite sex is extremely normal for guys your age. It's something that happens to everyone as you get older."

"I know," Lelouch said awkwardly. He desperately wanted not to have the talk about the birds and the bees. He knew about that… sort of. "It's just I shouldn't be looking at them like some creep, but…"

"But you can't help it. Especially with what is happening in front of you. It's not really fair, huh. You are the only guy here. You mustn't be used to being surrounded by so many women. And if I recall correctly, you always had to hide who you really were, so you couldn't have had too many people you were close to, right?"

"I…I suppose that is true," Lelouch admitted.

"Well, it's different here. You don't have to hide. You're free to… try things. It's not wrong to have these feelings. Maybe try talking to one of the girls; see if they're interested. You might not have thought about it, but here you can be sort of… liberated? You can be you, and these girls you've become friends with know who you are. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not. Wearing whatever mask you wore back in your world must've been suffocating."

Lelouch went silent in reflection. In a way, she's right. I… can do all of that. But… how? I don't know the first thing about talking to girls…Can I even afford such a distraction?

"Not just liberated, but strangely more alive," Lelouch began hesitantly. "Having to hide my real self behind a mask was suffocating. I was always worried that the Ashford Family who sheltered us would decide to sell us out. We had no real value besides liability insurance. And of course there was also the fear of our identities being revealed. I always had to be mindful of what I said to others. I couldn't trust anyone with my secret."

"But you don't have to worry about that here," Michiru said reassuringly.

"Yeah, here it's different," Lelouch said before smiling. "It's ironic. Despite the danger the BETA poses to humanity, I actually feel safer here."

"The life you must have led to feel like that…" Michiru sighed as she shook her head.

"I suppose it's all a matter of perspective."

"You've gone through a lot. And the thing is, you're still young. You're very capable, but…"


"You're not very experienced in a leadership role. You may be tactically brilliant, but leading people requires a certain skill set that only time can give you."

"You're afraid I will let them down?"

Michiru shook her head. "Failure is always a possibility. But think of this more as a… concern. A warning."

"I'm all ears," Lelouch said curiously.

"It'll sound very simple, but it's not. These girls will trust you with their very lives. Your decisions could get them all killed. To be given that trust is an immense responsibility. The burden of leadership means you will do everything in your power not to let them down, and even so, sometimes you will still fail despite all your efforts. But you must do your utmost not to. Never betray them, never let them down, even in a small way. If you can do that, if you can get them to trust your judgment, you could move mountains."

Lelouch nodded. "I… yes. I know that. Sometimes… It's easy to think of units on a display board as just numbers, a calculation for me to solve, like a game of chess. It makes winning easier, but I know they're not. I hope… no, I won't let them down."

Michiru smiled. "That's the right attitude. Chin up, will you?"

"Hard to after hearing something that serious," Lelouch muttered.

"Sorry about that. Today was supposed to be all leisure and fun, after all, but some things need to be said."

"Just save the world from an alien invasion and never let your troops down. No pressure," Lelouch said dryly.

"That's the spirit," Michiru laughed.

Later that same night, Lelouch decided to slip away for some time alone with his thoughts. They'd had a barbecue for dinner and everyone was chatting it up, while Claude was being a nuisance. While no one was looking, Lelouch managed to quietly slip away, taking a stroll down the beach by himself, but it wasn't long before he realized he was followed.

"That seemed to be a little much for you, huh?"

Lelouch looked over his shoulder to see Yui, wearing a black jacket over her swimsuit, a contrast to his white jacket.

"I should ask you," Lelouch replied, prompting a smile from Yui. "How have you been holding up?"

"I've been fine. If there is anyone who should worry, it was me. You know, I was observing you and your friends on that island when that UAV went out of control," Yui explained..

"What about it?"

"You sound awfully casual about that, don't you think?"

Lelouch shrugged. "It wasn't exactly a fun situation, but… I've been in combat situations. You get used to having to deal with dangerous things and how to keep your nerve. Compared to some other things I've been through, it wasn't all that bad."

"I wish I had your calm," she sighed. "When I had to take my Combat Skill Evaluation, my nerves were completely shot.

"Was the test that difficult for you and your friends?" Lelouch asked as they walked along the beach together.

"Ours was easy compared to yours. It was just a four on four battle in a maze of shipping containers. We fought one another using Armored Fencing until either time ran out or one team was defeated. Beyond that, we never attempted any kind of survival training like the UN and the Army does," Yui explained.

"They must have gone the extra mile then."

"They did for sure, but even then I doubt it's going to silence all of the naysayers against you," Yui commented, disappointed.

"I can't say that would surprise me," Lelouch said knowingly. Even though he had accomplished a lot, he wasn't stupid enough to think the Japanese would easily accept him, even after Kyoto. No matter what he accomplished, he would have to deal with such fools while working with the Empire of Japan. "All because I am not Japanese."

"Yes, as stupid as I think that is."

"Agreed. But that is just human nature. I have seen similar mindsets from both the Japanese of my world and the Britannians especially." Lelouch said with open disgust.

"It sounds like you can't wait to put that country to the sword." Yui nodded along.

"Yes, although this isn't how I had planned for it to happen. This way will, no doubt, accelerate my plans by decades compared to if I had tried to do this on my own. I have no doubt I would have eventually been successful. It just would've taken much longer to gather the necessary manpower and resources to make the first move," Lelouch stated. Yui couldn't help, but be impressed by his confidence.

There might be a hint of arrogance to that, but he has given it serious thought, She thought. Suddenly a chill wind passed by. The two shivered, but neither wanted to return to the chaos unfolding at the main cabin. The pair noticed an empty, smaller cabin, a short distance ahead.

"Let's head over there. At the very least the building will break the wind," Lelouch suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

The pair made their way to the unused cabin. The door was locked, but they noticed an open window allowing the two to slip inside. It was deserted, sparsely furnished, and looked like it had gone unused for some time. There was some old firewood left behind and a used box of matches by the fireplace.

"We're out of the wind, but it's still pretty cold," Yui commented.

"Well, we're in luck then," Lelouch said, shaking the box of matches, the sound of a few, leftover matchsticks bouncing around.. Once they had a fire going, Lelouch managed to locate some blankets, grabbing one for himself and one for Yui.

"Thank you." Yui accepted the white blanket handed to her.

"I didn't think it would get this cold this quickly."

"Well, October is just a few weeks away. Summer is finally giving way to fall, and winter won't be far off. The nights are only going to get colder," Yui said, sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"It's still quite the drop compared to earlier."

"I know," Yui said as Lelouch joined her on the couch, wrapping another blanket around himself.

"At least it's a lot quieter here," Lelouch commented, earning a chuckle from Yui.

"Yes, and best of all, no Claude."

"I completely agree." Lelouch chuckled back in return.

"There was one thing I was wondering about. The whole exiled prince thing… if it's not too sensitive."

"Go ahead," Lelouch replied.

"What are you going to do when you get what you want? When your mother is avenged and your father is overthrown?"

Lelouch was momentarily taken aback. He'd made many plans to make that happen, to reach his goals, but as for what came after… it seemed so distant, so impossible. What would a future where he won even look like?

"That is hard to say. Too much is unknown," Lelouch admitted. "But I suppose depending on how things play out, I would like to slip away into quiet obscurity with Nunnally. Maybe we could find her a nurse, let her live independently from me. Have our own lives…"

Lelouch sighed.

"Nunnally may be my first priority, but I am no fool. My duties would keep me from seeing her more and more. That's why I know she'll need someone she can trust by her side."

"Sounds to me like you want to set her up with a boy," Yui said jokingly.

Lelouch laughed, "Not really, but as long as this person has Nunnally's complete trust, protection and happiness in mind then that's enough for me."

"The aspiring general, slinking back into a quiet life? That's hard to imagine," Yui smiled, teasingly.

"I suppose, but I'll figure something out. What about you?"

"Me?" Yui hesitated. It was fair for him to ask, she supposed. "I'll likely follow my father and become a TSF developer, and take over the Takamura Household. I am in no hurry to succeed him, but I know sooner or later he'll step down and pass it to me," Yui replied.

"You sound… worried. Or is that my imagination?"

"I suppose no harm in telling you. My father's decision to make me successor to our house was met with a lot of controversy," Yui answered. "Seeing all my father had to endure, I wonder if I can do it. I think part of the reason he buries himself in work is as an escape to put the stress of it behind him."

"Women don't typically get to be the head of a samurai household," Lelouch stated. Yui nodded.

"My mother nearly died giving birth to me, and the strain of it all has ruined her health. She cannot bear a second child, so my relatives tried to push my father towards adopting a son to be the next heir to House Takamura, which is why I became a surface pilot to prove I am up for it."

"Some people can't let go of traditions, I suppose," Lelouch commented with some disdain in his voice.

"I suppose that is why Kazusa and I got along as well as we did, once we understood we shared similar burdens," Yui admitted.

"I see," Lelouch replied.

"Yeah. It's… a lot. Life can be pretty unfair, huh?"

Lelouch felt a pang of sympathy. Demanding parents, an outdated and judgmental nobility, forcing your children to be something they didn't want… They weren't so different from each other. Without thinking, he placed a hand on Yui's shoulder, to comfort her. Yui moved closer; leaning her head close to his.

"Proving your worth through deeds and accomplishments is a worthy goal," Lelouch praised, feeling awkward. He admired her. Just like him, she was of noble birth and just like him, she was willing to prove her worth by action, not by superiority of birth.

"Thank you," she said, smiling. "My friends, I guess because of the families they come from always seemed to walk on eggshells around me, but with you, status and history doesn't seem to matter," Yui said leaning even closer to Lelouch. "You treat me like an equal. I feel very comfortable around you."

Yui edged closer to Lelouch, until her thigh rubbed up against his through the blankets. Their faces were so close to each other now. She hadn't thought about it; it just seemed natural. Neither of them seemed to notice it, think about it.

"You two seem to be enjoying your time together," a voice said, catching the two by surprise before the lights came on.

Turning, the pair looked to the stairs where they caught sight of Marimo wearing a green jacket over her swimsuit. She smiled amusedly as Yui's face turned beet red.

"M-Major Jinguuji!?" Yui jumped.

"This is your cabin, isn't it," Lelouch asked calmly. He was surprised, but not flustered like Yui.

"It is. You have your own cabin after all, and so do I. I am surprised you two didn't go to his," Marimo suggested with a bemused smile.

"We're sort of hiding from Claude," Lelouch replied.

"Ah. Understandable," Marimo conceded with a nod before joining them by the fire, sitting on the cushioned bed next to the sofa. "Since you two are here, there is something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"What do you mean?" Yui asked.

"Well, there's a problem I want to discuss," Marimo confessed. "As you know, the CCSE is a mandatory requirement of the course. But even after that, trainees are still not fully graduated. While you are an exception, the rest of your team will still have to undergo TSF training, which normally will last until December before they are ready for military service."

"Something that will change, I take it," Lelouch realized. Marimo nodded in confirmation.

"They've spent plenty of time in the simulators, but they still need actual training in their intended machines," Yui exclaimed. "The mock battle they did earlier was part of it, but they still need practice in many more mock battles and training missions."

"Exactly," Marimo said.

"The needs are greater, since they are also dealing with brand new machines," Lelouch deduced sagely. "Right now, Japan has a limited production capacity, and will want to use them conservatively. Japan has much riding on them, both for their clashes against the BETA and politically with other countries, so they must perform beyond expectations in combat."

"I am glad you both understand." Marimo said.

"There is something else, isn't there?" Yui asked. Marimo nodded.

"Yes. These new technologies have become very effective in combating the BETA, including the airborne warship Lady Kyoko has been using to deal with the Laser-class BETA. I am sure Claude told you of how effective it has been against them. However, as you've no doubt heard, they're not going to give you one so easily."

"It's the problem of trust, isn't it? I also know finding sufficient people to crew them is an issue, which was another factor for my intended ship being given to Lady Kyoko," Lelouch said.

To his surprise, Marimo shook her head. "No, it's the problem of rank. The government and IJA agreed that the authority over such vessels will be established similar to that of the old Imperial Japanese Navy. So even if you were to receive a new vessel to replace the one Lady Kyoko has commandeered, you will need the appropriate rank to command it."

"Meaning I still have a long way to go before it's rightfully mine," Lelouch said irritably. He wasn't too surprised, but it didn't make it less annoying.

"I'm afraid so. As you believe, it will be very much the same kind of command that you likely have back in your world. You'd have to be a Major, the equivalent of a Lieutenant Commander, for you to have the slightest chance to make it yours as early as possible. Otherwise, you'll have to be at least one rank above that, a Lieutenant Colonel, or a Commander in Navy terms."

"But the coming battles should give him plenty of opportunities, right?" Yui asked. In her eyes, Lelouch deserved the promotion for what he had already accomplished.

"Yes. I trust you've heard about what the Shogun has been trying to do following our losses to the BETA invasion?" Marimo asked. Lelouch nodded.

"The merging of the Royal Guard and the Imperial Army has been far from a smooth transition. Aside from trying to rebuild our command structure and place the right people in the best positions to restore order and stability to our forces, there have been some commanders acting independently, causing problems," Marimo explained, her face a mix of anger and annoyance. "The most common issue we've seen is officers and soldiers taking issue with the Royal Guard and the privileges they have. Others believe with their superiors dead or having left the army out of shame, they have command and want to prioritize taking back Japan from the BETA."

"But we lost so many during the last invasion. If we try to take it back now, we would stretch ourselves dangerously thin," Yui protested.

Marimo smiled at Yui. From what she had heard about Yui, she was a nationalist, but thankfully not as radical as many hardliners. Clearly her time with Lelouch had been good for her, or perhaps it was something she got from him while using the Coupling System.

"That is exactly the problem and why the Shogun has made it a priority to rebuild our command structure to put those fools in line before they do something stupid that jeopardizes our efforts to keep the BETA at bay. Even now Lord Ikaruga has been struggling against the enemy and against those who would defy his orders and pull men from the defensive line for their own foolhardy efforts to retake lost lands," Marimo said grimly. "We had actually known that another BETA invasion force would hit Sadogashima and it was planned for Lord Ikaruga to oversee the defense, but with all of the problems we've been facing, he's been forced to remain and secure the defensive line to keep the enemy back. These unfortunate setbacks have forced us to change our original plans."

Lelouch's eyes narrowed as he realized something. "I assume that someone managed to pull men away from a key place."

