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Which Universe do you want to be created?

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HWI 90
[Shout out to dmf!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 90

The influence of the MCU was so great that many film companies tried to copy it. Even foreign countries tried to dab their hands and copy the MCU and filmed their own Avengers.

The MCU movies made billions of dollars. The franchise may have been the reason why movie theaters were still thriving under the strong rapid rise of the Internet. Well, there were definitely many factors like the 3D, IMAX and increase of movie tickets.

But it didn't change the fact that MCU was the most successful movie franchise.

Now, Kazir understood that his Cinematic Universe could not have been as good as the MCU. Considering that his movies were original scripts and not based on comics. His Cinematic Universe didn't have a steady stream of fans.

"This is my starting point. We will take 40% of the North American box office. 20th Century Fox will only invest $2.5 million in promotion. These terms may change depending on how the movie does. However, I can't assure you that 20th Century Fox will give it the best schedule release. We have so many film projects this year and we have to prioritize them."

"I understand."

That was the main reason Kazir preferred Sony-Columbia. Sony-Columbia releases only a few movies a year, unlike the other Big Five. Kazir was confident that Sony-Columbia would give him a good release schedule.

"Also, I have to see the movie first. If it doesn't meet my criteria, I'm sorry, but 20th Century Fox will have to pass."

To be honest, Tom Rothman was not confident in the movie. He felt it would flop. The only reason he met with Kazir Grey this time was for the sequel to Napoleon Dynamite. After all, Kazir Grey was the brains behind the movie. He knew the Napoleon Dynamite story better than anyone.

'I'm sure Warner Bros feels the same way. Kazir is definitely a talented comedy director, but I don't know about action movies.'

"We will talk about international distribution once your "Taken" has proven itself in the North American market."

The Big Six would never distribute an uncertain film... Unless the movie was heavily invested. There were many movies that the Big Six distributed overseas in the hope that they could make a profit.

Warcraft was a movie based on a popular game. The movie only made $47 million at the North American box office. However, it made $391 million in the rest of the world.

Perhaps the game was one of the factors that made Warcraft(movie) successful, but it was still true that the movie made more money overseas.

Unfortunately, the usual situation was the opposite. If the movie horribly flopped in North America, it would flop in the rest of the world.

So Kazir understood why Tom Rothman couldn't promise international distribution for Taken. After all, they have to invest money just to distribute thousands of film copies around the world. Added that they also have to promote them.

'Well, that's good for me. At least I can negotiate with them again if Taken is good. Maybe I can get a better deal then.'

Sony-Columbia has already promised a 35% share of the worldwide box office. This offer was either good or bad for Grey Pictures.

But in Kazir's opinion, the deal was already good. As long as the movie made more money, everything would be better for both parties.

'I guess this meeting is fruitless again. It seems that Tom Rothman didn't want to repeat what happened last time. Maybe he thinks it was a mistake to give me a share of the box office for Napoleon Dynamite. Well, I'm still grateful for what he did for me.'

Fox Searchlight Pictures was his first partner. He had no problem working with them again as long as the conditions were met.

The truth was that the meeting was not fruitful. At least Grey Pictures knew the average terms of the two film companies. Besides, it was not wrong to ask for more. Especially if Grey Pictures was going to be the sole investor in Taken.

They have the right to agree or disagree with the film companies.

'... I actually have another company to ask from, but I'm not sure if they have the ability to promote my movie properly.'

Anyway, this thing could not be solved right away. First of all, the movie was still not made. No film company wanted to sign with Grey Pictures. Everything was just a 'promise' from now on. Nothing was certain.

"Well, thank you for accepting this meeting, Mr. Rothman."

"That's fine. By the way, if you have another comedy script you want to direct, feel free to contact 20th Century Fox. We will make sure to invest in your movie. Haha!"

As expected, Tom Rothman's prejudice against his talent was obvious. Besides, what Tom Rothman said was only a promise. No one knows if 20th Century Fox would really cooperate with Grey Pictures if Taken was a massive flop.

Everything depended on the outcome of Taken.


"Make sure you eat healthy."

"I will."

"Huh! I know you always forget to eat when you are working on your movie. Don't try to fool me."

"I will try to eat healthy food."

"Good. Take care. Call me when you land."

Kazir Grey said goodbye to Reese Witherspoon. He wanted to take a flight to France with the crew.

March came and the preparations for the film were finished. Liam Neeson and the stunt men had already mastered their roles. In fact, Liam Neeson's body was impeccable at the moment. He got abs and toned biceps.

'I recommended him the gym I worked out in, and the result is satisfying.'

Apart from Liam, Kazir Grey's figure was also perfect. If not for his job as a director, he might be hired as an actor instead.
Very nice! Had to catch up with the story! QQ's email alerts are not very good. I missed about 30 chapters!
HWI 91
[Shout out to KrOn and Simonki!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 91

Within three months of preparation, Kazir's crew finished the pre-production work.

The people under the props team started to choose the actors' appearances(costume design). This movie was a little different from the original Taken. Kazir added some easter eggs for the next movies. Especially for Enzo Park who was the ninja in this movie.

Enzo only had one scene in the movie, but his appearance was supposed to be remarkable. So that the audience would remember him.

While the props team was busy creating fashion for the roles, the camera department focused on their work.

The camera department, especially Rector who was the cinematographer, had the job of going over every possible shot and scene they were going to do. Rector even went to France for a week to check out the locations.

The crew already got approval from France to make the movie. But they didn't get any tax incentives. First of all, Grey Pictures was an unknown studio. Also, the film was about human trafficking in France. It was actually a miracle that the government agreed.

'Well, we cast two French actors, so the film industry in this country gave us some leeway.'

The so-called art film center of Europe. Paris, France. The country where the first movie was made.

The Lumière brothers were the first to present projected moving pictures to a paying audience in December 1895 in Paris, France. They used a homemade device called the Cinématographe, which was a camera, projector, and film printer all in one. (Credits to Google.)

The first movie.

That was the reason why many film directors in France had this arrogant attitude. They thought they were the center of art film.

But most of their "art films" are nothing but borderline pornography. The plots are dark and sometimes depressing. They are also very long.

Combined with these factors, the European film industry slowly lost its vitality. In the end, Hollywood overtook it.

'That is not my problem. I'm satisfied that they let me shoot the movie in the country.'

He had a plan B in case the government didn't give him permission. He would shoot the movie in the US. He would just take shots of relevant scenes from France and put them in the movie.

Many studios did this to reduce their costs.

But since they got the permission, Grey Pictures decided to shoot most of the relevant scenes in the movie. Like running on the highway. For this sequence alone, Liam Neeson practiced running without getting tired.

