15 June 1189 - Benkei Appears
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Here is a look at other character from my collection, I hope you like it
15 June 1189
Koromogawa-no-tachi residence, Hiraizumi, Mutsu province.
"It looks like the end is near." said a figure standing beneath a bridge, lots of weapons carried in his back, dressed as a monk.
"It seems so, old friend." said another figure acompanying him, shorter than the first, dressed in armor from that time and a youthful face, a katana at his side and two tantos on his other, with an intense gaze flowing from his bright blue eyes that denoted a hardened veteran of war.
"Hah! I may be older than you but I'm still in my good age. But my lord," Benkei said, turning serious."I don't think neither or us will be alive tomorrow morning, but I won't let them pass this bridge, you still have a wife and a son under your brother's 'care'."after saying that he picked an spear and placed in front of the bridge, he struck the solid floor with its handle, producing a distinctive sound. "I'll swear by my honour that I'll fend them off even if there's no life left in me. Go to the inner chambers and work your way out killing all of them."
"I know that you will do it, I'll remember this last act of service from you, may the Kami take pity of your opponents' souls." Saying this the younger man patted the older's right shoulder "And I hope that Hachiman welcomes you in his hall of warriors, maybe we will meet there once again. Sayonara, Benkei."
"I hope so too, I still need to collect my thousand blade from you, Lord Yoshitsune. Now go, they won't take long to arrive and I'll give those traitors a piece of my mind." with nothing more to say, Benkei proceed to guard the bridge, Yoshitsune left the brigde to retreat to the inner chambers of the residence feeling guilty.
'Why I didn't follow Yuuki-Sensei's advice? Why I followed my brother blindly?' he believed him when he said that this undercover operation would finish with his return to his brother's side as a subdued enemy, pledging loyalty again to him and raising Yoritomo's popularity and his own's cost, but he didn't mind as his only wish was be at Yoritomo's orders, he even left Shizuka and his unborn child in Yoritomo's care at Yoshino's mountain before coming back to Mutsu, but now he knew the truth, thanks to Fujigara Tadahira.
Tadahira's brother, Yasuhira, and Yoritomo were conspiring to do and assault at night and kill them while sleeping, at first Yoshitsune didn't believe him, but things went wrong when one of Yasuhira's retainers tried to kill them both, Yoshitsune disarming him and when he interrogated the man he confirmed what Tadahira said, but it was too late, Yasuhira's men were positioned around the building to prevent his escape.
Yoshitsune would be lying if he said that it wasn't a shock for him, but when he accepted that his brother wanted to kill him some things clicked in his head, Yoritomo has used him to kill his opponents one by one, like Kiso no Yoshinaka until only one remained, himself, and now it came his turn.
He quickly writed a letter for Shizuka and trusted Tadahira to deliver it to her, as his brother's men wouldn't kill Tadahira if he lied about his reasons to be here.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, he went through a corridor when he heard Benkei shouting.
"I am Saito Musashibo Benkei, retainer of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Come across this bridge if you dare to confront me, by my honor I swear that you shall not pass!"
'So they are here' thought Yoshitsune cursing himself once again, after a little while he reached his destination, the inner chambers where his first wife and their daughter were waiting for him.
"Otou-san!" said their daughter embracing him.
This broke his heart for what he had to do, but if he survived this, he will atone for what he is forced to do now.
"Husband" said Sato, his wife. "How are the siege going?" she was hoping for good news, but Yoshitsune's face told her that it won't be the case.
"Very bad my love." said Yoshitsune "Only me and Benkei are still alive, and he is fending off the traitors as we speak." then he kneeled and embraced his wife and his daughter "I'm so sorry" he began to cry "I couldn't keep my promise; if I wasn't so blinded by my brother this may not have happened" unhooking two tantos that he had prepared earlier, he passed them to her wife. "I won't plead for forgiveness, but in the case I survive, I will atone for this, always remembering you until the day we'll meet again".