"As you deduced, a foolish general managed to convince the garrisons at Sadogashima to join his efforts," Marimo admitted. "We tried to stop this by sending orders for the base commander to stop it, but unfortunately the man meant to deliver those orders was sympathetic to the fool's cause and ensured the base's commander didn't receive them. He was forced to concede due to the fool's higher rank."

"Didn't anyone try to stop them and get them to return to base?"

Marimo had a grim expression, "Sadly by the time we realized what had happened that idiot had taken those Garrisons into occupied BETA land. They were initially successful, but once they were far enough away from the defensive line, they were overwhelmed. They idiotically walked into a valley pass which had Laser-class BETA lying in ambush. It was a slaughter followed by a hidden regiment of BETA surrounding them, cutting off any escape."

Yui looked horrified, while Lelouch was angered by the stupidity of the general.

"The only good thing that came out of it was that it exposed a large gathering of BETA for our long range artillery to wipe out. They were likely intended to strike at points in our defensive lines away from Kyoto to probe for a weakness to exploit," Marimo said before looking towards the ground sadly. "It's just a damn shame those poor men who got dragged along had to die for it."

"What about Sadogashima? This would mean that it has been left undefended," Lelouch stated.

"Yes," Marimo admitted, frowning. "Only two squads of TSFs remain to defend it, and we've confirmed the BETA are massing a new invasion force in Asia. According to our tracking, they will hit Sadogashima in six days."

"Six days? We barely have the men to spare!" Yui exclaimed with growing alarm, knowing what the loss of Sadogashima would mean for Japan.

"If Sadogashima falls, we could lose much of Central Japan, especially with most of our men tied up trying to hold the line against them at Kyoto. That is why we're going to send you two, along with Kazusa, Izumi, Aki and Shimako in your Gundams, to defend Sadogashima. We're hoping their advanced capabilities and firepower can hold back the tide."

"Just us?" Yui asked.

"No. Cadet Tsukiko Fujisawa will join you. She is fully trained, but needs the experience. Lieutenant Mariko Amemiya has volunteered to join you as well. Apparently, she was impressed by how you led the cadets in the mock battle against her and expressed her willingness to work with you. Furthermore, since the leaders of the reserve squad of TSFs that remained at Sadogashima are seasoned pilots, we are arranging for them to be given Minamoto units. We're trying to produce more for the rest of their squads, but we don't know if they will be finished in time. But we have already begun replacing the tanks there with railgun batteries and linear tanks while updating the rest of the defenses as best as we can," Marimo informed. Although she tried to sound hopeful, the seriousness of the situation was written on her face.

"That means just a small battle group against an invasion force similar in size to the one that overran Kyushu, right?" Lelouch asked, remaining calm.

"Yes, unfortunately. But the new ship Claude had arranged for you will be joining the fight, captained by one of the Shogun's retainers. It should make it easier for Lelouch to issue tactical instructions and strategies as the battlefield changes. With his Gundam's tactical computer linked to both the ship and the island's base to keep all three updated on the battlefield," Marimo revealed.

"So it'll be like what we did at Kyoto," Lelouch said, already understanding that the arrangement was to minimize any grumbling or issues brought about from a foreigner taking command. "Yui will officially be in command, but I'll direct the battle."

"Correct. I am grateful you are understanding of the situation. Unity will be critical for this battle, and you'll have the support of the Americans. They are sending a few battleships with a cruiser escort to provide support, along with a few squads of their own TSFs," Marimo said.

"No doubt enticed by the fact the Gundams will be involved in the battle," Lelouch said with a knowing smile.

"Yes, that certainly helped convince them," Marimo replied with a grin. "Which makes this battle even more important for us to win. Do this, Lelouch, and you are sure to be promoted high enough to captain your own ship."

"And all we have to do is pull off a miracle, huh?"

"More or less. I'm hoping the advanced capabilities and firepower of your Gundams can even the odds," Marimo shrugged.

"Very well," Lelouch said.

I suppose even messiahs need to perform miracles if they are to be acknowledged. We have to produce our own miracle, don't we? Lelouch thought. This would be key for him. If he played his cards right, it would be a major step forward for his long term goals.

Meanwhile, in a secure location in Tokyo, Yuuhi was seated at a table with Mana standing behind her. Men in black suits stood present as bodyguards. Sitting across from Yuuhi was a man in his late thirties with brown hair and glasses over green eyes. He wore a light brown suit with a red tie, and had a serious expression. Between them sitting to Yuuhi's right was an older Japanese man with short white hair and a mustache, dressed in a gray business suit with a red tie.

"I have to say you have proven far more adept at politics than I would've imagined, going behind my back," The old man grumbled, both impressed and irate at the same time.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Sakaki," Yuuhi replied.

"Even I have to admit you have proven to be the most capable Shogun we've seen in a decade. For someone meant to be only a ceremonial figurehead, pardon my saying, your handling of the situation has been key to the survival of our nation," said the other man.

"Thank you for your compliments, Under-Secretary-General Tamase," Yuuhi said. The Under-Secretary of the United Nations had arrived only a short time ago via an emergency flight from UN headquarters.

"I see now it was you that allowed the Shogun to strike her deals with Australia and other countries," Sakaki said. "Quite the power play."

"Hardly. While your administration has been grappling with the fallout of the loss of Kyoto, thirty percent of our population, and the resulting refugee crisis, I've been doing all I can to save our country. The new technologies and weapons we were offered have proven highly effective beyond our expectations," Yuuhi said sternly.

"Indeed they have," Sakaki said, reluctantly. "I just distrusted that woman."

"I think we can all agree on that one, but given our situation we can't be picky. Things could've been far worse," Tamase said, trying to ease tensions between the Shogun and the Prime Minister. "We've lost most of southern Japan and Kyoto is a battleground. Right now, we need to do what we can to stabilize and bring the army back under control."

Sakaki sighed, not so much in defeat, but frustration as he had to agree that they had bigger problems to contend with.

"Yes and since the Shogun did well with damage control, we'll elevate her to acting military Commander-in-Chief of the whole Imperial Army and the Navy." Sakaki said, "Your time as a figurehead is done. Hopefully the Royal Guard and the other families can restore some stability and order to the army so we can maintain our defense against the BETA until we are ready to mount a counterattack."

"I agree. But there are those in the army who harbor ill-will and suspicion towards the Royal Guard. We need to elevate capable men and women to the necessary posts as soon as possible," Yuuhi suggested.

"We are already screening potential candidates, but given the chaos following the rapid collapse of our defenses during the invasion, we're having a hard time determining if the candidates in question are still alive. We can't bring them in to promote them to their new roles until we confirm otherwise, but my cabinet and I are working as fast as we can."

"Lady Kyoko's actions in the Suez Canal has stopped the BETA advance there. The performance of her and the men under her command along with the new ship Japan has launched has stopped the BETA in their tracks," Genjyousai praised. "Most importantly it has ensured America will honor their treaty obligations. We'll need their support until we can get the army back in order."

"Well, thanks to that idiot, General Tojo, we don't have enough men to defend Sadogashima," Korechika complained, shaking his head angrily. "As if we didn't have enough problems already. I would have shot him myself, if he hadn't gotten himself killed"

"All the more reason we need to bring the army back under control before it happens again," Yuuhi said with a sense of urgency. "We can't afford these kinds of mistakes."

"I know," Sakaki said, his expression grim. "But what of Sadogashima? We don't have the forces to spare to reinforce it."

"I've reallocated some new resources there. New gundams, new pilots, along with some promising prototypes."

"You think that will be enough?" Tamase asked.

"It will have to be. We've done what we can, gentlemen. The rest will be up to our soldiers. Let's not forget that just two of them, with a few TSFs, halted the enemy advance in Kyoto long enough that we could form a new defense line. Sadogashima is getting six of them. The situation is dire, I won't deny that, but we are far from finished."

"Then for all of our sakes, we better hope you're right," Sakaki said grimly. "Because right now, more than anything, we need a miracle."

By the following morning, everyone had been given the news about the situation with Sadogashima, with Marimo and Michiru taking a very reluctant Yuzuka, Haruka, Asagi, and Haruko back for further training. Marimo had reassured Lelouch she had found someone to assist her and Michiru and put them on a more accelerated learning track so they could be ready sooner.

Both knew the time the rest of Lelouch's squad had for training would be short, so it was best for them to make the most of it while they could.

Meanwhile Lelouch, Yui, Kazusa, Izumi, Shimako, and Aki were met by one of Yuuhi's retainers in the underground depths of the Fukushima Military Base. She wore the same red uniform Mana did, looking nearly identical to the retainer, having the same turquoise hair and green eyes. The only difference between them was their facial features, seemingly younger and looking less stern, wearing glasses with egg-shaped lenses.

"So that must be the ship we're taking?" Aki remarked, whispering to Shimako.

"Yes it seems…smaller than the Takarabune."

Their new ship was three-hundred and sixty meters in length, with a dark blue hull. It was thinner than the Takarabune. It had a launch and landing ramp upon the bow of the ship leading to the hangar where it could carry sixteen machines. On the sides were a trio of dual Automatic Multi-barrel turrets, with an extra set on the underside of the ship. It hovered in the air, thanks to the same propulsion systems it shared with the Takarabune. Along the sides of the ship, near its large engines, were dual barrel energy cannons on rotating turrets for a wider range of fire. Alongside the bridge were another pair of 75mm defensive turrets. A single powerful energy cannon stood on the bow. Along the main body of the ship were retractable, dual-linked 110cm Linear Cannons. Sleek and futuristic, the ship towered over them in its enormity. It was a terrifying weapon of war, that when looked at, made one feel small while awed by its size. They couldn't help, but to marvel at its guns… it made the war feel winnable.

Upon approaching Yuuhi's retainer, everyone saluted. The woman returned the gesture.

"At ease. I am Major Maya Tsukuyomi, primary retainer of Lady Yuuhi. I have been entrusted with command of this vessel. If you follow me, I'll give you a tour of the vessel," Maya said, beckoning for everyone to follow.

She wears the same red uniform as Mana did. Aside from being clearly related, she must be an elite soldier and bodyguard as well, Lelouch noted.

Maya took them around the ship, first making a stop to where their cabins would be. Lelouch and Yui were given officer quarters. Yui was the squad leader, so it made sense for her. For Lelouch's case he was the only male pilot aboard; he obviously couldn't sleep with the other pilots, who were all female. Once their belongings had been dropped off, they continued the tour.

"We'll skip the hangar for the time being. Let's start with the engine room before heading to the bridge," Maya said. They passed through a door taking them to the engine room, which doubled as the ship's engineering section for the rest of the ship.

"First allow me to introduce you all to the ship's chief engineer, loaned to us from the Royal Australian Naval Academy: Cadet Melvina Vidya Advani."

"Where is she?" Aki asked, before a voice spoke up from behind her.

"Right here. Hi ladies… and guy."

Everyone spun around to see a young girl of sixteen with cyan eyes and long purple hair, wearing a Japanese Imperial Army uniform. She offered a friendly wave, amused by their expressions.

"Is she some kind of ninja?" Shimako asked aloud.

"No, I just happen to be very talented in engineering. My parents had me learning it since I was a kid," Melvina explained, tilting her head to one side in confusion.

"She intuitively grasped many of the new technologies much faster than our own engineers could, so it was quickly decided to make her chief engineer of the ship," Maya explained. "We hope in time she could teach others."

"She must be really good then," Kazusa commented, surprised. Sixteen years old- not even old enough to drink, but already chief engineer?

"I do what I can. It's no big deal," Melvina said, shrugging her shoulders.

"She'll also oversee maintenance work on your machines, so I believed it was best for you all to be familiar with her," Maya explained.

"Makes sense," Lelouch replied.

"Just pay me a visit if something isn't working. The engineering crew and I will take care of you," Melvina replied.

"Quite. As you were Melvina. I'll see you later," Maya said.

"Sure thing, Major. I'll see the rest of you around. I need to complete these final system checks before we leave," Melvina said, bidding everyone farewell.

"She isn't a ninja, right?" Aki asked.

"No, she just has a habit of doing that," Maya shrugged.

The next destination closest to them was the medical bay, which was spacious with several beds and two cylinder capsules filled with a nanomachine solution reserved for critically injured pilots. Inside was a woman with black hair and blue eyes wearing a lab coat over a Japanese military uniform. Unlike Melvina hers had a skirt, black leggings and black heel shoes.

She stood up as she noticed Maya and the group entering the sick bay.

"Everyone this is Dr. Hikari Megumi, the ship's doctor," Maya said, providing introductions.

"Greetings, everyone. Although the technology I am surrounded with is impressive, rest assured I am just as capable of a doctor without it," Hikari stated, reassuringly to everyone. "That being said, I hope I won't have to see you here too often beyond required check ups."

"She was appointed by the Shogun herself. Rest assured, you will be in good hands with her," Maya explained.

"Thank you kindly for those words," Hikari replied.

"Not at all. We'll leave you to your duties now. I still have much of the ship to show them."

"Of course. Farewell, everyone."

Moving the tour headed for the mess hall. It looked like something from a submarine, only more spacious. It looked able to house over twenty people. There were plenty of tables and chairs, along with a cafeteria-style counter.

"Master Chief Petty Officer Azuma, are you back there?" Maya called out from the counter.

Within moments, a man in his late twenties stepped out from the kitchen. He had some fuzz growing on his chin, wearing military attire, with a white shirt and matching apron over.

"Sorry Major, I was just doing a final inventory check on our supplies," Azuma said.

"It's fine, I just thought it was best that our pilots should be familiar with the head of our mess hall and chef," Maya replied.

"Oh I see. Well, welcome to the mess hall, pilots. We are usually open most of the time except for during the overnight hours where the mess hall will be closed for cleaning. Otherwise outside of breakfast, lunch and dinner hours, you can come back and grab a snack. Me and my kitchen crew always make sure to have some food and drinks at the ready, including coffee and tea," Azuma said quite friendly.

"Sounds good," Aki said before smelling something. "And it smells good too."

"We'll have dinner ready later, but we are double checking our supplies. So far everything looks good."

"Excellent. Inform me once you are finished. I should be done with the tour by then," Maya replied.

"Of course," Azuma said before turning to the pilots. "I'll see you all at dinner."

Leaving the mess hall, everyone headed to the hangar, where they saw their Gundams already loaded onto the ship. Also on the ship were Minamoto units, filling the last four spots. One unit belonged to Tsukiko, while the other two were unowned for the moment, but the last one was notably yellow painted.

"Ah I see you have all arrived. It's nice to see you again," Mariko said, approaching the group.

