[Fleet week] Clubbing for kids
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Harry Leferts
On the evening of the second to last day of Fleet Week found Asuka walking along with the rest of the group as the shadows lengthened on the base. Smoothing out her skirt some, the teenaged Tengu frowned at her friends. "So, um... why did you ask for me to get some of my nicer clothes? And to get Kiba to agree to let me stay out late tonight? You never said..."
Rather amused, Harry looked towards Natsumi who had a grin on her face as she snickered some. "So we didn't."
Also in a skirt, the Inaba of the group raised an eyebrow at her long time friend. Usagi then looked all of the group over as they were all dressed rather nicely with the two guys in jeans, t-shirt, and a silk shirt over that as suggested by Harry. All of the girls meanwhile had nice shirts, or tank tops, with skirts such as Natsumi in her jean one. "And you're avoiding answering the question." Leaning forward, she hummed some. "So spill."
Simply sharing a look with the boy next to her, Natsumi's grin widened before she motioned with one finger in the air. "Trust me, you'll see soon enough~"
That made Usagi roll her eyes as they made their way into the base. However, the rest of the group stopped as they found themselves at the back of a line of various teens and young adults. Utterly lost, Ayaka was about to say something when Harry and Natsumi continued to walk along the line. "Hey! Wait up!"
When they did catch up to Harry and Natsumi, Kaku frowned. "Uh, guys? The line is back there."
Eyes twinkling, the black haired wizard only nodded. "We know. But we don't stand in line." Before they could say anything else, Harry gave a wave. "Hey! Amagiri-Nee! Musashi-Oba!"
It went without saying that the others widened their eyes at seeing the tanned Battleship leaning against the wall beside a door with her arms crossed and a toothpick in her mouth. Beside her, Amagiri stood with a tank top that was short enough to expose her abs. Voice rumbling, Musashi gave a small nod. "Harry-Chan."
Jerking his thumb back at Asuka and the others, he nodded back. "They're with us, Musashi-Oba."
For several moments, the Yamato looked them over before grunting some as she unhooked a chain and passed the end to Amigiri. "Well, if they're with you then they can proceed. Go right on in and enjoy yourselves."
Meanwhile, one of the teenaged girls in the line placed her hands on her hips. "What the hell?! We've been standing out here for fifteen minutes and these kids can just walk in as if they own the place? The fuck?!"
However, she went silent as Amagiri gave the girl a look. "Because he's a VIP. And unless you want to be waiting out here for at least two hours with your friends..."
Said friends clapped their hands over the teen's mouth as they quickly apologized. All Harry did though was place his hand on Asuka's shoulder and guide the wide eyed Yokai through the doors as the others followed. Once she shook off what happened, she turned to stare at him. "What the... is... is this some sort of club!?"
Grinning, Harry chuckled some as he opened the inner doors. "As a matter of fact, yes." Almost immediately, air heated by bodies as well as vibrating with music hit all of them like a physical blow. "Well to the club on base for Destroyers, other shipgirls, teens, and young adults... Club Torpedo."
Only able to boggle as her jaw dropped, part of Asuka noted that outside of Natsumi the others were also in much the same boat. Pun not intended of course... In the darkened room, she could see beams of light flashing everywhere. Up on a stage, Ashigara, to her shock with ears and tail out, was DJing music everyone was dancing to. Besides her stage was another one with various shipgirls and teens on as they danced in front of everyone.
Mouth working for almost a minute, Asuka finally got an word out. "Whoa..."
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she turned to find Natsumi pointing at where there seemed to be a bar. "There's two bars, the one on the left is for those of us underaged. Its mainly sugary drinks as well as caffeinated ones. You really should try the ones they made with energy drinks. The one on the right..." She pointed and the others followed her finger. "Is the one for those of age and has alcoholic drinks. None of us are old enough for that and they can easily spot you out if you try and get some."
Rika frowned and then blinked some before raising her voice to be able to be heard over the music. "Wait, Asuka-San? Is that Jin-Sama right there at the bar with someone?"
