[Gion Matsuri] Chloroform backfire
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Harry Leferts
As they walked away from Kokaji's workshop, Harry spared a glance back for a moment before humming. Taking his hand in hers as well as hooking their arms together, Sakura frowned a little, "Is something wrong, Harry-Chan?"
Blinking, the teenage boy looked at her, "Wrong?"
Sakura gave a small nod as she frowned a little, "You were staring at the workshop for some reason. We were just wondering why.'
Lightly chuckling, Harry gave her hand a squeeze before he shook his head, "Not wrong, just thinking about what happened just now and wondering if he'll make a sword for Ayase-Chan. He did ask a number of questions about her." Frowning, Harry tilted his head a little, "Though... it makes sense that he wouldn't want just anyone to wield one of his swords. But still, Ayase-Chan is that, worthy of such a sword, I mean."
Thoughtful herself now, Ume gave a hum of her own before nodding, "It may be just a feeling, but I think that he will. And you are right, Ayase-Chan does deserve such a thing after all."
Giving her hand a squeeze, the nearly fourteen year old chuckled a little, "True enough."
Moments later, Sakura glanced at her sister before humming, "Hmm... by the way, Harry-Chan?" When he turned to her, she continued, "Did something happen the other day back in Yokosuka involving Hoppou-San? Because we heard something happened and there was quite a number of police there."
At that, Harry winced, "Um, hai, something happened alright." Grimacing, he gave a snort, "There's been reports of a pervert in the area trying to lure children into his van with promises of candy..."
Needless to say, both girls blinked, "What?"
With a sigh, Harry had an odd expression, "Um, well... Hoppou decided to go for a walk with Natsumi-Chan's Imoutos, Asuka and Rei, along with Seiko and they were in a park just off the base..."
Hearing something come to a stop as they walked along the sidewalk, Hoppou blinked and turned away from her conversation with Rei to find that a van had come to a stop beside them. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal an unkept man with clothing askew and a grin on his face, "Hey there, kids... want some candy?" He held up a bag of said candy that all the four children's eyes drifted to as he shook it, "Just come on in and I'll give you some..."
For several moments, all four girls blinked slowly as they took in what was happening. Cocking her head to the side, Hoppou frowned a little, "Um, Asuka-Chan? Rei-Chan?"
Both Kits turned to her and spoke as one, "Hai, Hoppou-Chan?"
The Abyssal slowly raised her finger and pointed at the man who was looking between them with a hungry expression, "Hoppou is wondering if this is really happening?"
Cocking their heads to the side, Asuka answered for them both, "Hai, it is happening."
Seiko frowned a little and furrowed her eyebrows, "There's really a guy here using a van and offering candy? But I thought that was just a meme."
Beside her, Hoppou gave a nod, "Hoppou thought so too, Seiko. Actually, Hoppou thought that such a thing was so stereotypical that it would not happen because it was too silly."
Her new little sister nodded, "And stupid."
Arms crossed, Rei frowned, "Hai, this is pretty silly and stupid. I mean, really? Someone pulls up in a van offering candy? Sounds like something from a cartoon and not real life."
Frowning as well, Asuka mirrored her sister, "Or a really badly written story."
While the girls each chimed in about how stupid the whole thing looked, the man's eyebrows began to twitch and he shook some before growling as his hands shot out, "Screw this!"
Grabbing Hoppou and Rei with one hand, and Asuka and Seiko with the other, he pulled them into the van and slammed the door shut even as a nearby officer noticed and began running from the other side of the park. Moments later, Hoppou's voice drifted from the van, "Hoppou doesn't like meanies who want to hurt children."
Not even a second later, the man's voice drifted out, "What are you-OHGODNO!" The Officer slowed as the man attempted to leap out, only for a pale, mittened hand to grab him and pull him back into the van as he screamed before the door shut, "NO! PLEASE NOOO! OGLBAHGEAHEHG!"