"Please don't cry my love" said Sato lovingly upping him with her hand in his jaw. "You have no guilt for what is about to happen." Yoshitsune opened his mouth to protest, but Sato silenced him putting her finger in his mouth. "My only wish now is that you survive and be happy with your other wife, as even if we don't do this, we'll be killed, so as a last insult to Yoritomo we will deny him this 'pleasure'." after this she gave him a parting kiss that they knew will be the last. "We will be waiting for you in the other life, so stay strong."
Retreating to their room, they left Yoshitsune alone with ghosts, he prepared to meet his opponents ready to kill them all.
After what it seemed hours, he heard some noises approaching the chambers, noises that he recognized as steps from more than one person.
'So Benkei has been slain.' thought Yoshitsune sighing internally. 'Sayonara, my friend, we will meet again in the other side.' unsheathing his blade, he adopted his usual stance in battle.
"Usumidori, lets bathe in the blood of our opponents" said to his blade.
And shortly after, people from Yasuhira's personal army started to enter the room he knew would be his dying place.
Applying all his knowledge and talent, he confronted everyone that entered, parrying, slicing and jumping to avoid damage and killing as many as possible.
But even as talented as he was, the sheer number of them brought him down.
He knew he will die here now with certainty, but he was determined to try to escape at least, In this was working until a commanding voice from outside the room said "Stop the hostilities."
The samurais that were alive retreated while Yoshitsune was stunned at the voice. "What are you doing here, 'brother'? Your appearance here would undermine your goals because your position." said with a exausted voice.
From the door Yoritomo appeared, followed by the traitor Yasuhira, who broke the promise with his father Hidehira to shelther Yoshitsune. "That would be true if someone knew that I was here, Yoshitsune" he sighed "Who told you the plan to assassinate you during your sleep? A lot of men have died here that shouldn't have."
Not wanting to betray Tadahira, he told him a half truth. "One of that traitor's man slipped his tongue and tried to kill me, so I defeated him and confirmed your plan to kill us, so we took defense." 'well, that's the truth from a certain point of view' thought Yoshitsune.
"Who was?" asked Yasuhira "I need to know to punish his family for all this mess"
Glaring at him Yoshitsune said with a voice that could freeze the water "Traitors don't have names rat, so I don't know how he was called before."
Squealing, he hid behind Yoritomo, who said "Enough chitchat for now, brother, I have come with a proposal that-"
"Proposal?" Yoshitsune said cutting Yoritomo "Kill myself to boost your popularity? Let myself captured to be executed in public? No 'brother', this time you can't convince me to follow your plan."
"Well" rebated Yoritomo, "You don't want anything to happen to the wife I have in custody, right?"
"What do you mean with that?" asked a surprised Yoshitsune 'I know by her letters that she is fine and our son too, what is he plotting?'
"I have a rider two cho from here in an advantageus position, waiting for me to come out of this house, if you come out of the house or a soldier gives with a certain signal, his orders are to go as fast as possible to Kamakura and kill your family.
"You wouldn't... no, of course you would, what do you want?" said Yoshitsune resigned to his fate.
"It's simple, you will commit seppuku as a way to defend your honour, it's the least I can do you, that way your wife and son will remain in the same state that they are now."
"Do you swear by your honor and position that what you stated is true?" said Yoshitsune, he knew that if Yoritomo agreed, that would be the best he could do for them, given the circunstances.
Nodding, Yoritomo said. "I do, I will stick to what I said earlier until my death."
Exhaling a relieved sigh, Yoshitsune looked at his brother "Very well, I'll do it now, please retreat while I do it."
Agreeing, all of them left the room except those who Yoshitsune killed. 'So this has come to it' taking Usumidori by its edge, he cut his belly open, as the ritual demanded. 'I'm sorry Usumidori that the last one you killed under my command was myself'.