"Lieutenant Amemiya," Yui greeted, as she and some of the others recognized her.

"At ease, everyone. I am just glad to be able to help you all with this."

"Even if the odds are stiff?" Aki chimed in, but a glare from Maya caused her to back away and silence herself.

"They are, but I do have high hopes your new impressive machines can turn the tide, given what Lelouch and Yui accomplished during Kyoto. I am looking forward to working with you Lieutenant Lamperouge," Mariko said, offering her hand to Lelouch, who shook it.

"Likewise. You did give us quite the trouble taking you down during the mock battle," Lelouch replied.

Tsukiko noticed Yui's expression as she watched the two. Although the girl tried to hide it, her feelings slipped through and caused Tsukiko to smile in amusement.

Oh, is someone feeling jealous?

"Anyway you seem busy right now, I am sure we can all talk more during dinner, I'll see you all later tonight," Mariko said, deciding not to impede the tour any longer than needed.

"Now then, let's continue our tour. Sadogashima awaits us, soldiers!"

A/N: So I can safely say that things between Lelouch and Yui are gradually progressing, slow, but progressing nevertheless.

I was a little worried about Lelouch's taking note of women in this chapter, worried it might seem out of character if not handled right. His eyes are firmly on Yui, but considering the other women I imagine it be hard for him to ignore the others as he experiences attraction to the opposite sex due to his growing feelings for Yui.

This is has led him to become much more aware of the fact he is the only guy in the group, but part of this is due to the fact that unlike in canon Code Geass, Lelouch is able to be "himself", no mask needed, which is also a factor in being more comfortable around Yui and the others thus more open and trusting to them, thanks to all they've been through so far, especially with Lelouch's new squad given the trust that has been built between them too.

Although I will say an actual relationship will take time, partly because I feel they are a tad too young at the moment and I don't want to rush it.

Of course aside from Lelouch and company getting time in the spotlight, was Yuuhi as more politics and deal making are happening behind the scenes. But we are shown Lelouch's replacement ship which has no name (yet, it is named in chapter sixteen), since Kyoko needed to use his to handle things in Suez so America wouldn't have a reason to pull out of Japan.

Next chapter shall be the Battle for Sadogashima, coming in two weeks and I have to say with all of the work done for it, it is a 14,000-word chapter easily with also a short battle showing Kyoko and her group are doing at Suez with the Demon Princess fighting in her own Gundam, one of the prototypes built and intended for Regent House leaders like her.

Thanks for checking out the chapter, and any feedback as always is welcomed.

Next are the specs for Lelouch's ship, its twin drive system is a Lost Technology from the Sunrider games using fusion cores rather than GN Drives, which I used only because traveling between galaxies needs a lot of power for its warp drive. And the torpedoes listed, beyond your generic torpedoes the ship will be carrying, it does have any of those potent ones yet, but its merely an example of what it could carry.

Class: N/A

Name: Unnamed (until chapter sixteen)

Unit type: Combat Carrier

Captain: Maya Tsukuyomi

Manufacturer: Empire of Japan

Operator: Empire of Japan, Order of the Black Knights

First deployment: September 20tht 2016 A.T.B./1998

Dimensions: overall length 360 meters

Powerplant: Gemini Fusion Reactor (Twin fusion reactors, a Lost Technology from Ancient Ryuvia in which two fusion cores could resonate with each other to theoretically produce a reactor output equivalent to four cores, making intergalactic travel possible.)

Wingspan: unknown

Weight: unknown

Propulsion: Sunlight Engines

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; ablative armor; Artificial Gravity, and an Anti-Gravity Craft System, Warp Drive, FTL Communications array, Shield Generator, and Sensor Buoys (deployable from the ship to expand sensor and observation ranges),

Fixed armaments:

14 x Dual 75mm Automatic Multi-barrel CIWS, three mounted on the sides of the ship, and a third set below the ship, and two near the bridge

4 x Dual barrel energy cannons on rotating turrets, one mounted on each side of the main engines, one behind the bridge, and one below it on the underside of the ship

1 x High-powered mulit-phase beam cannon mounted below the launching ramp for mobile suits

2 x Dual-linked 150mm Linear Cannons, mounted along the sides of the hanger, which could be retracted when not in use and could be used on a rotating base

18 x Missile launchers, six on the sides of the ship near the engines, and six more below the ship, can use a variety of missiles types

2 x Torpedo launchers, could be used in space or underwater, mounted on the front of the ship above the mobile suit hanger launch platform, torpedo types include (Quantum torpedoes (for use in space), Tactical Thermonuclear Torpedoes, Graviton Torpedo (for use in space only), Heat Seeking Torpedo and High Explosive Torpedoes (for both use in space and in the ocean))

Mobile suits: (max carry capacity 16)

Mobile Weapons: TMP-01X Izanami, TMP-02X Izanagi, TMP-03X Tsuna, TMP-04X Suetake, TMP-05X Sadamitsu, TMP-06X Kintoki, and HXM-01A Minamoto

Technical and Historical Notes

Originally created as a training ship with much of the technology and resources necessary provided by Claude Triello, especially the power source to ensure that travel between galaxies could be possible as most warp drives even from modern Ryuvian Galaxy lacked sufficient power for such a journey that would require the warp drive to be in operational for more than a week. It is well armed, possessing ablative armor and a shield generator giving it potent defense against energy-based weapons and its thick armor gives it decent protection against kinetic weapons as well.

It also has submersible capabilities in conjunction with the Anti-Gravity Craft System to easily move around on a planet surface and able to move back into space combined with its powerful sunlight engines.

The Empire of Japan would use their experience and time studying the unnamed training ship to design the Takarabune-class of ship while training the future crews for the ship. However, when the first ship of the class had to be used by Lady Kyoko Takatsukasa to assist UN and allied forces at Suez Canal to keep the BETA from invading Aricia, its loss would've been catastrophic for humanity and it would ensure America would honor its treaty obligations.

Instead, the training vessel is repurposed for Lelouch's use while officially it's under the command of Major Maya Tsukuyomi with a crew which was also supplemented by volunteers from Australia recommended by the Shogun of Japan, ensuring the ship was properly crewed.
Jay: thanks for the chapter
could feel the eyes of the women surrounding him. Lelouch was just thankful that Milly Ashford wasn't around. She would never have allowed Lelouch to live it down, no doubt delighting in his misery. All these women, teasing him
Milly is inevitable, Lelouch. She certainly brightens up your day if nothing else
Nobility. Hierarchy. Positioning. It's all too familiar, isn't it? Lelouch thought. Something must have shown on Lelouch's face, as she replied, "Correct. You take issue with this?"

"You could say that. Is it safe for me to assume that the ranks are fixed with no way of advancement, over something your ancestors did a long time ago?" Lelouch asked. Kazusa nodded in confirmation. "It is… outdated. Medieval. At least in Britannia you could strive for a higher rank, but in this system? It's a waste of talent. It's unfair and ineffective."
Bros about to start a new world order in another world
You were worse off than us, Kazusa thought
that's just what it is. Doesn't help that Clovis was within spitting distance for yearsv
"Yeah, here it's different," Lelouch said before smiling. "It's ironic. Despite the danger the BETA poses to humanity, I actually feel safer here."
Mobs are scary.
"No, I just happen to be very talented in engineering. My parents had me learning it since I was a kid," Melvina explained, tilting her head to one side in confusion.

"She intuitively grasped many of the new technologies much faster than our own engineers could, so it was quickly decided to make her chief engineer of the ship," Maya explained. "We hope in time she could teach others."
Rakshata would probably want to meet her. She has had students or whatever in spinoff materials
Tsukiko noticed Yui's expression as she watched the two. Although the girl tried to hide it, her feelings slipped through and caused Tsukiko to smile in amusement.

Oh, is someone feeling jealous?
Lelouch Rizz can't be stopped
Jay: thanks for the chapter

No prob.

Milly is inevitable, Lelouch. She certainly brightens up your day if nothing else

No kidding, even if Lelouch might be embarrassed by it, and no doubt for Milly she be having a ball with this. just wait until she and . Yet I could see Shirley jealous of the women around Lelouch, and poor Rivalz crying in a corner.

Bros about to start a new world order in another world

Give it time especially if someone does something stupid and makes an enemy of Lelouch XD, giving him justification.

that's just what it is. Doesn't help that Clovis was within spitting distance for yearsv

True and who knows what else too.

Indeed, but at least the BETA you can see coming for the most part.

Rakshata would probably want to meet her. She has had students or whatever in spinoff materials

Yeah, I could see her and Rakshata get along swimmingly while it would be funny to see characters react to her just appearing behind them with no warning.

Lelouch Rizz can't be stopped

No it can't and its going to get worse after chapter fourteen, chapter 15 will show the result of Lelouch's growing reputation let's just say.
Last edited:
War of the Seven Kings Ch14
A/N: Special thanks to Jameyofthemegacosmos, Icysnowsage, Gundam consultant and designer Redrat8, Seerking for contributing ideas and Darklord331, but a HUGE thanks to both Silkdreamweaver (chief beta reader and editor) and Greatkingrat88 for the massive beta work and chapter enhancements.

Whew I am going to reserve whatever I would say for the end for the chapter, but (holds up a soft drink), here's to this chapter hopefully being worth the hype that matches the effort put into my first written endurance battle ever.

So let us begin.

Chapter 14

The Battle for Sadogashima

The following morning the currently nameless ship arrived at Sadogashima, having departed from Fukushima Military Base. It received much fanfare as troopers showed up to cheer for it as it pulled into port. Morale hung on by a thread and any sign that Japan was not yet out of the fight was welcome.

Lelouch, Yui and the others were up early, scheduled to meet with the base's commander and the two leaders of the TSF reserve squads left to guard the island. Lelouch wore his Royal Guard uniform, as did Yui, the duo walking behind Maya to meet their guests in the harbor.

First out was a man in his early thirties with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a crisp dark green military uniform. He was followed by two young women who seemed to be in their early twenties. Both wore identical uniforms composed of a green shirt, black skirt, brown leggings, and black heeled shoes. One had short light brown hair and brown eyes while the other had medium-length reddish brown hair and gray eyes.

"Welcome aboard, Commander Tachibana," Maya said, saluting sharply.

"Likewise. Welcome to Sadogashima, Captain. On behalf of my command staff, allow me to offer my apologies for letting that fool take our TSF garrisons," Masakiyo Tachibana apologized, bowing, his voice filled with regret.

"You were following orders, sir. It's not your fault you were sabotaged," Maya reassured.

"I am grateful for your and the Shogun's understanding," Masakiyo stated, somewhat relieved, but feeling no less guilty. "Allow me to introduce the remaining TSF squadron commanders." He gestured to the woman with short light brown hair, "This is Commander Kaoru Sakazaki, the leader of the 3rd reserve of Alpha Squadron."

"Ma'am," Kaoru saluted, which Maya returned.

"And this is Commander Suzuno Ogura, the leader of the 3rd reserve of Bravo Squadron."

"Ma'am," Suzuno replied.

"These are Lieutenants Yui Takamura, Mariko Amemiya and Lelouch Lamperouge of the Royal Guard. Lieutenants Lamperouge and Takamura are the pilots of the Izanagi and the Izanami respectively, while Lieutenant Amemiya is the pilot of our experimental mass production model, the Minamoto," Maya introduced, pointing out the machines in the hangar and back to each respective pilot. "Its performance exceeds that of any previous TSFs and should serve you well in the battle ahead. I've brought two spare units for Commanders Sakazaki and Ogura to use in the coming battle. If you have any questions, Lieutenant Amemiya can assist you, she has the most experience so far in using it in battle."

"Thank you, but what about the rest of our squadron?" Kaoru asked after exchanging a look with Suzuno.

"We're trying to produce more, but I cannot make any promises that they'll be ready before the battle." Maya said regretfully.

"Understood. Shame, given Commander Sakazaki is already missing a pilot," Masakiyo stated. "We'll need every advantage we can gain if we hope to halt the BETA onslaught."

"Quite. The forces the Americans have promised should be arriving tomorrow, along with reinforcements from the navy. A detachment of the northern fleet will be moving to intercept the BETA invasion force. They've promised to do all they can to thin their numbers now that a typhoon is not impeding their efforts. The Americans are providing us with a squadron of destroyers that will provide us naval support," Maya explained.

"If you don't mind, can you provide us with a brief tour of your ship so we can understand its capabilities, then we can begin talking strategy." Masakiyo was stern and professional, but it was hard not to notice the worry written on his face. There was a lot at stake here; more than their lives, defeat could be disastrous for Japan's entire military campaign.

"Yes, let us begin," Maya replied. As they began the tour of the ship, Yui wondered how her cousin Kyoko was doing.

On the other side of the world, littered all along the barren, eastern bank of the Suez Canal was the debris of tanks and TSFs. The signs of the long fight to keep the BETA from invading Africa which had become home to millions of refugees displaced from the loss of Europe and Middle Eastern countries and where most of the world's food was grown. Now, once barren fields were littered with the broken and bleeding carcass of BETA aliens.

Thanks to the flight capabilities of the Takarabune, Kyoko was quick to arrive at the Suez Canal from Japan. Using its space flight capabilities, the Takarabune went into orbit before descending over Egypt, making a beeline for the battlefield and accomplishing it all within a few hours.

Upon arriving on the battlefield, Kyoko and her volunteers engaged the BETA. Their new models were outdoing the struggling TSFs. Kyoko's machine, the Benkei Gundam, was notable in this regard. Standing at an imposing nineteen meters tall, the black, blue and gold trim Gundam stood facing the waves of BETA. Kyoko's Gundam activated one of its unique features, the beam cloak. A cape made of energy materialized around the Gundam. The mouth of the Gundam opened as a yellow flash could be seen, venting energy before launching itself at the BETA with a burst of speed never seen from any TSF.

A short distance behind where Gundam Benkei had been standing, ten Minamoto units were standing in single file, armed with Beam Launchers as they opened fire upon the charging enemy. Their beams tore through the ranks of the Destroyer-class BETA, as the pilots spread out their shots for more effective damage against the thirty thousand monsters charging at them. Further back, long range artillery and unguided missiles were unleashed, raining down upon the aliens to eliminate any that might've survived the Minamoto's initial volley. The allied TSFs, a combination of United Kingdom F5E Tornadoes and Mirage 2000s, were providing support from the sides, staying close to the Minamoto's line.