Even as he reached it, the Officer just stared as the van shook back and forth on its suspension as a bone chilling scream came from inside along with other sounds, including one that sounded oddly like a pig squealing. Calling for backup, he approached the can, only for the door to open and the four girls to hop out. Meeting the Officer's eyes, Hoppou unwrapped a lollipop and put it into her mouth alongside Seiko doing the same, "Bad man is all yours."
A frown on her face, Asuka looked back at the van as whimpers drifted out, "I never knew that you could do that."
Seiko just shrugged as she licked her lollipop and put it back into her mouth even as the Officer looked inside and cringed, "You can fit a lot into there once you get big toe inside." After a few moments, she frowned and pulled her lollipop out, "Big Sister Hoppou, do you taste sedative?"
Considering the question, Hoppou tilted her head to the side before humming, "Hoppou does." Furrowing her eyebrows, she nodded, "Hoppou thinks that it is chloroform."
Just winkling her nose after sniffing close to her friend, Rei shook her head, "It makes your breath smell funny..."
At that, both Abyssals just shrugged before walking over to a bench and sitting down even as they munched on more candy.
For several seconds, the former Hitobashira considered that before blinking and sharing a look, "We were wondering why when we met Hoppou later her breath smelt odd."
An odd look on his face, Harry chuckled, "Hai, it was because of that."
Head tilting to the side, Sakura turned back to him, "So what happened to the... man... who attempted to abduct them?"
Sucking his teeth, the teenage boy considered the question, "Honestly? He's going to jail as this is not the first time that he tried this. But... that will take a while before he is out of the hospital."
Eyebrow raised, Ume frowned, "Why? What happened?"
Gaining an evil smirk, Harry darkly chuckled, "Well... he's alive for one thing. But... well, the paramedics and other officers didn't quite know whether to cringe or laugh at what they found. Apparently, they didn't know that what Hoppou did was possible. Though her and the others aren't in trouble because, well... he asked for it."
The two girls just nodded at that as they continued to walk and chat about various things.
With a nod towards the Kitsune who placed their orders in front of them at the café, Harry smiled some before she bowed a little and walked off. Turning back towards the girls, he chuckled a little as they looked at the treats in front of them, "Well, you seem excited."
Looking at the eclairs in front of them, Sakura hummed happily, "Can you blame us, Harry-Chan? This looks delicious?"
Simply glancing at the wall inside the café, he gave a hum, "I expect that it would be so."
Just cocking her head to the side, Ume frowned, "Really? The Kitsune here has been around for over a century, but... Do you mean something else?"
A little bemused, Harry gestured at the framed blue ribbon, "See that?" At their nods, he continued, "That is a sign of someone who is really good at baking or any cooking. Because that's a blue ribbon symbolizing that they graduated from Le Cordon Bleu, a French cooking school."
Interested, Sakura glanced at said framed item and her eyesight zoomed in before she blinked, "Huh... so it is." Frowning as her eyesight went back to normal without the use of the telescopes, she looked towards Harry, "Is that... important somehow?"
Only sipping his tea, he gave a nod, "Hai, that is one of the premier French cooking schools. Though I do wonder when he went there..."
Glancing back at the blue ribbon, Sakura tilted her head a little, "Apparently 1899, Harry-Chan. But if you say that it is good, then we believe you."
Beside her, Ume took a sip of her au lait before her eyes widened, "This... this is really good."
Across the table, Harry had a small smile on his face as well, "Hai, and so is the London fog." At the curious looks, he slid his tea across to them, "It's a latte using Earl Grey with some vanilla and honey as well as steamed, frothed milk."
More than a little curious, first Sakura and then Ume took a sip of his drink, swishing it around in their mouths before nodding and speaking as one, "Hai, it is very good."
Taking it back, Harry picked up one of the small eclairs and bit into it before humming, "Mmm, this is good." Glancing at the price though, he shook his head, "I'm surprised at how cheap it is though. I would have thought that this would be more."
Giggles made him look up as the Twins each had smiles, "It would be, but this is Inari Town, Harry-Chan."
