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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

Farseers: "Hah! We can see the future! We are unstoppable! Nobody can bar our path to our goal! Our power over the Warp is unparalleled!"

"lol," said the Daemons, that live in the warp and manipulate the energy they use effortlessly, "lmao."

Tzeentch: "Do you guys... Do you guys just, like, forget what my whole deal is? Actually, you know what? Yes. Yes, you can definitely out-predict me. You should definitely rely on visions of the future you get from the Warp, from that devilishly handsome mollusc in that alleyway."

Tzeentch, in an alley with groucho glasses and a trenchcoat: "Psst, hey, hey Elfdar kid, you want some V I S I O N S? I got the good stuff here."
Will be a delay in updates Not sure how long, I am still writing I just want the Affirma side story to be completed in one chapter. It shouldn't be more than 2 to 4 days. Should be a pretty large chapter.
it is an interesting take.
personally, I would say they do see the future since the warp explicitly does time travel... but they only see very little of the future, and without context.
And that is the main problem. They are short sighted as hell, completely ignoring logical deduction in favor of relying exclusively on "far"sight.

They foresee that if they save human chaos cultist A and betray ally (of convenience) human space marine B when fighting a shared enemy, then some fleets will be diverted and do something beneficial to their race...

but don't stop to think about all the effects that will happen that they do not see.
Whether it is a punitive fleet from the imperium, or the whole "betrayal" thing giving them a rightful reputation as traitors just looking to backstab you illogically at any moment coming to bite them in the ass later.
Warhammer 15
Affirma was a border world far from the influence of the Imperium of Man, and that wasn't a good thing. They had devolved back into medieval times with a handful of people in power who were just as bloody as the Imperium. How do I know? I viewed the past. Still, the Immaterium leaking into the Materium was not a good thing. The Space Marines were barely holding up against the Daemons, there were too many Daemons and not enough ammunition for the bolt guns. We've decided to send Glops with them in their squads who will specifically deal with the Daemons so they would preserve their ammo. Meanwhile, a Space Marine by the name of Rencar was put in charge of the situation going on here, since Chapter Master Phoros and Chapter Master Tu Shan were busy hunting down STCs.

Inquisitor Hassaph, an Inquisitor who stayed on the outpost here, had come to talk to Space Marine Rencar. Of course, when Inquisitor Hassaph discovered it was only a normal Salamander Space Marine here instead of Chapter Master Tu Shan. Well, they tried to exert their rank to pressure the Space Marines. With no effect due to direct orders from Chapter Master Tu Shan, who had ordered Space Marine Rencar to order around the rest of the Space Marines here. Meaning Space Marine Rencar had more authority due to those orders preventing the Inquisitor from assuming command. Much to Inquisitor Hassaphs frustration. Then he tried to order me around!

I'm serious, here are their exact words.

"So, Glop is it? Your forces are to follow my orders by order of the Inquisition. I'll need a total rundown of your forces. We can consolidate and remove this daemon infestation as quickly as possible."

My reply? "The Glop Armada is willing to work with you Inquisitor Hassaph but make no mistake. You are not in charge of the Glops."

It sounded reasonable at first, listening to his first talk. But he wanted complete control. During our first chat together he wanted to rush straight to the local kingdom's capital to punish the King. Course I argued against it. Doing that would be a large waste of time. We need to separate the king from the people. Something I had already been doing, constant effort and all. Yet he threw all my arguments out the window and demanded I follow his plan. I think he may have a bit of an anger issue when it comes to the King.

Ah, here he is now.

"Have you reconsidered Glop?" He practically spat out my name.

I gave him a shrug. "If your done throwing a hissy fit? Yes. Still not just rushing the local king though. Take a look at this."

He frowns and comes to the war table. I display the current influence. "The King has already lost all his influence, preferring to hide within his castle while the daemons cause chaos. His army has fractured and is causing trouble as well. Acting no different than the Cultists. We've had to put down several of these, well, I'll call them bandits." The Influence Displayed was massive in changing his mood. The Golden Area was an area claimed by the Imperium and Glops, it took two-thirds of the world. With the Area, the King had under control being less than a 10th, only a single city. With the Chaos holding the rest. Even though we were constantly pushing against the chaos.

