[Vatpire] Ehren Erwacht! 9 (Honor Awakened)
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A.N. -- Helmar von und Zu Wolff versus Colombe du Chasteler with the life and soul of their daughter Ehren at stake. As always, please no Derails or ITG!
Ehren Erwacht! (IX)
August 15th, 2014
Khohlo ea Marena a Mararo, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa
"Anything approaching the change that came over his features I have never seen before, and hope never to see again. Oh, I wasn't touched. I was fascinated. It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power, of craven terror--of an intense and hopeless despair. Did he live his life again in every detail of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision--he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: The horror! The horror!" -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Spoiler: A Final Communication
Colombe pulled out her daughter's hilt pin for yet another divination as the pinnace turned another bend in the river. As she did, the pin flashed with a steel blue aura and a spectral image of Ehren formed next to her as the pendulum suddenly yanked out straight ahead.
"Ehren!" Colombe said in surprise as her eyes filled with tears at the sight of her kidnapped daughter.
"You need to be aware of several things. The monitoring for the perimeter guards is compromised, I don't know for how long before it is noticed. Vati is performing some kind of ritual involving the Mask he stole to empower him at the Three Kings in Stone. He has the capabilitiy to make the Grendels that were used in the War by the SS. Also he magically controls six Mokele-mbembe. Finally, Cortana, the blade that took me from Moulbaix, is his lieutenant and extremely powerful, although not totally a willing servant." Ehren snapped out in a precise diction as her image flickered.
Colombe breathed out. "Understood, daughter. Stay safe and I'll get you out."
Ehren nodded and then vanished.
The rapier looked at the others. "Let's do this. Niobe, get my flying carpet out, everyone else start casting spells to prepare."
Niobe hopped onto the water and then as the pinnace stopped in the river, pulled out the flying carpet to place on the deck.
As the others made ready and boarded the hovering carpet, Niobe looked inside herself and turned to the officer faeries assembled on her bridge. "Clear for action and then sound Battle Stations! Load the ready-racks for the main battery with canister and high explosive shells, half and half! Ready all Maxim guns for use! Issue small arms to the Seebattalion!" She snapped out as her chin raised proudly. "This is our chance, let's make the most of it!"
Commander Franz Ritter von Hipper saluted her in response. "Yes, ma'am!" As her deck and compartments turned into a bustle of activity, her trumpeter raised his bugle to his lips and began to play the call for her Seebattalion(SeaBattalion) marines to stand to. Meanwhile, her pinnace was hoisted aboard and secured.
Finally ready to go to war, the platinum-haired shipgirl grasped Kasuyu's hand to be effortlessly lifted aboard the carpet, which shot off through the canyon between the twin jungle-covered hills ahead.
Tokunotakai leaned close to Nongqawuse. "These are the 'two hills shaped like a woman's breasts' that you saw?" She asked quietly.
The African bracelet nodded as spells shimmered across her avatar. "Ewe. There, the Three Kings in Stone!"
Ahead was a platform with a trio of black-uniformed figures, with a half-dozen Grendels drawn up before it as a honor guard.
To either side in the plaza was a block of hundreds of motionless soldiers standing at stiff attention.
Colombe's eyes locked on those of the blond man in SS uniform wearing the mask as arcane energies formed and swirled around him.
Her hand tightened on her hilt as her lips peeled from her teeth in a snarl at the sight of her ex-lover and father of Ehren. Her wrist ached with phantom pain at the memory of how he had nearly killed her the last time that they had fought.
With a pop the stealth spell for the carpet suddenly flashed out leaving them visible scarcely a hundred yards from the platform.
Colombe instantly barked out. "Drop and attack!"
Wollf's eyes widened in shock and his chanting faltered at the sight of That Woman appearing out of nowhere to land facing him with leveled rapier.
Cortana's hand found her hilt as Norimune and Tokunotakai landed flanking their fellow Blade of Hachiman with their blades gleaming in the sunlight.
Ehren gave a cool, smug smile as she stepped back and to the side, her fingers flexing in a spell pattern while Kasuyu and Nongqawuse touched down from the hovering carpet.