Operating mixed units in a battle was deemed dangerous due to the difficulty in synergizing the different capabilities of TSF models, but the defenders couldn't be picky. The BETA invasion of Africa had diminished their numbers to dangerous lows. The intervention of the Empire of Japan's newer machines and their advanced warship had given the defenders a much needed reprieve. TSFs that could be spared were sent out to support them, consisting of pilots from Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

A French pilot behind the controls of a purple Mirage 2000, marked with a rose emblem on its shoulder, asked a question on an open communication channel.

"Where did that Japanese woman go with her fancy machine?" They couldn't keep the jealousy out of their voice.

"Behind the enemy's main lines to eliminate the enemy Fort and Laser-class," A Japanese Minamoto pilot replied.

"WHAT?! That's insane." The French pilot was a young woman with medium-length blonde hair and light blue eyes, wearing a standard issue purple and black pilot suit.

"Not for her," The Japanese pilot replied, trying to suppress his amused smile.

Behind the BETA's lines the Benkei Gundam struck, using its forearm mounted mega particle cannons to fire upon the Fort-class aliens. Thanks to the Gundam's power output, a single powerful beam was all that was needed to blow off the heads of each monster, killing them before they could respond. The Laser-class on the ground tried to retaliate, but the beam cloak protected Kyoko as she zoomed around the battlefield.. She decimated their rearlines with hit and run tactics, while her mobility made it difficult for the Laser-class to land a direct hit on her. The Benkei Gundam had a special feature, Heat Radiation Face Open; in which heat was vented through a special vent on the "mouth" of the Gundam, causing energy to surge through the machine, vastly increasing speed, and agility to levels that would almost impossible for most current machines to achieve.

Even with the Benkei Gundam's specialized G-force dampers in place, Kyoko could feel the G-forces being pressed upon her body, especially during tight maneuvers. She only smiled at this. The machine was like a wild horse, but she was mastering it and playing it like a deadly instrument.

Best not to ignore the laser-class, though, Kyoko thought. They could still get lucky.

Changing the settings on the forearm cannons, Kyoko opened fire. What was once a beam turned into a spray as dozens of Laser-class aliens fell as her cannons roared out with fully automatic fire. She used the large corpses of Fort-class BETA as cover when her guns overheated. She released a heavy white fog from a dispenser built into the machine. Coated with anti-laser chaff it helped to diminish the effectiveness of the Laser-class BETA's attacks. A surviving Fort-class, in an effort to protect the fragile Laser-class, swiped out with its stinger tail into the fog.

Acting quickly, Kyoko not only dodged it, but the fingertips on the right hand of her Gundam lit up revealing built-in beam claws. With just a single swipe she cut off the Fort-class's stinger. Using the head mounted vulcans on her Gundam, Kyoko cut down the last of the Lasers before adjusting the firing setting of the mega particle cannons to target another Fort-class.

"Laser-class BETA have been eliminated. I repeat, Laser-class BETA eliminated," Kyoko stated through the comms channel.

"Roger that. Elimination of Laser-class confirmed, retreating from the area. Aerial bombardment will commence within five minutes," a female operator replied.

"Copy that. Retreating. Major Takatsuka out," Kyoko said as she made her escape.

Without the Laser-class BETA for protection, bombers began dropping heavy ordnance to mop up the swarm. Kyoko watched the blips on the screen with satisfaction as they devastated the BETA lines. What few managed to reach the defense line were easily cut down. Cheers went out across the battlefield. The soldiers had come dangerously close to being overwhelmed, but the Gundam had turned the tides entirely. Not all were so content. Bernadette Le Tigre stared out from the cockpit of her Mirage, enviously glaring at the Gundam.

"Where did they get such machines?" Bernadette muttered out loud, not realizing she left her comm channel open. An Italian pilot, a seventeen-year-old girl with long wavy black hair, green eyes, responded,

"Someone sounds jealous."

"Must be jealous of those guns they got," Another, older, Italian pilot remarked. The girl's older brother from what Bernadette knew of the two. "I mean, that Japanese woman taking the fight to the BETA is bold. She's my kind of woman and she's hot too."

"Brother, not now. Not on an open channel too," The girl replied, embarrassedly.

"Easy, Monica. I meant it as a compliment."

"Uh-huh. Just count yourself lucky that a lot of people outside of our unit don't understand Italian. Flirt outside of battle," Monica Giacosa warned, exasperated with her brother Valerio.

"Sure thing sis," Valerio replied with a chuckle. He was in a good mood. The Battle of the Suez Canal was a major victory for humanity. Africa was secure, for now.

Elsewhere in Japan; Yuzuka, Asagi, Haruko and Haruka were busy practicing in their own Minamoto units. They were in a forest north of Fukushima Military Base, conducting maneuvers through an obstacle the course they had to avoid "enemy" fire while eliminating targets set out for them. Marimo watched their progress from an overlooking hill.

"Good work, but you can be five seconds faster," she called out into the comms.

Marimo ignored the grumbling from the pilots. Hearing footsteps, she turned around to see a twenty-one year old woman walk up toward her. She had long black-hair tied into a ponytail with a set of glasses placed over deep blue eyes, and wore a standard military uniform.

"Lieutenant Sayoko Komaki reporting for duty," Sayoko said, introducing herself with a salute.

"Welcome Lieutenant. Thank you for coming," Marimo replied, returning the salute. "I hope you'll be helpful in developing these rookies into capable pilots."

"I assume they've completed their Comprehensive Skills Evaluation Exams?"

"They have. We've been focusing more on preparing them for battle by conducting daily mock battles and practice in TFS and the new machines. Their training would've been finished by December, but given the situation I believe command may call for them to join the fight before then," Marimo explained, her expression grim. "I understand the situation, but with the cadets being as they are, an early deployment will just get them killed."

"I understand," Sayoko said with an equally grim expression. "I'll help in any way I can to get them up to standard."

"Thank you. I just hope time can stay on our side for a little while longer," Marimo said. If Sadogashima fell, it would leave Northern Japan open to BETA invasion. As advanced as the new machines were, as much as Marimo hoped she could make a difference, she knew an act of god would be needed to give the Japanese victory.

It was the night of September 23rd. Two days had passed since Lelouch had arrived. He'd joined Kazusa and Yui on the ground. They were walking around the fields behind the defensive walls of the Sadogashima. The island had been fortified early on as more of Asia became lost to the BETA. Enormous walls had been erected, pointed towards mainland Asia and the ocean floor around the island and beyond had been turned into a minefield.

The US forces had arrived, consisting of a carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy, two Iowa-class Battleships- the New Jersey and the Missouri- and six Zumwalt-class destroyers. Each of them had brought as many TSFs they could carry, with the Kennedy carrying the bulk for a total of thirty six Tomcat TSFs.

This was more than doubled the amount of TSFs that had been left for the island's garrison, a mere sixteen Gekishin units, with the two new Minamoto units for the squadron leaders. There were plans to try and field the rest of the island's garrison with them, but there was no guarantee that sufficient numbers could be produced in time. Six more had arrived yesterday, fresh off the assembly line. As for Japan's own naval power, Japan had dispatched two of their own battleships. Two Yamato-class Battleships named the Musashi and the Nagato, and six Mogami-class Cruisers.

Submarines were also deployed, deploying new mines and depth charges to weaken the oncoming horde. They couldn't approach the Asian coast due to the presence of Heavy Laser-class BETA watching the ocean. Despite their efforts, the BETA force traveling underwater showed no signs of breaking away, continuing in a straight line.

So far I guess Claude's advance warning and tech has allowed them to muster a proper defense, Lelouch thought, his expression grim.

This advance warning was provided by the new satellites Japan had launched from the Takarabune from its brief time in orbit while it was heading for Africa. The satellites were able to track and pick up more potential incursions by the BETA compared to their counterparts, thanks to tech provided by Claude.

The BETA seems to be planning to hit the island's defenses like a battering ram. The secondary concern would be if a group of them break off to attack other parts of the island or make a run for the Japanese mainland, Lelouch thought. They still lacked the proper defenses to protect the mainland. The US and Japanese Naval Forces would try to spread out their ships to both provide artillery fire against the main horde and any BETA attempting to get around their defenses. A job the American TSFs would be ready for; while some would aid the defenders, some would be held back as a rapid response force in case any BETA tried to circumvent them.

Lelouch had studied the tactical map of Sadogashima, examining it as he contemplated a battle plan to aid in the defense. Something the Shogun had encouraged him to do. He didn't back down. Was this what Hannibal Barca felt like when planning ways to counter the Roman Army who had greater numbers on their side? Or Julius Caesar, or Alexander? Those are big shoes to fill, Lelouch thought.

The sea floor should funnel the BETA to me and Yui at Mano Bay, where the island's defenses and fortifications are the most concentrated. He still worried incursions from the north and south could pose a danger if they were not mindful. We have mountains to the north and south, but they won't stop the BETA if they choose to borrow through them. At least any attempt to do so would be slow and easily detectable.

The island was split into three parts. The ÅŒsado mountain range to the north, a natural barrier against the BETA. To the south was the Kosado mountain range. With their flanks covered, the enemy would have to focus on Mano Bay as their easiest option for a breakthrough in the defensive line.

Kazusa's Gundam will allow her to intercept any enemy groups that try to breach the northern side of the island and she will have Aki as back up, Lelouch thought. He went over the defense plan he had devised with Maya, who had presented it to the island command as her own to ensure they would accept it. Shimako and Izumi will cover the southern corner with the island's two remaining TSF battalions split between them to assist. Even so, we're stretched dangerously thin. Even with Mariko and Tsukiko, who were experienced pilots, their overall numbers were small. Laughably so for the size of the BETA army marching towards them, even with the US backing them up.

An estimated thirty-thousand BETA were bearing down on them from the Cheorwon Hive in Korea. They aimed to seize Sado Island as part of a larger pincer move, opening the mainland up to invasion. Although they could travel the sea floor, they too had their limits. They would funnel toward the center of the island due to its accessibility. The BETA preferred taking pathways with fewer natural barriers. As they approached the bay, they would face an absolutely hellish crossfire, with bunkers and heavy gun emplacements set up in a wide firing arc. The whole of Mano bay had been heavily fortified over the years. If its garrison had been at full strength, they could have held back a force like this with relative ease. The walls' defensive guns and tanks had been replaced with railgun technology and the bay itself was riddled with mines left adrift with proximity fuses.

The aliens would doubtless burn past the mines, but it would slow their advance and thin their ranks. Once they surfaced, they would immediately face a massive barrage of the heaviest guns humanity could bring to bear. This would not stop them, unfortunately. The hellish firepower will barely be enough for a force of the size heading for them. Their destroyers will try to break through the defensive walls of the bay, and if they can't break through the walls, they will try to climb over them.

A head-first assault would tax their defensive capabilities to the maximum, but they can hold. The death toll would be brutal for the invaders, and in the right circumstances it might prove too much.

As long as we can contain the BETA to the bay and keep the defensive walls from being breached and suppress any Laser-class before they can set up on the beach, we can turn the bay into a killing field. All we would need to do is protect the northern and southern areas of the island from incursion, so they can't flank us, Lelouch thought. In theory this was a winnable battle.

"Lelouch," Yui called, shaking Lelouch from his thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" Lelouch said, looking at Yui who was walking beside him on his left. Kazusa was walking alongside to his right, looking at him with a concerned expression.

"Are you worried about the battle?" Yui asked, concerned.

"More like… anxious. I am surprised and impressed that the residents of the island chose to stay," Lelouch.

"I know. Many of them have been assisting with preparations for the invasion by helping the men at the base in whatever ways they could," Yui said.

"Indeed," Kazusa said, "They're making food, moving things around, all the little things. It's been quite the help."

"And helping the medical wing prepare for wounded and injured soldiers," Lelouch commented. "These people are quite brave. Most would have run. I wouldn't have blamed them if they did."

"They are stockpiling the shelters with food and weapons. Hopefully it won't come to that, but best to be prepared for the worst I suppose," Yui said.

With so much of Japan lost to the BETA, these people don't have anywhere else to go. They're fighting for their homes, Lelouch thought. He couldn't let them down.

"All the more reason we must succeed," Lelouch said.

Meanwhile, Shimako watched them from a distance, hiding behind a warehouse. Her own thoughts were a mess. Part of it was because of Claude. She fully understood why the pink-haired woman earned so much ire from Yui. It made it all the more impressive how she endured months in Claude's pocket dimension with Lelouch while dealing with Claude.


Ever since Kyoto, Shimako's mind had been clouded, which had only worsened with the revelation that she had originally died. Lelouch had saved her life as well as the lives of the others, with only the loss of their superior. He was… something else. There was emotion there that she did not understand. Seeing Lelouch's growing closeness with Yui felt weird- wrong, somehow.

Why couldn't she understand what was going on with her?

What am I going to do about this?

"Say Shimako, what are you doing?" Aki asked, appearing behind her with Izumi in tow.

Shimako nearly jumped out of her own skin, putting her own hand over her mouth to keep her yelp silent. Thankfully neither Kazusa, Lelouch or Yui noticed anything. The trio had continued on conversing as if nothing was amiss.

"What are you two doing?" Shimako demanded, her face bright red.

"We might ask you the same," Izumi said, as she and Aki eyed Shimako suspiciously whose face was a mix of panic and embarrassment. "Looks to us like you've been spying on them. Care to explain why?"

"I… I… I… don't know how to explain it," Shimako said, on the verge of tears. She was so confused, and so deeply embarrassed.

"I could," a familiar voice said, causing a feeling of dread to creep down Shimako's spine.

Sure enough Claude was there, behind Izumi and Aki wearing a pink camouflage battle dress uniform.

"No, don't say anything," Shimako pleaded.

Ignoring her pleas, Claude shrugged.

"Shimako is in love with Yui, but ever since Lelouch saved her, she has been just as interested in Lelouch as she is in Yui," Claude revealed, much to Shimako's distress. "I caught her red handed ogling Lelouch and Yui in their swimsuits. So I suggested, why not just do a threesome with them? Oh, you should've seen how red her face turned then."

"Hey, our friend's feelings aren't something to joke about!" Aki said angrily, trying to sucker punch Claude with her fist. Suddenly, a full size balloon blow-up doll of Claude stood where she had been. As Aki punched it, the ball fell back before it suddenly came forward, smacking Aki in the face, knocking her back. Grunting, she rubbed her forehead.

"Damn it. No wonder Yui hasn't tried strangling her more often."

"Don't enable her," Izumi warned sagely. "Calm down, Shimako. It's nothing to be upset about. You and Yui have known each other since you were children. It's not shocking you'd like her."