Three months was a short time, but Liam Neeson was strict about his work. He made sure his physique fit the role of Bryan Mills. A retired dangerous agent.

"Director, we already blocked the road."

Assistant Director Fremont Smith told Kazir, who was sitting in the chair.

"Good. We only have three hours to shoot this scene. Make sure we get as many good shots as possible."

Kazir raised his megaphone and gave the go signal. This was not the studio, and his voice was hard to hear even when he shouted. So carrying a megaphone was the right decision. Besides, Kazir would never use the megaphone for useless things.

There were directors who would use a megaphone every damn time, unreasonably. As if they wanted to show that they were in control.

"Okay, let's start filming."

His voice resounded.

There was a rule in the show business. Never film a passerby. Or you would get sued. Every passerby, every car, every person the camera caught was hired by the production crew. These people signed a contract to be in the movie, even if they were just extras.

So yes, Grey Pictures hired all the people who would appear on screen. None of them were real passers-by. In fact, even the prank videos on YouTube were mostly staged. So yeah, don't believe those prank videos.

In this scene, Liam Neeson had to run a few meters to catch the handsome person who was related to the disappearance of Kim (Bryan Mills' daughter) and her friend.

"Impressive, Liam Neeson is not out of breath."

Kazir was pleased. Unlike the original version where Liam Neeson was older, the current Liam had a better physique.

'I decided to make Bryan Mills stronger and faster in this version because the Continental Cinematic Universe is a replica of superhero movies.'

The John Wick and Fast and the Furious franchises were basically superhero movies. Yes. Especially the latter of the two. Nobody could change that opinion because it was the truth. These movies had the same formula as superhero movies.

'The first three Fast and the Furious movies were realistic... But the sequels after that turned the franchise into a hodgepodge.'

As for John Wick, the first movie already had the formula of being a superhero, but a bit mild. The sequels gradually turned into one.

Anyway, on the screen, Kazir Grey watched Liam Neeson run like a cheetah.

He just sat in his chair while Fremont Smith ordered people around. Fremont was responsible for making sure that the filming of this particular scene went smoothly.

Fortunately, the three hours ended peacefully. Kazir and the film crew packed up, cleaned up and left. They got enough shots.

"D- Director Grey, a French director has invited you to his party tomorrow."

Kazir Grey still couldn't find an assistant, so one of the interns temporarily took over as his personal assistant. The intern was nervous and stammered.

"Hm? Who is this?"

Kazir knew a few French directors, since the film industry was still quite strong in the United States. He watched many films by European directors.

"I- It says here that the director's name is Roman Polanski."

The intern said.


Kazir became silent. Roman Polanski was in fact a famous director. He was the director of The Pianist. The Oscar-winning film, The Pianist.

But Roman Polanski was also famous for something else... He was a known rapist/pedophile.
Whilst Kazir Grey films Paris ,France and company as the movie film Taken franchise is a semi realistic approach to superhero film,which Kazir Grey is invited to by the director Roman Polanski Oscar winning film( The Pianist),
As Kazir Grey is caught in middle of a rock and a hard place, but can't exactly turn him down in the midst of shooting the Taken franchise at the latest.
While Kazir Grey is putting on his best poker face with meeting with this particular guy director at the meantime.
Continue on
HWI 92
Hollywood What If Chapter 92

Roman Polanski. A famous director. He directed many movies and his most famous one was The Pianist.

However, he was wanted in the USA.

Nevertheless, he fled to Paris and continued his profession as a director.

Roman Polanski had influence in the French film industry and he invited Kazir Grey to his party for several reasons.

First of all, Kazir Grey was a Jew like him. Kazir's mother was from Poland and her parents lived through the horrors of World War II.

Unlike Kazir's mother, Roman Polanski lived through World War II. It was not a good memory.

The second thing was that he heard that Kazir Grey was going to make a movie in France. Maybe he could cooperate on something.

The third was Kazir's influence in Hollywood. Roman Polanski was wanted in the US and he could not get in. He had cooperation with the film companies in Hollywood. But he still wanted to get some information first hand from Kazir.

'If you ask me. It's a mystery how the Academy let Roman Polanski and The Pianist win the Oscar despite the scandal...'.

Kazir Grey had an idea why.

Most of the old members of the Academy were Jewish. They had this collective understanding that they had to help each other. Besides, The Pianist was about the plight of the Jewish people at the hands of the Germans.

The old men of the Oscars obviously liked the movie because of that. So much so that they ignored the fact that Roman Polanski had committed a crime. He was convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor (a 13 year old girl).

'Now, I still don't know the whole story and I can't judge a person based on these articles... I have to meet him before I make a decision.'

Maybe this is why the old men from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences let it slide... Because some of them might be pedophiles.

There were a lot of crimes going on in Hollywood, but they were protected by their halo. One of the reasons Jeffrey Epstein maintained his status for so long.

The stars shone, but they were overwhelmed by the blinding lights of the city. The hustle and bustle of the city continued despite the late hour.

Kazir Grey entered the party with Harold. They were the director and producer, so they had to make connections. The French film industry was quite strong and they had the home field advantage.

"Kazir Grey. It's nice to meet you."

"Mr. Polanski."

Kazir shook Roman's hand. It was a little uncomfortable, but he decided to accept it.

The Jewish director was 63 this year, and he looked old. But he was still active in the industry.

"Kazir, how about we go to a quiet place and talk."


Kazir motioned to Harold Witsend to make contact with the locals. Maybe they could find something interesting that would reduce their costs. They need local companies to help them.

The two directors walked into the garden. Kazir had a glass of champagne in his hand. He knew the French liked to drink champagne and cognac.

"Kazir, I hear you're a Jew."

"That's right."

As expected, Roman played the race card. Kazir decided to shut up and let Roman talk.

"I have a new project and I'm trying to find a distribution company. I was wondering if you could recommend a company."

"Well, I work with Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox. Maybe I can put you in touch with them."

"I had a relationship with Warner Bros. back in 1988. As for 20th Century Fox, this might be the first time."

He smiled.

The two began to talk about movies and their experiences making them. It seemed that Roman Polanski was having a hard time finding a distributor for his next film.

While talking to the old director, Kazir realized that Roman was not so bad after all. At least he felt that way about him.

Maybe he is just showing his good side. Well, nobody wanted to show their devils.

To be honest, that was not his problem. The only reason he attended this party was to make a connection with the local movie industry.

"Ah, by the way, I heard that you held an audition for young women?"

"... Mr. Polanski, I have already cast someone for the role. If you are referring me to someone else, I must decline."

"Ahahaha. No, I won't do that. It would be a breach of contract. I just want to introduce you to someone. She is the daughter of a friend of mine. She actually auditioned for the role of Kim Mills last December, but she didn't make it past the second round."