The Inquisitor spoke, "Fine, I see your point. Maybe we don't have to just rush the King and deal with them. But they still need to be punished. They blatantly disregarded imperial authority, and need to be dealt with."

I gave him a shrug with my glop. "The odds of them even being alive by the end of this is low, if the King is still alive regardless."

"Hmm, well. If we are going to deal with the chaos we are in a fairly good position. You have a larger number of forces and are several times more dangerous." He began pointing, the colors changing to show an arrow when he moves his finger.

"What I'm thinking is this, we do solid pushes and split the daemon territory into sections. That way we can deal with them one at a time, simply using overwhelming numbers to eventually bring every cultist and daemon to the ground and show them the Emperor's mercy." He said, finally giving a plan that wasn't pushed by anger.

"Good, We can also do harassment by using the instability of the Immaterial Realm to harass them within the regions, to prevent them from doing anything sneaky." The Inquisitor nodded.

"Then we should get moving… Still, what if the King is holding something? Like a relic from the Dark Age of Technology?" I froze… it's possible. Many world conquerors were using similar things.

"I'll talk to Rencar. You may be right."

He froze for a second, processing my words before taking a proud stance. "Of course I'm right!"

Elsewhere another Glop was going over the same map with Rencar.

Rencar was talking. "If we clear out the Cultist infestation here we can destroy the Cultists supply line completely. Without any logistical support, the Cultists will naturally start to flounder, then all we would have to deal with is the daemon infestation. We still have several towns here, here, and along this river here. We will need to liberate these towns and save any survivors that we can as well."

"Hmm. We may need to push the King here as well." I said, highlighting the castle.

He laughed, "Did the Inquisitor say something that got you to listen to him." He went silent for a second, before showing a bit more aggression. "Did he threaten you? If he did I'll execute the fool now."

I shrugged. "No, he pointed out something that I should have realized. There is a relic here. I have reason to believe the King may know where it is. Specifically the wreckage of a Dark Age of Technology warship. Or at least, a part of it."

That got Rencars attention. "Damn. If it's a gun they could probably turn the battle on the planet completely."

"Agreed. We need to discover what that technology is, and preferably take it for ourselves."

He sighed, "I'll gather my brothers. Can the Glop Legion take these locations?"

I nodded, "Don't worry, The Glop Legion will follow the plan. We have the numbers for it."

He nodded. "If this king has that relic, we will get it. For now, you must follow the plan. We need to crush the cultists and daemonic beings here on this world and prove to the rest of the imperium your abilities."

"You may have a point, showing that we can affect things on the material side in a positive way could pave the path for getting more solid relations with the rest of the Imperium as a whole. We just need to have the news of my interference spread across the stars of the Imperium after we are done." I said, thinking.

"Hmm. I'll inform the Chapter Master of this. Garnering an improved relationship with the rest of the Imperium will go a long way." He said, nodding.

After some time, we pushed forth. While Space Marine Rencar went to the main castle with his Brothers, I pushed the various towns and locations of Daemons. I was shredding through the Daemonic Forces. With a lack of reinforcements, the Daemons were in massive trouble, cause my Glops were the perfect counter to a daemon in the material realm. They didn't come back after my Glops killed them here. Mainly cause I ate the little bits that they called daemon soul.

Hours passed, as I captured more and more territory. Something happened at the Castle. I focused, bringing my attention to the Glop there. It was a disaster. The Space Marines were covered with Glops preventing them from falling to their wounds while Apocatharies patched them up to the best of their abilities.

I looked for Rencar, but not finding them I asked aloud. "Where is Rencar?"

"In here." I looked ahead, he was in one of the rooms, a bedroom? Likely the Kings room. I glanced at the bed. On it was a dead man, and next to it was Rencar. He had lost an arm.

"What happened?" I had checked the memories of my Glops, but they were blank. Erased.

He laughed, "I don't know myself. I just know, whatever we were fighting? It had a tough time standing up to you." He stood up and walked into the other room.

"All of our memories of fighting whatever it is are gone. But I know we fought in the courtyard." I followed him, to see destruction.

It looked like a tornado had gone through the place, there was Glop goo everywhere, but also a red goo-like substance as well. Rather similar to that my own. Yet, different. Twisted. "What caused this?"

He pointed. "The Relic. Last I remember I activated it before whatever caused this appeared."