Now looking, the Tengu could only stare some as, sure enough, Jin was there bobbing her head to the beat of the music. "Uh, yeah! It is!"
Another tap on the shoulder made her turn to find Harry there with him getting the attention of the others. "Okay, if any of you want a drink get it from either the bartenders or the rest of the group! It is pretty safe here thankfully, especially with shipgirls out and about to keep an eye on things. There's also fairies and the like out of sight keeping an eye on things with shipgirls at the exits just in case, even some Marines."
Glancing around, Asuka caught sight of one of said Marines standing near a fire exit in the converted warehouse. One of the younger ones she saw, but also one who had his sleeves rolled up to show the muscles on his arm. Also out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jin raise a glass in her direction and wink, Shiromizu nodding beside her. Right away, she felt safer. That brought a smile to her face as she looked at the others. "So we're just going to have fun, right?"
That got her nods from both Harry and Natsumi before they were joined by the others.
It was then that Natsumi facepalmed and shook her head. "Oh no..."
Confused, Ayaka looked at her in confusion. "Is something wrong, Natsumi-San? You see something?"
With a sigh, the Kitsune pointed. "Hai, I see something." She then removed the hand over her face to reveal a grin on it. "Mainly my Nii-San right over there with Grade-A blackmail that I can use."
Needless to say, that caught all their attention and Harry blinked. "Wait, is that Akagi-Oba and Kaga-Oba dancing with him?"
Eyes widening, the other teens could only stare a bit at the sight of the eighteen year old Kitsune trapped between the two Carriers as they danced. His expression was of one who did not quite know what to do, and was going along for lack of any other response. It did not help that as they watched, the two members of CarDiv1 squeezed themselves together with Taichi in the middle before they really began to move. Meanwhile, Natsumi was recording it on her phone as she bobbed her head to the beat. "Huh, those two are really great at moving as one."
Foot tapping on the floor, Harry snorted some with a grin. "Of course they would be! Akagi-Oba and Kaga-Oba have been beside each other long enough that its like their thoughts are one!"
Putting away her phone, Natsumi grabbed Harry's hand and laughed as she began to pull him towards the crowds. "Come on! We came here to have a party! And that is exactly what we're going to do!"
Harry let himself get pulled along as he laughed himself, the others following. As they did so, Kaku shot a smile at Asuka who was unsure of what to do. "They're right, Asuka-San! We're here to be teens and have some real fun! Now come on!"
As she started to move to the beat, Usagi gave her fellow Yokai a wink. "Besides, maybe we'll end up on the stage and dance."
That made Asuka choke a bit even as she began to follow the others' leads. 'No way am I getting up there! No way, no how!'
Roughly an hour later, Jin was watching Asuka and the others up on the stage dancing hyped up on sugar and caffeine. Beside her, Carnwennan glanced at her. "Still can't believe that you decided to come here! Not exactly a place that I would have thought that you would go."
Eyebrow raising, Jin grinned at him showing sharp teeth. "Yeah, and?" She jerked her thumb at where Shiromizu was moving much like the snake she was even in full human form. "My Kohei let me know what Natsumi was going to do. Figured that I would be a responsible adult and keep an eye out on Asuka for Ai and the others. Even let Kiba know where we are..."
Head tilted to the side, the dagger snorted some. "But not what was going on, I take it."
Still grinning, Jin shrugged some before downing a drink. "Yeah, and? Asuka's still a teen, she needs some fucking time to go and have actual fun. Unwind with friends and let the world slip past. So I'm going to be an adult and let them have some damn fun."
Punching her in the arm, Carnwennan laughed. "You're all heart!"
That got him an eye roll before Jin punched him back. "Fuck off. Don't be ruining my reputation."
Just the same though, the grin on her face as she continued to watch Asuka on the stage put paid to that.
