Douji's regrets
Well worn.
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For distracting ourselves, take the next part of Douji's life, I hope you like it.
20 July 1189
It was a good day, Douji thought, she was taking a stroll in the lands of the Settsu, whom she served since she manifested as a teacher and advisor, for today the classes had ended earlier, so she only was enjoying walking under the sun.
But that came to an end soon.
In the distance she saw a female rider carrying a 4 years old boy galloping as fast as she could towards the main residence, a bit curious about that she went to intercept the rider.
"Stop" Said Douji. "You are in the lands of the Settsu branch of the Minamoto clan. What are your bunisses here if I may ask?".
Stopping the horse, the rider said. "My name is Yoshino and I have come to ask for shelter to the Minamoto branch that lives in this lands, as my son and myself are under threat of death by the enemies of his Otou-san."
"That's a serious matter, you can come with me and we will ask the family chief about your request" Douji turned to the boy "How was your Otou-san, little boy?" Douji asked.
The boy put a thoughtful face as he tried to remember. "I don't know as my Okaa-san said that he died Samurai-sama, but the other day I got a second Okaa-san!" he said cheerfully.
"I'm sorry" said the rider while she trotted besides Douji towards the residence. "But I had to hide his identity." Yoshino said with regret "Before I gave birth to him they stated that if he was a male they had to kill him, so when he was born I switched him with another baby who was born dead at the same time and the dead baby's mother raised him while all the people thought my son was dead." and with a somber face she said with sorrow. "And now he is the only memory of my beloved, as he di- no, he was forced to commit seppuku not long ago."
"That's... a sad story." Douji said pondering the riders words, she didn't know if she could believe her but her words sounded sincere "Ah, but where are my manners, you can call me Yuuki, Tango-san."
Yoshino seemed surprised at Douji's statement. "But that would be irrespectful, Samurai-sama. Don't you have a clan name? I thought you were a Minamoto."
Douji flinched a bit at that statement. "I wish so, but the matter is... complicated; I have ties with them, but only that."
As the conversation carried on, the residence got bigger in their views as they travelled in the silence of the plain, but soon that silence was broken by a comitive of riders presided by what it seemed a very important figure.
"STOP!" yelled said figure. At the voice, Yoshino flinched visibly in fear, but in her face the anger was taking place.
Douji turned to face the riders and she saw the person who lead them. He was a man in his forties, but the big surprise was that she recognised him as a member of the Minamoto clan by his appearance, but he was of another branch of the family and more, he resembled someone, but she could place who.
"Give me the woman and the child and go back to your residence." commanded the leader "They escaped from my domain as they are criminals that deserves justice."
"I am sorry but I can't do that." said Douji. "She implored shelter and I can't deny it, only the clan leader can do it."
That response angered the leader. "You don't know who I am, right? I am Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, the man who ended the Taira domain and the right hand of the Emperor, so my word is law. Now give me those two so I can dispense justice."
As soon as the last word escaped Yoritomo's mouth, Yoshino snapped. "Justice? Your view of justice? The same that condemns a boy to die only because I showed him affection? Affection that I give him only because he was born the same day as my son? The same son that you sentenced to die only because he was my beloved's son?" Yoshino's words were rising in tone as she drew more and more anger towards Yoritomo. "My beloved whose only crime was trusting you to the point of commiting seppuku for guaranteeing my life and his son's? Thing impossible as you ordered to kill him four years before his death."
Visibly shocked by her words, Yoritomo spoke to Douji. "Don't believe her, criminals say anything to buy their lives, all that leaves her mouth are lies."
With that last statement, Yoshino exploded in a cold anger "The same can be said of you, Yoritomo." she used his name as an insult. "You used Yoshitsune as a means to achieve all that you have now, he trusted you so much as you were his hero, he believed you when you asked him to enter in a plot to reveal your other brother's true intentions and then imprison him, and you used that to pursue Yoshitsune as he seemed to be against you, and when he discovered the truth it was very late."
Douji narrowed her eyes as she was deep in thought, where has she heard that name before?.
Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, Minamoto-no-Yoritomo's brother.