Kazir was a bit curious.

"I'm just asking for a favor. Maybe you can help her. You can put her in touch with your agent if you want."

"I want to see her first."

"Of course."

A few minutes later a young woman appeared. She was beautiful, but clearly a minor.

Kazir was actually surprised to see the woman here.

"Hello Director Grey, I'm Eva Green. I went to America last year to audition for Taken. But they didn't like me because of my accent."

The woman smiled at Kazir.

'I didn't expect to meet the famous Bond girl of Casino Royal.'

Besides, Eva Green was also in the Kingdom of Heaven.

"I know a company that can help you gather extras, and their payment is lower than the average."

Roman Polanski added.

"Thank you, Mr. Polanski."

A clear-headed person like Kazir Grey understood that this was just business. He didn't need to let his emotions get in the way of business.

[Author's Note: I did a poll to choose which actress should participate in Taken as Bryan Mills' daughter. The choices are Eva Green, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley, and Jessica Alba. They prefer Scarlett Johansson so she got the role.]
While Kazir Grey meeting with Roman Polaski in Paris France wasn't what he expected and Hollywood " golden Halo" was in effect for the wanted director of serious charges.
Despite that, Kazir Grey has found an unexpected gem of Roman Pulaski was titular Bond girl Casino Royal's Daniel Criag Eva Green ( Dreamers,300 sequel, kingdom of Heaven.
Well now are definitely looking up for Kazir Grey and new recruit minor French actress Eva Green.
Continue on
HWI 93
[Shout out to Dany B!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 93

The woman before him was still young. But that didn't change the fact that she was already beautiful.

However, Kazir was unaffected by beauty. In fact, many women at this party were giving him flirtatious looks. He didn't show any reaction.

There might be a simple reason for this. Kazir Grey might be afraid of women, especially beautiful women. It was hard for him to trust them.

It was a miracle that he agreed to Reese's seductive advances. He had turned her down three times before their current relationship.

So as much as possible, he wanted to keep his feet away from women who could be his downfall... Especially young women.

"Mr. Polanski, you're just asking for a favor. To help Miss Eva Green break into Hollywood, is that it? I have to be honest with you, I'm just a director. I may be a hot director right now because of the success of my last two movies. But I know that film companies will easily drop me if I make an irreparable mistake. I think my help will not be much."

"Kazir, don't worry. I'm not asking for much. Eva's father helped me when I was down, and I want to help Eva realize her dreams. I advise her to become famous in France, but Hollywood is not so bad. I hate to say it, but the European film industry is losing its edge. I'll be happy if you let Eva get some roles.

"... One of our actresses dropped out after realizing that her role was too dark. Is Eva interested?" Kazir decided that there was nothing wrong with helping.

"What do you think, Eva?"

Roman Polanski turned to the young woman.

"Ms. Grey, can I know the role first?"

Having heard that the role was too dark, Eva Green needed to understand if the role would bring her success.

"You are a kidnapped woman who was used by criminals. The protagonist rescued you from the sex den because he wanted to ask you about his missing daughter..."

Human trafficking was everywhere. Even in the United States and its closed regions. A few months ago, a young woman was missing after visiting Mexico and it seemed the Mexican gang was related to her dissapearance.

"Will I have nude scenes?" Eva Green asked.

"You're a minor, so of course not. I didn't want to bother the Children's Association."

In fact, there was another group of people from the Children's Association who attended the filming. They were responsible for making sure that Scarlett Johansson would study with her tutor.

Underage actors were required to have tutors while they were on the set. They also have maximum working hours that the production crew could not violate.

'Fortunately, people are tamed and reasonable this time.'

Grey Pictures didn't have a problem with anyone. Especially when Grey Pictures was still looking for a film company to distribute the film.

'Adding another minor is not a problem. Besides, I heard that the laws in this country are different from those in the US. Maybe they have more lenient laws.'

"I want to take the role."

Eva Green weighed the pros and cons. She thought her chances of going to Hollywood were very slim. So she decided to take a chance. Working with a famous director was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. She might as well take the role.

"You need your parents' permission first."

"Thank you, Mr. Grey."

The woman smiled and happily left to find her parents.


His interaction with the guests was easy. They chatted. Some of them were interested in him, especially after hearing that Kazir Grey was the director of Napoleon Dynamite and The Hangover. Those movies were huge box office hits even in France.

He even met Sophie Marceau. But because of the woman's status in France, Kazir just greeted her and then stayed away.

Sophie Marceau was in the cast of Braveheart. She didn't have much influence in Hollywood, but it was different in Europe. Here, she was a famous actress.

"What have you got?"

Kazir asked Harold, who was standing next to him. They sipped alcohol in silence in the corner. They had already gotten what they needed.

"Some of them asked us if we needed filming equipment. They can promise us a 20% discount. As long as we include their store in the movie."

"An advertisement?"

"That's right." Harold nodded.

"I see... Let's think about it later."

Kazir thought that this condition was not bad. Unfortunately, they already have cameras and equipment for filming.

"This, I'm sure you'll be interested in. I met a person who can help us buy old cars."

There was a car chase scene in the movie and they needed old cars for it. Kazir wanted one or two cars for explosion scenes.

"Call them later. If the price is right, we can rent and buy old cars from them."


Having accomplished their goals and met new people, the two decided to return to the hotel where they were resting. The crew had to work tomorrow and it would be bad if the producer and director returned with a hangover.

Just as Roman Polanski had promised, a company contacted the crew and promised to bring extras at a good price.

Extras were important because they were needed in most of the public scenes. Grey Pictures didn't want to get sued if they accidentally filmed a real civilian and put him in the movie.

Just like that, the shooting started again. This time they shot at night.

"We have to shoot most of the difficult scenes this time."

"Sigh... Renting a huge yacht is expensive. Are you sure you can finish shooting in seven hours?"

They only have a few hours to finish the yacht scenes. To be honest, Harold was skeptical.

He had experienced Kazir's fast shooting before, but this time was different. He was going to shoot an action stunt and they had to execute it meticulously. It was a dangerous stunt, so Liam Neeson had to make way for his body double... The part where he had to jump and then roll onto the yacht to infiltrate the place.
HWI 94
[Shout out to Craig W., Aj, Cedric K., Tarabi Y., and Binrasas!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 94

Liam Neeson was insured, of course. Because of his profession, the insurance company had to make sure he was safe in every project he took on.

So all the dangerous stunts had to be done by his stunt double. It was a no-brainer. There were many actors who said they didn't use a stunt double, and most of them were lying... Unless it was Jackie Chan or Jet Lee. Those actors had different contracts.