Confused, Harry tilted his head to the side in question, "What does that have to do with anything though?"
Lips curling, Sakura took a bite of her own eclair, chewing it before nodding, "Because the town is set up to honour Inari Okami, Harry-Chan. Two of said Kami's aspects are craftsmanship and merchants. They want to show off their wares without all of it being outside the price range of normal people."
Ume then took over, "While their highest quality items are, indeed, expensive here, they sell quite a bit of things at a lower price so that all can enjoy their craft at the highest quality possible. Besides which, not all the items are made by the owners, some are made by apprentices who come here to learn from older, far more experienced Kitsune. Many of those walk away as Masters in their own right afterwards."
Considering that, the wizard slowly nodded as he took another bite and swallowed, "That does make a lot of sense, I suppose..." Soon enough, their drinks and desserts, as they had come to the café after having a meal of tofu, were done. As Ume and Sakura set down their empty cups, Harry noticed something, "Um... Ume-Chan? Sakura-Chan?" When the girls looked at him, he pointed at his lips, "You have something there."
Rapidly blinking, the two girls wiped at their mouths before looking at him, "Is it still there?"
Only shaking his head, Harry smiled a bit, "No, but let me get it for you." Before they could react, he kissed them on the spots shown and they flushed deeply as they felt his tongue lick at said spots before he stood up. It helped that he had a red face as well and coughed, "Well, um... I'll go and pay the bill."
With that, he walked into the café and left both girls with steam coming from their ears and their faces glowing brightly. After a few moments though, they grinned and giggled, 'Just like from our books!'
Granted, when Harry came back out, they both kissed him on the lips before claiming a hand once more.
After that, they resumed their stroll through the small village looking at the various shops and stalls as they did so. Harry picked up a few things, like a carving of a small, stone rabbit that looked almost alive for Nagato as well as a polar bear for Hoppou. He also spotted, at the iron works shop, small figurines of the actual hulls from above the waterline for various shipgirls about the size of a can of soda.
He wondered, briefly, how Kongou might take the model of herself that he was going to give to Goto. Knowing the man he thought of as an uncle figure, Harry knew that he would likely place it on his desk before Kongou arrived. All just to see said Battleship's reaction upon seeing it. Just the thought made him snicker as it was.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder though, he turned to find Sakura looking at him and a glance told him that Ume was doing the same, "Hmm? Is something wrong?"
Both of them shook their heads before they smiled, "No, we just want to check out a nearby shop alone, Harry-Chan. Otouto gave us some spending money and we want to buy something."
Eyebrow raised, Harry gave a small shrug, "Um, sure? I'll wait around here."
Smiling brightly, both girls nodded before letting go of his hands and heading towards a shop nearby. They only entered it once they saw that Harry's back was turned and found it to be a clock shop with various watches and clocks on display. Even as they watched, one of the clocks had small figures walk out and around until they rang a bell, and then back inside. Another clock, all brass and set out in traditional, Japanese time, ticked softly.
Yet, it was not one of those that caught their eye.
Quickly, they made their way over to the pocket watches that were on display as the Kitsune behind the counter smiled at them, "Anything in particular that you might like, honoured customers?"
A frown on her face, Sakura nodded slowly, "We are looking for a type of pocket watch that you sell... Ah! There we go!"
Noticing where they were pointing, the Kitsune nodded, "Ah, yes, the pocket watches I make in the style of inrō. I have a number here, if you wish to look, made with different materials. Some gold or silver, simple lacquered wood, or even ivory and turtle shell."
Glancing at each other, the Twins nodded as they looked at the various ones on display, each unique and a masterpiece which would fit with a Yukata or Kimono...
Meanwhile, with Harry, he was looking around before noticing a small store. Entering it, he noted that there were various hair accessories. One of the ones that really caught his eye were the Kanzashi. Some were plain, but others were quite decorative. More than that, one thing that he noted was the sign that stated that they would automatically style one's hair and there were several styles "Programmed" for them, 'I wonder what Ume-Chan and Sakura-Chan would make of these...'
