Caerwennan Story Time; Loyalty
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Harry Leferts
Sitting in his chair, Hardwin frowned as he looked at the young woman before him. Despite her youth, there was a sense of despair around her which was not helped by the torn clothing she still had on. Nor by the wounds she carried, such as the long cut along her face which he was certain had already begun to scar.
A face now turned to the ground as she kneeled in front of him. "My Lord, I ask of help from you and yours. My family... my family lies dead from the Goblins of Gallow's Glen. Slain by them, our treasures taken, our home burnt to cinders and charred stone. There are none who will help take them back though for fear of inciting a war among the other goblin clans with them."
Deeply frowning, Hardwin furrowed his eyebrows as he thought over the matter. "Gallow's Glen, you say child? Are those not the ones so named due to their habit of hanging the corpses of those they have killed from the trees for the birds to feed upon? One of the more bloodthirsty clans that even the others will avoid for the most part unless there is a war?"
With a sob tearing from her throat, the woman nodded. "Y-you are right, My Lord. That would be the group and now my family and friends hang there after being slain by them." Looking up, she met Hardwin's eyes with her own. And the Potter Head could see that even though she despaired, there was strength there, an iron will that refused to bend or break. "The goblins have hated my family for generations, centuries even."
Eyebrows furrowing, Hardwin considered what he just heard. "Why ever would the hate your family, Lady Leigh? As much trouble as there between our kinds, even with the wars often fought, few are such enmities. Gryffindor, perhaps, but that too is an outlier."
Briefly, it looked like Leigh was fighting with herself before she sucked in a breath and let it out. "Many generations ago, it is told, one of my ancestors came across a goblin clan digging into one of the tombs of the Ancient Briton Kings. They were taking treasure from within it, grave robbing it."
Narrowing his eyes, Hardwin scoffed as he was not surprised in the slightest to hear that. It was not the first time that he had heard such a tale. "That certainly sounds like the bastards."
Slowly nodding, Leigh continued. "And so my ancestor fought them for such a vile thing as we considered them our ancestors. During the fight, he lost his sword and picked up one from the tomb. It was an ancient one with a golden blade. With it, he struck down many of the goblins he was fighting including their chieftain. The wounds made by the blade could not be healed even with magic and so they would die. After that, the blade was passed down through the generations in my family. Every time we went to war and brought it out, lesser blades would fall before it. Nothing could withstand one with such a blade, armour would be pierced and flesh cleaved. Many times had we used it against the goblins and such they came to hate it, and to lust for it. A goblin blade they claimed it had to be, and so we were thieves for having it and not giving it to them. Four moons ago, they struck at my family. They had claimed that they wanted peace and so a small party were within our walls negotiating. But it was all a trap."
Hardwin sighed and shook his head before deciding to find out more, just in case. "A trap you say? And of what sort?"
Taking a shuddering breath, Leigh shook her head. "While they were talking with us, they dug a tunnel beneath our home. The talks were but a distraction from their real plan which was to dig their way into our defences while we kept watch on those there. Then, while they were speaking with my father, they struck. Scores of goblins came pouring out of the ground. Meanwhile, the negotiators attacked my father. I barely escaped and saw them cart my father's remains from our home, their wounded chieftain with our sword. Please, that is all that I want back, the sword itself. The chieftain would be dead by now. Yet, every Lord and Knight that I have spoken to will not help. Please, my Lord... help me though I have little to give to you as payment."
In the Potter's eyes was understanding. He could fully relate to her experiences. And yet... he could not throw his family into danger. The situation with the goblins could explode so very easily. An attack on one clan could bring in the others against the ones involved. Something that from the expression on Leigh's face, she already knew. Just as he was about to speak though, another voice did. "Grandfather, I can go and help take it back."
Startled, both Hardwin and Leigh turned to find his grandson standing in the shadows of the corner. Grimacing, the older Potter shot him a scowl. "Geoffrey! How many times must I tell you not to do that!?"
Bowing somewhat, the now named Potter smiled. "Perhaps a few more times, Grandfather."
Still scowling, Hardwin eventually sighed and gave his grandson a look. "You wish to help her?"
Once more, Geoffrey bowed. "Yes, Grandfather. I do wish to help her. And I know that I can do such."
Rather then say anything, his grandfather ran fingers through his greying beard in thought. Finally, he sighed some. "If you were, I could give no support to you, Geoffrey. It would be you, and you alone along with perhaps any other you could gather from outside the family. And if you are caught, there is nothing that I could do. They would make sure that your death was long and painful. With that said, are you still willing to go through with this fool's errand?"