But even Liam Neeson had to do some of the stunts. He just has to show his face. To make it look like he was the one doing the stunts. So his stunt double had to resemble him in height and weight.

"The cameras are all set!"

"The actors are all ready."

They shouted, since they were far apart.

Kazir switched on the megaphone and said.

"Start shooting!"

"Lights Camera Action!"

With cameras from different angles, Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) started running to the bridge. Bryan Mills had to jump into the approaching private yacht to save his daughter. Once the yacht was under the bridge, Bryan Mills made a decision and jumped!

"Cut! Stop the yacht and call the double!" Kazir stopped the filming right before Liam Neeson actually jumped.

Just like Liam Neeson, his stunt double underwent three months of rigorous training. His training was harder than Liam Neeson's because he was the one responsible for the difficult stunts.

After a ten-minute break, filming resumed. This time with Liam's stunt double.

The yacht that was under the bridge started to move again. The stunt double jumped and then rolled safely onto the yacht.

"Cut! Another ten minute break!"

"Are we going to reshoot?"

Fremont whispered next to him.

"Let me see the clips first."

Kazir Grey touched his chin and studied the shots. It was perfect. Even Fremont thought there was no reason to reshoot.

The two nodded to each other. It was useless to reshoot, since they had already captured a good one.

"This is the first time I've worked with Kazir, but I can't believe how fast and precise his shots are. Usually the actors make many mistakes, but under Kazir's guidance, the actors are all calm and serious."

Liam Neeson murmured while sipping hot soup. It was late at night and very cold. Liam's personal assistant gave him a towel to keep him warm.

"I heard that director Grey has a vibe that makes actors improve their acting." The assistant said without any assurance. In the first place, she didn't know what she was saying.

"It's because the director has a long patience and he didn't shout much."

Enzo Park appeared.

"Our ninja is here!"

Liam Neeson teased the young Korean. They trained together and became friends.

"Tell me more about Director Grey," Liam said.

"I only worked with director Grey once and I realized one thing... I didn't feel any pressure or nervousness. That's why I easily passed my scenes even though I had a lot of NGs when I practiced."

Enzo Park was dressed in very elegant clothes, all black. As if he was melting into the darkness.

"I see..."

Liam Neeson touched his chin. This was only the second day, and Kazir Grey kept his patience. There were times when mistakes were made. Instead of getting angry, Kazir encouraged them.

Even Liam noticed that Kazir Grey boosted his confidence by telling him that he was doing a great job even though his performance was sometimes mediocre.

"Will my acting be bad now that I know his tricks?"

"Tricks? No, I think it's a talent. Director Grey has a talent for building someone's confidence. Director Grey knows the whole movie as if it's already finished in his mind. I think as long as you meet his qualifications, there will be no problem.

Enzo assured him.

"Thank you, but I didn't feel any encouragement at all." Liam Neeson chuckled.

The shooting started again.

This time, Bryan Mills had to fight the guards of a certain rich Middle Eastern man.

In the movie, Bryan Mills' daughter was bought at an illegal auction by a Middle Eastern man. Kazir just followed the original movie as closely as possible.

'The High Table from the franchise John Wick has a member of a Middle Eastern man. I think I can do something to connect the two.'

Kazir thought as he watched Bryan Mills defeat the bodyguards one by one on the screen. Of course, they are shooting the scenes one by one with breaks. This was not a real fight. They just have to make it realistic.

"Liam, this is an important part of the movie, no, of my whole plan. I hope you can show me a fierce and fearless man."

"Don't worry Kazir. We have practiced this many times."


Bryan Mills was shot in the abdomen, but that didn't stop him. He beat the crap out of the bodyguards until he reached the master bedroom.

When he opened the door, he was greeted by the Middle Eastern man holding his daughter.

The man had a gun to his daughter's head.

Kim Mills (Scarlett Johansson) was terrified. She was confused and scared. Her father had just appeared and fought the bodyguards. She stared at her father with tears in her eyes.


Bryan Mills pointed the gun at the man.

A few seconds passed.

The man felt he was at a disadvantage. So he decided to bargain with Bryan Mills.

"... Let's negotiate...!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was shot in the chest.

He fell to the ground, blood flowing slowly.

"Y- You bastard! The High Table! Baba Yaga! They will all hunt you!"

The man shouted, spitting blood. He spoke in Arabic.

Suddenly, Bryan Mills kicked him in the chest and stared at him coldly.

"Then call them."

He replied in Arabic and shot him in the head.
thanks for the chapter.

P.S. Now see how the link works between Taken franchise and John Wick trilogy, which Enzo Park is most impressive about director Grey but he wasn't getting the vibes Enzo Park mentioned in the filming process.
Still was a great shooting experience for the Taken cast.
HWI 95
[Shout out to David K., AR3S, Atticus C., Alejandro O.!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 95

"Cut! This time I want to make a certain adjustment."

Kazir Grey didn't use his megaphone since they were inside the yacht. There was no need to shout.

This yacht was mainly used for filming. It was a yacht specially made for the purpose of renting to production crew to shoot movies or tv shows. So the corner of the rooms in the yacht had spaces for cameras and cameramen.

Roman Polanski recommended this yacht for them to use. Because of his connection, they rented the yacht for a better price.

There were some scenes where Bryan Mills was breaking glass walls while fighting the bodyguards... These scenes had to be shot elsewhere.

The production crew was not crazy enough to damage the rented yacht. There was a clause that they would have to pay if the yacht was damaged.

They only used the exterior of the yacht and some rooms for shooting.

Like now.

"Let's try a different approach this time."

Kazir also understood that introducing the High Table and Baba Yaga in the first movie could be a dangerous move. So he had a plan B.

After a ten-minute break, shooting resumed.

Bryan Mills entered the room to find his daughter being threatened by the Middle Eastern man.

The man pointed his gun at Kim Mills. However, the man knew he was in grave danger. So he decided to negotiate with Bryan Mills.

"Let's negotiate..."

Bryan Mills didn't bother to listen and shot him in the head.

Unlike before, the Middle Eastern man died instantly. He didn't say anything about the High Table and Baba Yaga.

Kazir Grey was still struggling between the two scenes. Introducing the High Table and Baba Yaga might cause confusion. So he decided to shoot the original version just to make sure he had two different scenarios to choose from.

Filming ended today and the crew dispersed. Working at night was obviously double pay for the production crew. As for the actors, they have different contracts, so they were pretty tame. However, there was a clause in the contract that the actors should have a comfortable place to stay during the night shoot.

In fact, Liam Neeson and Scarlett Johansson had their own trailers. Liam Neeson was a well-known actor, so he had his own trailer to rest in. As for Scarlett Johansson, she was an underage actress and she sometimes had to study in the trailer.

