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DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story

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Many historians often have somewhat of a romantic obsession with...
Chapter 1


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Jan 30, 2022
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Many historians often have somewhat of a romantic obsession with the reign of King Rhaegar Targaryen. They are not wrong because King Rhaegar Targaryen faced many trials and tribulations during his reign. He would be the King who would cement the Targaryen dynasty's rule over Westeros for the next several centuries.

Yet I believe that one can not ignore the rule of his father, King Aerys II, in history. I, along with many other like-minded individuals, think that the recently uncovered texts and artifacts confirm the long-speculated theory that the true beginning of the Targaryen dynasty begins with the rule of King Aerys.


Rhaegar Targaryen sat in his solar in the castle of Aeryndell. An apt name for a castle that looked over the vast town of Duskendale. After his father's command to build it into a seat befitting of a Prince, the castle was still undergoing renovations.

And as the Prince to whom this castle would soon belong was not in the continent, it was up to him to look over the construction and make sure it was up to the royal standards.

He stopped reading the report on the sheer cost that the crown was bearing for all this and looked at the open window. The day had not been the sunniest of days, and with a cooling breeze, he was feeling a bit of the chill. Instead of calling the servant he got up from his seat and made his way to the window, leaning into it as he felt another tremendous burst of wind strike his face. He looked out the window and saw the expansive city below.

A plethora of houses were being demolished, with more being built. A hoard of laborers worked in the cloudy weather to transform the city to his father's standards. And wasn't that a surprise? Many would have expected that Kingslanding would represent his father's vision.

Yet the sheer size and population of King's landing had forced him to compromise and choose efficiency over his own ideas for the capital of their rule. But fate had given him another chance to implement his ideals.

"Not that he needed to do this," he muttered as he closed the window. And wasn't that the truth? For it would take another long night for people to forget his father's rule: Aerys Targaryen, The Reformer. Many chose to call him the second coming of the conciliator himself. The man had come into power in his twenties. The Targaryen family was the weakest they had been since perhaps the end of the Dance itself.

Attacked by the Blackyres across the narrow sea, struck by tragedy at home. His father had not faltered. He had risen above all such challenges and rebuilt the Targaryen dynasty back to its greatest strength in recent memory. Everyone sang praises of King Aerys, the reformer. Yet few knew or understood that this had all come at a cost.


He was broken out of his thoughts by the knock on the door.

"Come in," he said as he walked back to his chair. The door opened and revealed the form of one of his Kingsguard.

He was clad in white armor with an ornamental white cloak on his back. A sword, unlike any other in the whole realm, strapped to his belt. Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning. Wielder of Dawn. The finest knight in all of Westeros entered the room with a smile.

"My prince, the reports have arrived from the town." He said with a bow. Rhaegar smiled at his friend.

"Come in, and take a seat, Arthur. I was just about to take a break," and the Kingsguard nodded as he took the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, my prince," and Rhaegar shook his head.

"How many times have I asked you to stop with all this formality when it is just us," that had been discussed a minimum of six times, just in the last couple of moons.

And Arthur just silent at him, making him shake his head.

"So, is there anything interesting in those reports," Rhaegar asked as he leaned back into the chair.

"Nothing interesting, my prince. Though I did receive a report about your brother, prince Aemon, earlier."

Now, Rhaegar was paying attention to his words.

"What did it say? Aemon has been gone for quite some time now. It was supposed to be a routine trip to meet with our trading partners across the narrow sea, but he has been gone for more than half a year now."

And he had asked his father about this as well, but the man had been cryptic in his response.

"My Prince, it seems that he is finally on his way back. The reports say that he left the port of Pentos some time ago and is now on his way back."

That was good news. With the return of Aemon, he could return to the capital. It had been quite a while since he had seen his wife. And didn't that make a smile appear on his face as he remembered the joyous news he had received when he had left the capital?

"And you are sure you can not tell me what he was doing there."

And Arthur shook his head.

"I am afraid I can not share that secret with you, my prince. The King wants it to remain a surprise for everyone. And we are bound by the King's words," the wielder of dawn said with a smirk.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed at his friend.

"Even if I were to command you as your prince."

"The King's word precedes your orders, my prince."

And Rhaegar stared straight into Arthur's eyes. Iliac met the light purple of his friend. His father had been very secretive about Aemon's endeavors. Only a few people were aware of the truth. And that included the Kingsguard and his mother. Queen Rhaella had also refused his request, saying that she would not reveal her husband's plans without his blessing. The Kingsguard had denied it as well, citing orders from his father.

"Keep your secrets, then. I will know soon enough with Aemon's return. But do remember that you are refusing your future King right now," he added with a smirk.

"Then I shall pray for the health of King Aerys. May the Seven bless him."

And Rhaegar broke into a smile at such a response.

"I pray for that too. May the seven bless him with a long life," and that was true. His father was still less than half a century old. And he was pretty healthy and fit. And if he did indeed live a life similar to the conciliator, he could live for a whole century.

"I don't understand why father is being so secretive about this. And more so with me, what is he even trying to do here."

"I can assure you, my prince. This will be a welcoming surprise for you."

Now, Rhaegar was even more curious. But it seems he will just have to wait for it.

"Anything else that I should know from those reports," he asked Arthur once more as he poured himself some Arbor gold.

Arthur looked through the papers as he spoke up.

"Nothing too urgent, I would say. These are just the reports from the workers building the new barracks and armories. Another one is from the workers on the docks about the repair of the port. And so on,"

"So, nothing urgent," and Rhaegar leaned back into his seat again. And silence permeated the whole room. As both of them just sat there quietly. Broken only when Rhaegar spoke up once more.

"What do you think of my father's plan for Duskendale? Do you think it was right of him to seize it for the crown rather than give it to someone else?" he asked Arthur.

"My prince, this was the King's decision. It is not my place to judge or think abo…" but he was cut off.

"I am not asking you to judge it. I am asking for your opinion." Rhaegar spoke up from his chair. His head bent to the side as he looked at Arthur. Arthur nodded his head slowly, speaking up after a moment.

"It was the King's prerogative to deal with the lands of the traitorous house Darklyn as his wishes, and he decided to have a garrison of the Royal Army built here along with giving the castle to Prince Aemon. These lands are close to Kings Landing and hence can be called upon to support Kings Landing hastily and make for a good defense for any attack on Kingslanding."

Rhaegar nodded at that, but this was not what he was asking about. The main concern had been the political one. Within his reign, his father had made repeated efforts to strengthen and centralize the control of Westeros in their hands.

And this had begun to worry many lords, high and low. With the formation of the Royal Army after the Blackfyre invasion. The building of the Imperial Citadel, then the start of their own trading fleet. The crown had taken numerous steps to strengthen its rule and remove its reliance on the lords.

But when he had decided to take Duskendale and gift it to Aemon, he effectively put it under the Crown's control. Rhaegar had begun to hear the grumbles of several Lords.

"The King could have raised another house and gifted them these lands. But it is the King's decision, and there shall be no questions regarding it from anyone. Anyone at all."

And Rhaegar smiled slightly at those words. Such devotion. His father had often called Arthur. The Truest of Knights. And Rhaegar tended to agree with the name.

Arthur Dayne was a true knight. If he chose to follow you, he would follow you to the world's edge. There was scarcely anyone more loyal and noble in the whole realm than him—the Knight among Knights. The King had dubbed him. The name now often screamed at the various tourneys across the land they participated in.

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door. Rhaegar frowned as the noise disturbed them.

"Enter," and the door opened to reveal the form of another one of the white cloaks. It was none other than the man who had finished the Blackfyre rebellion with his sword. Famous throughout the lands as, Barristan the Bold.

However, the man seemed a bit anxious as he entered the room.

"What is it, Ser Barristan?" he asked, and beside him, Arthur was frowning as well. The venerable knight of the Kingsguard bowed his head as he replied.

"My prince, a raven, just arrived from Kingslanding," With that, the man took out a scroll and presented it to Rhaegar. Rhaegar's eyes widened as he saw the seal and coloring of the scroll.

Black paper, made by mixing the dye with the pulp, sealed with golden wax. Such a pattern was only reserved for an emergency, a system devised by his father on a whim to deliver secret messages in tricky situations like a siege or captivity.

But why is it being used now? And Rhaegar's felt dread bloom in his gut as he took the letter in his hand and broke the seal to read what had constituted its use.

Much like the rest of the Kingsguard, Arthur was aware of the code developed by the King. And was staring at the letter with some trepidation as Rhaegar read it.