Up on the stage, Harry and Natsumi's dance were joined by the Duckies who were laughing with glee. None of them noticed the looks that they were getting from various other teens, though they could see Shinano in the corner along with White Plains, the Yamato headbanging to the music as the Escort Carrier busted out some moves. Out of the corner of his eye, the wizard saw something and yelled out. "HEY! INAZUMA-CHAN!"
Said Destroyer gave him a nod as she got up onto the stage before reaching down. "HEY THERE, HARRY-CHAN!" Moments later, she hauled Toby up onto the stage with the Saint Brendan's boy looking a bit lost. "Just bringing Toby-Kun over to have some fun."
Lips twitching, Harry watched as Inazuma grabbed said dragon-boy and began to dance with him to the beat of the music. While he could not see due to the lighting, he was positive the Toby was very likely blushing pretty heavily. Then Harry pushed that to the side and focused on having fun as Natsumi threw her arms around his neck.
Unnoticed by them all, just outside the doors to the club, Kiba glanced at his phone with a slight frown. "Huh... Well, according to Jin, this is where Asuka is supposed to be." Glancing at Musashi who was giving him a raised eyebrow, the Yokai shook it off. "I could swear that this was some sort of night club."
Ai only rolled her eyes at that as they reached the inner door. Both of them decided to come and check on Asuka. "I very much doubt that it-" Upon opening the door, a blast of sound buffeted her and she blinked at the sight that met her. "Is...?"
With a glance at Ai, Kiba smirked a bit before noticing Asuka up on the stage with various other teens dancing. "Well, it looks like someone is enjoying themselves." Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Kotengu with a blank expression. Long experience told him that she was trying to figure out what she was seeing. Lips curling up into a smirk, he tapped his foot. "Now this brings back some memories."
Taking a deep breath, Ai let it out before grabbing Kiba and dragging him back out as he pulls out his phone to take pictures and record it. "Which means that we let her enjoy herself."
However, before she could get far, Jin was there placing an arm around both hers and Kiba's shoulder. "Hey now! You're not leaving so soon."
All Ai could do was groan at that.
On the evening of the second to last day of Fleet Week found Asuka walking along with the rest of the group as the shadows lengthened on the base. Smoothing out her skirt some, the teenaged Tengu frowned at her friends. "So, um... why did you ask for me to get some of my nicer clothes? And to get Kiba to agree to let me stay out late tonight? You never said..."
Rather amused, Harry looked towards Natsumi who had a grin on her face as she snickered some. "So we didn't."
Also in a skirt, the Inaba of the group raised an eyebrow at her long time friend. Usagi then looked all of the group over as they were all dressed rather nicely with the two guys in jeans, t-shirt, and a silk shirt over that as suggested by Harry. All of the girls meanwhile had nice shirts, or tank tops, with skirts such as Natsumi in her jean one. "And you're avoiding answering the question." Leaning forward, she hummed some. "So spill."
Simply sharing a look with the boy next to her, Natsumi's grin widened before she motioned with one finger in the air. "Trust me, you'll see soon enough~"
That made Usagi roll her eyes as they made their way into the base. However, the rest of the group stopped as they found themselves at the back of a line of various teens and young adults. Utterly lost, Ayaka was about to say something when Harry and Natsumi continued to walk along the line. "Hey! Wait up!"
When they did catch up to Harry and Natsumi, Kaku frowned. "Uh, guys? The line is back there."
Eyes twinkling, the black haired wizard only nodded. "We know. But we don't stand in line." Before they could say anything else, Harry gave a wave. "Hey! Amagiri-Nee! Musashi-Oba!"
It went without saying that the others widened their eyes at seeing the tanned Battleship leaning against the wall beside a door with her arms crossed and a toothpick in her mouth. Beside her, Amagiri stood with a tank top that was short enough to expose her abs. Voice rumbling, Musashi gave a small nod. "Harry-Chan."
Jerking his thumb back at Asuka and the others, he nodded back. "They're with us, Musashi-Oba."
