Doujigiri-San - researching history
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People, I bring you the next adventure of Not!Raikou, Doujigiri-San in person/sword.
3 August 2014
18:30 Tokio National Museum, Director's Office.
"Thank you Director for letting me use the computer for selfish reasons." Douji said bowing to the man that was the Museum Director.
"No worries Douji-San" said the Director playing the matter down. "This is the first time in all my years here that you asked to use the computer, I believed you didn't want to use any tecnology outside of the present at the museum."
"And this was my thought, but some friends taught me that I need to know some things before I return to defend Japan again and I was pointed at the internet to research knowledge."
She fixated the view in nowhere as she thought back about what happened seventy years ago "I agree that I gave too much credit to the bloated reports the military gave us during WWII, and when they finally told us we were losing I warned Kotegiri, but she assured me that we would win." she sighed, but then she put a disgusted face as she remembered someone. "But even then we didn't see the damn serpent that whispered in our ears." said Douji clenching her fist.
Knowing that she has referring Kamo, he said "And this was one of the reasons you retired to be a guide in this museum, to live an austere life here."
Douji smiled as she answered the implied question."Yes I did, but a recent discovery taught me that there are some things lingering still and my inactivity may have hurt someone, and after sometime thinking about it I resolved to make amends."
She sat in the desk chair and spread her notes about how to use the computer and internet, she would need them until she was more comfortable with it. Glancing to her notes before leaving, the Director saw something strange that catched his eye. "If I may ask before I leave, do you plan to visit this page?" he asked pointing at a certain written link.
Seeing his face, Douji answered. "I... think? The Sword of Corruption recommended me this link for research purposes. But I suppose it isn't true because the face you have now."
Scratching his cheek, he said "Well..., in a way it's true" he sighed "But I don't think it's for what you want, you see..."
After his explaining, a blushing Doujigiri only had one thing to say "Dammit Akutoku! I smelled something fishy about it, but not this!"
"Considering we are talking about the Sword of Corruption, it's no wonder she gave you that link" assured the Director, and viewing the time he bid goodbye. "I'm sorry but I have to leave, my family is waiting for me."
"It can't be helped, the fault is mine for believing that Akutoku wouldn't use this as a means to get back at me for the last time we battled." Not taking more of his time, Douji waited until the Director left and began to practice with the PC, slowly as she wanted to make no mistakes and learn the maximum possible for future uses.
As she noted the basics weren't difficult, and with each trial and error she learned some shortcuts and the like; after a game of minesweeper, witch she found entertaining, she began to browse the internet, navigating through pages, and stopped in a gameplay of Nobunaga's Ambition in Youtube, which she viewed as she remembered some things.
Her time in Nobunaga's possesion was short, but someone with a character as strong as him left its mark in everyone that passed some time with him, but he gifted her to his general Toyotomi Hideyoshi while Oda kept Kotegiri for himself, and they began the unifying of Japan. In 1582 while they were fighting the Mori she and Hideyoshi learned of the Honno-ji incident; After a quick truce and later peace with the Mori clan, they marched quickly toward Kyoto.
Enraged, she contacted Kotegiri to inform her in the case she didn't know already, and the reply arrived when they reached Osaka; between other things Kote told her that even if Douji wanted to kill the traitor she has to capture him alive, as the 'honor' of killing him had to be hers; agreeing with Kote at the battle of Yamazaki she went directly to the traitor's fortress, slaying anything that hindered her progress as she only had one goal, reach Mitsuhide and 'play' with him until Kotegiri came; but he was killed by bandits in his escape from the losing battle.
The only thing that Douji could give to Kotegiri were the bandits that killed Mitsuhide, pleading to Nobunaga's sword to kill them, as Douji used her electric powers to convince them that it was a bad idea to kill the object of their rage, thing that Douji regretted a bit once cooled down.
Luckily for Kote she got a second chance to correct that mistake, Douji's only regret was not been there to see him die by Kote's steel.
Thinking back, Kote was the first 'modern' sword that she acknowledged to have reached her power level as the sucesives sparrings at the service of Japan demonstrated, later joined by Kote's sisters.
