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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Trivialities (part 4)
6th April 2013
09:34 GMT -7

Richard frowns at his screen. "Space combat feels kinda slow."

I give the unsteady-looking game designers around us a quick look, but they don't seem to be offended. Returning my eyes to Richard, I shrug.

"That's a bottom-of-the-market hauler. They are kinda slow. It's not even a computer game thing to justify upgrades."

From reviewing the plot outlines, I know that Richard's done the quickest route to getting control of a ship: start as a gordanian with the pilot background, then get a job doing routine supply runs on a ship whose captain is over the hill and is happy to let you run the thing. That leads to getting attacked, and there're plot threads for if you manage to escape or if you don't.

I'm just doing the same thing I did with Morrowind: staring at the character creator and failing to progress to the actual game. Richard jumped in with one of the default builds and Wallace picked a well built female Tamaranean scientist.

Okay, so I don't think I want to play as a Citadelian, which leaves…

Ah, bite the bullet. Crown Imperium engineer it is. Generically handsome male, ah… Lallan, that's a reasonably common name.

Wallace wiggles his control pad. "Wait, how come I can't fly? I should be able to escape this easily."

"Tamaraneans need to feel joyful to fly." I glance at his screen. "And I don't think being auctioned as a slave is making her joyful."

"Ah… She won't have to… Do..? Stuff, with-."

"No. Technically skilled slaves are too valuable to be used as sex toys. Though that sort of thing probably wouldn't actually bother a Tamaranean all that much."

"It would bother me. I think it would bother most people, Oh El."

"That's probably why 'whore' isn't a template."

"Not for player characters." We look around at the developer who just spoke. "Your records made it pretty clear that prostitution is pretty common in the Vega Systems with most species, there just weren't enough ways to get one involved in the main plots."

Richard pauses his game. "What sort of rating were you going for?"

"Mature, but there's a toggle to turn the blood and gore down or off. Oh, ah, any sex happens off camera."

Wallace snorts as one of the guards at his slave auction is shot dead, giving him space to run for it. "I don't know if you've heard of it, but we've got this thing called 'the internet'."

"Oh no, this game doesn't need an internet connection to run. Orange Lantern had that as one of the original requirements."

"Heh. Well, I have a girlfriend now, so I should be okay anyway."

Richard smiles. "You think something like this could encourage the space program?"

"It wasn't the main reason, but-. Maybe we could add an 'explore modern Vega' mode..?" Huh. "Did either of you think of starting with a branx character?"

Wallace shrugs. "Not really into playing as the bad guys."

The designer shakes his head. "Oh, no, you don't need to. In-game it's more profitable for a branx character to be ruthless, but there are legitimate-. Legitimate by our standards, jobs they can take."

"Kid Flash, was that a speciest remark?"

"Whu-?" He looks around in surprise. "No, I just-. I figured that even if they weren't particularly bad individually, they were still working on the evil side. Even the guys just manning the ore freighters are supplying the Citadel, right?"

"Yes, most of them. That's part of the whole moral conundrum that the game presents."

Richard looks curious. "Why did you ask about the branx?"

"Market research. In World of Warcraft, ugly races get played a lot less than attractive ones. And the whole Horde is ugly, so the player base was overwhelmingly Alliance until the Blood Elves got added in. Since this is a single player game I guess it doesn't matter; there's no population balance issue…"

Wallace presses buttons with unnecessary vigour. "Fighting's-. Maybe I shouldn't have picked a scientist."

"Her arms are still chained together, and those guards are gordanians."

"I didn't see a key..?"

"But you did see the sniper shoot the guy next to you. They were there to free the slaves-."

"So do I go back-?" He turns the camera around and sees that the market's security force is pushing through the area, trading fire with the attackers. "I guess not."

Richard leans in to look at his screen. "Dude, those guys are dying so you can get away. Maybe you should actually try getting away?"

"Ah, yeah?" He moves his character into cover-.

And there's… No clipping. The character isn't wearing all that much, but her skin deforms naturally to fit in the available space rather than phasing through the virtual wall. I can't… Think of a single game that does that. Some switch the character to a different pose to cut down on it, but phasing limbs has been a feature of every game I've ever seen. I used to shoot guards' arms through the doors they were standing next to in Goldeneye.

I pause my character's briefing from their factory supervisor and turn to the programmer. "What engine did you end up using?"

"Oh, it's custom. None of the ones on the market could handle the switch between space combat and ground combat in the way we wanted. You can actually stand on the outside of a ship's hull while the ship to ship combat happens around you. None of it's pre-rendered."

Okay, no. I've heard that 'Obsession makes better'; I'm an Orange Lantern. But I refuse to believe that even top tier programmers could create an entirely new engine and a full game in a year. Certainly not with only a month of death marching.

"Did you outsource any of-."

"No! This is all-. All our work."

I take my runestone out of subspace and…

Ah. A glow. Well, it was that or telepathy. Wallace and Richard pause their own games, getting ready to follow my lead.

"And… Did someone join the company? Since last time I got an update, I mean?"

"Did-? Did someone..?" His eyes go a little glassy. "I mean… People join, people-. People left-."

"Someone you remember as being unusually enthusiastic? And made everyone else more enthusiastic by being around them?"

His face… Sort of brightens up, then falls again. Then it brightens up, then falls, looking confused. Then he frowns. "What?"

Richard pulls out his own runestone, and I nod.

"We'll start in the basement. Stick together. We'll call in Zatanna once we have confirmation."

Two nods, and I lead the way through the crowd of enchanted game developers towards the exit.

"But what did you think so far!"
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Trivialities (part 5)
6th April 2013
09:46 GMT -7


Wallace watches the vapour droplets waft out across the room for a moment, then turns ninety degrees to his right.


"What's that? Some sort of alchemical-?"

"Nah." He studies the pattern, then sprays again.


"No point in coming up with something new when there's already something that does the job. This is holy water. And a tiny bit of thaumically inert dye."

"Wouldn't that only work on demon magic?"

"Turns out? No. There's a weak interaction with any kind of magic, it's just not as noticeable. That's why I'm watching carefully. You didn't find anything?"

I shrug. "Nothing on scans. Not that that means much if they just had the sense to put the warding runes inside the bricks or something like that."


"What about that 'feed me' thing you do with the Ophidian? Oh, and I'd just wanna say? Naming your attacks? Not what I expected from you."

"I've done that from the start." He looks over to me, raising his eyebrows. "I just didn't say it out loud. 'cause it… Sounded a little…"

I look away awkwardly.

"I called that thing Flash does where he runs around the world at full speed and then punches something 'the Infinite Mass Punch'."

"Is it?"

"…no..?" He looks confused. "'Infinite-'? How would that even work?"

"Look, my Secondary School didn't even do physics as a separate subject. I know that speed changes the rate that time passes, but anything beyond that…"

"Super speed can't work without changing how normal physics affects us. Escape velocity isn't even all that fast, but we never start flying."

"I realised that when I found out that you only pass as much waste matter as a normal-."


I snort with amusement.

"So yeah, an effect of running that fast would be to increase his mass, except it doesn't, because super speed. The-." He looks me in the eye for a moment. "Okay, simple version? The universe treats it as having normal mass for some things and… Very high mass for others, and other times it kind of splits the difference."

"With you so far. What does the Flash call it?"

"He calls it 'hitting stuff really hard'. Which it, you know, does."

We leave the storage room, heading down the subterranean corridor towards the… Back-up generator room.


"Did you ever name your own attacks?"

"I… Tried. It didn't work out."


"Uhhr. You know… How I can't move through stuff like Flash does?"

"Yes? Ooh, I could make you some phasing armour, if you want?"

"Uuh..? No. Thanks, but that stuff doesn't always interact with super speed like it's supposed to. That whole 'physics work in our favour' thing only works with the super speed."

"Bad experience?"

"One time I gave a guy really bad road rash. He had it coming, but… Freaked me out at the time. Freaked Mom out more."


"Do wizards mess around with computer games a whole lot? Can we narrow it down?"

"It's more… They don't, but I ran through the theory of what a glamour-based virtual world would be like, and I realised that it would be pretty easy to Rip Van Winkle thousands of people. With games that involved, people already think of the setting as being 'real' on some level, which makes it painfully easy for the fae to entrance people."

"Has it happened before?"

"No, and if I understand their mindset properly, they'd basically have to do it by accident, then realise what they'd done, then have something they wanted to do that involved them doing it a lot. It's pretty unlikely, but it would be really bad if it happened."

He nods. "Anyone else?"

"Doing magic through electronics is hard, especially-" I point to a small shrine to Hephaestaean attached to the wall. "-with Hephaestaean taking even a little interest. Having absorbed the nascent elemental of technology, there isn't really any other source of knowledge on how to adapt existing techniques. Unless…"

Wallace raises his eyebrows. "Unless..?"

"Well, there's no reason why someone else couldn't have realised what was going on with that and have started work on it before its merger with Hephaestus. I just don't know of anyone who did, other than Richard Simpson."

"Richard Simpson, who was in the Tower of Fate and who's been missing since you dealt with John Quinn."

"Yes, but I don't see why this would be him. It's kind of low hanging fruit. He's a reasonably powerful demon."


We walk into-.

"Oh, hey Rob."

Richard's smiling smugly. I've almost missed that. "Hey guys. Find anything?"

Wallace shrugs, shaking his head. "No magic reaction so far. Oh El can't pick up anything either. … Youuuuuu already know where he is, don't you?"

"Yeah. Just a matter of looking at the power distribution, throughput and waste heat to work out where the missing room is. I'd worked out it was Richard Simpson, too, but you eventually caught up with me there."

I sigh in mock-frustration and his smile broadens. "Where?"

He points to a bare wall. I generate a crumbler ram construct and gently apply it, erasing plaster, concrete and brick before breaking through into a…

A man cave.

Three large screens, a gaming rig, half-empty bags of snack food, and Simpson in spiky energy demon mode is staring at the hole, cringing slightly at the sight of us.

"I just like gaming, alright?"

Pffft pffft.
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Trivialities (part 6)
7th April 2013
07:06 GMT -5

"…disrupting your concentration."

The two Lex Luthors are sitting across a chess board from each other, and from the looks of things the clean-shaven one has won. He at least does his alter ego the courtesy of not looking too smug about it.

"A disadvantage of caring about people."

"If you prefer to remain as you are when another mindset might enable you to help them better, do you really care about them?"

"Oh! I know this one!" I descend towards their balcony. "Yes!"

Clean-shaven looks up at me. "I'm a little surprised to hear you say that."

"I'm an Orange Lantern, Mister Luthor. If I gave up the ability to care about people, then I'd stop acting in their interests because I no longer desired their betterment."

Bearded Luthor nods. "Yes. I remember my father saying something similar, and as I'm sure you understand that rather put me off." He stands and offers Bald Luthor his right hand. "Well played."

Shaved Luthor takes his hand, barely showing any outward sign of how the mention of his alter ego's father affected him. I can only see it because I'm monitoring his heat and electromagnetic radiation patterns. It's interesting that they appear to have similar relationships with their fathers despite the moral reversal. Or perhaps it would be better to be disturbed by it?

Shaved Luthor raises his eyebrows interrogatively. "Same time tomorrow?"

Bearded Luthor smiles. "Wouldn't miss it, brother."

And then they separate, much to my relief, Bearded Luthor triggering his costume's flight system and rising into the air. I nod politely to Shaved Luthor and Ms. Graves before flying after him.

"I'm almost afraid to ask..?"

"I had thought, perhaps, that he might be an example of how my life might have gone had my circumstances been different. Instead, he's…" He shakes his head. "That."

"I think I got close to talking him around, once."

"I assume that morality paid no part in your efforts."

"If you're separating 'morality' from 'long term collective interest', then, no. Any idea what he gets out of talking to you?""


"Really? Because…"

"Like me, the only person he loved and felt love from growing up was his sister. The idea of having that relationship with someone else is a drug like none other. For both of us. We're each everything the other despises, yet we've met up every morning for over a month."

"Just so long as you don't clone each other, hehh."

He gives me a sharp look. "I have better things to do with my time."

"That.. was a joke."

"To you, perhaps. He made a demi-clone son."

"And you didn't?"

"Does that sound like something that a morally decent man would do?"

"Well, speaking as someone who has enabled the population of Themyscira to breed with one another, in some circumstances, yes."

He frowns at me. "You used your own seed?"

I raise my hands. "No, no, no. But DNA from two eggs doesn't merge naturally. If you wanted to have children but thought that doing so naturally was too great a risk, then you could do it like that."

He nods, returning his gaze to his flight path. "I.. apologize. I've rather gotten used to thinking the worst of people."

"Besides, Kon-El turned out alright."

"Kal-El is a good deal more intelligent that Kal-Il. And has innate powers, rather than needing to inject himself with radioactive crystals. If for some reason I decided to have a child with one of them it would be the former and not the latter."

I nod. "Your people all settling in alright?"

"Your civilisation has fallen to its lowest point, and yet it still provides a better place to live than anything on our side of the portal. The social practices which we have developed make maintaining ourselves simple."

"'Social practices'?"

"Humans operate best in the sort of small, tightly-knit communities which are usually found in rural environments. Replicating that in an urban environment is difficult but possible. It more or less involves making a tower block the 'village' unit, with clearly designated community leaders and a shared industry."

"And that works?"

"Better than anything. I actually had to adapt it a little because the external pressures here are so much weaker. Given the chance, my people still choose to reach out to their neighbours."

"Is that good or bad?"

"In this particular situation, I'm not sure. For my faith in humanity, it is excellent."

"If you don't mind me asking… Your-?"

"My father? Kantian, or near enough. No compassion or kindness or patience, just doing what was right. Even those he helped ended up despising him."

He looks down and redirects his flight as we approach the site of the dimensional portal.

"Well, at least you didn't murder him for the insurance money."

"No. That, I didn't. Insurance as you know it doesn't really exist on our Earth."

Which clearly implies that he did kill him, just not for the same reason. And it rather kills the conversation. We land in silence, walking across the short distance from the car park to the warehouse before entering.

"Hey, good choice of bodyguard."

Power Ring gives me a respectful nod, while… Ultragirl? Looks me over in a more appraising way. While the personal scanner on her equipment belt tries to scan me. I wonder how many people realise that you don't need to wave them at someone to make them work?

"I did try and get in contact with you earlier."

He shrugs insolently. "Can't always get to the phone."

"Your loss. Someone else gets the yellow power ring."

"I remember what Parallax made me feel. I think I'll stick with my ring. But." He holds up his right hand. "Thank you for the consideration."

The people we're escorting regard one another calmly. "Luthor."

"Karen. You look better. Have-?"

"You have my product?"

He holds out his hand and a suitcase shimmers into normal space. A click and it unlocks, revealing the kryptonite sample inside.

Ultragirl smiles. "Then we can begin shipping your product as well."

"They're people, Karen."

"You might find it easier if you don't think of them like that."

"Perhaps. But I've never been one for doing what is easy."
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Trivialities (part 7)
8th April 2013
09:41 GMT +1

"Paul…" Guy looks at me awkwardly. "Maybe this ain't such a good idea, huh?"

I form an expression of beatific innocence as we drift over the rooftops of Oslo. "Whatever do you mean, Lantern Gardner?"

"You bein' the reason she don't have a country no more."

"She's free to go back whenever she wants. Accalacan has open borders."

"They live in trees, an' she's on fire."

"I could make her a flame-retardant suit." I slow and then stop, looking down at the street. "That's where we fought Finality Man, isn't it?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess it is."

Not much to show for it now. Norway might be highly urbanised in terms of population distribution, but Mannheim never really targetted it after we broke his robot. Haraldson's people included it in their patrol area just in case, because it turned out that the Einherjar weren't affected by the Anti-Life, but they didn't see a great deal of action.

"Think we coulda beat it?"

"It's like one of those versus debates on the internet. Under what circumstances?"

"Cage match."

"I mean, it retreated because we damaged it, so yes. We were coming in blind and it had swarms of infantry to throw at us whom we were trying not to kill. Oh the other hand, a cage would limit our manoeuvrability-."

"You just..." He waves his right hand. "Totally missed the point."

"If you want to discuss what we could have done better, I honestly don't think-."


Guy looks past me as Tora skates up towards us on-. How is she..? Oh, she's… Making the ice super smooth in places, water in others and pushing the ice surrounding her feet along the icy platform she's using to move. And so that it doesn't melt and collapse on someone later, she's making support struts as she goes and making the parts she's not using any more puff into snowflakes. There's a limit on the upwards angle that's practical for, but it's a pretty nifty way to get around.

Guy descends to meet her as she skates upwards, meeting him in the air and grabbing onto to him for support as she skates a circle around him before embracing him.


"Hey, babe. Listen-."

She pulls his head down for a kiss, prompting me to look away and cough, quietly. She whips her head around, causing Guy's lips to sort of smear along the side of her face before being slapped by her hair.


"Tora. Glad to see that you're doing well."

She stares at me for a moment, as Guy tries to remain close to her while removing as much of her hair as possible from his mouth without actually spitting.

"Oh dear."

"I assume that she blames me..?"

"Bea blames a lot of people. But our apartment only has room for one dartboard."

"Bea plays derts?"

"She throws knives." Tora looks at me with an embarrassed expression. "A lot of knives."

"That's okay. If it helps her cope with the situation, I don't mind-."

A knife hits my cuirass and bounces off. I grab it with a construct before it can fall on someone, before looking up-.

Beatriz is in full woman-made-of-fire mode, flames billowing off her-. I was going to say 'skin', but unlike in the comics I can see that she's wearing some sort of costume under the green fire. She continues staring at me for several seconds, before I awkwardly raise the knife.

"Do you want it ba-?"

Green fire-


-leaps from the entirety of her body, slamming into my construct shield. The shield starts thinning and… Melting? Almost immediately, which-. She shouldn't have the power to do that. Reinforce. Still melting, still blasting me with fire.


Sources of power ups. Genetic alteration? Probably not. Not unless she was in the vicinity of a City Boss with an interest in that sort of thing.


Tora gapes at her friend while Guy tries pulling a green net around her. His construct ropes melt.

Magic? Possible. Construct railgun, mage slayer… Fabricate padding and fire at low power.

There's a brief waft of flame as the padding is consumed, but the mage slayer hits her armour and the flames… They don't quite blow out, but her assault stops and the flames vanish from most of her-.

Beatriz looks stunned. Horrified, even.

Her body.

"Fire? Don't you think that was a little-?"

"That was not me!"

"Sure looked like-."

Guy stops talking as Tora elbows him, while I put a construct platform under Beatriz.

"Alright. Who was it?"

She looks to Tora, who stares back seriously. Beatriz then snorts before giving me her full attention. "I made a deal for more power. I needed it!"

"Okay. Who or what with? Because if it was a demon-."

"No! With someone from Norse mythology."

The Norse pantheon might be annoyed about me poaching Tyr, but I'd be surprised if they used a vassal to remove me via incineration like that. Still, they can be a violent lot without the Olympians' hospitality customs to restrain them.

"Loki? Odin? Hela?"

"No. Um. Look, I'm sorry. It-." Her flames start to reignite, though they don't blast me again. "When I get angry, it flares."

"I still think I need to know. If you've done something unwise-."

"It was Logi, alright? I made a deal with the Giant of Fire. But I think he tricked me."

I nod. "Well, he is smarter than the average giant."

Guy snorts. "Good job I didn't bring a picnic basket."

"Hephaestaean was the God of Smiths. It makes sense that-."

Beatriz tries setting us both on fire.
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Trivialities (part 8)
8th April 2013
09:58 GMT +1

Guy and Tora look towards myself and Beatriz from the other side of the café. I wave my right hand in an effort to assuage their concerns, while Beatriz pointedly avoids looking at anyone. Tora is the first to turn away, and reaches out with her right hand to turn Guy's face back towards her.

"Do you know why they're not married yet?"

"Because Tora doesn't hate me."

"Oh, come on." I turn to face her. "Guy's not that bad."

She looks straight at me, her eyebrows raised. "Have you ever had to live with him?"

"Technically… Yes, for a couple of weeks, but it was in a mountain superhero base and there were a bunch of other people around."

She frowns. "Has Gardner ever lived with a woman before? A girlfriend? Sister?"