After a while, and with the death's door approaching, Yoritomo, Yasuhira and their men entered again the room, and after viewing that his part of the deal was done, they began to search the other rooms.
"I'm sorry my lord." Yoshitsune heard a soldier reporting as his fingers where going cold. "His wife and daughter are dead"
"What a pity." he heard his brother anwering "I would have used them as a public execution for rebelling against the Emperor"
'Good' thought Yoshitsune 'that way their honor is intact, sorry Sato' he closed his eyes as his breath was becoming thinner.
And then with his last seconds of life he heard Yasuhira asking Yoritomo "What would you do with his other wife and son?"
Yoritomo believed that he was dead already or he wouldn't asnwered like he did.
Laughing he said "Them? I will do nothing, as his son is dead and his wife is pending a public judgment that will sentence her to die."
'What?' Yoshitsune began to feel something similar to rage, but much powerful 'He said that they will be safe! Wait...' And then he found the trick in what he fell, the letters from Shizuka were dictated by Yoritomo to make him think that his son was still alive, and Yoritomo's oath is true, they will remain the same as they are now, one dead and other sentenced to death.
"Curse you" he said in a whisper as the power he felt helped him to regain his strenght.
"Curse you" he said as he began to move getting up despite his wounds.
"What? is he still alive?" Yasuhira said. "Quick! kill him at once!"
"CURSE YOU!!!!" Yoshitsune yelled with a force that freezed all the presents.
He didn't feel anger, as he passed the threshold to feel it. Instead he felt a calm peace that dictated his movements.
Approaching Yasuhira, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him from the ground. "You traitor, You will lose all what you tried to keep, and then your life will be slain." tossing him against a wall, he confronted Yoritomo. "Brother, you will achieve what you are looking for, but after that you and your male sons will meet your fate, each one worse than the former."
But as soon as the last words left his mouth he felt a sudden pain in his neck.
5 August 2014
Matsudaira Yoshi suddenly got up screaming from the recurring nightmare that she just had.
'Again that memory' she thought as cold sweat dropped from her forehead.
Not long passed as the door of her room opened to see a worried Matsudaira Yori.
"That nightmare again, Yoshi?" Yori said as he sat in her bed.
Hugging him, Yoshi spoke. "Hai Aniue, now I know that they are the last moments of my other life, but I'm feeling the same things as the first time I had this dream"
Patting her head, Yori calmed her "And I told you that you are not in fault for what happened, what happened happened. He brought it upon himself."
"I know." said Yoshi now calmer "but I feel bad now for what happened to Tadahira and my cousins, they didn't do anything to me, what if--"
"Stop" commanded Yori "I said this a lot, but it looks like you don't believe me, what you did wasn't a curse per se, it was a prophecy turned curse, even if you died without telling that, It would have happened."
Visibly flattened, Yoshi only relied on her cousin as her emotions normalised.
"You know" Yoshi spoke "I was surprised when I read the Gikeiki the other day, they said it has written in the Nanboku-cho period, but they told almost exactly what I remember from my past life."
Yori raised an eyebrow at the sudden topic change, but he realized that she only wanted to put away the dream chatting about other things. "That's interesting, do you have a theory why is it so similar?"
Sitting straight and letting go of her cousin, Yoshi explained her thoughts, that what they had from that period was possibly a transcription of older documents that had their origins in someone who travelled with them.
"And that is my theory" finished Yoshi. turning melancholic, she added. "I think it is right because some passages have a peculiar way of writing that reminds me of Shizuka."
"I see." said Yori thoughtful. "Normally we shouldn't be able to confirm or deny it, but if Yasutsune-San is really the reencarnation of your past life Sensei..."
"She would know as I told Shizuka to take shelter there, and it is confirmed that she survived, so when the rabbit is out the hole..." said Yoshi with expectation.
'At least she is cheerful again' thought Yori. "We can ask her, and for my part I have to ask her for Tsubaki, I want to know about her life since we parted ways until now."