As they walked away from Kokaji's workshop, Harry spared a glance back for a moment before humming. Taking his hand in hers as well as hooking their arms together, Sakura frowned a little, "Is something wrong, Harry-Chan?"
Blinking, the teenage boy looked at her, "Wrong?"
Sakura gave a small nod as she frowned a little, "You were staring at the workshop for some reason. We were just wondering why.'
Lightly chuckling, Harry gave her hand a squeeze before he shook his head, "Not wrong, just thinking about what happened just now and wondering if he'll make a sword for Ayase-Chan. He did ask a number of questions about her." Frowning, Harry tilted his head a little, "Though... it makes sense that he wouldn't want just anyone to wield one of his swords. But still, Ayase-Chan is that, worthy of such a sword, I mean."
Thoughtful herself now, Ume gave a hum of her own before nodding, "It may be just a feeling, but I think that he will. And you are right, Ayase-Chan does deserve such a thing after all."
Giving her hand a squeeze, the nearly fourteen year old chuckled a little, "True enough."
Moments later, Sakura glanced at her sister before humming, "Hmm... by the way, Harry-Chan?" When he turned to her, she continued, "Did something happen the other day back in Yokosuka involving Hoppou-San? Because we heard something happened and there was quite a number of police there."
At that, Harry winced, "Um, hai, something happened alright." Grimacing, he gave a snort, "There's been reports of a pervert in the area trying to lure children into his van with promises of candy..."
Needless to say, both girls blinked, "What?"
With a sigh, Harry had an odd expression, "Um, well... Hoppou decided to go for a walk with Natsumi-Chan's Imoutos, Asuka and Rei, along with Seiko and they were in a park just off the base..."
Hearing something come to a stop as they walked along the sidewalk, Hoppou blinked and turned away from her conversation with Rei to find that a van had come to a stop beside them. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal an unkept man with clothing askew and a grin on his face, "Hey there, kids... want some candy?" He held up a bag of said candy that all the four children's eyes drifted to as he shook it, "Just come on in and I'll give you some..."
For several moments, all four girls blinked slowly as they took in what was happening. Cocking her head to the side, Hoppou frowned a little, "Um, Asuka-Chan? Rei-Chan?"
Both Kits turned to her and spoke as one, "Hai, Hoppou-Chan?"
The Abyssal slowly raised her finger and pointed at the man who was looking between them with a hungry expression, "Hoppou is wondering if this is really happening?"
Cocking their heads to the side, Asuka answered for them both, "Hai, it is happening."
Seiko frowned a little and furrowed her eyebrows, "There's really a guy here using a van and offering candy? But I thought that was just a meme."
Beside her, Hoppou gave a nod, "Hoppou thought so too, Seiko. Actually, Hoppou thought that such a thing was so stereotypical that it would not happen because it was too silly."
Her new little sister nodded, "And stupid."
Arms crossed, Rei frowned, "Hai, this is pretty silly and stupid. I mean, really? Someone pulls up in a van offering candy? Sounds like something from a cartoon and not real life."
Frowning as well, Asuka mirrored her sister, "Or a really badly written story."
While the girls each chimed in about how stupid the whole thing looked, the man's eyebrows began to twitch and he shook some before growling as his hands shot out, "Screw this!"
Grabbing Hoppou and Rei with one hand, and Asuka and Seiko with the other, he pulled them into the van and slammed the door shut even as a nearby officer noticed and began running from the other side of the park. Moments later, Hoppou's voice drifted from the van, "Hoppou doesn't like meanies who want to hurt children."
Not even a second later, the man's voice drifted out, "What are you-OHGODNO!" The Officer slowed as the man attempted to leap out, only for a pale, mittened hand to grab him and pull him back into the van as he screamed before the door shut, "NO! PLEASE NOOO! OGLBAHGEAHEHG!"
