A Courtship in Emerald 10 [1945]
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A Courtship in Emerald (X)
16th May, 1945 (Eight Days After V-E Day)
Schloss Oberkirchberg, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg (American Occupation Zone Of Germany)
Spoiler: A War Fought In Shadows
Delilah smirked smugly as she scanned the notes in German covering binding enchantments for body-less spirits.
Just what the doctor ordered to help release Zamarad from that damn ring.
With that happy thought and a wave of her wand, she copied the various notes onto a blank roll of paper and packed it away in her backpack for later analysis.
The door to the room that she had commandeered as an office opened unexpectedly. Automatically she focused on the dark haired man in the entrance as her hand twitched toward her true self as part of her targeting calculations.
US Army field uniform, blue hexaganal Counter Intelligence Corps shoulder flash, wand at the belt, no weapons in hand.... Two shots to the chest, then one to the head once incapacitated to make sure of the kill.... Target identified as Captain Ben Arnold of MACUSA.
With a mental start she shook off her analysis of how to terminate the intruder and smiled as she recognized an ex-protege from the Aurors before the War. "Ben! It is good to see you!"
Ben's own face lit up in a smile. "Delilah. I see the goddamn krauts haven't killed you yet."
"Not hardly, Ben, not hardly." Delilah stood and then her eyes widened as he walked inside. A silver oak leaf glimmered from his shoulders. "I guess I'll have to salute you this time around, congratulations on the promotion."
He grinned sardonically. "That's Lieutenant Colonel of Aurors Arnold to you, Major de Breuil. I'm not the Captain who you remember from Tunisia when we met last as part of the planning for the invasion of Sicily."
Delilah chuckled. "Fast promotion but well-deserved. How did you get it, or is that classified?"
He pulled out a gurgling canteen, "No classification, not anymore. I was in the right place at the right time when the Krauts sent one of their Einheit Stielau commando squads to try to bump off Ike and the rest of Supreme Headquarters staff. My big chance for field work as opposed to pushing papers and chasing spies and look what it got me. Drink?"
"Don't mind if I do, Ben." Delilah agreed as she pulled out her canteen cup. "To your promotion, may it stick when the damn war is over."
He clinked canteen cups and then sipped the Kirschwasser cherry schnapps, grimacing slightly. "Kicks like a Missouri mule."
"Mmm-hmm." Delilah agreed. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure this isn't a social call. What do you have for me?"
He handed over a MACUSA order form. "Effective tomorrow, I'm to take over this place. I'll be doing the analysis of the files your team captured, and start prosecuting the hunt for the surviving Nazis and Grindlewald supporters. And put those damn animals that Grindlewald recruited like the bloodsuckers and dogs back in their kennel to keep the nomaj fat, dumb, and ignorant as it should be."
Delilah scanned the form as she sipped the liquor. "Right. Says that I'm to report back Stateside by June 1st?"
Ben scowled, "Yeah, rumor is that we are going to draw down here to crush the fucking Nips. Plus have to keep an eye on the damn Reds too but Kamo's fanatics are the big threat." He did not notice the Muramasa's eyes narrow slightly at the racial slur or her hand twitch again.
"Ah. Damn, Ben, what happened? I don't recall you being so pissed at the Japs? I mean I know you hate the Commies since your mother fled Russia in 1919." Delilah spoke as she slammed back the last of the liquor.
"Kamo happened. Heard from the Pacific that Cyril got killed on Saipan when those fucking Nips launched an all-out charge into the lines. One of their officers at the head of a pack of those half-human creatures that they recruited split him in two before we wiped them out." Ben snarled, tears filling his dark green flaming eyes.
Delilah walked over and hugged him. "Shit. Well, when I get over to the Pacific, I'll sock the Japs one for you." She said quietly.
He nodded jerkily. "If the damn Nips hadn't stabbed us in the back to drag us into the war, Cyril would still be alive. Not like the incompetent Frogs or Limeys really deserved to have us come over here and sort out Hitler and Grindlewald. We prop up their empires and they reap the rewards, all because they couldn't properly separate the Magical and Nomaj worlds the way that we do."
Delilah sighed. "Right, well Rappaport's Law doesn't apply over here, Ben, as much as we might wish otherwise," not that I so wish, and you better never say that out loud around Sis, "so we have to use a different touch here. Crack down too hard on the surviving German magicals and we will just drive them away. Lots of carrots while keeping the stick handy."
Ben nodded, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, Floo communications have been linked back up between New York to England, but everything east of London is a mess and a half. So you will have to get transport back to England for you and your team and can then Floo to the Big Apple."
Delilah nodded, her mind whirring. "I think I can arrange the paperwork to get them on one of the supply ships out of Antwerp or another port. Sure, it's nomaj, but it crosses the Channel, which is the big thing. Then get them to London and Floo out from there."