Now smirking, Geoffrey chuckled. "I am."
Having caught the glance to the side that his grandson gave, Hardwin also looked and noticed the thankfulness on Leigh's face. 'Of course, he is smitten by her.' Giving it a moment's thought, the old wizard shook his head. 'But then, it would be a fine match. And with her family gone, and that scar, it is doubtful she could find a better husband. That strength of will would also pass to their children. Hmm...' Turning to Leigh, he waved a hand. "Very well. However, I believe that you should speak to the Lady Leigh to find out what she knows. Goblin warrens are not like the castles of Wales that you have dealt with and found that blade of yours within! Remember that!"
Walking over, Geoffrey helped Leigh to her feet gently as the woman gazed into his eyes. "Of course, Grandfather..."
Torches in hand, the two goblins walked alongside each other in one of the rough hewn tunnels off their home. Hacking, one of them spat to the side. "{I don't see why we're bothering to patrol here. Ain't nothing to even see!}"
However, the other goblin only whipped out an arm and smacked the other one on the head. "{Stow your gob! Or else Chieftain Guthook will hook all your guts! See if he doesn't!}"
Readjusting his helmet, the first scowled. "{And? He's only been chieftain for a few moons since his father died! Yet here he is scared that some whelp of a girl will get the humans together to come after us. Ha! All of them are too scared, like the vermin they are. And he's not a proper Chieftain either, seeing as all he does is stare at that blade he has. Don't see how it's a goblin blade, don't look like one to me.}"
Eyes rolling, the second snorted. "{Of course it's a goblin blade! Have you not heard the tales of how many of our blood it has killed? Even turning aside our armour? Has to be a goblin blade, not a human one.}"
Arguing, the two of them continued onwards until the tunnel was once more in darkness. Then, Geoffrey looked "up" from where he was on the ceiling, a black cloak over him to provide more camouflage, though the shadows hugged his form closely. Hanging from his neck, the Hand of Glory gave him light to see by while in his mouth was a black dagger.
Once the noises faded away, Geoffrey continued his journey deeper and deeper into the maze of tunnels. Most of the time, he kept to the ceiling, the gloves and boots he wore enchanted to allow him to grip the walk and crawl along. Other times, he slipped through the shadows, his cloak enchanted to both mute noises and smells.
Eventually though, he reached the main dens of the goblins and could see one in fine armour strutting around. At his side was a golden sword which made Geoffrey frown before he nodded to himself. 'And that must be Chieftain Guthook. Now to wait to strike.'
Climbing up on a ledge, Geoffrey kept an eye out as he rested. The whole time, he sat there though, that did not mean that he did not prepare. Reaching into a pocket, the Potter pulled out what looked like a small urn. Tapping it with his wand expanded it to a larger size before he poured something into it from a flask. With a nod, Geoffrey made a copy of a lid and put it over the urn and then placed another open flask on top.
That done, he made his way to the next ledge to rest and do much the same thing. For the next few hours, he waited, catching slight bits of sleep even as he hid in the shadows. The whole time, he watched the goblins go about their business, keeping track of who went where. Finally, he spotted Guthook heading to his chambers and followed. Once inside though, Geoffrey felt his eyebrows raise at the sheer amount of gold, gems, and the like there. Sighing, Guthook walked towards the bed not seeing the form behind him.
He did, however, feel the blade of the dagger as it slit his throat deep enough to nearly separate his head from the rest of his body.
Crouching next the gurgling body, Geoffrey hummed before whispering into the dying goblin's ear. "And that is for both Leigh's family and violating the Rules of Hospitality, goblin." Then, making his way to the door, he cast a spell which caused a squish sound before several others impacted the door and made an airtight seal. Something noticed by the guards outside. Humming, Geoffrey walked back over to Guthook and the goblin glared weakly at him as the human took the sword. Looking it over, the Potter smiled behind his cloth mask as his eyes twinkled. "A lovely sword such as you should remain with those who care for it, no?" Geoffrey then looked at the nearly dead goblin and then brought the sword down.
Finally, he turned towards the banging at the door before talking out the original urn and vanished it. One aspect of the duplication spell he used was that when the original vanished, so too did the copies but not their contents Outside, he could hear muffled explosions and the screams of goblins before turning his attention to the room he was in and rubbed his hands together as his fingers itched. "Now to get what is here..."
Less then an hour later, the door opened and Geoffrey came out crawling along the wall with a bag that had an expanded inside at his side. Once he reached the main room though, he grimaced behind his mask and held back a gag as his gorge rose. "Okay, Grandfather was right... those potions were never meant to be mixed."
