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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I used to have to wake up at 4:30 am for my Shift at work. Not fun. Worse, the Bloody Cat got used to waking up and getting fed at that time, so even after my shift changed, she kept trying to get me up to feed her then. And she was bloody smart enough to figure out how to open doors, or drop a lamp on your head.
[X] "Can you capture them alive instead?"
[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.
[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.
Hello fellow players and huh this was a way long quest but turning gasper to dio is good idea and thank unconcured sun i finnished before milltan train wreck so can we stunt something to act as crictical fail
Calm Before The Storm - Part 1
[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

No. of Votes: 7








[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."

No. of Votes: 7


Blight Gecko

Corvus 501





[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.

No. of Votes: 5






[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.

No. of Votes: 5

Blight Gecko

Corvus 501




[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

-[x] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.

No. of Votes: 2


Prince Charon

[x] Assume Dragon form, loom, ask if he is so great that he believes he can get away with insulting a dragon's treasure in front of said dragon.

No. of Votes: 2



[X] "Can you beat them to an inch of their lives and give them back to the relative people with a note saying to keep a leash on their minions?"

No. of Votes: 1


[X]Purge with fire!

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Wasp's Ham Sandwich

-[X] Speechify

--[X] Invoke First Presence Excellency and Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement.

--[X] Start by performing some sentai (or Pillar Man) poses. "I am the officially recognized master of these lands, and she is my guest. If you defy my pronouncement, then you are dishonoring me. I assume you are prepared to pay the price for your defiance." Strike final pose.

-[X] If the turtle doesn't back down go full Fist of the North Star

--[X] Invoke Hammer on Iron Technique, Fists of Iron Technique, and Sledgehammer Fist Punch

--[X] "Ora, ora, ora, ora. Surrender or die."

-[X] If the turtle does back down or does surrender or passes out from pain

--[X] Invoke Irresistible Salesman Spirit

--[X] "Come work for me, I can always use a fighter. I foresee lots of fights in my future, and I'll need help to handle all my opponents."

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Wasp's Ham Sandwich

No. of Votes: 1


[x] plan wasprider, we have just had an epic jojo session and now we can use the manly i. if that fails tenderise the meat at cook it in it's own shell.

No. of Votes: 1


Not in the mood to make necromancy jokes. I intended to update way in the past...and then, somehow, I find myself within a period of unprecedent laziness. I'll try to drag myself outside of it by writing as much as I can.


[X] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

You stare at Eiko. You would like nothing more than to point out the only difference between the two options is the level of cruelty involved, but at the same time you also realize that, for Eiko, it is a completely logical process: someone she sees as lesser beings disrespected you, so they need to be made an example of. Not that you share it in any way or form, but you can at least understand how it works. You pinch the bridge of your nose with your eyes closed, slowly inhale, exhale and finally look at Eiko again: "Can you capture them alive instead?"

"If this is Master's wish Eiko will obey, but is Master sure?" She asks like a high-class lady who was denied the thrilling pleasure of some improper but thrilling pastime.

"I'm sure, yes."

Fifteen minutes later you don't regret that decision one bit, because standing before you and bound with a mixture of prayer beads and talismans-


Are four 5-6 years old children with bobbed hair wearing old-style kimono. Well to be more precise youkai that looks like little children, but your point still stand. That their whole appearance is off just enough to tip observant people about their true nature is just the icing on the cake.

"So cute!" Rias and Asia gush about the little guys (girls? You aren't sure: Matsuda was the lolicon among you three), while Mittelt looks like she is contemplating voting to follow Eiko's original suggestions.

"Master." The Yatagarasu dramatically points to the bound youkai before her, who just look a little scared instead of downright terrified. You count that as a progress. "I present to you the annoyances: a group of small-fry Zashiki-warashi."

Zashiki-warashi: they're youkai originating from the Iwate Prefecture and they're considered Kami because, while performing pranks, they grant good fortune to the owners of the house they live in.

"We no small fry." One of them says with a frown.