The stone of the plaza disintegrated with a thunderous crack as SMS Niobe landed, her rigging already deployed with cannons covering their flanks. Above her the Imperial German naval war ensign flapped from the mast of her rigging.
For an instant all was silent.
Spoiler: The Battle For Ehren
"Feuer!!"(Fire!) SMS Niobe snapped out.
Flesh and bone splashed away within great triangular wedges of red ruin that instantly formed within the blocks of troops to either side of the rescue team while her gun crews loaded fresh 105mm canister shells into the ever-hungry breeches of her main battery.
Over the screams of the dying and wounded rose the harsh stutter of Niobe's water-cooled Maschinengewehr 08 machine guns and the pom-pom-pom of her larger 37mm belt-fed Maxims designed to fire one pound explosive shells to destroy torpedo boats.
The crackle of aimed Mauser bolt action rifle fire in the hands of her Marines to pick off officers and anyone attempting to rally the troops seemed almost superfluous in her symphony of industrial death from the era of the Great War.
The carnage was indescribable as men and monsters fell in bloody windrows under Niobe's wrath.
Yet, driven by the lash of magic and a merciless greater Will who cared nothing for their well-being, Wolff's slaves came on again and again over the dead and dying piled three and four deep in attack after attack.
Bullets, shells, and spells hammered into Niobe's superstructure and hull while fresh reserves came to try to encircle and overwhelm the few heroes by force of arms as she fought grimly to give them time to save Ehren. For her Flottenadmiral... and herself.
Enchanted sky-iron was painted green black with ichor as Kasuyu lashed out with his true body, bisecting at the waist a Grendel that blocked his path to the Mistress' Daughter.
Then another Grendel grasped Kasuyu's axe wrist and he grappled in a contest of brute strength as Nongqawuse chanted prayers for the spirits to empower her fellow champion.
A third one's head flew from its shoulders as more ichor painted the rainbow-glowing steel of Masamune-no-Tokunotakai as the Seven Virtues of Bushido blazed from her soul.
Muramasa-no-Norimune snarled in rage and bloodlust, extended a clawed hand toward one of the two surviving Grendels, then savagely yanked it back as she incanted in Nahuatl. "Hunger of Tezcatlipōca!" The monster's iron ribs exploded outward as its heart rocketed from its chest to be crushed in Norimune's fist contemptuously.
As the Grendel she had just slain collapsed like an unstrung puppet, Norimune's combat instincts screamed.
Automatically she moved her sword in a parry that she had learned from Julie d'Aubigny in 1706 as an aquamarine blur too fast to see came for her point first.
Her dove menuki blazed argent with Hachiman's power as she shifted the hand of luck to favor her as she turned to face her opponent.
The Sword of Ogier the Dane, one of Charlemagne's Twelve Paladins, forged of the same steel and temperament as the Swords of Roland and Charlemagne, screamed as she tested herself against the Unrepentant Blade of the Mad Smith, the Second Blade of Hachiman-no-kami, in the beginning of a battle to the finish.
The blast wave of their contact staggered both avatars as if a giant had clubbed them, tossing them back a dozen yards to regroup.
Flat blue-green eyes stared into smug blue eyes above a cocky, infuriating smirk.
Norimune pointed her steel at Cortana and spoke conversationally as they began to circle in a probe of each other's defenses. "I heard from my eldest daughter that you took her hand off at the wrist trying to kill her in 1942. No one hurts my family but me."
Layer upon layer of enchantments and charms cast and developed by her over four centuries of wandering and war across five continents flamed to life upon Norimune's blade, mirrored by Cortana's own spellwork from the hand and wand of Morgana Le Fay. "I'll make you regret that!"
A calm voice filled with steel under the velvet sounded. "Sumimasen(I'm Sorry), Norimune-sama." The Masamune of the Warrior's Virtues, the First Blade of Hachiman-no-kami, spoke quietly as she moved next to Norimune in perfect unison with her own steel glimmering with her full power and Hachiman's dove glowing upon her tsuba. "She kidnapped my stepdaughter Ehren and has distressed Co-chan. I humbly request to assist you with her chastisement."