"Sounds good. Anyway, so get me up to speed here...." Ben responded as he grabbed a quill to take notes.
Potter Manor
24 May, 1945
Spoiler: Reunion At Potter House
The fireplace flamed and then Delilah stepped out, brushing soot from the shoulders of her uniform. Her eyes focused on the House-elf in the foyer. "Hello Stabby."
"Hello Missus Yankee. Missus Flamey is in the Library. Missus Perverts is visiting her Families in towns for a Bridge Night. Wonts be backs until laters."
Delilah chuckled. "No need to prepare anything on my account. I need to talk to Zamarad anyway."
With that she turned and walked down the hall, absently humming The Stars and Stripes Forever to herself.
She smirked smugly at the sight of Zamarad in the study idly consuming a bowl of wood chips one by one with her back to the door. A poem that she had read shortly after the turn of the century sprang to mind and she began to quote Elizabeth Barret Browning's work as she stepped inside.
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death."
Zamarad turned, her eyes widening and a smile filling her face. "Shaelat ruwhi! You are back!" The crackle and pops of a campfire roasting marshmallows on a perfect summer evening filled her voice.
The two embraced and kissed, then Delilah spoke quietly. "Yes, I am back. For now. I am wanted Stateside, and then to the Pacific, or so I am led to believe." The Muramasa sighed. "But I have time before I must Floo out to check in and see Mère, so I stopped by to see you. Also if you so wish, I can see about transporting myself and your ring to North Africa so you can be with your family if you do not want to stay here."
Zamarad abruptly placed a burning finger on Delilah's lips to quiet her. "Hush, heart of my heart. I have decided that when you leave for America, I shall inhabit my ring once more to cross the seas upon your bosom. After all, I wish to meet your mother and speak to her, and can stay with her when you are summoned to war once more. My father has been notified of my plans and agreed to them," mischief danced in Zamarad's eyes as she finished, "so I shall return to him when able." I gave him little choice in my explanation of matters, after all.
Delilah's smile lit up her face. "I'll pack anything you want me to carry in your luggage. Also I dug up some notes on the binding of spirits that may have answers to getting you out of the ring."
Zamarad smiled, "Good!" Then her face clouded and a harsh crackle of flame entered her voice. "But I have ill news. There is at least one Shayṭān on the loose in England. I saw it at the celebrations when Hitler was defeated."
Delilah's eyes narrowed. "I'll keep an eye out and warn Sis too. From the lore that I have researched, that is a definite threat."
A Courtship in Emerald (X)
16th May, 1945 (Eight Days After V-E Day)
Schloss Oberkirchberg, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg (American Occupation Zone Of Germany)
Spoiler: A War Fought In Shadows
Delilah smirked smugly as she scanned the notes in German covering binding enchantments for body-less spirits.
Just what the doctor ordered to help release Zamarad from that damn ring.
With that happy thought and a wave of her wand, she copied the various notes onto a blank roll of paper and packed it away in her backpack for later analysis.
The door to the room that she had commandeered as an office opened unexpectedly. Automatically she focused on the dark haired man in the entrance as her hand twitched toward her true self as part of her targeting calculations.
US Army field uniform, blue hexaganal Counter Intelligence Corps shoulder flash, wand at the belt, no weapons in hand.... Two shots to the chest, then one to the head once incapacitated to make sure of the kill.... Target identified as Captain Ben Arnold of MACUSA.
With a mental start she shook off her analysis of how to terminate the intruder and smiled as she recognized an ex-protege from the Aurors before the War. "Ben! It is good to see you!"
Ben's own face lit up in a smile. "Delilah. I see the goddamn krauts haven't killed you yet."
"Not hardly, Ben, not hardly." Delilah stood and then her eyes widened as he walked inside. A silver oak leaf glimmered from his shoulders. "I guess I'll have to salute you this time around, congratulations on the promotion."
He grinned sardonically. "That's Lieutenant Colonel of Aurors Arnold to you, Major de Breuil. I'm not the Captain who you remember from Tunisia when we met last as part of the planning for the invasion of Sicily."
Delilah chuckled. "Fast promotion but well-deserved. How did you get it, or is that classified?"
He pulled out a gurgling canteen, "No classification, not anymore. I was in the right place at the right time when the Krauts sent one of their Einheit Stielau commando squads to try to bump off Ike and the rest of Supreme Headquarters staff. My big chance for field work as opposed to pushing papers and chasing spies and look what it got me. Drink?"
"Don't mind if I do, Ben." Delilah agreed as she pulled out her canteen cup. "To your promotion, may it stick when the damn war is over."
He clinked canteen cups and then sipped the Kirschwasser cherry schnapps, grimacing slightly. "Kicks like a Missouri mule."
"Mmm-hmm." Delilah agreed. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure this isn't a social call. What do you have for me?"
