[Ginzan Fest.] World War 2 Stockpile
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Harry Leferts
Walking along with her boots hitting concrete less than a year old, Jin scratched her chin as she looked around the buildings, "So... this is the 'Industrial Park' for the community?"
Lightly blushing as she looked at the buildings, which were not much larger than a the garage that one would find in a car lot, Shiromizu nodded, "Hai, Senpai." With a gesture, she shrugged a little, "This used to be where the old smelter was for the mines. The soil was contaminated some, but... we're working on that."
Glancing at a pond filled with lilies which she knew would be harvested since their roots would contain contaminates, the undead Mizuchi simply shrugged, "Not saying anything bad about it, Shiro. Honestly? Not really all that bad when you get it all done and over with. And at least you're using the land for something." Turning her head, Jin noted the hills between the area and the mountain, likely slag heaps if the fact that they were being slowly excavated said anything, "So... I remember mention of a velomobile factory here?"
With a nod, Shiromizu pointed towards one building, "Right there as a matter of fact, but it's not the only thing that we have here." Reaching one of the larger buildings, which looked more like a hanger, she looked over her shoulder, "This should interest you, Senpai."
Quickly, the younger Mizuchi tapped in a code before the door unlocked and she opened it with Jin following. The inside was obviously much larger than the outside which made the undead dragon nod, "Space expansion charms, huh? Neat."
Finger below a switch, the younger Mizuchi smiled, "Hai... but that is not what is here." Flicking the switch, she grinned a bit, "And she said... Let there be light!"
Blinking a bit from the bright lights, Jin grumbled slightly, "Seriously, Shiro? I mean, seriously..."
However, she trailed off as she got a good look around her. Not because the room was the size of an aircraft hanger. That was to be expected really when magic was involved. No, it was what was inside the hanger: Vehicles.
Dozens of WWII era IJA vehicles.
Just staring a little, Jin blinked before turning to a smirking Shiromizu, "What the shit?"
Amused at the reaction, Shiromizu began walking forward, "Well... you know about the Reserves, right, Senpai? And what the government is going to do?"
Frowning and glancing at her, the older Mizuchi nodded, "Of course I do, the JNHRO is in with the planning." With a glance around, she noted that none of them were armed vehicles and a large number were half-tracks, "They're going to be using these, aren't they? I can imagine the half-tracks being useful because a lot of reserves have fuck all for roads."
Just nodding as she looked around, Shiromizu nodded, "Hai, some of these will be going to museums, of course. But... others are going to be modified to be used for infrastructure work in the Reserves." She pointed at one which looked like someone took a tank and fitted a triangular blade to the front, "Like the Ho-K Lumberjack vehicle there. They enchanted the edges of the prow with cutting spells to improve the ability to cut down areas of forests. From what they told me, it could cut a path to the most of the Reserves in a matter of hours, especially with some wizards levitating the trunks and cut trees out of the way."
Only shaking her head, Jin frowned as she looked around, "Okay, yeah, makes sense. Less questions about the government buying up and moving vehicles. But where the fuck did you get all these from? I know most of these were destroyed at the end of the war."
Scratching her cheek, the younger of the two frowned, "Well... apparently the magical government placed caches of war material all over Japan in hiding. Not just guns, but also vehicles. From what I heard, they were for use for when the Americans invaded the Home Islands. When Japan surrendered, well... they were just left in place as MACUSA and other magical governments couldn't care much about them. They were No-Maj stuff after all, so..."
As if in pain, Jin pinched her nose, "So in other words, they were just forgotten about or left there because someone thought that if WWIII broke out, they could use them. Until the Abyssals came and the Yokai Militia pulled what they could from storage. That about right, Shiro?" When she nodded, the undead Mizuchi groaned, "Fucking great. How many of these are there?"
In reply, Shiromizu shrugged while frowning, "No one is really sure, Senpai. We only know about the ones that we do from Yokai who remember where they were at. Others..."