I head in the direction he pointed, it was an obelisk… a rather familiar obelisk. It felt so familiar, yet. Nothing about it came to mind.

"This… isn't of human design."

"I know. The Tech-Priests are already organizing its destruction. At least it isn't glowing anymore or causing whispers." He said, grimacing.

I looked at it. Why did that thing feel so familiar? I sighed, "Let's get everyone fixed up."

I looked at the ground, the human corpses here were mutilated and mutated. It felt extremely familiar. Disgustingly so. Except it was something from my previous life. I was certain of it. Something had taken my memories… and it made me angry.

I then started bringing more of my glops into this body. Forming a larger form. "What are you doing Glop?"

"Destroying the damned thing," I replied.

He nodded, looking at the device in disgust. I completely covered the obelisk in my Glops form… and began to twist. The thing creaked and groaned. I could hear screaming in my mind as the Obelisk began to burn red… but I ignored it in favor of twisting it apart, into pieces. It resisted for a few more seconds before the entire thing completely fell apart. The twisted metal fell to the ground. I was disassembling the device at a molecular level. Despite its resistance. I refused to have my memories tampered with.

I released a breath I didn't know I had when it was reduced to nothing but materials. Finely ground dust of materials. I glanced at Rencar, who seemed shocked.

"You reduced it to dust? Our bolters were barely scratching it. How did you do that?" He said, incredulous.

"A Glop can use an absurd amount of force if given the chance. Most Daemons never give that a chance so you won't see something like this often." I replied, examining the powder. That presence was fully gone now.

"The Inquisitor is organizing an execution of the remaining people in the palace," Rencar spoke.

I nodded, "That may be needed. There is no telling how long they spent in the presence of that thing. I can deal with them in after their deaths."

Rencar spoke, "Is that why you are so desensitized to death? Because you can meet them in the afterlife?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's kind of hard to see death as permanent anymore." Daemonic Corruption is a fate far worse than death.

He was silent, before heading to the Apocatharies. He would need a new arm. I focused on the rest of the situation on the planet. I would have complete control of this planet in a few days… I wonder what the greater half of myself will think when we remerge?
To be honest, if I would've find this obelisk on a planet, i would probably nuke it with world breaker. Fuck the Necromorphs. The last thing I would want to Chaos Wankers get their paws on this shit.

Necromorphs... Necrons... Hmmm
I just realized. Glorp is, technically speaking, an Abhuman.
Who started an entire Abhuman race via his asexual reproduction
I'm guessing that his greater half still got those memories that got erased by the marker in his lesser half?
If so, he won't be happy to know that thing was there...
what is it? I don't recognize it. It looks familiar though.
Not sure which one I should explore with next update the situation on the frontline of the immaterium or the situation with the hunt for Magnus or the situation with the Space Marine chapters hunt for STCs.

Figured it out. I am a bit busy today and would appreciate if peops left me tabbed on twitch. I am writing again :). Can't talk tho.
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Warhammer 16
—Dark Space, Dr. Glop

It was a glorious sight, we started working on a ship after the Salamanders joined up with Glop. A wondrous ship that would be capable of traversing the blind eternities. Something capable of bringing the Emperium with us to another universe. To another home. A backup plan basically. We were pushing the limits of Glop adaptability, hand in hand with the Mechanicus. We constantly pushed our efforts to the max, pushing the limits of design. Doing something that the Mechanicus had pretty much forbidden… innovation. And it was approved by the Fabricator General himself. Meaning this Ark would be built, one way or another.

Originally it was going to be smaller, but Glop material is able to replicate other materials to a degree. Including some materials, I thought of as fiction. I replicated Eezo from Mass Effect. That changed things massively. It allowed us to build a ship as large as we wanted without worrying about the effects of mass and create an ease of use artificial gravity. This allowed us to expand the initial design of the ship. The problem then turned to resources and energy.

We had been harvesting worlds using Glops to process the resources into dust and then melt them into shapes on the ship, slowly making the frame of the enormous starship. A four-hundred-kilometer-long starship was being built slowly, but surely. Glops made up most of the sublayers of the ship. Keeping it together and processing the Eezo Glop materials, as well as acting as an alternative way to transfer energy throughout the ship and keep the ship actually moving. Glops only required intent in order to move, so there wasn't an actual need for thrusters on the ship. That was taken full advantage of by the Mechanicus Tech-Priests.