Even as he reached it, the Officer just stared as the van shook back and forth on its suspension as a bone chilling scream came from inside along with other sounds, including one that sounded oddly like a pig squealing. Calling for backup, he approached the can, only for the door to open and the four girls to hop out. Meeting the Officer's eyes, Hoppou unwrapped a lollipop and put it into her mouth alongside Seiko doing the same, "Bad man is all yours."
A frown on her face, Asuka looked back at the van as whimpers drifted out, "I never knew that you could do that."
Seiko just shrugged as she licked her lollipop and put it back into her mouth even as the Officer looked inside and cringed, "You can fit a lot into there once you get big toe inside." After a few moments, she frowned and pulled her lollipop out, "Big Sister Hoppou, do you taste sedative?"
Considering the question, Hoppou tilted her head to the side before humming, "Hoppou does." Furrowing her eyebrows, she nodded, "Hoppou thinks that it is chloroform."
Just winkling her nose after sniffing close to her friend, Rei shook her head, "It makes your breath smell funny..."
At that, both Abyssals just shrugged before walking over to a bench and sitting down even as they munched on more candy.
For several seconds, the former Hitobashira considered that before blinking and sharing a look, "We were wondering why when we met Hoppou later her breath smelt odd."
An odd look on his face, Harry chuckled, "Hai, it was because of that."
Head tilting to the side, Sakura turned back to him, "So what happened to the... man... who attempted to abduct them?"
Sucking his teeth, the teenage boy considered the question, "Honestly? He's going to jail as this is not the first time that he tried this. But... that will take a while before he is out of the hospital."
Eyebrow raised, Ume frowned, "Why? What happened?"
Gaining an evil smirk, Harry darkly chuckled, "Well... he's alive for one thing. But... well, the paramedics and other officers didn't quite know whether to cringe or laugh at what they found. Apparently, they didn't know that what Hoppou did was possible. Though her and the others aren't in trouble because, well... he asked for it."
The two girls just nodded at that as they continued to walk and chat about various things.
With a nod towards the Kitsune who placed their orders in front of them at the café, Harry smiled some before she bowed a little and walked off. Turning back towards the girls, he chuckled a little as they looked at the treats in front of them, "Well, you seem excited."
Looking at the eclairs in front of them, Sakura hummed happily, "Can you blame us, Harry-Chan? This looks delicious?"
Simply glancing at the wall inside the café, he gave a hum, "I expect that it would be so."
Just cocking her head to the side, Ume frowned, "Really? The Kitsune here has been around for over a century, but... Do you mean something else?"
A little bemused, Harry gestured at the framed blue ribbon, "See that?" At their nods, he continued, "That is a sign of someone who is really good at baking or any cooking. Because that's a blue ribbon symbolizing that they graduated from Le Cordon Bleu, a French cooking school."
Interested, Sakura glanced at said framed item and her eyesight zoomed in before she blinked, "Huh... so it is." Frowning as her eyesight went back to normal without the use of the telescopes, she looked towards Harry, "Is that... important somehow?"
Only sipping his tea, he gave a nod, "Hai, that is one of the premier French cooking schools. Though I do wonder when he went there..."
Glancing back at the blue ribbon, Sakura tilted her head a little, "Apparently 1899, Harry-Chan. But if you say that it is good, then we believe you."
Beside her, Ume took a sip of her au lait before her eyes widened, "This... this is really good."
Across the table, Harry had a small smile on his face as well, "Hai, and so is the London fog." At the curious looks, he slid his tea across to them, "It's a latte using Earl Grey with some vanilla and honey as well as steamed, frothed milk."
More than a little curious, first Sakura and then Ume took a sip of his drink, swishing it around in their mouths before nodding and speaking as one, "Hai, it is very good."
Taking it back, Harry picked up one of the small eclairs and bit into it before humming, "Mmm, this is good." Glancing at the price though, he shook his head, "I'm surprised at how cheap it is though. I would have thought that this would be more."
Giggles made him look up as the Twins each had smiles, "It would be, but this is Inari Town, Harry-Chan."
Confused, Harry tilted his head to the side in question, "What does that have to do with anything though?"