"He has a sister, but I don't think they've lived under the same roof since he went to college. Otherwise, I don't think so. I…" I frown. In the comics, he… Ran a bar for a while? Then lived in a storage shed before moving to Oa to run another bar? Come to think of it, I've never actually asked-. "Oh, I'm a terrible friend."

"Do men not talk about their girlfriends?"

"No, but that's not why. I've just realised that I have no idea where Guy lives. I mean-."

"You really don't talk about your girlfriends?"

"No? I mean, if they're there then it's rude to talk about them like they're not, and if they're not… I mean, it might just be me. Superboy's talked to me about Miss Martian, but that's usually more about the differences between martian and human physiology and psychology rather than… Relationship goals, or whatever."

I look across the room at Guy. I can't believe I haven't asked that. Or.. just… Found out. When we spend time together it's usually out in the world or at Alan's house, not-.

"I'm going to ask when we leave."

"About Tora?"

"Where he lives. I mean, I know he comes from Baltimore, but he hates everyone there, so I doubt it's-."

"Spy on your man-crush later. I mean that he lives like a slob whenever he stays over in our apartment. And Tora doesn't say anything about it."

"Man, how the other half lives. So do you want me to talk to him about it?"

"Ugh, I don't know. Is that normal for men? What do you do with..?"



"No. I have a hygiene obsession. Her apartment in Gotham and her apartment on Maltus are never cleaner than when I'm there. It got so bad that I merged the floorboards into a continuous piece of wood so that there wouldn't be a crevice between them to trap dust or house insects. Also, um. You're complaining about Guy being an inconsiderate guest, but… I thought that you were angrier with me."

"You can't make Brazil exist again."

Hm. Could I? I don't know how stable Accala rule is. I imagine that Hugo mostly leaves individual tribes to their own devices and only uses his official power in cases of disputes, but no one knows how long Danner enhanciles live. As far as I know he doesn't have an heir, so-.

"That was rhetorical."

"Technically, the coastal cities are still Brazil. It could be made to work as a tourist destination. Plenty of people…" I pause as I consider the general state of the world. "Once the world's recovered a bit, plenty of people would find it fascinating to visit the druidic centre of the world. Or just spend time on the beaches. Those haven't changed."

"The coastal cities that are left. Why didn't you fight them?"

"Who? The Accala? Because-."


"Because that's not my job. They didn't destroy Brazil. They were never part of it, and they only stopped the government acting in the jungles."

"They destroyed Brazilian farming! We had to start importing food for the first time ever!"

"Let's not pretend that Brazilian agriculture didn't have some pretty serious problems before they got involved. They were going to run out of new forest to unsustainably expand onto eventually. The Accala just made that time now. The land that was left could be farmed, it just needed a little more care."

"An entire industry can't adapt that quickly!"

"Yes it can. I mean, it didn't, but it could have done. The techniques required are a matter of public record. I mean, if the Japanese can farm their country, no one else has an excuse for not farming."

She huffs.

"And it didn't matter anyway, because then the Sheeda attacked. I did fight them, but when they first turned up I was in a parallel universe and then there was some time loss on the trip back so I missed the start. Even if I'd have gone to Brazil the moment I got back -which would have been a terrible idea- the military and… Most of the civilians who died would have still already been dead, and the Accala were the only group still fighting. With an attack like that, it isn't possible to save everyone."

"I know that."

"Euanthe? I don't know if I could beat her, and I don't want to try because I like her and because she didn't displace anyone, just used space that was abandoned. Doctor Isley? The same. Would I have done something different if it was a bunch of superpowered Cornishmen taking over England?" I nod slowly. "Maybe? But probably not if it was already wrecked and someone was rebuilding it differently."

She sighs. "I know. I knew most of that."

"So why do you have a knifeboard with my face on it?"

"I lost my home. About half of the people I know-. Knew, died, and most of the rest ended up refugees. Blaming you or Danner was just easier than accepting that the whole fucked up situation was really only the Sheeda's fault."

"And… Logi?"

"Since the Einherjar turned up there's been a revival of Scandinavian magic. I didn't really expect anything to happen when I did the ritual, but here I am." She raises her right arm and an instant later it's enveloped in green flame. "All I have to do is burn something edible each day-"

A waitress delivers our toast. Beatriz takes a piece of mine and incinerates it.

"-like that, and he's happy. But whenever I get angry it flares like that, and I've been getting angry a lot."

"I didn't think that was a change."

"I get passionate a lot. Anger, genuine anger, isn't the same thing."

"Do you want me to have a talk with him?" She nods, looking away again. "Alright, can do. If I can teach Guy manners, a fire giant should be easy."
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Trivialities (part 9)
8th April 2013
10:34 GMT +1

The four of us look at the abandoned shop unit, 'To Let' sign newly attached to the wall. Beatriz stalks forward to stare through the windows while Tora looks at her pityingly.

"Bea? Sure..? This is the right place?"

"Yes." Flame roils over her body for a moment, glass melting where her right hand is resting on it. Without the support she stumbles forward and melts the rest of the glass pane before she regains her footing, a puddle of glass forming on her feet. "Dog-fucking brothel glass!"

I wave my left hand, glass and shoes repairing as the orange strobe passes over them. Inside the shop… Nothing I wouldn't expect to see from a shop unit that was no longer in use. Shelving is still in place, though they're now empty of products. Dust hasn't really had a chance to build up, no genetic or chemical material that stands out as unusual…

"If it wasn't for how obviously your power has changed, I'd think they were fly-by-night rip-off merchants."

"Right." She turns around. "We need to get hold of the landlord, find out where they went-."

"No. We need to find out if you're in danger first. And if so…" I generate a kenaz rune. "Do you recognise this?"

"It's.. an arrow?"

"Do you recognise it from wherever this ritual got performed?"

She looks at if for a few moments. "No… No. What is it?"

Tora looks a little more worried. "It's the rune for 'fire'."

"So they set me up with a fire giant without a fire rune?"

Tora shakes her head. "That's not how it works. If they wanted to do anything with fire, they would need this rune somewhere."

"Maybe I just didn't see it."



"Um. Okay, there's a possibility… I knew of a young man who made a deal with the demon lord Neron for superpowers. Thing is, Neron decided to be lazy and rather than actually bind demon magic to him, he just activated an inactive metahuman trait already in his body. It would probably have activated eventually anyway, but he didn't know that and Neron got his soul with basically no work."

Beatriz's face falls. "You think it was a demon?"

"I don't know. What I do know is that you should have gotten a second opinion from an actual magician before doing anything like this."

"Look, I don't need you-."

I take a rune stone out of my harness and hold it out to her.


"What's that?"

"A magic rock for detecting magic. It's not glowing. Turn your flames on for a moment." She does, her body being completely enveloped in green flame. And still the stone doesn't glow. "Your ability is using no magic. If this was actually coming from a fire giant, this would be glowing."

"But…" She looks at her green-burning arms. "I am on fire."

"Y-eah." I put the rune stone back in my harness. "Turn it off a minute?"

She flames off, and I scan her in detail.

"Needle injury on your right thumb. Do you remember getting it?"

"The woman who did the ritual needed some of my blood."

"Was the blood consumed in the ritual?"

"I… Don't know."

Scan for Beatriz's blood… Nothing. Scan her more.

"Okay, I'm… Reading minor genetic alterations."

She shrugs. "What do you mean, 'minor'?"

"That's the.. problem. A lot of genes are inactive unless specific environmental triggers occur, and… It looks kind of like that's what happened to you. The problem is.. that your ability is unique and so I don't have anyone I can compare it to. I don't know which of your genes is doing this and… While I could try turning them back-"


"-I don't know what side effects there could be. Did you actually speak to someone identifying themselves as 'Logi' at any point."

"No, just-! Ugh! Great! I sold my soul to a demon accidentally!"

"Oh, no. That's not possible."

"What do you mean, 'that's not possible'? They're demons."

"And they can mislead, and they can set up situations where you feel that you don't have a choice, but ultimately, giving up your soul directly has to be voluntary and explicit. If that wasn't part of the deal then… Uh, well, making pacts with supernatural creatures for power isn't really Christianity-friendly, but it's not a damnable offence by itself."

She nods, looking a little relieved.

"Now, the 'burning food' thing. Where did that come from?"

"The woman who did the ritual told me it was required. It isn't?"

"I can see no reason why it would be. Okay." I take the rune stone back out and hand it to her. "Keep this on you, and when you do tomorrow's sacrifice have it nearby. If it glows, let me know. If it doesn't, then I'm ninety nine percent sure that it's unnecessary."

"What happens with that one percent?"

"It's actually less than one percent, but… You lose your power up, which we can fix, or… Logi burns you, which will hurt, but won't have any lasting effect because it's essentially mundane fire and there's no injury that mundane fire can inflict that I can't heal."

"Me being set on fire 'won't have any lasting effect'?"

"In theory. If there's a link between the two of you that I just can't find that's just about the only thing that he could do."

"I think I'll keep burning toast, just in case."


"So why did they want Bea's blood?"

"Metahuman genetic research? Maybe they actually are magicians and they wanted it for something else? Don't know. We should probably try tracking them down, but if it's been… How long?"

Beatriz shrugs. "Three weeks."

"Then I doubt that it's urgent."
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Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
8th April 2013
17:20 GMT

I walk across the grass field that was once home to my tasmanian tiger pack. The yips and barks are absent, as are the curious pups and their foster parents. All shipped down to Earth, to zoos and nature reserves who will make certain that they never go extinct again.

Huh. Melancholic.

I'm glad to have done it, no doubt. I don't like it when unique things vanish from the world, and people were generally happy to have them back. It's good work, even if it's not associated with my core 'thing'. But the fact is that I just don't have the time to spend on this sort of project any longer, so…

I'm shutting it down.

I spot Guan checking the health of one of the trees. He and a small team of genomorphs kept things ticking over in my absence, but there was a micrometeorite impact this week that caused an earthquake which undermined one of the domes, and… They don't have the skills or equipment to fix things like that, and… Current generation genomorphs have better people skills but Guan is a little older. I don't know what the others have planned for his team. Doing the same job on Tamaran or Karna, perhaps?

A few paces behind me Luna is looking around, but I can tell that she finds the structure itself more interesting than the grassland. She tears her eyes away from the hologram-free dome and the starry sky beyond for a moment, studying my face as I look at her.

She frowns faintly. "Does this place have happy memories for you?"

"It may surprise you to hear it, but I don't actually relish moral ambiguity. This was one of the few unarguably good and selfless things I did on my own initiative. But after the dodos and giant turtles, there… There aren't a lot of species that Earth is really missing. And I don't really have the time to work here any longer."

She walks closer, bumping my right leg with her left shoulder in a gesture of support.

"What will you do with it?"

I look around. "Can't leave any animals here. It's designed to be accessed by boom tube only, and I'll have to remove the tube generator here when we finish shutting it down. So there's no point giving it to the European Space Agency or anything like that. Can't move it…"

I shrug as I reach down to fondle her mane with my right hand. Obviously I can move it, but there's not a lot of point. Tamaran has more than enough wilderness to resurrect species on ranches, with no space habitats required. And anywhere else, it would be easier to build something new.

"Would not Sir Lex's space navy have some use for it?"

I shake my head. "No. I asked, and they actually have more use for the outside of Titan than they do for this place. If they want to train for fighting in Earth-like conditions they can do that on Earth, and I didn't design this reserve to replicate radically different environments." I sigh. "Places like this are actually a feature of a lot of systems, when the locals did a lot of space travel before discovering a faster-than-light drive. Way stations and fuel silos that stopped being useful and… Weren't worth dragging back to be dismantled. Some of them end up as tourist attractions, or… Something."

"Didst you ever visit with your children?"

"Oh, yes. I didn't want the puppies to get too tame, but dodos and… Ground parrots… Ah, they're not competitive. They'd just die out in the wild, so it really doesn't matter if they're tame. Helps, honestly, because people look after their pets."

"Did they not take them as pets?"

"No. Birds aren't really a good fit for a fortified mountain, and they'd just get eaten outside. And they're not… Ah, not intelligent enough to play like a dog or a cat or.. a raven could. I don't know, none of them have really said anything about wanting a pet, and…"

I'm rubbing the fur behind her ears. As my fingers stop moving she cranes her neck, pushing them into her scalp. Then she stops, jerking her head around so that she can stare up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Thou had best not-."

"Humans still have all the instincts of our furry ancestors and no way to actually enact them with their bald bodies, alright? That's half the appeal of having furry animals around. We don't need them as mousers or for protection or anything. You happen to scratch the same instinct. Do ponies not..? Groom each other?"

"Yess." She give her mane a small toss, returning the top of her head to the optimal head massage position. "Though your fingers are more dextrous than hooves or tongue."

"Tongue? Should I be concerned?"

She frowns. "Why wouldst you be concerned about Our Sister's tongue?"

"And now I'm concerned for entirely different reasons."

Luna rolls her eyes. "Grooming another's coat is a perfectly normal way to strengthen familial bonds. Not whatever your depraved mind is thinking."

"Depraved? No, it's just…" I shudder theatrically. "Celestia."

"Your quarrel with Our-"

"I mean, if it had been someone else…"

"-Sister grows wearisome. Mayhap you would benefit from reading Her Student's book?"

"I don't hate her. I just dislike her because of what she's failed to do with the country. I only rag on her as a joke." … "Ninety… Five percent as a joke."

Luna huffs quietly, though the top of her head stays under my fingers.

"Whilst we are on the subject of Sister, she hath raised an idea."

"Loins girded. Hit me."

"Our retirement. Naturally, We would wish to complete Our review and revival of the Royal Guard first, but… Sister has ruled Equestria for more than a thousand years. We can well understand how she would prefer to change her life at long last."

"Well, I won't complain about being able to spend more time with you. But I thought that you liked participating in government?"

"We find satisfaction in improving Our nation, it is true. But that does not require Us to be the supreme regnant authority. The role We have made for Ourself requires that Our Sister remains as principle ruler, and if she is unwilling…"

"Okay, so what sort of government was she thinking of installing instead? And what sort of timeline did you have in mind?"

"I believe that Our Sister had in mind stepping down in two to three years." Wha-? "And that Her Student would ascend once more to become Princess Regnant."

"Oh gosh that's a terrible idea."

"Why? Sunset hath shown no interest in-."

"Nonono, not that. Twilight Sparkle is… What, in her early twenties?"

"That is correct."

"And she's occupied… No government offices at all? And has no experience in national governance?"

"She hath served as an aide on a number of occasions, but… No. She hath held none of the offices of state. We also did not hold such offices."

"But you were a bit older. Right?" She nods. "And Equestria was a lot smaller and less connected when you came to power. And-." I wince. "Knowing what I do of Celestia's methods, I assume that Twilight hasn't been warned and isn't going to receive specific training?"

"We-ll… We do not know for certain that Sister will not…" Her eyes flick away. "Probably."

"If you really want to do that, Twilight needs warning, training and… Frankly, I'd say that the country needs about twenty years to adjust, which is fine because that's about how long she'll need to learn the skills to do the job. Actually switching to another system of government would take even longer." I close my eyes and exhale through my nose. "Why don't we go and..? Talk to Celestia about this?"
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Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
8th April 2013
10:32 GMT -7

A construct telephone floats next to my head as I contemplate Starswirl's Mirror.

"Hey, Sunset, do you have a minute?"

"I'm about to take a lab, so this better be important."

Luna give me a 'are you serious' look. I smile and nod. She rolls her eyes and tosses her mane.

"I'm about to visit Equestria because Celestia's got a stupid plan and I need to explain to her how stupid it is. Slowly, using small words. And it's either going to mess up her plan or I'm actually going to have to conquer Equestria after she enacts it because it's going to mess up the whole country."

"I'm not… Sure…"

"Tell you what: if you come then I won't give Twilight Sparkle a copy of Rules for Rulers and Machiavelli's The Prince."

"That… Wait, what's she planning?"

"I guess you'll just have to-" Luna fires a starry blue beam at the Mirror from her horn, altering the time dilation affect to 'skip' Equestia forward so that we'll appear during an empty patch in Celestia's diary. Using it like that allows Luna to spend time on Earth whenever I have spare time without missing anything on Equestria, a neat side benefit from us both being ageless. "-come and find out."

"Aghhh… Fine, but only because I don't trust you in Equestria-" The air to my right shimmers as Sunset appears, and I dismiss my telephone construct. "-without me."

"It was only a small riot."

She stares at me. "Yes, Grayven, foals are usually small."

Luna regards Sunset wearily. "Our Sister's former student, We hope that thou art not deriving schadenfreudic pleasure in anticipation of Our Sister's future discomfiture."

"No, not… Yet."

"Sunset, if thou dost wish to mend thine relations, such practices will not aid thine efforts."

"It's not exactly that. I just want her to get used to ponies demonstrating that she can be wrong." … "And when it happens I want to be just out of her field of view. So she's thinking about me."

I nod. "Your ancestors should never have moved their eyes to the front. It's a bad idea in prey-species."

Luna shakes her head. "Do not make Us regret this more than We already do. Jean, We would appreciate-" A hush tube appears in front of her. "-a passage home. Thank you."

Luna trots through as Sunset and I approach the Mirror. Sunset's frowning. "What's she planning on doing, anyway?"


Sunset yanks her head around to stare at me- "Ow!" -and manages to walk into the Mirror's frame face first.

"Yes, it-."

She keeps staring at me as she rubs her cheek. "Abdicate? Are you serious? She's ruled the country for a thousand years!"

I nod. "I know. I'd have thought that if she kept it up for fifty years that she'd pretty much run in a groove until the Armies of the Righteous finally threw her out, but it turns out no."

"Do you think it's because of Sombra?"

I consider the possibility. "No, I… Don't think so. Cadence and Shining Armor combine ruling a city with having a romantic relationship, and Luna and I manage it as well. Actually, I was wondering-." I gesture to the Mirror part of the Mirror. "Shall we?"

She nods, and I walk through, appearing on the other side in my pony form. Sunset follows me through a moment later, taking a moment to check herself over and smile as she reviews her wings.

"Ah, what were you wondering?"

"The Hearthwarming story. The leader of the unicorn ponies was a princess, the leader of the pegasus ponies was a commander and the leader of the earth ponies was a chancellor… Or something like that."

She nods. "That's right?"

"So how come Celestia just uses the unicorn pony title?"

She snorts as we head out of the Mirror chamber. "You've seen our military, right?"


"As far as I was able to tell, she's never been part of the military. She's fought things, but-." Her eyes narrow. "In the books I read, she mostly did that on her own. I guess that in reality Luna was there too."

I shake my head. "Don't even get me started on her revisionism."

"That's why she's not 'Commander'. I think that title got used for the leader of the Equestrian Army back when we had one, then it got retired. And she's never been elected to office, so she doesn't get to call herself Chancellor. That title wasn't used for centuries before it got recycled for our chief bureaucrat. When I lived here, that was Scribed Tome, but I don't actually know who it is now." She wing-shrugs. "If I had to guess, I'd say that she took the title 'Princess' not because of any sort of unicorn tribalism but more because she wasn't qualified for the other two and the ancient pegasi and earth ponies would have been insulted if she took them as well or instead."

I grin as we head towards the dining room. "Heh."

Sunset's horn glows, pushing open the double doors and granting us entrance. Celestia looks up a little self-consciously from her mostly-finished breakfast, while Luna is levitating a couple of oversized chairs over to the table for me and Sunset.

"Grayven. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"

"Ah, thank you but no. Not breakfast time for me." I trot over to occupy the chair opposite her while Sunset takes one… Sort of next to Celestia, but just out of her visual field while she's talking to me. "You and… You and Sombra doing alright?"

"Yes, thank you. Both of us are busy with our duties, but we are able to find some time to spend together."

"Feel free to abuse the Mirror if you want a break. Listen… Luna…" I look around and check that there are no servants or guards in the room and that the door is shut. "Told me that you have a retirement plan?"

She glances at Luna before returning her attention to me. "I do."

"And it occurred to me that since my special talent is running countries and yours isn't, it might be a good idea if we… Worked on it a bit."

She gives me a mildly sceptical look that makes it clear that she knows that I'm choosing my words with deliberate politeness.

"I would be happy to hear your concerns. I know that me no longer being on the throne would be a big change, but I'm confident that my little ponies-"

I don't have to look at Sunset to know that she's rolling her eyes as she mouths the phrase.

"-are capable of adapting."

