Getting ready for classes
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Making his way along the dark, silent halls of Hogwarts, Dumbledore took a deep breath. Around him, the only sounds were those of the currently empty castle, though it was not quite as quiet as some might think. Here and there could be heard the sound of the display armor walking to various positions. Not to mention the various paintings having their own chats and meetings for the upcoming year. The castle itself seemed to be getting ready for what was due to happen.
Currently, Dumbledore was nodding at Nick who seemed worried. "Are you sure that she is going to arrive, Headmaster? I... A sigh escaped from the ghost who placed a hand against his forehead as he shook his head. Partially to keep his head from falling off, but also because of his own self-incrimination. "When I did not see Myrtle the whole year, I had assumed that she was in her toilet, much the same as she usually has been. Yet, when I came to get her for the meeting of the ghosts for the upcoming year, after everything that has happened..."
Eyebrow raised, Dumbledore hummed some. "You went searching for her, Nick? For this meeting?"
Uncomfortable, the Gryffindor ghost winced as he also grimaced some. "I... we all agreed that we have not been treating Myrtle too well after this year. She more then proved herself with what she did. Especially with her attempting to protect the First Year Muggleborn. So I... we, decided to invite her to our meeting." Grabbing his shirt, he took a deep breath though he no longer needed it. "Which was when we discovered that she was gone. All of us searched the castle from top to bottom and could find no sign which is why I came to you this evening."
Simply nodding, Dumbledore smiled slightly. "Ah, yes. And as I stated, young Myrtle is currently with Mister Potter in Japan. She had been invited to the wedding of Miss Rose and Miss Haruna. A rather enjoyable event to be perfectly honest."
That brought another wince from Nick. "Well, quite. Something that we did not expect to be honest... though she did look quite good there."
Part of Dumbledore had taken, and still did, some pleasure in the shock and winces that produced and continued to in the ghosts inhabiting the castle. After all, he knew that they had ostracized the poor girl after she had become bound outside of Nick and the Gray Lady, and neither of those went out of their way to give her much comfort. Hence, Albus had stated what he had, and produced pictures to show them as well as a memory. Nick's head had actually tipped from his shoulders and hung there while he had never seen the Friar's jaw so dropped.
It did his heart some good.
Of course, that had lead to plenty of explanations regarding how Myrtle was there and why she looked so solid. Something that Dumbledore had explained, before he asked them how it was that they only just found out that she was not in the castle. The sight of so many ghosts looking utterly ashamed, like students in front of a disappointed teacher, was one that part of him rather enjoyed. Currently, Dumbledore had a small smile as he nodded. "Quite. In fact, dare I say it, she represented the ghosts of Hogwarts there very well. A fine example."
Needless to say, Nick had the expression on his face as if someone had twisted a blade in his gut. Quickly, he gave his own nod. "Well, yes, on that we can agree. Still..." Chewing his lip, he paused for a moment. "She is going to arrive tomorrow, you say?"
With a slight bow, Dumbledore gave a slight bob of the head. "Yes, she should arrive sometime tomorrow night after Mister Potter sets up his owl box in his dorms. I expect that she would have quite the tale to tell as well."
Relaxing, Nick smiled for the first time in their conversation, a relieved look on his face. "That is good to hear, and I do look forward to hearing about her adventures in Japan. I believe that is the furthest that any of us have ever gone! Thank you, Headmaster." He then turned and began to drift away only to pause and look over his shoulder. "And... while we have not treated her as well as we should have, it is good that she has found people who do care for us. I know that the Grey Lady was beside herself when we discovered her missing."
And with that, Nick drifted off into the night.
However, it was not long until Dumbledore received another visitor and chuckled some as he turned. "Ah, Minerva. I was wondering when you might arrive."
Moments later, a tabby appeared and walked quickly towards him before morphing into his Transfiguration Professor. Matching his own pace, she raised an eyebrow as she walked beside him. "Albus." When he just hummed though, she frowned. "I wish to talk with you about some... things, that I have been wondering."
In reply, the Headmaster chuckled some and smiled. "Of course, I am always open to questions."
Nodding, Minerva grimaced some. "I believe that my question should be the most obvious in regards to the upcoming year."
That brought a sigh to Dumbledore as he shook his head with a small frown. "Unfortunately, there has been nothing that I could do in regards to Cornelius' idea, Minerva. He is adamant in posting Dementors around the school as guards and giving them the power that he has. As well, he has also placed a Kiss on Sight order for Sirius Black, which I do not agree with."
On Minerva's face, there was a frown. "You do not believe that Black should not be kissed, Albus? Even after what he did?"