Rhaegar's hands shook as he read the letter, his eyes not believing the words written in it. His mind refused to comprehend the words.

"This has to be a joke! Maybe Daenys is playing a joke!" he said as he looked toward Ser Barristan again. Though the man did not laugh, only shaking his head in a despondent way as he replied to the Prince.

"I am afraid not, my prince. The letter came directly from The Queen herself."

And the shred of hope vanished, and his eyes moistened as he handed the letter to his friend sitting in front of him. He was chewing his lips as he covered his face with his arm. Perhaps to hide the tears that fell down his cheeks.

Arthur's eyes widen as he reads and rereads the letter. By then, Rhaegar would speak up from his seat. His voice was slightly uneven as he gave further instructions.

"Make preparations to depart immediately. We leave for Kingslanding in ten minutes."

Arthur, who now stood right by his more experienced counterpart, nodded with him.

"Of course, your grace," and Rhaegar would shake his head.

"Not yet. Not yet. Not until I have confirmed this for myself."

There was sadness on the faces of the two Kingsguard as they nodded their heads.

"As you wish, my prince. We will make the necessary preparations to depart."

And they would leave the room after that. And sometime after that, Rhaegar would get up, and after reading over the letter once more. He would light it on fire with the candle on his desk.

And after throwing it into the fire, he would also rush out of the room. The fire caught unto the paper as it disintegrated into smithereens. Though, the first line was still legible as it avoided the fire that burned along the edges.

The King is dead.


The story begins with death. Death of the SI himself.

This is a unique idea I had gotten some time ago.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support helps me out a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime.


Thanks for reading!
Interesting idea. Cant wait more. And the changes that were caused.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2- The Pampered Princess!

In today's time, it is hard to imagine that for a significant time in history, Westeros was considered the land of barbarians. Yes, up to around 300 years after Aegon's conquest, Westeros was still behind the likes of Yi-Ti and Bravos.

Though that gap would be erased by the end of the third century, with Westeros leaping ahead of the rest of the world by the 350th year, such advancements can all be traced back to the Imperial Citadel. The Imperial Citadel would truly rise to its prominent status in the reign of King Aegon VI. King Aerys II had built the foundation for it.

The Old Building of The Imperial Citadel, often called the Dragon College, remains preserved today and is a famous tourist attraction. The proceeds from it fund the education of thousands of deserving students throughout the globe even today, because of a decree of the late King Aenys VI.


Kings Landing had changed a lot over the years. Over the years, she had seen such change occur with her own eyes as portions of the city had been under construction for over twenty years. Over almost thirty years of his reign, her father had utterly transformed the city that represented Targaryen's rule.

Gone was the infamous stench that made a living in the city unbearable. With her father rebuilding the sewage system. However, that had not been enough. Flea Bottom had to be demolished, and its residents had been relocated to one of the expansions outside the walls. To accommodate its population of half a million people, the city had been expanded outside the main walls, with a new set of walls built around what was now called the Outer City.

Most of the work had been done. But that did not mean there wasn't work being done. She looked to the side and saw the construction taking place to her North. The colossal building getting built was for the Imperial Citadel. Another one of her father's ideas. And she shook her head at that. Perhaps he should really take a break from all this.

More than thirty years of prosperous and peaceful rule. He was now regarded as one of the most influential Kings of the Targaryen dynasty. Such progress and consistency had only ever been seen during the reign of the Conciliator. Many often compared her father to the Old King to lay down praise. Not noticing the stiff smile that would appear on his face on that.

Her father was not a big fan of the comparison, for he had a rather unflattering opinion of the Old King. Calling him the root of the tragedy that was known as the Dance of the Dragons. A tragedy that would end with their house losing its greatest strength.


"Princess, you do know that I will have to tell your father about this outing of yours," came the voice of her sworn shield. A member of her father's Kingsguard. The Lord Commander would usually be by the King's side, yet her father named the White Bull her sworn shield on her first name day.

And the man had been by her side ever since. Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, one of the finest and fiercest knights of the Kingsguard.

"Father will be slightly disappointed but will not mind it too much. And I cannot miss my chance with the upcoming tourney," she replied as they slowly waded through the throngs of people. Even with the expansion, the city was filled with people. She could not even imagine how crowded it would be when the announcement of the tourney would be made.

"What are you planning, Princess? Your father may be lenient on you, but I could always go and talk to your mother as well," and she groaned at those words. And then she turned to face the elderly knight, giving him a slight glare.

"Then I will complain about you to Father, and maybe he will remove you as my sworn shield. Now, you wouldn't want that, would you?" she bluffed in a haughty tone continuing as she scrunched up her nose. And her sworn shield seemed unimpressed as he simply raised a brow for both of them knew that her father would never remove him from his position, though she would never ask that as well. She had grown to like the man, so she continued.

"After all, is there any greater honor than protecting the sole Princess of the realm?" but the man seemed unimpressed by her speech as he just stared at her with those dead eyes.

"You seem to forget that you have not been the only princess for quite some time. You forget about Princess Rhaenys, your niece." And her comment made her stop. And he was right. Her niece shared that position with her and was nearing her tenth nameday.

"Plus, where are we even going? If you need anything, I can have the merchants come to the castle," he said as he looked around.

"We are going to the Street of Silver to buy a piece of armor for me." And the White Bull frowned as he heard that.

"Princess, that could have been arranged through the castle Armory." He continued as he stared at her with narrowed eyes, and they suddenly widened as he realized his intentions—" Please tell me what you are planning?" when she did not reply, he added.

"Then it seems we must return to the castle immediately, and you could explain your plans to The Queen herself?" Daenys huffed at that. Mother was already angry with her over her response to her marriage proposals. Fortunately, she had the firm support of her father in that regard. But, still, if she got wind of this, she would be in a heap of trouble.

So, it was time to take a gamble. She turned to face the Kingsguard again, who had stopped walking and was looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, I will tell you, but you must first promise me that you will not tell anyone else," she said, and the man shook his head.

"You know I cannot do that, princess. I am answerable to the King and cannot lie to him. Even for you."

Daenys groaned at that. H was just as stubborn as a bull as well.

"Then you cannot tell Mother. You are loyal to the King and swear your oaths to him, not to the Queen," after much staring, the man relented as he sighed.

"All right, I promise. So, why are we buying a piece of armor from the Street of Steel?" he asked her once more.

"Because I plan to compete in the tourney. Father will have no choice but to grant me a knighthood with a win in the melee." She would only be the second woman in all of Westeros to do it. Being the first princess to do so. The only such knighthood had been given to Brienne of Tarth. Now dubbed as Ser Brienne of Tarth, the first female knight.—"Maybe then mother will stop with all that talk about marriage." She finished with a hopeful plea.

And her sworn shield was shaking his head.

"That is an extremely risky and foolish idea. Even though I have trained you with the sword myself. The melee is extremely dangerous. Your father will not accept it. He may indulge you, but I can assure you he will not allow you to risk your life."

And Daenys knew that he was right. Her father may indulge her, but he would not like this. She chewed her lips as she realized the gaping holes in her plan. Perhaps seeing her resigned and conflicted expression, Ser Gerold approached her and kneeled on one knee to look at her.

"Didn't your father promise you that he would not marry you to anyone without your approval? So why are you putting yourself in danger for something so foolish," and his question was valid.

It was true that her father had promised her that about her marriage. A privilege that he had not offered her brothers. But the proposals had come from all over the realm for her hand. And her mother had also started to talk to her about potential matches with her good sister.

"But there have been just so many proposals! What if he is forced to accept one of them? Then what will I do?" she spoke up indignantly. But the old man just scoffed.

"Someone force King Aerys. That will not happen, princess. You are the only person who has ever forced him to change his mind over something. And proposals for your hand have been coming for years, but he refused to listen to any of them, citing that you will only be married after your sixteenth nameday."

And now she was looking at him with surprise. She had not known about that. And she saw the smile on his face as he nodded.

"He rejected them all, and I can assure you that rejecting some of them had quite some consequences."

Her eyes widened at those words. She had not known anything about it. The man got up and looked around the street. They had been standing on the side to avoid the throng of people.

"So, don't worry, princess. Your father will not ignore your input regarding this. So why don't we move back to the castle?"

And she nodded her head slowly. Her mind was still thinking about the new information she had gotten. And they began to walk back toward the castle once more.

But then suddenly, Ser Gerold stopped, making her bump into him.

"Ah!" she rubbed her nose as she looked up, and her eyes narrowed as she noticed the increased presence of the King's Army. Ser Gerold held her wrists as he looked towards her, with the usual cheer gone from his voice.