Lips curling, Sakura took a bite of her own eclair, chewing it before nodding, "Because the town is set up to honour Inari Okami, Harry-Chan. Two of said Kami's aspects are craftsmanship and merchants. They want to show off their wares without all of it being outside the price range of normal people."
Ume then took over, "While their highest quality items are, indeed, expensive here, they sell quite a bit of things at a lower price so that all can enjoy their craft at the highest quality possible. Besides which, not all the items are made by the owners, some are made by apprentices who come here to learn from older, far more experienced Kitsune. Many of those walk away as Masters in their own right afterwards."
Considering that, the wizard slowly nodded as he took another bite and swallowed, "That does make a lot of sense, I suppose..." Soon enough, their drinks and desserts, as they had come to the café after having a meal of tofu, were done. As Ume and Sakura set down their empty cups, Harry noticed something, "Um... Ume-Chan? Sakura-Chan?" When the girls looked at him, he pointed at his lips, "You have something there."
Rapidly blinking, the two girls wiped at their mouths before looking at him, "Is it still there?"
Only shaking his head, Harry smiled a bit, "No, but let me get it for you." Before they could react, he kissed them on the spots shown and they flushed deeply as they felt his tongue lick at said spots before he stood up. It helped that he had a red face as well and coughed, "Well, um... I'll go and pay the bill."
With that, he walked into the café and left both girls with steam coming from their ears and their faces glowing brightly. After a few moments though, they grinned and giggled, 'Just like from our books!'
Granted, when Harry came back out, they both kissed him on the lips before claiming a hand once more.
After that, they resumed their stroll through the small village looking at the various shops and stalls as they did so. Harry picked up a few things, like a carving of a small, stone rabbit that looked almost alive for Nagato as well as a polar bear for Hoppou. He also spotted, at the iron works shop, small figurines of the actual hulls from above the waterline for various shipgirls about the size of a can of soda.
He wondered, briefly, how Kongou might take the model of herself that he was going to give to Goto. Knowing the man he thought of as an uncle figure, Harry knew that he would likely place it on his desk before Kongou arrived. All just to see said Battleship's reaction upon seeing it. Just the thought made him snicker as it was.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder though, he turned to find Sakura looking at him and a glance told him that Ume was doing the same, "Hmm? Is something wrong?"
Both of them shook their heads before they smiled, "No, we just want to check out a nearby shop alone, Harry-Chan. Otouto gave us some spending money and we want to buy something."
Eyebrow raised, Harry gave a small shrug, "Um, sure? I'll wait around here."
Smiling brightly, both girls nodded before letting go of his hands and heading towards a shop nearby. They only entered it once they saw that Harry's back was turned and found it to be a clock shop with various watches and clocks on display. Even as they watched, one of the clocks had small figures walk out and around until they rang a bell, and then back inside. Another clock, all brass and set out in traditional, Japanese time, ticked softly.
Yet, it was not one of those that caught their eye.
Quickly, they made their way over to the pocket watches that were on display as the Kitsune behind the counter smiled at them, "Anything in particular that you might like, honoured customers?"
A frown on her face, Sakura nodded slowly, "We are looking for a type of pocket watch that you sell... Ah! There we go!"
Noticing where they were pointing, the Kitsune nodded, "Ah, yes, the pocket watches I make in the style of inrō. I have a number here, if you wish to look, made with different materials. Some gold or silver, simple lacquered wood, or even ivory and turtle shell."
Glancing at each other, the Twins nodded as they looked at the various ones on display, each unique and a masterpiece which would fit with a Yukata or Kimono...
Meanwhile, with Harry, he was looking around before noticing a small store. Entering it, he noted that there were various hair accessories. One of the ones that really caught his eye were the Kanzashi. Some were plain, but others were quite decorative. More than that, one thing that he noted was the sign that stated that they would automatically style one's hair and there were several styles "Programmed" for them, 'I wonder what Ume-Chan and Sakura-Chan would make of these...'