He handed over a MACUSA order form. "Effective tomorrow, I'm to take over this place. I'll be doing the analysis of the files your team captured, and start prosecuting the hunt for the surviving Nazis and Grindlewald supporters. And put those damn animals that Grindlewald recruited like the bloodsuckers and dogs back in their kennel to keep the nomaj fat, dumb, and ignorant as it should be."
Delilah scanned the form as she sipped the liquor. "Right. Says that I'm to report back Stateside by June 1st?"
Ben scowled, "Yeah, rumor is that we are going to draw down here to crush the fucking Nips. Plus have to keep an eye on the damn Reds too but Kamo's fanatics are the big threat." He did not notice the Muramasa's eyes narrow slightly at the racial slur or her hand twitch again.
"Ah. Damn, Ben, what happened? I don't recall you being so pissed at the Japs? I mean I know you hate the Commies since your mother fled Russia in 1919." Delilah spoke as she slammed back the last of the liquor.
"Kamo happened. Heard from the Pacific that Cyril got killed on Saipan when those fucking Nips launched an all-out charge into the lines. One of their officers at the head of a pack of those half-human creatures that they recruited split him in two before we wiped them out." Ben snarled, tears filling his dark green flaming eyes.
Delilah walked over and hugged him. "Shit. Well, when I get over to the Pacific, I'll sock the Japs one for you." She said quietly.
He nodded jerkily. "If the damn Nips hadn't stabbed us in the back to drag us into the war, Cyril would still be alive. Not like the incompetent Frogs or Limeys really deserved to have us come over here and sort out Hitler and Grindlewald. We prop up their empires and they reap the rewards, all because they couldn't properly separate the Magical and Nomaj worlds the way that we do."
Delilah sighed. "Right, well Rappaport's Law doesn't apply over here, Ben, as much as we might wish otherwise," not that I so wish, and you better never say that out loud around Sis, "so we have to use a different touch here. Crack down too hard on the surviving German magicals and we will just drive them away. Lots of carrots while keeping the stick handy."
Ben nodded, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, Floo communications have been linked back up between New York to England, but everything east of London is a mess and a half. So you will have to get transport back to England for you and your team and can then Floo to the Big Apple."
Delilah nodded, her mind whirring. "I think I can arrange the paperwork to get them on one of the supply ships out of Antwerp or another port. Sure, it's nomaj, but it crosses the Channel, which is the big thing. Then get them to London and Floo out from there."
"Sounds good. Anyway, so get me up to speed here...." Ben responded as he grabbed a quill to take notes.
Potter Manor
24 May, 1945
Spoiler: Reunion At Potter House
The fireplace flamed and then Delilah stepped out, brushing soot from the shoulders of her uniform. Her eyes focused on the House-elf in the foyer. "Hello Stabby."
"Hello Missus Yankee. Missus Flamey is in the Library. Missus Perverts is visiting her Families in towns for a Bridge Night. Wonts be backs until laters."
Delilah chuckled. "No need to prepare anything on my account. I need to talk to Zamarad anyway."
With that she turned and walked down the hall, absently humming The Stars and Stripes Forever to herself.
She smirked smugly at the sight of Zamarad in the study idly consuming a bowl of wood chips one by one with her back to the door. A poem that she had read shortly after the turn of the century sprang to mind and she began to quote Elizabeth Barret Browning's work as she stepped inside.
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death."
Zamarad turned, her eyes widening and a smile filling her face. "Shaelat ruwhi! You are back!" The crackle and pops of a campfire roasting marshmallows on a perfect summer evening filled her voice.
The two embraced and kissed, then Delilah spoke quietly. "Yes, I am back. For now. I am wanted Stateside, and then to the Pacific, or so I am led to believe." The Muramasa sighed. "But I have time before I must Floo out to check in and see Mère, so I stopped by to see you. Also if you so wish, I can see about transporting myself and your ring to North Africa so you can be with your family if you do not want to stay here."
Zamarad abruptly placed a burning finger on Delilah's lips to quiet her. "Hush, heart of my heart. I have decided that when you leave for America, I shall inhabit my ring once more to cross the seas upon your bosom. After all, I wish to meet your mother and speak to her, and can stay with her when you are summoned to war once more. My father has been notified of my plans and agreed to them," mischief danced in Zamarad's eyes as she finished, "so I shall return to him when able." I gave him little choice in my explanation of matters, after all.
Delilah's smile lit up her face. "I'll pack anything you want me to carry in your luggage. Also I dug up some notes on the binding of spirits that may have answers to getting you out of the ring."
Zamarad smiled, "Good!" Then her face clouded and a harsh crackle of flame entered her voice. "But I have ill news. There is at least one Shayṭān on the loose in England. I saw it at the celebrations when Hitler was defeated."
Delilah's eyes narrowed. "I'll keep an eye out and warn Sis too. From the lore that I have researched, that is a definite threat."