"Be careful, Princess! Something is not right!"

And he was right. While the ten thousand standing army had a settlement in the Kings Landing. They did not usually patrol the city. That was the job of the Gold Cloaks. The Army usually had about half of its troops in the capital, with the other half scattered throughout the realm at various settlements.

She saw a small squad of soldiers come their way. All of them were on horses, wearing castle-forged steel armor with a shield strapped to their back. Their shoulder guard were painted to show their rank in the army. Ser Gerold moved in front of her. Removing his hood and cloak to reveal the special armor of Kingsguard. And she could see recognition dawn on the army officers as they spotted the shining white armor of the Kingsguard.

The officers stopped in front of them, still atop their horses, as she moved to Ser Gerold's side and moved the hood to show her face. The officers probably recognized her as they immediately began to dismount their horses.

"What is going on? Why is the Royal Army on the streets?" Ser Gerold asked. And the commander moved and kneeled in front of him.

"We do not know, but orders came from the castle to increase patrols and close off the city. I believe it would be better if you rushed back to the castle with Princess Ser Gerold. While small, there is a possibility that some disturbance could occur in the city as we close the gates."

She was frowning as she heard that. The city was never locked down like that in recent times. She had only ever heard of something similar in two previous instances. And both times, it had been followed by war.

Ominous thoughts ran through her mind as Ser Gerold talked to the captain. Thousands of questions sprang up.

"Princess!" and she was broken out of her stupor by Ser Gerold's voice as he held the reins of the horse to her.

"We must rush back to the castle." And she mounted the saddle of the horse. Ser Gerold doing the same in front of her.

"Hiyaa," and with that, both of them were on the move. Galloping through the streets. Two more members from the Armies squad covered their rear. The people parted to the sides, giving them the required space, probably recognizing the shining white armor of the Kingsguard.

They reached the castle gates, which were locked. But before Ser Gerold had spoken up, she heard a very familiar voice.

"Open the gates!" and then the fates were opened for them. She entered along with Ser Gerold. And both of them were greeted by one of her father's Council members. The Commander of the City Watch, Ser Stannis Baratheon. The man held the same dour look that had made her nickname the man Dourface.

Though she did notice the severity of his expression as he approached them. Clad in full armor, but unlike the regular soldiers, his was of smoked black color. Appearing as if it had been charred.

"You left the castle without informing anyone, Princess. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?" he snapped at her. And had he not been her cousin, she would have had his tongue cut off. But she was saved by her sworn shield.

"The princess was with me, Lord Stannis. And I had informed Ser Lewyn before leaving," the man stopped speaking, but he still glared at her. Honestly, what was wrong with him?

"Now tell me what, what is going on? Why is the city being closed off?" Ser Gerold spoke up.

And Stannis just shook his head in response.

"I am just as clueless as you in this regard. The Queen suddenly ordered me to close off the gates and deploy the army. She refused to say anything else."

And Daenys frowned at that. Her mother had ordered this. The Queen almost never got involved in such matters. Her mother had never been fond of attention and had always avoided getting too involved with the realm's day-to-day running. She preferred a much simpler lifestyle.

"Where was Father when she ordered this? Was he there when she ordered this?" and the man shook her head.

"He wasn't there, princess?"

Dread began to pool up in her heart. Alarm bells rang in her head. And she closed her legs to command, and the horse sprang to life as she rushed towards the Red Keep.

She could hear Ser Gerold rushing in behind her, shouting at her to slow down. But she couldn't. She had to reach the castle. She had to see her father.



As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and consider supporting me. I shall be extremely grateful.


Thanks for reading!
Holy crap this is good! I'll be sad when the heartbreak and grief is eventually uploaded. Dont upload it too fast please! For my heart!
Chapter 1 didn't get indexed, boyo.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3-The Journey Across the Sea!

The voyage of Prince Aemon to Pentos in 290 AC is a highly significant event in the History of Westeros. The exact details of the journey have been the cause of much debate, but it is a common consensus that this was a planned journey made for one single purpose. To obtain the greatest treasure of House Targaryen.


It had been rumored that Elissa Farman stole three eggs from the Targaryens before she began her journey across the seas. These eggs were sold to someone unknown in Essos, though many speculate that it was the Iron Bank of Bravos. King Aerys had been on the search for them for the major part of his reign. And in 290-AC, he would find them. Buying them for what is now regarded as the greatest Transaction of History.

Yet Alas, he would never be able to gaze upon them himself. Dying in 290-AC and those Dragon eggs would bring a huge storm for the Targaryen dynasty.


Aemon Targaryen watched the endless seas from the deck of his ship. The Titanic was perhaps the biggest ship in the Targaryen Armada. Its unique name was given to it by his father.

The sailors and the navy officers worked on the deck as they waded through the narrow sea. Finally, they were on their way home. He was excited as well. This journey had taken him way more time than estimated. But the issue's sensitivity was such that he could not rush anything.

Aemon had spent quite some time at sea. His father had given him the task of overlooking the trading endeavors of the Targaryen family. And for this, he had been on several voyages across the Narrow Sea. Sometimes to check on their routes and sometimes to meet magisters and merchants of the various free cities as an envoy.

Aemon reached into the pocket of his doublet and took out a very special object. The object which had allowed Targaryen to surpass the Sea Snake in their endeavors over the sea. It was a small wooden box. He rotated the small dial on edge, and the lid popped off.

Revealing a small piece of paper with a needle rotating over it. The whole apparatus is covered by glass. The needle trembled as it rotated a couple of times before one of its ends settled on the N. indicating the direction of North.

"The arrangements have been completed, my prince," came the voice from the side, and Aemon immediately closed the compass. Turning to see the person who had spoken up.

It was Captain Davos. A smuggler turned trader in his father's fleet. One of his father's peculiar choices over the years. But a fruitful choice nonetheless. The man had much skill in seafaring and had risen to the rank of captain over the years. That status was about to change in light of his recent services.

"Would you like to do an inspection, my prince," the balding captain spoke up once more. Aemon nodded his head at that.

"Yes, I would."

The man nodded at that, and they began walking over the deck. Moving to the special quarters of the ship. The crew bowed to him when he passed by them.

"I still cannot fathom how you even found these. Moreover, getting the person to sell them at all." Aemon spoke hushedly as they made their way to the captain's chambers. The two guards guarding it bowed to him as he passed by them. Aemon commanded them before going in.

"No one comes in under any circumstances. No one!" the two guards nodded, and then he opened the door, briefly followed by Davos.

"My Prince, we have been searching for them for over a decade now. Those of us recruited by your father were given this task by him specially. We actually located them a couple of years ago," Aemon frowned.

"Then why are we only buying them now?" he asked. And the ex-smuggler smiled at that.

"At that time, the magister was unwilling to sell them, for he had money and influence. So, the King decided to erode that money and influence. And through our efforts over the last couple of years, we were able to cripple him and his mercantile empire in a way forcing him to sell them."

Aemon just shook his head at that. It was just like his father. If he wanted something, he would turn to heaven and earth to have it. Over the years, he had seen his father enact various changes in the realm. Changes that seemed small at the time, like funding the Alchemists guild, building a trading fleet, taking direct control of some farmland, and giving rewards for exotic innovations. Each of them individually did not seem like much.

But their combined effect had changed everything. The compass made by the guild, now in possession of each captain of the Targaryen fleet, had transformed seafaring. Through it, they were able to trade more efficiently. The exotic innovations had been the most innocuous, and combined with the farmland under their control; the crown now had its own farms. Farms that gave almost double the harvest of those of the lush farms of the Reach.

The increased crop was used to make other things. Things that had never been seen before. Exotic Drinks and foods of various kinds. Which were then traded and added to the wealth and prestige of their House. It all came down to one of his father's philosophies.

"Wars are fought by men and won by Gold."

The aged captain reached one corner of the room. The lamp above illuminated it, and then he opened the huge metallic chest lying there.


And inside were two cups. But they were no simple cups. Each of them with a smoky pattern that rippled over their surface. Aemon picked one of them up, running his hand along the cool metal. Valyrian Steel.

"We have also spread the rumors that House Targaryen has bought Valyrian Steel. This way, the rumors about our true purchase could be suppressed." The old man said with a smirk.

Aemon nodded as he placed the cup back in the metallic chest.

"And where is our real purchase."

The old man nodded, closing the chest and locking it once more. After that, he walked towards the captain's table. Bowing down, he pulled something like a lever from underneath the table.