"Yes, and appointing a nationally recognised heroine to succeed you is a perfectly sound choice. My main.. concern is the timeline. And.. Twilight's training. Because Twilight's special talent isn't administration either, which means that she'll have to learn the normal way."

Celestia considers me for a moment. "Grayven, are you trying to spare my feelings?"

"It-. Yes, yes I am."

Her ears flop, and her body sags. "How bad?"

"Since ponies are generally pretty nice… I think the country would survive. But the world isn't ready for a twenty year old demigoddess with supreme executive authority and obsessive compulsive disorder. It would be… Less than ideal."

She sighs sadly. "Alright. What do you suggest?"
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Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
8th April 2013
10:37 GMT -7

That didn't take long.

Sunset plants her forehooves on the table. "You what?"

Luna doesn't exactly look impressed, either. "I too would request an explanation, Sister."

Celestia takes Sunset's response in her stride. Luna words on the other hand make her look quite uncomfortable. "It is something I found out… While I was trying to understand what had happened to you. Nightmare Moon was equal my height, and she hit me a good deal harder than I had ever seen you hit anypony."

"Nightmare Moon was a madmare wreathed in arcane shadow. I can increase my height with illusion just as well."

Celestia shakes her head. "No, it was more than that. Just as you shrank when-. When you returned, so there was a completeness about… Her, that granted her greater size and greater power."

Luna's eyes narrow. "So if I wish to equal your height and power, I must once again descend into madness."

"Hah!" Three decidedly unhappy mares swivel their heads my way. "I just worked it out! If a pony has a special talent for violence, they can literally ascend through killing things! All the way! Harmony is horse apples!"

Sunset's glare intensifies. "I knew that. What I didn't know is that Celestia had a spell for fully empowering an alicorn!"

Celestia sighs. "I didn't know that's what it did until I studied your research. I only knew that it had something to do with why Nightmare Moon was so strong, and-" She looks at Luna. "-I could not risk using something like that on you."

Sunset growls. "But you could have shown me the research!"

"It would do nothing to a normal pony-."

"It would have helped me understand the process!"

I raise my right forehoof. "So before we get totally off course,-" Sunset snorts. "-that explains how you expect Twilight to move the sun and moon. It doesn't explain why you haven't used it on Cadence."

Celestia's fur pinks slightly. "The spell causes physical growth. Shining Armor is a… Well built stallion, but-."

I lower my hoof. "Alright, say no more."

"And Cadence has no need for the additional power." I.. frown-. "If you are about to ask about the Sombra of this world, the solution to defeating Sombra was the Crystal Heart. Cadence isn't a fighter. Giving her that extra power wouldn't have allowed her to defeat him by confronting him directly."

Sunset grits her teeth so hard that I'm honestly worried that she's going to crack them.

"Yeeees, but the added endurance would have allowed her to maintain the shield for longer, and perhaps given Shining Armor more time to find the Heart without needing the bearerherd?"

"Perhaps, but it was not required. Twilight found the Heart and Sombra was defeated."

I stare at her for a moment. This is the pony who has been doing Equestria's contingency planning for-. Oh Source.

"Celestia, if you..? Not trying to be morbid here, but if you'd suddenly dropped dead, say, two hundred years ago, who would have managed the sun?"

"I have an amulet which can maintain the rotation of sun and moon. Had it come to it, the executor of my Will would have been granted access to it."

Luna raises her eyebrows. "That thing still exists? We had assumed that it would have been lost, or fallen to pieces."

"No, I've still got it." Celestia looks thoughtful. "Though it has been some time since I checked on it. Perhaps it would be wise to do so today, just in case."

Yes, yes it would. "Alright, so it went you, then the amulet. Then what?"

"I included instructions on how to rebuild the amulet if it got damaged or destroyed."

"In how many places?"

She blinks. "In the same locked chest as the amulet."

I'm unable to stop myself wincing. "Make copies, hide them in various places across the country. You can't put all your world-sustainingly-critical-stuff in one place. What about teaching ponies to do it themselves?"

She shakes her head. "Doing so drains the magic from unicorns. Starswirl's beard greyed prematurely from the strain of casting the spell, and he was often left unable to use any magic for most of the day. He told us that only alicorns can move the sun and moon without being drained."

I grin and nod. "Sunset! New research project! Find-."

"Just use more ponies, and add in pegasus ponies and earth ponies." She calms down a little as she works it out. "There's no real magical difference between an alicorn and a group of the three tribes working together other than the energy you need to sustain the link itself. Also, you both need to give me, Twilight and Cadence lessons on how to do it just in case."

I nod. "With the Mirror, my tube generators and the extra alicorns, that should be enough. But in the minds of most ponies, your whole 'controlling the sun' thing is a core sign that you're the ruler of the country. Twilight definitely needs training and practice before you abdicate." Ah. "And… Are you going to be alright not doing that any more?" She looks at me quizzically. "It's your special talent, after all. Usually, not being able to use those has adverse psychological side effects, and I wouldn't want Twilight to have to fight... Um, Fearsome Sunburn, or whatever."

Celestia chuckles quietly, covering her muzzle with her right forehoof. "I don't think she has to worry about that. I've been raising the sun for over eleven hundred years. I won't go mad because I stopped."

"Okay, but if you start… I don't know what it would look like. If you want to control the sun, even if it's just for a day? Come back, get whoever's doing it to stop so you can do it." She looks hesitant. "You can do it in secret so as not to undermine Twilight."

"Very well."

"Okay, now, actual governance. As Luna's explained it to me, you generally don't alter the legal code, but serve as a check on city and provincial councils who do, so as to prevent overreach and ensure a degree of uniformity. And you also serve as a final check on the power of state institutions and appoint their leaders, as well as serving as a final court of appeal."

"Provincial councils only exist in places too sparsely populated to have a charter city. Rural areas usually adopt legislation from the closest city. The system dates from when Equestria was feudal, and the ruler of the dukedom would rule from their city."

I nod. "Okay, so, that's actually a lot more manageable than I thought it would be. But does Twilight know any of the office holders? Their beliefs and habits? Enough that she could identify them by sight and know what she needs to keep an eye on?" She's thinking about it, and I think she sees where I'm going. "Heck, does she have any ideas about the sorts of policy that she'd like to see carried out? Does she know enough to oversee the institutions? Because if she doesn't, then everyone in the country suffers."

Celestia nods, eyes looking away as she starts to reconsider. "What do you suggest?"

"Firstly, give her advanced warning. Heck, she might not even want it, and if she doesn't then you're stuck until Cadence's eldest can take over the Crystal City."

Luna clears her throat.

"Or until Luna-." I turn to her. "I'm sorry, were you implying that you might eventually take the job, or that our eldest might?"

"We… Suppose either."

"Okay, well that's going to be even longer. Or you could switch to an alternate system for doing your job. But if you're set on her getting it, then she needs to either start shadowing you to learn the job, or get her own demesne to rule to learn it from that direction. How much bigger would Ponyville have to get to earn a city charter?"

"I could make an allowance, but it would be better if it were bigger. With perhaps three times the population it has now."

"Right. Sunset! What sort of enchanted artefacts do you have that we could establish a production line for? Ponyville needs a new primary industry to increase its order of service."
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Trivialities (part 10)
8th April 2013
18:58 GMT -5

"So if it weren't a magic giant, how come she's throwin' knives atcha?"

I lean back in my construct recliner, overlooking the stadium below us. The surviving sports venues got repurposed after-. Well, during and after the Anti-Life blanketed the Earth, though thankfully this one wasn't used for anything too gristly. Sporting events are just starting up, though between the economic collapse and the collapse of the leagues they're just opening them up to local amateur teams just to get some use out of them.

"Beatrice is a fairly passionate woman, so-."

"Hey." Guy waves his artisan beer bottle at me. "You passed."

"I meant as in 'intense', not 'amorous'."

"That's Latinas for yeh."

"She's Roman-?"

No, he means 'from below Texas'. I mean, yes, I know 'Latin America' is how United Statesians refer to South America, but whenever I hear someone say 'Latina' I think they're talking about a pokemon. It doesn't even make sense; the Romans never went to South America, and neither did the Italians. It's all Portugal and Spain.

Guy stares at me in disbelief. "Yer jokin', right?"


He snorts, taking a mouthful of popcorn and going back to watching the game below.

"I'm not sure. The genetic alterations could be affecting her mood, but it's just as likely to be a product of prolonged intense stress. You and I can go home and rebuild a good deal more easily than she can."

"Mm." He nods absent-mindedly. "An' if it is genetic?"

"Then there's not much we can do about it. Anger management classes, maybe?"

Another nod. "So what next?"

The landlord didn't know anything, the account the rent was paid from has been closed down, the woman who manned the counter didn't know anything beyond the fact that the shop manager wasn't particularly talkative and we couldn't trace the manager. Which would worry me if it weren't for the fact that medium grade wards were commercially available for months before the Anti-Life broadcast so that doesn't necessarily indicate a high level of opposition.

"Put out an alert and wait, I'm afraid. We could try a sting operation… Assuming that this is someone targetting metahumans, but every metahuman we actually know is probably better actually… Doing stuff."

"Think they'll try clonin' her?"

"Best of luck to them if they do."

Guy smirks.

"But seriously, no. Cloning is hard. Cloning adults is harder, and… If you can clone a kryptonian, why would you clone anything else? For their innate abilities, I mean."

"No offense to yer boys, but that didn' go quite right. An Bea was hittin herder today than she use t'. Howsabowt checkin' up on laboratories, things like that?"

"It's a big planet. The chance of us stumbling over something is next to nothing. And the opportunity cost is pretty high."

Guy nods, his expression slightly sombre. "Yeah. Good thing we don't have lives, right?"

"On the subject of our lives outside of our work… I have been asked to relay-."

"She wants me to pick up aftah myself more."


He sighs, sitting back in his own construct chair. "It ain't that I don't-. I live on my own, an' not havin' weaponised O.C.D. like you got, I jus' don't think about it."

"Well, obvious solution."

"Get my ring to page me?"

"Marry Tora."

"U-uuuh. That's…" He glances at me. "Kinda weird, you puttin' it like that."

I shrug. "Sorry if that's a bit intrusive, but if Jade was based on Earth I'd have married her by now. If her sense of self-worth would have allowed it, I wouldn't have mentioned the Darkstars. I can literally see how much the two of you love each other-"

He looks away. "Fergot abowd that."

"-and since you're both superheroes there isn't any sort of increased risk to her safety by being associated with you. I'm really not seeing any reason not to."

"You wanna make Bea homeless that badly?"

"I could put her up, if it came to it. Wouldn't be hard to add a teleport system to my place in Bir Tawil. Is there..? Some sort of..? Problem?"

"Yeah." He chuckles grimly. "Self-sabotage. Me worryin' abowd how this is gunna go wrong."

"Guy. If I don't worry about that, you've got nothing to worry about."

"I don't know that tracks, but… Thanks."

"Alright, I think that's as far as I can go before we both need emergency testosterone injections. Talk to me if you want to, or your sister, or… Carol?"

"Which one?"

"Dame Carol… Do you know the other one?"

"Yeah." He nods. "We're not close or anythin', but Hal an' me werked together fer three years before I got put on a bus. I knew his girlfriend an' boss 'cause I had t' cover fer him."

"If you were trying to get on the bus, you missed."

"Any landing you can eventually walk away from…"

"You even sound like Jordan."

He snorts again, but this time his amusement is more genuine. "Bea have any other complaints?"

"She wasn't complaining about you not marrying Tora, if that's what you're implying."

Guy thinks for a moment. Then he stands, dismissing the chair construct.

"Oh, we done? Too much-?"

Guy tilts his head back, raises his fists… And… Beats his chest in a staccato rhythm.


I frown, a.. little concerned. "Guy, the.. baseball players are staring at us."

"What can I say, Orange? When you're right, you're right. What kinda ring you think I should get?"
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Trivialities (part 11)
9th April 2013
11:02 GMT +1

I walk into the… Ruined church with a frown. This doesn't look recent. Some people exposed to the Anti-Life attacked the sacred, but there wasn't really an organised campaign as far as I've been able to tell. There were a few occasions where Mannheim threw aside an altar and had a congregation worship him, but that was a dominance thing rather than a serious attempt to realign Earth religious practice.

He's been attending church a little more regularly recently.

Chantinelle is doing the metal album thing of praying at a ruined statue in the middle of the ruin. I… I don't really know why. I've checked up on her a few times since we…

What's a polite way of saying 'mutilated'..?

Realigned her soul. And she was making herself useful in a variety of minor ways, acting as a counsellor at large to people who her new magical senses tell her need it. I have no idea what she did while the Earth was under the influence of the Anti-Life or why she's here… But if I want to track John down she's probably at least a part of the solution.

I don't muffle my steps, but I do hang back a little and wait for her to finish her prayers.

After thirty three seconds she stands, her wings morphing into a long coat and her more inhuman features concealing themselves. She looks me over for a moment.

"I didn't think you could find me."

"I can't scan for you directly, but your magic has a unique signature. Indirect detection and crude sensors work fine."

She nods. "What do you want?"

"What were you..? Doing?"


"What for?"

"I want to help more. I want to earn my way into heaven. I want to-. Be more right."

"Remind me. You didn't fall, right? You were born in Hell?" She nods. "Ah, well, I don't think prayer does anything in and of itself, but if it helps you, go for it. Is there anything that I can do to help out?"

"Perhaps… If you could find people in need for me. Nothing else. I need to earn this myself."

"I'm not a theologian, but I don't think that's how it works. You're judged based on who you are, not what you've done. Striving to help others is good, destroying yourself isn't. But I do have a friend who might benefit from talking to you, so there's that. Oh, and the producer of Queen Hera's old television series needs a new star. You might find it a little commercial, but she made a lot of people happy."

"I've been helping reunify families that lost each other during the… Dark time. Or comforted the bereaved. Mid-day television isn't quite the same."

"A public platform can be used to further virtuous causes, but if you want something hands-on then it isn't for you."

"Why have you come looking for me now?"

"Why do you want to get into Heaven, specifically? I'd have thought that you'd find Zamaron more satisfying. As you are now."

"Tali would have gone to Heaven. And so would our child."

"We.. could just ask Zauriel for some clarity on that. The Angel Kings have been rethinking a lot of things recently."

"Death is part of existence. I don't want to pull Tali's soul away from God. I just want to.. see for myself that he is alright."

I snort, shaking my head. "Sorry. I think I'm too far into the orange part of the spectrum to comprehend that answer. As long as you're happy, I guess."

Not as if I actually need her there to ask Zauriel myself.

My face falls as for a horrible moment I consider the idea that Noriel is their offspring. No. No, she's far too old. And there's no demonic magic in here. We checked.

I'm going to double check.

"I'm not. But I will be, someday. What do you want, Paul?"

"The island John Constantine was on hasn't reappeared. Given your long history with the man, I was hoping that you'd have some insight."

She frowns. "Didn't you help him become a Lord of Chaos?"

"Yes. And a Lord of Order."

"Then I think he'll turn up when he wants to."

"Right, and if he wants an indefinite holiday in the Lands In-Between then he can just go back there once we've checked up on him. But he wasn't the only person on that island, and the others aren't super-powerful wizards."

Though, being Amazons, they might appreciate the change of pace. But maybe John Constantine is a bit of a steep 'change of pace' curve.

"I don't know what you think I can do. You know him better than I do."

"If I could find him using my own resources then I'd have done that by now. I have an approximate idea what he can do. You understand how he thinks better than I do."

"I'm not sure that's true anymore. But… The other people on the island. Are they Amazons?"


"Then I might be able to find them through their bonds." She frowns. "Why haven't you asked the Star Sapphires?"

"Neither of them know anything about magic. And they haven't met any of the people involved. But if it'll help then I can ask them to come."

And it.. might actually be worth asking them to have a look at her as well. Just in case I got something wrong.

"Do you think that it would be better if he wasn't found?"


She studies my face for a few moments.

"Having obtained ultimate power, John Constantine has no one watching him. Does that sound like a good idea to you?"

"No." That gets a small smile. "It doesn't."

"Are you available now, or do you want to schedule it for later?"

"I'm volunteering at a local primary school. But I can try finding John this evening."

I nod. "I'll come and pick you up. Thank you."


"Paul, before-. You go. The father of one of the children got one of his arms torn up by the sheeda. It's giving his daughter nightmares."

"I suspect it's more the association than the lack of an arm, but if you think it would help I'm happy to replace it. Why don't you introduce us?"
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Trivialities (part 12)
9th April 2013
13:37 GMT +3

"I'm… Surprised."

I look around the Themysciran streets. "I know. Three thousand years, and they hardly advanced at all."

"You healed Klaus's arm. He thanked you, his family thanked you, and you wanted to leave as quickly as possible."

I shrug. "What's not to understand?"

"He was crying with happiness. I nearly cried. If I could heal worth a.. damn, I'd spend all of my time doing that. I'd be overjoyed to get that sort of response."

"All the more reason to talk to Dame Carol." She's glaring at me. "What, do you want an explanation?"


"I can't just heal anyone I feel like healing. I'm an orange Lantern. Worse, I'm an Enlightened Orange Lantern. I can't fool myself into thinking 'maybe I want this' because I know I don't. I always know. I'll take your word for it that he was a good man, but he's not mine."

"Then how did you do it?"

"Human perfectionism. I find damaged bodies.. wrong. I healed him using my desire for my own psychological comfort. You'll note how there aren't any maimed Amazons anymore."

"So why did you offer to make him a mechanical hand?"

"No, I offered him a cybernetic. Something with added functionality. Something I could get excited about." I shake my head. "It's not practical for me to heal everyone on the planet, and it would impede the development of medical technology and encourage dependency. But a cybernetic could be built by other people in a workshop. Developing a human-compatible cybernetic could help a lot of people. Repairing his arm back to how it was just helps him and his daughter."

Mala was on Reformation Island when it vanished, and of all the people who love her…

I rise into the air and then fly over the city towards the docks. Chantinelle flies behind me, expression thoughtful.


"I didn't expect you to think like that. It's not all that different to how demons think."

"I was going to say that demons wouldn't act from altruistic ends, but Buer acted selflessly to free the First. And Satanus did nearly manage to turn me into a demon using Mammon's power. I've never claimed to be the best guide to moral behaviour-. Ah."

I drop down, landing next to Antimonie as she checks the integrity of her nets. She stops, looking at me with a healthy dose of caution.


"I had an idea about locating Reformation Island."

"And you need to borrow my boat because?"

"Oh, no. Chantinelle here-" Chantinelle lands, and… Gets a decidedly interested look from Antimonie. "-can track people via the bonds of love. You and your sister are on good terms?"

"We've always loved each other. But, yes. We haven't had a big fight in centuries." She looks Chantinelle over. "So what exactly does finding Mala via my love involve?"

"Love. Not sex." Chantinelle places her hands on Antimonie's shoulders and gently directs her to a clear part of the jetty. Then she extends her tail and walks around her, scratching a rough circle in the stone. "And I just need you to stand there."

"That doesn't sound like fun."

When Chantinelle is facing away from me I hold up my right hand, shaking my head and wincing at Antimonie.

"And stay still while I imprison you in a solid block of crystal.

"What?" / "What?"

Pink light flares from the interior of the circle as Antimonie looks down, eyes wide. Then the crystal shoots up, enveloping her.

Several other Amazons look on in concern. I try and give them a reassuring smile and a wave, but it doesn't appear to reassure anyone.

"She's alright, right?"

"Yes. I just needed to crystallise the emotion to get a proper resonance." She frowns to herself. "Does that happen a lot?"

"What, Amazons hitting on the first foreign woman they see?" Ah… "It's frequent enough. Though they usually show a bit more deference to someone who obviously isn't human. I…"

I watch her run her hands over the crystal menhir for a moment.

"Does that mean that you're not interested in a relationship with anyone other than Tali, or that-."

"I can't imagine something like that happening. But there was a time when I couldn't imagine someone like him-. I couldn't imagine ever feeling like that about anyone. If it happened-. I don't know. I'm not looking… But I don't know."


"But I have no interest at all in a hook up with a randy pagan. I'm not a succubus any more."

"Are you still feeding on..? What are you feeding on?"

She stops touching the crystal and takes a step back. "I 'feed' by bringing love into the universe. Whenever I help someone, whenever I repair a relationship, I get a little stronger."