Spoiler: Helmar Wolff and Colombe du Chasteler
The final Grendel barring her path fell to her steel and Colombe d'Aubigny du Chasteler-Muramasa stepped onto the ritual platform
Across the circle, Obersturmführer Helmar von und zu Wolff locked eyes with her as he carefully placed the four-eyed Imaski yoThixo ome-ezine down upon a bloodstained stone altar that was radiating powerful eldritch Dark Magic.
A blood-dripping rapier formed of shadow appeared in his hand as he shifted into a fencing stance, his eyes still locked on hers as their Wills clashed in the instants before the death duel began.
Tears formed in Colombe's eyes as her point moved in a figure eight slowly. "Why, Helmar?" She asked sadly. "Why Ehren? I was the one who sinned against you."
Something that might have been regret crossed his face for a fleeting instant and then was gone. "I would have asked your hand in marriage that day as Marie-Claire de Bury, or should I call you Colombe du Chasteler?" His voice was firm and commanding. "You are the highest racial form of the Herrenvolk and should have been mine. So I had to raise our child properly as a Vater must do as part of his duties. She will be Führer after me when the Reich is reestablished. It does not have to end like this for you. Come with me, be the wife that you were born to be for our family, and together we shall lead the lesser masses of humanity into a glorious new future as Vati, Mutti, und Tochter."
Colombe's jaw firmed and she spoke with steel-deep determination under the pain in her voice. "Non, Helmar. I gave my word of honor and service in 1902 that I would stand against what you represent to defend what I believe in. I ask you for the final time, will you surrender yourself and walk away from this madness for Ehren's sake?"
He shook his head as lightning formed in his off hand and flaming circles formed around hers. "Nein, Colombe. I gave my word of honor and service in 1937 to the right and proper truth of this universe of struggle." His voice was equally determined and sad.
Ehren, cloaked by her invisibility spell, watched silently as a single salt tear dripped from Mutti's chin to fall on the glowing stone. Matching that, a single tear of blood fell from Vati's eyes to splash at his feet as one final whispered exhalation reached her ears.
"I gave my word of honor."
A.N. -- Helmar von und Zu Wolff versus Colombe du Chasteler with the life and soul of their daughter Ehren at stake. As always, please no Derails or ITG!
Ehren Erwacht! (IX)
August 15th, 2014
Khohlo ea Marena a Mararo, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa
"Anything approaching the change that came over his features I have never seen before, and hope never to see again. Oh, I wasn't touched. I was fascinated. It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power, of craven terror--of an intense and hopeless despair. Did he live his life again in every detail of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision--he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: The horror! The horror!" -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Spoiler: A Final Communication
Colombe pulled out her daughter's hilt pin for yet another divination as the pinnace turned another bend in the river. As she did, the pin flashed with a steel blue aura and a spectral image of Ehren formed next to her as the pendulum suddenly yanked out straight ahead.
"Ehren!" Colombe said in surprise as her eyes filled with tears at the sight of her kidnapped daughter.
"You need to be aware of several things. The monitoring for the perimeter guards is compromised, I don't know for how long before it is noticed. Vati is performing some kind of ritual involving the Mask he stole to empower him at the Three Kings in Stone. He has the capabilitiy to make the Grendels that were used in the War by the SS. Also he magically controls six Mokele-mbembe. Finally, Cortana, the blade that took me from Moulbaix, is his lieutenant and extremely powerful, although not totally a willing servant." Ehren snapped out in a precise diction as her image flickered.
Colombe breathed out. "Understood, daughter. Stay safe and I'll get you out."
Ehren nodded and then vanished.
The rapier looked at the others. "Let's do this. Niobe, get my flying carpet out, everyone else start casting spells to prepare."
Niobe hopped onto the water and then as the pinnace stopped in the river, pulled out the flying carpet to place on the deck.
As the others made ready and boarded the hovering carpet, Niobe looked inside herself and turned to the officer faeries assembled on her bridge. "Clear for action and then sound Battle Stations! Load the ready-racks for the main battery with canister and high explosive shells, half and half! Ready all Maxim guns for use! Issue small arms to the Seebattalion!" She snapped out as her chin raised proudly. "This is our chance, let's make the most of it!"