Tilting her head back, the older of the two Mizuchi let out a sigh made of poisonous steam, "Just fucking great. We got masses of war material laying around and no one knows where the fuck they are..."
Unsure, Shiromizu coughed and looked back at the floor, "At least we can use the ones we recover to help out the Reserves through construction? There's quite a bit and a number of Yokai remember how to operate and fix them after all. I know that the government likes the idea anyways."
Arms crossed, Jin gave a snort, "Because of fucking course they do. It's practically free for them after all and they get a bunch of old shit that operates effectively for what is pennies." Scratching her chin, she glanced around, "Still, puts some of your people into work, I guess..."
Much to her surprise though, a smirk crossed her Kohai's face, "Yes, and perhaps some more, Senpai. After all, this was not the only reason why I brought you here..."
Intrigued, Jin raised an eyebrow, "Really? Go on..." A few minutes later, Jin had her jaw dropped and was staring in awe at what was in front of her, "Oh... my fucking... God, Shiro. Are... are these really..." Reaching out, she was about to touch the metal before pausing and pulling back slightly, "I..."
Leaning up against her, Shiromizu giggled a bit, "Go ahead, Senpai, you know that you want to... that you really, really want to run your hands all over it, tracing every curve..."
For a moment, the older Mizuchi paused before turning her head, "The fuck, Shiro? That sounded..."
Completely innocent expression on her face, Shiromizu looked away, "What do you mean, Senpai? I just learned to explain and such from you after all~"
Slowly, Jin blinked and rolled her eyes, "Right." Turning back, she proceeded to run her hands over the fuel tank of the motorcycle in front of her, "Still... these are fucking Rikuo motorcycles. Ones with side cars and ones without. Holy Jesus Christ, Shiro! These are fucking amazing! They're basically Harley Davidsons from the 1930s built in Japan and with a few modifications! And you have to have at least three dozen here! And in mint fucking condition!"
Bemused, Shiromizu gave her a smirk, "So you like?" At the look she got, she giggled some before shrugging, "Well? Do you want one?"
Jin's head whipped around that Shiromizu winced at the sound of it literally snapping. For several moments, neither of the two moved before there was a crunch sound as the older of the two fixed her neck up before giving her a grunt, "Look, if that is some kind of joke..."
Eyebrow raising, the younger of the two frowned, "Do you think that I would do that to you, Senpai?"
Neither said anything for several moments, just looking at each other. Finally, though, Jin ran her fingers through her hair before giving an explosive sigh, "Are you sure about this, Shiro? I mean, each of these has to be worth... I don't know, at least a quarter of a million, American?"
Extremely amused, Shiromizu snickered a bit, which drew a look from the other Mizuchi, "There about, Senpai... at least." She gestured with one hand, "Once they're restored, we're going to be selling some. Kind of like we're doing with those cars over there."
With a blink, Jin raised an eyebrow before frowning, "Wait... are those Toyota AA? Multiple ones?!"
Only nodding, the younger of the two hummed, "Hai, they are." Scratching her chin, she snorted, "You do not want to know how much Toyota is paying us for one." That got a wince from Jin, but Shiromizu turned back to the motorcycles, "If you want, though, you can get two. One with and one without the sidecars. Complete with all the spare parts needed."
Chewing her lip, Jin took a few minutes before taking a deep breath, "I'll, uh, think about it."
A smirk on her face, Shiromizu nodded, "Not a problem, Senpai."
Softly snorting, the undead Mizuchi turned towards Shiromizu with a slight frown, "Just wondering, but what about the kid? Harry, I mean, you going to save one of these for him?"
However, Shiromizu shook her head, "Not really, Harry has a number of his own, one was what Tsukiakari was driving after all."
That made Jin pause in thought before she blinked, 'Wait, what?'