I nod. That tracks. Succubae don't feed on sex exactly, they feed on the indulgence in vice. Lustful vice, prideful vice, it doesn't really matter: immoral action is the key. Chantinelle got exactly no power out of her relationship with Tali, which is one of the things that makes it so odd.

"Found anything?"

"I think so." She frowns uncertainly. "I'm not a magical expert like some. I know a lot because I'm old, not because I've ever been much of a student of magic."

I nod. "And this is new to you. What do you think you know?"

"The resonance is still there. Usually-. Before you changed me, I'd use it to find lustful mortals. Now, I think I can feel Mala through the light of love… But only through that."

"And the upshot is?"

"I can take us all there. I think. But I don't know where 'there' is and I don't know if I can bring us back."

"I can handle 'back'. I even know the rituals to let me bring you with me, if John can't handle it for some reason."

"He might be dead."

"The universe isn't that lucky."

She reaches for me with her right hand and lays her left on the crystal. And then
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Trivialities (part 13)
9th April 2013
13:41 GMT +3

we appear on a… Beach? Yes, a beach on.. Reformation Island. I take a moment to-

"What did you do to me!"

-orientate myself as Antimonie squares up to Chantinelle.

"I used your love connection to your sister-."


Mala runs towards us from the direction of the orchard, passes me and enthusiastically embraces her sister. Antimonie hugs her back, giving Chantinelle a brief glare before giving Mala her full attention.

"Mala. Are you well?"

"Yes, we are fine. What happened to the world? John said that he felt some evil magic-" Antimonie nods. "-but he took the island out of the world before he could find out what it was."

"It was… Bad, for several days. Then the gods took Themyscira into their realm."

Mala frowns, pulls out of the hug so that she can see her sister's face. "And… You were safe there?"

"No, we had to fight all manner of strange creatures to prevent their magic touching the gods and destroying the world-."

"And John kept us here while you struggled."

Chantinelle and I glance at the grey sea and sky surrounding the island, a sea that gets increasingly blurry the further from the island it gets, merging with the sky at a distance I can't precisely identify. I'm… Starting to get a little worried about exactly what John did to make this happen.

"John wouldn't have known what was going to happen. In fact-."

"He couldn't undo his own spell!" Mala turns to me. "Gods save me from foolish demigods!"

I nod. "That's usually what it takes. Where is he?"

"In the barracks, attempting to see past his own breaking of the universe. But what of Themyscira?"

Antimonie puts her right hand on her sister's left shoulder. "As well as can be expected. As I understand it, it is the rest of the world where the situation is calamitous."

I nod. "Not inaccurate. Though global trade has a lot of advantages, it means that we're so interdependent, something like that just makes everything… Stop working. No one on Themyscira lives more than five miles from a farm, while we have cities whose entire populations have never seen one. I think we'll avoid mass deaths, but we're basically having to reorganise the entire planet. Chantinelle, can you get us back?"

"I think so."

The three of us look at her unhappily.

"I don't know exactly what John's done. I should be able to take everyone back using someone's love as a conduit, but I'm…" She gestures at the sea. "Worried about what that means."

Mala frowns. "You would abandon the island?"

"Islands don't love. And unless you've learned some form of magical concealment I'm going to have to take us to Maltus with-" She looks at me. "-his love."

"I don't actually know that Jade's on Maltus right now. She's on counter-insurgency duties, but that could put her in a lot of different places.""Like, space."

The Amazons glance at each other, then Mala looks at me. "Is that bad?"

"In theory, it's survivable. I was exposed to vacuum for several seconds once, and my injuries were mortal but not immediately fatal. The problem is that if I'm surrounded by pink crystal then I'm probably going to be a little slow in grabbing everyone. It would-." Hm. "Okay, I can fabricate you space suits to mitigate that problem-. And one for me, because the pink crystal might interfere with me using my ring." I look at Chantinelle. "Do you need a suit as well? I'm not clear how well regular demons do in space."

"I have no idea. Demons don't go into space. But if we do that, I'll take a suit."

Mala frowns in puzzlement. "What is 'Space'?"

It's… A little odd that an Amazon isn't familiar with the term, but hardly astonishing. Maybe we could set up some sort of general education program? It's amazing what Amazons don't pick up despite having sporadic contact with the outside world for the last sixty years.

"Okay, you know how air gets thinner when you climb a mountain?" Mala and Antimonie nod. "If you keep going, you get to a height where there's no air. Have you ever tried boiling water at the top of a mountain?"

"It boiled without being hot."

"Imagine that was your blood, and you understand what being in space is like."

I turn away to jog along the path towards the barracks. Unless John's completely out of it, he should be aware of me by now. And Chantinelle. It's a little rude of him not to come out and greet us, but I suppose that if he's still working on a fix then that might be absorbing all of his attention.

And there are the barracks, and… Oh, looks like someone's actually done some gardening. I'd be surprised if it was John, but-. Food supply. Themyscira is self-sufficient to the point where it can export, but Reformation Island really only has farms to allow the prisoners to engage in productive labour. Yes, fruiting bushes, rather than decorative flowers. They were preparing for-.


I stare through the wall at the two sets of desire networks. The intertwined sets of desire networks.

I turn around and look at Mala as the three women follow me. And I raise my eyebrows.

She meets my gaze, looking slightly puzzled.


She looks surprised for a moment, then looks away, shaking her head. "In their defence, this is a fairly disturbing situation, and there are only so many books to read."

I turn back to the door and knock heavily on it. "John! Finish up and get ready to leave!"

"Couldn't fucking give me-?"

"You can carry on later! And I hope you're using protection!"

I walk away from the barracks, sighing. Right. I shouldn't have expected him to be focusing all the time, but… Really?

"Protection?" Mala sounds confused. "There are no enemies here. And he is a wizard of great power."

"Given his record, do you think him siring a child is a good idea?"

"No, but there are herbs… On the mainland… Which we have not needed for over two thousand years. No."

Chantinelle looks disturbed. "Please tell me that you haven't all been doing that with him? The world does not need that many new Constantines."

"No-." She doesn't look certain. "I will check. The others will be in the orchards."
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Trivialities (part 14)
9th April 2013
13:48 GMT +3

John is looking unduly pleased with himself, and I'm not scanning Daphne because there are Some Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. She's either pregnant with the spawn of a Lord of Order/Lord of Chaos and a Constantine, or she's not. And if she is, we-. Themyscira's not a bad place for a magically inclined person to grow up, and if she wants to get into magic Atlantis should be back by then.

Or John could just stick her in the Tower of Fate.

"So what exactly did you do? And also, 'why'?"

John pulls a cigarette out of nowhere, lights it with a crimson crackle and then inserts the filter end in his mouth.


"Which means..?"

"The Tower of Fate, most of it is space that's cut off from the Earth, you know? You can come in through the door, but if you don't-."

"I went in through the Dream, I do remember."

"So the beach is a boundary line. I traced it, then cut the island off from the world. Anti-Life didn't even know we were here."

"And you couldn't reverse it why?"

He raises his left eyebrow slightly. "Because we're cut off, aren't we? No doorway between here and Earth. Nothing to connect back to."

"You couldn't connect back to the Tower?"

He winces. "Doesn't sound like the best idea, mate. Not until I go though the whole place and find out what else is stuck in there. Does us no good if I crash this place into some old demon's binding cell."

"Yes." Mala nods definitively. "You will put this island back where you found it."

"Except I can't, can I?" John shrugs. "Nothing's changed. So-."

"Can't you use my tattoos?"

He pauses, looking thoughtful.

"Don't think so, mate. I know what Earth's magic field looks like; that's not the problem. I need an active connection to slot the island back in, and while you're here, all you're connected to is this place."

"What can do the job?"

"Your ring got a map of exactly where the island was before I moved it?"

"Barring tiny changes in the structure of the ocean plate, yes."

"Alright, give me a ball of mercury. Two feet-"

"How old are you?"

"-across." He gives me a mildly amused look. "Metres are French. From The Terror. Like those stupid months they invented that no one used. I'd rather use the original-."

"And the post code system that deliberately didn't use existing regions in order to undermine regional identity. That doesn't change the fact that-."

Mala grasps our shoulders roughly. "Please focus on doing something clever, rather than sounding clever."

I fabricate the requested sphere of mercury, and John raises his hands. Flickers of gold and crimson light dart around and through the orb-.

"Have you got the hang of it, then?"

"No. Just got the hang of throttling the power without bursting anything. It's… Temporary. Probably only works because we're isolated."

"Do you have an actual solution?"


"I'd like a little more than that, John."

"Just copying Marvel's wizard, really. Find someone else to take most of the strain. One for Order and another for Chaos. Do a synchronicity walk when I get back, see who I run into. You need some sand."

I remove the construct I have holding up the mercury ball, and runes light up on its outside as John's magic takes the strain. Then I fly-. Ah, just above the tree tops because I don't know how much 'up' John took with him and I'm not sure what happens if I fly into it here. Probably nothing much, but it would be a stupid risk to take. The sand is a ritual component, so the best thing to do is take a little from the entire shoreline. Shouldn't need to put every grain back in the exact place… My general knowledge of magic suggests that the spell should send them to the right place itself, followed shortly afterwards by the island. The whole point of this sort of spell is that it's simple.

And that if John was actually capable of handling his full power he wouldn't need to bother with these steps. He could literally just reach through either the realm of order or the realm of chaos to get his connection, then fling the island back into place.

Ring, check my working?

Spell appears functional.

Yes. But like using a power ring, it's not just a matter of 'can this be done in theory, if yes, I can do it'. You need to marshal the energy and shape it into the key that turns the universe. I'm glad that John's being realistic about what he can do, even if it would be really convenient if he could spontaneously learn to simultaneously juggle fireballs and waterballs in opposite directions using only his feet.

Vacuum construct and fly. Just need a little, after all. And then hopefully John will be able to help work out what happened to Atlantis, and… And I told the Caliph that I'd take Jade to visit. Breaking that agreement -even if it was an informal, time permitting agreement- seems like a bad idea. And…

And go back to jumping on whatever emergencies raise their heads.

The lack of effective government means that we're in perfect 'easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission' territory, but there isn't really anything that I want permission to do.

For a chaos-worshipper, I sure like order.


I shut down the vacuum and fly back towards John. Yes, that's how it works, the ole yin yang thing. Without order, there's no chaos. There's just a mess. And while Eris might personally be fine with it…

Must remember to ask her.

John-. The mercury doesn't look like mercury any more. Or like a ball. Reminds me a little of a video I watched on VidULike of someone pouring molten metal into an ant colony. Runes… No, he's beyond anything I can understand with a simple visual analysis.

"Right." John closes his hands, and the thingy floats under its bound spells. "I've set this up to go along with you just about anywhere. 'Elle can send you to your girl, you fly back to Earth, put that where the middle of the island should go and then sprinkle the sand around. In that order."

"Fly to Earth, put the magical ansible into place, spread the sand around. Anything I need to do to turn it on?"


"Alright." I fabricate a resilient combat spacesuit for myself, then add a couple of force field generators just in case. "Ready."
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Trivialities (part 15)
9th April 2013
13:52 GMT +3

The next thing I'm aware of is the crystal around me cracking off, and Jade looking through my faceplate with concern.

"Are we at war with Zamaron now?"

"No." I push outwards with my environmental shield, partially-dissolved crystal crumbling off me as it disintegrates. "Just bypassing a cleverly unclever spell John Constantine cast. Do-?"

No, don't say 'do you need anything?' to the woman that you love. The people on Reformation Island have been fine for three months, they can cope for five minutes.

Jade gives her head a small shake. "We're not in immediate danger. This is a Darkstar training centre. Standard picket fleet-"

I send my spacesuit into subspace and embrace her warmly.

"-and sexual harassment in the workplace, apparently."

She's smiling as I rest my forehead against hers.

"This is unprofessional conduct at worst." I change the angle of my neck and gently kiss her forehead.

"I think that's worse."

"So does that mean that professional sexual harassment exists? I'll have to talk to Dox about that. Maybe there's a course I can do."

"You'll have to talk to Director Jeddigar about that. Unless you're planning on complaining about the Orange Lantern Corps not having them."

"No, of course not. I would never leave L.E.G.I.O.N. out. They need the help more."

One of the L.E.G.I.O.N. soldiers on duty snorts through his helmet. "Fuck you too, sir."

"I'm not a professional."

I sigh as I release Jade from my embrace, smiling at her as she smiles back.

"How's Earth?"

"About the same. Economists have stopped hanging themselves, but I think we can cope. I just need to-" I hoik the magic beacon into the air with a construct. "-get this thing to Themyscira and we'll get Reformation Island back."

"What about Atlantis?"

"I'm… Happy to make that someone else's problem."

She raises a sceptical eyebrow. "Really?"

I exhale. "Really. Sticking Earth's civilisation back together isn't… Something that really… I don't want to say 'interests me', but-."

"You want to fix something, see it get better and then stay fixed." I nod. "Has the Justice League talked about removing governments?"

"I am not allowed to talk about the Justice League removing governments."

Her eyebrows rise again. "That's oddly specific."

"Batman has learned to be specific around me."

"Who's the lucky country? Bwunda?"

"Adom's taken that one."


"There isn't a country there to take over anymore. I suppose we could give it to Mister Atom and see what he does, but the infrastructure's been sufficiently degraded that it might be better just to allow the villages to do their own thing for while."

"It almost certainly is. Could be a problem if the hospitals aren't working, though."

"Not from a civilisational standpoint. Regular access to really good medicine has really only been a thing in the richest parts of the world for the last fifty years or so. Barely any time at all in the history of the human species."

"Are things that bad?"

"Doctors had a reasonable survival rate. It's supply chains that didn't. Most medicines aren't made close to where they're used and the systems of distribution were completely wrecked."

One of the things I remember hearing about the destruction of the World Trade Centre was the ways that some companies had stopped existing. Not because the damage to their infrastructure caused them to lose money, but because everyone who worked there was killed. There was literally no one to continue the company's function.

Doctors have worked their way through the fixable injuries and illnesses by now... Or 'timed out', I suppose. But that's not much help to a diabetic without access to insulin. Or foods that they could use to regulate their blood sugar in an analogue manner, especially when disposables for blood sugar monitors aren't available.

And it's… Not worth me fixing that. Even if I was trying to keep particular individuals alive, I'd be better off correcting the condition rather than fixing a factory that makes palliatives.

I frown. Actually…

"Planning something?"

"Planning how to make the world a better place. And to make sure that I'm more emotionally engaged with the people of Earth."

She looks at me… Not nervously, but with a degree of concern. Then her expression shifts to amusement. "Do I need to warn Batman?"

"'Need to'? No." I look around. "What have they got you doing?"

"Teaching special forces soldiers from N.E.M.O. worlds how to be Darkstars. A hundred different doctrines, technologies and military histories. Not to mention the ones who have already been to war with the others." A quiet snort. "Half the time I think we'd be better starting with raw recruits."

"And the other half?"

"Then I'm sure. But that's probably not politically feasible." She shakes her head. "I've got a shift to work. Go finish up on Earth before they try sending someone else."

I nod. "I will see you later." I smile and-. And turn to the Darkstar who spoke a moment ago. "Since we're not in the same chain of command, you probably shouldn't call me 'sir'."

"Al-right. What should I call you?"

"In formal settings, 'Illustres'. In informal settings, just about anything other than 'sir'."

"Okay… Arsehole."

The other guard stares at him in alarm.

"Yeah, like that."

Armour on, take physical hold of the beacon and step

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The Ancestor
Noumenia, Boedromiōn, about-

Of course I mean 'about', boy. At my age-.

Hah! I am, and I already promised that I would tell you the story. You don't need to-.

No, no. I know that your mother was born thirty seven years ago. I will never forget that. And I married Nomia two years before that. Nomia? My wife. Your grandmother. No, you wouldn't-. Yes, with the gods. She saw you born, but…

'In time all things shall pass away'.

That was one of the things he told me, but you wanted to know what year it was. I married Nomia thirty nine years ago, and I spoke to him slightly less than three years before that. Forty two years. The year King Menelaus of Sparta set sail for Troy, to reclaim his wife and prove he could still wield his spear.

No, I didn't. I could have done, but I didn't.

I had a strong arm in those days-. Huh? Raaaaagh! Hehehe! But no, not like this. These are the muscles of a farmer. A builder of walls and fences, speaker of laws and council, hewer of wheat and grass. In my youth-. No, younger than your father. Then I was a builder of ships and formations, speaker of battle cries and hewer of men.

Of course not. That was-.

No, I haven't. I made my choice, and I am content with it.

Menelaus sent me a message, asking me to bring my men to join the kings of Greece when they sailed. But we were not friends, and I am not of Sparta. He offered money, but I wanted… I wanted fame. Acclaim. I wanted my skill as a warrior to be legend! Spoken of all across Greece! A war like that… We would become legends or the women of Sparta would laugh at our memories for…


But Menelaus was not my friend. We had fought together before, and he insulted me. I could earn fame in other wars. I didn't know if I should go or stay. So I asked my mother for advice, and she made my decision even clearer. If I went, I would die, and my name would be spoken of as one of the greatest of the heroes of Greece for generations to come. And if I did not, my name would live on only in my children.

Had that been all, I would probably have gone. My foster-brother Patroclus wanted to, and him I relied upon more than all others. But a priest in my father's court saw my uncertainty, and bade me visit a wondering oracle who had recently come into the city.

Yes, that was him. And yes, you have heard that part. When I went to speak with him he was in a cave outside of the city. Yes, if your mother will let you. It should still be there, unless the rains have collapsed it. But it isn't a shrine or a grotto. He told me that he just wanted somewhere to sit where he would only be bothered by people who would make the effort to see him.

No, he didn't tell me not to go. It was… More thoughtful.

The clothes he wore were… Strange. Rather than a tunic, he covered his legs in tubes of cloth fastened together around his waist. I don't know. I would guess that his homeland is in the colder lands to the north and so he was accustomed to dressing for warmth. His chest was covered by a chiridota, and both had some sort of bronze fastener-.

I'm sorry. My mind wanders.

Glow? Yes, yes, they did. Not brightly, but I could make them out in the dark of the cave. He asked how he could help, and I explained my choice. Immortality in tale and song, or long life and comfort. And what he said struck me dumb.

'No man or god knows the future. No man or god can control how others remember him after his death, and the you that lives forever in tale and song is not you as you are. And that in time even tales die.'

I was shocked. To claim that gods do not know the future? And he just waved my concerns aside. He said that if Cronus had known how and why Zeus would kill him then surely he would not have acted as he did. Therefore, for all his insight and wisdom he must not have known. If Mighty Zeus knew everything, why did he need Metis to advise him? He claimed that instead of being all-knowing, they were merely so well informed and wise that to mortal men it seemed as if they were. And with a war like the war that would be waged in Troy, the gods would most likely involve themselves, either directly or indirectly. They might make a prophecy only to fulfil it themselves; tell oracles that a man will die and make sure to kill him themselves.

I realised that what he said was possible, and that even one as wise as my mother could have been misled in such a way. So I asked about his second statement. Surely a man's nature and deed determine how he is remembered?

He told me that the people of his homeland practice a religion where they worship a single god. Everywhere, from their greatest city to their smallest village, has at least a shrine to that god and his demigod son who taught them about him. And that even then, that because the people who wrote their holy texts spoke Greek and changed the names of its people to Greek names, no one alive knows what the demigod's true name was. They only know the Greek version. That would be like you or I calling Herakles 'Hercules' as the Romans do, and not knowing any better! And that was for their only god!

But I questioned him on why they had Greek scribes, and he admitted that his people were less learned than ours. We Greeks keep records of the deeds of great warriors and kings. Surely, then, our tales were more accurate?

He asked if I knew of Herakles, and of his meeting with Queen Hippolyta. I said that I did, that Herakles was sent to obtain her girdle and though she would have given it willingly Hera's intervention meant that the Amazons rose against him and he slew many to escape.

When he heard my words, he shook his head and said that was not what happened.

Ah… He said that Herakles caused the fight by behaving poorly. That the girdle was simply a token of victory and not the object of his journey. That despite our record keeping and my education, I did not know that he had fought Herakles at Themyscira, and that the only song left from that fight was the clicking his right arm made if he raised it above his shoulder.

I know that mine does too. I may not have sought out war, but it has sought me out upon occasion. My advice, grandson, is that you should avoid getting your shoulder broken if you can avoid it.