Stroking his beard, the old wizard did not answer right away. But when he did, McGonagall's eyes widened. "Recently, some things have come up, Minerva. In particular about that day which has raised questions that I would like some answers to. However, even if Black is guilty, I would not sentence him to a Dementor's Kiss. No, there are none that I would want such a fate for, I would ask that they be given the Veil at least before that, if not the Death Potion."
Minerva hissed a bit. "But, Albus, that is..."
Now looking at her, he frowned and gave her a raised eyebrow. "Horrible? Yes. But then so is the Kiss, which I rank as far more." Waving it off, Albus shook his head. "But as to the Dementors, I wish that there was something that could be done. I do suspect the work of dear Delores might well be involved in this."
Head whipping around, Minerva boggled a bit before her eyes narrowed. "That woman might be involved!? How and why?!"
Just humming, Albus frowned some. "For both the same reasons, to be honest. As much as we disagree on many things, both Lucius and myself were arguing against placing Dementors here as well as the Kiss on Sight order. Despite how he could benefit, Lucius does not want to create the precedent that allowing someone ordered to be Kissed could have. Amelia was as well to be quite honest, vociferously. As for Augusta? She was beside herself and so is quite the number in the Wizengamot. Not the least because so many heirs of families are here at Hogwarts. And most of them remember that the control that the Ministry has over the Dementors is tenuous at best. Some might well not care that a Muggleborn might well be Kissed, but turn that onto their own children and grandchildren? There will be a backlash once it gets out into the public. However, while both myself and Lucius often... attempt to advise the Minister, there is one other that he listens even closer to. One who is rather fond of Dementors..."
That caused a disgusted look to come into being on her face as the next words were spoken in a growl. "Delores Umbridge..."
Slowly, Dumbledore nodded. "Delores Umbridge. And it is not hard to see why she might advise him to take such a position." Upon seeing the confusion, he continued. "In many ways, Sirius Black has proved to be an embarrassment to the Ministry even as far as it has gone. If, as myself and other suspect, there is more to the story? Then the Ministry might well end up with more egg on its face. After all, there are no signs a trial was done. And if he is innocent? It is quite possible that the Ministry will be given a hit to the reputation that it does not need at this moment and time. Whether or not it was a previous administration, it would erode people's belief in the Ministry."
Frowning, Minerva shook her head. "That... does sound like Delores. Even when she was in school, she was a foul girl. It did not help matters that she often took it upon herself to, ah, punish those she believed stepped out of line."
Also frowning, Albus sighed. "Quite. And I believe that she still carries a grudge against not just myself for punishing her when she took matters into her own hands, but also against Sirius. After all, he did embarrass her at her graduation as did James Potter and Remus Lupin. Though I am afraid for one other..."
Head tilting, it took only seconds and the Transfiguration Professor's hand flew to her mouth. "Do you mean that Mister Potter..."
Grimacing, he gave a small nod. "Indeed, even before events last year when he spoke up against Hagrid's imprisonment and other items, Delores has been quite vocal against him. I believe that part of it is that she sees him as a possible threat. Young Harry does have a large amount of political power if he so wishes and could endanger certain positions. If he was to suffer an accident, well... no more danger."
Lips pressed thinly, Minerva looked around. "You are not saying that she might... Well, you know?"
Just turning to her, Albus gave her a look with his expression serious. "I would expect that Delores would shed no tears if something was to happen to Mister Potter. More then that, she despises him due to being a Halfblood and held in high regard, as well as his mother. Once, she did not know that I was there when she insulted Lily. Her declaring that she fouled the 'Pure blood of the Potter family and bewitched James' was putting it mildly. And she was behind that rumour that Lily used a love potion on James."
That made McGonagall roll her eyes. "Yes, because of course the only way James would fall in love with Lily was due to a love potion." Then a gleam entered her eyes. "Or perhaps it was due to how he reacted to the one time she tried to, ah, catch his attention."
Both magicals shared a quiet chuckle at that. Then Albus sighed and frowned. "Though another part was that Lily did far better then she had in school, even though they were in different years. So, yes, I do suspect that something may happen which is why I have done what I have."
Expression turning thoughtful, Minerva gave a chuckle as she realized what happened. "So that is why you are having Remus ride with the students then? He can create a Patronus after all, so if something was to happen, he will be right there."
Smiling slightly, Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye. "Among other things, yes."
Now frowning, Minerva looked at him over her glasses with a look that had made many a schoolboy back down. "Albus Dumbledore, do not be telling me that you are attempting to set up a meeting between Remus and Harry. You know how the poor man is in regards to that."