Commander Franz Ritter von Hipper saluted her in response. "Yes, ma'am!" As her deck and compartments turned into a bustle of activity, her trumpeter raised his bugle to his lips and began to play the call for her Seebattalion(SeaBattalion) marines to stand to. Meanwhile, her pinnace was hoisted aboard and secured.
Finally ready to go to war, the platinum-haired shipgirl grasped Kasuyu's hand to be effortlessly lifted aboard the carpet, which shot off through the canyon between the twin jungle-covered hills ahead.
Tokunotakai leaned close to Nongqawuse. "These are the 'two hills shaped like a woman's breasts' that you saw?" She asked quietly.
The African bracelet nodded as spells shimmered across her avatar. "Ewe. There, the Three Kings in Stone!"
Ahead was a platform with a trio of black-uniformed figures, with a half-dozen Grendels drawn up before it as a honor guard.
To either side in the plaza was a block of hundreds of motionless soldiers standing at stiff attention.
Colombe's eyes locked on those of the blond man in SS uniform wearing the mask as arcane energies formed and swirled around him.
Her hand tightened on her hilt as her lips peeled from her teeth in a snarl at the sight of her ex-lover and father of Ehren. Her wrist ached with phantom pain at the memory of how he had nearly killed her the last time that they had fought.
With a pop the stealth spell for the carpet suddenly flashed out leaving them visible scarcely a hundred yards from the platform.
Colombe instantly barked out. "Drop and attack!"
Wollf's eyes widened in shock and his chanting faltered at the sight of That Woman appearing out of nowhere to land facing him with leveled rapier.
Cortana's hand found her hilt as Norimune and Tokunotakai landed flanking their fellow Blade of Hachiman with their blades gleaming in the sunlight.
Ehren gave a cool, smug smile as she stepped back and to the side, her fingers flexing in a spell pattern while Kasuyu and Nongqawuse touched down from the hovering carpet.
The stone of the plaza disintegrated with a thunderous crack as SMS Niobe landed, her rigging already deployed with cannons covering their flanks. Above her the Imperial German naval war ensign flapped from the mast of her rigging.
For an instant all was silent.
Spoiler: The Battle For Ehren
"Feuer!!"(Fire!) SMS Niobe snapped out.
Flesh and bone splashed away within great triangular wedges of red ruin that instantly formed within the blocks of troops to either side of the rescue team while her gun crews loaded fresh 105mm canister shells into the ever-hungry breeches of her main battery.
Over the screams of the dying and wounded rose the harsh stutter of Niobe's water-cooled Maschinengewehr 08 machine guns and the pom-pom-pom of her larger 37mm belt-fed Maxims designed to fire one pound explosive shells to destroy torpedo boats.
The crackle of aimed Mauser bolt action rifle fire in the hands of her Marines to pick off officers and anyone attempting to rally the troops seemed almost superfluous in her symphony of industrial death from the era of the Great War.
The carnage was indescribable as men and monsters fell in bloody windrows under Niobe's wrath.
Yet, driven by the lash of magic and a merciless greater Will who cared nothing for their well-being, Wolff's slaves came on again and again over the dead and dying piled three and four deep in attack after attack.
Bullets, shells, and spells hammered into Niobe's superstructure and hull while fresh reserves came to try to encircle and overwhelm the few heroes by force of arms as she fought grimly to give them time to save Ehren. For her Flottenadmiral... and herself.
Enchanted sky-iron was painted green black with ichor as Kasuyu lashed out with his true body, bisecting at the waist a Grendel that blocked his path to the Mistress' Daughter.
Then another Grendel grasped Kasuyu's axe wrist and he grappled in a contest of brute strength as Nongqawuse chanted prayers for the spirits to empower her fellow champion.
A third one's head flew from its shoulders as more ichor painted the rainbow-glowing steel of Masamune-no-Tokunotakai as the Seven Virtues of Bushido blazed from her soul.