Meanwhile, the less experienced Mizuchi continued, "And he's got more variety, though..." Pausing for a moment, Shiromizu had a thoughtful look on her face, "Harry did mention that he was giving one of the WWII German motorcycles with a side car to Hanna for a birthday/launchday present. And maybe another one of the German motorcycles to someone named Ehren as a gift since their families were old friends."
Confused somewhat, Jin frowned a little, "Okay..." Then, shaking her head, she turned towards Shiromizu, "So, what else did you have to show me?"
Fifteen minutes later found her standing in a warehouse close to the railroad tracks with one track entering the building. Obviously, it was to care for the actual train for repairs and such to get it out of the weather and elements as needed. There was even enough room for a number of the cabins.
But what caused her to raise an eyebrow was the sight of a blue coloured train engine that sat off to one side, "Okay, Shiro? Is that a second train?"
With a happy hum, Shiromizu walked over to it, "Hai, it is, Senpai. This one was just built this year, however."
Jin blinked at that and raised an eyebrow still further, "It was just built this year? Seriously?" At the nod, she frowned, "Isn't it a steam locomotive?"
Only nodding, Shiromizu smiled, "Hai, it is as a matter of fact. But... we have a few locomotive aficionados and they built it to an old design but with some modern technology added and using commercially available parts rather than make it all by hand. Instead of coal, it uses fuel oil for instance." Gently patting it, she gave a nod, "We're going to run it from the station here to the nearest national one so people can travel back and forth via train. Supposedly it will give the trip a bit more of a wonder bent and even have some train cars for it." The Mizuchi shrugged a little bit, "They'll have slightly expanded insides and cushioning charms."
Considering that, her Senpai tilted her head in thought, "Hmm... won't that be a bit of an issue? You'll have to build the tracks the whole way to the nearest train station."
Much to her surprise, Shiromizu shook her head, "We've checked and the old rail bed is still there almost the entire way. And what damage there was due to decades of not being used we repaired... all that is needed is the track and the last bit, which the government doesn't mind helping with."
Slowly, Jin nodded as she considered that and the train in front of her in deep thought.
Leaning back in the train chair, Boku smirked a bit as he looked over at his fellow male pilots before rolling his eyes, "Come on, Kudzu, relax a little."
Only raising an eyebrow, Kudzu frowned a little, "I am relaxing, Boku." Crossing his arms, he shook his head with a sigh, "What worries me, however, is that you chose this."
Blinking for a moment, the other pilot frowned, "Hey, wait a moment!" Boku then pointed his finger at his friend, "What the hell is that supposed to mean, Kudzu?!'
In return, said pilot only gave him a look, "You know what it is supposed to mean, Boku." Shifting a bit, Kudzu snorted, "How many times do we get into trouble? How many?"
Kero raised a finger to give the point and shrugs, "He does have a point, Boku. You know your reputation."
Facepalming, Boku groaned a little bit, "Not you too." At the snorts from each of the other three male pilots, he grunted a little, "Look, it's nothing bad at all, just something that I picked up from a brochure at the main festival. And it is in one of the smaller villages as well, so nothing will happen."
Just giving him a look, Taikomachi sighed, "And there we go, he just had to taunt Murphy." Poking his fellow pilot, he muttered a bit, "When something happens because of that, and it will, I am blaming you for it."
Upon hearing that, the other pilots gave a nod of agreement, which made Boku scowl, "You all fucking suck."
Not long after, they left the train and entered a small village. Looking around, Kudzu raised an eyebrow, "What is this place anyways?"
Brochure open in front of him, Boku frowned a bit as he noticed a few cats, "It's one of the abandoned villages around the mountain. Apparently closed down back in the 1980s or so... Well, that is what everyone thought outside of the mountain. It's inhabited almost entirely by cat Yokai now, especially Nekomata. According to the booklet I read though, there's a Kyuubi who also lives here and looks after the various cats."
Eyebrow raised, Taikomachi blinked at that, "Seriously?"