Did he actually fight Herakles? Perhaps. He was an old man, and Herakles was of my grandfather's generation. All versions of Herakles' story say that he fought many people, and some of them lived, so it is not impossible.

So I asked if he believed that I should not go. He told me that he could not answer that. That only I could know what I valued most in life, and in death. What I lived for was for me alone to determine, and that all he could do was make the facts related to that decision as clear as possible. He said that there was no immortality to be had in tale or song or indeed anywhere else. That whatever was said of me would distort to become less and less like me until it was forgotten entirely. That in time the land itself would be ground down to nothing and then consumed by the dying sun. That simple misfortune might take any children I sired as it did my six elder brothers. That no nobility of intent or will can shield completely against the vagaries of fate.

Yes, that was a sad thing to hear. All of life contains a little sadness.

It was then that he pointed to the rock points on the ceiling of the cave, and asked if I knew how they formed. I told him that I did not. He said to me that they are made by water seeping through tiny cracks in the rock. As the water moves, it takes tiny amounts of rock with it, and deposits it where it drips down. A small amount stays where it dripped from, and a small amount stays where it lands. Over hundreds of years, the succession of tiny drips leaves enough rock to make spikes on the top and bottom.

They are made not by a single act, but by a million tiny acts.

So I decided that I would not go, to serve a man and a cause I cared nothing for. Patroclus who cared for such things more than I took the Myrmidons to Troy. You know how that went: they defeated the force outside the walls before gaining entry by trickery. Prince Hector's counterattack gave the people of Troy time to flee, burning their food stores as they went. Proud King Menelaus had to eat his own boots and scabbard, and returned home little more than a skeleton and without his wife.

And while they were doing that, I renewed my studies. I had built a library and a public baths. I laid bricks and cut timbers myself, for I still sought a legacy, and I wanted it to be mine, and not the invention of a poet or bard or ignorant scholar. Even if the people of some far distant future know nothing else of me, they will know the names of the civic architecture I built. It is hard to get 'King Achilleus built this' wrong. And if I am fortunate, my being a good king will likewise work to building a nation that will outlast me, even if none know that it grew strong because of me.

Hm? Oh, no. He had already left by then. Where? I have no idea. Did I ask him-? Of course I did. What fool would pass on the opportunity to question any oracle, much less the Ancestor? He told me that so much of history gets forgotten that he considers himself responsible for remembering as much of it as possible, and I think that is a noble cause for a scholar. Is he really the first ever man made by the gods? He told me that at that time the rules of the universe were less fixed in the distant past, so that by some metrics he was first and that by others he was not.

No, I do not know what that means either, though I asked him to clarify. Something to do with time having no meaning in primordial chaos, perhaps? And the answers he gave were of little more help. But I was glad to have met him. And you should be too, for I doubt that you would be here if I did not.
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Trivialities (part 16)
10th April 2013
09:37 GMT -5

"Ah…" My most recent patient takes a few staggering steps towards the exit. "T-thanks-. Thank you." He shuffles around to face me. "Thank you."

"Happy to help. Now, I really think it would be best if you kept your chair for a few weeks while you adjust. Regular exercise-."

"Oh fuck no. The only reason why I'd take that with me is so I could throw it in the garbage crusher myself." He shuffles back around and clumsily, stiffly, heads towards the door.

That went well. Mr. Christian lost his legs to a subway train shortly before the Anti-Life broadcast, so his brain hasn't adjusted to their absence as much as Paula's had to her spinal injury. His bull-headed approach isn't ideal for his recovery, but it should work and New York's crime rate is well below its pre-broadcast baseline so he probably won't get jumped by a street gang while he recovers. I'd be more worried about the police assuming that he's on drugs or something.

Karon comes in just after he leaves. Unsurprisingly, demand for travel agents has dropped to near-nothing while human civilisation recovers. Her firm managed after the Sheeda Harvest by switching almost exclusively to domestic tourism, but with the few planes still operating being cargo planes for emergency supplies that's almost impossible to arrange even if someone wants to. She's been working on reconstruction projects in Gotham, but… She's determined but not exactly heavily built, and her skills don't really lend themselves to that sort of thing.

So now she's my receptionist.

"That went well."

"Yes, it did."

"Didn't you..?" She frowns thoughtfully. "Didn't you say you couldn't do this kind of thing?"

"Not indefinitely, and I'm having you give people that disclaimer for a reason. But when I'm in the right headspace, I can do it for a while."

"Yeah, about that…" She frowns. "The next patient has some questions. And, actually? I do too."

"Alright. Bring them in and I'll clear up everything together."

She nods, a copy of the disclaimer in her left hand, and heads to the door.

"Carole? He's ready for you."

Carole is a pale-skinned and brown-haired woman in her middle years. She doesn't look like she's in terrible health, but since she hasn't signed the disclaimer I don't scan her yet. I smile and gesture to the patient's seat just across from mine.

"Good morning, Carole. I understand that you have some questions before we begin."

She nods as she hesitantly approaches and takes a seat. "The sign said 'Free Clinic' with an asterisk."


"What's the asterisk for?"

"Did you read the disclaimer?"

"Ye-es,-" Probably a lie. "-but I'd like you to explain it."

"I have no need for money or other fungible goods. So it doesn't cost you anything in terms of material resources."


"Tradable. Sellable." She nods. "But I have trouble focusing on fixing a bunch of similar things in a row. So what I want from you in return for fixing whatever you're having trouble with is your approval to fix other things."

"Like what?"

"Very few people get the optimal nutrition in childhood to reach their full physical potential. Then there's exposure to atmospheric lead, mercury and other unpleasant substances. Old injuries that don't entirely heal." I shrug. "I enjoy perfecting the human body."

"Oh. That.. doesn't sound so bad."

"And then there's the human eye."

Carole goes still. "The human eye?"

"Yeah, so, basically, ahh… Your skin. Your blood vessels go inside your skin. Your skin protects your fragile blood vessels while they provide it with blood. Makes sense, right?"

She nods cautiously.

"The human eye works by using four different types of photosensitive cells to detect three different colours and levels of light intensity. Would you say that it makes more sense to have those in front of the blood vessels which feed them, giving them a nice, clear, unobstructed view, or behind the blood vessels so that everything you see is distorted because you have to adjust for the fact that the light is literally passing through your blood stream before you see it?"

"Ah, the first one?"

"And you're right. That makes far more sense. And that's what squids have. But with humans it's the dumb way around. Which is why the blind spot exists, because the artery has to come in through the same hole as the optic nerve and then spread out to cover the rest of the inner eye."

"So you want to give people better eyesight?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out how to make that change genetic yet, so you wouldn't pass your improved eyes on to your children."

"My.. children are four and six."

"Well you definitely won't, then. Oh, and I can also do cybernetics, so if you want improved data storage then I can give you that. Or anything else."

"Can you fix my diabetes?"

"Almost certainly."

"And… I won't need insulin injections ever again?"

"Well, that depends on what exactly's causing your symptoms-."

"Type One Diabetes."

"Yes. I'll need to fiddle with your immune system a bit, and in the event that you have more children the alteration will be passed on, but that's no problem at all. Oh, and while I'm in there, do you want to become immune to H.I.V.?"

"Ah..? Yes. Yes, I think so."

"Neat! No problem. Just sign-."

"Wait wait." Karon is frowning. "You can make people immune to H.I.V.?"

"Technically, any oncologist with the right supplies can, it's just that the supplies are hard to get hold of and the risk of death is a bit high. I don't have either of those problems, so I can just do it."


"Ah, different people have slightly different immune cell structures. H.I.V. needs a particular bit to attack, and not everyone has that part. So some people are just immune to it. I can swap out a person's immune system for one that's immune to H.I.V., and then you can't get it anymore." Hm. "I mean, you'd be able to get it in your body, but it wouldn't reproduce and it would eventually die off, and couldn't give you A.I.D.S.. Obviously, that wouldn't help with other sexually transmitted diseases, and I wouldn't encourage unsafe sexual practices for a variety of other reasons. So-."

Karon grabs the disclaimer and signs it.
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Trivialities (part 17)
10th April 2013
12:54 GMT -5

Karon peers at the pages of her novel as I deposit her lunch in front of her before sitting down in the seat opposite.

She looks up at me and shrugs. "It doesn't look much different."

"It won't. Remember, people don't see with their eyes. The eyes are merely light sensors. The image you perceive is assembled in your brain, and the human brain does a lot of editing before you become consciously aware of what you're seeing. Here."

I fabricate a classical 'blind spot disappearing shape' test on a sheet of paper and offer it to her.

"Ever done one of these?"

She nods. "In middle school." She then holds up the paper and moves it around, trying to find a spot she no longer has. "This… Huh."

"Of course, because saccades are pretty much hard wired into the brain, that won't change much about the way you use your eyes even if they're pretty much unnecessary for you now."


"Small movements of the eye. Your brain 'knows' that it can't see part of its visual field, so it makes sure that you move your eyes around enough to let it build a picture to cover it up. Editing the rest of the body is a lot easier than editing the brain."

"And this doesn't cause a problem with… I don't know, my body won't try regrowing blood vessels over my retina?"

"No. Ah-." Hm. "If you got metahuman regeneration from somewhere it might, but… Normal human healing works by copying the tissues around the injury, rather than fixing the body to template. That's why most people can't regrow a hand or other complicated bits. If you do gain metahuman abilities or use magical healing, come and see me immediately afterwards."

"Was that in the waiver?"

"I thought you read it."

She shrugs. "I skimmed it."

"Never enter into any kind of contract with a demon."

She puts down the sheet and picks up her sandwich. "Duh."

"Or any kind of supernatural entity. If we had a functioning legal system I'd add 'major corporation', but I'm pretty sure we could force majeure that if it came to it."

She chews for a moment, her eyes widening in pleased surprise. "'his is goo'." She swallows. "Where'd you get it?"


"I think it's called 'Little Italy' in New York."

"The predominantly Italian area of New York is called Little Italy. The island next to Italy's toe is called Sicily."

"What happened to food shortages?"

"Food production hasn't been as badly affected as that. Farmers had a better than average survival rate. The issue is harvesting and transportation to places that don't generate food, maintaining farm equipment and... Deliberate destruction of labour-intensive farmlands."


"Like mechanised family farms are fine, but places that relied on mass itinerant labour tended to get burned to the ground. After the Sheeda, quite a lot of European countries-. They were actually deliberately shutting their farms down as a matter of government policy before that to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Then they started having actual food shortages, and not just as a result of panic-buying, so they changed their policies. So when the Broadcast happened, there were quite a lot of small new farms ready to go. But they can't sell to anyone, because all of the parts of the economy that could do that aren't there."

She takes another bite of near-perfect ham sandwich. Americans usually react well to actual food, and I'm glad that Karon's no exception.

"Is the League gunna fix that?"

"The League… Can't, really. We're a disaster management charity. We can move a few hundreds tons here and there, we can't replace the entire transportation infrastructure of Earth. Maybe if Atlantis was still connected to the rest of the world and they didn't mind just making dolmen gates." I half smile. "Britain's actually doing okay because of all of the gates they bought to replace their rail network. We just moved them to major distribution nodes, and… Got Mister Atom to calculate a schedule. Other places… We're sort of hoping that people fix their own little bits of everything so we can coordinate things."

"I thought you were taking over the world."

"I'm not allowed to talk about the League taking over the world."

She raises her now-naturally-linear eyebrows. "You're actually doing that? I thought that was just you mouthing off."

"I'm not allowed to talk about the League taking over the world."

She takes another bite, thoughtfully.

"You're not… Putting anything in our heads, are you?"

"Mild brain damage is a hazard of industrial society. I can only fix it a little."

"I meant about the Justice League taking over the world."

"I'm not allowed to talk about the League taking over the world."

She frowns at me. "Did they put something in your head?"

"I'm not allowed to talk about the League taking over the world."

"O.. kay… New topic, before I get really scared. What else can you do?"

"How do you mean?"

"I never need to shave my legs or armpits or pluck my eyebrows again. I've…" She looks at her right arm and flexes her muscles. "I've never been this cut before. I don't have a blind spot any more and you got rid of my heavy metal deposits."

She takes hold of the small plastic bauble on her necklace which contains all of the metal I removed from her body. It's not a lot, but then, what you do with it counts more.

"I could implant a quantum wafer that would give you a memory backup. I can pretty much put the sum of human knowledge on it, and you'd just sort of know it if it came up in conversation."

"How about actual super powers?"

"Do you want to undergo the training regimen you'd need to not accidentally break everything you touch or not experience everything in the world as a film being played at one hundredth normal speed where you're stuck waiting forever for everything?"


"Minor changes to your skin, or eyes, or even your immune system are no problem. Radical things start to have extra risks…"

I.. frown.

"How about hair that changes color?" She pauses mid-bite and notices my expression. "No?"

"Oh, no, there are a couple of ways to do that… But I was thinking. The FDA isn't.. really functioning now, is it?"

Karon shrugs. "No? Isn't that why you're doing this?"

"So there isn't really anything stopping us just… Rolling out super-advanced medicine without bothering jumping through their hoops. I… Think I need to phone some people."
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Trivialities (part 18)
11th April 2013
05:17 GMT +1

What..? Just woke me up?

Ring, statfuck!

"Stand-" I transition to the Bir Tawil facility's control room. "down, stand down!"

A dozen charging anti-orbital cannons reset to their resting positions, and the generators reduce their output from 'combat power' to 'normal operation'.

And I breathe a little-

"Hey, Roomie!"

-easier, until Kara 1 decides to give me a heart attack. Fortunately, since she's doing it over the communication system rather than barging through a wall again she hasn't reactivated the automated defences.

"Good morning, Kara." I press a few buttons, bringing up both her face and an image of the ship that just entered the Sol system. "I take it that's not yours."

"Nope! I haven't even tried building a ship!" She frowns thoughtfully. "Do you think I should?"

Ship is.. Thanagarian. The design doesn't match the military ships I have on file. I'd guess that it's a rich person's yacht with a slightly larger than usual drive system.

"I suppose that depends on what you want to do with your life in the long term."

Patch into the Watchtower to make sure that they've picked it up too.

"Yes. End."

Get Mister Atom who's clearly busy with it. Okay, good.

"I mean, as a kryptonian you can live for millennia as long as you do some sunbathing every so often. And we've made no progress working out what parallel you originally came from. Not that I'm complaining about the work you've been doing, but there is a whole universe you could go and see."

"But I like it here! I just thought maybe I could help more with a ship."

Check… Kara's work logs.

"Kara, have you been drinking coffee again?"

"Um." Kara's image looks left and then right. "No?"


Planetary defences are online. Shielding units are in position. Orbital anti-ship weapons are activating and messages-

Message received.

-are going out to space-capable League members. So far, everything is-.

Bring-bring! Bring-bring!

Going.. according to plan.

"Excuse me. I have a message on another line."

"I'm not drinking coffee! Especially not that super-strong stuff you told me about!"

"I'm glad to hear it."

Disconnect and answer, because I've just worked out who this is.

"Heeeey!" Bleez is wearing a space suit that looks like it's been sprayed on. Her wings are slightly splayed, in a 'check-out-what-I've-done' pose rather than a 'check-me-out' pose. "Why did you stop calling?"

"Ah. Earth got Anti-Lifed, and I've been working to put it back together."

"Okay, but you could have still found time to call me." She makes a flicking motion with the tips of her wings. An eye-roll. "It's not like that totally collapsed your civilisation."

"It pretty much did, actually. If it wasn't for the time of the year when it happened and all the preparations we made after the last time this happened… Ah. That would have been bad."

"Oh. Um, is now a bad time?"

"To do what? You're not really seeing the place at its best, but maybe that's more informative." A thought, and my ring sends landing instructions in a thanagarian friendly format. "Come on down, if you dare."

"That's quite a lot of guns. Are you sure this is okay?"

"They're my guns and I just switched them to inactive. Give me a moment and I'll clear you with the person in charge of the rest."


Mute. Contact Mister Atom, play conversation at one hundred times speed.


"She is cleared to land. Observation. Information extracted from time travel suggests that the Thanagarian Empire is inclined to annex Earth during times of distress. 'Bleez' is a known informant."

"I know, but Hawkman and Hawkwoman almost certainly reported back already, even if they mostly talked about the fact that the Anti-Life is removable."

"They are compromised. Analysis of vocalisations and unconscious body language confirms their change in loyalty to eighty nine point seven nine seven three four seven percent. Rounding up. Sending someone unthreatening and familiar to confirm their report is a logical step."

"Makes sense. Alright, I'll emphasise how doomed anyone would be if they got exposed. Can you put the system defences back on standby and give her an uninterdicted corridor?"

"Course transmitted. End."

I nod as her ship accelerates. Based on her speed, it should only take ten minutes or so for her to arrive. I

step out and

reappear on Havania a few corridors away from her mother.

"…there of all places! What is she thinking?!"

Ring, data extraction.

Compliance. Working. Complete.

Huh. Timeline's wrong, and her mother is still alive. I wave casually at a security camera as the alarms start to go off and

step out, feeling my way back using my own desires to

emerge in my own control room. Bleez's ship is coming in-.


"Yes! Who-" She looks down at her heavy mug, then leans out of the picture and puts it down before centring herself again. "-was it?"

"Do you remember me mentioning Bleez?"

"A pop star!"

"And intelligence operative, but… Yes."

"This is going to be A-MAZ-ING! Give me five seconds-"

She blurs out of picture, and I start counting to five as blue and red flickers in the background.

"-and done and I can show her around!"

"Come over to my landing pad. We'll meet her there."
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Trivialities (part 19)
11th April 2013
05:25 GMT +1

Kara is twitching as she restrains herself from flying up to Bleez's ship to wave through the view screen. She settles for bouncing, going up onto her toes before lowering her feet back onto the landing pad with her hands clasped at her waist and playing with her cape as my spotlights and the glow of her crystals light up the area.

"Can't her ship go faster?!"

"Generally, going fast enough towards a planet to cause an extinction event is considered impolite." I glance over to the giant crystalline bulk of her Fortress of Solicitude, planted a short distance from my own home because I offered and she finally got around to growing it. "Has that gotten..? Taller?"

"I can't get the shape quite right? And then I think of things to put in the space but it only takes a few seconds to make them because, duh, kryptonian, and then I made rooms for the other Supergirls so we can make one big Supergirl House! I even made a room for Angelika!"

"That was thoughtful."

"With lots of culturally-relevant decoration!"


"Noriel's room has lots of fire extinguishers! I tried to get unholy water for them, but every time I asked the wizards I was talking to just gave me a bucket of dirty water! And they couldn't help at all when I asked for unholy nitrogen!"

"I don't think elemental vulnerability works like that. Also, you should probably avoid that sort of wizard."

"Well obviously! If they can't manage something as simple as unholy water they're a waste of my time!" She stops bouncing for a moment and turns her head to look at me. "Wait. Are you worried about me?"

"Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic. Mental alterations-."

"Don't worry! I was using protection!" She reaches down to her belt pouch and pulls out.. a spell eater. I nod approvingly, and she smiles even more as she puts it back. "Plus I can think, like, really fast. If any naughty magician tries controlling me, wham, pow, right-" She makes a fist with her right hand. "-in the schnozz!"

"Just remember not to completely destroy his face if you can help it. We need remains to identify."

"I'm seventy percent sure that I could leave the brain ninety percent intact!"

"Perhaps it's something you could practice until you can be a little more sure."

She frowns. "Practice punching someone's head off? That sounds a bit morbid."

"Not half as morbid as actually punching someone's head off."

I look up as Bleez's ship stops above us, switching entirely to its antigravity system for support. It then descends directly downwards, halting an inch above the pad and then slowly touching down.

Kara claps. "Good landing!"

There's a brief delay, then a hatch in the side opens and allows… Bleez to contort her way out, legs first. She's still in the spray-on spacesuit, and she's actually wearing a helmet.

"He-ey!" Kara fast-flies over to meet her. "I'm so glad to meet you!"

Bleez looks at her in puzzlement for a moment, then spots the 'S' on her chest. "Hello-. Are you kryptonian!?"

"I sure am! I'm Kara! I'm super-rare!"

"Is that what-" Bleez looks at the giant crystal structure. "-kryptonian buildings look like?"

"Buildings, space ships, most of the planet… We really like crystals. Do you like crystals?"