"Thank you," Shimako sniffed, "but you know our families wouldn't accept it, right?"

"I know, but they don't decide your life, do they?"

Same-sex relationships were not uncommon among TSF pilots, while Japan was not the most accepting, it was something the military preferred to look the other way for. The situation was worse under the Royal Guard families whose first concern was continuing their lineage.

"Thank you for understanding," Shimako said as she calmed down.

"Lelouch saving your life complicated things, seeing how Yui and Lelouch have been together. You don't want to get between them?" Izumi asked.

"Yes… maybe? I'm just so confused," Shimako groaned frustratedly. "I don't know what I'm really feeling, if it's a real thing or if I'm just screwed up from… the whole having been dead thing. I just don't know."

"I may not be able to relate, but I can still sympathize with you. Being thrown into a war we weren't fully prepared for didn't help any of us. TSF pilots don't see combat until seventeen or eighteen after training, outside of special exceptions such as us."

"Yeah, didn't they just reduce the draft age to sixteen recently?" Aki asked, done rubbing her forehead.

"I doubt anything will happen with them. They all know they're too young for a serious relationship. Meanwhile, you still have some time to work out your feelings. There's probably no rush. Yui doesn't seem willing to make a move yet, and Lelouch is oblivious," Izumi said reassuringly.

"I suppose," Shimako said, seemingly more at ease.

"And look at the bright side- we might all be dead in a few days, and then it won't be a problem anymore," Izumi said with a smirk.

"Gee, now I feel much better," Shimako muttered, unable to suppress her growing amusement.

"Now, why don't we go back to the ship. Maybe get a calming cup of tea?" Izumi suggested, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Okay," Shimako said, as Izumi and Aki led her back to the ship.

Claude looked on from the roof. No thanks for helping out, huh? That girl needed to vent. Going into battle with her head all messed up would have gotten her killed.

Two days later, on the dawn of the twenty-fifth of September, the day had arrived. The BETA were expected to reach Sadogashima in mere hours. Lelouch, Yui, Kazusa, Shimako, Izumi, and Aki were stationed in their Gundams, ready for battle. Tsukiko and Mariko positioned themselves on the launch platform of the nameless ship that had brought them. Standing with Lelouch, ready to launch within the hangar of the mountain-side base was Izumi along with the base's defenders. Half of the garrison's TSFs had been replaced with Minamoto units along with those of the squadron commanders; thanks to Mariko who helped train the pilots how to use them.

Kazusa, Shimako and Aki were placed on standby behind the wall. The old tanks that once lined the defensive walls had been replaced with brand new and powerful Linear tanks.

Even the weather was on their side; it was a clear sunny day.

The wait is becoming unbearable, but sooner or later…

Tapping a screen in his cockpit, Lelouch brought up a tactical display map of the island.

Based on all he knew about the BETA and previous battles he had researched, they should funnel into the bay as expected. Thanks to its natural geography providing an ideal path for their forces. Most strains of the BETA have difficulties scaling cliffs and mountains, hence their preference for low-land paths. Their inability to swim would ensure they would enter the bay. Unfortunately, he couldn't count on things to be that predictable. War was chaotic by nature, and it would be foolish to expect his enemies to never adapt.

In past battles the aliens had shown that when they were unable to break through strong defenses, they found other ways. They would sometimes burrow underground, or find an alternative route to flank the defenders. Taking this into account, Lelouch laid out his strategy to Maya, accounting for potential alternative routes of attack.

The American destroyers and their submarines can monitor the northern and southern points of the island. If the submarines detect any hostiles, they will be fired upon with torpedoes while the destroyers will drop depth charges in tandem with the navy ships, Lelouch thought. The other outposts and defense bunkers dotted around the island will monitor for any attempts at incursions from underground.

There were beaches near the southern and northern ends of the island, areas the BETA could make landfall if they chose to make the longer journey around the island.

Kazusa would be ideal to send out to intercept them and Aki could be sent to back her up if needed with reinforcements. If the BETA appear on the southern end of the island, Izumi and Shimako could engage them with the support of the island's TSF garrison with additional support by the American TSFs.

Maya had signed off on the plan. It was solid, simple, and in theory quite doable- but you could never predict how a battle would turn out.

Should the BETA breach the first defensive walls, they had a second defensive wall, protecting the city of Sado, they could fall back to. The second wall was more heavily fortified and the land beyond the first wall was open farmland, so the BETA would have no cover.

Lelouch's thoughts were interrupted by sirens sounding throughout the area. In the distance were explosions from the minefield.

"It has begun," Lelouch said, gripping his control sticks tightly. He felt his heart beating faster. This was it. This is what we prepared for. And if we fail…

He shook the thought off. He couldn't let that sort of doubt creep in, not now.

"We have a faint reading at sector 1905 and it's growing stronger. We have confirmed detonation of some of the first line of proximity mines," a female operator announced from her station.

On Lelouch's screen, a mass of red was heading for the harbor.

"I want increased observations on Areas A-15 through A-20," a male operator said, speaking to another soldier.

"Hurry and clear up the noise from those explosions. We need a clear environmental picture. We must be able to monitor for if any BETA break away from the main group," another older sounding operator ordered.

"A corps-size force of BETA is approaching the first alert line," A female operator announced. "It has cleared the first minefield!"

"All defensive lines, prepare for battle. All artillery, hold fire until targets are within effective range," Masakiyo commanded.

"Yes sir," Masakiyo's adjutant replied, relaying the orders.

"The BETA have entered the final minefield. Minefields four through nine are gone," a female operator announced. "They are barely being slowed down."

"Have our TSFs ready to sortie," Masakiyo commanded, his eyes glued to the screen as the BETA force drew nearer.

Outside, more underwater explosions drew close to the mouth of the bay. The only visible sign of the approaching invaders. Despite their losses they mindlessly pushed forward, unimpeded by their losses. Lelouch listened on in silence to the chatter from the command center. Maya oversaw the battle from the bridge of the nameless ship she commanded.

"The first wave has passed the second alert line," an operator announced.

"Prepare all weapons. I want shields on full power," Maya commanded. "Target the area where the BETA will surface with the main linear guns. Be ready to fire!"

"Yes ma'am!" A female gunner operator replied.

Commander Masakiyo gave similar orders.

"I want all guns on fixed coordinates. Do not fire until the enemy emerges from the water. I want a clean shot on them!"

The tension had grown thick enough to cut with a knife. Lelouch couldn't hear everything going through the comm channels, but it wasn't hard to imagine the feelings going through everyone right now as the BETA drew closer to them.

These men and women know what will happen if the BETA establishes a new hive here, Lelouch thought, knowing that despite the tension, there was a determination. A fire within them to protect their homes and deny the BETA any further gains. For the Japanese military this was a chance for redemption and to truly halt the BETA from claiming more lives.

The first of the aliens began to break the surface. There was a moment of quiet, as the invading horde surged forward, the water frothing white as they burst up from the depths.

Then, in an instant, all hell rained down upon them. The Linear tanks opened fire. It was hard to miss the writhing mass of alien flesh. A Destroyer was hit straight on, erupting in a fountain of gore as it was killed in an instant. There was the whine of railguns firing into the horde, cutting huge, red swathes of gore at the advancing monstrosities. The water began to dye red as dozens died in the opening volley alone.

In the distance, the whine of missiles could be heard. As they impacted, the whole bay erupted in a shower of watery gore. It was a brutal killing field, tearing the aliens limb from limb with every volley.

And yet, despite the carnage, they kept on coming, mindlessly ignoring their casualties.

The invading aliens showed no signs of self-preservation as they kept charging forward. Soon artillery from the warships on the other side of the island began raining down. The destroyers fired volley after volley to slow down the advancing aliens.

Things seem to be going well so far, but this is only the vanguard. The main force has yet to arrive, Lelouch thought. As if on cue, more and more of the aliens began emerging from the ocean. The Destroyer-class creatures seemed oddly spread out.

Is it because of the losses they sustained crossing the minefield? It couldn't be; the mines had all been spent by now.

"Observation posts have noticed Tank-class and Destroyer-class BETA coming ashore on the northern side of the island," an operator from the base announced. "They've been spotted at Futatsugame Beach."

That was fast, Lelouch thought, alarmed by how the BETA had managed to send a part of their invasion force to another area of the island. This was not unexpected, but the smaller force had managed to reach the location undetected.

"Lieutenant Yamashiro, move to intercept," Major Tsukuyomi ordered through the shared open communication line.

"I'm on it," Kazusa announced, as the Suetake Gundam sortied with Bravo Squadron.

Her role in the battle was to be a hit-and-run interceptor, a role her machine was well suited for. Its wings of light not only doubled as a powerful propulsion system, but could manipulate the energy, allowing the wings to be used offensively- or defensively, to create a shield. That speed meant she'd function as the first responder, tying the alien forces down until further reinforcements could arrive. The northern mountain ranges would contain them for now, but they could still proceed deep inland if left unimpeded

"Kazusa, tell me how spread out the BETA are when you arrive," Lelouch asked, hoping what he was seeing was just a fluke.

"Roger that," Kazusa replied.

The Suetake Gundam's wings of light erupted to life as the Gundam flew over the mountain with a blinding speed that rocked and uprooted the nearby trees as it flew over the mountain. Upon arriving at the Northern beach of the island, the Naval vessels had already launched a bombardment of the area to stem the tide of enemies.

Targeting, Kazusa thought, as the special electronic eyepatch she wore, part of the Gundam's advanced targeting systems, marked the BETA emerging from the water.

Flipping over its shoulders were its railguns, which fired upon the Destroyer-class BETA. She tore into their ranks, shredding multiple rows of Destroyers before changing to the Variable-Speed Beam Rifles mounted onto the sides of the Gundam's hips to begin mowing down the Tank-class BETA. Zipping back and forth in the air, always aiming for the optimal firing position, Kazusa rained hell on the aliens, tearing scores of them to shreds. Moments later Bravo Squadron arrived, led by Suzunoa Ogura, providing support in mopping up any BETA that managed to make it through Kazusa's onslaught.

"Lieutenant Yashishiro, we're ready to back you up," Suzuno said, vaporizing a Tank-class with her beam rifle.

"Thank you," Kazusa replied without taking her eyes off the task before her. "Don't let a single one escape!"

"Roger that," the members of Bravo Squadron confirmed. But as more BETA emerged from the ocean, Kazusa noticed the same pattern Lelouch had spotted. She opened a comms channel.

"Lieutenant Lamperouge, the BETA are spreading their forces out."

"Then we have a problem," Lelouch replied, analyzing the formation of the approaching forces. It was becoming clear that the wave of aliens far exceeded the number of a traditional corps division size, which explained how they had the numbers to spread their forces out. Kazusa's report on the BETA attacking from the north confirmed his fears, the BETA were already adapting to reduce their casualties. Despite their superior numbers the BETA suddenly didn't want to fight a battle of attrition. "This looks way beyond your normal BETA force."

"What do you mean?" Mariko asked, having listened in.

"How many could they be?" Maya asked.

"I can't be sure, but from what sensors have picked up, forty thousand so far. Looking at how they are spread out… if there are that many, then they shouldn't be concerned with preserving their numbers. They are already fighting cautiously. We can expect the south to be facing a major attack," Lelouch warned.

"That's not all is it?" Yui said, realizing something else.

"Take a look at how they are widely spaced," Lelouch brought up, realizing something as his machine has been keeping track of the number of confirmed kills collected. "The Tanks and Destroyers now coming on shore are spacing themselves apart from one another instead of condensing together. The thirty thousand are just the main assault force, but they're sending god knows how many more in these landing parties."

"Will that be a problem?" Tsukiko asked.

"It's a problem when it comes to using our Beam Magnums," Lelouch replied. "It will minimize casualties from our wide effect weaponry. Not just our weapons, but our artillery won't be as effective. If we try to spread out to counter them, the defensive lines won't be as effective and we will be risking a breach."

"But the Beam Magnums aren't our only weapons." Yui chimed in.

"The main issue is that it'll make our Beam Magnums ineffective. With the limited ammo we have, it won't even take out a significant percentage of the enemy force if they're spread out like this. Even the regular ammunition reserves will be depleted at a much faster rate," Lelouch said, which led to Maya adding her own thoughts to the discussion.

"Then clearly the BETA are up to something, we'll need to be on guard," Maya said, understanding Lelouch's concern. "Commander Tachibana, has there been any signs of the BETA attempting to strike at other areas of the island?"

"So far, they have been emerging from the North and by the bay, but I share that young man's concern. I suggest Lieutenant Noto and Alpha Squadron prepare to sortie to defend the southern edge of the island," Masakiyo advised. "There are areas along the southwestern end of the island the BETA could make landfall on."

"I agree. Lieutenant Noto and Commander Sakazaki, did you hear that?"

"Yes, I am ready," Izumi replied.

"So is my squadron," Kaoru replied as she and her squadron were ready to launch.

From the water, a Fort-class BETA emerged near the walls, having stayed in the deep water closest to the shoreline while the Destroyer-class BETA drew their attention. Soon enough, two more began to surface.

"Even the Fort-class BETA are spreading out too," Tsukiko remarked.

"We're going in. We need to eliminate them and keep them from deploying any Laser-class BETA," Lelouch said, as he launched from the deck of the ship, followed by Mariko and Tsukiko.

"Command, permission to sortie to assist them," Yui asked, preparing to launch.

"Granted. Take out the Fort-class closest to the base, there will likely be more following it," Commander Sakazaki said.

"Roger that. I am launching," Yui said, launching in her Izanagi. "I'll take out the closest one. Lelouch, you get the other one."

"Got it," Lelouch replied, as the Izanami flew to intercept the second Fort-class.

"We'll take care of the third one. Lieutenant Fujisawa, with me," Mariko said.

"Roger that." Tsukiko followed Mariko to engage the third Fort-class.

Using her Beam Magnum, Yui shot the enormous creature. The beam impacted directly, the intense heat of the ray making it burst like a balloon. Lelouch followed suit, using a focused charge shot from the Izanami's chest mounted mega-particle cannon, blowing off the head of the other. Mariko and Tsukiko in turn made short work of the last Fort-class, using their beam rifles. The three gargantuan creatures had been destroyed quickly. Unfortunately, they were just the beginning. Already more were beginning to emerge from the ocean.

"We need to send Izumi and Alpha Squad to the south," Lelouch said, suspecting more Fort-class BETA would try to land on the southern end of the island.

"I agree," Commander Tachibana stated, while Maya offered no objections. "Alpha Squadron head for the southern edge of the island, intercept the BETA."