Looking over Boku's shoulder, Kero nodded, "Hai, it says so right there actually. Huh..."
With a glance at him, Kudzu frowned, "What?"
Just waving his hand in the air, Kero shrugged, "Kyuubi, nine tailed Kitsune. You know that one we met at the beach party? Hoshi-San? Not to mention Chiyo-San?" At their nods, he continued as they froze, "Well, want to bet that she's hot as hell?"
For a few moments, no one did anything. Then, reaching up, Taikomachi smacked him upside the head, "Stop that."
Grumbling, the pilot in question rubbed the back of his head, "Just saying..."
Meanwhile, Boku gave a shrug, "Anyways... apparently she took in the various cats to protect them from Kuroshi's predations and such. And when she was killed, they simply took over and fixed up the village. They see her as a mother." Pausing for a moment, he frowned in thought, "Does that make her a MILF-OW!"
Taikomachi pulled back his hand with a sigh, "I swear you two..." Just a few moments later, he gave Boku a look with the other three, "A cafe... are you shitting me."
A grin on his face, Boku laughed, "Trust me guys, this will be great." Walking inside, he hummed some as he was followed by the other three, only to freeze alongside them, "Whoa..."
Due to, mainly, the fact there were a number of waitresses who were all cat girls.
Some were in maid outfits, others in Chinese style dresses, one or two were even in schoolgirl uniforms. Under his breath, Kudzu muttered a bit, "Fucking hell... the Otaku are going to go fucking nuts here, I just know it."
Bouncing up to them, one Nekomata with purple hair and a Chinese dress grinned, "Nyaho~ Welcome to the Mountain Cat Cafe! I'm Biyori! Would you like to be seated?"
Scratching the back of his neck as he tried not to look at anything below the neck, especially not her legs which were on full display... 'Though they are really nice, she must work out and-' Giving himself a mental slap, Taikomachi smiled, "Sure, if you don't mind."
Out of the corner of his mind though, he noted that one or two catboys were walking around as well.
It was then though that he noticed that everyone had gone quiet and several of the female Nekomata were looking at his uniform. Clearing her throat, Biyori gave him a look that for some reason sent a shiver down his back, "That... uniform, that is the JASDF uniform, is it not?"
Unsure, Kero looked at his friends, "Hai? I mean, we are pilots after all?"
At that, one of the other female Nekomata sided up to him, "Pilots you say... not the Abyss Divers?"
Blinking, Boku grinned a bit, "That's us, alright." Right then, he felt something primal, a feeling of danger, "Er..."
That feeling was not just him, either as the other three pilots could feel it as well. As if there was a great danger, like they were mice who had stumbled into a warehouse filled with very hungry cats. It was not helped by how all the cats had these odd grins on their faces and her narrowed their eyes. Kudzu noticed that some of them had their tails twitching as well for some reason, which made him very, very nervous indeed, "Ah-heh... h-hey, I'm just going to go outside and give a quick text, right guys?"
However, before he could get far, one of the Nekomata in a maid outfit grasped his arm and gave him a grin, "But Master? Don't you wish for a drink first? I am willing to serve a hero who helped defeat Kuroshi's Monster by myself..." One clawed finger trailing along his shirt, she looked up at him, "However you might wish~"
Laughing a little unsure, Kudzu glanced around and took another step, "W-well, I'll be right back and-"
Right then, he bumped into something and looked behind him to find a blonde Kitsune smiling at him, "Now, now, perhaps you should partake of our hospitality first..." Biting her finger, she gave him a look up and down, "Mmm?"
Up on the top of the mountain, Gyaru blinked and looked up from where she was watching some Tengu duel in the air, "Hey, Ai? You feel like the guys did something that put them in trouble, somehow?"
Tired expression on her face, Ai gave her a look, "Ever since they went off by themselves, yes."
For several moments, the two women considered that, the kind of thing that usually happened, and then shrugged, "Not our problem."