At the core of the ship was a hole, this hole would be closed around a star. More specifically a blue star. We would be using it as the core to power the ship. A reactor core, once the blue star is encased the tools on the ship would close, sealing the star, and beginning the reactor core conversion practice. First, we would be compressing the star until it forms a blackhole, small, but powerful black hole. Using Eezo Goo we would use that blackhole as the reactor core, giving us a large source of material and energy. In theory, we will be able to use the tools from the core to extract even more materials and energy from other black holes.

What about the speed? Well, the ship isn't capable of Light Speed through the Immaterial Realm. It can't enter it. Not without consequences, since it is made using a hybrid of Glop and normal material it will not adjust its size to the Immaterial Realm and with the Glops perception of the realm. It can cause disastrous consequences. After the initial testing, there was a hole in the realm that had to be patched with Glop material that still hasn't recovered. So testing to find a new method of FTL has been worked on. There have been promising tests with another fiction-like duplicated material called redstone. As well as promising tests with Eezo Goo.

To think, Tech-Priest Gearman used to be skeptical of this project. Now he's just as fanatical about it as everyone else. The Fabricator General himself contacted me on the vox once. I didn't understand most of what the old guy said. But I do know I had direct approval from the Fabricator General. The Main Personality would likely be excited over the progress of this project. But it isn't time to unveil it just yet. We still have a few years before it is actually completed.

— Dark Space, Fleet Amiral Magos Gearman

The project was going MAGNIFICENTLY! The Starship was the best one we have ever started building. Even the Fabricator General approved. I did have to work with the Mars Tech Priests, which was a bit of a downer. But respect where it was due, they did wonderful work. We were working with new prospects after all. Glops were technologically adaptable and allowed for some wonderful biotech work. It was massively improving our understanding of technology. Originally working on something like this would be considered tech-heresy.

Yet. Progress showed differently. Glop had proven not to be an enemy of the Imperium, and at most an ab-human species. Meaning it was possible to work with them. They were using several loopholes to allow this project to work without interruption and cries of heresy. If only the Adminstratum would back off. Those old fools are too worried about their own positions to care. They kept putting up ridiculous demands and sending in ridiculous accusations against Glop that were already proven incorrect.

Those old fogeys would learn the error of their ways when Glop made it across the Immaterium and the Emperor himself taught them a lesson. I leaned forward, examing the many blueprints. I had more work to do. This Ark will be worthy of the Emperor's grace.
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A massive ship that was the size of an entire world with Glop energy preventing the thing from collapsing into itself. It was almost one hundred and twenty kilometers long.
It was almost one hundred and twenty kilometers long. Several times longer than a planet
earth diameter is 15852 km.
120 km is much smaller than a world...

... but, we can only live on the surface of earth. while a space habitat or a spaceship would be vastly more efficient in terms of size to livable area. So you could probably fit a world's population into such a big ship.
which is really more of a mobile space habitat than a ship.

also rather than gravity being the problem (as it is nowhere near the size of a world), the problem should be torsion from the acceleration from engines.
earth diameter is 15852 km.
120 km is much smaller than a world...

... but, we can only live on the surface of earth. while a space habitat or a spaceship would be vastly more efficient in terms of size to livable area. So you could probably fit a world's population into such a big ship.
which is really more of a mobile space habitat than a ship.

Wait, did I get my research wrong? It is supposed to be larger than Earth in terms of length, end to end about the size of two Earths. with the height on the square end being about the length of one Earth.

EDIT: Tao give me more info plz ;) I need more if I'm going to rework this chapter later.
Now, how did we make this so quickly? Well, simple. I overwhelming numbers. I was turning metal dust into refined materials and place I was turning dead worlds and dozens of asteroids into materials, three systems were missing several planetary bodies after I was done
This doesn't make sense.
If he consumed multiple planets to build it, then it should be the size of multiple planets, not the size of 1 planet. regardless of what the actual size is numerically.
Wait, did I get my research wrong? It is supposed to be larger than Earth in terms of length, end to end about the size of two Earths. with the height on the square end being about the length of one Earth.
although oddly I am finding multiple conflicting numbers on the radius/diameter of earth.
for example that 15k figure i posted earlier seems to be wrong too.