And then it clicked in place, she remembered twenty years ago a ten-year-old boy, leaving for the Kurama Temple to be a monk, as her mother wanted, telling wonders about his brothers and how the boy will join him in reclaiming the rightful place of his clan. A boy trained by her in swordmanship whose name by then was Ushiwakamaru.
A boy that shined almost as brightly as her Master and might be her next wielder.
Yoritomo was livid at the accusations that kept piling, but he regained his composture quickly "I don't know who told you that but it is all a lie."
At that statement, Yoshino answered. "Who told me? The last letter of my beloved told me all this, he wrote it during your siege and he gave it to a trusted servant who gave it to me just before I left your 'hospitality' and he told me in the letter too that I had to go to the only place left that he had good memories that weren't tarnished by you."
As the discussion went higher and higher Douji paled at the implications of the relevations that she faced it it was true, as she nurtured the view Ushiwakamaru had of his brother, so in a way she killed him.
"Wait..." she whispered.
She raised her lowered view and saw the two of the discussing; 'Who to trust?' she tought.
As she collected her thoughts she reached a conclusion. "WAIT!!" she yelled to ensure the two of them paid attention to her.
Now that she got their attention she said to them. "I don't know who to trust yet, so first" she looked at Yoshino "Lady Yoshino, do you still have that letter in your posession?"
"Yoshino?" Yoritomo opened his mouth. "Look at that, she lied to you as that isn't her name, her true name is..."
"Shizuka." said Yoshino. "I am very sorry, but I had to conceal my identity as my life was in danger and I didn't know if I could trust you. I had to burn the letter so you have only my word that what I say is true so I will only plead that your clan gives shelter to this boy, as he is innocent and his only guilt is that I give him affection as he was born the same day as my dead son." she then ruffled the boy's hair which made him laugh.
In that laugh Douji could see his father, as Ushiwakamaru laughed the same way. She decided to save his son that Shizura tried to save even at cost of her own life repudiating him.
"I see that there would be only one way to settle this." said Douji unsheathing her true self. "Easy, I won't fight" she said because Yoritomo's men were doing the same. "Please Lord Minamoto, can you dismount your horse and touch the tip of the sword? I swear by my honor that I won't harm you."
"I swear that if you are plotting something my men will kill you." He said as he dismounted, viewing the determination in Douji's eyes as a sign that he couldn't make her hand Shizuka peacefully in his terms.
"I am not, Lord Minamoto; now Shizuka, would you touch the steel just after the guard please?" as the two did as they were told Douji said to them "Now swear by your honor that all that you have said is true."
"This wouldn't prove anything, but anyways I swear by my honor that I said about this woman is true." said Yoritomo.
"And I swear by my honor and my beloved's honor that what i said is true." said Shizuka.
At that moment, Douji had a vision as Shizuka's heart opened to Douji, some moments of Shizuka's and Yoshitsune's life together, and Shizuka reading the letter. From Yoritomo she couldn't sense anything, as she can't read his closed heart, but she sensed that he was cursed by a dying man.
This broke Douji's heart completely, as this was the confirmation of what she thought before, she killed Yoshitsune with her advices, that was a stain in her honor that she will never remove from her. But this wasn't the time to mourn and shedding tears from the big failure she had done. To honor Ushiwakamaru's memory and his unfulfilled promise to her, she will use her own means to save them from Yoritomo.
As the resolve of doing the right thing filled her, she discovered that neither of them was lying, that didn't make sense until she realized that Yoritomo was telling the truth from his own point of view. That filled her with anger and murder intentions, but she let it pass, the curse was a better end for him.
"Very well." said Douji at last "As I can't say who is telling the truth I invoke my authority inside the Settsu branch of the Minamoto clan." she now had their attention as she raised her true self to the heavens."This is the sword of the legendary hero Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu, its name is Yasutsuna Doujigiri, and I am her guardian" To give more emphasis she conjured her power over lightning as a very dark cloud formed above their heads. "I will decide this woman and boy's fate and whoever opposes it can duel with me to change it." Douji made a lighting struck her steel to telling them that it will be a very bad idea. "Until I can find out if she is telling the truth they will be my responsability, if she lied I will take her head and send it to you as a proof that she is dead, otherwise she will live with us as a nun. For the boy he will live with us, but he won't have any clan as long as he is single, when he marries he will take her first wife's clan for his own." with those last words she sheathed herself.