It was only once that he was out and past the woods, stopping only to retrieve the bodies of Leigh's friends and family while the panicking goblins tried to find him in their tunnels, did Geoffrey relax some as he took out a miniature stone horse from his pocket and set it down. With a quick growth spell and animation, he hopped onto his mount and was off. And it was when Geoffrey was a day's ride from the goblin warren that he took some rest. Upon awakening, he took out the golden sword and looked at it more carefully in the day light. Then Geoffrey realized what it reminded him of, one of the Roman swords that his uncle brought back from Rome after defeating a dark wizard who raised dead Roman soldiers to fight for him.
A Gladius.
Head tilted to the side, Geoffrey considered that before putting it back into his expanded bag. "Wonder if that Briton got you from some Roman he killed ages ago... Going to need to cast some spells to find out your name if you have one."
Getting back onto his horse, the wizard rode back home where his future wife awaited the return of her family treasures. Meanwhile, back at the den, an frustrated shield turned ship turned girl/castle was being attacked after angry goblins came across her. By the time she was finished, she lost track of the dagger she was tracking to her annoyance...
Stars in her eyes, Tsukiakari smiled brightly. "I love that story no matter how many times it is told!"
Reaching over, Carnwennan patted her head which the younger blade preened at. "And I quite like telling it, Little Bell." A smirk on his face, he turned to Juuchi. "And you?"
The Muramasa hummed before nodding slightly. "It is still a good story, I suppose. Mainly because it is the epitome of how the Potters generally operate." Sipping her drink, she continued. "Mainly that if they're after you, they will kill you and steal all your shit."
Happily sighing, Tsukiakari raised a hand. "Pillage and then burn! Not burn and pillage because then nothing will be left to pillage."
Once more, she happily received headpats from Carnwennan. "Indeed, Little Bell. I am glad that you internalized that piece of wisdom." Turning to the final being there, he raised an eyebrow. "And your thoughts?"
Bemused at their antics, Kogitsune chuckled some and shook their head. "It was an interesting tale and they seemed to operate very much like perhaps Hoshi-Sama along with Tsuki-Sama might in such a situation... Without the marriage at the end, of course." One finger scratching their chin, they nodded. "Very Kitsune."
Tilting his head some in a slight bow, Carnwennan chuckled. "And I shall take that as a compliment. Though perhaps that puts both yourself and Mistress Natsumi's grandparents' worries to rest, I hope?"
Needless to say, that got him blinks from the others before Kogitsune gave a barking laugh. "Slightly at least, Carnwennan-Kun." Then they had a glimmer of respect and amusement in their eyes. "Though I am somewhat impressed that you realized that."
Sipping his tea, the old dagger hummed. "It was not that hard, Kogitsune-San, I believe is how one would entitle you." Once the sword nodded, he continued. "When one has been around as long as I have, you come to be able to understand things. Even more so for one such as myself who was made for subterfuge."
Just shifting a bit, Kogitsune had a thoughtful look on their face. "That is true enough, Carnwennan-Kun. Though I am interested in one thing..." At the raider eyebrow and silent question, they frowned. "King Arthur is termed the 'Once and Future King', yes? So what would you do if he was to return?"
Gently, Carnwennan set down his cup and looked right into Kogitsune's eyes. "King Arthur was my first Master, for all the little he used me. Despite that, if Mistress Natsumi or any Potter was around then I would inform her and actually speak to her about it before I left. There would be no spiriting away in the night, I would sit them down and speak with them. Explain my reasons for leaving with them while stating that once my King was dead, I would find my way back to them. I can do no less for all the loyalty shown to me and it would be a smear upon my honor otherwise."
Eyebrows furrowed, Tsukiakari picked up on one part of that which made her frown. "Um, Carnwennan? You said if Natsumi-San is around..."
Leaning forward, Carnwennan gave her a pleased look. "You caught that, I see. Very good. As for why I said such..." Briefly, he paused before pressing his lips together thinly. "Part of me suspects that Mistress Natsumi might well be dead of old age before my King returns... hopefully not from the reason why he would be back."
Eyes narrowing, Kogitsune frowned at him in thought while picking his words apart in their head. Then their eyes widened a touch. "You don't believe that he's going to return for a long time... you're hoping for that."
Slowly, the Arthurian blade nodded. "Correct."
Only one question passed Kogitsune's lips, one that said much despite how short it was. "Why?"
