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Smuthunter said:I can lend a hand with this. Feed me the basics of a page entry and I'll stick it up this afternoon.
Oh nice. That would be appreciated.
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Smuthunter said:I can lend a hand with this. Feed me the basics of a page entry and I'll stick it up this afternoon.
Really? That would be great!Smuthunter said:I can lend a hand with this. Feed me the basics of a page entry and I'll stick it up this afternoon.
Much appreciated. What do you need , exactly?Smuthunter said:I can lend a hand with this. Feed me the basics of a page entry and I'll stick it up this afternoon.
As much of the writing as you're willing to do with tropes organized alphabetically. If you need an example, go to any of the fanfic trope pages and tap the edit button at the top of the page, that'll give you a look at the entry format on the back end that I'll be needing to do.Brandark said:
-->Two years ago, Tseng of the Turks heard Tifa, the newly-hired waitress at the Turks' favorite slum bar, drop a tray of glass and start swearing in Wutaian. Half an hour later, she was looking him in the eye and telling him she grew up in Nibelheim -- and was there when Nibelheim went up in flames.''
-->''Since that moment, he's been doing everything he needs to do in order to get her and Rufus in the same room, because he knows she has answers to the questions that have been plaguing him and the man he's loyal to since the moment they heard of the town's destruction -- answers that might mean Shinra's destruction, or its salvation.''
-->''And perhaps unfortunately for Tseng, his plan is about to work.''
''Lullaby for the New World Order'' is a Final Fantasy VII fanfic written by synecdochic. It takes place in an alternate universe that ignores most of the Compilation and takes some liberties with the primary canon.
The story takes place during the timeskip between the razing of Nibelheim and the start of Final Fantasy VII; Tifa is running Seventh Heaven but hasn't joined up with AVALANCHE yet, Cloud and Zack are still locked up in Shinra Mansion, and Rufus Shinra is looking for answers as to why one of the only men he ever called a friend went insane and burned a village to the ground.
The story is notable for its recharacterization of Rufus and Tifa; where Rufus was originally a very straightforward CorruptCorporateExecutive, here he's re-imagined as a ruthless and pragmatic businessman who loves his city and its people and empathizes with those living in the slums enough to push hard for reforms within the company. Tifa, likewise, gets a promotion from "Cloud's love interest" to "main character and primary driving force of the plot" with special attention given to parts of her character that tend to fall by the wayside in other fanfics.
'''Special Note:''' The fic's primary pairings are Tseng/Tifa and Tseng/Rufus, with some teasing at Rufus/Tifa on the side. The slash is handled very tactfully and non-explicitly and is largely unobtrusive compared to the drama that drives the rest of the plot. Those who dislike M/M pairings should consider themselves forewarned, but are also advised to give the story a chance anyways.
!!This story contains examples of:
*Badass: Tifa and Tseng. Rufus is no slouch either, but Tifa gets most of the focus.
** HandicappedBadass: Tifa suffers from breathing problems because of the scar tissue left over from Sephiroth nearly bisecting her at the Nibelheim reactor. This limits how hard she can push herself without damaging her lungs but hasn't stopped her from being almost as strong a fighter as Tseng (who has a hefty edge in experience).
** HeartbrokenBadass: She's also this, [[DoomedHometown of course]].
*BewareTheNiceOnes: Tifa has a truly unholy temper and a penchant for unleashing ClusterFBombs when she's well and truly pushed past the limits of her patience.
** Put another way: Seventh Heaven is surrounded by a truce zone which is relatively crime-free compared to the surrounding slums. This zone exists solely because Tifa has a standing policy of "don't fuck with my customers" [[VigilanteMan and a history of enforcing it]].
*Chessmaster: Rufus has been like this since he was young.
*DarkAndTroubledPast: Tifa. Ripping the metaphorical band-aid off of those old wounds forms the driving force of the plot.
*HiddenDepths: Tifa, again. Exploring what she's like when she's not mooning over Cloud is one of the big draws of the fic.
*HonestCorporateExecutive: Combines with TheChainsOfCommanding in Rufus's case. Being the second most powerful man in the world and the heir apparent to Shinra, Rufus's ego is justifiably enormous. He owns almost everything, he is in charge of almost everything, and in his view that makes him personally responsible for every wrong that Shinra perpetuates, whether it's the condition of the slums or the razing of Nibelheim.
*JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Rufus, though it's less jerk and more pragmatist.