"Not as much as you do."

I wander over to rescue her. "Welcome to Earth, Bleez. I don't think now's a great time to organise a concert, but we'll be happy to show you around." She turns to me, nodding. "What's with the space suit? Earth's atmosphere is perfectly safe for you to breathe."

She sighs and does another wing-twitch eye-roll. "I know, but my insurance company doesn't get access to military intelligence reports. So until my ship's analyser gives me the okay, I'm stuck wearing this."

"I could-."

"Thanks, but it has to literally be this. Now I'm here it should only be for a few hours." She raises her arms above her head and stretches, wings back and chest forwards. "A-ah!"

"Hard journey?"

"I thought I was soo smart, buying an old navy courier ship." She gives her wings a flap, rising into the air for a moment before spreading them out to slowly descend to the ground. "I think the pilots must have their wings plucked or something?"

"But when you have to get somewhere fast…"

"That was fine until the cramp started." She flaps a couple of time so that she can see over the ship, then does a full 360o​ circle. "So this is Earth, huh? Less green than I thought it would be."

"This is Bir Tawil. A piece of land I took over because no one else wanted it. It has no natural resources, plants or animals. If you want greenery, go literally anywhere else."

Adrianna could probably fix the greenery issue, but she's got more important things to worry about at the moment. And honestly, I sort of like it.

Kara gasps, hands covering her mouth. "You've never even seen a kryptonian building before!"

"That's true." Bleez looks at it. "It's-."

Kara darts in grabs her right hand and pulls her towards her front door. Bleez is dragged through the air after her. "I'll show you around!"

"You're-. Really strong."

"I'm kryptonian! Being really strong is what we're all about!"

The Nth metal in their bodies makes thanagarians unusually strong for humanoids. Bleez is probably used to having an edge in strength when compared to most things, so running into one of the winners of the 'strongest humanoid species' prize is probably a little disconcerting.

Ring? Scan her ship.

Scan complete.

No changes of clothing. Unusual for someone like Bleez, both as a performer and as a noble. No food other than military ration packs that might well have been there when she bought it, or just left in there as emergency reserves. No toiletries. She left in a hurry, and I-. Was that space suit in the ship?

"Orange Lantern to Mister Atom."


"I'm concerned that Bleez may be pursued by a Yellow Lantern. Please notify the Green Lanterns directly and put out an advisory for everyone else."

"Done. End."

I find myself staring at my own home. I'm running on not-a-lot-of-sleep, and I suspect that New York would appreciate me opening my clinic again today.

No. I can't really leave Bleez to Kara's enthusiastic mercies. Rising off the ground, I fly after them.
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Coast to Coast (part 4)
29th November 2282
20:26 MST

Metal writhes in the air over my right palm, gold being reformatted by forces unknown to mundane physics, without heat or a hydraulic press. Part of my share of the Sierra Madre small 'v' vault. Most of it we've been using in our electronics industry, but I thought that I should keep a little in case we had to trade with people who don't use the bottle cap.


Two thin strips, formed by my matter transmutation ability. Feel the dimensions of Tears' left ring finger and my own and complete the shape as a plain band.

And… There they are. Sitting on my right hand. Such a small thing to mean so much.

I turn to Tears. "Tears-in-the-Rain, will-?"


I raise my eyebrows. "Now, you don't know what I was going to ask."

She gives me the look that such a statement warrants. "This is your people's marriage custom?"

"This is our… Betrothal custom. We would each wear a ring to indicate that we were no longer available. We would put a second ring on each other at the actual wedding."

She frowns faintly. "Why is it done with rings? Would the word of those involved not be enough?"

"The rings are an outwards sign to people who don't know the couple personally."

"And the gold? It is pretty, but gold is a weak metal."

"But valuable. There are metals that are more valuable, but those require specific industries for people to value them. Everyone values gold."

"So it is a sign that a man considers his wife valuable?"

"No. It's a sign that he is confident that he will be a good husband. Because if he is not, his wife can flee his house with just her rings, and sell them, and use that money to start a life somewhere else."

She stares at me for a second, then starts to smile as if she thinks I'm joking. When I don't smile back it fades from her mouth. "Oh."

"I'm very confident that I'll be a good husband. I imagine that becoming a good father will take a little longer, but I will put in the work and get good at it. We should probably talk to your father about how exactly this is going to work-."

"And my mother."

I nod. Tribal groups in Utah are surprisingly egalitarian in some ways. Women can hunt, fight and lead warriors in most tribes. And unlike Caesar's Legion, those who perform other roles aren't derided for it. When the Chief takes council, he does it from everyone, not just his war leaders.

"Did she accompany him?"

"Yes. She…" Tears glances away. "She is.. concerned that.. you are using me as a concubine." She turns back to me as I frown. "Usually, amongst White Legs, we would have married by now or I would have returned to my father's house."

"Ah. Well, let us put her mind at ease. May I have your left hand?"

She holds her hand out to me and I take hold of it with my own left for a moment. Then I telekinetically lift the rings off my right hand and pluck hers out of the air with my right thumb and forefinger. And then I reach forward, sliding it over her ring finger. She keeps her hand still for a moment, looking at its new decoration. Then she plucks the other ring out of the air with her own right hand.

"Do I put this on you?"


"I actually don't remember. You definitely do with the wedding ring, but I'm not sure-."

She nods, and puts it on me. "There. Now we are betrothed before God. And now-" She turns, threading her right arm through my left. "-we will go to speak with my parents."

I nod, and we proceed in the general direction of the guest accommodations, the people around us-. Those who are part of the Sky Walkers at least, staring at us for a moment before dashing off to share the news.

**I'm not that bad.**

**You kind of are, Chief.**

**Laugh it up, Keanan. You're going to have to fight Goris for best man duties.**

**Ah shit.**

"How will the wedding..? Work. I have tried to learn the ways of your tribe, but I have not seen a wedding."

"How do the Ammonites do things?"

"We have not been Ammonites long enough to have a way. Some follow the traditions of the New Canaanites, with their church and priests. Others are married as they have been for as long as the White Legs have existed, but ask the God of Abraham to bless the wedding as they ask every other spirit. How is it with the Sky Walkers?"

"Before I became Chief? We mostly didn't call upon spirits. Usually the families and friends would get together, and the village leader would say some words." I grimace for a moment. "Amongst the Whisperers, they would try to.. merge the minds of everyone taking part, but since that didn't exactly help their mental health I stopped it when I took over."

"The village leaders performed the ceremony?"

I nod. "Still do, everywhere outside of our capital."

"Then you have performed the ceremony as well?" She exhales sharply through her nose, shaking her head. "I cannot imagine my father performing a marriage."

"I have. I usually do whatever they ask, but… I have-. Before my abilities became more common, I offered to link the minds of the people getting married. Briefly. That has become our custom now."

"But surely your people can do that for themselves?"

"They can, but most people don't share all of their thoughts all of the time. And not all of them learn the ability at all. Of course, in our case…"

"We would need a priest or shaman who can open your mind to me?"

"No, I was just-. Even if you chose to receive the gift of telepathy, it would still be a year or so until you could use it reliably. I don't think that your parents would accept-."

She reaches across with her left hand and gently slaps my chest. "It is not my parents that you should concern yourself with! If you try to make me wait a year I will capture you with a snare-trap and take you as my war-husband!"

I chuckle. "Sounds like fun."

She smiles back. "You said that you were not born into your tribe. What was the tradition of the tribe you were born into?"

"Ah, well my people practice a religion very similar to the religion of the New Canaanites. I would probably feel comfortable with a Mormon ceremony, except…"

"Except that you are not a Mormon. What are you?"

"That's-. What do you know about the history of Mormonism?"

"Not a great deal. I know that it was started by a prophet named Joseph Smith before the war."

I nod. "Yes, but he was essentially adding to an existing religious tradition, rather than trying to replace it. The god who he said gave him visions was the same one that people of that time commonly worshipped. Those who did not accept him as a prophet still prayed to the same god, but lived a little differently and prayed a little differently. That is not to say that they were entirely unified in their practice either… To put it simply, there are a lot of very similar religions that share a lot of history and have a lot in common, but the version I'm used to is called Anglican Christianity and it isn't quite the same as Mormonism. The problem is that I don't know where to find an Anglican priest."

"Could your original tribe not send one?"

"I haven't spoken to anyone from my original tribe for some time." I nod. "But I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to ask."
Coast to Coast (part 5)
29th November 2282
20:33 MST

Yep, that's a photograph of the Chief Thunderbird's flagpole. A group of Eighties… They're a collection of raider bands so they're not exactly soldiers, but this group report to Thunderbird directly. Around it are the flags of the other warbands of the Eighties, and a little further away…

The golden bull on a red background, and a group of people dressed as legionaries. And there's also the flag of Two Sun.


Balm-Upon-Wounds regards me stony-faced. "You know these men."

I point to a man talking to a group of Eighties mechanics. "I know that man. Wyatt the Demon. The greatest driver of the Cult of Nas, the priesthood of Two Sun. Before the war between the NCR and the Legion, they held a great race. Thunderbird was one of the racers, as was Wyatt. They likely met there."

"Do you believe that this is simply a matter of fellowship, then?"

I shake my head. "No. Two Sun are fighting-." I take a map out of my coat and spread it out on the table. Mugs serve to weigh down the corners. "Here." I point to north west Mexico. "General Vialla and the NCR expeditionary force are pushing up from the south, here." If not all that enthusiastically in the General's case. "Caesar is using the Two Sun's greater mobility to counter-attack and raid their supply lines while his legionaries hold the line. The strategy is working somewhat, but it's not enough to stop the attack completely and he's being pushed back. He wouldn't have sent Wyatt this far north for a holiday at a time like this."

Balm nods. "Then what does this mean for the Ammonites, and for Utah?"

"There are two things that it could mean, and I do not know Thunderbird's mind well enough to tell which it is. The first is that Thunderbird is considering allying with Caesar's Legion. It won't be much of an alliance; the Legion dislikes advanced technology and machinery, while the Eighties respect drivers and mechanics immensely. Their cultures are irreconcilable, and there's no reason for Thunderbird to play second fiddle. Not with the Legion being battered as it is."

"Why would he do it at all?"

"As the NCR expanded, it fought and drove out a lot of raider groups." I point to Sac City, in the north of the NCR. "This is where the Eighties come from. The ranchers in this area got fed up with having their herds raided and so signed up with the NCR, who threw the Eighties out. They'd probably quite like to get it back, and Caesar only needs the central part of the NCR to consider his victory complete. With the majority of the NCR's army in Arizona, this part is relatively lightly defended. If they come to terms, he could launch a very damaging attack." I exhale slowly. "I will have to show this to Ambassador Edith."

"Then I do not need to be concerned."

"No, you do. Because the other alternative is that Wyatt is negotiating a safe harbour for his people because he thinks that Caesar is going to lose. And from what little I've heard of the Eighties, a significant part of their population is perfectly content living in Utah… But not content with owning only part of Utah." I shrug. "Or perhaps he will do both; the Legion will aid him in conquering Utah, and only then will he go west. I will need to send agents into their territory to find out for certain."

The Eighties conquered Grabber Territory to the north of us a few of years ago, then mostly concentrated their expansionist efforts northward. To their immediate east are the Desert Rangers, Vault City and New Reno. The Desert Rangers have sent a lot of their rangers to Arizona to fight the Legion in an attempt to retake their own original home territory, but their borders are heavily fortified and their population centres are heavily fortified. The Eighties tanks could probably destroy the Ranger Citadel, if they can get through the minefield and tank trenches without taking a missile up the tailpipe. But if they scout with light vehicles, they could probably bypass most of the defences and reach NCR territory. It would stretch their supply lines dangerously, but it's worryingly possible.

Vault City's defences are much weaker, even though the Eighties drove through there when they fled California, attacking every settlement along the way. The Pale Folk and Cyclops Tribe have only been integrated into Vault City society relatively recently, and they're not much better defended than a random wasteland settlement. Vault City itself has a highly skilled and well equipped security force backed by robots, but it's small and I'm not sure that they'd deploy it away from Vault City itself. Their main way of fighting a large invasion would be handing The Brain control of their herds of naked mole rats again and ordering them to deal with their attackers. Naked mole rats could dig trenches to stop vehicles, if The Brain can handle coordinating them. But after fighting Cerberus and slaughtering a lot of the survivors to provide meat for the NCR army, they can't cover all of their core territory either. Their best bet would be undermining the major roads, slowing the advance as much as possible.

Past Vault City is New Reno. They-. Yeah, if the Eighties get that far with even a fraction of their forces intact they'll just run over the whole place. The gangs of New Reno can fight, but outside of a handful of mercenary companies they have hardly any professional soldiers. And hardly any fortifications outside of the Isotope Chapter-controlled Sierra Army Depot. The best bet would be for them to send mercenaries to defend Vault City while they fortify themselves, but I don't know if I can talk Mr. Bishop into that.

He's had 'help' from the Hubologists, so 'nudging' him into agreement is out of the question as well.

And if they come here… Then we'll fire up the Dream Twister again. We'd catch a lot of their slaves in the area of affect if we did… But that's a big army.

"And then?"

I shrug. "My people will be fighting them either way. Slavers have no place in the America I want to build."

"Then I am fortunate that the Ammonites no longer have slaves."

Ammonites used to enslave captives, but they didn't usually stay slaves once they earned their place in the tribe. They acquired an unusually large number during their move towards New Canaan because they were fighting an unusually large number of people, but they were mostly left doing what they were doing before and if you walked through the area even before their conversion you might not be aware that the people around you were slaves at all. Once the White Legs became the Ammonites their slaves were freed if they accepted baptism, which just about all of them did.

The Eighties definitely have slaves. War captives, debtors, people they buy from slave traders, they're not all that fussy. But skilled slaves are generally treated pretty well and the children of slaves aren't slaves in turn. Vault City doesn't have slavery, and First Citizen Lynette has removed some of the legal restrictions on the servant class. New Reno doesn't have 'slavery', but it does have a number of ways to put yourself in debt bondage. Though not as many as there used to be, now that they're cozying up to the NCR.

"You became a better man during your campaign. It isn't a matter of fortune." I consider the map again. "I will send saboteurs as well as intelligence gatherers. I would have preferred to wait until the war with the Legion was over, but we may as well deal with them now."

"My people will need time to ready themselves."

"I will not be acting directly against their army. My people will be avoiding direct confrontation to try and slow their war preparations. And I will have to ask the Brain to assist with that. I would suggest that you prepare defences along the border; things that can stop their vehicles." He nods. "The Sky Walkers don't have a great many anti-tank weapons in storage, but the NCR might. They aren't really needed against the Legion. I'll talk to them about sending them your way."

"And what will their aid cost the Ammonites?"

"They will probably ask for a number of things, including formally allying with them. I suggest offering only to fight the Eighties, because they are in no position to argue for more. But, there is wisdom in allying with them, now that you are building a nation for your people."

"M." He nods. "I will discuss this with the elders of the Ammonites. You will share with me what you learn."

"Of course. Now, on a more cheerful note, Tears and I have agreed to marry."

He frowns. "I thought that you had done so already."

"So did a lot of people. All I had agreed to was to court her, as while Doki is a surprisingly good judge of compatibility she doesn't actually understand humans. But we have discussed the matter at length and believe that our marriage will be a good one."

He smiles reservedly. "That is good. When can I meet your father?"

Ah. "That's… Not possible. My parents…" I shrug and shake my head. I don't want to lie, but understanding what happened is probably a little beyond him.

"I see." He nods sympathetically. "Well then. Once the war with the Eighties is over, you and I must hunt together."

"I would be delighted."

And then we shake hands, and prepare for war.
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Trivialities (part 20)
11th April 2013
07:02 GMT +1


"Thanagarians-" Kara leans back into the dining room from the kitchen. "-eat food, right?"

Bleez looks awkwardly at me for a moment, then turns back to Kara. "Yes?"

"Not, like, bird seed or anything?"

"I can eat seeds if that's what you're having?"

"Thanagarians can process human food perfectly well, thank you Kara."

"Okay! Human food!"

Kara ducks back into the kitchen, and I pointedly avoid scanning what she's doing. Bleez looks at me with concern.

"Is she… Alright?"

"She's from an isolationist world and doesn't exactly understand how to deal with aliens. She's lived around humans for long enough that she's learned our strange and nonsensical customs, but other species are unknown territory for her."

"So 'bird seed' isn't a kind of muesli?"

"It-. A human could eat it as a form of muesli, but I think she's trying to work out whether she should treat you as a human with wings or as a bird that can think."

Bleez looks mystified. "Is-?"

There's a blue and red blur.

"Or a hamster!" Kara smiles, hands clasped behind her back. "Because her helmet looks a bit like a hamster ball and I don't want to assume she's a bird just because she has wings!"

"What's a hamster ball?"

"It's a ball! For hamsters!"

"Hamsters are a small fur-covered Earth-native animal sometimes kept as pets by humans. Hamster balls are small plastic spheres that some hamster owners put them in so that they can exercise by running around the house without being able to escape-" Bleez twitches, her wings fluffing up slightly. "-or really hide themselves."

Kara nods. "And sometimes they put humans in them, too, just so the hamsters don't think they're being picked on!"

Kara then looks away with a frown, then sniffs twice. Then she vanishes in another blue/red blur.

I take a sound baffle out of subspace and put it on the table. Then I reach across the table and lay my right hand on her left.

"Bleez, you are a friend. I want to help you. But I also have responsibilities to Earth. I need to know what happened."

She pulls her wing in tight around her body. "He-. That guy you warned me about. He came to a concert I put on, on one of the planets Thanagar recently conquered."

"You went to a planet that had been recently conquered? Were you doing a concert for the army? And-."

"No-. Well. Kind of. It was suppose to be a demonstration of thanagarian culture. And the only people who got invites were super vetted, so I wasn't really worried, and then he was just there?"

"In front of you?"

"In the audience. I don't even know what species he was. I just thought he was some dignitary or something."

"I wasn't able to give you a precise description. How-?"

"He had a ring! And the blue skin and the weird haircut!"

"A crew cut's not that weird."

"It is if you leave the fringe long!"

"So… What did he do?"

"He-. Okay, he didn't really do anything. He was watching me, but everyone was watching me…" She stretches her wings a little, then pulls them back in. "I just kept it together for the concern and then jumped in a ship to get out of there before anything happened."


"Being watched is sort of your job." Hm. "Thanagarian security is usually pretty good. How did he get through?"

"He had an invite. According to the guest list he's some sort of security consultant." She turns her hand over, taking hold of mine. "What do I do? You said that when he turns up Havania gets conquered!"

"Bleez, you can't assume that prophecy is that simple. What would you have done if I hadn't told you about what the oracle saw?"

"I.. Guess I'd have said, 'hi, thank you for coming, isn't Thanagar great' or something? I don't know?"

"And the oracle told me that he only attacked after you rejected him on Havania, right? So if he got that fixated on you, he didn't try anything there and waited until later."

"He's not after me?"

"I doubt that he's after you yet. More to the point, most people don't have unique haircuts. There are probably quite a lot of males from his species who look similar, and given your involvement with the Thanagarian military, if you've run into one then you're quite likely to run into more than one. Now, that doesn't-."

"It might not be the guy." Her wings and shoulders sag. "It might not be the guy."

"It might not be the guy. Or it might be the guy several years before he reached that point. Or he might have gotten obsessed with you after a meeting today that you didn't have because you came here. Heck, prophecy isn't completely reliable anyway." She nods. "Did you tell anyone about spotting a Yellow Lantern?"

"Yeah, but I don't know if they're actually going to do anything about it."

"Other than try and get someone into the Corps?"

"They might. But they might not." She circles her shoulders, settling her wings back into their default position. "I don't think you really understand how the government of Thanagar thinks about you. And what you've done for them."

"What, the cult thing? It wasn't that big a deal. And Lantern Dul hardly spends any time in this region of space."

"No, not that. Vulcan. He's already creating more Nth metal than all of the smelters on Thanagar put together. Which means that all the senior government officials have calmed down enough to actually read the reports about Earth and not write them off like they're works of fiction."

"To be fair, they do sound like works of fiction."

"So they know about what the Orange Lantern Corps is doing, and they also know that if you tell someone that an oracle says something, it's probably true, or at least kinda true? They've already got the Green Lantern Corps reports about Sinestro, so if they put it all together? I think they're more likely to shoot anyone with a glowing yellow ring than try and work with them."