Taking a breath, Carnwennan let it out. However, it was almost a minute before he spoke. "I doubt very much that my King would return anytime soon. And I hope against it for what it would mean. For I have given a great deal of thought on this matter for the past thousand years, even more so for the past eighty or so years and especially in the last few."
Intrigued, Juuchi frowned. "You hope against it? And you don't think it will happen? Exactly why would you?"
Signing, Carnwennan ran a hand through his hair. "Because of history, Juuchi." At the looks of confusion, he shook his head. "When the Danes attacked Britain and occupied part, my King did not return. When the Normans invaded and conquered the land, my King did not return. While King John made blood run, no Arthur came. When plagues swept the land and people were certain, even as great pits were filled with the dead, that the end had come... Arthur's horn never sounded. When the Spanish Armada looked fit to take Britain, my King continued to sleep. As Cromwell ran roughshod over the people, Arthur's boots did not touch the shore. Moving to more recent times, World War Two, when the enemy stood at the very gates of the Kingdom, knocking on them as London burned and people died to death from above... My King never returned. And most recently with Blood Week! When the Abyssals slaughtered good Britons and the oceans and rivers ran red with the blood of the innocent! My King did not arise from Avalon!"
Fixing each of them with a burning gaze, Carnwennan's chest expanded and contracted. "Taking all that together. All of British history since my King left the Isles, the question that you should ask is not why I think he shall not return soon..." Eyes narrowing, he hissed. "But... what sort of darkest hour would it need to be?!"
The swords were silent thought they gave themselves uneasy looks. Finally, Tsukiakari spoke up in a soft voice. "W-what do you think... Carnwennan?"
Suddenly, Carnwennan seemed to slump in place as he chuckled bitterly. "To bring back my King to Britain, it would need to be something truly apocalyptic. Perhaps a nuclear war, or a virulent super disease. Maybe even one of those asteroids impacting the planet such as the one that killed the dinosaurs or another great natural disaster... in any case, something that would end civilization itself with billions dead worldwide. Something that would likely end the Potters or kill Mistress Natsumi along with countless innocents. An event that would lead to the world being sundered, that would be the darkest hour after it happened and had come to pass. Such a thing I do not wish to see come pass. If given a choice between that and never seeing King Arthur again? I would hope not to see him and would fight with all the might in my steel to prevent it."
For once, Juuchi was deadly serious as she spoke with a soft voice. "Do you think that Prydwen-"
Carnwennan cut her off with a wave of his hand. "No." His voice was stern as he spoke again. "Despite what I think of her foolishness, her obsession, I know that she would not even consider bringing about such a thing. In fact, I know that she would try to prevent it as I would if she was able to. Such an act as to perform such would go against every fiber of her being. And even she knows that if she did something so monstrous, King Arthur would order her destroyed utterly and it would be carried through. No... she'll wait for it to happen, to come to pass, that is all."
Finger tapping on their cheek, Kogitsune hummed. "Prydwen, you say? Tall, busty with blonde hair and green eyes? Loves to eat?"
Slowly, Carnwennan made an affirmative noise. "Yes, that is her from what I have heard and the one time I saw her from a distance. Also has an odd creature that looks like a dog with her capable of killing a full grown dragon."
Now grinning, Kogitsune snickered. "Well now, she visited Japan quite some time ago and... Things happened. Very embarrassing things as a matter of fact from what I have gathered since. The type that one would prefer to have forgotten..." A smirk grew on their face as their eyes became hooded. "And being as you are an Ono blade? Even if for a short time? I believe that I can share such with you..."
More then a little intrigued, Carnwennan leaned forward. "Go on..." As the sword before him told him the story, the dagger grinned even as Juuchi and Tsukiakari boggled at what happened. 'Oh yes, this is most certainly something that I can use against her if and when she arrives...'
Later that night, Tsukiakari was confused when Juuchi had Hedwig leave with a letter to someone. When she spotted the Kyu Gunto looking at her in confusion, Juuchi only hummed with a smirk before dismissing her avatar. Something that only confused Tsukiakari until that morning when Hedwig returned with Honjo. Almost as soon as she was set upon the table, Kogitsune walked into the room. Said blade was currently female unlike the day before if the slightly longer hair and the cleavage being shown by her loose Kimono top was anything to go by. Upon catching sight of Honjo, Kogitsune let out a purr. "Oh my, it certainly has been some time, has it not, Honjo-Chan~"
For several moments, everyone could feel the horror and despair from Honjo before the Masamune turned her attention to Juuchi with anger. The Muramasa in question gave off a feeling that everyone understood and could almost hear her speak.
'If I must suffer this, so shall you.'
All the while, Kogitsune giggled while snapping open a fan in front of her face.