*OhMyGods: Curses are typically made on the names of the summon spirits; Ramuh, Leviathan, and several others come up repeatedly.
*ParentalAbandonment: Rufus's relationship with President Shinra is ''not'' a warm one.
*ShamelessFanserviceGirl: Only on one occasion, but when Rufus asks for proof of Tifa's claim to being from Nibelheim she responds by [[MsFanservice casually stripping off her tank top and showing off her enormous...]] [[SubvertedTrope uh...]] her ''[[FanDisservice enormous torso-bisecting scar]]'', courtesy of Masamune. Rufus shuts right the hell up.
*SixthRanger: Tifa becomes this to the Turks during the trip to the Nibelheim reactor.
*TechnicianVsPerformer: Discussed. Tseng is the technician, being a master of the classic forms of Wutaian martial arts, while Tifa is the performer, having been trained by Zangan in a more flexible and unorthodox style. Tseng beats Tifa in most of their sparring matches, but he notes that Tifa will eventually surpass him as the experience gap between them closes and Tifa's natural talent gives her an edge he can't obtain.
*YouCan'tGoHomeAgain: Brutally driven home for Tifa when she sees what Shinra did to Nibelheim in her absence. Not only can she not go home, she can't even visit the ruins.
> Implying Tifa is not already a main character, rather than just a pair of tits.Tifa, likewise, gets a promotion from "Cloud's love interest" to "main character and primary driving force of the plot" with special attention given to parts of her character that tend to fall by the wayside in other fanfics.
That was me, except I didn't say anything about Tifa only being a nice pair of tits. She has the foundations of a very strong female character, but the game only capitalizes on some of it by making her into Cloud's pillar of emotional support. Then it turns around and makes her kind of emotionally-dependent on him too, so they have a weird co-dependent relationship where Tifa spends most of the game mooning over him in one fashion or another instead of pursuing her own goals.John At DAwn said:> Implying Tifa is not already a main character, rather than just a pair of tits.
Please go fuck yourself, whoever wrote this sentence.
....What goals? No one in FF7 has any goals beyond saving the world except Barret (keep Marlene save) and Cid (TO THE MOON!)Smuthunter said:That was me, except I didn't say anything about Tifa only being a nice pair of tits. She has the foundations of a very strong female character, but the game only capitalizes on some of it by making her into Cloud's pillar of emotional support. Then it turns around and makes her kind of emotionally-dependent on him too, so they have a weird co-dependent relationship where Tifa spends most of the game mooning over him in one fashion or another instead of pursuing her own goals.
Perhaps. It's been a long time since I played FF7 but I remember Yuffie and Red XIII and everyone else having motivations aside from that, like that mining town that Barret wanted to stop and save sometime during the first leg of the journey. Perhaps rather than goals the problem would be better said to be character focus -- Tifa and Cloud have a lot of the same ties to the backstory, so when they encounter Nibelheim or Sephiroth the story focuses more on Cloud's reaction to those events since he's the main character, while Tifa's scenes often focus more on how she's reacting to Cloud. In LFTNWO Tifa is the main character rather than the love interest, so the author spends a lot of time exploring Tifa's character and examining her from angles that the game didn't bother with.John At DAwn said:....What goals? No one in FF7 has any goals beyond saving the world except Barret (keep Marlene save) and Cid (TO THE MOON!)
Tifa is hardly alone in that.
Fixed it for you.Brandark said:GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT.
--Several questers , summing up their reaction to this quest and its protagonist.
How about a line that isn't a meme and doesn't need font coloring that TV Tropes pages don't allow?Mu-Sensei said:
Alexander said:
Not exactly. It is something in my post.Brandark said:
Welcome to QQThe Slumbering Crocodile said:
Alexander said:Not exactly. It is something in my post.
For the trope paga, may I suggest you add that I am taking liberty with canon and adding different series to expand it? Otherwise the readers will wonder why Ruby Rose is included in the tropes description.
Uhm, I think? Their roles is more than cameo, so...Massive Multiplayer Crossover? I am not a company however.Brandark said:*The Cameo: Ruby and Yang from RWBY , and probably more to come , as the author is expanding the universe to include bits and pieces from several other series.
Will this do?
Alexander said:Welcome to QQ. Holy, you are the third-fourth new members to post directly in my quest.
Is my quest causing more people to join the forum? I really hit jackpot with this one, didn't I?