A plank loosened from the captain's table. Aemon walked to the side, joined by the aged merchant, who pulled the wooden plank to the side to reveal the metal contraption underneath. There was a circular indentation in the metal.

"Place your compass in it, my prince. Only someone with a compass can open it."

Aemon nodded and took out the wooden piece in the indentation in the metal. He felt it click, and then, after a turn. The whole side of the table was separated. Revealing a hollow space. A space currently occupied by three rounded petrified eggs. Three actual Dragon eggs.

Dragons that had been the source of the power of their house's strength. Lost during the dance in what his father often called the most tragic war of the Targaryen rule.

"According to the Magister, they were bought from lands beyond Asshai years ago."

Though Aemon was not paying much attention to the man. His attention was totally captivated by the petrified pieces of stone that could change the course of history. He raised his hand, trying to touch them.

"DON'T! THEY ARE VERY HOT!" but the old man suddenly stopped as Aemon touched the eggs. Their rough stony exterior is warm to the touch. He looked at the old captain beside him.

"What are you talking about? They are just a little warm." He said with a frown. And the merchant frowned as he raised his own hand but pulled it back with a hiss after touching the eggs. Making Aemon frown as he looked at his hand.

'What was this?' He thought. He shook his hand, putting this in the back of his mind.

"Who designed this whole secret space? And does every ship have it?" he asked, intrigued by the secret mechanism. Captain Davos shook his head.

"I am afraid not, my prince. Only a few ships have it. And from what I recall, one of the smiths from Kings Landing designed it with your father. Ser Tobho Mott, if I recall correctly."

Aemon nodded and put the information in the back of his mind.

"We actually used this to smuggle silk worms from Yi-Ti as well," the captain added with a smirk. Surprising Aemon once more about the source of one of the crown's other business endeavors.

Well, you did not become the richest house in the realm without a bit of trickery. And while House Targaryen had no gold mines in their lands. They had become the richest House in Westeros, surpassing even the Lannisters. But while the Lannisters' wealth was safe in the ground in their mines. House Targaryen had invested its vast wealth to transform its holdings. Hence betting on an increase in revenues from their various ventures.

Though his father was planning to build a bank to in the capital as well. Another one of his efforts to centralize their control over the continent. Aemon closed the chest, and then they placed the wooden covering back on the side. Hiding their true treasure once more.

Aemon then walked to the chair and sat on it.

"I will check on the crew," and with a bow. Davos left the office, leaving him alone in the chambers. Aemon closed his eyes as he thought about his return to Westeros, specifically, what awaited him.


Aemon Targaryen was a price of the realm. A second son, a spare. But unlike the other second sons. His father had chosen not to gloss over him. He had been trained along with Rhaegar by their father to rule. And now he had been given a whole city. Duskendale for him and his heirs to rule till the end of time. Over the years, various offers had been made from historic houses like the Lannister, Tullys, Tyrells, and Arryns for his hand. But his father had been reluctant to accept such offers for some reason.

But the issue could not be delayed any longer. So, he had been asked to make a choice himself. And he had narrowed it down to two.

Jane Tyrell and Laena Velaryon. Both matches had their own pros and cons. The Tyrells had been grumbling for a match for quite some time. They were the second richest House after the Lannisters, apart from the Targaryens. The match would put House Tyrell at ease.

On the other hand, Laena Velaryon was the daughter of Lord Lucerys Velaryon. His father's master of Ships. The Crown had invested heavily in the crown lands. And a match with house Velaryon would go on to prove the crown's belief in the houses loyal to it.

Just as he was deep in those thoughts, the door to the chambers was knocked violently. He frowned and got up. He opened the door and saw Captain Davos standing there once more.

"What happened?" Aemon asked as he saw the worry on his face. The man replied.

"My prince, it seems we have a problem."

Aemon frowned at that. What was happening now?


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Chapter 4
Chapter 4-Long Live the King!

The death of King Aerys Targaryen in 290 AC has been a source of quite some historical debates. Many attribute it to natural causes; others believe it to be caused by his pursuit of arcane arts. But the exact cause of it was revealed by the recently released documents of the Iron Bank of Bravos by the Royal Family.

These documents, dated back to 290 AC, clearly mention the transfer of vast amounts of wealth to the famed House of Black and White. The mysterious guild of assassins that worshipped Death itself. Also, confirming the presence of such a group to the general public.

Interestingly, the amount mentioned is presumed to equal that House Targaryen paid to procure the three Dragon eggs.

A Conspiracy!


Rhaegar rushed on his horse through the Rosby Road, constructed by the Conciliator himself. They had passed by the seat of House Rosby a couple of hours ago, only stopping to get on fresher horses so that they could make haste toward the capital.

A small retinue of guards and his two loyal Kingsguards rode hard with him. And now, with the night beginning to cloud their surroundings with darkness, they could see the edge of the city.

The walls of the Outer City were now visible. Tall and thick stone walls were manned by archers with scorpions on the five major towers. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the increased number of guards over on the walls. The doors that led into the city were closed as well.

They rode hard and made their way to the gates. Stopping upon hearing the sound of the Huge horn from the top of the Wall.

The gates opened, and he was surprised to see an armed army squadron come out to greet him. The Captain got down from his horse and bowed to him.

"Why are the Gates closed?" Rhaegar questioned the man.

"The orders came from the council, my prince. All the gates to the city were to be closed. To be opened only after further instructions."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Still trying to reason out the cause for such a measure. The captain then turned and shouted.

"OPEN THE GATES!" and Rhaegar saw the gates open slightly. He nodded to the captain, pulling the reins of his horse, and rushed through the city that his father had built. The city was quiet, lacking the usual hustle and bustle associated with it. The houses were much smaller and made out of wood mostly, unlike those in the inner city.

Though much like the inner city, the streets were clean, the main road paved. The people moved out of his way, spotting the Targaryen banner from afar. Many of them blessing him as he went past them.

Bless the Prince. Live Long Prince. May the Targaryen prosper.

Yet all this was not on Rhaegar's mind as they spotted the inner city walls. These walls were much taller and with a much larger number of men. Though the gates would open without any stoppage this time, and he would rush into the inner city. The Red Keep, visible on the edge of the city. He noticed the army once more, fully armored and patrolling the city.

He reached the castle and was greeted on the gates by two of his father's council members.

Stannis Baratheon, his cousin by blood. The second son of Lord Steffon Baratheon, one of his father's most loyal friends. He had been serving as the Commander of the City Watch for quite some time.

And the other was a much older man. He was responsible for the command of the army in the absence of the King or the Prince. He was also wearing full armor, with a distinctive sword strapped to his belt. The sigil, a striding huntsman in red on a green field, is proudly displayed on the chest. Lord Of Horn Hill, the King's general. Ser Randyll Tarly. A strict but competent man nonetheless.

"My Prince," both of them bowed to him as he descended from his horse.

"You have our condolences for your loss," they said.

"Thank you for your concern. But where is my mother," he said as he began to walk briskly through the castle. The two of them followed him. The sheer hush and the black clothing of the people highlighting pronounced the spread of the news.

"The Queen went to her chambers sometime ago, my prince," Stannis replied.

And Rhaegar began to walk towards the Queen's chambers. The various servants hushed and bowed to him as he hurriedly moved past them.

He reached the Queen's chambers and saw someone quite familiar coming out of the room. It was Elia's lady-in-waiting and the sister of his friend Arthur.

Ashara Dayne, well, not anymore, he corrected himself. She had been married to the heir to Horn Hill and was now called Ashara Tarly nee Dayne. She was wearing black as well, her eyes having similar coloring to his own but with a much lighter shade of purple.

She bowed to him immediately.

"My prince, you have my condolences for your loss." She said, and Rhaegar just nodded. He would have to get used to such words.

"Where is Elia?" he asked her.

Ashara had arrived in court a couple of moons ago when the master had confirmed that Elia was pregnant with their third child. It had been a surprise for them, for they had said that after the birth of Aegon, it would be difficult for her to become pregnant once more.

"My Prince, she just went to her own room to put Aegon to bed. Rhaneys actually fell asleep inside and is with the Queen."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Arthur and Ser Barristan would be taking over the command of the situation. He needed to talk with his mother.

"Has Arthur returned with you as well, my prince?" she asked him. And Rhaegar nodded.

"Yes, he did. Him and Ser Barristan are with the Lord Tarly and Stannis at the moment."