Sitting in his chair, Hardwin frowned as he looked at the young woman before him. Despite her youth, there was a sense of despair around her which was not helped by the torn clothing she still had on. Nor by the wounds she carried, such as the long cut along her face which he was certain had already begun to scar.
A face now turned to the ground as she kneeled in front of him. "My Lord, I ask of help from you and yours. My family... my family lies dead from the Goblins of Gallow's Glen. Slain by them, our treasures taken, our home burnt to cinders and charred stone. There are none who will help take them back though for fear of inciting a war among the other goblin clans with them."
Deeply frowning, Hardwin furrowed his eyebrows as he thought over the matter. "Gallow's Glen, you say child? Are those not the ones so named due to their habit of hanging the corpses of those they have killed from the trees for the birds to feed upon? One of the more bloodthirsty clans that even the others will avoid for the most part unless there is a war?"
With a sob tearing from her throat, the woman nodded. "Y-you are right, My Lord. That would be the group and now my family and friends hang there after being slain by them." Looking up, she met Hardwin's eyes with her own. And the Potter Head could see that even though she despaired, there was strength there, an iron will that refused to bend or break. "The goblins have hated my family for generations, centuries even."
Eyebrows furrowing, Hardwin considered what he just heard. "Why ever would the hate your family, Lady Leigh? As much trouble as there between our kinds, even with the wars often fought, few are such enmities. Gryffindor, perhaps, but that too is an outlier."
Briefly, it looked like Leigh was fighting with herself before she sucked in a breath and let it out. "Many generations ago, it is told, one of my ancestors came across a goblin clan digging into one of the tombs of the Ancient Briton Kings. They were taking treasure from within it, grave robbing it."
Narrowing his eyes, Hardwin scoffed as he was not surprised in the slightest to hear that. It was not the first time that he had heard such a tale. "That certainly sounds like the bastards."
Slowly nodding, Leigh continued. "And so my ancestor fought them for such a vile thing as we considered them our ancestors. During the fight, he lost his sword and picked up one from the tomb. It was an ancient one with a golden blade. With it, he struck down many of the goblins he was fighting including their chieftain. The wounds made by the blade could not be healed even with magic and so they would die. After that, the blade was passed down through the generations in my family. Every time we went to war and brought it out, lesser blades would fall before it. Nothing could withstand one with such a blade, armour would be pierced and flesh cleaved. Many times had we used it against the goblins and such they came to hate it, and to lust for it. A goblin blade they claimed it had to be, and so we were thieves for having it and not giving it to them. Four moons ago, they struck at my family. They had claimed that they wanted peace and so a small party were within our walls negotiating. But it was all a trap."
Hardwin sighed and shook his head before deciding to find out more, just in case. "A trap you say? And of what sort?"
Taking a shuddering breath, Leigh shook her head. "While they were talking with us, they dug a tunnel beneath our home. The talks were but a distraction from their real plan which was to dig their way into our defences while we kept watch on those there. Then, while they were speaking with my father, they struck. Scores of goblins came pouring out of the ground. Meanwhile, the negotiators attacked my father. I barely escaped and saw them cart my father's remains from our home, their wounded chieftain with our sword. Please, that is all that I want back, the sword itself. The chieftain would be dead by now. Yet, every Lord and Knight that I have spoken to will not help. Please, my Lord... help me though I have little to give to you as payment."
In the Potter's eyes was understanding. He could fully relate to her experiences. And yet... he could not throw his family into danger. The situation with the goblins could explode so very easily. An attack on one clan could bring in the others against the ones involved. Something that from the expression on Leigh's face, she already knew. Just as he was about to speak though, another voice did. "Grandfather, I can go and help take it back."
Startled, both Hardwin and Leigh turned to find his grandson standing in the shadows of the corner. Grimacing, the older Potter shot him a scowl. "Geoffrey! How many times must I tell you not to do that!?"
Bowing somewhat, the now named Potter smiled. "Perhaps a few more times, Grandfather."
Still scowling, Hardwin eventually sighed and gave his grandson a look. "You wish to help her?"
Once more, Geoffrey bowed. "Yes, Grandfather. I do wish to help her. And I know that I can do such."
Rather then say anything, his grandfather ran fingers through his greying beard in thought. Finally, he sighed some. "If you were, I could give no support to you, Geoffrey. It would be you, and you alone along with perhaps any other you could gather from outside the family. And if you are caught, there is nothing that I could do. They would make sure that your death was long and painful. With that said, are you still willing to go through with this fool's errand?"