Muramasa-no-Norimune snarled in rage and bloodlust, extended a clawed hand toward one of the two surviving Grendels, then savagely yanked it back as she incanted in Nahuatl. "Hunger of Tezcatlipōca!" The monster's iron ribs exploded outward as its heart rocketed from its chest to be crushed in Norimune's fist contemptuously.
As the Grendel she had just slain collapsed like an unstrung puppet, Norimune's combat instincts screamed.
Automatically she moved her sword in a parry that she had learned from Julie d'Aubigny in 1706 as an aquamarine blur too fast to see came for her point first.
Her dove menuki blazed argent with Hachiman's power as she shifted the hand of luck to favor her as she turned to face her opponent.
The Sword of Ogier the Dane, one of Charlemagne's Twelve Paladins, forged of the same steel and temperament as the Swords of Roland and Charlemagne, screamed as she tested herself against the Unrepentant Blade of the Mad Smith, the Second Blade of Hachiman-no-kami, in the beginning of a battle to the finish.
The blast wave of their contact staggered both avatars as if a giant had clubbed them, tossing them back a dozen yards to regroup.
Flat blue-green eyes stared into smug blue eyes above a cocky, infuriating smirk.
Norimune pointed her steel at Cortana and spoke conversationally as they began to circle in a probe of each other's defenses. "I heard from my eldest daughter that you took her hand off at the wrist trying to kill her in 1942. No one hurts my family but me."
Layer upon layer of enchantments and charms cast and developed by her over four centuries of wandering and war across five continents flamed to life upon Norimune's blade, mirrored by Cortana's own spellwork from the hand and wand of Morgana Le Fay. "I'll make you regret that!"
A calm voice filled with steel under the velvet sounded. "Sumimasen(I'm Sorry), Norimune-sama." The Masamune of the Warrior's Virtues, the First Blade of Hachiman-no-kami, spoke quietly as she moved next to Norimune in perfect unison with her own steel glimmering with her full power and Hachiman's dove glowing upon her tsuba. "She kidnapped my stepdaughter Ehren and has distressed Co-chan. I humbly request to assist you with her chastisement."
Spoiler: Helmar Wolff and Colombe du Chasteler
The final Grendel barring her path fell to her steel and Colombe d'Aubigny du Chasteler-Muramasa stepped onto the ritual platform
Across the circle, Obersturmführer Helmar von und zu Wolff locked eyes with her as he carefully placed the four-eyed Imaski yoThixo ome-ezine down upon a bloodstained stone altar that was radiating powerful eldritch Dark Magic.
A blood-dripping rapier formed of shadow appeared in his hand as he shifted into a fencing stance, his eyes still locked on hers as their Wills clashed in the instants before the death duel began.
Tears formed in Colombe's eyes as her point moved in a figure eight slowly. "Why, Helmar?" She asked sadly. "Why Ehren? I was the one who sinned against you."
Something that might have been regret crossed his face for a fleeting instant and then was gone. "I would have asked your hand in marriage that day as Marie-Claire de Bury, or should I call you Colombe du Chasteler?" His voice was firm and commanding. "You are the highest racial form of the Herrenvolk and should have been mine. So I had to raise our child properly as a Vater must do as part of his duties. She will be Führer after me when the Reich is reestablished. It does not have to end like this for you. Come with me, be the wife that you were born to be for our family, and together we shall lead the lesser masses of humanity into a glorious new future as Vati, Mutti, und Tochter."
Colombe's jaw firmed and she spoke with steel-deep determination under the pain in her voice. "Non, Helmar. I gave my word of honor and service in 1902 that I would stand against what you represent to defend what I believe in. I ask you for the final time, will you surrender yourself and walk away from this madness for Ehren's sake?"
He shook his head as lightning formed in his off hand and flaming circles formed around hers. "Nein, Colombe. I gave my word of honor and service in 1937 to the right and proper truth of this universe of struggle." His voice was equally determined and sad.
Ehren, cloaked by her invisibility spell, watched silently as a single salt tear dripped from Mutti's chin to fall on the glowing stone. Matching that, a single tear of blood fell from Vati's eyes to splash at his feet as one final whispered exhalation reached her ears.
"I gave my word of honor."