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WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games


Versed in the lewd.
Mar 31, 2018
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Mr. Mxy's Reverse Karma is coming back to You. you somehow got everybody they have killed/beaten up badly/KO/we let die/killed/destroyed/annihilated deliberately/etc from many battles in your favorite video games' run all as a fully mind-controlled army will listen to every single command for their new master aka you. The event takes place in your home area.

you can manifest some of them like removed few thousands by saying the less insert number of the army or summoned more of them as a backup like saying i need more insert number character help

How many events would happen if you got bosses,fodder enemies,vehicles,machines and anything else was beaten/destroyed/etc by your own choices in the world of video games like Nintendo,Capcom,Sega,Sony,Xbox and much more to count as the army in real life world?

you got all of their technology

Bonus event. You with the army in your favorite universe,least favorite universe and avatar universe?
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You really don't give prompts where things can stay small do you? Because this gets insane very quickly, I'll just count some of the highlights here.
Mass Effect - Literal hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder (Batarians, Mercs, Geth, Collectors, Rachni, Reaper minions), highly capable spy agency and all its leadership and assassins (Cerberus), The freaking Reapers (Hundreds of thousands of Drednaught class living ships.)
League Of Legends - hundreds of thousands in cannon fodder (Minions & jungles camps), Tens of thousands of copies of champions, Thousands of copies of dragons and Baron Nashor.
Xcom & Xcom 2 - Hundreds of thousands of Chryssalids, zombies, & drones. Tens of thousands of sectoids, thin men, vipers, floaters, ADVENT agents, and floaters. Thousands of Archons, Berserkers, Cyberdisks, Spectres, Mutons, Mechtopods, and Heavy Floaters. Hundreds of Etherials, Outsiders, Sectoid Commanders, Gatekeepers, and Andromidons. About three of each, The Assassin, The Warlock, The Hunter, Uber Etherial. Plus all downed UFOs and The Temple ship from Xcom 1.

I could go on, but I think I should be able to defeat literally any universe with just this army. I would easily become master of all that I survey and quickly expand to become a pan galactic empire. All hail the one true Corgi.
You really don't give prompts where things can stay small do you? Because this gets insane very quickly, I'll just count some of the highlights here.
Mass Effect - Literal hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder (Batarians, Mercs, Geth, Collectors, Rachni, Reaper minions), highly capable spy agency and all its leadership and assassins (Cerberus), The freaking Reapers (Hundreds of thousands of Drednaught class living ships.)
League Of Legends - hundreds of thousands in cannon fodder (Minions & jungles camps), Tens of thousands of copies of champions, Thousands of copies of dragons and Baron Nashor.
Xcom & Xcom 2 - Hundreds of thousands of Chryssalids, zombies, & drones. Tens of thousands of sectoids, thin men, vipers, floaters, ADVENT agents, and floaters. Thousands of Archons, Berserkers, Cyberdisks, Spectres, Mutons, Mechtopods, and Heavy Floaters. Hundreds of Etherials, Outsiders, Sectoid Commanders, Gatekeepers, and Andromidons. About three of each, The Assassin, The Warlock, The Hunter, Uber Etherial. Plus all downed UFOs and The Temple ship from Xcom 1.

I could go on, but I think I should be able to defeat literally any universe with just this army. I would easily become master of all that I survey and quickly expand to become a pan galactic empire. All hail the one true Corgi.

Because i'm not really a person who know how to do very small things but anyway how would you felt about this new army on your side?
Because i'm not really a person who know how to do very small things but anyway how would you felt about this new army on your side?
I would probably only hang out with the LOL part of it since the rest are unholy abombinations, filthy xenos, or just rather unpleasant to be around. Would be fine with having them under my command however, I don't have to like my subordinates they just have to do as I command.
I would probably only hang out with the LOL part of it since the rest are unholy abombinations, filthy xenos, or just rather unpleasant to be around. Would be fine with having them under my command however, I don't have to like my subordinates they just have to do as I command.

XD true but thanks for the amazing comment anyway and i just like to make creative yet somewhat crazy ideas.
So if we count all the times I've gone through Borderlands 2, just that should be enough to populate a city. Add to that the time I've spent in the first two Mass Effect games, all three Bioshocks, and League of Legends and we start getting ridiculous.
Are we counting flash games like The Last Stand? Because that should count for several thousand zombies at least.
That said, lately I've been playing a lot of Total War: Warhammer, which means I have not just numbers, but also some pretty diverse options, because I've killed a lot of elves, vampires, goblins, orcs, humans, chaos marauders, beastmen, and war-beasts there.
Oh yeah, I also play Warframe. Several thousand attack robots, cloned super-soldiers, several copies of the Grustrag Three and at least three of every single boss from that game... about the only things I wouldn't have in my army from that game would be the two big Eidolons and the Stalker, because I haven't fought the bigger Eidolons yet and the Stalker technically runs away before you can kill him every time.