"Heh." smirked Yoshi. 'I wish I had a father like him'
"Anyway" said Yori getting up from Yoshi's bed. "I'm making breakfast today, you can take a shower meanwhile."
After eating breakfast, Yori had to go looking for a new apartment in Yokosuka, as his job there will begin in September.
Yoshi got her bokken and went to the backyard to practice and put her thoughts in orden.
Standing in position she began her practice.
As the routine swallowed her body, her mind drifted to the recent events, she will transfer to a new school at the end of the month, that was certain as they couldn't afford to go her earlier school, she was sad, who wouldn't be at the loss of the people who have accompanied during all those past years, but their duty to pay their debt to Yasutsune-San was first.
And looking at this from another perspective, she may end in the same school as one of the two finalists. It would be too much to hope for them both to be from the same school, though Yoshi qualified for the nationals in her old school, if she could meet them before the nationals it would be fine, she wanted to learn as much as she can from them.
Thinking about her plans of future, when their debt is paid fully, she would first honor all the people she killed by Yoritomo's orders in her first life, apologizing in their tombs if they are know or in the place they fell down, in November this year she will go to Kamakura to place flowers in the black stone that marks where Yoritomo's residence was for her son, as well as visiting Yoritomo's grave, in June of the next year she would go to Hiraizumi to honor Sato and her daughter in the day they died.
It was a shock that her actual brother (really cousin, but after all this years of living together she considers him her brother more than Yoritomo was in reality) was in fact the famed Minamoto no Yorimitsu reincarnated, this fact actually helped her to come in terms with her past life, as he passed the same chaos as her when his memories awakened.
They were together since their parents died, and helped each other when difficulties surged, except that time when his memories surfaced, he was afraid that he was becoming crazy, but he didn't said anything to not worry her, this bit of info had to wait until she got her own issues with her past memories.
"Well, that's good for now" said Yoshi finishing her practice.
Well, I hope you like it, suggestions and comments are always welcomed.
Here is a look at other character from my collection, I hope you like it
15 June 1189
Koromogawa-no-tachi residence, Hiraizumi, Mutsu province.
"It looks like the end is near." said a figure standing beneath a bridge, lots of weapons carried in his back, dressed as a monk.
"It seems so, old friend." said another figure acompanying him, shorter than the first, dressed in armor from that time and a youthful face, a katana at his side and two tantos on his other, with an intense gaze flowing from his bright blue eyes that denoted a hardened veteran of war.
"Hah! I may be older than you but I'm still in my good age. But my lord," Benkei said, turning serious."I don't think neither or us will be alive tomorrow morning, but I won't let them pass this bridge, you still have a wife and a son under your brother's 'care'."after saying that he picked an spear and placed in front of the bridge, he struck the solid floor with its handle, producing a distinctive sound. "I'll swear by my honour that I'll fend them off even if there's no life left in me. Go to the inner chambers and work your way out killing all of them."
"I know that you will do it, I'll remember this last act of service from you, may the Kami take pity of your opponents' souls." Saying this the younger man patted the older's right shoulder "And I hope that Hachiman welcomes you in his hall of warriors, maybe we will meet there once again. Sayonara, Benkei."
"I hope so too, I still need to collect my thousand blade from you, Lord Yoshitsune. Now go, they won't take long to arrive and I'll give those traitors a piece of my mind." with nothing more to say, Benkei proceed to guard the bridge, Yoshitsune left the brigde to retreat to the inner chambers of the residence feeling guilty.
'Why I didn't follow Yuuki-Sensei's advice? Why I followed my brother blindly?' he believed him when he said that this undercover operation would finish with his return to his brother's side as a subdued enemy, pledging loyalty again to him and raising Yoritomo's popularity and his own's cost, but he didn't mind as his only wish was be at Yoritomo's orders, he even left Shizuka and his unborn child in Yoritomo's care at Yoshino's mountain before coming back to Mutsu, but now he knew the truth, thanks to Fujigara Tadahira.