His expression one which stated that butter could not melt in his mouth, Dumbledore stroked his beard. "I would never do that, Minerva. Why, if the two meet it would be complete coincidence. Though Mister Potter does gravitate towards carriages that have almost no one in them, and one that has an odd man would be quite empty... And Mister Potter has read his parents' diaries and so might hear about an old friend or see his picture in that album of his..."
Groaning, the female Professor rubbed her brow to try and fight off a headache. Not even the glare that she gave her old friend wiped the smile off his face. Before she could say anything though, both of them paused at a sound. When it came again, they blinked and soon located it before heading to a door.
The door to a broom closet.
Just sharing a look, though Albus had amusement in his eyes, they waited until the sound came again. Raising a hand, the Headmaster gave a sharp rap to the door and waited. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal Wilhelm who had a smug look on his face despite the messy hair he had and the slightly unkept look of his clothes. Behind him, an embarrassed Gwen also stood, clothes rumpled. Bowing a bit, Wilhelm gave them both a smile. "Headmaster, Deputy Headmistress."
Eyebrow twitching, Minerva took a deep breath. "Mister Wolff, may I ask what you were just doing?"
Rubbing his chin, he glanced at his wife whose entire face was scarlet, and then back to McGonagall. "It was as you likely suspect." He then continued on while ignoring the squawk from Gwen and the sputters from Minerva. "You see, we were inspecting the broom closet. As Professors here, I felt it our duty to make sure that all was in... ship shape before the students arrive. One must do proper inspections after all."
Albus nodded as Minerva now went red in the face. "Ah, I see. Very good, Professors Wolff. yes, very good indeed, we must be certain that all is in place and well for the students when they arrive tomorrow night, hmm?"
Smugly grinning, the ageless Alchemist chuckled while taking Gwen's hand in his own. "Exactly, Herr Dumbledore. Now, if you'll excuse me... there are many such places that Gwen and I must, ah, inspect and investigate."
With that, he pulled his wife along even as she hissed something at him, only for her to look back at Dumbledore. Then she froze in mortification as the old wizard tapped his chest while giving her a look. Quickly, she did up the buttons in question and vanished while her husband laughed behind her. Pinching her nose, Minerva took a deep breath. "I swear... those two are as bad as some of our students. Or newly weds."
All Dumbledore did was chuckle while the twinkle in his eyes increased.
Making his way along the dark, silent halls of Hogwarts, Dumbledore took a deep breath. Around him, the only sounds were those of the currently empty castle, though it was not quite as quiet as some might think. Here and there could be heard the sound of the display armor walking to various positions. Not to mention the various paintings having their own chats and meetings for the upcoming year. The castle itself seemed to be getting ready for what was due to happen.
Currently, Dumbledore was nodding at Nick who seemed worried. "Are you sure that she is going to arrive, Headmaster? I... A sigh escaped from the ghost who placed a hand against his forehead as he shook his head. Partially to keep his head from falling off, but also because of his own self-incrimination. "When I did not see Myrtle the whole year, I had assumed that she was in her toilet, much the same as she usually has been. Yet, when I came to get her for the meeting of the ghosts for the upcoming year, after everything that has happened..."
Eyebrow raised, Dumbledore hummed some. "You went searching for her, Nick? For this meeting?"
Uncomfortable, the Gryffindor ghost winced as he also grimaced some. "I... we all agreed that we have not been treating Myrtle too well after this year. She more then proved herself with what she did. Especially with her attempting to protect the First Year Muggleborn. So I... we, decided to invite her to our meeting." Grabbing his shirt, he took a deep breath though he no longer needed it. "Which was when we discovered that she was gone. All of us searched the castle from top to bottom and could find no sign which is why I came to you this evening."
Simply nodding, Dumbledore smiled slightly. "Ah, yes. And as I stated, young Myrtle is currently with Mister Potter in Japan. She had been invited to the wedding of Miss Rose and Miss Haruna. A rather enjoyable event to be perfectly honest."
That brought another wince from Nick. "Well, quite. Something that we did not expect to be honest... though she did look quite good there."
Part of Dumbledore had taken, and still did, some pleasure in the shock and winces that produced and continued to in the ghosts inhabiting the castle. After all, he knew that they had ostracized the poor girl after she had become bound outside of Nick and the Gray Lady, and neither of those went out of their way to give her much comfort. Hence, Albus had stated what he had, and produced pictures to show them as well as a memory. Nick's head had actually tipped from his shoulders and hung there while he had never seen the Friar's jaw so dropped.
It did his heart some good.