For several moments, the Yamato looked them over before grunting some as she unhooked a chain and passed the end to Amigiri. "Well, if they're with you then they can proceed. Go right on in and enjoy yourselves."
Meanwhile, one of the teenaged girls in the line placed her hands on her hips. "What the hell?! We've been standing out here for fifteen minutes and these kids can just walk in as if they own the place? The fuck?!"
However, she went silent as Amagiri gave the girl a look. "Because he's a VIP. And unless you want to be waiting out here for at least two hours with your friends..."
Said friends clapped their hands over the teen's mouth as they quickly apologized. All Harry did though was place his hand on Asuka's shoulder and guide the wide eyed Yokai through the doors as the others followed. Once she shook off what happened, she turned to stare at him. "What the... is... is this some sort of club!?"
Grinning, Harry chuckled some as he opened the inner doors. "As a matter of fact, yes." Almost immediately, air heated by bodies as well as vibrating with music hit all of them like a physical blow. "Well to the club on base for Destroyers, other shipgirls, teens, and young adults... Club Torpedo."
Only able to boggle as her jaw dropped, part of Asuka noted that outside of Natsumi the others were also in much the same boat. Pun not intended of course... In the darkened room, she could see beams of light flashing everywhere. Up on a stage, Ashigara, to her shock with ears and tail out, was DJing music everyone was dancing to. Besides her stage was another one with various shipgirls and teens on as they danced in front of everyone.
Mouth working for almost a minute, Asuka finally got an word out. "Whoa..."
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she turned to find Natsumi pointing at where there seemed to be a bar. "There's two bars, the one on the left is for those of us underaged. Its mainly sugary drinks as well as caffeinated ones. You really should try the ones they made with energy drinks. The one on the right..." She pointed and the others followed her finger. "Is the one for those of age and has alcoholic drinks. None of us are old enough for that and they can easily spot you out if you try and get some."
Rika frowned and then blinked some before raising her voice to be able to be heard over the music. "Wait, Asuka-San? Is that Jin-Sama right there at the bar with someone?"
Now looking, the Tengu could only stare some as, sure enough, Jin was there bobbing her head to the beat of the music. "Uh, yeah! It is!"
Another tap on the shoulder made her turn to find Harry there with him getting the attention of the others. "Okay, if any of you want a drink get it from either the bartenders or the rest of the group! It is pretty safe here thankfully, especially with shipgirls out and about to keep an eye on things. There's also fairies and the like out of sight keeping an eye on things with shipgirls at the exits just in case, even some Marines."
Glancing around, Asuka caught sight of one of said Marines standing near a fire exit in the converted warehouse. One of the younger ones she saw, but also one who had his sleeves rolled up to show the muscles on his arm. Also out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jin raise a glass in her direction and wink, Shiromizu nodding beside her. Right away, she felt safer. That brought a smile to her face as she looked at the others. "So we're just going to have fun, right?"
That got her nods from both Harry and Natsumi before they were joined by the others.
It was then that Natsumi facepalmed and shook her head. "Oh no..."
Confused, Ayaka looked at her in confusion. "Is something wrong, Natsumi-San? You see something?"
With a sigh, the Kitsune pointed. "Hai, I see something." She then removed the hand over her face to reveal a grin on it. "Mainly my Nii-San right over there with Grade-A blackmail that I can use."
Needless to say, that caught all their attention and Harry blinked. "Wait, is that Akagi-Oba and Kaga-Oba dancing with him?"
Eyes widening, the other teens could only stare a bit at the sight of the eighteen year old Kitsune trapped between the two Carriers as they danced. His expression was of one who did not quite know what to do, and was going along for lack of any other response. It did not help that as they watched, the two members of CarDiv1 squeezed themselves together with Taichi in the middle before they really began to move. Meanwhile, Natsumi was recording it on her phone as she bobbed her head to the beat. "Huh, those two are really great at moving as one."