"I think this deal is good for you, unless you think that the words of a deceased enemy's wife is more important than this country." said Douji smugly.
Thinking for a rebuttal, but finding none, Yoritomo conceded victory to her. "Very well, I'm leaving this traitor's life in your hands. So when you discover your error I expect her head and an apology for not believing me."
With that said Yoritomo and his men turned over and began to go back to Kyoto, to plan the next move to conquer the north.
When the men were lost from their view, Shizuka bowed deeply to Douji and said with overflowing emotion."Thank you, thank you, may the kami grant you a long live."
"Don't worry." said Douji embarrased. "It's the only thing that I could do to honor his memory, but I don't deserve it, I encouraged him to follow his brothers steps, which ended his life, so in a way I killed him."
Shizuka's face softened and hearing this "So you are the talented samurai that trained him in his youth" she sighed as she mounted his son on the horse so he could rest "I don't blame you for was happened to him, he only praised you as an example to follow, let me tell you some about his life after he left your training.
Douji woke from her dream, a dream that she always had after she had a big fail. A memory of her first failure, one that diminished over the time, but was never removed, she had to thank Shizuka for the diminishing of that stain, as she wrote Yoshitsune's war tales that let her and others understand better Yoshitsune's life.
But it never left her heart, leaving it open for the other times she failed to remind her that she wasn't infallible.
"Damn." said Douji as the last shreds of the dream left her. "I wish I could speak to Benkei or Yoshitsune's weapons to better know how he lived from a closer view, but that is impossible, as I don't know if they survived all this years."
Dressing up casually, she looked at her tiny room at the museum, a well hidden space that concealed a bed and some of her possessions, one of them a photo taken 75 years ago, where a five-year-old child alongside his father were watching a sparring between herself and Kotegiri.
"Let's let the memories rest for now" said Douji to herself.
Yesterday she contacted the Museum Director to let him know that she won't work today, as she needed to plan what to do with what she inadvertently did to Ehren, so she went outside to eat breakfast while she pondered her options.
After a long thinking she decided to meet Ehren personally if she was still in Japan, if not she will send her a letter along with some gifts for the family.
It was a bit early to call Tokunotakai, so she began to sort her possessions to see if there was something worth that could gift without being an offense. After going through her collection she decided on some things; for Colombe a magical copy of one of the first versions of the Tale of Genji, one of the first things that the Minamoto clan gifted her not long after she manifested; for Claire a written music collection that Douji collected from time to time; and for Ehren...
The only gift that she could give Ehren was a sincere apology, not because there wasn't things that her could appreciate; there wasn't because she could take her gift the wrong way again, so until she apologized to Ehren she will hold it off.
She will include too some treats from her own making later, so the only thing left was call Toku and set the meeting.
"Moshi-moshi, Masamune-no-Tokunotakai speaking" said the voice across the phone.
"Hi Toku, its me Yasutsuna Doujigiri." answered Douji.
The voice at the other side sounded surprised "I didn't expect your call so soon Douji-san. Has something happened with Colombe's aunts?"
"Not really Toku, and please drop the honorific, I was surprised how much the have changed over the years, specially Kyoshu." the last statement brought a sliver of anger as she remembered what her sisters said about what happened to Kyoshu.
"Ah, yes." said Toku. "She didn't deserve it even with all the evil she did."
"You are right, talking about others, Chisuheri calmed down over the years and Umitsubame is doing a good work with them, Akutoku at least tries to corrupt in a 'safe' way, as she can't deny her nature, but seriously; she is vengeful to the extreme."
"I know, I know" said Toku remembering what Colombe said about the get well 'gift' for Del. "What did she do?"
"I asked her for pages for research the world history and she gave me some, plus a link to a porn site for handling big breasts, When the Museum's director pointed it out to me I was so embarrased that I wanted to die." said Douji with a face as red as a tomato.
"Dammit Akutoku, she is always the same" Toku shook her head to the sides. "What did you do to her to enact this revenge?"