With that, they turned back to the show being put on by the Tengu, even as Asuka cheered.
Walking along with her boots hitting concrete less than a year old, Jin scratched her chin as she looked around the buildings, "So... this is the 'Industrial Park' for the community?"
Lightly blushing as she looked at the buildings, which were not much larger than a the garage that one would find in a car lot, Shiromizu nodded, "Hai, Senpai." With a gesture, she shrugged a little, "This used to be where the old smelter was for the mines. The soil was contaminated some, but... we're working on that."
Glancing at a pond filled with lilies which she knew would be harvested since their roots would contain contaminates, the undead Mizuchi simply shrugged, "Not saying anything bad about it, Shiro. Honestly? Not really all that bad when you get it all done and over with. And at least you're using the land for something." Turning her head, Jin noted the hills between the area and the mountain, likely slag heaps if the fact that they were being slowly excavated said anything, "So... I remember mention of a velomobile factory here?"
With a nod, Shiromizu pointed towards one building, "Right there as a matter of fact, but it's not the only thing that we have here." Reaching one of the larger buildings, which looked more like a hanger, she looked over her shoulder, "This should interest you, Senpai."
Quickly, the younger Mizuchi tapped in a code before the door unlocked and she opened it with Jin following. The inside was obviously much larger than the outside which made the undead dragon nod, "Space expansion charms, huh? Neat."
Finger below a switch, the younger Mizuchi smiled, "Hai... but that is not what is here." Flicking the switch, she grinned a bit, "And she said... Let there be light!"
Blinking a bit from the bright lights, Jin grumbled slightly, "Seriously, Shiro? I mean, seriously..."
However, she trailed off as she got a good look around her. Not because the room was the size of an aircraft hanger. That was to be expected really when magic was involved. No, it was what was inside the hanger: Vehicles.
Dozens of WWII era IJA vehicles.
Just staring a little, Jin blinked before turning to a smirking Shiromizu, "What the shit?"
Amused at the reaction, Shiromizu began walking forward, "Well... you know about the Reserves, right, Senpai? And what the government is going to do?"
Frowning and glancing at her, the older Mizuchi nodded, "Of course I do, the JNHRO is in with the planning." With a glance around, she noted that none of them were armed vehicles and a large number were half-tracks, "They're going to be using these, aren't they? I can imagine the half-tracks being useful because a lot of reserves have fuck all for roads."
Just nodding as she looked around, Shiromizu nodded, "Hai, some of these will be going to museums, of course. But... others are going to be modified to be used for infrastructure work in the Reserves." She pointed at one which looked like someone took a tank and fitted a triangular blade to the front, "Like the Ho-K Lumberjack vehicle there. They enchanted the edges of the prow with cutting spells to improve the ability to cut down areas of forests. From what they told me, it could cut a path to the most of the Reserves in a matter of hours, especially with some wizards levitating the trunks and cut trees out of the way."
Only shaking her head, Jin frowned as she looked around, "Okay, yeah, makes sense. Less questions about the government buying up and moving vehicles. But where the fuck did you get all these from? I know most of these were destroyed at the end of the war."
Scratching her cheek, the younger of the two frowned, "Well... apparently the magical government placed caches of war material all over Japan in hiding. Not just guns, but also vehicles. From what I heard, they were for use for when the Americans invaded the Home Islands. When Japan surrendered, well... they were just left in place as MACUSA and other magical governments couldn't care much about them. They were No-Maj stuff after all, so..."
As if in pain, Jin pinched her nose, "So in other words, they were just forgotten about or left there because someone thought that if WWIII broke out, they could use them. Until the Abyssals came and the Yokai Militia pulled what they could from storage. That about right, Shiro?" When she nodded, the undead Mizuchi groaned, "Fucking great. How many of these are there?"
In reply, Shiromizu shrugged while frowning, "No one is really sure, Senpai. We only know about the ones that we do from Yokai who remember where they were at. Others..."