Foot tapping on the floor, Harry snorted some with a grin. "Of course they would be! Akagi-Oba and Kaga-Oba have been beside each other long enough that its like their thoughts are one!"
Putting away her phone, Natsumi grabbed Harry's hand and laughed as she began to pull him towards the crowds. "Come on! We came here to have a party! And that is exactly what we're going to do!"
Harry let himself get pulled along as he laughed himself, the others following. As they did so, Kaku shot a smile at Asuka who was unsure of what to do. "They're right, Asuka-San! We're here to be teens and have some real fun! Now come on!"
As she started to move to the beat, Usagi gave her fellow Yokai a wink. "Besides, maybe we'll end up on the stage and dance."
That made Asuka choke a bit even as she began to follow the others' leads. 'No way am I getting up there! No way, no how!'
Roughly an hour later, Jin was watching Asuka and the others up on the stage dancing hyped up on sugar and caffeine. Beside her, Carnwennan glanced at her. "Still can't believe that you decided to come here! Not exactly a place that I would have thought that you would go."
Eyebrow raising, Jin grinned at him showing sharp teeth. "Yeah, and?" She jerked her thumb at where Shiromizu was moving much like the snake she was even in full human form. "My Kohei let me know what Natsumi was going to do. Figured that I would be a responsible adult and keep an eye out on Asuka for Ai and the others. Even let Kiba know where we are..."
Head tilted to the side, the dagger snorted some. "But not what was going on, I take it."
Still grinning, Jin shrugged some before downing a drink. "Yeah, and? Asuka's still a teen, she needs some fucking time to go and have actual fun. Unwind with friends and let the world slip past. So I'm going to be an adult and let them have some damn fun."
Punching her in the arm, Carnwennan laughed. "You're all heart!"
That got him an eye roll before Jin punched him back. "Fuck off. Don't be ruining my reputation."
Just the same though, the grin on her face as she continued to watch Asuka on the stage put paid to that.
Up on the stage, Harry and Natsumi's dance were joined by the Duckies who were laughing with glee. None of them noticed the looks that they were getting from various other teens, though they could see Shinano in the corner along with White Plains, the Yamato headbanging to the music as the Escort Carrier busted out some moves. Out of the corner of his eye, the wizard saw something and yelled out. "HEY! INAZUMA-CHAN!"
Said Destroyer gave him a nod as she got up onto the stage before reaching down. "HEY THERE, HARRY-CHAN!" Moments later, she hauled Toby up onto the stage with the Saint Brendan's boy looking a bit lost. "Just bringing Toby-Kun over to have some fun."
Lips twitching, Harry watched as Inazuma grabbed said dragon-boy and began to dance with him to the beat of the music. While he could not see due to the lighting, he was positive the Toby was very likely blushing pretty heavily. Then Harry pushed that to the side and focused on having fun as Natsumi threw her arms around his neck.
Unnoticed by them all, just outside the doors to the club, Kiba glanced at his phone with a slight frown. "Huh... Well, according to Jin, this is where Asuka is supposed to be." Glancing at Musashi who was giving him a raised eyebrow, the Yokai shook it off. "I could swear that this was some sort of night club."
Ai only rolled her eyes at that as they reached the inner door. Both of them decided to come and check on Asuka. "I very much doubt that it-" Upon opening the door, a blast of sound buffeted her and she blinked at the sight that met her. "Is...?"
With a glance at Ai, Kiba smirked a bit before noticing Asuka up on the stage with various other teens dancing. "Well, it looks like someone is enjoying themselves." Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Kotengu with a blank expression. Long experience told him that she was trying to figure out what she was seeing. Lips curling up into a smirk, he tapped his foot. "Now this brings back some memories."
Taking a deep breath, Ai let it out before grabbing Kiba and dragging him back out as he pulls out his phone to take pictures and record it. "Which means that we let her enjoy herself."
However, before she could get far, Jin was there placing an arm around both hers and Kiba's shoulder. "Hey now! You're not leaving so soon."
All Ai could do was groan at that.