Of course, that had lead to plenty of explanations regarding how Myrtle was there and why she looked so solid. Something that Dumbledore had explained, before he asked them how it was that they only just found out that she was not in the castle. The sight of so many ghosts looking utterly ashamed, like students in front of a disappointed teacher, was one that part of him rather enjoyed. Currently, Dumbledore had a small smile as he nodded. "Quite. In fact, dare I say it, she represented the ghosts of Hogwarts there very well. A fine example."
Needless to say, Nick had the expression on his face as if someone had twisted a blade in his gut. Quickly, he gave his own nod. "Well, yes, on that we can agree. Still..." Chewing his lip, he paused for a moment. "She is going to arrive tomorrow, you say?"
With a slight bow, Dumbledore gave a slight bob of the head. "Yes, she should arrive sometime tomorrow night after Mister Potter sets up his owl box in his dorms. I expect that she would have quite the tale to tell as well."
Relaxing, Nick smiled for the first time in their conversation, a relieved look on his face. "That is good to hear, and I do look forward to hearing about her adventures in Japan. I believe that is the furthest that any of us have ever gone! Thank you, Headmaster." He then turned and began to drift away only to pause and look over his shoulder. "And... while we have not treated her as well as we should have, it is good that she has found people who do care for us. I know that the Grey Lady was beside herself when we discovered her missing."
And with that, Nick drifted off into the night.
However, it was not long until Dumbledore received another visitor and chuckled some as he turned. "Ah, Minerva. I was wondering when you might arrive."
Moments later, a tabby appeared and walked quickly towards him before morphing into his Transfiguration Professor. Matching his own pace, she raised an eyebrow as she walked beside him. "Albus." When he just hummed though, she frowned. "I wish to talk with you about some... things, that I have been wondering."
In reply, the Headmaster chuckled some and smiled. "Of course, I am always open to questions."
Nodding, Minerva grimaced some. "I believe that my question should be the most obvious in regards to the upcoming year."
That brought a sigh to Dumbledore as he shook his head with a small frown. "Unfortunately, there has been nothing that I could do in regards to Cornelius' idea, Minerva. He is adamant in posting Dementors around the school as guards and giving them the power that he has. As well, he has also placed a Kiss on Sight order for Sirius Black, which I do not agree with."
On Minerva's face, there was a frown. "You do not believe that Black should not be kissed, Albus? Even after what he did?"
Stroking his beard, the old wizard did not answer right away. But when he did, McGonagall's eyes widened. "Recently, some things have come up, Minerva. In particular about that day which has raised questions that I would like some answers to. However, even if Black is guilty, I would not sentence him to a Dementor's Kiss. No, there are none that I would want such a fate for, I would ask that they be given the Veil at least before that, if not the Death Potion."
Minerva hissed a bit. "But, Albus, that is..."
Now looking at her, he frowned and gave her a raised eyebrow. "Horrible? Yes. But then so is the Kiss, which I rank as far more." Waving it off, Albus shook his head. "But as to the Dementors, I wish that there was something that could be done. I do suspect the work of dear Delores might well be involved in this."
Head whipping around, Minerva boggled a bit before her eyes narrowed. "That woman might be involved!? How and why?!"
Just humming, Albus frowned some. "For both the same reasons, to be honest. As much as we disagree on many things, both Lucius and myself were arguing against placing Dementors here as well as the Kiss on Sight order. Despite how he could benefit, Lucius does not want to create the precedent that allowing someone ordered to be Kissed could have. Amelia was as well to be quite honest, vociferously. As for Augusta? She was beside herself and so is quite the number in the Wizengamot. Not the least because so many heirs of families are here at Hogwarts. And most of them remember that the control that the Ministry has over the Dementors is tenuous at best. Some might well not care that a Muggleborn might well be Kissed, but turn that onto their own children and grandchildren? There will be a backlash once it gets out into the public. However, while both myself and Lucius often... attempt to advise the Minister, there is one other that he listens even closer to. One who is rather fond of Dementors..."
That caused a disgusted look to come into being on her face as the next words were spoken in a growl. "Delores Umbridge..."
Slowly, Dumbledore nodded. "Delores Umbridge. And it is not hard to see why she might advise him to take such a position." Upon seeing the confusion, he continued. "In many ways, Sirius Black has proved to be an embarrassment to the Ministry even as far as it has gone. If, as myself and other suspect, there is more to the story? Then the Ministry might well end up with more egg on its face. After all, there are no signs a trial was done. And if he is innocent? It is quite possible that the Ministry will be given a hit to the reputation that it does not need at this moment and time. Whether or not it was a previous administration, it would erode people's belief in the Ministry."