'Enough reminiscence of the past, let's get to bunisses' thought Douji as th gameplay finished. She prepared herself for the task for what she learnt to use the PC and internet. 'First I'll research how is posted the history of Japan and after that I will see the history of Europe'.
Time passed as she read about the history of her country in the internet, seeing some mistakes but otherwise fairly accurate, so she passed to the european one. As the night turned to day she finished with the history of Europe prior to WWI. It was very brief, but it gave her some idea about the background that they were prior to 'The war to end all wars'. She didn't have the need to sleep if the situation required it, and today the museum wouldn't open, so she continued until around noon she reached the present day.
Now that she had the general idea about what happened in Europe at the surface, so now she felt ready to open what she sensed it was a can of worms; Germany's history after WW1.
As she began to read, she found a nation struck with many issues after the war, and how they tried to reach a normal status between their neighbours, and when they achieved it the Great Depression knocked them out, following the entire word example. No wonder why a charismatic new party raised in power with promises to bring them back to their old place in the world as a Great Power.
'Hmm, their symbol is the same Ehren had in her hilt, so they are related somehow.'
As she researched about the Nazis, only disgust came from what she found, but that wasn't all.
As she clicked at the 'Final Solution' a feeling of uncleaniness began to creep under her skin, and she became livid at the atrocities they had performed.
"How could we ally with these p.. no, these animals? Those in the know aren't worthy to be called people." She said fighting the urge to vomit at some photos of the Auschwitz camp. "The main perpetrators of this abobination were the Schutzstaffel or SS more commonly know." she then clicked at their main page.
In this page she found was what she was looking for. "So the SS motto is Meine Ehre heißt Treue, that means oh no..."
My honor is called loyalty.
Loyalty to those monsters.
Ehren was an SS dagger.
"Oh kami, what have I done?" she screamed as the implications of this revelation hit her, hands covering up her sorrowful eyes as she cried.
I hope it is of your liking, as always thoughts and comments will be welcomed and appreciated.
People, I bring you the next adventure of Not!Raikou, Doujigiri-San in person/sword.
3 August 2014
18:30 Tokio National Museum, Director's Office.
"Thank you Director for letting me use the computer for selfish reasons." Douji said bowing to the man that was the Museum Director.
"No worries Douji-San" said the Director playing the matter down. "This is the first time in all my years here that you asked to use the computer, I believed you didn't want to use any tecnology outside of the present at the museum."
"And this was my thought, but some friends taught me that I need to know some things before I return to defend Japan again and I was pointed at the internet to research knowledge."
She fixated the view in nowhere as she thought back about what happened seventy years ago "I agree that I gave too much credit to the bloated reports the military gave us during WWII, and when they finally told us we were losing I warned Kotegiri, but she assured me that we would win." she sighed, but then she put a disgusted face as she remembered someone. "But even then we didn't see the damn serpent that whispered in our ears." said Douji clenching her fist.
Knowing that she has referring Kamo, he said "And this was one of the reasons you retired to be a guide in this museum, to live an austere life here."
Douji smiled as she answered the implied question."Yes I did, but a recent discovery taught me that there are some things lingering still and my inactivity may have hurt someone, and after sometime thinking about it I resolved to make amends."
She sat in the desk chair and spread her notes about how to use the computer and internet, she would need them until she was more comfortable with it. Glancing to her notes before leaving, the Director saw something strange that catched his eye. "If I may ask before I leave, do you plan to visit this page?" he asked pointing at a certain written link.
Seeing his face, Douji answered. "I... think? The Sword of Corruption recommended me this link for research purposes. But I suppose it isn't true because the face you have now."
Scratching his cheek, he said "Well..., in a way it's true" he sighed "But I don't think it's for what you want, you see..."
After his explaining, a blushing Doujigiri only had one thing to say "Dammit Akutoku! I smelled something fishy about it, but not this!"
"Considering we are talking about the Sword of Corruption, it's no wonder she gave you that link" assured the Director, and viewing the time he bid goodbye. "I'm sorry but I have to leave, my family is waiting for me."