Tadahira's brother, Yasuhira, and Yoritomo were conspiring to do and assault at night and kill them while sleeping, at first Yoshitsune didn't believe him, but things went wrong when one of Yasuhira's retainers tried to kill them both, Yoshitsune disarming him and when he interrogated the man he confirmed what Tadahira said, but it was too late, Yasuhira's men were positioned around the building to prevent his escape.
Yoshitsune would be lying if he said that it wasn't a shock for him, but when he accepted that his brother wanted to kill him some things clicked in his head, Yoritomo has used him to kill his opponents one by one, like Kiso no Yoshinaka until only one remained, himself, and now it came his turn.
He quickly writed a letter for Shizuka and trusted Tadahira to deliver it to her, as his brother's men wouldn't kill Tadahira if he lied about his reasons to be here.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, he went through a corridor when he heard Benkei shouting.
"I am Saito Musashibo Benkei, retainer of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Come across this bridge if you dare to confront me, by my honor I swear that you shall not pass!"
'So they are here' thought Yoshitsune cursing himself once again, after a little while he reached his destination, the inner chambers where his first wife and their daughter were waiting for him.
"Otou-san!" said their daughter embracing him.
This broke his heart for what he had to do, but if he survived this, he will atone for what he is forced to do now.
"Husband" said Sato, his wife. "How are the siege going?" she was hoping for good news, but Yoshitsune's face told her that it won't be the case.
"Very bad my love." said Yoshitsune "Only me and Benkei are still alive, and he is fending off the traitors as we speak." then he kneeled and embraced his wife and his daughter "I'm so sorry" he began to cry "I couldn't keep my promise; if I wasn't so blinded by my brother this may not have happened" unhooking two tantos that he had prepared earlier, he passed them to her wife. "I won't plead for forgiveness, but in the case I survive, I will atone for this, always remembering you until the day we'll meet again".
"Please don't cry my love" said Sato lovingly upping him with her hand in his jaw. "You have no guilt for what is about to happen." Yoshitsune opened his mouth to protest, but Sato silenced him putting her finger in his mouth. "My only wish now is that you survive and be happy with your other wife, as even if we don't do this, we'll be killed, so as a last insult to Yoritomo we will deny him this 'pleasure'." after this she gave him a parting kiss that they knew will be the last. "We will be waiting for you in the other life, so stay strong."
Retreating to their room, they left Yoshitsune alone with ghosts, he prepared to meet his opponents ready to kill them all.
After what it seemed hours, he heard some noises approaching the chambers, noises that he recognized as steps from more than one person.
'So Benkei has been slain.' thought Yoshitsune sighing internally. 'Sayonara, my friend, we will meet again in the other side.' unsheathing his blade, he adopted his usual stance in battle.
"Usumidori, lets bathe in the blood of our opponents" said to his blade.
And shortly after, people from Yasuhira's personal army started to enter the room he knew would be his dying place.
Applying all his knowledge and talent, he confronted everyone that entered, parrying, slicing and jumping to avoid damage and killing as many as possible.
But even as talented as he was, the sheer number of them brought him down.
He knew he will die here now with certainty, but he was determined to try to escape at least, In this was working until a commanding voice from outside the room said "Stop the hostilities."
The samurais that were alive retreated while Yoshitsune was stunned at the voice. "What are you doing here, 'brother'? Your appearance here would undermine your goals because your position." said with a exausted voice.
From the door Yoritomo appeared, followed by the traitor Yasuhira, who broke the promise with his father Hidehira to shelther Yoshitsune. "That would be true if someone knew that I was here, Yoshitsune" he sighed "Who told you the plan to assassinate you during your sleep? A lot of men have died here that shouldn't have."