Rhaegar knocked on the doors to his mother's chambers. Entering them, he saw his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing black, much like everyone he had seen. Her hands casually passed through the hair of the child asleep on her bed. Rhaeneys had fallen asleep on the Queen's bed and was clutching Queen Rhaella's arm as she slept.

She looked up to see him, and Rhaegar saw the hollow look and the dried tears on her face. He silently walked to her side and lowered himself as she enthusiastically embraced him.

No words were spoken, and none were needed. Queen Rhaella Targaryen had married her brother Prince Aerys on his grandfather's insistence. The beginning of their marriage had been marred by the second greatest Tragedy their family had faced since the Dance itself.

Summer Hall burnt and devastated, taking away so many of their family. The sickly price Jaehaerys would take the throne, and then the Blackfyres would rebel, aided in their greed by the Gang of the Nine.

King Aerys and Queen Rhaella had faced all those tribulations with no one but one another for support. And while Rhaegar knew that there had never been much love between them, they had built a healthy relationship based on respect.

He separated from her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed itself, giving his sleeping daughter a kiss on her forehead. The girl just turned slightly in her sleep, unaware of his presence.

"What happened?" he asked his mother. The Queen spoke up after a while.

"It was assassins," and his hands would stop as he heard those words. He had suspected as much with the deployment of the army and closure of the gates.

"It has not been confirmed yet, but probably the faceless men somehow were able to infiltrate the castle. Ser Lewyn was able to kill one of them, but there was a bund of them, and they killed your father."

And Rhaegar's mind was racing as he tried to think of the people who could afford such a hit. The House of Black and White asked for a specific amount of gold to carry out an assassination. And that amount varied with the difficulty and influence of the person that was to be assassinated. For his father, that sum would have to be quite an astronomical figure.

"I then summoned Stannis and had him call up the army and then wrote to you."

She then looked up at him and said in a small voice. Her free hand went up to his face.

"You have to be careful now, Rhaegar. I have a bad feeling about this," and he nodded his head at that.

"I will be. Where is Daenys?" he asked her, and he saw her expression falter.

"She was inconsolable. She has locked herself in her room. Ser Gerold is there guarding her."

"I will talk to her after this, but I have to ask you something, Mother?" he said in a much more serious tone. Queen Rhaella nodded her head, and Rhaegar spoke up.

"Do we have any lead, any suspicion about the preparator?" he asked her. She was quiet for some time, only speaking up after some time.

"Lands across the narrow sea have been discontent with your father for some time due to the rising power of the Targaryen family. The Triarchy still hates him for the defeat they faced in the war. It could be anyone."

It was true; rumors about concern regarding the rise of Westeros had been reported to them by their spies. No plot had been discovered, but Pentos, The Triacrchy, and many other lands in Essos had been growing wary at their culminating strength.

"But I do have something to tell you. It is about your brother and why he sailed to Pentos," she added mysteriously. And he frowned as he heard those words.

"Your father sent Aemon to Pentos to buy something that he has been looking for since almost the beginning of his reign."

His eyes widened as he heard the exact words.

"Dragon eggs."

Drago eggs. His father had been searching for dragon eggs, and if Aemon's trip was any indication, he had found them. But why? Dragons had been lost for centuries.

"Your father had an idea on how to hatch these eggs and had been looking for them for some time now. And he wanted it to keep a secret from the rest of the world, so Aemon was sent discreetly to buy them and disguise this venture with the buying of some valyrian steel cups they had also found."

And this was just more shocking to him, and Father had an idea of hatching dragon eggs. Then why hadn't he mentioned it during the Summer Hall incident? He was just about to ask her the same question when there was a knock on the door.

He frowned at the noise and got up from the bed. He opened the door and saw Arthur standing there. He was flushed and anxious as he spoke up.

"My Prince, there has been an emergency. Prince Aemon's fleet has been attacked," and Rhaegar's eyes widened as understanding dawned on him. He looked towards his mother and saw her expression marred by extreme worry as she heard those words.

First, the assassination of his father and now an attack on his brother. This was not a coincidence. This was a well-concocted plan, a conspiracy to bring their house down.

Yet he would not let them succeed. Such cowardly attacks would not cow house Targaryen.

And just as he was about to speak once more.


The whole castle shook as the sounds of two large explosions spread everywhere. The explosions had come from outside. He ran to the window and threw the curtains open. His eyes widened as he spotted the source.

The whole area around the harbor was burning. But the flames were not normal. No, they were green.

Wildfire, he thought. His eyes narrowed as he spotted another ship sailing dangerously toward the harbor. Wearing a banner that was very much recognizable.

Golden Kraken on a black background. The ship crashed into the harbor.

BOOM. And another explosion rocked the city. Anger rose in his heart. Greyjoys.

Those fuckin Greyjoys! Those fuckin Geyjoys!


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Wow…just wow…someone's going to fucking burn, and if it's the so called free cities nothing of value will have been lost.
Wildfire, he thought. His eyes narrowed as he spotted another ship sailing dangerously toward the harbor. Wearing a banner that was very much recognizable.

Golden Kraken on a black background. The ship crashed into the harbor.

BOOM. And another explosion rocked the city. Anger rose in his heart. Greyjoys.

Those fuckin Greyjoys! Those fuckin Geyjoys!

How did the Greyjoys get wildfire?
That ducking asshole…god damn blackfires ruining LITTERAL everything. Honestly hoping for either a end to the bloodline or total and true banishment…cause they have only caused more and more problems.

plus the Greyjoy's are going to get scoured from the maps now…and that place? Turned into a barren wasteland.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5- The Betrayal!

House Greyjoy ruled over the iron islands for over two centuries. The followers of the drowned god, a religion that promotes plunder and piracy, focused on raiding and taking the thralls and treasure. This was actually nothing other than slavery and stealing.

King Aerys would, in the later half of his reign, end this practice, famously citing.

"I do not care that you sow the lands or not. But you shall not be allowed to plunder and enslave my people."

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, the lord of Pyke at the time, would accept the edict because it was in line with his desire to bring the iron islands close to the rest of the realm. The King would offer them subsidies and other opportunities to prosper. But Alas!

The Greyjoys would be the house that would betray the royal house as they would join hands with foreign saboteurs and attack King's Landing.

But this would have consequences! Severe Consequences!

Rhaegar Targaryen!

"How could this happen? How can four ships crash like that into the harbor!" Rhaegar snapped at the people standing in front of him.

"Your grace, these were regular Greyjoy vessels. The officers thought that they were here to dock as they regularly do. But then they did not slow down, and three ships crashed into the harbor one after another. Without any inspection, we had no idea that they were loaded with wildfire," came the reply from the aged Hand of the King.

Lord Lucerys Velaryon had served as his father's hand for over ten years now, getting promoted from his post as the Master of Ships. An office that Lord Manderly now occupied. It was not like the Lannisters were completely absent from the court. Lord Kevan Lannister, brother to Lord Tywin, served as the Master of Coin.

Rhaegar turned toward another member, his father's master of whisperers.

"Qyburn, how is it that the Greyjoys were able to obtain such a quantity of wildfire without any news?" he asked. The man had arisen to the position in the last decade but had been observed in the capital for some time.

"Your grace, I can assure you that the wildfire did not come from Westeros. The ties of such a plot seem to lie across the narrow sea," and Rhaegar frowned at that.

"But how can they make Wildfire? That secret is only known to the alchemists," and the man spoke up in his grazy voice once more.

"I believe that they might have approached someone from the guild and smuggled the secret out. But I will look into it at once," and he turned towards the Master of Ships, Lord Wyman Manderly. A fat man who barely fit in the chair, but his father had always said that he was the most cunning man on his council.

"What are the losses, Lord Manderly? Can we retaliate?" he asked the Lord of White Harbor. The plump man shook his head.

"I am afraid that will not be possible; I have sent letters to Dragonstone for the rest of the fleet to prepare, but we will not be able to retaliate immediately. The damage to the Harbor is extensive. Though I have written to the Lannisters to prepare their fleet."

Rhaegar nodded at that. With the Lannister fleet, they should be able to attack the Iron Islands.

"But why would the Iron Islands mount an attack like that? This just screams stupidity. And I refuse to believe that the timing of such an attack is a coincidence."

This thing had been bothering Rhaegar for some time now. The Greyjoys had been somewhat angry by his father's edicts. But years had passed, and by now, they had been partly integrated into the trading fleet. What had changed? What had emboldened them to such an extent?

"Your grace, while Lord Quellon had always wished to bring the iron islands closer to the realm. I believe the same cannot be said of his son," began the Lord Hand, and Rhaegar frowned. Lord Velaryon was right.