Tilting her head back, the older of the two Mizuchi let out a sigh made of poisonous steam, "Just fucking great. We got masses of war material laying around and no one knows where the fuck they are..."
Unsure, Shiromizu coughed and looked back at the floor, "At least we can use the ones we recover to help out the Reserves through construction? There's quite a bit and a number of Yokai remember how to operate and fix them after all. I know that the government likes the idea anyways."
Arms crossed, Jin gave a snort, "Because of fucking course they do. It's practically free for them after all and they get a bunch of old shit that operates effectively for what is pennies." Scratching her chin, she glanced around, "Still, puts some of your people into work, I guess..."
Much to her surprise though, a smirk crossed her Kohai's face, "Yes, and perhaps some more, Senpai. After all, this was not the only reason why I brought you here..."
Intrigued, Jin raised an eyebrow, "Really? Go on..." A few minutes later, Jin had her jaw dropped and was staring in awe at what was in front of her, "Oh... my fucking... God, Shiro. Are... are these really..." Reaching out, she was about to touch the metal before pausing and pulling back slightly, "I..."
Leaning up against her, Shiromizu giggled a bit, "Go ahead, Senpai, you know that you want to... that you really, really want to run your hands all over it, tracing every curve..."
For a moment, the older Mizuchi paused before turning her head, "The fuck, Shiro? That sounded..."
Completely innocent expression on her face, Shiromizu looked away, "What do you mean, Senpai? I just learned to explain and such from you after all~"
Slowly, Jin blinked and rolled her eyes, "Right." Turning back, she proceeded to run her hands over the fuel tank of the motorcycle in front of her, "Still... these are fucking Rikuo motorcycles. Ones with side cars and ones without. Holy Jesus Christ, Shiro! These are fucking amazing! They're basically Harley Davidsons from the 1930s built in Japan and with a few modifications! And you have to have at least three dozen here! And in mint fucking condition!"
Bemused, Shiromizu gave her a smirk, "So you like?" At the look she got, she giggled some before shrugging, "Well? Do you want one?"
Jin's head whipped around that Shiromizu winced at the sound of it literally snapping. For several moments, neither of the two moved before there was a crunch sound as the older of the two fixed her neck up before giving her a grunt, "Look, if that is some kind of joke..."
Eyebrow raising, the younger of the two frowned, "Do you think that I would do that to you, Senpai?"
Neither said anything for several moments, just looking at each other. Finally, though, Jin ran her fingers through her hair before giving an explosive sigh, "Are you sure about this, Shiro? I mean, each of these has to be worth... I don't know, at least a quarter of a million, American?"
Extremely amused, Shiromizu snickered a bit, which drew a look from the other Mizuchi, "There about, Senpai... at least." She gestured with one hand, "Once they're restored, we're going to be selling some. Kind of like we're doing with those cars over there."
With a blink, Jin raised an eyebrow before frowning, "Wait... are those Toyota AA? Multiple ones?!"
Only nodding, the younger of the two hummed, "Hai, they are." Scratching her chin, she snorted, "You do not want to know how much Toyota is paying us for one." That got a wince from Jin, but Shiromizu turned back to the motorcycles, "If you want, though, you can get two. One with and one without the sidecars. Complete with all the spare parts needed."
Chewing her lip, Jin took a few minutes before taking a deep breath, "I'll, uh, think about it."
A smirk on her face, Shiromizu nodded, "Not a problem, Senpai."
Softly snorting, the undead Mizuchi turned towards Shiromizu with a slight frown, "Just wondering, but what about the kid? Harry, I mean, you going to save one of these for him?"
However, Shiromizu shook her head, "Not really, Harry has a number of his own, one was what Tsukiakari was driving after all."
That made Jin pause in thought before she blinked, 'Wait, what?'