"Well, she tried to corrupt the emperor's cousin two centuries ago, and when I found it I confronted and defeated her, then took her avatar and spanked her butt until she sworn to leave him alone and never come back."
"That had to hurt." said Toku smirking."But I won't say that she didn't deserve it. Anyways, for what you called me? I think it wasn't to tell me about your experience with the Muramasas."
"Actually no." said Douji turning serious. "I called because I wanted to meet Ehren-san again; I realized that in my ignorance I hurt her badly and I want to apologize to her in person."
"I'm sorry but that is impossible at the moment, Ehren-san and her family has returned to their home in Europe." said Toku with grief.
"Oh." said Douji; that took away the possibility to apologizing to her directly, so she resorted to the second option available. "Do you know her address then? If I can't apologize to her face to face I have to write her a letter plus gifts for their family."
"Hmm" said Toku, she thought about the situation at hand, she will visit Moulbaix when she finishes her errands. "Actually if you don't mind I can carry them personally and make sure that they arrive safely at the destination."
"You are doing me a great favor Toku, when are you free for visiting at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu would be fine for you?" a smiling Douji asked.
Thinking a bit Toku replied "By the 6th of august Douji-san, I'll be free and we can talk a bit more freely." Toku answered with another smile in her face.
"You mean hearing some of my tales don't you?" chuckled Douji. "I don't mind Toku, Sayonara"
"Sayonara Douji-san" responded Toku before closing the call.
This put Douji deep in thought, would she write the letter in Japanese or in English?, she knew that for her to truly express what she wanted she has to write in Japanese, as English lacks a bit in that point, but she knows that Ehren doesn't understand Japanese.
'Hmmm, what to do, what to do, which one I pick' thought Douji as she walked back and forth in her room.
Suddenly she stopped as the solution came to her. 'I'll do both, and if she learns Japanese someday she may get the full meaning of the letter'
So picking up a brush, an inker and paper, she began to write.
'Dear Ehren du Chasteler'...
I hope you like it, as always comments and discussions are always welcomed.
For distracting ourselves, take the next part of Douji's life, I hope you like it.
20 July 1189
It was a good day, Douji thought, she was taking a stroll in the lands of the Settsu, whom she served since she manifested as a teacher and advisor, for today the classes had ended earlier, so she only was enjoying walking under the sun.
But that came to an end soon.
In the distance she saw a female rider carrying a 4 years old boy galloping as fast as she could towards the main residence, a bit curious about that she went to intercept the rider.
"Stop" Said Douji. "You are in the lands of the Settsu branch of the Minamoto clan. What are your bunisses here if I may ask?".
Stopping the horse, the rider said. "My name is Yoshino and I have come to ask for shelter to the Minamoto branch that lives in this lands, as my son and myself are under threat of death by the enemies of his Otou-san."
"That's a serious matter, you can come with me and we will ask the family chief about your request" Douji turned to the boy "How was your Otou-san, little boy?" Douji asked.
The boy put a thoughtful face as he tried to remember. "I don't know as my Okaa-san said that he died Samurai-sama, but the other day I got a second Okaa-san!" he said cheerfully.
"I'm sorry" said the rider while she trotted besides Douji towards the residence. "But I had to hide his identity." Yoshino said with regret "Before I gave birth to him they stated that if he was a male they had to kill him, so when he was born I switched him with another baby who was born dead at the same time and the dead baby's mother raised him while all the people thought my son was dead." and with a somber face she said with sorrow. "And now he is the only memory of my beloved, as he di- no, he was forced to commit seppuku not long ago."
"That's... a sad story." Douji said pondering the riders words, she didn't know if she could believe her but her words sounded sincere "Ah, but where are my manners, you can call me Yuuki, Tango-san."
Yoshino seemed surprised at Douji's statement. "But that would be irrespectful, Samurai-sama. Don't you have a clan name? I thought you were a Minamoto."
Douji flinched a bit at that statement. "I wish so, but the matter is... complicated; I have ties with them, but only that."