"Understood," Kaoru replied as she and Izumi launched from the base.

"Lieutenants Kai and Iwami, prepare to launch," Maya commanded. "Lieutenant Iwami will head north to support our forces. Lieutenant Kai, stay near the ship and stand by to provide support."

"Roger," Shimako and Aki replied as Shimako's Gundam, then the Sadamitsu stepped onto the linear catapult. "Shimako Kai, Sadamitsu, launching!"

After the Sadamitsu was launched, Aki and her Gundam stepped onto the catapult.

"Aki Iwami, Kintoki, taking off!"

Once in the air, the Kintoki headed north while Shimako stood by, preparing to kill the growing number of Fort-class BETA emerging from the ocean. The linear tanks had so far been able to keep the Destroyer-class to a manageable number, but they might need backup any moment now. The beam cannons from the nameless ship floating above the defensive wall joined in, bombarding the attacking BETA.

Firing from the wing mounted Dual-Linked Variable Speed Beam Rifles on the Izanami, Lelouch exterminated as many Fort-class as he could. If they unloaded their Laser-class cargo, they could pin down the island's defenders. He also couldn't ignore the other BETA, emerging from the sea. Some had made it to the first defensive wall. Tsukiko and Mariko quickly moved to eliminate them, while Lelouch followed behind.

They are stretching our forces too thin, Lelouch said. They were handling the bigger creatures well enough, but smaller BETA like the Tank-class were slipping through the fire-screens and could reach their defenses. As much as he didn't want to spread their forces any thinner than they already were…

"Tsukiko and Mariko, check the areas around the mouth of the bay. I need confirmation the enemy isn't attempting to scale the mountains and hills surrounding the bay," Lelouch ordered.

"Understood," Mariko said, the two pilots departing immediately.

"Just be mindful of the water. A Fort-class could ambush you near the shoreline," Lelouch warned.

"Roger that," The two women said, speeding away.

Suddenly the tactical computer of the Izanami picked up an energy spike from the water near the shore. The computer zoomed in. Lelouch saw a black eye peeking out of the water, and then he saw a flash. His blood ran cold when he realized what it was. Quickly, Lelouch raised a shield and placed himself in the expected path of the laser, which was aimed at the linear tanks on top of the wall. There was a flash as the weapon fired, and Lelouch's machine shook and trembled from the impact. Glaring warning signals echoed in the cockpit as several systems shorted out momentarily from the power overload. Lelouch felt an intense heat overtake the cockpit that felt like he would be boiled alive. The machine went dead for a second, and for a horrible moment Lelouch wondered if he would fall into the sea. Then, mercifully, the screens flickered back to life, the systems quickly rebooting and bringing his machine back up to speed. The Gundam had taken the hit head on and survived, leaving both him and the vital tank battery still alive.

"Lelouch are you alright?!" Cried Yui over the comms.

"Don't worry about me, we have bigger problems. There are Heavy Laser-class BETA among them," Lelouch warned, leveling his beam rifle at the Heavy Laser-class he shot, exploding its head. "They are hiding in the water and trying to snipe us from the sea while the Fort-class BETA draws our attention. Aki and Shimako, use your I-fields and Panzer Deflection systems to protect your allies, monitor the water's surface for signs of them!"

"Sneaky bastards," Aki snapped upon hearing Lelouch's warning.

The Kintoki Gundam moved to the front, its I-field generators functioning. When one Heavy Laser-class poked its head out from the water and took a shot at Aki, the field redirected it to hit the hills behind the Gundam.

"You want to get some? Well, come and get it!" Aki shouted defiantly, but six more Heavy Laser-class BETA began poking their heads out from the water. A dozen Fort-class rose from the sea to protect them.

"Lieutenant Iwani, pull back," Suzuno called, worried that Aki might've been biting off more than she can chew.

"I got this," Aki said, as her Gundam switched to Burst Mode, its plasma cannons in its wings unfolded, ready to fire, along with its hip-mounted railguns.

Its Multi-purpose Assault Weapon "Kujaku" took aim, as did one of its combat shields, which had a mega-particle cannon mounted onto it. In the cockpit, her screen showed one display after another of Target Locked. With a toothy smile, Aki pulled the trigger unleashing a barrage of well-aimed plasma, railgun, and particle beams from the Kintoki Gundam. To an outside observer it might have looked like the Gundam was just firing wildly into the approaching ranks of the enemy, but thanks to the Gundam's targeting systems each shot struck its intended mark, the Laser-class that tried to hide under the Fort-class' shadows. The Kujaku weapon alone, its only hand-held weapon, ensured no enemy could escape the Kintoki's assault.

The Fort-class fell like dominos and the Heavy Laser-class were taken out before they could threaten Bravo Squadron or Kazusa. The waters off the shore quickly turned red, the shredded remains of the battle group floating limply in the water before sinking.

Before Aki could celebrate, a new herd of Destroyer-class erupted from the water, intent on running her down while her weapons were cooling off. Before Aki could open fire with her remaining weapons, Kazusa intervened, shooting the Destroyers with her mega beam rifle, and her back mounted railguns. Aki joined in, using her Kujaku and her Gundam's railguns to finish off those Kazusa's attack had missed.

"Don't let your guard down, Aki," Kazusa lightly scolded her friend.

"Geez, I know," Aki replied, slightly exasperated. Grumbling, she added, "Maybe you should get that huge stick out of your ass."

"I heard that," Kazusa said. Aki froze up momentarily. Shit. But despite Kazusa feeling slightly annoyed, they both had bigger problems. The battle was still raging. Flying overhead, she could now see that the bulk of their invasion force had diverted their attention so a smaller contingent of BETA could reach the island and launch surprise attacks on the defender's flanks. Lelouch's concerns were soon proven true, as she spotted a group of Tank-classes scaling the cliffs a distance away from the shore. The cliffs were likely too steep for the Destroyers to swiftly dealt with them, and those she had detected had already made it into the forests. She shot them from the safety of the air.

Leaving her no time to breathe, more Forts emerged from the water. Kazusa calmly killed them, using a sudden burst of acceleration to fly past the giant BETA. The wings of light erupting from her machine's wings doubled as blades, cutting two of the Fort-class in half. Her mega-beam rifle did the rest.

Just how many are we dealing with? Kazusa wondered as she continued searching the area for any BETA attempting to circumvent past their defenses. No matter their losses they kept coming, even climbing over the piles of corpses of their fallen.

"American Tomcats are launching to search for any BETA that might've slipped by," Maya announced.

But even as she spoke, her ship took a direct hit from a Laser-class. The ship shook under the assault, but it had been designed to withstand such hits. Its shields flared as it absorbed the hit. Its hull, protected by a thick layer of Laminated Armor, could harmlessly disperse the thermal energy.

"Status report!" Maya demanded.

"Shields are holding steady and the armor is holding up," a bridge operator announced.

"Good. Return fire. Target those Heavy Laser-class. We should return the favor," Maya commanded. "Then get this ship moving. Let's give them something to focus on so the base defenders can do their job."

"Yes ma'am," the helmsman replied as the nameless ship continued their retaliatory strikes against the Heavy Laser-class BETA attacking them.

Meanwhile, Yui downed another Fort-class using her machine's beam sabers, splitting the creature's head in two. Laser-classes sprung from the corpse. While not many made it to shore, even a few could pose a danger if left alone. They would not make it far, though. Once Lelouch noticed them, he didn't just deal with them himself, he also fed the tactical data of their locations to Maya's ship allowing the vessel's beam cannons and missiles to dispatch them before they could begin attacking.

"Lieutenant Lamperouge, requesting that you back up Shimako. She and Alpha Squadron are struggling," Yui asked.

"Understood. Can you hold down the fort here?" Lelouch asked.

"I can for now. Mariko and Tsukiko have been busy dispatching landing parties from other points near the mouth of the bay," Yui replied. In the distance,Mariko and Tsukiko were working together, eliminating any Tank-class and Fort-class they found attempting to scale the mountains along the edge of the bay.

"I'll try not to take too long," Lelouch said, flying off to aid Shimako and Alpha Squadron.

While en route, Lelouch switched to auto pilot, using the time to quickly take the BETA's latest actions in the battle to devise counter strategies.

I can't say I expected Heavy-Lasers to be part of this invasion. It's unprecedented, Lelouch thought, sharing the data his Gundam collected to aid their allies. What else are they planning?

Lelouch sent a message to Maya, recommending the submarines should expand their sonar search. Thanks to the American and Japanese naval forces gathered, much of the waters around the island were covered. However, the unexpected appearance of Heavy Laser-class was deeply concerning. He only hoped there were no more nasty surprises.

He sent counter tactics for dealing the Heavy Laser-class with his message. It didn't take him long to reach the southern side of the island, where he found Shimako pinned down, using the panzer deflection system of her Gundam to shield the members of Alpha Squadron from attacks from the Heavy-Laser class. They were holding for now, but unless something changed, it was only a matter of time before Shimako was overwhelmed. Lelouch had an idea to turn this around. He just had to hope it could work.

Izumi was also busy fending off other groups of BETA, trying to take pressure off of Shimako. The Tsuna Gundam, despite lacking the defensive capabilities of the Sadamitsu, could perform physics-defying feats of agility. Its GN fangs were causing disruptions among the BETA ranks. They fired upon the aliens and thanks to their blade-like design, the projectiles could fly through the ranks of the Tank-class, shredding them to pieces.

Without a word, Izumi activated the defensive system of her Tsuna Gundam. Its GN field projected a spheric shield around her machine. It intercepted fire from the Heavy Laser-class. None of their attacks could get past the field; even the stinger tail of a Fort-class was deflected.

With a look of hardened determination, Izumi sped her Gundam forward, ramming a Fort-class. The GN field and the force of the impact knocked the alien over. That the Heavy Laser-classes would not fire on their own also worked in her favor, as she used the other Fort-class BETA spread out as cover. Dropping the GN shield so she could attack, Izumi finished off the knocked down Fort-class. Then she sped away before the other BETA could retaliate, her GN Rifle transforming into its GN Buster Sword as it lowered into the Gundam's right hand.

Another Fort-class tried to strike the Tsuna Gundam with its stinger tail, but Izumi cut its stinger off before promptly cutting the Fort-class in half. The blade's energy and physical blade combined with GN particles increased the blade's cutting power enormously and so she carved through it like a hot knife through butter.

"Izumi, can you continue to keep the Fort-classes occupied?" Lelouch asked, arriving on the scene.

"They are already being handled, but Shimako needs help," Izumi repiled, sounding relieved.

"Understood," Lelouch said, switching communications. "Shimako, do you read me?"

"Yes I read you, I am trying to keep Alpha Squad safe, but there are too many Heavy Laser-class."

"Understood. I am going to help you use the deflector system of your Gundam to redirect their fire to create an opening so we can work together to eliminate them," Lelouch replied.

"Ok, but how?"

"Well, I am hoping this can work for that purpose," Lelouch said, activating the Coupling System. "Do you know how to use the Coupling System?"

"Uh, yes," Shimako replied, realizing his intentions. "Connective, Lieutenant!"

"Acception!" Lelouch replied, triggering the coupling.

For what seemed like forever, Shimako felt like she was in freefall feeling her thoughts becoming synced with those of Lelouch's. In the exchange of knowledge at that moment, not only did Shimako experience crystal clarity of mind, but she understood what to do. Like it was second nature to her, Shimako adjusted her shields according to the new knowledge she obtained from Lelouch. Assisted further by the tactical data the Izanami was feeding to her Gundam, Shiamko moved the shields into key spots to redirect them.

The first redirected beam hit one Heavy Laser-class in the eye, killing it instantly. A second struck down a Fort-class, followed by another Heavy Laser-class going down. Thanks to the Coupling System's future prediction, it was that much easier for Shimako to predict and position herself just right to redirect the incoming lasers. Lelouch was far from idle for his part, using the mega-particle scatter cannon to rain down death upon the Tank-class and Destroyer-class BETA trying to storm the beach. Soon, Alpha Squadron were safe to rejoin the fight, with most of the Heavy Lasers now eliminated.

The number of Heavy Lasers involved had disturbing implications. They were rarely seen in BETA attacks, typically relegated to defending their hives or reinforcing captured territory. Having them hide in the ocean and attacking from the water, showed a new level of deception and aggression. They were rapidly adapting.

Could it be possible that they are learning from us? No, it's way too soon for them. Granted, adaptation is a must, even for alien creatures like them, but even if they are able to adopt human tactics, they shouldn't be able to generate a strategy against us and our Gundams so fast.

The battle dragged on. Hour upon hour. Lelouch and the officer corps putting out one fire after another. It was grimy and brutal with the casualties racking up by the minute, but the line was held as BETA corpses piled up in their thousands. Then in the late afternoon, a new problem emerged from the sea.

To the north and south of the island, new waves of attackers revealed themselves. Lasers stuck their eyes out, targeting the missiles and rockets coming towards them. In between the Laser-class BETA were Grapplers, acting as some sort of defensive meat shield Some even taking hits from Shimako's redirection effort, dying in the Laser-class' place. Already they were striking at whatever patrolling gunships within range, which up to this point had managed to avoid being targeted by the BETA. It wasn't long before several more Forts emerged from the back, all of them evenly spaced out like those in the main force. The aliens had taken utterly gruesome casualties, the likes of which would have broken any human army, but they still kept coming, heedless of their own slaughter.

"There are so many of them!" Shimako cried out, returning fire against the Lasers.

With the approach of Grappler-class, she began attacking with the Sadamitsu Gundam's Hresvelgr Plasma Induction Cannon. Now more comfortable and at ease with redirecting the enemy's laser attacks, she was ready to add onto it. Firing the plasma cannon, she tore into the oncoming horde. It didn't stop there, however; she began aiming the railguns mounted onto the shields and unleashing a hailstorm of absolutely brutal firepower.

"Good job, Lieutenant Shimako," Lelouch said encouragingly.

"Yes, I won't let them pass!" Shimako said, confidently. Together with Izumi, she continued laying down punishing fire.

While the Tsuna Gundam still dealt with any Grapplers and Destroyers in its range, Alpha Squadron pressed their attack, seizing on the opportunity. Izumi was wielding her Gundam's buster sword in one hand and her GN pistols in the other. She did her best to trim down the number of enemies to keep them at a manageable level.

"Let's pick up the slack people. We can't let these kids do all the work," Kaoru said, rallying her squad to start pushing back against the BETA.

