Training Days II: A Not So Peaceful Month (Part 8)
That is not dead which can eternal lie
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They bred dinosaurs that piss heroin *beat* no, not really. But there is the Protoshinmaic Vortex, which is basically the potential for an entire universe compressed into a small ball and used as a perpetual energy source.megrisvernin said:So what are some of the more outrageous acts Solars have committed?
Day 3
You are woken up by the alarm clock with a yandere voice. Seriously, why do you keep it? Oh right, it's a reminder of a yandere's danger.
Seriously, "School Days" was fucked up. The "Oppai Paradise" the old man spoke of isn't a paradise at all: more like a purgatory with the promise of heaven and the threat of hell.
With your eyes still close you turn around and reach out with your hand to press the clock's button.
But instead of hard plastic your fingers land on something soft beside him, squishy and tender like
meat but more awesome.
A feminine voice. This sweet scent that can come only from a warm, female body. Your first thought is that Mittelt sneaked into your bed again.
"Fu fu fu, that was uncalled for, Issei."
Only this isn't Mittelt's voice. With great hesitation you open one eye, where a vision of great beauty assaults his retinas, burning the memory in the hard disk of his brain.
There is a crimson haired girl sleeping beside you. Naked as the day she was born, her private parts covered by her very long, crimson hair, which only increase her allure. Her snow-like white skin looks very smooth.
Rias Gremory.
And you're groping her bountiful breast.
However instead of being angry she smiles. "Good morning Issei."
Now, you can either freak out or play it cool.
"Good morning Bucho." You answer as you quickly, maybe too quickly, remove your hand from her oppai. With immense regret of course.
"Could you please turn your alarm clock, Issei?"
"Sure." You reach to your alarm clock and press the button to stop its function. "Not that I don't want you in my house or anything, but why are you here Bucho?" You ask with your eyes firmly on her face and not below.
Your legs shift to cover the growing of a certain part.
"I thought to come and see how are you doing." She smiles. "So much happened that I feared you accumulated too much stress, even if it seemed my fears were unfounded. That,-" She playfully pokes your nose. "-and I wanted to thank you for your hard work and the help you gave me."
"This is great." You mean it. "But why are you naked?"
"I always sleep in the nude. Feeling clothes on my skin while I sleep bothers me."
What a great habit!!!!!
"Issei-sama!" The door opens and Mittelt enters. "It's time for tra-"
She trails off as her eyes finally notice Rias-sempai. Her gaze hardens, while Rias just smiles back playfully.
A battle. You don't know how or why, but there is a battle of some kind being fought in your room.
Then Mittelt takes a deep sniff and suddenly smirks. Rias's own smile falters for a moment. "Issei-sama: Asia stayed up late yesterday and now won't wake up. Wouldn't you try to rouse her from her sleep?"
But Asia never stayed up until later.
[Partner.] You hear Ddraig's voice. [Get out of this room. Now.]
Always listen when an ancient dragon of legend gives you advice, especially if by his tone it's a matter of life and death.
"Right!" You jump out of the bed, do a spin in midair and land gracefully. "I will do that." Than you bolt outside and towards Asia's room.
Third Person's POV
After Issei left Mittelt leans against the door way and crosses her arms. "Nice seduction attempt. A 4 out of 5 for the presentation, but only 2 for the time: you should have woken him up before the alarm clock's ring."
"Why, thank you fallen angel-chan." Rias answers with a devilish smile as she gets up from the bed, the action causing her breasts to jiggle.
Mittelt suppresses the wave of irritation. "Anytime, devil-san."
As Rias starts putting on her uniform Mittelt has a thoughtful expression. "Do you seriously think you can make him part of your peerage?" She finally asks.
"There are few things in heaven and earth that us devils can't make ours."
The fallen angel rolls her eyes at the boast. "You don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?" Rias asks confused.
Mittelt smiles. Not a smug smile, but a proud one. "Issei-sama's destiny is way bigger than all of heaven and earth combined. Your ambitions...simply don't compare to his."
Then she steps out of the room, leaving a confused Rias behind.
Still Third Person's POV (This part was written by BobTheNinja: give him your thanks, even more because he is also writing a NSFW scene to go together with it)
That morning Issei walked to school with Asia and Mittelt by his side, both of them wearing the standard female uniforms of the school. He sported an uncontrollable grin, and his entire body language radiated a sense of joyful triumph. The sight immediately drew the attention of all the other students and rumors quickly began flying around the school. In particular, the sight of Mittelt holding Issei's arm so intimately, along with the gaze of lustful admiration on her face, caused nearly all the other male students to glare murderously at him, a palpable aura of jealous rage hanging over them.