Now smirking, Geoffrey chuckled. "I am."
Having caught the glance to the side that his grandson gave, Hardwin also looked and noticed the thankfulness on Leigh's face. 'Of course, he is smitten by her.' Giving it a moment's thought, the old wizard shook his head. 'But then, it would be a fine match. And with her family gone, and that scar, it is doubtful she could find a better husband. That strength of will would also pass to their children. Hmm...' Turning to Leigh, he waved a hand. "Very well. However, I believe that you should speak to the Lady Leigh to find out what she knows. Goblin warrens are not like the castles of Wales that you have dealt with and found that blade of yours within! Remember that!"
Walking over, Geoffrey helped Leigh to her feet gently as the woman gazed into his eyes. "Of course, Grandfather..."
Torches in hand, the two goblins walked alongside each other in one of the rough hewn tunnels off their home. Hacking, one of them spat to the side. "{I don't see why we're bothering to patrol here. Ain't nothing to even see!}"
However, the other goblin only whipped out an arm and smacked the other one on the head. "{Stow your gob! Or else Chieftain Guthook will hook all your guts! See if he doesn't!}"
Readjusting his helmet, the first scowled. "{And? He's only been chieftain for a few moons since his father died! Yet here he is scared that some whelp of a girl will get the humans together to come after us. Ha! All of them are too scared, like the vermin they are. And he's not a proper Chieftain either, seeing as all he does is stare at that blade he has. Don't see how it's a goblin blade, don't look like one to me.}"
Eyes rolling, the second snorted. "{Of course it's a goblin blade! Have you not heard the tales of how many of our blood it has killed? Even turning aside our armour? Has to be a goblin blade, not a human one.}"
Arguing, the two of them continued onwards until the tunnel was once more in darkness. Then, Geoffrey looked "up" from where he was on the ceiling, a black cloak over him to provide more camouflage, though the shadows hugged his form closely. Hanging from his neck, the Hand of Glory gave him light to see by while in his mouth was a black dagger.
Once the noises faded away, Geoffrey continued his journey deeper and deeper into the maze of tunnels. Most of the time, he kept to the ceiling, the gloves and boots he wore enchanted to allow him to grip the walk and crawl along. Other times, he slipped through the shadows, his cloak enchanted to both mute noises and smells.
Eventually though, he reached the main dens of the goblins and could see one in fine armour strutting around. At his side was a golden sword which made Geoffrey frown before he nodded to himself. 'And that must be Chieftain Guthook. Now to wait to strike.'
Climbing up on a ledge, Geoffrey kept an eye out as he rested. The whole time, he sat there though, that did not mean that he did not prepare. Reaching into a pocket, the Potter pulled out what looked like a small urn. Tapping it with his wand expanded it to a larger size before he poured something into it from a flask. With a nod, Geoffrey made a copy of a lid and put it over the urn and then placed another open flask on top.
That done, he made his way to the next ledge to rest and do much the same thing. For the next few hours, he waited, catching slight bits of sleep even as he hid in the shadows. The whole time, he watched the goblins go about their business, keeping track of who went where. Finally, he spotted Guthook heading to his chambers and followed. Once inside though, Geoffrey felt his eyebrows raise at the sheer amount of gold, gems, and the like there. Sighing, Guthook walked towards the bed not seeing the form behind him.
He did, however, feel the blade of the dagger as it slit his throat deep enough to nearly separate his head from the rest of his body.
Crouching next the gurgling body, Geoffrey hummed before whispering into the dying goblin's ear. "And that is for both Leigh's family and violating the Rules of Hospitality, goblin." Then, making his way to the door, he cast a spell which caused a squish sound before several others impacted the door and made an airtight seal. Something noticed by the guards outside. Humming, Geoffrey walked back over to Guthook and the goblin glared weakly at him as the human took the sword. Looking it over, the Potter smiled behind his cloth mask as his eyes twinkled. "A lovely sword such as you should remain with those who care for it, no?" Geoffrey then looked at the nearly dead goblin and then brought the sword down.
Finally, he turned towards the banging at the door before talking out the original urn and vanished it. One aspect of the duplication spell he used was that when the original vanished, so too did the copies but not their contents Outside, he could hear muffled explosions and the screams of goblins before turning his attention to the room he was in and rubbed his hands together as his fingers itched. "Now to get what is here..."
Less then an hour later, the door opened and Geoffrey came out crawling along the wall with a bag that had an expanded inside at his side. Once he reached the main room though, he grimaced behind his mask and held back a gag as his gorge rose. "Okay, Grandfather was right... those potions were never meant to be mixed."