"I'm glad to hear it. So, what's really with the spacesuit?"


Blue and red blur, and Kara puts a large plate of pancakes down in the middle of the table. "Done! Oh!" Blue and red blur, and there are three plates, and containers for pancake-appropriate condiments.

And a packet of birdseed, with 'MUESLI' hurriedly written on the side.
Trivialities (part 21)
11th April 2013
07:13 GMT +1

Bleez looks impressed as Kara demolishes her seventh pancake. She isn't eating it at full-on super speed, but her cuts and jabs and scoops are far faster and more precise than any a human or thanagarian could make.

Then she stops completely still.

"Do you like it?"

Bleez looks down at the small pile of 'muesli' on her plate. "Ah, the seeds are a little chewy. Maybe they'd be better toasted?"

Kara's irises unfocus for a moment and I ready a construct shield as two planes of red light burn from her eyes and hit the seeds with a quiet sizzling sound. They brown, and Kara blinks as her eyes refocus. It's actually a little tricky to use heat vision on 'wide beam', but that showed an impressive degree of control.


Bleez is staring at her. Kara looks puzzled.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"No-. How-? What was that?"

"Heat vision!" Kara smiles brilliantly. "When kryptonians get exposed to main phase stars we get all kinds of neat powers! I mostly use it instead of brushing my teeth!"

"How hot was that?"

Kara raises her right forefinger to her mouth. "Mm, I'm not sure? I've melted dolomite before, but that amount of heat is kiiiinda super dangerous to all the humans nearby."


Kara nods happily. "There was this TV show where the professor kept calling dolomite a 'wonder mineral'." She folds her arms across her chest. "Well it might be a wonder mineral, but it's not a super mineral!"

"And what.. else can you do?"

Kara starts counter on her fingers. "Ah, move super-fast, hit things real hard, I'm completely-." She stops still and then points her finger at me. "Almost completely invulnerable, I-" I nod approvingly. "-can fly, freeze things by breathing on them-. Oh, and hold my breath for a real long time! And then there's heat vision, and x-ray vision, which doesn't fire x-rays but does let me see through stuff. And super hearing, and super smell, and telescopic vision and microscopic vision…" She trails off, frowning. "And there might be some more I've forgotten. I've got a lot of powers."

"Don't forget ventriloquism."

Kara smiles and rolls her eyes, flapping her right hand dismissively. "Oh, that doesn't count. Oh! I can't put on weight! That's pretty useful."

"What do you mean by 'ventriloquism'?"

"I can make my voice sound different-" Kara's mouth is moving, but the sound is coming from Bleez's lips in Bleez's voice, much to Bleez's surprise. "-and make it come from different places. But that's not really a superpower, is it? That's just silly."

I'm just glad that she can't make a smaller, more powerful version of herself.

"Say, would you be interested in a job as my bodyguard? Even my mother couldn't complain about that."

"No, not really." Kara shakes her head. "Earth just had its whole everything stop working, and while you seem really nice, I don't think you're as important as a whole species."

"How about if I stayed here? I've done concerts on Thanagarian protectorates before. I could do some on Earth."

"I don't mind, but… I move pretty quick? I usually fix up a whole area before there's time for a concert. Buuuuut, maybe you could join in?"

"I don't know.. much about civil disaster management."

"It's not complicated! You just find something that needs to get done, do it, and then move on!" Kara nods confidently. "I let Batman and Mister Atom do 'managing'."

"Actually, if your ship can carry any sort of weight, you could be a big help with transportation. Otherwise, just being visible in places where there was violent conflict can really help to calm things down and give everyone the confidence they need to go about their days."

"My ship isn't really designed to move cargo containers."

"But it's got standard parasite attachment points, right?"

"Ah, I think so? I haven't taken them off."

"I can build a cargo pod that can mate with those. Earth can build weapons as good as anything the Thanagarian Empire has, but it mostly operates at a far lower level of technology. Certainly, we don't use anything like Nth metal. If you're willing to do that you'd mostly be moving people volunteering for agricultural work from cities to rural areas, and maybe farming tools and equipment."

She frowns. "That doesn't sound anything like what I'd expected. Doesn't this sort of thing usually involve transporting food, and… Fundraising?"

"Usually, a natural disaster affects a limited area, so bringing in resources from places that aren't affected is the most sensible thing to do. The problem that we have is that the whole Earth was affected, and we don't have an interstellar empire to draw resources from."

"What about your Lantern Corps?"

"Can't take the risk of Anti-Life exposure. Or risk picking a fight with Apokolips." I nod my head to the side. "Yet, anyway. We'll have to fight them eventually." I shrug. "I could probably convince them to send me a few ships that they don't urgently need, but there are only a handful of people on Earth who would have the slightest idea how to operate them. The nearest inhabited world to Earth is Mars, and they don't produce a food surplus, and they're going through a political upheaval of their own. Then there's Ungara, and they have to use solar reflectors to have any farmland at all. And then there's Earth's own farming policy-. It's something that we need to correct for ourselves. We've got all the stuff we need in order to do it, people just need… Jollying along. Guidance. Organisation. Once the first year's harvest is done we can probably just leave it, but until then…"

"Okay." She nods. "I have wanted to see more of Earth."

"I'll try and point out the interesting bits. So, the space suit?"

"Oh, it's a costume, you know? I had it on during the last song. I was just too freaked out to get changed."

"It's just, ah… I've noticed you… How can I put this..? Displaying yourself.. when we speak? My ring says that you want me to admire your physique, but that can be taken in a couple of different ways and I know that Thanagarian intelligence wants you to keep tabs on me, so..?"

She looks surprised. "I thought you didn't notice?"

"No, I just didn't want to get you in trouble with your handlers. Or me in trouble with Jade."

"Well…" She fluffs and straightens her wings awkwardly. "To begin with? I was trying to make you interested. I know enough about human culture to know that it was more… Overtly sexual for a human than it would have been for a thanagarian, I just… It was kind of a game? After a while? To see if I could actually get you to notice? And yeah, I could point to it when my handlers asked, but once Lantern Dul reported in that wasn't such a big deal for them."

I nod as I return my attention to my actually pretty good pancake. "Perhaps it would be worth suggesting to your intelligence contacts that using that sort of technique on an empath isn't likely to work."

Her pupils narrow, the thanagarian equivalent of eyes widening. "That works over long range comms?"

"It can do. It does for me." I turn to Kara. "Perhaps we could work in India today?"
Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
10th April 2013
23:31 GMT -7

"Just a minute!"

I lower my hoof from where I knocked at the door of the Castle of Friendship, my gaze remaining fixedly forwards. Because that way I don't have to look upwards at the abomination unto civic planning, architecture and military fortifications that is the main habitation area of the so-called 'castle'.

So Twilight's old home was a library built into a tree. Fine. Bark is a vital organ but it's perfectly possible to hollow out part of a trunk without killing the whole tree, especially if you've got magic assistance. Put a window in the side of the trunk? Fine. It would normally stop the flow of water and nutrients upwards and downwards, but a capable enough bio-engineer could get around that. A balcony? Sure, if you've got a branch big enough.

The current… Thing is a crystal… Tree-like object, with a thick 'trunk' at the base and 'branches' spreading outwards about half way up. These for a platform upon which sits a miniature castle and a colossal balcony. The crystal isn't all that thick so it must be incredibly strong to support that weight, but I can't help but think that any decent attack would just collapse the whole edifice. And the right sonic attack-.

Sunset's horn winks out. "I don't believe it."

"Yes, you'd think that a magical energy field with access to every currently extant special talent could do a bit better than this when it comes to-."

"What?" She glances at me with a frown. "No. There aren't any protective spells."


"There's a harmony field-effect which probably does something, but there's nothing stopping someone teleporting up to the balcony and then walking inside."

I mean…

"It's a red herring, then. Civil administration is handled by the town hall, and there's no guard unit. They'd rather this building was attacked, rather-" The door opens, Spike staring at our ankles. "-than anywhere that's actually important."

Spike looks up, and gulps.

"Hey Sunset Shimmer, Grayven. What brings you..? Here?"

"Present for you."

I drop the taaffeite crystal on him, and he catches it with both hands. "Uh, thanks." He sniffs it curiously, then shrugs. "What is it?"

"Taaffeite. It occurred to me that you might not have ever encountered it, and I'm curious to see what it tastes like to you."

He looks a little wary. "Is it bad?"

"As bad as a crystal lattice of magnesium, beryllium, aluminium and oxygen can be, I suppose. I don't know of any other dragon ever eating it, so I can't really give you more information. Should be harmless, compared to things you've already eaten."

"I… Think I'll save that for later."

Sunset takes a half-step closer. "Is Twilight in? I'd like to speak to her."

"Ah…" He glances back into the alleged castle. "Probably? I'll-." He sighs.

I nod sympathetically. "Not like the old days where you could just shout up to her, is it?"

"Yeah. And these stairs aren't easy when your legs are as short as mine."

That prompts a frown from me. "Can't you send scrolls to people with your fire?"

"That…" He rubs his chin with his right hand. "Huh. That could work." He looks left and right. "Except I don't keep a quill or scroll down here."

Subspace to the rescue.

"Here you go. That's a ballpoint pen and a notepad."

"Huh." He puts down the crystal as he takes hold of the pen and pad, looking at the tip of the pen. "Is that like a fountain pen?"

"Yes, but it uses a ball wedged in the tip rather than a lever. Much easier to control."

"Okay. Grayven plus Sunset at front door to see you." He then tears off the first page of the pad and exhales green flame over it. It disintegrates into ash and then flies off up the stairs.

Sunset frowns at it. "What happens if there's a door in the way?"

Spike shrugs. "It flies around. And the doors aren't air tight; it doesn't need a lot of space."

"Huh. Would you mind if I did some tests on you later? I'd-" Spike's eyes widen and he cringes back. "-love to-."

I bat her with my wing, prompting her to look at me.


I nod at Spike, my eyes fixing hers.

"Oh. Right." Her head jerks back to Spike. "Non-invasive tests mostly involving passive monitoring when you send messages. Not… Whatever you were imagining."

"Oh." He exhales in relief. "I was worried because I've seen Twilight's Science Dungeon-"

Sunset blinks. "What?"

"-and that didn't look like it would be much fun."

"Ah-. I don't have a science dungeon? I do most of my work in a first floor laboratory with lots of natural sunlight, and an ethics guidance committee."

Spike considers that for a moment. "That sounds like an improvement. Maybe-."


Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria appears in the foyer just behind Spike, smiling at us as she spots us. "Hey guys! Come in! What's up?"

Spike moves back inside, putting the notepad and pen on a side table and scooping up the crystal. I courteously let Sunset take the lead, then follow on behind her.

Sunset addresses her successor first. "We came to warn you that Princess Celestia's planning something stupid." Twilight's face takes on a mulish cast at the slight against her idol. "So we tried talking her out of it, but… You know how that goes."

"No I don't." She sounds slightly panicked as she says it, as if Sunset just said 'oh, come on: everyone pisses in the baptismal font once'. "I've never tried talking Princess Celestia out of anything."

I nod. "Yes, that's… Part of the problem." Ah, where to start. "Okay, so you remember that when the Plunder Vines kidnapped Celestia and Luna, you ended up in charge of the country?"

"Oh, yes." Twilight grins, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure they've updated the contingency protocols to make sure that never happens again." She giggles. "Can you imagine me running the country?"

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah…" I wince. "It's... More like the opposite."

She looks puzzled, though not yet worried. "Ah… The opposite?"

"You've been made Crown Princess. Which means that if anything happens to Celestia or Luna it's your official job, rather than just the result of idiots panicking and looking for someone else to fix things."

Twilight grins, unnaturally. "Okay, but what's the chance of that happening, right?"

"Celestia's… Kind of planning on stepping down. Luna's not sure how she feels, but she's not really integrated into peoples' minds in the way that Celestia is, and there's a good chance that she'll step down too when Celestia does."

Twilight blinks. "I'm sorry, but it sounds like you're saying that I'm about to become the ruler of Equestria."

"That's.. because-" I nod. "-that's what I just said."


Twilight's eyes roll back in their sockets as she collapses to the floor.
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Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
10th April 2013
23:36 GMT -7


Spike hurries over to his primary caregiver's side, putting his hands on her side and trying to shake her awake. Sunset's horn glows for a moment and I recognise a basic diagnostic spell being fired off, and given that she rolls her eyes afterwards I assume that Twilight doesn't have anything seriously wrong with her.

This is inconvenient.

I trot closer and take a small vial of smelling salts out of subspace while Spike frantically checks her breathing and pulse. Lid off and lower it to her muzzle-.

Spike jerks his head around as the vial passes him. "What are you-?" His muzzle wrinkles. "Ew!"

"Yep." I watch Twilight's nostrils twitch twice, then her eyes snap open and her hooves try and drag her out of range without clearing things with her not-entirely-up-to-speed brain. I put the stopper back on as she tries to finish her reboot while simultaneously getting that smell out of her nose. "Wake up juice. Marvellous stuff. Back with us, Princess?"

"Ah… Yes, yes, but-." Her eyes widen as she gets to the 'Celestia is abdicating' part. "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm remembering things right. Because I thought you said-."

"I did. Not immediately, but that's the direction she's heading in."

Twilight goes still. "Oh."

Spike frowns. "Did Princess Celestia say why she's quitting?"

I shrug. "She's been doing a job not actually related to her special talent for over a thousand years. I think she just wants a change."

Sunset snorts, muttering something under her breath.

Twilight looks at her for a moment. "I'm sorry? I didn't catch that."

Sunset looks her full on. "She's gotten old."

Twilight looks like she's still a little behind events. "Ah… A thousand years is fairly old…"

"Equestria is finally industrialising. With the railways and the printing press, Equestrian society will change faster now than it has in the last thousand years. And since Celestia has spent time studying what happened to human society when that happened, she knows it. I think that she thinks that she can't handle it."

Twilight frowns, though by now she's at least a little used to Sunset's attitude to her former teacher. "Equestria hasn't just stayed the same for the last thousand years." She walks-. She's pacing. She's pacing in a circle. "It can't just be that she doesn't think she can handle it." She stops, looking at me. "What about Princess Luna?"

I wing-shrug. "She can't produce a new Princess Regnant for about seventeen years, and I think that Celestia wants to quit before that."

Twilight stops circling, tilting her head slightly to the right as she looks at me in puzzlement. "Why would it take seventeen years?"

"A year to bear the foal, sixteen years to-" Twilight's cheeks colour. "-reach its majority."

Sunset tosses her mane. "And I don't have time to run a country."

"Yes." I nod. "That's the only reason."

Sunset limits her response to raising her left eyebrow at me before returning her attention to Twilight. "Celestia was just going to drop this on you and then fly off-" Twilight's eyes widen again. "-but we talked her into giving you some warning."

Twilight raises her right hoof to her chest, inhaling deeply as she does so. Then she exhales, thrusting her right hoof forward. Breathes in, hoof in, breathes out, hoof out.

Spike watches her trying to calm down, then turns to me. "Was that everything?"

"I'm afraid not. We talked Celestia into decelerating her retirement plans."

"Oh." He thinks for a moment, then nods. "That sounds like a good idea."

"But unless Twilight wants to turn her down-"

Twilight starts hyperventilating, her hoof blurring as she tries to keep up with her breathing.

"-we need to teach her how to exercise regnant authority. And that starts with Ponyville."

Spike tries waving his hands to get Twilight's attention, but it doesn't work. I-.

Sunset nudges me aside. "No, I've got this one." Her horn glows as she conjures a paper bag from somewhere, then levitates it over Twilight's muzzle and holds it there.

Twilight… Gradually slows down, her foreleg flailing slightly less before eventually flopping back to the floor.

"Oh-kay." Twilight looks at Sunset, who hesitates for a moment before floating the paper bag off Twilight's muzzle. "Okay. What do you mean, 'starts with Ponyville'?"

I smile in what I hope is a calming and reassuring manner. "If you're doing this, and I emphasise if-" Twilight twitches and Sunset raises the paper bag threateningly. "-then we think it would be best if you started off ruling something smaller and simpler than an entire country."

"Yeah. That.. sounds like a good idea."

Sunset nods. "And because the whole point is to dump Equestria on someone who knows how industrialisation works, we need to industrialise Ponyville. Or rather, you do."

Sunset's horn glows, and a pile of papers appears next to Twilight.

"Congratulations, Duchess Twilight Sparkle of the Duchy of Ponyville."

She looks at Sunset, then at the paperwork, then at Sunset, but her horn's already glowing as she picks up the pages. "But I'm already a princess."

"Yes, but you can't be Princess of Ponyville unless Celestia makes it an independent country, and we thought that would be too much work when you don't even know how to run a duchy. Legally, someone who rules a city is a duke or duchess, so now you're a duchess and a princess." Sunset emits a low growl. "Whereas I haven't even been awarded my doctorate yet."

I nod. "That's the problem with being more intelligent than the review committee."

"I turned myself into an alicorn. That should be all the proof I need to show that I know what I'm talking about."

I decide to move on. "Now, that 'duchess' thing doesn't go into effect until you actually agree to any of this, and you'll need to discuss this with the Ponyville mayor. If you keep going you'll get to the part which defines the proposed area of the duchy, the extent of your authority and the suggestions Sunset and I came up with to improve the local economy and the provisional contracts that the company which we intend to set up has been offered by the Crown and by governments on Earth. Celestia has already approved moving Starswirl's Mirror to Ponyville to simplify matters."

Twilight is now at the centre of a cylindrical wall of paperwork. "Uh-huh."

"And your tail is on fire."


"Okay, she's good. Spike, probably a good idea to keep an eye-."

The looks he gives me says 'no shit' and 'I've been doing this literally since I hatched'.

"You've got this. Good lad. We'll be in Ponyville for the rest of the day if anyone need us. Do you need anything right now?"

He considers for a moment. "Could you let the girls know that Twilight's going to need them in about… Half an hour? I think that's when she'll start coming out of this."

I nod. "Will do. I-."

"Spike!" Twilight starts moving, paperwork still forming a shield wall around her. "I need census data for every major city in Equestria for the last fifty years, a topographical map of the Ponyville area, and…"

Spike grabs the notepad and pen and starts frantically scribing as Sunset and I walk out of the palace.
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Trivialities (part 22)
11th April 2013
14:13 GMT +5:30

Indians can be a surprisingly fatalistic bunch.

I remember hearing that on a documentary, which focused on a ridiculously unsafe road up a mountain. There was a small shrine at the bottom where they could make an offering for good fortune, and then it was a long journey on a poorly maintained and very busy road along a mountain with no guard rail. Theologically, it makes a kind of sense. If suffering repays karmic debt for your inevitable reincarnation, suffering is less of a concern. A logic that led to the very real Thuggee sect and their modern successors in Kobra.

Not that Christianity has anything to boast about, not given how close the Resurrection Crusade came to ending free will.

Before the Broadcast, despite the Sheeda's best efforts, India was home to over a billion people. Now, it's… A lot less. Their city bosses were weirdly brutal, combining the worst aspects of Hinduism with Apokoliptian class structure. In rural areas, a depressingly large number of people literally just laid down and died, the opposite of what happened in most other countries. And then there's the fact that the country never had the best infrastructure…

On the positive side, the coal mines and power stations that provide urban India with electricity are up and running at something approaching full capacity. On the negative side… Everything else. With oil extraction globally… Fallen off a cliff, rural farming machinery lies dormant. Of course, in the places that rely on manual labour or animal labour, that's less of a problem. Cows don't need petrol to pull a plough. But the deaths are a problem, because the alternative to threshing machines is human labour and the humans are either flat out not there or they're in the wrong place.

But at least I get to feel the großbritannienfreude that comes from being an Englishman building stuff in India. Which -given that I'm an Orange Lantern- actually helps things.

I look down at the new residents of a small village where almost everyone jumped off a nearby cliff. The survivors got relocated to another nearby village where some of them had family and that needed the labour. Which left a perfectly functional village with decent fields empty of people. The new inhabitants are mostly second generation city residents who will be relying on their elder's memories of farming as well as the farming manuals in English and Hindi we left in all of the houses. I don't know if it's going to work, but it's better than leaving them in the slums that were shitty places to live before civilisation collapsed.