As the conversation carried on, the residence got bigger in their views as they travelled in the silence of the plain, but soon that silence was broken by a comitive of riders presided by what it seemed a very important figure.
"STOP!" yelled said figure. At the voice, Yoshino flinched visibly in fear, but in her face the anger was taking place.
Douji turned to face the riders and she saw the person who lead them. He was a man in his forties, but the big surprise was that she recognised him as a member of the Minamoto clan by his appearance, but he was of another branch of the family and more, he resembled someone, but she could place who.
"Give me the woman and the child and go back to your residence." commanded the leader "They escaped from my domain as they are criminals that deserves justice."
"I am sorry but I can't do that." said Douji. "She implored shelter and I can't deny it, only the clan leader can do it."
That response angered the leader. "You don't know who I am, right? I am Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, the man who ended the Taira domain and the right hand of the Emperor, so my word is law. Now give me those two so I can dispense justice."
As soon as the last word escaped Yoritomo's mouth, Yoshino snapped. "Justice? Your view of justice? The same that condemns a boy to die only because I showed him affection? Affection that I give him only because he was born the same day as my son? The same son that you sentenced to die only because he was my beloved's son?" Yoshino's words were rising in tone as she drew more and more anger towards Yoritomo. "My beloved whose only crime was trusting you to the point of commiting seppuku for guaranteeing my life and his son's? Thing impossible as you ordered to kill him four years before his death."
Visibly shocked by her words, Yoritomo spoke to Douji. "Don't believe her, criminals say anything to buy their lives, all that leaves her mouth are lies."
With that last statement, Yoshino exploded in a cold anger "The same can be said of you, Yoritomo." she used his name as an insult. "You used Yoshitsune as a means to achieve all that you have now, he trusted you so much as you were his hero, he believed you when you asked him to enter in a plot to reveal your other brother's true intentions and then imprison him, and you used that to pursue Yoshitsune as he seemed to be against you, and when he discovered the truth it was very late."
Douji narrowed her eyes as she was deep in thought, where has she heard that name before?.
Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, Minamoto-no-Yoritomo's brother.
And then it clicked in place, she remembered twenty years ago a ten-year-old boy, leaving for the Kurama Temple to be a monk, as her mother wanted, telling wonders about his brothers and how the boy will join him in reclaiming the rightful place of his clan. A boy trained by her in swordmanship whose name by then was Ushiwakamaru.
A boy that shined almost as brightly as her Master and might be her next wielder.
Yoritomo was livid at the accusations that kept piling, but he regained his composture quickly "I don't know who told you that but it is all a lie."
At that statement, Yoshino answered. "Who told me? The last letter of my beloved told me all this, he wrote it during your siege and he gave it to a trusted servant who gave it to me just before I left your 'hospitality' and he told me in the letter too that I had to go to the only place left that he had good memories that weren't tarnished by you."
As the discussion went higher and higher Douji paled at the implications of the relevations that she faced it it was true, as she nurtured the view Ushiwakamaru had of his brother, so in a way she killed him.
"Wait..." she whispered.
She raised her lowered view and saw the two of the discussing; 'Who to trust?' she tought.
As she collected her thoughts she reached a conclusion. "WAIT!!" she yelled to ensure the two of them paid attention to her.
Now that she got their attention she said to them. "I don't know who to trust yet, so first" she looked at Yoshino "Lady Yoshino, do you still have that letter in your posession?"
"Yoshino?" Yoritomo opened his mouth. "Look at that, she lied to you as that isn't her name, her true name is..."
"Shizuka." said Yoshino. "I am very sorry, but I had to conceal my identity as my life was in danger and I didn't know if I could trust you. I had to burn the letter so you have only my word that what I say is true so I will only plead that your clan gives shelter to this boy, as he is innocent and his only guilt is that I give him affection as he was born the same day as my dead son." she then ruffled the boy's hair which made him laugh.
In that laugh Douji could see his father, as Ushiwakamaru laughed the same way. She decided to save his son that Shizura tried to save even at cost of her own life repudiating him.
"I see that there would be only one way to settle this." said Douji unsheathing her true self. "Easy, I won't fight" she said because Yoritomo's men were doing the same. "Please Lord Minamoto, can you dismount your horse and touch the tip of the sword? I swear by my honor that I won't harm you."