Not wanting to betray Tadahira, he told him a half truth. "One of that traitor's man slipped his tongue and tried to kill me, so I defeated him and confirmed your plan to kill us, so we took defense." 'well, that's the truth from a certain point of view' thought Yoshitsune.
"Who was?" asked Yasuhira "I need to know to punish his family for all this mess"
Glaring at him Yoshitsune said with a voice that could freeze the water "Traitors don't have names rat, so I don't know how he was called before."
Squealing, he hid behind Yoritomo, who said "Enough chitchat for now, brother, I have come with a proposal that-"
"Proposal?" Yoshitsune said cutting Yoritomo "Kill myself to boost your popularity? Let myself captured to be executed in public? No 'brother', this time you can't convince me to follow your plan."
"Well" rebated Yoritomo, "You don't want anything to happen to the wife I have in custody, right?"
"What do you mean with that?" asked a surprised Yoshitsune 'I know by her letters that she is fine and our son too, what is he plotting?'
"I have a rider two cho from here in an advantageus position, waiting for me to come out of this house, if you come out of the house or a soldier gives with a certain signal, his orders are to go as fast as possible to Kamakura and kill your family.
"You wouldn't... no, of course you would, what do you want?" said Yoshitsune resigned to his fate.
"It's simple, you will commit seppuku as a way to defend your honour, it's the least I can do you, that way your wife and son will remain in the same state that they are now."
"Do you swear by your honor and position that what you stated is true?" said Yoshitsune, he knew that if Yoritomo agreed, that would be the best he could do for them, given the circunstances.
Nodding, Yoritomo said. "I do, I will stick to what I said earlier until my death."
Exhaling a relieved sigh, Yoshitsune looked at his brother "Very well, I'll do it now, please retreat while I do it."
Agreeing, all of them left the room except those who Yoshitsune killed. 'So this has come to it' taking Usumidori by its edge, he cut his belly open, as the ritual demanded. 'I'm sorry Usumidori that the last one you killed under my command was myself'.
After a while, and with the death's door approaching, Yoritomo, Yasuhira and their men entered again the room, and after viewing that his part of the deal was done, they began to search the other rooms.
"I'm sorry my lord." Yoshitsune heard a soldier reporting as his fingers where going cold. "His wife and daughter are dead"
"What a pity." he heard his brother anwering "I would have used them as a public execution for rebelling against the Emperor"
'Good' thought Yoshitsune 'that way their honor is intact, sorry Sato' he closed his eyes as his breath was becoming thinner.
And then with his last seconds of life he heard Yasuhira asking Yoritomo "What would you do with his other wife and son?"
Yoritomo believed that he was dead already or he wouldn't asnwered like he did.
Laughing he said "Them? I will do nothing, as his son is dead and his wife is pending a public judgment that will sentence her to die."
'What?' Yoshitsune began to feel something similar to rage, but much powerful 'He said that they will be safe! Wait...' And then he found the trick in what he fell, the letters from Shizuka were dictated by Yoritomo to make him think that his son was still alive, and Yoritomo's oath is true, they will remain the same as they are now, one dead and other sentenced to death.
"Curse you" he said in a whisper as the power he felt helped him to regain his strenght.
"Curse you" he said as he began to move getting up despite his wounds.
"What? is he still alive?" Yasuhira said. "Quick! kill him at once!"
"CURSE YOU!!!!" Yoshitsune yelled with a force that freezed all the presents.
He didn't feel anger, as he passed the threshold to feel it. Instead he felt a calm peace that dictated his movements.
Approaching Yasuhira, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him from the ground. "You traitor, You will lose all what you tried to keep, and then your life will be slain." tossing him against a wall, he confronted Yoritomo. "Brother, you will achieve what you are looking for, but after that you and your male sons will meet your fate, each one worse than the former."
But as soon as the last words left his mouth he felt a sudden pain in his neck.
5 August 2014
Matsudaira Yoshi suddenly got up screaming from the recurring nightmare that she just had.