As for the extras... The crew could not give them their own trailers. Most of them have to share.

Obviously, since Kazir Grey was the director of this movie, he had his own trailer to rest in.

He leaned against the chair and watched the shots they had acquired today. They mostly focus on expensive shots for the first week to make sure they can control their cash flow.

There were instances where the money was spent before they even rented cars and such. So to make sure they knew what they were spending, the production crew decided to spend big and then gradually control their spending.

If they didn't have enough cash... They might have to ask for a loan.

Fortunately, Kazir's shooting was fast and precise. There were some mistakes along the way, but it was within expectations.

Besides, this time the situation was different from the last time. There was no WMA to interfere with his shooting. He was in a foreign country and William Morris Agency didn't have time to bother him.

As for the film companies, especially the big six, they kept their attitude. They just watch and see the results. Kazir's current project was an experiment and the film companies were not sure how to face it.

If his movie wasn't really amazing, they wouldn't approach him.

Kazir watched the shots many times. There were different angles to be used and he tried to find the best one.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on his door.

"Brother Kazir?"


Hearing the young girl's voice, Kazir sighed uncontrollably. Kazir looked at the entrance and found Scarlett Johansson together with her tutor. The tutor didn't enter the trailer.

"Scarlett, I'm busy. It's late now, I suggest you get some sleep because you have a scene tomorrow."

"I know. That's why I'm here. I want to ask you about it."

"... Come in."

Months passed after Kazir realized that Salvatore Barlowe had signed a contract with Scarlett Johansson. After their first meeting in the audition room, the little girl, for reasons unknown, started calling him brother.

Kazir let it go because he didn't really care. Besides, Scarlett Johansson was too young and he didn't want to reprimand her. So he let the girl call him brother.

But Kazir started to realize that Scarlett Johansson really treated him like one. That she started making fun of him like a real brother. It was cool at first, but the girl gradually lost her respect for Kazir Grey, the director of the movie.

'It is good that she is taking things seriously this time.'

Earlier, Scarlett Johansson had begged Kazir to buy her a croissant since they were France. Kazir didn't want to upset her and caused a mistake in the set, so he called one of the interns to buy one.

Scarlett Johansson was still young, but she was already displaying the arrogance of a superstar.

'To be honest, Scarlett Johansson is serious about her role. I can see that she has studied the role a lot. However, she is still young and her acting is unstable.'

This was one of the disadvantages of hiring underage actors/actresses.

If not for his promise to Salvatore Barlowe, Kazir might have chosen a young but legal actress instead. He only agreed because Salvatore Barlowe helped him most of the time.

"What question do you have this time?"

"About this one."

Scarlett Johansson pointed to a section of the script.

"Hm, page 36... Are you asking about the kidnapping of Kim Mills?"

"That's right, I want to know what emotion I should show. Should I be shocked or frightened?
how about both?"

Kazir chuckled as he listened to the young girl's thoughts.
Whilst Kazir Grey struggles on making the John Wick connection with Taken franchise as shooting both the original take and the high table connection with Taken franchise.
Later, a young Scarlett Johansson asked for pointers from the script about the kim Mills.
Kids these days, HAHA!
Continue on
Cheers !
HWI 96
Hollywood What If Chapter 96

For a young woman, it was impressive that she took this job seriously. She should be at the age where she should be playing and having fun.

But her determination and passion for acting was real. Kazir Grey saw it. Scarlett Johansson wasn't a professional yet, and she didn't have the explosive acting to grab everyone's attention. But she was certainly hardworking... If not for her mischievous side, Kazir might be impressed.

"... Let's go outside and talk about it."

"Yes, Brother Kazir."

"Honestly, I don't like calling me that. Why don't you stop and call me director Grey or just Kazir instead." He frowned. At first he let her do what she wanted because he didn't want to cause a trouble in the set.

However, being called brother was not normal in their society.

Scarlett Johansson paused.

"My parents said that connection is the best weapon in this industry. You're a director who has potential, so I want to call you brother. So brother, give me roles when I need to."

'Am I hearing it right? This child is already scheming at such a young age? Back when I was 12 years old, I'm still addicted to Pokemon and Pac-Man.'

"Sigh, anyway, let's talk outside."

Of course, Kazir knew that rumors might start flying if they stayed in the trailer for too long. So it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Okay." Scarlett Johansson nodded and opened the door.

The two walked out of the trailer and found the tutor talking to the crew. Kazir and Scarlett had a conversation where people could see them.

"What question do you want to ask?"

"It's about the scene where Kim Mills was talking to her father when she saw unknown people showing up."

"Ah, that scene. I think you already have an idea about it."

"As expected, it should be shock and fear, right?"

"Give me your best reaction."

"I need a few seconds to adapt."

Scarlett Johansson thought seriously. Then she turned to Kazir and showed a frightened expression.

"... Passable, but not the best. First of all, why are you holding your shoulders? Remember, Kim Mills was holding a phone at the time."

"Let me do it again."

This time Scarlett's performance was better. Kazir did not ask for anything great from her. He was already satisfied that Scarlett could work without being a crybaby.

'Young children can be shy and timid in front of the camera. They usually cry when they're pressured, and they're hard to work with. I didn't want to work with young children as much as possible.'

He had the experience of working with a baby in The Hangover. The baby would cry at every break and it slowed the production down. Their schedule was behind the expected time. In addition, the children's association at that time also caused problems.

"I have to work hard, this is the scene we will shoot tomorrow. I don't want to cause trouble for the film crew." Scarlett muttered.

"I'm surprised that a little girl like you is aware of her surroundings."

"I'm not a little girl! I'm already 12." She kicked her foot in protest.

"That means you are a little girl."

"Geez!" She pouted.

She hated it when people made fun of her age. She tried to be mature. Well, her action was still that of a child.

"Kazir, does being a director fun."

"Thank God you stopped calling me brother. Anyway, what do you mean? I like my job and I love making films, so yeah, it's fun."

"Boys and girls at my age are snotty and act very immature. They fight and talk stupid things. I want to grow up fast and do what I want, something fun."

"Scarlett, boys and girls your age are very immature."

Kazir shook his head. This little girl was trying to grow up faster. In his opinion, Scarlett should see things from a child's perspective. She was still a child. She should cherish her childhood.

"Anyway, since you are making fun of me, you should buy me Chocolate Soufflés, if I pronounced that right. I heard there's a famous cake shop near our hotel."

She grinned, trying to be unreasonable again.

"Scarlett, you understand that I'm the director of this project. You can't order me around."

"Then I will not do my best tomorrow. Hell, I will even cry."

"... Are you threatening me?"