Frowning, Minerva shook her head. "That... does sound like Delores. Even when she was in school, she was a foul girl. It did not help matters that she often took it upon herself to, ah, punish those she believed stepped out of line."
Also frowning, Albus sighed. "Quite. And I believe that she still carries a grudge against not just myself for punishing her when she took matters into her own hands, but also against Sirius. After all, he did embarrass her at her graduation as did James Potter and Remus Lupin. Though I am afraid for one other..."
Head tilting, it took only seconds and the Transfiguration Professor's hand flew to her mouth. "Do you mean that Mister Potter..."
Grimacing, he gave a small nod. "Indeed, even before events last year when he spoke up against Hagrid's imprisonment and other items, Delores has been quite vocal against him. I believe that part of it is that she sees him as a possible threat. Young Harry does have a large amount of political power if he so wishes and could endanger certain positions. If he was to suffer an accident, well... no more danger."
Lips pressed thinly, Minerva looked around. "You are not saying that she might... Well, you know?"
Just turning to her, Albus gave her a look with his expression serious. "I would expect that Delores would shed no tears if something was to happen to Mister Potter. More then that, she despises him due to being a Halfblood and held in high regard, as well as his mother. Once, she did not know that I was there when she insulted Lily. Her declaring that she fouled the 'Pure blood of the Potter family and bewitched James' was putting it mildly. And she was behind that rumour that Lily used a love potion on James."
That made McGonagall roll her eyes. "Yes, because of course the only way James would fall in love with Lily was due to a love potion." Then a gleam entered her eyes. "Or perhaps it was due to how he reacted to the one time she tried to, ah, catch his attention."
Both magicals shared a quiet chuckle at that. Then Albus sighed and frowned. "Though another part was that Lily did far better then she had in school, even though they were in different years. So, yes, I do suspect that something may happen which is why I have done what I have."
Expression turning thoughtful, Minerva gave a chuckle as she realized what happened. "So that is why you are having Remus ride with the students then? He can create a Patronus after all, so if something was to happen, he will be right there."
Smiling slightly, Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye. "Among other things, yes."
Now frowning, Minerva looked at him over her glasses with a look that had made many a schoolboy back down. "Albus Dumbledore, do not be telling me that you are attempting to set up a meeting between Remus and Harry. You know how the poor man is in regards to that."
His expression one which stated that butter could not melt in his mouth, Dumbledore stroked his beard. "I would never do that, Minerva. Why, if the two meet it would be complete coincidence. Though Mister Potter does gravitate towards carriages that have almost no one in them, and one that has an odd man would be quite empty... And Mister Potter has read his parents' diaries and so might hear about an old friend or see his picture in that album of his..."
Groaning, the female Professor rubbed her brow to try and fight off a headache. Not even the glare that she gave her old friend wiped the smile off his face. Before she could say anything though, both of them paused at a sound. When it came again, they blinked and soon located it before heading to a door.
The door to a broom closet.
Just sharing a look, though Albus had amusement in his eyes, they waited until the sound came again. Raising a hand, the Headmaster gave a sharp rap to the door and waited. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal Wilhelm who had a smug look on his face despite the messy hair he had and the slightly unkept look of his clothes. Behind him, an embarrassed Gwen also stood, clothes rumpled. Bowing a bit, Wilhelm gave them both a smile. "Headmaster, Deputy Headmistress."
Eyebrow twitching, Minerva took a deep breath. "Mister Wolff, may I ask what you were just doing?"
Rubbing his chin, he glanced at his wife whose entire face was scarlet, and then back to McGonagall. "It was as you likely suspect." He then continued on while ignoring the squawk from Gwen and the sputters from Minerva. "You see, we were inspecting the broom closet. As Professors here, I felt it our duty to make sure that all was in... ship shape before the students arrive. One must do proper inspections after all."
Albus nodded as Minerva now went red in the face. "Ah, I see. Very good, Professors Wolff. yes, very good indeed, we must be certain that all is in place and well for the students when they arrive tomorrow night, hmm?"
Smugly grinning, the ageless Alchemist chuckled while taking Gwen's hand in his own. "Exactly, Herr Dumbledore. Now, if you'll excuse me... there are many such places that Gwen and I must, ah, inspect and investigate."
With that, he pulled his wife along even as she hissed something at him, only for her to look back at Dumbledore. Then she froze in mortification as the old wizard tapped his chest while giving her a look. Quickly, she did up the buttons in question and vanished while her husband laughed behind her. Pinching her nose, Minerva took a deep breath. "I swear... those two are as bad as some of our students. Or newly weds."
All Dumbledore did was chuckle while the twinkle in his eyes increased.