Compass (supplementary, Renegade Option)
Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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13th February 2013
18:21 GMT -4
Glowing orange breakwaters extend into the Atlantic from the coast of Cuba, and if I strain my eyes I can just about see where my fellow Orange Lanterns are repeating that defence on the Caribbean's other islands. The surging water from the newly risen continent of Atlantis arrived only a little after we did, and stopping a tsunami like that…
It isn't fun, and it's something that high tier Justice Leaguers are actually trained for.
I can see a handful of total morons hanging around the beach to take pictures of the situation just staring like the gormless morons they are. I could say something about the fact that we're just going to reduce the force of the water and not block it completely, but if they're this dumb then I think their lives are a worthy offering to the Great God Darwin-.
"Thanks fer doin' this, Grayven." I nod at Guy at he approaches. "We don't rilly have the manpower fer things like this."
"Not a problem. Orin tell you what's going on?"
"Nah." He shakes his head. "He stops showin' up t' meetin's, then a few weeks later this happens."
Wait, do I actually know more than the Justice League? Okay, Batman's ability to gain intelligence is a lot less in places with no real contact with the surface world and no electronics, but I'd have thought…
Richard, I know I said to make sure that the League didn't die, but I assumed…
The water level starts rising all along the shoreline. Not… Catastrophically, and I've got a reserve standing by just in case things escalate, but things are going to be pretty messy once the waters recede.
"You… Planning on joining in?"
"I'm in reserve, case anything else crazy happens." He stares out to sea, squinting. "You breakin' it up?"
"That's the idea. I'm nothing like strong enough to just block it all, but I can weaken it just fine. Who's handling the US?"
"Spinnin' real fast or somethin'."
"Oh, ah, just in case something weird happens, I've got a parallel universe version of Superman doing some work for me on Tamaran. Doubt he'll come here, but just in case Superman starts acting weird…"
"Thanks. I'll pass that along." He hesitates for a moment. "Do I wanna know why you got goatee-Supes werkin' fer you?"
"He's clean-shaven. I've got some kryptonian technology, and it helps to have another brain that knows kryptonian technology looking it over."
Guy frowns thoughtfully. "That the Superman who took over the world?"
"Ah… Define… Yeah… Yes, okay."
"You sure he don't have a goatee?"
"Their John Stewart did." Hm. Mother Box, does that seem like enough water to you?
So, what, they're actually being slightly courteous, or they're keeping it for themselves?
… Ah. "Guy, is the League aware that Ahri'ahn has been living openly in Atlantis?"
Guy looks a little awkward. "Ah… Yeah? Aquaman said he had it handled."
I pointedly look out across the swelling Atlantic in the general direction of the Earth's newest continent. I mean, Clea said that she had it handled-.
Ring, grab me a spy satellite and show me what's going on.
By your command.
Several countries and a few private citizens who probably shouldn't have satellites in position to observe Atlantis. Tapping into all of them gets me a slightly better idea of what's going on.
That's a lot of dead seaweed. And dead sea creatures. The cities themselves-.
Venturia is surrounded by a giant sphere of water. In fact, in the highest parts of their territory it's actually frozen solid. Guess Lex's airport just got rendered completely superfluous. And I can see… Three other cities that have enclosed themselves in a similar way. The… Most logical explanation is that they're making an accommodation for water-adapted Atlanteans. Almost all Atlanteans can breathe air, but Atlanteans with tails would struggle to move.
Poseidonis doesn't have a sphere of water.
But what the hell? Atlanteans have fish farms that are now empty of water and filled with dying fish. The land there might be… Drying, but it's going to be salty as heck. There's no way they can plant crops on it until they do a lot of work. Clea's probably on top of that, but she told me she was on top of Ahri'ahn as well so I've got to check.
"Who's the redhead?"
"Which one?"
"The one with the curly hair, stripper uniform and big titties."
I consider our female tamaranean recruits.
"Again, which one?"
"Seriously?" He turns back to me. "And you're dating a horse?"
"Pony. And it's not my fault that you have plebeian tastes." I glance over at Lantern… Andreand'r. "Most tamaraneans look that good. Probably like how European dental health got really bad once cheap sugar became available; they haven't had a chance to get fat because they've had to do physical labour and haven't had access to large quantities of fat and sugar."
"Looks like she's got fat in all the right places."
I shake my head. "Guy, you're thirty six. You don't have time to mess about ogling random women. If you're-"
"-interested in her, talk to her once the water calms down. I'll put in a good word for you. What's the League planning to do about Ahri-?"
The air over the Atlantic shimmers, then stabilises into a massive… Illusion? Of Ahri'ahn, staring out imperiously across the world. Probably just a projection which he can't see through.
"Attention, barbarians of the world. I am Ahri'ahn, the greatest magician in the history of the Earth. The nation of Atlantis stands tall once more, and will regain its former pre-eminence. Your rulers and potentates will attend the King of Atlantis in Poseidonis and pay him homage. You will do this within a week, or you will suffer our wrath."
The illusion stares down at us for a few moments, and then fades out.
"Well shit."
"Language. Does the League have a plan?"
"Not fer this exact thing."
"I have a Lantern Corps. And Lex has a fleet. We can help."
"Ah… I'll pass that on." He frowns. "How's Black Adam gonna take bein' called a barbarian and told to show up and bow?"
"Not well. Does the League have a wizard who can take Ahri'ahn?"
"I'll… Get back t' yeh."
I look down to where the water has risen over the beach.