But for now, they've got clean water, nutritional wafers, vitamin tablets and a few hundred blocks of that weird US government subsidised cheese that they can refrigerate because I included power lines with the road. Enough to live on, if not exactly satisfying. A pile of coal, because we've got plenty of coal and exchanging it for Justice League money will put money in circulation and hopefully get markets working again. Electric heaters and fans because they're mechanically simple and run on electricity.

"Okay, road done. Anything else you urgently-"

Kara erupts from the ground nearby, having bored down to the water table and heat visioned the sides of the hole into a new well.


No doctors or nurses. The closest is in a town that's about five and a half days away on foot. No medicines. No vehicles-. Or rather, no petrol to fuel them. Animals they have, and more are available if they round them up. Basic tools they have, and some wood.

"No." The elderly man heading up the group who actually came out to meet us shakes his head. "We will survive."

"Best of luck with that."

Kara spins, throwing out a cloud of dirt as she spin cleans herself. While Bleez… Is just sort of looking puzzled.

I could ask Kara to gather some animals, but they're not an immediate necessity and we've got a lot of villages to get through.

Next road. Kara grabs the shipping container and reattaches it to Bleez's ship, then grabs hold of the ship and accelerates away. The ship can't go as fast as Kara can inside an atmosphere, but between the shields, inertial dampeners and Nth metal armour it can handle her acceleration. I transition back to the nearest main road and start transmuting again. Level the ground, add stones and compact, add tarmac, add cat's-eyes and road markings and power lines and drainage channels and get moving because India is large.

Ring, open channel to Bleez.


"Illustres to Bleez. Something on your mind?"

"We don't have places like this on Havania. Or on Thanagar."

"I wouldn't expect you to. I did say that our technology level was widely variable."

"I thought it was damage from one of the invasions."

"The details are, but the way of life? No, that was there before. Advanced technology hasn't trickled down to everywhere in our society in the way that it has in places like Thanagar."

"That's not quite it. Our slaves don't exactly have the latest grav-cars, but they do have better farming machinery and… Organisation than this."

"How do you mean?"

"Havania was meant to be a garden. All our farms are laid out in grids, with irrigation canals and roads and everything in place. In places the thanagarians don't have to look unless they're the overseer or if they really want to. I don't know what it looked like before we geoscaped it, but now there's basically nothing that isn't set out just the way we like it. Here it's like they just sort of started farming wherever they were."


"And not being able to get power for tools. I thought you had bleed torsion generators?"

"I do, and about a dozen or so genius-in-their-fields worldwide could probably make more, but that's not enough to have one for every appliance."

"So, one for each village?"

"No. Far too many villages. Also, we don't have good enough batteries to really take advantage of it even if we had enough. Even the really advanced places would rather plug right into a power source than use storage."

I snort.

"Shorter structures are more stable. Lower centre of gravity. We're having to deliberately reduce the 'tech level' of our civilisation to preserve it. While… At the same time advancing it in some areas. I think that future historians are going to have some very harsh things to say about us, the smug gits."

"Doesn't technology make everything easier?"

"Yes, but it comes with increasingly complex logistical and educational requirements. Our logistics are badly broken and will continue to be for at least a year, and we lost a lot of people with specialist knowledge. Imagine… Imagine what would happen to the Thanagarian Empire if… Half the people who knew anything about making or working with Nth metal died, that's the equivalent. You'd have to train loads more people, and the people who had the knowledge would have to focus on training and not other projects. Just about every sector of the Empire's economy would suffer, and the Empire's government would have to think seriously about using non-Nth metal based technology to keep things going."

"Yeah, I… I get it. Ah… Did your oracle have some kind of vision about that?"

"Ah, yes, but the Seven Devils would have to manifest in the material universe first. They still know more about the stuff than anyone, and could probably subvert technology based on it."

"So is this-? It? You just have to accept your people living like their ancient ancestors?"

"No. This isn't permanent, we will rebuild, it's just the best we can do for now."
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Trivialities (part 23)
11th April 2013
18:32 GMT +5:30

Hundreds of miles of road laid down, and looking at it from just high enough in the air that I can see all of India, I can't see any of it.

I sigh.

Alright. India's quite big and there are some clouds, but that was a lot of road I laid down today. It would probably be visible if it was all in one place and I can have my rings highlight it for me…

But one thing I appreciate more than ever is exactly how big the world is. Numbers don't do it. Moving around and seeing a lot of places didn't do it. But spending hours building roads across a country and not filling in even a percent of it, that… That's as close to being humbling as things get for me.

Thousands of people helped, though that mostly means putting them in a position to help themselves. Unlike what I did in Greece, Dr. Balewa approves of this way of handling it.


A blue streak in the atmosphere beneath me, and then Kara is up here floating alongside me.

"What's funny?"

I frown inside my armour. "How did you hear that? There isn't enough air up here to carry the sound even with super hearing."

"Your armor vibrated."

Did it? Alright, my light armour doesn't have the amount of vibration cancelling that my heavy armour has. It relies on a kinetic barrier to stop kinetic attack. But… She'd have to see how my faceplate vibrated and then decode those vibrations in her head.


"So what's funny?"

"I just remembered something. 'Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a few hours. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm-"

"Why would you set a man on fire?" She looks shocked. "That's terrible!"

"-for the.. rest of his life." Kara's glaring at me. "No, no I wouldn't. It's a joke-"

She frowns at me. "Being set on fire isn't funny."

"-based on the phrase 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.' The point is that it's generally better to provide people with the tools and knowledge of how to do things for themselves than it is to just do those things for them."

She still looks suspicious. "As long as you don't set them on fire."

"No one is setting anyone on fire. The joke-. Maybe it doesn't work for kryptonians, but the joke is that the phrasing I used first is similar to the original version, technically true but patently ridiculous."

"There are some very bad people who set other people on fire." Kara looks at me with an expression of concern. "Maybe you just haven't met them yet. I don't think you'd joke about it if you'd seen it."

"Maybe we can talk about black comedy at some point."

She goes back to smiling. "Ooh, I love The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air!"

"That-that wasn't what I meant, but… Okay. I'm glad."

I check my chronometer. Usually, the Justice League doesn't have anything like a working time directive. Batman for example has worked forty eight hours continuously without sleep, and that was before the Anti-Life broadcast. But that was for a multi-villain team up with hundreds of lives on the line, and he made sure to rest well afterwards. Essentially, we're volunteers, and sometimes we need to volunteer more than others. Unless someone looks like they need to rest -like I did back during Klarion's mass child abduction- they're left to sort things out for themselves.

But now there's no 'down time'. We could keep working until we burned out every day. So we now actually have limits to the amount of time we're supposed to spend working, both in a day and in a week. Because we still have emergencies in addition to the rebuilding, though… Not as many as we might have.

A lot of supervillains died after the Broadcast. Of those that didn't, most have the sense to either help with rebuilding in exchange for a consideration, or have just gone to ground while the getting was good.

A few set themselves up as robber barons. A few of those were left in place so that they'd go on providing a degree of stability until such time as we have something to replace them with.

I've still got four-.

There's a flash of light from below-.

And then my heavy armour is around me and I'm down, just ahead of Kara, construct barrier blocking the shockwave from the nuclear bomb that just detonated and redirecting it upwards! Kara breathes in and exhales, heat levels dropping even as the burning winds bite at her costume. I deploy radiation absorption constructs around the site of the detonation and use cold rays to aid in Kara's effort to reduce the temperature.

Where are-?

"Orange Lantern to Justice League. Nuclear detonation at my current location. Make sure that no one is launching."

"That's under control." Batman this time. "Do you know where it came from?"

"No contrail." I scan the rapidly normalising area around the probable source of the blast. "Nothing left of the bomb. Isotope signature… Best match suggests that it was an Indian bomb."

"Understood. Make the area safe and then commence an investigation."

"Will do. Orange Lantern out."

Darn it. We went the entire Anti-Life month without anyone throwing a nuclear weapon at anyone else, and now it happens. So whereabouts-?

The pickup point. We're just outside Visakhapatnam-.

"Bleez, location?"


"I'm okay. I was-. I was already moving away. Passengers on board."

"Okay. Are they okay?"

"Shaken up, but the shields held. Was that a fission bomb?"

"Yes. I'm afraid that our-."

"Are the others-? No, of course they're dead."

"If you're referring to the people who were awaiting transfer, yes. Everyone in the immediate vicinity of the blast is dead. I'm afraid that our pleasant day of charitable labour just got derailed. Investigating this has to take top priority."

"What's the point of using a fission bomb on farm labourers?"

"I'm going to try and find out. But sometimes there isn't a point. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

The world won't burn from this, but clearly we're going to have to increase security at sites like this. We haven't been bothering because India's few supervillains realised that their food needs to come from somewhere, and there's no point trying to force someone to do something they're going to do voluntarily anyway.

"Can I help? Or should I keep making-. Oh."

"I'm afraid that even if we could organise more émigrés, without the infrastructure that I'd be building they can't start their new lives. And there's the risk of further attacks. But I'd be happy to have your company while we investigate."
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Trivialities (part 24)
11th April 2013
18:59 GMT +5:30

I found out exactly what nuclear weapons India has when I joined the Justice League's anti-nuclear apocalypse conspiracy. India has nuclear weapons that can be launched from the air, from the ground and from the sea. Their nuclear missile-capable submarines are still under construction, but several small navy ships are capable of launching smaller missiles with nuclear warheads.

Normally, tracking them would be a job for Atlantis, but… They're not here right now. Keeping tabs on ground and air based deployment vehicles as well as naval vessels in harbour is handled by Batman… Or it was. Understandably, he's been busy, and a lot of the mechanisms he used to keep tabs on them remotely have failed.

In what I hope was a remarkable display of good sense by the Indian defence ministry, all of their nuclear weapons were ordered to be put in peace time mode when the Broadcast happened. But aside from an incident when our penal legion had to stop an unusually deranged City Boss using a stolen land-based missile to kill himself and his entire city on a date of astrological significance… While we know where they all should be, we don't know where they all are. And in what I suspect was a remarkable display of good -if frustrating- sense, they found time to ward them all.

On the other hand, the Mark-K eyeball works just fine.

Kara waves the transporter erector launcher back and forth in a way that makes me wince. At least there's no one inside the cab this time. "Should I put this one with the rest?"

"Did you find a missile?"

She shakes her head. "Didn't look like it was ever loaded."

"Then yes, carefully, please."


In theory, Kara should be able to look around and see either radioactive residue or lead lining. But missiles are designed not to leak, and lead isn't all that uncommon. Spotting large and unusual vehicles is a little easier, but over the Anti-Life period a lot of people found a reason to take the large flatbed lorries for a drive. As Kara restores the transporter to the parking area of the closest military base, I transition to the next closest and begin probing the missiles.

There are a lot of short-ranged nuclear warhead armed missiles on the border with Pakistan, and a non-trivial number on the border with China. And I…

I could disarm them. The manufacturing centres for highly enriched plutonium were shut down worldwide by the League and League-affiliates-. Alright, it was basically Mr. Atom, because he's an expert, immune to the Anti-Life and capable of fixing any leaks. Between the collapse of governments, deaths amongst researchers and the destruction of the manufacturing capacities, it might be as much as five years before we're back to glassing-the-world levels of mutually assured destruction. So… Fairly pointless, and it would feed into the 'Justice League is taking over the world' thing.

"All where they're supposed to be. Moving on."

I transition again. Looks like the next base has an actual village inside it. I give them a wave as I start probing warheads.

"I don't understand this." Bleez flies over the settlement, because while her ship's sensors don't appear to be blocked by whatever this ward is, her ship only really has a basic sensor package.

"Don't understand what?"

"'India' and 'Pakistan' are different political groups, right?"

"Countries, yes. Don't you have a word for that?"

"Yeah, but it's… We've been unified since we overthrew the Seven Devils. The word that technically means 'countries' is an insult used against disunited aliens."

"We are disunited aliens."

"But I'm trying to be polite about it."

"It's fine."

"So they're right next to each other and point a tonne of fission warheads at each other."


"And aren't they worried that the other place might… You know, fire them?"

"Yes. And that's part of why they don't."

"Humans point weapons at each other… And that's… 'Peaceful'?"

"Well, sure. Who would you attack first, someone who can fight back or someone who can't?"

"Someone who can? Because they're threat and the people who can't aren't?"

"So..? Are you speaking as the heir to a colony world there, or is that the position of the Thanagarian government?"

"I don't.. think I understand why you're confused."

Check complete. "Moving again."

This base has seen some fighting. And the bodies haven't been recovered yet. Fight looks like it was… Not recent. Looks like they killed each other, and… Yes, the commanding officer killed himself. I'd guess he did that last, but the bodies are too… 'Snacked on' for me to be sure. At least it doesn't look like it was done with human teeth. I record everything, tidy and… 'Reunify' the bodies, then bag them for later collection and funerary rites.

"Humans sometimes attack because they see an imminent threat, but it's more common to attack because they see a way to benefit from attacking. If both sides can annihilate the other, and can't do it fast enough to stop the other side annihilating them right back, that appears to result in peace. Is that not how thanagarians do things?"

"Maybe it's.. because we're not stuck on one planet, and so we don't really get in this situation. But I can't see thanagarians keeping this sort of set up going for long. They must have known that the other side was setting missiles up."

"Yes, but overrunning a whole country takes a while, and launching missiles doesn't."

"I guess…"

"Ooh! Found one!"

"Found one what?"

"A fission bomb that's not there!"

Ring, track her current-. Thank you. Transition.

An airbase. Bodies, but recently killed. No more than a few days. And a plane where someone's taken an angle grinder to a weapon mount. Kara's got a pile of paperwork in her hands and waves it at me.

"See! They're one bomb short!"

I look around, marking the location of all of the other bombs.

"Yes. One bomb short. Why wouldn't they take more than that?"

"Because they only wanted one?"

"There wasn't anything critical at that location... Unless there was?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Taking one bomb makes sense if you only want to destroy one thing, but not if you just want to destroy stuff generally. Were they..? Rushed?"

Kara looks around, then shakes her head. "I don't think so. No one else came to look at this. We're the only ones who know that it happened, apart from the people who did it."

"Alright. Bleez, please come to our current location. It's forensics time."
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Trivialities (supplementary, Renegade option)
11th April 2013
06:36 GMT -7

Applejack regards the bracelet on the table with deep suspicion.

"Y'all're saying that there piece a' fru-fru jewellery can turn one o' them bald monkeys Twilight turned into when she went through the mirror into an earth pony?"

Sunset shakes her head. "No, of course not. Transforming someone from one species to another is a whole lot more complicated. I'm still not really sure how Starswirl's Mirror manages it. Besides, they don't really want to turn into earth ponies."

That last point gets a slight raising of her eyebrow, but she appears willing to let it go.

"So what was that about earth pony magic?"

"The three main pony tribes each have their own innate forms of magic. But what type of magic a pony has is innate; it comes from the differences in their bodies."

"Uh-huh." Applejack thinks for a moment. "So yer sayin' this little thing kin do what it takes a whole earth pony body t'do?"

"No, it can't do that either. What it can do is give someone the strength and endurance of an earth pony whose cutie mark doesn't relate to strength or endurance."

Applejack nods. "Ah kin see how that could come in useful. So where's the pegasus necklace?"

Sunset wing-shrugs. "I can make one, but without wings, you… Wouldn't really be able to fly. And it's kinda hard to do weather work from the ground."

"So, just cloud walkin'?"

"You'd be able to move faster as well, but, yeah. The unicorn version has a similar problem: without a horn, thaumokinesis-. It's hard to control. Even if I built it into a horn-shaped headdress, it's like learning to use a whole new limb."

"But ah guess everypony's got legs."

Sunset nods. "That's the idea." She raises her right forehoof to her chin, frowning thoughtfully. "Though, actually… You should still be able to intuitively use one or two spells based on your special talent, even if you can't use thaumokinesis. Whatever it was, it would be unique to you… And maybe other members of the Apple Family."

"Ah don't need no fancy magic t'be an Apple." Then she thinks for a moment, and bows her head. "But ah guess some kinda tree-doctorin' spell could come in maghty handi."

"I, um…" Sunset looks around the empty Canterlot lecture theatre, then casts a basic privacy spell. "You got my letter, right? You're on the pre-approved list-."

"Ah did."


She shrugs awkwardly. "Jes' plain don't feel raght."

Despite the fact that Sunset has proven her ability to turn regular ponies into alicorns, take up on that opportunity hasn't been all that high. And the few ponies who came forwards were so self-absorbed that Sunset had a moment of self-reflection about pony society, but that's about it. I'm assuming that it's some sort of religious thing. Celestia, yes. Celestia having a sister, okay. Cadence, well, she came out of nowhere and Celestia says that they're related, alright. Twilight… I really don't know what Applejack thinks makes Twilight worthy while she isn't.

Or maybe she just doesn't like change.

Sunset lets out a quiet snort. "You saved the planet twice and Equestia about a dozen times. The process isn't inexplicable, and alicornism isn't handed down by some sort of higher power when you jump through enough hoops. It's just magic. Magic I understand."

"Ah don't. An' ah ain't sure I'd be all too keen on outlivin' everypony ah know."

I raise my eyebrows at that. "I'm sure Twilight will be gratified that you've learned from her example."

Applejack wince. "Now, hold on there, partner-."

"Though if it helps at all, I remember reading something that said that even if people didn't age, they still wouldn't live much past eight hundred on average due to the risks of injury and disease." I look to Sunset. "Are alicorns immune to disease?"

"Not totally; we really just have a supercharged version of earth pony resilience. Eight hundred years, huh?"

"That was for humans. Equestria is a bit less perilous. Oh, and how are you doing for ovum?"

"No sign of regeneration. I'll be dry-firing before I'm fifty, while still having a menstrual cycle because I'm not aging."

"We all got together. When we got yer letters." Applejack sighs. "Fluttershah weren't too keen on standing out. Rainbow Dash didn't want to get too big t'be in the Wonderbolts. Said she might say 'yes' eventually. Rarity said somethin' about the artist overshadowin' the art, whatever that means."

I frown. "I thought she wanted to become a princess? Blueblood got publically humiliated dodging her first attempt."

"She got over that real quick. An' Pinkie said she weren't keen on outlivin' her sisters. Ah ain't, neither."

I shake my head. "Pinkie's sisters are about her age. Statistically, she's likely to outlive at least one of them anyway, not counting all of her clones. Of course, the obvious solution is to use the spell on her sisters as well."

"'bawt-." Applejack's eyes widen, then she gulps. "'bawt a hundred alicorn Pinkie Pies?"


She… Does sort of have a point, there.

The door to the auditorium opens, and Tempest… Stands there, looking around imperiously. I find myself checking her restored horn. Initially, Sunset and I both thought that it would be simpler to just make her an alicorn, but Celestia had concerns about Equestria having an Alicorn of War. Instead, we recovered her horn point from the cave near her home village and -after getting a lot of scans of other ponies' horns- performed a gradual restoration. She's actually a great patient: after getting her heart's desire, she wasn't going to do something stupid like rushing her recovery.

The guards are torn between enjoying the relative holiday and dreading what she'll be able to do to them once she's fully fit and returns to duty.

Tempest's eyes rest on Applejack. "Why is she here?"

Sunset smiles at her. "We needed a volunteer to demonstrate what an unmarked earth pony athlete could do."

I nod. "And we'll be-."

There's a burst of teal light as Starlight Glimmer teleports into the designated alcove, and a gust of air as Lightning Dust swoops in over her superior. Tempest raises her head to give the pegasus pony an unimpressed look, which Dust is too busy looking at the new toys to notice. Tempest gives her mane a small toss, then walks down the central aisle to take a seat near the front.

With her away from the door, the rest of the audience begin filtering in. Guard officers, teachers and researchers from the School, and-


-members of the American security services who have just about kept their cool while surrounded by cute colourful ponies.

Yes, I did see that. Yes, I am going to put a picture on the staff notice board.

A flash of purple light as Twilight appears, Spike on her back.

"Phew! Not late."

Spike rolls his eyes. "Twilight, you set five different alarm clocks."

I trot off the stage, passing Starlight as she heads up to be the 'unathletic, non-earth pony' for the demonstration. I'm on safety duty just in case something goes wrong during the strength trials, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Sunset comes to the front of the stage.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. Please take your seats, and I'll begin the demonstration."
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