It was only once that he was out and past the woods, stopping only to retrieve the bodies of Leigh's friends and family while the panicking goblins tried to find him in their tunnels, did Geoffrey relax some as he took out a miniature stone horse from his pocket and set it down. With a quick growth spell and animation, he hopped onto his mount and was off. And it was when Geoffrey was a day's ride from the goblin warren that he took some rest. Upon awakening, he took out the golden sword and looked at it more carefully in the day light. Then Geoffrey realized what it reminded him of, one of the Roman swords that his uncle brought back from Rome after defeating a dark wizard who raised dead Roman soldiers to fight for him.
A Gladius.
Head tilted to the side, Geoffrey considered that before putting it back into his expanded bag. "Wonder if that Briton got you from some Roman he killed ages ago... Going to need to cast some spells to find out your name if you have one."
Getting back onto his horse, the wizard rode back home where his future wife awaited the return of her family treasures. Meanwhile, back at the den, an frustrated shield turned ship turned girl/castle was being attacked after angry goblins came across her. By the time she was finished, she lost track of the dagger she was tracking to her annoyance...
Stars in her eyes, Tsukiakari smiled brightly. "I love that story no matter how many times it is told!"
Reaching over, Carnwennan patted her head which the younger blade preened at. "And I quite like telling it, Little Bell." A smirk on his face, he turned to Juuchi. "And you?"
The Muramasa hummed before nodding slightly. "It is still a good story, I suppose. Mainly because it is the epitome of how the Potters generally operate." Sipping her drink, she continued. "Mainly that if they're after you, they will kill you and steal all your shit."
Happily sighing, Tsukiakari raised a hand. "Pillage and then burn! Not burn and pillage because then nothing will be left to pillage."
Once more, she happily received headpats from Carnwennan. "Indeed, Little Bell. I am glad that you internalized that piece of wisdom." Turning to the final being there, he raised an eyebrow. "And your thoughts?"
Bemused at their antics, Kogitsune chuckled some and shook their head. "It was an interesting tale and they seemed to operate very much like perhaps Hoshi-Sama along with Tsuki-Sama might in such a situation... Without the marriage at the end, of course." One finger scratching their chin, they nodded. "Very Kitsune."
Tilting his head some in a slight bow, Carnwennan chuckled. "And I shall take that as a compliment. Though perhaps that puts both yourself and Mistress Natsumi's grandparents' worries to rest, I hope?"
Needless to say, that got him blinks from the others before Kogitsune gave a barking laugh. "Slightly at least, Carnwennan-Kun." Then they had a glimmer of respect and amusement in their eyes. "Though I am somewhat impressed that you realized that."
Sipping his tea, the old dagger hummed. "It was not that hard, Kogitsune-San, I believe is how one would entitle you." Once the sword nodded, he continued. "When one has been around as long as I have, you come to be able to understand things. Even more so for one such as myself who was made for subterfuge."
Just shifting a bit, Kogitsune had a thoughtful look on their face. "That is true enough, Carnwennan-Kun. Though I am interested in one thing..." At the raider eyebrow and silent question, they frowned. "King Arthur is termed the 'Once and Future King', yes? So what would you do if he was to return?"
Gently, Carnwennan set down his cup and looked right into Kogitsune's eyes. "King Arthur was my first Master, for all the little he used me. Despite that, if Mistress Natsumi or any Potter was around then I would inform her and actually speak to her about it before I left. There would be no spiriting away in the night, I would sit them down and speak with them. Explain my reasons for leaving with them while stating that once my King was dead, I would find my way back to them. I can do no less for all the loyalty shown to me and it would be a smear upon my honor otherwise."
Eyebrows furrowed, Tsukiakari picked up on one part of that which made her frown. "Um, Carnwennan? You said if Natsumi-San is around..."
Leaning forward, Carnwennan gave her a pleased look. "You caught that, I see. Very good. As for why I said such..." Briefly, he paused before pressing his lips together thinly. "Part of me suspects that Mistress Natsumi might well be dead of old age before my King returns... hopefully not from the reason why he would be back."
Eyes narrowing, Kogitsune frowned at him in thought while picking his words apart in their head. Then their eyes widened a touch. "You don't believe that he's going to return for a long time... you're hoping for that."
Slowly, the Arthurian blade nodded. "Correct."
Only one question passed Kogitsune's lips, one that said much despite how short it was. "Why?"
Taking a breath, Carnwennan let it out. However, it was almost a minute before he spoke. "I doubt very much that my King would return anytime soon. And I hope against it for what it would mean. For I have given a great deal of thought on this matter for the past thousand years, even more so for the past eighty or so years and especially in the last few."