"I swear that if you are plotting something my men will kill you." He said as he dismounted, viewing the determination in Douji's eyes as a sign that he couldn't make her hand Shizuka peacefully in his terms.
"I am not, Lord Minamoto; now Shizuka, would you touch the steel just after the guard please?" as the two did as they were told Douji said to them "Now swear by your honor that all that you have said is true."
"This wouldn't prove anything, but anyways I swear by my honor that I said about this woman is true." said Yoritomo.
"And I swear by my honor and my beloved's honor that what i said is true." said Shizuka.
At that moment, Douji had a vision as Shizuka's heart opened to Douji, some moments of Shizuka's and Yoshitsune's life together, and Shizuka reading the letter. From Yoritomo she couldn't sense anything, as she can't read his closed heart, but she sensed that he was cursed by a dying man.
This broke Douji's heart completely, as this was the confirmation of what she thought before, she killed Yoshitsune with her advices, that was a stain in her honor that she will never remove from her. But this wasn't the time to mourn and shedding tears from the big failure she had done. To honor Ushiwakamaru's memory and his unfulfilled promise to her, she will use her own means to save them from Yoritomo.
As the resolve of doing the right thing filled her, she discovered that neither of them was lying, that didn't make sense until she realized that Yoritomo was telling the truth from his own point of view. That filled her with anger and murder intentions, but she let it pass, the curse was a better end for him.
"Very well." said Douji at last "As I can't say who is telling the truth I invoke my authority inside the Settsu branch of the Minamoto clan." she now had their attention as she raised her true self to the heavens."This is the sword of the legendary hero Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu, its name is Yasutsuna Doujigiri, and I am her guardian" To give more emphasis she conjured her power over lightning as a very dark cloud formed above their heads. "I will decide this woman and boy's fate and whoever opposes it can duel with me to change it." Douji made a lighting struck her steel to telling them that it will be a very bad idea. "Until I can find out if she is telling the truth they will be my responsability, if she lied I will take her head and send it to you as a proof that she is dead, otherwise she will live with us as a nun. For the boy he will live with us, but he won't have any clan as long as he is single, when he marries he will take her first wife's clan for his own." with those last words she sheathed herself.
"I think this deal is good for you, unless you think that the words of a deceased enemy's wife is more important than this country." said Douji smugly.
Thinking for a rebuttal, but finding none, Yoritomo conceded victory to her. "Very well, I'm leaving this traitor's life in your hands. So when you discover your error I expect her head and an apology for not believing me."
With that said Yoritomo and his men turned over and began to go back to Kyoto, to plan the next move to conquer the north.
When the men were lost from their view, Shizuka bowed deeply to Douji and said with overflowing emotion."Thank you, thank you, may the kami grant you a long live."
"Don't worry." said Douji embarrased. "It's the only thing that I could do to honor his memory, but I don't deserve it, I encouraged him to follow his brothers steps, which ended his life, so in a way I killed him."
Shizuka's face softened and hearing this "So you are the talented samurai that trained him in his youth" she sighed as she mounted his son on the horse so he could rest "I don't blame you for was happened to him, he only praised you as an example to follow, let me tell you some about his life after he left your training.
Douji woke from her dream, a dream that she always had after she had a big fail. A memory of her first failure, one that diminished over the time, but was never removed, she had to thank Shizuka for the diminishing of that stain, as she wrote Yoshitsune's war tales that let her and others understand better Yoshitsune's life.
But it never left her heart, leaving it open for the other times she failed to remind her that she wasn't infallible.
"Damn." said Douji as the last shreds of the dream left her. "I wish I could speak to Benkei or Yoshitsune's weapons to better know how he lived from a closer view, but that is impossible, as I don't know if they survived all this years."
Dressing up casually, she looked at her tiny room at the museum, a well hidden space that concealed a bed and some of her possessions, one of them a photo taken 75 years ago, where a five-year-old child alongside his father were watching a sparring between herself and Kotegiri.
"Let's let the memories rest for now" said Douji to herself.