"Best get back quick, because I don't think General Lane is going to be patient."
18:21 GMT -4
Glowing orange breakwaters extend into the Atlantic from the coast of Cuba, and if I strain my eyes I can just about see where my fellow Orange Lanterns are repeating that defence on the Caribbean's other islands. The surging water from the newly risen continent of Atlantis arrived only a little after we did, and stopping a tsunami like that…
It isn't fun, and it's something that high tier Justice Leaguers are actually trained for.
I can see a handful of total morons hanging around the beach to take pictures of the situation just staring like the gormless morons they are. I could say something about the fact that we're just going to reduce the force of the water and not block it completely, but if they're this dumb then I think their lives are a worthy offering to the Great God Darwin-.
"Thanks fer doin' this, Grayven." I nod at Guy at he approaches. "We don't rilly have the manpower fer things like this."
"Not a problem. Orin tell you what's going on?"
"Nah." He shakes his head. "He stops showin' up t' meetin's, then a few weeks later this happens."
Wait, do I actually know more than the Justice League? Okay, Batman's ability to gain intelligence is a lot less in places with no real contact with the surface world and no electronics, but I'd have thought…
Richard, I know I said to make sure that the League didn't die, but I assumed…
The water level starts rising all along the shoreline. Not… Catastrophically, and I've got a reserve standing by just in case things escalate, but things are going to be pretty messy once the waters recede.
"You… Planning on joining in?"
"I'm in reserve, case anything else crazy happens." He stares out to sea, squinting. "You breakin' it up?"
"That's the idea. I'm nothing like strong enough to just block it all, but I can weaken it just fine. Who's handling the US?"
"Spinnin' real fast or somethin'."
"Oh, ah, just in case something weird happens, I've got a parallel universe version of Superman doing some work for me on Tamaran. Doubt he'll come here, but just in case Superman starts acting weird…"
"Thanks. I'll pass that along." He hesitates for a moment. "Do I wanna know why you got goatee-Supes werkin' fer you?"
"He's clean-shaven. I've got some kryptonian technology, and it helps to have another brain that knows kryptonian technology looking it over."
Guy frowns thoughtfully. "That the Superman who took over the world?"
"Ah… Define… Yeah… Yes, okay."
"You sure he don't have a goatee?"
"Their John Stewart did." Hm. Mother Box, does that seem like enough water to you?
So, what, they're actually being slightly courteous, or they're keeping it for themselves?
… Ah. "Guy, is the League aware that Ahri'ahn has been living openly in Atlantis?"
Guy looks a little awkward. "Ah… Yeah? Aquaman said he had it handled."
I pointedly look out across the swelling Atlantic in the general direction of the Earth's newest continent. I mean, Clea said that she had it handled-.
Ring, grab me a spy satellite and show me what's going on.
By your command.
Several countries and a few private citizens who probably shouldn't have satellites in position to observe Atlantis. Tapping into all of them gets me a slightly better idea of what's going on.
That's a lot of dead seaweed. And dead sea creatures. The cities themselves-.
Venturia is surrounded by a giant sphere of water. In fact, in the highest parts of their territory it's actually frozen solid. Guess Lex's airport just got rendered completely superfluous. And I can see… Three other cities that have enclosed themselves in a similar way. The… Most logical explanation is that they're making an accommodation for water-adapted Atlanteans. Almost all Atlanteans can breathe air, but Atlanteans with tails would struggle to move.
Poseidonis doesn't have a sphere of water.
But what the hell? Atlanteans have fish farms that are now empty of water and filled with dying fish. The land there might be… Drying, but it's going to be salty as heck. There's no way they can plant crops on it until they do a lot of work. Clea's probably on top of that, but she told me she was on top of Ahri'ahn as well so I've got to check.
"Who's the redhead?"
"Which one?"
"The one with the curly hair, stripper uniform and big titties."
I consider our female tamaranean recruits.
"Again, which one?"
"Seriously?" He turns back to me. "And you're dating a horse?"
"Pony. And it's not my fault that you have plebeian tastes." I glance over at Lantern… Andreand'r. "Most tamaraneans look that good. Probably like how European dental health got really bad once cheap sugar became available; they haven't had a chance to get fat because they've had to do physical labour and haven't had access to large quantities of fat and sugar."
"Looks like she's got fat in all the right places."
I shake my head. "Guy, you're thirty six. You don't have time to mess about ogling random women. If you're-"
"-interested in her, talk to her once the water calms down. I'll put in a good word for you. What's the League planning to do about Ahri-?"
The air over the Atlantic shimmers, then stabilises into a massive… Illusion? Of Ahri'ahn, staring out imperiously across the world. Probably just a projection which he can't see through.
"Attention, barbarians of the world. I am Ahri'ahn, the greatest magician in the history of the Earth. The nation of Atlantis stands tall once more, and will regain its former pre-eminence. Your rulers and potentates will attend the King of Atlantis in Poseidonis and pay him homage. You will do this within a week, or you will suffer our wrath."
The illusion stares down at us for a few moments, and then fades out.
"Well shit."
"Language. Does the League have a plan?"
"Not fer this exact thing."
"I have a Lantern Corps. And Lex has a fleet. We can help."
"Ah… I'll pass that on." He frowns. "How's Black Adam gonna take bein' called a barbarian and told to show up and bow?"
"Not well. Does the League have a wizard who can take Ahri'ahn?"
"I'll… Get back t' yeh."
I look down to where the water has risen over the beach.
"Best get back quick, because I don't think General Lane is going to be patient."
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