Intrigued, Juuchi frowned. "You hope against it? And you don't think it will happen? Exactly why would you?"
Signing, Carnwennan ran a hand through his hair. "Because of history, Juuchi." At the looks of confusion, he shook his head. "When the Danes attacked Britain and occupied part, my King did not return. When the Normans invaded and conquered the land, my King did not return. While King John made blood run, no Arthur came. When plagues swept the land and people were certain, even as great pits were filled with the dead, that the end had come... Arthur's horn never sounded. When the Spanish Armada looked fit to take Britain, my King continued to sleep. As Cromwell ran roughshod over the people, Arthur's boots did not touch the shore. Moving to more recent times, World War Two, when the enemy stood at the very gates of the Kingdom, knocking on them as London burned and people died to death from above... My King never returned. And most recently with Blood Week! When the Abyssals slaughtered good Britons and the oceans and rivers ran red with the blood of the innocent! My King did not arise from Avalon!"
Fixing each of them with a burning gaze, Carnwennan's chest expanded and contracted. "Taking all that together. All of British history since my King left the Isles, the question that you should ask is not why I think he shall not return soon..." Eyes narrowing, he hissed. "But... what sort of darkest hour would it need to be?!"
The swords were silent thought they gave themselves uneasy looks. Finally, Tsukiakari spoke up in a soft voice. "W-what do you think... Carnwennan?"
Suddenly, Carnwennan seemed to slump in place as he chuckled bitterly. "To bring back my King to Britain, it would need to be something truly apocalyptic. Perhaps a nuclear war, or a virulent super disease. Maybe even one of those asteroids impacting the planet such as the one that killed the dinosaurs or another great natural disaster... in any case, something that would end civilization itself with billions dead worldwide. Something that would likely end the Potters or kill Mistress Natsumi along with countless innocents. An event that would lead to the world being sundered, that would be the darkest hour after it happened and had come to pass. Such a thing I do not wish to see come pass. If given a choice between that and never seeing King Arthur again? I would hope not to see him and would fight with all the might in my steel to prevent it."
For once, Juuchi was deadly serious as she spoke with a soft voice. "Do you think that Prydwen-"
Carnwennan cut her off with a wave of his hand. "No." His voice was stern as he spoke again. "Despite what I think of her foolishness, her obsession, I know that she would not even consider bringing about such a thing. In fact, I know that she would try to prevent it as I would if she was able to. Such an act as to perform such would go against every fiber of her being. And even she knows that if she did something so monstrous, King Arthur would order her destroyed utterly and it would be carried through. No... she'll wait for it to happen, to come to pass, that is all."
Finger tapping on their cheek, Kogitsune hummed. "Prydwen, you say? Tall, busty with blonde hair and green eyes? Loves to eat?"
Slowly, Carnwennan made an affirmative noise. "Yes, that is her from what I have heard and the one time I saw her from a distance. Also has an odd creature that looks like a dog with her capable of killing a full grown dragon."
Now grinning, Kogitsune snickered. "Well now, she visited Japan quite some time ago and... Things happened. Very embarrassing things as a matter of fact from what I have gathered since. The type that one would prefer to have forgotten..." A smirk grew on their face as their eyes became hooded. "And being as you are an Ono blade? Even if for a short time? I believe that I can share such with you..."
More then a little intrigued, Carnwennan leaned forward. "Go on..." As the sword before him told him the story, the dagger grinned even as Juuchi and Tsukiakari boggled at what happened. 'Oh yes, this is most certainly something that I can use against her if and when she arrives...'
Later that night, Tsukiakari was confused when Juuchi had Hedwig leave with a letter to someone. When she spotted the Kyu Gunto looking at her in confusion, Juuchi only hummed with a smirk before dismissing her avatar. Something that only confused Tsukiakari until that morning when Hedwig returned with Honjo. Almost as soon as she was set upon the table, Kogitsune walked into the room. Said blade was currently female unlike the day before if the slightly longer hair and the cleavage being shown by her loose Kimono top was anything to go by. Upon catching sight of Honjo, Kogitsune let out a purr. "Oh my, it certainly has been some time, has it not, Honjo-Chan~"
For several moments, everyone could feel the horror and despair from Honjo before the Masamune turned her attention to Juuchi with anger. The Muramasa in question gave off a feeling that everyone understood and could almost hear her speak.
'If I must suffer this, so shall you.'
All the while, Kogitsune giggled while snapping open a fan in front of her face.