Yesterday she contacted the Museum Director to let him know that she won't work today, as she needed to plan what to do with what she inadvertently did to Ehren, so she went outside to eat breakfast while she pondered her options.
After a long thinking she decided to meet Ehren personally if she was still in Japan, if not she will send her a letter along with some gifts for the family.
It was a bit early to call Tokunotakai, so she began to sort her possessions to see if there was something worth that could gift without being an offense. After going through her collection she decided on some things; for Colombe a magical copy of one of the first versions of the Tale of Genji, one of the first things that the Minamoto clan gifted her not long after she manifested; for Claire a written music collection that Douji collected from time to time; and for Ehren...
The only gift that she could give Ehren was a sincere apology, not because there wasn't things that her could appreciate; there wasn't because she could take her gift the wrong way again, so until she apologized to Ehren she will hold it off.
She will include too some treats from her own making later, so the only thing left was call Toku and set the meeting.
"Moshi-moshi, Masamune-no-Tokunotakai speaking" said the voice across the phone.
"Hi Toku, its me Yasutsuna Doujigiri." answered Douji.
The voice at the other side sounded surprised "I didn't expect your call so soon Douji-san. Has something happened with Colombe's aunts?"
"Not really Toku, and please drop the honorific, I was surprised how much the have changed over the years, specially Kyoshu." the last statement brought a sliver of anger as she remembered what her sisters said about what happened to Kyoshu.
"Ah, yes." said Toku. "She didn't deserve it even with all the evil she did."
"You are right, talking about others, Chisuheri calmed down over the years and Umitsubame is doing a good work with them, Akutoku at least tries to corrupt in a 'safe' way, as she can't deny her nature, but seriously; she is vengeful to the extreme."
"I know, I know" said Toku remembering what Colombe said about the get well 'gift' for Del. "What did she do?"
"I asked her for pages for research the world history and she gave me some, plus a link to a porn site for handling big breasts, When the Museum's director pointed it out to me I was so embarrased that I wanted to die." said Douji with a face as red as a tomato.
"Dammit Akutoku, she is always the same" Toku shook her head to the sides. "What did you do to her to enact this revenge?"
"Well, she tried to corrupt the emperor's cousin two centuries ago, and when I found it I confronted and defeated her, then took her avatar and spanked her butt until she sworn to leave him alone and never come back."
"That had to hurt." said Toku smirking."But I won't say that she didn't deserve it. Anyways, for what you called me? I think it wasn't to tell me about your experience with the Muramasas."
"Actually no." said Douji turning serious. "I called because I wanted to meet Ehren-san again; I realized that in my ignorance I hurt her badly and I want to apologize to her in person."
"I'm sorry but that is impossible at the moment, Ehren-san and her family has returned to their home in Europe." said Toku with grief.
"Oh." said Douji; that took away the possibility to apologizing to her directly, so she resorted to the second option available. "Do you know her address then? If I can't apologize to her face to face I have to write her a letter plus gifts for their family."
"Hmm" said Toku, she thought about the situation at hand, she will visit Moulbaix when she finishes her errands. "Actually if you don't mind I can carry them personally and make sure that they arrive safely at the destination."
"You are doing me a great favor Toku, when are you free for visiting at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu would be fine for you?" a smiling Douji asked.
Thinking a bit Toku replied "By the 6th of august Douji-san, I'll be free and we can talk a bit more freely." Toku answered with another smile in her face.
"You mean hearing some of my tales don't you?" chuckled Douji. "I don't mind Toku, Sayonara"
"Sayonara Douji-san" responded Toku before closing the call.
This put Douji deep in thought, would she write the letter in Japanese or in English?, she knew that for her to truly express what she wanted she has to write in Japanese, as English lacks a bit in that point, but she knows that Ehren doesn't understand Japanese.
'Hmmm, what to do, what to do, which one I pick' thought Douji as she walked back and forth in her room.
Suddenly she stopped as the solution came to her. 'I'll do both, and if she learns Japanese someday she may get the full meaning of the letter'
So picking up a brush, an inker and paper, she began to write.
'Dear Ehren du Chasteler'...
I hope you like it, as always comments and discussions are always welcomed.