'Again that memory' she thought as cold sweat dropped from her forehead.
Not long passed as the door of her room opened to see a worried Matsudaira Yori.
"That nightmare again, Yoshi?" Yori said as he sat in her bed.
Hugging him, Yoshi spoke. "Hai Aniue, now I know that they are the last moments of my other life, but I'm feeling the same things as the first time I had this dream"
Patting her head, Yori calmed her "And I told you that you are not in fault for what happened, what happened happened. He brought it upon himself."
"I know." said Yoshi now calmer "but I feel bad now for what happened to Tadahira and my cousins, they didn't do anything to me, what if--"
"Stop" commanded Yori "I said this a lot, but it looks like you don't believe me, what you did wasn't a curse per se, it was a prophecy turned curse, even if you died without telling that, It would have happened."
Visibly flattened, Yoshi only relied on her cousin as her emotions normalised.
"You know" Yoshi spoke "I was surprised when I read the Gikeiki the other day, they said it has written in the Nanboku-cho period, but they told almost exactly what I remember from my past life."
Yori raised an eyebrow at the sudden topic change, but he realized that she only wanted to put away the dream chatting about other things. "That's interesting, do you have a theory why is it so similar?"
Sitting straight and letting go of her cousin, Yoshi explained her thoughts, that what they had from that period was possibly a transcription of older documents that had their origins in someone who travelled with them.
"And that is my theory" finished Yoshi. turning melancholic, she added. "I think it is right because some passages have a peculiar way of writing that reminds me of Shizuka."
"I see." said Yori thoughtful. "Normally we shouldn't be able to confirm or deny it, but if Yasutsune-San is really the reencarnation of your past life Sensei..."
"She would know as I told Shizuka to take shelter there, and it is confirmed that she survived, so when the rabbit is out the hole..." said Yoshi with expectation.
'At least she is cheerful again' thought Yori. "We can ask her, and for my part I have to ask her for Tsubaki, I want to know about her life since we parted ways until now."
"Heh." smirked Yoshi. 'I wish I had a father like him'
"Anyway" said Yori getting up from Yoshi's bed. "I'm making breakfast today, you can take a shower meanwhile."
After eating breakfast, Yori had to go looking for a new apartment in Yokosuka, as his job there will begin in September.
Yoshi got her bokken and went to the backyard to practice and put her thoughts in orden.
Standing in position she began her practice.
As the routine swallowed her body, her mind drifted to the recent events, she will transfer to a new school at the end of the month, that was certain as they couldn't afford to go her earlier school, she was sad, who wouldn't be at the loss of the people who have accompanied during all those past years, but their duty to pay their debt to Yasutsune-San was first.
And looking at this from another perspective, she may end in the same school as one of the two finalists. It would be too much to hope for them both to be from the same school, though Yoshi qualified for the nationals in her old school, if she could meet them before the nationals it would be fine, she wanted to learn as much as she can from them.
Thinking about her plans of future, when their debt is paid fully, she would first honor all the people she killed by Yoritomo's orders in her first life, apologizing in their tombs if they are know or in the place they fell down, in November this year she will go to Kamakura to place flowers in the black stone that marks where Yoritomo's residence was for her son, as well as visiting Yoritomo's grave, in June of the next year she would go to Hiraizumi to honor Sato and her daughter in the day they died.
It was a shock that her actual brother (really cousin, but after all this years of living together she considers him her brother more than Yoritomo was in reality) was in fact the famed Minamoto no Yorimitsu reincarnated, this fact actually helped her to come in terms with her past life, as he passed the same chaos as her when his memories awakened.
They were together since their parents died, and helped each other when difficulties surged, except that time when his memories surfaced, he was afraid that he was becoming crazy, but he didn't said anything to not worry her, this bit of info had to wait until she got her own issues with her past memories.
"Well, that's good for now" said Yoshi finishing her practice.
Well, I hope you like it, suggestions and comments are always welcomed.