Rhaegar had met Lord Quellon several times at court and found him an intelligent and cautious man, but his heir Balon had been a different matter. More so, the younger brother, Euron. And he frowned as he tried to recall a piece of important news he had heard about him.

"Your grace, apart from this, we also have another matter of great importance to discuss." Came the voice of the Master of Coin. Rhaegar looked up at that. The golden locks of House Lannister shined in the light. The green eyes were a bit lighter than he had seen in the man's brother.

"Your father's death was a great tragedy, but the realm needs a king in this dire time. I propose that we move ahead with the coronation."

Rhaegar shook his head at that, but he suddenly stopped. His mind finally remembered something he that had been nagging him for some time.

"Qyburn, didn't Euron travel to Essos excessively over the last year? Where did he go exactly?" he asked, and the Master of Whispers frowned and replied after a while. Confirming Rhaegar's suspicion.

"I believe he went to Pentos, though he did visit Myr and Lys as well," and the man himself stopped at those words. Probably making the same connection as him.

The Triarchy had always hated his father for his role in their defeat and his crusade in the Stepstones. This was all a part of a much bigger plot.

Rhaegar turned to his Master of Ships.

"Lord Manderly! Immediately write to the Dragonstone fleet, and have them send a portion of it to reinforce our holdings in Stepstones and a part of it towards Pentos."

"Of course, we must protect the Stepstones against any misadventure by the Triarchy, but Pentos, may I ask why, your grace," the man asked.

And Rhaegar frowned. How much should he divulge to the council? Should he tell them about the sensitive issue of Dragon eggs, Aemon was carrying? In the end, he decided to say a half-truth.

"You must remember that my brother Aemon is on a journey to Pentos. This whole could become disastrous should he be captured. So, I want you to send a portion of the fleet to safely escort him back to Westeros."

"Of course, your grace."

Rhaegar then turned to his Hand.

"The coronation can wait. I want you to write to each Lord and have each of them host a modest host. I am afraid the realm is going to …."

But his words were cut off as the door to the council chambers opened again. Rhaegar frowned while looking up and saw the Grand Maester enter. Another man of his father's choosing.

Archmaester Marwyn, called Marwyn, the Mage for his fascination with the occult, had been specifically requested by his father. Though the Citadel had been reluctant at first, they had acquiesced to the request when his father had sent a slightly differently worded letter.

"Your grace, you must forgive me, but I bring grave news!" said the learned man as he huffed. His chains clinked and produced a grating sound.

"What happened, Grand Maester," he asked.

"I have just received word from the Stepstones! The Triarchy has attacked the islands. Governor Oberyn is mounting up a defense but has requested aid."

The whole council room was quiet. They had just talked about this. His suspicion was correct. They had been betrayed.

"Moreover, Lord Balon Greyjoy has declared independence and crowned himself the King. He has also attacked Lannsiport in the same way as he did Kinglanding."

Rhaegar's eyes widen at that.

"What?" came the surprised and worried voice of Kevan Lannister.

The Grand Maester just nodded his head.

"Yes, my lord. The fleet at Lannisport has taken heavy damage, and though the invading force has been repelled, the damage is said to be extensive due to wildfire. According to the letter, they may have also captured your sister, Lady Genna Lannister."

And Rhaegar saw Lord Kevan's face morph with worry as he clenched his fists in anger. Rhaegar closed his eyes as he prayed for the safety of Lady Genna in his heart. The Greyjoys were not known for their civility.

For a moment or so, Rhaegar wished that his father had been here. None of this would be happening if he was here. He had always seemed so composed. Rhaegar had rarely seen the man caught by surprise. And for the first time, he understood the reason his father had insisted in his participation in the Council meetings.

All of them, including his mother and sister, had always been forced by their father to sit in the council meetings at least once a month. Though for he and Aemon, they would have to attend each meeting. Reasoning that they should all learn governance, for they would one day rule after him.

Rhaegar had observed his rule, starting as a cup-bearer to his father and later sitting in as an advisor.

"Lord Velaryon, call the army and have the levies assemble. The Seven Kingdoms are at war!"

"Yes! I will go and have the letters sent immediately," said the fat man as he hobbled out of his chair and began to walk out of the council chambers, leaving him with the rest of his council. He looked over the rest of them and spoke out after a second.

"You do understand what this means? This is a coordinated attack. My father's death and then such attacks. This is a conspiracy at work!" he spoke up and saw Lord Velaryon nod.

"Indeed, though it will not matter, your grace. We are prepared for any such aggression. Your father has left us with both a well-trained Army and filled coffers. We are ready!" and Rhaegar nodded as he leaned back into his seat.

"Your grace, we still need to discuss about the funeral of your father," Kevan Lannister spoke up from the side, making Rhaegar sigh as he nodded.

"Yes, we do. The Funeral will be in two weeks. Make sure to mention to all those who wish to attend that this shall not affect raising levies!" and the ma nodded.

"Of course, your grace, but what is the plan for countering this?" questioned Kevan Lannister, and Rhaegar looked toward the commander of his father's army, Lord Randyll Tarly, who stood up and unfurled a map on the table.

"The enemy is attacking us from two sides, firstly at the Stepstones and secondly from the West. They wish to make us divide our forces and use this to our advantage. My advice would be not to do that and focus all our efforts on one battle before moving on to the second one!"

And he was taken aback by the suggestion. Should we let them have free reign and advance without any retaliation on one of the fronts, potentially ceding ground?

"But this would let them cause havoc on one of the fronts. And then we must also consider that these attacks have their ties to elements beyond the Narrow Sea. We have to take care of them as well," added lord Kevan, and Lord Tarly nodded.

"Indeed, and that is why my advice would be to let Dornish levies reinforce the Stepstones while we should focus all our efforts on bringing down the rebellion by the Greyjoys. This way, we wouldn't have to care for them striking us in the back when we march onto Essos."

Rhaegar nodded as the man began to mark the locations for launching attacks and gathering the armies, highlighting the supply lines that had been established years ago by his father.

"It is a sound plan, but House Greyjoy's territory is small, and the Stepstones were conquered with great difficulty. I don't believe that the Martells alone could hold them. Have the Redwyne and Hightower fleet provide them with backup as well, and write a letter to Robert Baratheon to assemble levies for their aid as well. The rest of the plan seems sound, make the arrangements with Lord Manderly and have the preparations begin."

And with the final orders, he stood up and left the meeting room to give the news to their mother.


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Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Euron Greyjoy was perhaps the best sailor of his time and was thought unstoppable when riding his signature ship, the Silence. He had made significant contributions during the sacking of the Stepstones, and he would have been richly rewarded if he had not overreached and asked for the hand of Princess Daenys.

King Aerys was said to be red with rage at the overreach, and only Lord Quellon's intervention had saved his son's life, who would then go into exile.

Though he would return and atrocities he would leave in his wake would always have us say, 'it would have been better if the King had taken his head that day.'


"We are getting surrounded, my prince," shouted Davos Seaworth, and Aemon himself was starting to feel uneasy as he saw another one of the ships of their fleet sink down. He had recognized the opposing ship as the infamous Silence. The ship of the exile Euron Greyjoy, and even under his father, the man had been an exceptional naval commander, and Aemon was beginning to understand why.

"Ask the men to get ready and prepare the special weapons. Plus, give the command to the fleet to gather up, don't let them isolate a ship." And the captain nodded before he rushed to carry out the orders. Aemon rushed back to his cabin and looked at the map.

Euron's attack had been a surprise, but they were still sailing in the narrow sea. And it was right there in the name. Narrow. They could try to push through and push to reach Dragonstone. With the naval might of Dragonstone at his back, Euron wouldn't dare to attack.

But could they get through? Their opposition was well prepared for the attack, and from what he had sighted, there were ships from the Triarchy in its armada as well.

Moreso, how they had targeted this fleet at such a time spoke of extreme planning. So, he began to think up other routes they could take. They couldn't move back towards Pentosh because that would not be safe. So, that left him with only one option.

And just as he had thought that, the door to his cabin opened, and Aurane Waters entered the room, all geared up and ready for battle.

"The preparations are complete, my prince. We have taken out the wildfire weaponry as per your command. Though I would advise against using it right now, my prince," the man said hesitantly before continuing as he tried to explain.

"My prince, the weapons are extremely dangerous, and the fire is uncontrollable. If it spreads in our direction, it could be a complete disaster," he explained, and Aemon had known the same.

"Don't worry, Aurane, I was not planning on using it like that. Come here, though," he spoke, and the man rushed towards his side and watched as Aemon pointed at the map.