Meanwhile, the less experienced Mizuchi continued, "And he's got more variety, though..." Pausing for a moment, Shiromizu had a thoughtful look on her face, "Harry did mention that he was giving one of the WWII German motorcycles with a side car to Hanna for a birthday/launchday present. And maybe another one of the German motorcycles to someone named Ehren as a gift since their families were old friends."
Confused somewhat, Jin frowned a little, "Okay..." Then, shaking her head, she turned towards Shiromizu, "So, what else did you have to show me?"
Fifteen minutes later found her standing in a warehouse close to the railroad tracks with one track entering the building. Obviously, it was to care for the actual train for repairs and such to get it out of the weather and elements as needed. There was even enough room for a number of the cabins.
But what caused her to raise an eyebrow was the sight of a blue coloured train engine that sat off to one side, "Okay, Shiro? Is that a second train?"
With a happy hum, Shiromizu walked over to it, "Hai, it is, Senpai. This one was just built this year, however."
Jin blinked at that and raised an eyebrow still further, "It was just built this year? Seriously?" At the nod, she frowned, "Isn't it a steam locomotive?"
Only nodding, Shiromizu smiled, "Hai, it is as a matter of fact. But... we have a few locomotive aficionados and they built it to an old design but with some modern technology added and using commercially available parts rather than make it all by hand. Instead of coal, it uses fuel oil for instance." Gently patting it, she gave a nod, "We're going to run it from the station here to the nearest national one so people can travel back and forth via train. Supposedly it will give the trip a bit more of a wonder bent and even have some train cars for it." The Mizuchi shrugged a little bit, "They'll have slightly expanded insides and cushioning charms."
Considering that, her Senpai tilted her head in thought, "Hmm... won't that be a bit of an issue? You'll have to build the tracks the whole way to the nearest train station."
Much to her surprise, Shiromizu shook her head, "We've checked and the old rail bed is still there almost the entire way. And what damage there was due to decades of not being used we repaired... all that is needed is the track and the last bit, which the government doesn't mind helping with."
Slowly, Jin nodded as she considered that and the train in front of her in deep thought.
Leaning back in the train chair, Boku smirked a bit as he looked over at his fellow male pilots before rolling his eyes, "Come on, Kudzu, relax a little."
Only raising an eyebrow, Kudzu frowned a little, "I am relaxing, Boku." Crossing his arms, he shook his head with a sigh, "What worries me, however, is that you chose this."
Blinking for a moment, the other pilot frowned, "Hey, wait a moment!" Boku then pointed his finger at his friend, "What the hell is that supposed to mean, Kudzu?!'
In return, said pilot only gave him a look, "You know what it is supposed to mean, Boku." Shifting a bit, Kudzu snorted, "How many times do we get into trouble? How many?"
Kero raised a finger to give the point and shrugs, "He does have a point, Boku. You know your reputation."
Facepalming, Boku groaned a little bit, "Not you too." At the snorts from each of the other three male pilots, he grunted a little, "Look, it's nothing bad at all, just something that I picked up from a brochure at the main festival. And it is in one of the smaller villages as well, so nothing will happen."
Just giving him a look, Taikomachi sighed, "And there we go, he just had to taunt Murphy." Poking his fellow pilot, he muttered a bit, "When something happens because of that, and it will, I am blaming you for it."
Upon hearing that, the other pilots gave a nod of agreement, which made Boku scowl, "You all fucking suck."
Not long after, they left the train and entered a small village. Looking around, Kudzu raised an eyebrow, "What is this place anyways?"
Brochure open in front of him, Boku frowned a bit as he noticed a few cats, "It's one of the abandoned villages around the mountain. Apparently closed down back in the 1980s or so... Well, that is what everyone thought outside of the mountain. It's inhabited almost entirely by cat Yokai now, especially Nekomata. According to the booklet I read though, there's a Kyuubi who also lives here and looks after the various cats."
Eyebrow raised, Taikomachi blinked at that, "Seriously?"
Looking over Boku's shoulder, Kero nodded, "Hai, it says so right there actually. Huh..."