"We proper Zashiki-warashi." Another continues.

"No bad, neither exceptional." A third one remarks.

"Humble but true." A fourth one finishes.

"If you want to talk do so when you have something meaningful to say." Eiko says with a dazzling smile.

"Scary." "Scary." "Scary." "Help us."

You raise a hand to stop Eiko from saying anything further and address the Zashiki-warashi. "Let's start from the beginning. Is there any particular reason why you started pranking us? Aren't you guys supposed to be more subtle?"

They look at each other with their closed eyes, having some sort of silent conversation. Then they turn to you again.

"Been a while since we pranked someone."

"Went a little overboard."

"Heard a new youkai lord took residence here."

"A dragon!"


"This house had a good smell."

"So we settled in."

"While looking for an audience with the dragon lord."

You tilt your head before pointing at yourself with a thumb, your right eye turning green and slitted. "That would be me actually. Hyodo Issei, First Head of the Hyodo Clan. And you are?"

"...Dead apparently." They mutter while making the same face you did every time the Kendo Club caught you peeking. Those were not good times, but a little bit of nostalgia is still there.

"Naah." You wave them off. "I'm not someone who has people killed for so little. You want to live here? That's fine, but try to keep the pranks down to a reasonable level. Alright?"

Hey. If they bring good fortune who are you to deny them?

"We lucky!"

"Yes lord dragon Hyodo!"

"Arrow dodged, let's cherish second chance!"

"Can we have Azuki Meshi?"

The Hodo Clan Official Residence acquired four Zashiki-warashi.

Good fortune is granted in exchange for harmless pranks and offerings of Azuki Meshi.

[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.


"But if there is a hole in his armor, then you can still hurt him. Right Akeno?" You say low enough that only Akeno can hear your words.

"...Yes. If there is a hole through it would be wonderful." She comments, clearly liking the idea.

"Can you immobilize him?"

"Yes but I need a distraction."

Easy. You briefly disengage from Akeno, leaping in the opposite direction to avoid another thrown boulder, before loudly saying: "Say Akeno, have you ever cook turtle soup? Myself, I'm partial to onion and paprika."

The Tan-ki twitches.

Your gorgeous sempai immediately catches on your plan. "Paprika? Oh no no no, that would not do at all. Only pepper is adequate, pepper and garlic: they get absorbed my the turtle meat much better."

The youkai almost stumbles before slamming down his paws much harder than before.

"But I like my turtle meat very spicy." You seize the youkai with your gaze, as if wondering how big of a soup pan you need. "Especially if the turtle is question is angry and obnoxious."


"YYYYYOOOOOUUUU SACRILEGIOUS SWINEEEEEE!!!!" The Tan-ki roars to the heavens stomping towards you at high speed despite its prodigious mole. You avoid the first bite, the second and even the third: he may have become faster and more unpredictable, but his rain of boulders was harder to deal with than those simple attacks with his jaws. "TO EVEN CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY OF TREATING ME LIKE A MEAL! ME! THE GREAT-"

You will never know who he is, as that moment ice comes into existence around his body, courtesy of Akeno who had time to prepare the spell while the Tan-ki was focused on you. The blocks of ice encase his limbs and head, immobilizing them.

"Oryaaaahh!!" You yell, clenching your hands and releasing the stored power.


Fists glowing like miniature suns slam into and blow up the Tan-ki's shell, golden flames soon joined by streaks of lightning bolts from above.


"Uh." You peek inside the smoking skull of the Tan-ki. "Jokes aside, I don't think there's enough meat left to do a soup."

"Jokes aside, I never had any desire to eat something that talk Ise-kun." Akeno sighs before sipping from her cup of green tea.

"Me neither." You sit down next to her."So, I arrived later and I was busy being all heroic and suave-" Akeno snorts, followed by Ddraig and your sempai. Ooyyy, what's wrong with playing the White Knight once in a while? And now they're openly laughing: bastards. "But why was a racist youkai trying to kill you?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "He just came out from underground and refused to even listen to me."