"That's right. You don't want your filming schedule to be late, right? Because it brings more expenses if the movie is late." She grinned like a little devil.

"You know I can fire you."

"That's true. But you have already shot almost 1/4 of Kim Mills' scenes. It will be expensive if you fire me and hire another girl. Maybe the girl you will cast is worst than me."


He was in the palm of a 12 year old girl, a 12 year old girl.

"Besides, I'm Salvatore Barlowe's client. You can't just fire me."

She crossed her arms condescendingly. For a little girl, she was too calculating.

'Now, my fear towards women is getting stronger...'

Adults respected him because of his authority and accomplishments. Most actors/actresses would even beg him just to be cast in his movie.

'Maybe this is proof that Scarlett Johansson is still a girl because she is immature.'

He decided to let it go. He massaged his forehead and finally agreed.

"Just to be clear, we start shooting at 7am and finish at 8pm. I can only take you to the shop when our work is done. We will take your tutor."

"Okay, no problem."

"You have to promise me that you will not cause any problems tomorrow."

"Do you want me to sign a contract?"

"No, just behave yourself."

'It was ironic that she was aware of her surroundings and yet wanted to use them to make trouble for me.'

He sighed. Even at the script reading three weeks ago, Scarlett Johansson got on his nerves. She kept changing her lines. People forgave her easily because of her young age. Luckily, she didn't cause any trouble when filming began.

'We also have to shoot in the USA. The first part of the movie was set in America and Harold has already found a cheap villa to use.'

They only had two months to shoot all the scenes in France. If they overstayed, they would have to invest more money just for accommodations.

"Hehe, you better keep your promise. Or I will keep pestering you until you agree. By the way, if you have a role suitable for me, cast me."


The little girl walked away, leaving Kazir alone.

The next day, Scarlett Johansson had a good performance, and she only made four NGs the whole day.

Since Scarlett Johansson kept her promise, Kazir obviously had to keep his.

[Visit my Patreon if you want to read more:]

- 115 advanced chapters of TOFD

- 89 chapters of MNPOTS(COMPLETED)

- 90 advanced chapters of RDD

- 105 advanced chapters of HWI

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Kazir Grey is pretty much paranoid here, but not every Bratty teenager is a Cassandra in disguise, which Kazir's paranoia is one display here.
Luckily Scarlett Johnson is lot more amenable than he thought after agreeing to here terms. As she didn't cause trouble on set and Scarlett Johansson performed very well for Kim Mills.
We'll see how Kazir Grey works on his john Wick connection to Taken franchise at the latest.
Continue on
We'll see how Kazir Grey works on his john Wick connection to Taken franchise at the latest.
"Nobody escapes the Table", so they keep saying. So the Table either have Mills killed or offer him a choice: Your family lives if you work for us but you'll never see them again. Bryan will have to cut off his ring finger and gave up the ring as show of service.
He might appear in John Wick 4 as the Harbinger, replacing Clancy Brown. That would make Bryan more sympathetic to Cain, and when he grant Caine and his daughter's freedom, there's a note of sadness and envy at his tone, hinting his desire to see Kim again but never will.
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HWI 97
Hollywood What If Chapter 97

Scarlett Johansson had a good performance this past few days. Even if she didn't have any explosive acting that would attract the audience, at least her work was efficient and made the work of the film crew easier.

As a result, Kazir's opinion of her improved a bit.

'Scarlett is still a brat, an immature brat. I should not take her seriously. '

"Director Grey, good morning."

"Oh, Eva, you're here."

Kazir was checking the storyboard when Eva Green greeted her. She had a scene today, about the time Bryan Mills infiltrated a sex den and found a drugged woman with his daughter's belonging(jacket).

Because of this connection, Bryan Mills decided to save the woman and ask her where she got the jacket.

"I hope I can do my role perfectly. I'm kinda nervous." The woman smiled.

"I believe you will do your job properly." Kazir replied, sketching at his storyboard.

Eva Green only got the role three days ago, and she didn't have any preparation. Luckily, her part was a minute-long scene at best. She didn't have to do much acting.

"Thank you for giving me this chance, director Grey. I will try my best."

"It's a small role. As long as you act well, it's all right. Besides, I promise Roman Polanski that I will help you. If you are interested in Hollywood, you can contact CAA. I will try to help you as much as I can."

"T- Thank you very much, Director Grey!"

Hearing this, Eva Green smiled and was grateful. She knew how hard it was to build a solid foundation in Hollywood. She was there for a year, but her search for roles was fruitless. She didn't get a role, so she decided to return to France and cultivate herself in the local entertainment industry.

Hearing Kazir's approval was the best thing she has heard this year.

'It is enough that I gave her a small role. I already kept my promise to Roman Polanski. I know Eva Green's future, so there's nothing wrong with helping her. Perhaps I will make another changes in the timeline...'

After greeting Kazir Grey, Eva Green went into the shared trailer to get makeup. She was a woman who had been captured by human traffickers and suffered a terrible fate. Obviously, her appearance had to fit the role.

"Who's that?"

Suddenly, Scarlett Johansson appeared next to Kazir and asked about Eva Green, who entered the shared trailer.

"Huh? Are you talking about Eva Green? She is just an acquaintance."

"Is that so? But the way she looks at you is a little different, ack--! Hey, why did you karate chop me? I almost bit my tongue." She hissed.

"That's because you don't know what you're saying. Eva Green is just an actress that was recommended to me by a Director here in France. I'm sure she's just grateful."

"Really? Then that is good to hear. Kazir, you have to understand that having a relationship with an underage person is a crime, even if Eva is 17."

"I know." Kazir just shrugged. There was no reason to argue.

"Heh, considering your relationship with that Reese, I bet you have a thing for young women."

She grinned and crossed her arms. Clearly making fun of him.

"You want me to karate chop your head again?"

"N- No." She shook her head hard.

"Scarlett, I met Reese Witherspoon when she was 20 and I was 25. I don't think that's a crime. Besides, Reese and I are just friends."

"Friends? Heh, that's too stupid to believe. Anyway, make sure you know what you're doing."

"Okay, okay. Just go back to your tutor and study."

Kazir left to talk to Renner Hector about their shooting plan. There was no reason to talk to an immature girl. If not for his friendship with Salvatore Barlowe, Kazir might have fire this little brat.

"Tch! People always treat me like a kid! I don't want to study! I don't want to go back to school, my classmates are all a bunch of immature brats!"


The filming was a bit complicated. In the movie, after Bryan Mills found a clue to find her daughter, the sextraffickers showed up and chased him. There was a car chase that lasted a few minutes in the movie. Also, the traffickers' cars were destroyed in the chase. That means the production crew had to buy cars just to destroy them.