With a glance at him, Kudzu frowned, "What?"
Just waving his hand in the air, Kero shrugged, "Kyuubi, nine tailed Kitsune. You know that one we met at the beach party? Hoshi-San? Not to mention Chiyo-San?" At their nods, he continued as they froze, "Well, want to bet that she's hot as hell?"
For a few moments, no one did anything. Then, reaching up, Taikomachi smacked him upside the head, "Stop that."
Grumbling, the pilot in question rubbed the back of his head, "Just saying..."
Meanwhile, Boku gave a shrug, "Anyways... apparently she took in the various cats to protect them from Kuroshi's predations and such. And when she was killed, they simply took over and fixed up the village. They see her as a mother." Pausing for a moment, he frowned in thought, "Does that make her a MILF-OW!"
Taikomachi pulled back his hand with a sigh, "I swear you two..." Just a few moments later, he gave Boku a look with the other three, "A cafe... are you shitting me."
A grin on his face, Boku laughed, "Trust me guys, this will be great." Walking inside, he hummed some as he was followed by the other three, only to freeze alongside them, "Whoa..."
Due to, mainly, the fact there were a number of waitresses who were all cat girls.
Some were in maid outfits, others in Chinese style dresses, one or two were even in schoolgirl uniforms. Under his breath, Kudzu muttered a bit, "Fucking hell... the Otaku are going to go fucking nuts here, I just know it."
Bouncing up to them, one Nekomata with purple hair and a Chinese dress grinned, "Nyaho~ Welcome to the Mountain Cat Cafe! I'm Biyori! Would you like to be seated?"
Scratching the back of his neck as he tried not to look at anything below the neck, especially not her legs which were on full display... 'Though they are really nice, she must work out and-' Giving himself a mental slap, Taikomachi smiled, "Sure, if you don't mind."
Out of the corner of his mind though, he noted that one or two catboys were walking around as well.
It was then though that he noticed that everyone had gone quiet and several of the female Nekomata were looking at his uniform. Clearing her throat, Biyori gave him a look that for some reason sent a shiver down his back, "That... uniform, that is the JASDF uniform, is it not?"
Unsure, Kero looked at his friends, "Hai? I mean, we are pilots after all?"
At that, one of the other female Nekomata sided up to him, "Pilots you say... not the Abyss Divers?"
Blinking, Boku grinned a bit, "That's us, alright." Right then, he felt something primal, a feeling of danger, "Er..."
That feeling was not just him, either as the other three pilots could feel it as well. As if there was a great danger, like they were mice who had stumbled into a warehouse filled with very hungry cats. It was not helped by how all the cats had these odd grins on their faces and her narrowed their eyes. Kudzu noticed that some of them had their tails twitching as well for some reason, which made him very, very nervous indeed, "Ah-heh... h-hey, I'm just going to go outside and give a quick text, right guys?"
However, before he could get far, one of the Nekomata in a maid outfit grasped his arm and gave him a grin, "But Master? Don't you wish for a drink first? I am willing to serve a hero who helped defeat Kuroshi's Monster by myself..." One clawed finger trailing along his shirt, she looked up at him, "However you might wish~"
Laughing a little unsure, Kudzu glanced around and took another step, "W-well, I'll be right back and-"
Right then, he bumped into something and looked behind him to find a blonde Kitsune smiling at him, "Now, now, perhaps you should partake of our hospitality first..." Biting her finger, she gave him a look up and down, "Mmm?"
Up on the top of the mountain, Gyaru blinked and looked up from where she was watching some Tengu duel in the air, "Hey, Ai? You feel like the guys did something that put them in trouble, somehow?"
Tired expression on her face, Ai gave her a look, "Ever since they went off by themselves, yes."
For several moments, the two women considered that, the kind of thing that usually happened, and then shrugged, "Not our problem."
With that, they turned back to the show being put on by the Tengu, even as Asuka cheered.