"It can't be helped, the fault is mine for believing that Akutoku wouldn't use this as a means to get back at me for the last time we battled." Not taking more of his time, Douji waited until the Director left and began to practice with the PC, slowly as she wanted to make no mistakes and learn the maximum possible for future uses.
As she noted the basics weren't difficult, and with each trial and error she learned some shortcuts and the like; after a game of minesweeper, witch she found entertaining, she began to browse the internet, navigating through pages, and stopped in a gameplay of Nobunaga's Ambition in Youtube, which she viewed as she remembered some things.
Her time in Nobunaga's possesion was short, but someone with a character as strong as him left its mark in everyone that passed some time with him, but he gifted her to his general Toyotomi Hideyoshi while Oda kept Kotegiri for himself, and they began the unifying of Japan. In 1582 while they were fighting the Mori she and Hideyoshi learned of the Honno-ji incident; After a quick truce and later peace with the Mori clan, they marched quickly toward Kyoto.
Enraged, she contacted Kotegiri to inform her in the case she didn't know already, and the reply arrived when they reached Osaka; between other things Kote told her that even if Douji wanted to kill the traitor she has to capture him alive, as the 'honor' of killing him had to be hers; agreeing with Kote at the battle of Yamazaki she went directly to the traitor's fortress, slaying anything that hindered her progress as she only had one goal, reach Mitsuhide and 'play' with him until Kotegiri came; but he was killed by bandits in his escape from the losing battle.
The only thing that Douji could give to Kotegiri were the bandits that killed Mitsuhide, pleading to Nobunaga's sword to kill them, as Douji used her electric powers to convince them that it was a bad idea to kill the object of their rage, thing that Douji regretted a bit once cooled down.
Luckily for Kote she got a second chance to correct that mistake, Douji's only regret was not been there to see him die by Kote's steel.
Thinking back, Kote was the first 'modern' sword that she acknowledged to have reached her power level as the sucesives sparrings at the service of Japan demonstrated, later joined by Kote's sisters.
'Enough reminiscence of the past, let's get to bunisses' thought Douji as th gameplay finished. She prepared herself for the task for what she learnt to use the PC and internet. 'First I'll research how is posted the history of Japan and after that I will see the history of Europe'.
Time passed as she read about the history of her country in the internet, seeing some mistakes but otherwise fairly accurate, so she passed to the european one. As the night turned to day she finished with the history of Europe prior to WWI. It was very brief, but it gave her some idea about the background that they were prior to 'The war to end all wars'. She didn't have the need to sleep if the situation required it, and today the museum wouldn't open, so she continued until around noon she reached the present day.
Now that she had the general idea about what happened in Europe at the surface, so now she felt ready to open what she sensed it was a can of worms; Germany's history after WW1.
As she began to read, she found a nation struck with many issues after the war, and how they tried to reach a normal status between their neighbours, and when they achieved it the Great Depression knocked them out, following the entire word example. No wonder why a charismatic new party raised in power with promises to bring them back to their old place in the world as a Great Power.
'Hmm, their symbol is the same Ehren had in her hilt, so they are related somehow.'
As she researched about the Nazis, only disgust came from what she found, but that wasn't all.
As she clicked at the 'Final Solution' a feeling of uncleaniness began to creep under her skin, and she became livid at the atrocities they had performed.
"How could we ally with these p.. no, these animals? Those in the know aren't worthy to be called people." She said fighting the urge to vomit at some photos of the Auschwitz camp. "The main perpetrators of this abobination were the Schutzstaffel or SS more commonly know." she then clicked at their main page.
In this page she found was what she was looking for. "So the SS motto is Meine Ehre heißt Treue, that means oh no..."
My honor is called loyalty.
Loyalty to those monsters.
Ehren was an SS dagger.
"Oh kami, what have I done?" she screamed as the implications of this revelation hit her, hands covering up her sorrowful eyes as she cried.
I hope it is of your liking, as always thoughts and comments will be welcomed and appreciated.