They could make miniature cars, but it was time-consuming and the result might not be acceptable.

Luckily, Kazir and Harold attended the party and found someone to lead them to a junkyard that recycled old cars.

Producer Harold was in charge of choosing the cars, since he had a knack for props. With his wit after cultivating his face to be thick, Harold negotiated 7 working cars for over 100 thousand dollars. That was very cheap. The performance of the cars was a bit low, but they were enough for the movie.

Kazir could just edit the scenes to make it look like the cars were moving fast. It was possible through fast editing. A film editing technique that refers to several consecutive shots of short duration, about 3 seconds or less. It could make the sequence impactful and jaw-dropping.

But first, Kazir had to shoot the interior scene. The scene where Bryan Mills infiltrates the sex den.

"We'll probably have to shoot in this place for two or three days."

Kazir muttered and began shooting.

Throughout the shoot, Scarlett Johansson kept eyeing Eva Green, who was trying to strike up a conversation with Kazir.

"That woman, she's probably trying to do something."

To make sure nothing happened, little Scarlett Johansson decided to watch over Eva Green.
Should have stayed at 12 honestly.
I know there's a no kink shaming rule here on qq but uh this ain't it lmao.


On the same note there's a ton of little things like laws in different countries (or even between different us states) that can make being perfectly accurate 100% of the time difficult. For example since the end of prohibition most states already had the minimum drinking age at 21 but some had it as 18-20 up until a federal act required it in the 80's (I think). But then it's lower in most other countries. Unless the minimum drinking age is relevant to the narrative just picking one number to use no matter the location will make the authors life easier intentionally or not.

I am liking the story so far and I hope the continental universe (I forget what it's called) succeeds but eventually there will need to be a failure for some reason or another to shake things up. (This is of course optional, but even the best directors have one stinker).

grammar and such is pretty consistent too so that's a plus in my book.
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Besides the age of consent, I think that young Scarlet Johnson is looking for friend in Eva Green but going about it in a questionable way, which Eva is grateful for the opportunity for the part in Taken franchise.
Considering that Eva Green has a shaking foundation in the Hollywood industry and young actress Scarlet Johansson has more solid foundation and is looking for trouble were there is none. As Eva Green has no idea what going on young Scarlet head about supposed Director Grey young woman thing. If so Eva Green isn't going like Scarlet Johansson possibly screwing up this opportunity for her.
Besides that Kazir Grey dating is in early 20 and late 30's and young Scarlett is getting misconception about how young Kazir Grey dating range is .
I could be overstating it about the possibility of trouble finding Kazir Grey with Scarlet Johansson wild imagination, Kids these days?
Continue on
HWI 98
[A very important note: I just want to remind everyone that this is just fiction. Do not take it seriously].

Hollywood What If Chapter 98

"That woman... She's good."

Scarlett Johansson bit her nail while watching Eva Green's performance.

"She's just acting weak and drugged, but she did it with class. I wonder how she did that... Perhaps she did drugs or something?"

She tilted her head and muttered, but stopped when she noticed Kazir Grey looking at her. Kazir gestured for Scarlett to be quiet by putting his finger on his lips.

The set should be quiet within a few feet of the filming scene. Even though most of the movie would be dubbed, it was still standard procedure to be quiet during filming.

So Scarlett Johansson kept her mouth shut and watched the action unfold.

Liam Neeson had a steady performance and only had a few NGs a day. Well, Liam Neeson was a great actor who starred in many dramas. Although he was best known for his role in Schindler's List. That might have been the beginning of his well career.

Each take was usually over in a few seconds, and they did not do continuous shooting. Continuous shooting was quite difficult to achieve.

It could be called a long take, a continuous, uninterrupted shot over a long period of time without any editing.

'One of the best examples was the opening scene of 007's Spectre, where James Bond walked into the festival to the building without any interruptions.'

The film crew prepared a crane just to get a shot of the rooftop.

Kazir could do the same thing, but it could be cumbersome and time-consuming. The actors were not used to long takes and could make mistakes.

So every few seconds of shooting, Kazir would have to yell cut. These short takes would be spliced together to create a complete scene.

'Maybe I can do a long take next time, but our schedule and budget are pretty strict, so I can't experiment.'

Even a director like him wanted to expand his creativity. Maybe he could find enlightenment.

"Scene 34, the search for Kim Mills. Lights, camera, action!"

The clapperboard sounded and shooting began.

At that moment, Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) looked in every "dressing room" to find his daughter. Then he found his daughter's jacket on one of the drugged women.

Eva Green's complexion was pale from makeup. She only had a few lines because her character was drugged and couldn't speak well.

So Bryan Mills took the woman out of the place. He beat and shot the people who tried to stop him.

Then he got into the car with the drugged woman.


Today Kazir said "cut" so many times that no one could count them.

"Now that this scene is over, do we have to prepare the cars?"

Fremont Smith asked him.

"Let's reshoot this scene twice, then we'll start the car chase. Tell the props team to prepare the set."

"I understand."

Fremont left to contact the props team.

The shooting started again and Kazir thought that the first shot was the best of them. It might look like he was just wasting hours and films, but no one would dare confront him. He had it better because of his authority and achievements.

Even if the actors got angry, they were professionals and would never speak badly in front of him.

"Liam, the first take is the best, so I guess I have to apologize for making you redo it twice."

"This is the first time a director has apologized to me after making that kinf of mistake." Liam Neeson was taken aback.

Directors ask for retakes to get more shots to choose.

"Is that so? Well, I just want to tell you because I don't want you to hold a grudge against me." Kazir chuckled.

"It's okay, Kazir. I understand your intention and I will not hold it against you. We are both doing our jobs."

The two men understood and nodded at each other.

"D- Director Grey, how was my performance?"

After Kazir spoke to Liam Neeson, another person approached him. Eva Green stammered because she was a little nervous. This was her first time working on a big project.

"Hm, you did a good job, Eva."

Kazir unconsciously patted her head because Eva Green was shorter than him.

"I- I see."

"She's much older than me, but she's nervous. Unlike me, I never felt nervous, even though this is my first movie too."

Kazir heard a cat murmur, but he ignored it. There was no need to throw gasoline into a fire. He just let the little girl think what she wanted to think.

"Okay, let's go to the next location!"

The film crew rented this big construction site for three days. Besides, they only needed this place every night. Because the scenes they were going to shoot were at night.

Even the editor will have a hard time editing a sunny day into a dark night. So it's better to use the natural background.

Shooting at night means that their scenes were set at night.

The cars were already prepared and this time they have to shoot the cars running and Bryan Mills' car being chased.