"I had hoped that we could turn back and then leave those wildfire mines behind us. If Euron tries to chase us down, his ships will go up in flames!" he told Aurane of his plan.

"So, you plan to dock on the Tarth island. That seems reasonable, but my prince, some of the ships in Euron's fleet bear the flags from the Triarchy," added Aurane Waters, and the same information had perturbed him.

And that meant trouble in the Stepstones. The trouble could easily spell out in other lands, let alone what was happening in the Seven Kingdoms.

"If we go through with this, we essentially cut off our escape route in case we can not dock there. And the docks of Stormlands aren't the safest," argued Aurane, yet Aemon could think of no other way. They had to make the decision fast.

"You are right, but this is the only way. Relay my orders to the men. I will be out as soon as I put on my armor," and the Velaryon bastard nodded before rushing out of the room. Aemon closed the map and finally put on the armor, though he did struggle for a moment while tying it up.

"Maybe I should have picked up a squire or two," he commented before finally succeeding in his endeavor. He rushed out of the cabin to see their fleet closing onto each other, and he could make out the form of Euron Greyjoy atop his ship in the distance looking straight at them.

Suddenly he saw Euron bring his hand down as the scorpion bolts were fired from his fleet at them. Aurane watched a couple of bots hit the ships. One of them even impaled a captain. They retaliated with their own attacks, but he could see that they were on the back foot.

"Have the captains turn the ships! Head for the Tarth lands!" and with that, the die was cast.

May the Gods be with them!



Davos watched as the fleet turned around and took its new heading. They had taken substantial damage yet the preparations were complete. He looked towards the young prince and could tell that the Prince was getting anxious. Not that Davos wasn't.

He had been in service to the Iron Throne for over a decade now, and could tell that it had been one of the best decisions he could ever have made. While previously a simple smuggler, he had been recruited by the Iron Throne. Davos had been apprehensive about taking the offer initially, but in the end, he had decided to take it up.

And it had been the best decision of his life. Now he was a captain with his own ship and crew. His family was settled with his son squires to a knight on their way to becoming knights themselves. And he knew that if this mission succeeded, he would be rewarded richly once more.

"My Prince, the preparations are complete," he informed the second in line to the throne. Both of them glanced at the trailing armada of Euron Greyjoy, chasing after them through the debris of their destroyed ships.

"Light it up," commanded the Prince, and he nodded as he turned to the row of archers at the back.


And with that command, the archers drew flaming arrows and loosened them at the black wild fyre-filled pots they had dropped into the water earlier. He gulped as he watched the arrows come down and hit the black mines, and then hell broke loose.



He had to avert his gaze as the water behind them descended into flames. The heat from those greenish flames was strong enough that they made him sweat even at such a distance.

"SEVEN HELLS!" cursed the bastard Velaryon as they looked at the raging green flames separating them and the fleet of Euron Greyjoy.

"No ship is getting through that," commented the prince. His amethyst eyes had a green sheen to them, and Davos agreed with the point.

"But we cannot relax. We need to reach the Stormlands quickly. Send a letter to Kings Landing as well. Inform them about the attack and ask for an update on the situation in the Kingdoms," ordered the Prince Davos nodded, and just as he was about to turn to relay the message to the acolyte Aurane Waters spoke up.

"What's that in the flames!" and Davos turned to look at the object the Velaryon bastard was pointing at. His heart lurched as he saw a giant shadow wading through the greenish flames. His mind refused to believe his own eyes.

"GODS BE GOOD! HE IS USHING THROUGH THE FIRE!" and then before he could react a scorpion bolt whizzed past his face.


There was a scream, and he looked back to find one of the crew members impaled on a scorpion bolt.


"WE ARE GETTING ATTACKED! MAN, THE SCORPIONS!" he ordered as armored guards surrounded the Prince, their shields up as they protected the royal. And he watched as a huge ship emerged from the greenish flames, it's coloring the iconic black.

'Silence,' he whispered the name of the ship.

It was Euron fucking Greyjoy!



"How could this happen? How?" she exclaimed once more as she hugged her mother though she knew that there was no answer. Her father was gone. Assassinated.

"We don't know yet. The war we have been thrust with has made it difficult to track down the exact method," her mother replied, hugging her as they hugged each other in the Queen's chambers. Even now, days later, Daenys could hardly believe it. The Seven Kingdoms were going to war once more.

The Greyjoys had rebelled, and Triarchy had joined forces as well to attack them as well. However, they suspected the involvement of other Kingdoms of Essos as well. Daenys had learned her history and was quite sure the last time she had seen an attack from Essos.

"Is it the Blacfyres again?" she questioned. Their father was said to have ended their line in the last war. But her mother shook her head.

"I would think not. Their line ended when your father slew Meleys the Monstrous. There should be no more Blackfyres alive anymore," but Daenys was not satisfied with that answer for some reason.

"But there could be. They say Lys is filled with silver-haired and amethyst-eyed people. All it would take for a Blackfyre pretender to hide there would be to change their name. They could have planned this to get revenge on Father for the defeat all those years ago," she said, making the connection.

"After the Nine Penny Kings war, your father sent men to track down any Blackfyre on the other side of the Narrow Sea," and Daenys looked at her mother, for she had never known about this. Her mother seemed a bit hesitant before she continued.

"They found a descendant from the female line. And despite my protest, your father ordered her to be killed."

That information took aback Daenys. Her father ordered the killing of an innocent woman. She knew of war. She had sat with him as he would teach all three of them the art of ruling and warfare.

"Why didn't he ever mention it to us when he taught us?" and her mother was quiet for a long time before she picked up the wine glass from the side table and took a sip.

"Do you know how your father got the throne?" Daenys sat up and looked at her mother before nodding. She had been taught her history. Grand Maester Marwin had made her read about it all despite her complaints.

"Yes, I do. Summer Hall, The War, and Grandfather's Death. I have read about it all," and her mother nodded.

"Yes, but you have read it. But the books can never tell you all of it. They can never tell you the whole picture," her mother spoke slowly before turning to face her.

"It all began on the day of our wedding!"


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support helps me a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider showing your support. I shall be extremely grateful.


Thanks for reading!
Isnt Wildfyre like magic Napalm? Also is this gonna keep going downhill for them?
Its more like highly inflammable alcohol that burns green.
as for war aituation, Targaryens are well prepared cuz of Arrys's efforts but that doesnt mean that their enemies are dumb, the enemies have their own plans and stuff.
I just hope the iron islands are empty after this, the drowned god frogotten, abd the kingdoms of esso's reeling from the counter strike.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7

Rhaella Targaryen was married to Aerys Targaryen when she was young. Rumors that were supported by some excavated texts tell us that she wasn't keen on the match with her brother, whom she called boisterous, cruel, and uncaring. Aerys Targaryen himself was rumored to be infatuated with Joanna Lannister in his youth.

Yet the marriage became the biggest lynchpin for the Targaryen dynasty and became the turning point in History for them. While not based on love, the two came to a mutual understanding and came to care for each other. King Aerys Targaryen would invite The Queen to the council meetings and value her advice when given.

They would be blessed with four children. However, much to their grief, the last child would die a year after his birth. Their relationship would provide their children with a solid foundation and is mentioned in quite exemplary words in the writings and letters discovered.


Night had descended now as her conversation with her daughter went on as she told Daenys of things she had not mentioned to anyone else. Even now, with the darkness taking over the sky, the city was bustling with the sounds of the Army assembling and people moving and shouting. She had seen a similar bustle twice before this. Once, she had been crowned the Queen after Summer Hall, and then when her husband had decided to bring the Stepstones to heel.

She watched, swept her hand through the silvery locks of her daughter as Daenys slumbered in her lap, her tiredness getting the better of her and making her doze off. She smiled, seeing her like this, seeing her all grown up. Daenys was everything she wasn't. She was fearless, assertive, and smarter than her. Aerys had always been proud of her, and her heart quivered as she thought of her better half. No one knew how hard his death had hit her, how losing him had shaken her completely. Yet she had known that she needed to be strong for her children.

She looked up at the ceiling, wiped away the tears welling up in her eyes, and whispered lightly.

"Why did you have to leave me so early? Why?" she questioned though she knew it was futile. He was gone, hopefully to a better place.

Truthfully Rhaella Targaryen had never been fond of marrying Aerys. He had always seemed so pretentious and cruel. And she was aware of his infatuation with her friend Joanna, yet their parents had not given them a choice for the match. She had feared his reaction to this, yet it was as if the marriage had transformed him. And then Summer Hall had happened, and they were left all alone.