The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. However, Earth is not quite a sphere. The planet's rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. Earth's polar radius is 3,950 miles (6,356 km) — a difference of 13 miles (22 km).
converting those to diameter and averaging them gives 12734 km.

wikipedia gives the diameter at 12,742 km
This doesn't make sense.
If he consumed multiple planets to build it, then it should be the size of multiple planets, not the size of 1 planet.

although oddly I am finding multiple conflicting numbers on the radius/diameter of earth.
for example that 15k figure i posted earlier seems to be wrong too.

converting those to diameter and averaging them gives 12734 km.

wikipedia gives the diameter at 12,742 km
Keep giving me more info, I'll rewrite this chapter later
Keep giving me more info, I'll rewrite this chapter later
alright. something to also consider is that planets are compacted below their crust.
a ship might have a dense skeleton, but the actual rooms will have normal sized walls and then be filled with air.

also, have you seen the isaac arthur videos?
your mention of using a sun as a reactor is very reminiscent of stuff he discusses.

you disassemble a moon to build a series of satellites around the sun's equator. Those satellites gather energy from the sun as they fall towards it. then activate electromagnets to push against each other to get further away. they do this in a cycle. the group of them together create magnetic tides that will cause the sun to shoot out its heavier elements from the poles.
this provides both massive amount of energy and also massive amount of building material. would also extend our sun's lifespan from 5 billion years to 100 billion years.

The material is then used to encompass it habitats. A neat thing is that by manipulating the various solar collectors / mirrors around the sun, you can turn the entire solar system into a ship. making the sun move in the galaxy and gravitically take everything else with it. or a death star by concentrating its light unto enemies.

Incidentally. If you do have mass effect material. then you should be able to use a black hole as a reactor instead. which is vastly vastly more efficient than a leashed star. it can quickly convert matter into energy, or transmute matter.
Kinda sad Marvel lost the vote for world-hopping. DC/Marvel have some horrific cosmic threats and while the heroes always manage to deal with them, I don't think they would mind the help. Marvel has the Phalanx, Brood, Sublime, Beyonders, the Annihilation Wave, Symbiotes/Knull, DC has Darkseid/Apokolips, Starro, Necron/Black Lanterns, evils Lanterns in general...

Funnily enough, Dormammu and Annihilus from Marvel pretty similar to chaos gods : they're evil cosmic entities who try to conquer our universe and have their owns domains (the Dark Dimension and the Negative Zone)

Would be funny to see how Glop can adapt his force with these various people. Glop Symbiotes anyone ?
Wait, did I get my research wrong? It is supposed to be larger than Earth in terms of length, end to end about the size of two Earths. with the height on the square end being about the length of one Earth.

EDIT: Tao give me more info plz ;) I need more if I'm going to rework this chapter later.

I feel like maybe you meant to say 120 000 or something? 120 kilometres isn't even enough to go from Toronto to Ottawa (which are two cities in Ontario relatively close to each other)
BTW I would strongly suggest you use grammarly or something like that to check your grammer automatically. because its pretty bad, and grammarly would significantly improve it.
This part is mostly for meh.

I need to rewrite last chapter and fix the dimensions of the ship. Currently it is slot smaller than it actually should be. I may also need to take a relook at the Tech Priest and Mars Tech Priest conversation and reexamine it. Maybe extend it as well. I could also take a look at spacing and logic in the last chapter and expend on it. If I do it right I can probably extend the chapter another 500 words or so.

Also I am using Grammarly.
Since I am not updating for a bit I started working some something on the side.

I wanted to ask the peops here if they would be interested in any of the following stories.

Also I plan to start updating Glop every Saturday from now on starting with a new chapter coming this Saturday. Anyways into the story prompts. This other story I am wanting to write will be updated on Tuesdays.

HFY Prompt: Drone Wars.
A newly promoted engineer gets caught in more than he expected when his factory world comes under attack.
Inspired Inventor SI.

An kid wakes up in the an Sentinel and Guide universe. But with a trick up their sleeve. (NSFW)
Rise of the Psychic God

Experiment 01 grew way to quickly. But that may not be a bad thing. With giant monsters constantly attacking cities and attempting to kill everyone off, Experiment 01 could be needed.

None of these stories are a multi universal story and will eventually end.

Edit: I want to know which one people would like to see first.

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