No one man should have all that power. Can we choose to only manifest some of them?
So if we count all the times I've gone through Borderlands 2, just that should be enough to populate a city. Add to that the time I've spent in the first two Mass Effect games, all three Bioshocks, and League of Legends and we start getting ridiculous.
Are we counting flash games like The Last Stand? Because that should count for several thousand zombies at least.
That said, lately I've been playing a lot of Total War: Warhammer, which means I have not just numbers, but also some pretty diverse options, because I've killed a lot of elves, vampires, goblins, orcs, humans, chaos marauders, beastmen, and war-beasts there.
Oh yeah, I also play Warframe. Several thousand attack robots, cloned super-soldiers, several copies of the Grustrag Three and at least three of every single boss from that game... about the only things I wouldn't have in my army from that game would be the two big Eidolons and the Stalker, because I haven't fought the bigger Eidolons yet and the Stalker technically runs away before you can kill him every time.

No one man should have all that power. Can we choose to only manifest some of them?

Yeah you choose to manifest some of them if you wanted to and how would you say/felt about Mr.Mxy giving you the army

Yes i'm counting flash games as well
The amount of planets I've cleansed of all life thorough all of my 4X games makes me estimate my kill count at trillions at the lowest.
Yeah, one game of Master of Orion can really rack up a kill count once you get into orbital bombardments. Although most of them are useless civvies.

Hmm, come to think of it, does my love affair with the ol' Stellar Converter mean I've got a bunch of actual goddamn planets at my disposal?
Mr. Mxy's Reverse Karma is coming back to You. you somehow got everybody they have killed/beaten up badly/KO/we let die/killed/destroyed/annihilated deliberately/etc from many battles in your favorite video games' run all as a fully mind-controlled army will listen to every single command for their new master aka you. The event takes place in your home area.

you can manifest some of them like removed few thousands by saying the less insert number of the army or summoned more of them as a backup like saying i need more insert number character help

How many events would happen if you got bosses,fodder enemies,vehicles,machines and anything else was beaten/destroyed/etc by your own choices in the world of video games like Nintendo,Capcom,Sega,Sony,Xbox and much more to count as the army in real life world?

Bonus event. You with the army in your favorite universe,least favorite universe and avatar universe?

I've got like, 500k killed mooks in Warframe alone. It's actually horrifying when you think about it.

And that's just a third person shooter. If we're counting like, 4x games where you get to blow up planets, this just gets absurd.
I've got like, 500k killed mooks in Warframe alone. It's actually horrifying when you think about it.

And that's just a third person shooter. If we're counting like, 4x games where you get to blow up planets, this just gets absurd.

Oh i see and how would anyone from real life react your large amount of new armies from gaming worlds?
Now I can spawn them i highways to cause accidents, thats cool
I now have the god Chakravartin from Asura's Wrath under my control, everything in the Halo games that can be killed/destroyed, freaking Unicron from transformers, a ton of cybertronians from the transformers games, A whole bunch of Typhon from Prey, the Process from Transistor, plenty of Warframes, and I'm pretty sure I have almost completed the "killed every character" in Overwatch. Should I really continue? 'Cause damn, I can uplift humanity or destroy it in seconds with just Chakravartin who flung planets with casual ease.
I have literally killed gods in several games...

But being honest? I would probably chill for a few decades before doing anything with my army. Summon myself a Mercy and Sombra to get me funds, identities for them, and one of the best doctors ever.

And fuck their brains out of course.

If I can't become a techno-lich I'm sure I got immortality somewhere in there (or just get one of my copies of Gilgamesh to give me the potion of youth).
So, if we're doing this seriously, I'd probably start by summoning some planets in Earth's orbit, in roughly equidistant points around the sun. Then I'd summon up some of the colony ships I've destroyed, and go use some of the countless civilians I've bombed into oblivion to go settle them. And then it's time to get a tech tree up and running.

Meanwhile, I'd probably summon up a couple of the Wizards from Master of Magic, and get them to cast some beneficial spells over the whole planet. It'd take a while to get Gaia's Blessing going everywhere, but Herb Mastery is a good tide-me-over.
So, if we're doing this seriously, I'd probably start by summoning some planets in Earth's orbit, in roughly equidistant points around the sun. Then I'd summon up some of the colony ships I've destroyed, and go use some of the countless civilians I've bombed into oblivion to go settle them. And then it's time to get a tech tree up and running.

Meanwhile, I'd probably summon up a couple of the Wizards from Master of Magic, and get them to cast some beneficial spells over the whole planet. It'd take a while to get Gaia's Blessing going everywhere, but Herb Mastery is a good tide-me-over.

Great idea and it look like you got a great plan with your new power.
*Looks to the left*
*Looks to the right*
Now... What the hell am I gonna do with an army numbering approximately one septillion? Majority are space-faring civilizations that I destroyed on Spore for some reasons.
*Looks to the left*
*Looks to the right*
Now... What the hell am I gonna do with an army numbering approximately one septillion? Majority are space-faring civilizations that I destroyed on Spore for some reasons.
You've killed over a trillion civilizations? You must have been playing that game for a very, very long time.

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