She could feel the vultures circling, the court murmuring, yet Aerys had stood tall in the face of that tragedy and had led their family out of the crises almost single-handedly. He had known that she did not love him, yet he had only ever demanded one thing of her.

'I know this match was made without our input, dear Rhaella. But the times are tough, and I would hope that we could come to an accord to make this easier for both of us.'

A young Rhaella Targaryen nodded along, their child Rhaegar sleeping in her arms as both of them lay in their chambers.

At that time, the war had been called. She had been nervous about what he would ask of her. Yet his words would surprise her.

'Trust and loyalty. That is all I ask of you. We cannot make any mistake at such a time. We must not give anyone anything to exploit. So, we must band together if not in love, then in respect, for if we don't, our family will lose everything. Everything!'

She had nodded along at that time. And he had been proved right with the war getting called mere months later. Over the years, she also saw the plots and games in the court to try and turn them against each other, yet she remembered her promise to him. And slowly, Aerys would overcome them all.

And now House of the Dragon stood stronger than it had since the days of the Old King. Her hand went to her neck, and she saw the last object he had given her when he had gone to war for the first time.

'Keep this safe. If I am to die, show this to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who would show you to a secret safe. In it lie some guides about my plans and how to implement them. Use them!'

She had been taken aback by his words and had refused to take such a responsibility, yet he had thrust it in her hands forcefully.

'There is no one else, Rhaella. If I am to die, you shall lead the House of the Dragon and carry on this legacy!'

The memory seemed so distant now, for she had been young then, and Daenys and Aemon hadn't even been born then. Even after the war, he refused to take it back.

Her hands shook slightly as she looked at the ornately forged key before sighing as she picked up the bell beside her table and shook it lightly. The bell rang, and the door to her chambers opened, and Ser Gerold Hightower stepped inside. She saw his features soften upon seeing the sleeping form of her daughter before he knelt down.

"You called for me, your grace," and she nodded as she showed him the key. She saw his eyes widen as she spoke up.

"I believe you know what this means," and he gave her a nod.

"Of course, your grace," and she saw his eyes land on Daenys before he spoke.

"Do you wish to see it right now? You will need to go to the King's chambers for this, your grace," and she nodded after thinking for a second.

"Yes, take me there," she said as she gently placed Daenys head on the pillow before she got off the bed. The Kingsguard moved forward and helped her stand as they began to leave the room. She readied her heart as she entered the King's chambers, Rhaegar hadn't moved in yet, and everything was still as Aerys had left it. Ser Gerold walked towards the large bed and motioned her to come forward as well.

She frowned a bit but joined him, and soon she saw an indentation behind the bed wall.

"The King had the other key, which can be passed onto Prince Rhaegar after your consent. King Aerys was adamant that the protocol be followed and be maintained in case of his death," the Lord Commander told her, and she nodded. As she spotted the small keyhole between the ornate design.

Ser Gerold stepped back and began to leave the room, and she looked towards him.

"Where are you going, Ser Gerold?" she asked, and the man replied with a bow.

"The contents of that box are only for your eyes. I will be standing outside, your grace. You can call me when you are done," and she frowned as she nodded. So much secrecy. What exactly was hidden in that safe?

The Lord Commander left the room, leaving her alone, and her heart thrummed in her chest as she pushed the key into the hole and twisted it.

CLACK! There was the sound of a door opening as she felt a piece of the wall rotate a bit. She opened it and found herself staring at a portrait of herself and Aerys inside. Besides that, there were a number of scrolls and a book placed there. With shaky hands, she took it out.

Nothing was mentioned on the book cover, so as she opened it and on the first page, the following words were written in her husband's handwriting.

"My dear Rhaella, if you are reading this, then I have died before I could finish my work. Work that is absolutely necessary for the survival of our family and mankind itself, for since the day of my coronation, I have been preparing for a war. A war against the greatest enemy. Death. Death of mankind itself."

And as she read the next lines, her hands began to shake, and her eyes widened. And she knew, even with all she knew, her husband had more secrets than she had ever thought.



Tywin Lannister watched from the roof of the Garrison at Lannisport as the Gold Cloaks got ready for the incoming battle. From the vantage point, one could still see the damage left by the Greyjoy ambush. The damage to the fleet had been massive, yet the Gold Cloaks had been able to react in time and had refused to let the invading force get a foothold.

He heard the sound of steps from behind and looked and glanced back to find his son coming up to join him. Jamie Lannister, his son. The one to carry his legacy stood tall and ready for battle as he wore the finest armor. Tywin was proud of his son for how he had grown up. Long gone was the boy who stood behind in his sisters' shadow and now stood in front of him one of the finest knights of the realm itself.

"King Rhaegar is a day away now. He will soon arrive with the Royal Army. The sailors have also spotted the navy ships and are preparing the docks for them," Jamie told him, and he nodded. As expected, the Royal Army had been swift in their action, something entirely due to the efforts of his friend and King Aerys.

King Rhaegar thought of Jamie's words. And a part of him still couldn't believe that Aerys was dead. The man who changed history, the man who rebuilt a whole legacy. Gone. Of the group of three, which included him, Aerys, and Steffon, only he remained.

"What about the news from Stormlands? Has Prince Aemon docked safely?" he questioned, and Jamie nodded.

"Yes, he did so yesterday. He has minor injuries, and his fleet has been decimated, yet he was able to make it back. Robert is also assembling a host to counter any invading force though I believe our enemies will not try that," and that was good news. Aemon Targaryen had been the target of Euron Greyjoy, and Tywin knew firsthand what that man was capable of.

If Euron had just kept his mouth shut about the Princess, the King would have given him quite a station, yet the Greyjoy had not been able to do that and hence had been exiled. And the Princess remained a maiden still. A maiden that would make the perfect future Lady of the Rock. Aerys and him were discussing the match, yet now following his demise, he would have to bring it up with Rhaegar.

"There was a letter from Cersei as well," and Tywin saw a smile appear on Jamie's face as he continued and gave him the good news.

"She has given birth to a healthy young girl. She has decided to name it Joane, similar to mother," and Tywin's heart trembled as he heard that name before a small smile appeared on his face. Joanna would be proud of Cersei. Robert Baratheon had not been his first choice for Cersei's hand, yet it had been Aerys who had made the match, and with Robert Baratheon having grown up under Aerys's careful gaze and being the heir to a Highlord, there wasn't much to object.

So, he had accepted the offer, and Cersei Lannister became Cersei Baratheon. It was a good match, and Jamie's would be even better with the Princess Daenys.

"That is indeed good news," he commented after a while as he watched the doors to the Garrison open, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the Sigil on the flags of the arriving party. A red lion, with a forked tail on a silver background. House Reyne was here. The very house that had been the source of the biggest quarrel between him and Aerys.

Leading that party was a man with silver hair and amethyst eyes, yet he wasn't a Targaryen. No, it was Vaemond Velaryon, the second son of Lord Velaryon, the Hand of the King and husband to Elissa Reyne, the last living member of the House, that had risen in rebellion against House Lannister.

Aerys turned away from the balcony and began to walk toward his chambers,

"Make preparations for the arrival of the King and have the army ready for the offensive. Rhaegar Targaryen will not want to wait much longer after he is here," he ordered Jamie, who nodded.

"Yes, Father," and with that, he entered the room, remembering the quarrel that shook his friendship with the King of the Seven Kingdoms.


House Reynewere the most prominent house in the Westerlands after the famed House Lannister. Emboldened by the weakness of the late Lord Tytos House, Reyne would make several overtures that had gone unanswered. Lord Tywin Lannister hated his father for his weakness and, when he came to power, decided to make an example of the rebellious House.

He planned to end their line, and he would have succeeded if one of the Reyne daughters, lady Jeyne Rayne had been present in the castle like the rest of the House. He would flood their caves and have the whole house put to sword, yet when the King would hear of it, he would be enraged. This would cause strife between the otherwise fast friends.

In the end, the King would marry the only remaining Jeyne Reyne to House Velaryon's second son and have both houses sign a secret peace pact. Many speculate that this was one of the reasons why the King denied a match between the Jewel of the West, Cersei Lannister, and Prince Rhaegar, yet no documentation of such has yet been found.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support helps me out a lot and makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be extremely thankful.


Thanks for reading!
Nice scene of opening the secret door. It successfully evoked a nuclear launch sequence for me. The after effect of a SI is really original and I am loving every second of it.

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