"Yes, ma'am!" The members of Alpha Squad shouted together in unison, their morale high.

Meanwhile, Yui was helping the defenders hold the bay. Parts of the wall had sustained damage from some of the Heavy Laser-class BETA, but they, thankfully, held. Now Grapplers were joining the fight en masse, but Yui had no problem dispatching them. Neither did the nameless ship and the linear tanks upon the wall. A few were close to breaching the wall, but Yui and missiles from the nameless ship stopped them. But as the corpses of the BETA slain at the wall and the bay began to pile up, they effectively formed a ramp for their comrades to march over, putting them closer and closer to the wall's edge. Yui considered using her Beam Magnum to clear some of these piles.

If I use the beam magnum, I could damage the walls, maybe even accidentally create a breach, Yui thought.

The lack of other ranged options was becoming a noticeable problem, but Yui still had her Gundam's beam sabers. Her mobile suit had a pair of sub-arms that could grasp and wield the Gerbera Straight Katana and the Tiger Pierce Katana, physical blades stored on its waist. Using them in tandem with her beam sabers in her hands, she engaged the BETA in melee, trying to stop those who were using the corpses of their dead to climb up.

Igniting the beam sabers built into the feet of her Gundam, Yui cut down a pair of Destroyers from behind. She turned around to engage another pair of Grapplers with the physical blades, before counter attacking with the beam sabers, cutting off their arms before dealing a fatal blow to them.

Whenever the number of enemies were becoming too much, or beginning to surround her, Yui retreated to the air, looking for more enemies to attack from behind. Using its feet mounted beam sabers, she cleaved them apart before attacking the remaining aliens before they could counterattack and retreat when needed. Whenever the aliens attempted to flank her, the Grappler-class aliens found themselves facing Yui's beam sabers; even a kick when activating one of the beam sabers mounted on her feet, which at the right angle could decapitate an enemy.

Controlling four arms is difficult, Yui thought. The Gundam was far more complex to pilot than a TSF.

"Lieutenant Takamura," came Lelouch's voice over the comms, "I am going to stay with Lieutenants Notou and Kai for a bit. Alpha Squadron's TSFs need to return for a resupply," Lelouch informed via their communication line.

"Roger that. I can handle things here until they are done. I think Bravo Squadron's TSFs are also returning to resupply their machines," Yui said, noticing in the corner of her eye a group of TSFs heading back.

"The Amercians are sending a squad of TSFs to help support our units in the north, until Alpha Squadron returns," Maya reported. "They've deployed one of their reserve squads to switch out with their units supporting us to resupply as well."

"Understood," Yui replied, returning to focusing on defending the bay until Lelouch returned.

On the bridge of the nameless ship, Maya was observing the battle, despite their forces being stretched dangerously thin, more so than she was comfortable with. The battle was going well for them. But she felt a growing unease in the pit of her stomach, a bad feeling that wouldn't leave her alone. Using the console on her chair, she opened a channel to the base commander.

"Captain Tsukuyomi," Masakiyo greeted.

"Commander, are there any signs of the BETA's numbers slowing, or…?" Maya began.

"Concerned that something else might be coming?"

"It seems we are of the same mind."

"Yes, you and Lieutenant Lamperouge as well. Heavy Laser-class, are rare, especially in these numbers. They're usually on hive defense duty. They've never been a part of any invasion forces before," Masakiyo explained.

"Something's changed. We're up against something new. We need to be ready for anything."

"I concur. I have already asked our lookouts to double their efforts and our operators are keeping a close eye on our listening posts in the sea to look for anything that could be unusual," Masakiyo reassured.

Sadly, both Commander Masakiyo and Maya would be proven right.

"Commander!" A panicked operator at her station shouted. "I am getting a reading from one of our listening buoys! It's unlike anything I've ever seen.."

"We're picking up something large approaching the bay among the latest wave of BETA!" Another operator exclaimed in alarm.

Near the bay's entrance, a small head poked up from the water. It had the three sets of eyes common to the Heavy Laser-class. Taking aim, the new BETA fired. The laser beam was indiscriminate, cutting a swathe through its own ranks before searing a giantantic hole into the wall. It tore through it with ease, tearing all the way into the hills behind it.

As it drew nearer, a second similar head emerged, this time taking aim at the nameless ship.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Maya roared. The laser fired, its wildly destructive beam rocking the entire ship. Alarms went out, the power surged, but its protective shielding and armor held against the blast. For all aboard, it felt like a calamity; smoke and fires were breaking out all over the ship.

"Damage report! Damage report!" Maya ordered as emergency power kicked in, bathing the command bridge in red light.

"Shields holding firm, Captain!" A technician cried out.

"Minor hull damage, leaks currently being contained in sectors four and five, Captain!" Another called out.

"Are our weapons systems operational?" Maya demanded.

"Confirmed, Captain," her gunnery officer replied.

"Then return fire!"

"Aye-aye, Captain!" The officer replied, saluting sharply. The ship's guns took aim.

Meanwhile, as a third head tried to repeat the process, Yui attacked, hitting it with her beam magnum. The head exploded like an overinflated balloon. The other two heads retreated back into the water. Suddenly a dark green stinger erupted from the water, trying to impale Yui's Gundam, but she was quick enough to dodge it.

What was that? It couldn't have been a Heavy-Laser class, Yui thought, pulling back to assess the new threat.

Rising from the water as it drew nearer to shore was a BETA strain Yui and Lelouch had seen during simulated battles. It was missing one head, but its appearance was unmistakable. Yui's blood ran cold.

Before anyone could register the monstrous alien's appearance, it towered over the remaining Fort-class BETA. One of its two heads began releasing a bombardment of smaller laser beams, targeting the defenders on the wall and Yui. The second head began charging up for a much more powerful shot. As it fired, it blew another large hole in the wall. The mighty structure ruptured and cracked, slabs of concrete tumbling into the bay along with dozens of the defenders- those were the ones who had not been evaporated by the blast.

"Laser Fort-class!" A horrified member of the nameless ship's bridge crew announced as the ship's computer identified it. Alarms went off, blaring across the base. "It appeared among the main force. It blasted a hole in two of Sadogashima's walls! The BETA are breaking through!"

Using the distraction provided by the Laser-Fort Class, the smaller strains of BETA were rushing towards the opening. Yui couldn't stop them; she had a much larger threat to deal with. Thankfully, Tsukiko and Mariko were moving in to intercept them.

"Massive breaches on the shore wall!" Lelouch heard an operator shout from the command center, as an image provided by Yui on the state of the wall was transmitted to him. Aliens were pouring through the breach, even as railguns and artillery continued to rain hell upon them. Seeing the melted walls and everything in a straight line turned to black ash, he felt nervous. In one go their battle was now on the brink of defeat.

"We have signs of severe damage from the attacks of those beam weapons! All units are currently reporting other damage," the operator relayed.

"Lelouch." Yui grabbed his attention. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes," he answered begrudgingly. "It's the same creature we fought in the simulator."

"What are you talking about?" Izumi asked.

"That thing is not like any other Laser-class out there," Lelouch said, opening a communication channel. "Keep moving as much as possible! That thing doesn't care if its allies are in the way."

"Lieutenant Lamperouge, you and Lieutenant Kai should go and back Takamura up. Me and the others can hold the line," Izumi said.

"I'll ask the Americans to reinforce your position," Commander Masakiyo informed, before adding with urgency. "Hurry and stop that monster before they overrun our beach defenses!"

"We'll handle the breach," Mariko stated as she and Tsukiko hurried over. "Just hurry and take down that BETA!"

"Roger that," Lelouch replied as he and Shimako hurried to Yui.

Meanwhile, after narrowly avoiding the Laser Fort-class BETA's stinger, the massive alien followed up its attack with dozens of smaller stingers, firing from cone-like protrusions on the front of its body. The Izanagi narrowly dodged the attack, using a beam saber in one hand to cut apart those that got too close. Focusing its guns at Yui with a less focused scattershot of lasers, her gundam was bombarded, and her Beam Magnum was damaged beyond repair.

The wall's surviving defenses unleashed all they had on it. There was the characteristic whine of railgun fire, the batteries running hot as they concentrated all fire on the Fort-class in front of them. Under their relentless barrage, the Laser Fort-class went down fast, but a second Laser-Fort class BETA emerged from the ocean not far behind it. Before the railguns could reload, the creature opened fire, unleashing a barrage of lasers. The I-field of Yui's Gundam protected her, but the same couldn't be said for the various tanks and gun placements upon the wall. They were vaporized instantly.

With her guns exhausted, Yui had to make do with the Izanagi Gundam's melee weapons. Equipping one of its beam sabers and readying the beam shield Yui charged at the gigantic monster. Yui dodged a flash, as its three heads continued their bombardment of the area around the bay. It missed her, striking the hills in the distance. The wall was crumbling and the aliens were swarming through. Yui needed to take this monster down, now.

It fired its stinger again, but Yui was one with her machine as she weaved and dodged elegantly. Unfortunately, as she closed in, all three heads were ready to fire, point blank.

How could she have known that they could recharge this quickly?

"YUI!" Shimako cried out, her machine slamming into Yui's, forcefully shoving it out of the way. Her Sadamitsu's armor and shields took the full blunt of the laser head on. The world went red as muzzles flashed. As Yui's screens cleared up she saw the remnants of an explosion.


The smoke cleared. The Sadamitsu Gundam had survived, just barely. Its shield mounted arms had been destroyed in the blast. While the machinery had overloaded from trying to withstand such an intense blast, she had still managed to redirect it into a Fort-class BETA heading for the shore. The Sadamitsu Gundam and its pilot were on their last legs. Firing its remaining plasma cannon, Shimako retaliated by blowing its left head off.

But there were still two heads remaining, and they both took aim at her. Shimako could see the glow of their lasers from her barely functioning screen, and grunted.

I can't move away. Sadamitsu can barely even fly anymore. This is it.

But then, both heads erupted in a sudden flash. Looking behind her, she saw Lelouch, the magnum of his Gundam smoking from its last shot.

He had made it in time, and Shimako breathed a shaky sigh of relief.

"Shimako, are you okay?!" he cried out over the comms. Her Sadamitsu wasn't down yet, but that didn't mean she was unharmed.

She tried to redirect that hit at the last second. The power of that shot must've caused a system overload.

"I am fine, just deal with the Heavy Laser. I got this," Shimako said boldly and with a hint of anger. "This time I'll protect you two, instead of being the one protected."

She readied its beam glaive and aimed her remaining weapons systems.

"Roger that. Lieutenant Takamura, return to the ship and rearm. Get a beam rifle. Your combat options are too limited. Your Gundam should be able to use it as a replacement."

"I… understand," Yui conceded, reluctantly retreating to grab a new weapon. She knew Lelouch was right, but hated moving off the battlefield while her comrades still fought. "Just don't let them gain an inch while I am gone."

"We won't," Lelouch said with a smile.

"We're not out of the fight either," Maya said over the open comms. Green beams tore through the air, hitting the Laser Fort-class dead center, turning its hulking body into a bloody mass, gore showering over the sea's surface. "We took damage, but this ship can still fight!"

"This is Lieutenant Lamperouge," Lelouch called out across the comms. "If another Laser Fort-class appears, call it in immediately. Absolute priority is to be given to these targets!"

"Come on!" Tsukiko snapped defiantly as she took down another Grappler-class with a well-aimed beam rifle shot.

The aliens continued to crawl over the bodies of their dead, careless of their own lives. Mariko was right behind her, firing her beam rifle; a monster falling with each shot. They were creating constant new piles of corpses all on their own. As the nameless ship opened fire in return, the piles only grew larger.

"Geez, how many are there?" Tsukiko spat frustratedly.

"I wasn't keeping track. Stay focused. We can't let them past this point," Mariko replied matter-of-factly.

"No kidding. I'm just getting kind of exhausted doing this…"

The pilot suits were designed with measures to help them keep fighting for hours, even days at a time if conditions were favorable, but it was a hellish experience, and the stress would take a toll on even the strongest of soldiers.

"Just hang in there."

"I can do this all day if I have to," Tsukiko said firmly.

Following the Laser-forts destroying much of the first wall and leaving a hole in the second, Tsukiko and Mariko had positioned themselves in between to halt the BETA from getting further inland. Although Lelouch, Shimako and Yui had dealt with the larger creatures, hordes of smaller ones were still pouring through the gap. They were successful so far, but the corpse piles were getting taller and taller, even when their beam weapons vaporized the smaller strains easily. So far, the pair were holding fast, keeping the invaders from getting into the residential area beyond the second wall.

The fight continued to drag on, even as the sun began to set. With most of the bigger beasts slain, the BETA's lack of firepower began to turn the tide. Thrown against the brutal defenses and the gun emplacements, the battle turned from a desperate struggle to a methodical extermination. The whole sea around the wall ran red with alien blood. By nightfall the last of the Heavy Laser-class were slain, and no more appeared. The entire rest of the night was spent wiping out the thinning lines of aliens; only when the sun began to rise was the last BETA eliminated. Exhausted, the Gundam pilots could breathe a sigh of relief. They had done what seemed impossible. They had repelled a direct BETA invasion, something the Imperial Army at Kyushu had failed to do.

This battle would be remembered as the Miracle of Sadogashima.

The Gundams and other machines returned to the ship for repairs and resupplying, while fresh American support units would keep watch, allowing the base's exhausted defenders a chance to rest.

Even as the battle wound down, assessments were already being made. Their losses had been shockingly light in comparison to the army they just fought. They had only lost six TSFs between the two island's defense squads, while the Americans only suffered a few casualties among their own pilots. The worst of the casualties were among those stationed on the wall which only racked up to a few dozen. Many attributed their success to the firepower and advances of both the Gundams and the nameless vessel that had supported them. There were others who also praised the tactics of one Lelouch Lamperouge, directing the battle and allocating the Gundams to where they were needed had also been a boon to the defenders.

Within the Sadogashima Base headquarters, Maya, Masakiyo, a Japanese Admiral and an American Admiral were meeting. The American was an older man with graying hair, a mustache, and wore a crisp, white uniform with his hat sitting on the table of the meeting room. It wasn't an official meeting; rather, the leading commanders were celebrating the miracle, one both Japan and the world sorely needed. The three were sharing a toast, already drunk on victory.

"I must congratulate you, Commander Tachibana. And you too, Captain Tsukuyomi," The admiral cheered, raising his glass. "The odds were stacked against us, but you gave them absolute hell."