Obviously whoever was driving the car was a trained driver. There was a clause in the contract that Liam Neeson would not be involved in the car chase scene.

As for the interior shots of the car, that was the only time Liam Neeson had to show his face. But the person driving the car was a different person.

... Suddenly, an accident occurs.


One of the enemies' cars turned upside down after running over a concrete block. The impact was quite strong and left everyone terrified.

"Medic! Call the medic! Call an ambulance!"

When Kazir realized that the situation might be bad, he reacted immediately. He was the first to give orders.

The crew began to follow his orders. The medic on the scene pulled the man out of the car and administered first aid.
Hopefully they can still use the car scene in the final cut.

You did say something about the cars being driven slow before plus one would expect these professionsl drivers to wear their seatbelts, so I am not worried about any deaths or grave injuries in here.
Either sabotage or inadequate safety measures….
Thanks for the chapter

P.S. Here's hoping the Stunt driver ok, either Sabotage or unsafety measures .accreditation ( Moran, Quicksilver),
HWI 99
[Shout out to Robert W., Bonobo, Revan4Life, MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999, Johannes, Ivik hans kristian K., Saud B., Eduardo, Christian P., despot, Edward T., Wenxie, and Cherif D.!]

Hollywood What If Chapter 99

The car was on fire, and the pyrotechnics professionals immediately stepped in and stopped the car from exploding.

A few minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took the injured man away.

The crew became silent and didn't know what to do.

"... Let's end the work for today. I want everyone to be quiet about this accident!"

Kazir shouted at the people. Then he looked at Fremont and Harold. Since they were in high positions, they had to make sure that the film crew was intact.

"Kazir..." Scarlett Johansson was startled by what she witnessed.

She was not close with the injured driver but they had a conversation although she was the one who was talking(grumbling).

"Let's talk later Scarlett, I have a job to do. You should go back to the hotel."

"Y- Yes. Take care."

Kazir Grey rubbed his forehead. He turned to Harold to talk about the possible consequences of this accident.

Harold promised that the driver would be compensated by Grey Pictures... Of course, the driver would have to keep quiet about the incident. A contract had to be written.

They didn't want to jeopardize the project because of an accident. The future of Grey Pictures lies in this film.

The accident that night made the atmosphere depressing.

Fortunately, they rented the construction site for three days, and they still have two days to go.

Kazir couldn't sleep that night because of what had happened. He contacted Roman Polanski, hoping that he could prevent the incident from spreading. No one from the cast was injured, but Kazir felt like something was not right.

"We just have to shoot the car chase."

It seemed that Fremont didn't have a peaceful night either. His eyes were bloodshot after he had calmed everyone down. He informed everyone and made sure that news won't spread.

"That's right. These are the remaining scenes we need to shoot at this location. Tell everyone to be careful and stay safe. I don't want anything bad to happen again."

The next night's filming was much slower, but they completed the scenes. They left the site after completing all the scenes and went to their next location.

Unfortunately, the incident still spread, but not in France. The news that there was an accident on the set of Taken was picked up by the film companies in Hollywood.

As a result, reporters and paparazzi showed up and disrupted their filming.


Kazir sighed as he looked at the reporters watching the set from a distance.

"France didn't care about the accident because the driver is American, but it's different in Hollywood. They are interested in your movie because of your past performance. If you're unlucky, the Big Six might block your way."

Harold muttered next to him. Just like Kazir, Harold had the worst expression on his face. He was tired these days... He didn't like being a producer at all.

'Just as I expected, something is wrong. Accidents are common in the set and people shouldn't not be shocked that much. Reporters will definitely not cover this story... Unless someone is trying to cause trouble to us. Trying to sabotage our project.'

"We still don't know if the news came from outside or if one of our crew betrayed us. I'm sorry..."

"It's hard to keep this kind of information. I already know that this could happen. You should not blame yourself. What I didn't expect, is the involvement of media. For fuck sake, the driver didn't even die, yet these reporters are demonizing us!"

The driver was safe and suffered only minor injuries. However, the media wanted to make a big deal out of this, so they started using the word "allegedly" to make it worse.

Allegedly, Director Grey didn't care about the safety of the drivers.

Allegedly, the crew used cheap cars and made a mistake.

Allegedly, the production of Taken might be postponed because the driver filed a lawsuit.

So many rumors and so much trouble. But the truth was, the reporters were doing bullshit. They didn't care about the truth, they just wanted to find something interesting than would caught the attention of the people.

The only good thing about it was that they were in France and Americans could not cause trouble here. At least not that much.

However, it was obvious that their filming schedule would be affected by this incident.

"I heard that the paparazzi were harassing our crew at the hotel last night."

"I've already spoken to security. They will try their best to protect the hotel from paparazzi. The problem is today..."


Kazir Grey looked around. Their filming location was in open place and the paparazzi and reporters could spy on them.

"We need to change our schedule. Let's shoot the indoor scenes first. I'm sure these people will stop bothering us once this incident dies down."

They didn't have any choice but to adapt. These people would try their best to get a good news scoop.

Especially paparazzi, they didn't care about a person's privacy. They would follow you all the way just to get interesting news.

"I'll call Fremont and the others." Harold understood the situation and agreed.

"Hm? What's going on?"

Kazir narrowed his eyes. He realized that a bunch of paparazzi and reporters were surrounding one person.

"Is that Scarlett?"

Kazir frowned and clicked his tongue. Judging by the situation, the paparazzi and reporters were disturbing the little girl.

"I can't believe they would do this to a child! I swear, these people."

Even Harold was disgusted.

The two ran toward the commotion.

"Miss, are you a member of this crew?"

"I-I..." Scarlett didn't know what to say. She was overwhelmed by the situation.

"Is it true that Director Grey intentionally made the driver suffer?"

The reporter uttered such non-sense, truly a normal day for a reporter, spouting bullshit questions.

"N- No..." Scarlett stuttered.

She was nervous. In front of these crazy people who wanted to tear her apart, Scarlett felt weak.

Tears began to flow as she hiccupped.

"What are you doing to a child? If you have any questions, ask me instead! I can sue your news stations and your publisher for harming a child!"

Scarlett turned to find Kazir Grey standing behind her. The man had a stern expression on his face.

"Director Grey, what do you think will happen when the driver gets out of the hospital? Will he file a lawsuit?"

"There are rumors that you don't care about your crew and only feed them cheap food, is it true, Director Grey?"

The paparazzi and reporters surrounded Kazir like flies.

Kazir motioned to Harold to take Scarlett away from the commotion.

'Where the hell is the Children's Association? This is the moment they are needed! They just let Scarlett face these demons.'

Kazir gritted his teeth.
Of course, they never make it easy. The first of many battles, I take it…..

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