You hum, accepting the tea and sipping on it. "So we have a youkai, one that usually live within his territory while rarely leaving it, popping out looking for a fight. No matter how you look at it, it's weird. Did it happen before?"

"No, not since Rias and us, as her Peerage, took residence here during our first year of high school." She explains, her cheeks a little red. Probably from the hot tea. "The occasional Stray Devil, but the only youkai around until now were those belonging to Abe-san and they never gave us problems."

"Okay. So what exactly changed-" You suddenly slap yourself. "Of course, the answer is: myself. First the Zashiki-warashi and now this?" 'Hey Ddraig: even if you said that dragons attract other powerful beings isn't this too radical of a change?'

[On the contrary partner: crushing small fries way over their heads is part of the routine of every self-respecting Sekiryuutei. I was actually starting to worry that those modern times have become too peaceful for my tastes.]

Damn overgrown lizard and his unreasonable tastes! You don't want a life filled only with battles, you also want to have sex! Like right now!


You slowly, very slowly look down at the erection growing outside your control. Then you sniff the tea and turn at Akeno, who is looking like the cat that just got the canary. "Akeno, did you put something into-"

The rest of your inquiry is suffocated by Akeno locking her lips with yours, her tongue doing its best to rape your throat as deep as it can.

That day you learn what a fully 'Dom' Akeno is like. Incredibly arousing, but that whip is something to take on small doses if you don't want to end with very embarrassing welts.


The next week goes by without any significant event: the creation of your Solar Pieces (you need a better name) is still at the beginning and the search for the Excaliburs is still coming up empty. Seeing no need to be on edge all the damn time you decide to spend your free time doing something you neglected since your exaltation.

Socialization. Normal, spontaneous socialization.

Choose four (4) targets* to spend time with:
[] The Fallen Trio (Raynare, Dohnaseek and Kalawarner)
[] Yuuto Kiba
[] Kiyome Abe
[] Aika Kiryu
[] Matsuda and Motohama
[] Rias Gremory
[] Akeno Himejima
[] Koneko Toujo
[] Tomofuri
[] Mil-tan
[] Ruby Rose
[] Asia Argento
[] Mittelt
[] Yang Xiao Long
[] Eiko
[] Azazel
[] Shougo Kitsukawa
[] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[] Honoka Shirahama
[] The Crimson Squad (Homura, Mirai, Haruka, Hikage, Yomi)
[] Suika Ibuki
[] Kii and Mii
[] The people of the Nura Clan
[] Gasper Vladi
[] Irina and Xenovia
[] Call up Rikuo and invite him to your shiny, new clan compound, with a (small) entourage
[] Someone else? (write-in)

*Look up Index for more info.

So yeah, we're (temporarily) entering Slice of Life theme: I want to flesh out other characters beside Issei.
Last edited:
Can some one check on essence quest status if i count correct we might just need one or two people to reach our goal so
[*] plan eternity for know
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Honoka Shirahama
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku

Let's see if we can get some cross training going for Koneko.
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose

This is also fine.
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose

All my yes for socialization!
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[X] Ruby Rose
[X] Yang Xiao Long
[X] The Fallen Trio (Raynare, Dohnaseek and Kalawarner)
[X] Koneko Toujo
[X] Shougo Kitsukawa
[X] Gasper Vladi
[X] Irina and Xenovia
[X] The people of Ryouzanpaku
[X] Gasper Vladi
[X] Call up Rikuo and invite him to your shiny, new clan compound, with a (small) entourage.
[X] Irina and Xenovia
[X] Yang Xiao Long
[X] Ruby Rose
[X] Call up Rikuo and invite him to your shiny, new clan compound, with a (small) entourage.
Last edited:
Nice update Alexander, I really liked it.

Do you want to speak to Motsuda, and Motohama?






The people of Ryōzanpaku?

The people of the Nura Clan?

The Crimson Squad?

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