"Thank you. The assistance of the navy and your forces was invaluable, Admiral Walken. If not for your men helping cover any gaps in our defenses when our pilots were resupplying, our casualties could've been much higher.

"Of course. And I should thank Admiral Taira. The naval operation was a team effort," Admiral Walken replied, looking at the Japanese Admiral. He was an older man with graying hair and blue eyes, wearing a white uniform.

"I am glad we were able to work together. I hate to think how it might have gone, had we not done so," Taira remarked. "But that… Laser Fort-class, as they called it… what a monster that was."

"I am glad no more than two of them showed up. Just one completely destroyed two of the bay's defensive walls and the second wiped out our defensive weapons." Masakiyo said, still feeling chills.

"Perhaps the BETA cannot produce such strains in bulk," Admiral Taira commented.

"Yes, we should count ourselves lucky. I have already shared what we have on it with Admiral Walken to pass along to America," Maya said.

"Much appreciated. In turn, I'll share with you something headquarters shared with me. Since the BETA committed a large number of Heavy Laser-class to this battle, satellite images shows that the Cheorwon Hive had depleted much of what they had, most notably the aforementioned Heavy-Laser Class, so we decided to seize upon it," the American Admiral said with a knowing grin.

"A nuclear assault?" Maya said. Nukes had always been deterred by the defenses of the Heavy Lasers shooting them down before they could land. Without those defenses, they would have been wide open.

Admiral Walken nodded.

"We managed to rapidly dispatch forces via orbital drop to the Hive after using a nuclear bombardment to clear the area. That kind of opportunity doesn't come often. As of right now, that area is under US control. They should be arriving in the area soon, but they won't stay around. Just long enough to investigate the hive and find anything useful from it before leaving a nuclear bomb within to destroy it."

"It cannot be captured?" Maya remarked.

"Regrettably we just don't have the forces to hold the area, but with its destruction, it should give Japan some breathing room to rebuild their defenses," Admiral Walken explained. "My fleet will be sent to pick them up at the shoreline once they've finished their mission. I'll leave some TSFs and ships behind to support the garrison here until I return."

"Then I hope their mission is a success," Masakiyo said before adding, "We'll take care of your troops until you return."

"My ships will work with those who stay behind. With the hives responsible eradicated, we shouldn't see any further attacks from Asia for the time being," Admiral Taira stated.

"Thank you for your words, Admiral. My men have been ordered to be on their best behavior in the meantime. This is a critical time for our alliance," Admiral Walken replied.

"Agreed," Maya said before adding. "The Shogun and the Prime Minister are formally working out details to share the new technology we have with America publicly. Our victory here will assure the people of Japan of the value of our alliance with America. In turn, we will work together to rapidly develop the new anti-BETA technology demonstrated today."

"Our production facilities will no doubt be available to aid Japan in upgrading their forces as swiftly as possible," Admiral Walken replied, seeming relieved. "Those Gundams performed impressively well, but I suppose they are not invincible."

"True. But a small force of them still accomplished what our armies of TSFs couldn't accomplish. But those flanking maneuvers mid battle… It proves the BETA can adapt to our tactics. We must do the same, and develop this technology even further," Masakiyo said calmly.

"Agreed. This was a great victory, but it's only a first step toward ending this war. We have many battles yet ahead of us," Admiral Walken agreed. "In the meantime, if you don't mind me asking, how are the pilots of those Gundams?"

"They are exhausted, but they are doing well. Promotions are expected for all of them, along with commendations," Maya said while giving them praise at the same time.

"Yes. First Lieutenant Lamperouge in particular ought to be promoted for his skillful defense, his role in planning the defense and quick response to these unexpected attacks," Maya said.

"Well deserved, from what I've heard," Admiral Taria added.

"Indeed. Perhaps eventually a Major, but he'll likely be a Captain until he properly graduates," Maya revealed.

"Is that really necessary, given his accomplishments?" Admiral Walken said with an amused smile.

"No. I suppose it's only a formality at this point. Speaking of promotions, for your handling of the situation, Commander Tachibana has been promoted by the Shogun to Brigadier General effective immediately," Maya revealed, stunning Masakiyo. "You'll have complete command over the defenders of this island and much of the surrounding area. That should prevent anyone from pulling rank to press you into giving up men."

"I… I am… at a loss for words. I humbly accept," Masakiyo said, stunned.

"Things seem to be moving quicker now," Admiral Walken commented.

"Yes, and with a war against the BETA to still win, let's keep up the momentum," Admiral Taria commented.

They toasted once again and drank deep, knowing the joy would only be fleeting. The war was only getting started.

A/N: Whew I hope the battle was worth the wait, and I am hoping I can post chapter 15 on time in the next two weeks. It along with chapters 15 through 17 are done, just awaiting the beta work to be done on them.

And I did want to make the battle difficult and still show the BETA can be a threat, because they can adapt and the Laser Fort-class being unleashed is proof of that. Expect new BETA strains to appear in the future including some from the other games. Still this was hard fought victory with some close calls and Lelouch likely to see a promotion for his efforts, and thanks to Kyoko helping in Suez, America didn't need to leave Japan, which provided the defenders some good support.

Next chapter our heroes will take a well deserved break, with Lelouch beginning to understand the pros and cons to come with his new fame.

Finally in response to some surprising responses I got when I inquired on what the fate of a certain character from Infinite Stratos should be, I was so taken aback by some of the suggestions I got, I decided to do a new poll on my profile page to see if anyone else felt the same. It won't alter my overall plans very much, but it might affect the end game slightly.

Thank you all for reading, so I'll see you all next chapter.

Kyoko's Gundam, the Benkei, for its appearance it uses the Crossbone Gundam X-2 as a base, but with parts from the main body of the Amakusa/Jupiter Gundam and its weapons and EZM-S01 Midas's Beam Manteau.

Model number: TMP-00X (This was the first Gundam model produced too)

Code name: Benkei

Unit type: Prototype Psycho-Frame Close Quarter Combat Mobile Suit

Pilot: Kyoko Takatsuka

Manufacturer: Unknown

Operator: Order of the Black Knights, Empire of Japan ("sponsors" of the Black Knights)

First deployment: September 29th 2016 A.T.B

Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 19.10 meters

Weight: 57.5 metric tons

Powerplant: Ultracompact Fusion Reactor

Sensor Range: 23,700


Intention Automatic System

Coupling System

Fog Dispenser: The Benkai apparently has the ability to release a thick fog to engulf the battlefield or to hide its location. This serves to obstruct the vision of other mobile suits and their pilots.

Heat Radiation Face Open: It can temporarily "Open Face" to release Heat and increase performance. This allows the the Gundam to perform otherwise extremely demanding maneuvers or attacks that would normally be considered impossible.

Fixed Armaments

2 X 60mm Vulcan Guns

4 X Beam Sabers, two are stored in the shoulder armor for easy access and the final two can be found in the knee armor

10 X Beam Claws: Beam Emitters mounted on the nail of each Mobile Suit Finger, they are powerful enough to shred through beam Shields with ease.

1 X Beam Manteau: A cloak-like beam shield that is powerful enough to defend against the Crossbone Gundam X-0 's "Kujaku" at close-range.

1 X Electric Shock Whip: An electric shock whip that can wielded as a handheld weapon in MS mode. The segments are connected by lines of magnetic force that can operate even under dispersed Minovsky Particles , which disrupt electromagnetic waves. The magnetic lines can be extended to increase the whip's reach, allowing attacks at a considerable distance to compensate for the lack of ranged weaponry stored in the rear skirt armor.

2 X Mega Particle Cannons: A fixed armament mounted on the forearms, they are the suit's only ranged weapon and are power rated at 4.7 MW. By adjusting the relevant parameters/settings of the particle cannons, such as its output, the weapon can have a variety of firing modes, including a beam machine gun-like mode that have a high rate of fire at the expense of penetrating power. Despite being set at automatic fire, they carry enough power to tear through most Mobile Suits with ease.

2 X Cold Blades: Also known as "Nacht Blade," the Cold Blade is a ninjato-style physical blade. As its name suggests, it is not heated in order to avoid heat detection. It appeared to have been treated with anti-beam coating, as it was capable of clashing with beam sabers. They are stored in the side hip armor.
And the war continues.
As battle lines are drawn...
And heroes are forged.
Excited to see the escalation...
And the fireworks that comes with it.

When Lelouch comes back to his world.
With everyone, who are gonna be crack-squads of veterans and war heroes...
Season 1 of Code Geass will be a funny and wild ride alright.
Oh, I am so excited!
I'm just wondering if Lelouch brings the girls over for some good old Britannian turkey shoot?

In due time, in due time.

View: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=nRrA-8Rxjkk&list=RDAMVM-WpnPSChVRQ

Ahhh, listening to the AC6 soundtrack and reading the chapter was like a ring on the finger, excellent job as always 😎

Yeah it was hard trying to find the right soundtrack to list to while writing the battle.

And the war continues.
As battle lines are drawn...
And heroes are forged.
Excited to see the escalation...
And the fireworks that comes with it.

When Lelouch comes back to his world.
With everyone, who are gonna be crack-squads of veterans and war heroes...
Season 1 of Code Geass will be a funny and wild ride alright.
Oh, I am so excited!

Thank you, and yes when Lelouch returns his forces will be a force to be reckoned with, all he'll need at that point is the manpower and the support of the Japanese people on CG Earth before he unleashes the mobile suits on Britannia and more.
Where was the poll for the pairings again? Lots of links in the page but no poll listings for the pairings for Lelouch and this story.

I gave up on using polls, the only poll I have going on is deciding Tabane's fate.

Instead I made a google doc with all of the possible pairing/harem combinations for Lelouch being considered, in the hopes of beginning discussion instead of relying on polls so that can be brought up in discussion between the betas and me when the time comes.

Just keep any comments civil. like what makes them a better choice over the others and how they could work in the harem, etc.

The harem candidates for Lelouch google doc
I gave up on using polls, the only poll I have going on is deciding Tabane's fate.

Instead I made a google doc with all of the possible pairing/harem combinations for Lelouch being considered, in the hopes of beginning discussion instead of relying on polls so that can be brought up in discussion between the betas and me when the time comes.

Just keep any comments civil. like what makes them a better choice over the others and how they could work in the harem, etc.

The harem candidates for Lelouch google doc
Added a few more here, like Zola for Cross Ange, Flay Allster for Seed, and Chifuyu from IS

Any news for the Honkai fic with Lelouch?
Added a few more here, like Zola for Cross Ange, Flay Allster for Seed, and Chifuyu from IS

Any news for the Honkai fic with Lelouch?

Unfortunately, I believe we already removed those from the list or decided not to include them.

Speaking of which, here's a translation of the Cross Ange game (yes, there is a game) that features another girl named Naomi. While much of the story is already translated and posted on the wiki, I took the liberty to do the remaining routes: Ersha, Chris, Rosalie, Ange, and even the Embryo route (and you're reading that right, Embryo does have a route of his own with Naomi).

Links to the QQ threads are below, with the Embryo Route being separate.

Last edited:
Added a few more here, like Zola for Cross Ange, Flay Allster for Seed, and Chifuyu from IS

Zola we didn't consider, because we don't know if she is ever interested in men or what her reaction to them would be, not to mention she be dead by the time Lelouch and co arrive, also what does she have over the other candidates to make her a contender?

For Flay Allster, aside from the fact she is also dead, since Lelouch and co arrive at the beginning of GSD, but even if she was alive it was determined while they could work as a single pairing, it was deemed she wouldn't be open to a harem.

Chifuyu we had talked (me and the betas for the story) )about her coming to agree that while a platonic relationship would be possible it deemed a romantic relationship couldn't work out between them, being more of a cold fish and due to her own seemingly lack in romance complicating the matter, never mind the fact she be sharing Lelouch.

This is why I had asked people to defend their choices with reasons why they would work and what makes them better than the other candidates since the harem will have a limited number.

Any news for the Honkai fic with Lelouch?

I am still working on new beginning chapters, but that seems easier said than done trying to make a better beginning point to start the story from.
Zola we didn't consider, because we don't know if she is ever interested in men or what her reaction to them would be, not to mention she be dead by the time Lelouch and co arrive, also what does she have over the other candidates to make her a contender?

For Flay Allster, aside from the fact she is also dead, since Lelouch and co arrive at the beginning of GSD, but even if she was alive it was determined while they could work as a single pairing, it was deemed she wouldn't be open to a harem.

Chifuyu we had talked (me and the betas for the story) )about her coming to agree that while a platonic relationship would be possible it deemed a romantic relationship couldn't work out between them, being more of a cold fish and due to her own seemingly lack in romance complicating the matter, never mind the fact she be sharing Lelouch.

For Zola: She can be saved before Ange fucks up and, while she is a hedonist, she deeply cares about those under her command. Makes her a good leader capable of following Lelouch's orders

Flay: She is basically a candidate to be a bit of a spy with how she keeps lying to both everyone and herself quite easily though I admit, I have a soft spot for red heads

Chifuyu: Save her brother before she throws the tournament and she basically opens up. Her strict upbringing was due to her failure of letting her brother get nabbed so saving Chifuyu has a knock on effect of putting a foot on the door and giving a way in to her heart. Helps that it will be able to lessen the brother's siscon tendencies or make them worse, if you play in to Leloch's own feelings for Nunnally.
For Zola: She can be saved before Ange fucks up and, while she is a hedonist, she deeply cares about those under her command. Makes her a good leader capable of following Lelouch's orders

But why is my question, what purpose could she serve and what makes her a better candidate over the others?

Flay: She is basically a candidate to be a bit of a spy with how she keeps lying to both everyone and herself quite easily though I admit, I have a soft spot for red heads

You overlooked the part where I said she was dead and Lelouch and co arrive at the beginning of GSD?

Chifuyu: Save her brother before she throws the tournament and she basically opens up. Her strict upbringing was due to her failure of letting her brother get nabbed so saving Chifuyu has a knock on effect of putting a foot on the door and giving a way in to her heart. Helps that it will be able to lessen the brother's siscon tendencies or make them worse, if you play in to Leloch's own feelings for Nunnally.

That only helps them become friends, its not enough for romance, its something me and the betas acknowledge.
Nice story, the binge was worth it... now are we open to getting one of if not both Barchenowa's?

Thank you and sorry for the late reply. The next chapter will be up as soon as my two betas are done with it, at least chapters up to eighteen are ready to go.

As for your question, Martica is the most likely to be included as its so far deemed that Cryska will still go to Yuuya, especially since two of those helping me with the story are die hard fans of the pairing XD.

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