Aika stares at the scene mutely, her mouth and eyes wide open in disbelief. "No way. Did...did Issei actually..."
A deep red blush begins spreading uncontrollably across her face. She isn't madly in love with Issei or anything, but she likes him a lot, and finds him very desirable. The fact that he had reciprocated similar feelings earlier was a moment of great happiness for her. But now, it appears that he may have lost his virginity to another girl. If that is really the case...on the one hand, she wants to feel happy for him; he had finally experienced the embrace of carnal pleasure that so many other teenagers longed for, herself included. On the other hand, it makes her feel quite jealous: she was really looking forward to being his first.
Aika watches as the teacher introduced Asia and Mittelt as new transfer students. She then closes her eyes and takes a deep, slow breath, refocusing herself. Her eyes open again, glowing with newfound determination as she vows to get answers from Issei at the first possible opportunity.
As it turns out Aika didn't have to wait for long. During lunch period she quietly observed Issei from afar as he showed Asia and Mittelt around the cafeteria. He then collected his own lunch and found himself a vacant table, letting the two girls mull over what to order. As he sits down his lunch and backpack she quickly stride over and loops an arm around his, catching him by surprise. "Aika-chan??" He blurts upon seeing her.
"We need to talk for a minute. In private," She states plainly, pulling him away from the table. Noticing the fire of passion in her eyes and the firmness of her grip he reluctantly allows himself to be pulled away from the cafeteria. She leads him into and empty classroom and closes the door so they could talk in privacy.
"Aika-chan, what's going on-"
"You had sex with that Mittelt girl, didn't you?" She asks, cutting him off and staring at him intensely. Issei's eyes widen in shock and for a few seconds he finds himself unable to speak.
Finally he lets out a sigh. "...It was that obvious, huh?" He replies, a defeated expression on his face.
A fresh wave of jealously shots through Aika upon hearing his admission, but she tries to temper it with her happiness for Issei. He is her friend after all.
"...Heh, figures. You're just too much of a stud for your own good Ise-kun." She replies with a smile, though a note of sadness had crept into her voice.
Issei picks up on it immediately. "I...I'm so sorry, Aika-chan." He tells her with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to choose her over you or anything like that. But she approached me very enthusiastically, and...well, things just sort of took off from there."
Aika sighs and shakes her head. "It's okay, Ise-kun, I'm happy for you, I really am. I just...I wish you would have said something about her beforehand. That way I could have stepped up my efforts to get to you first."
Issei sighs, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, that was my fault. It's just been a really hectic week, and the situation with Mittelt, and Asia too, is...well, it's complicated. That said,-" He looks up, eyes shinning with newfound determination. "I really appreciate your feelings for me Aika-chan, and to make it up to you I'd be more than willing to be your first. If that's okay with you."
Aika's eyes lit up upon hearing those words, her breath quickening as another heavy blush graces her face. "R-r-really?" She stammers, practically drooling at the thought of entwining herself with that gorgeous body of his.
He smiles widely and nods, thumping a fist over his chest. "I swear on my perverted soul!"
Somehow, that response just made him even more charismatic, in a lovably dorky sort of way.
Aika turns around, taking a moment to compose herself. She then wheels on Issei, causing him to lean back slightly as she marches up to him and pokes a finger firmly on his chest, again meeting his eyes with an intense gaze.
"Meet me in the spare sports storage room during club activities period. Make whatever excuse you have to, and don't keep me waiting," She demands before turning around and leaving the classroom, practically skipping with joy as soon as she was out of sight.
Issei, for his part, was weeping with pure joy, pumping his arm in victory. 'Two beautiful, horny girls in less than 48 hours! This is a dream come true!!' He thinks to himself.
Ddraig rumbles with hearty laughter. [Well done partner! You're becoming quite the maiden-conqueror! Although I must ask, are you planning on telling Mittelt about this?]
Issei suddenly pales in horror at that concept, imagining the part-Oni going on a furious, jealously-fuelled rampage upon finding out. Having that kind of wrath directed at himself would be bad enough, but it would be even worse if she decided to assault Aika for it.
But he had already promised to share his body with her, and he isn't willing to break Aika's heart by calling it off. At the same time, he couldn't be dishonest with Mittelt either, not in good conscience. This problem would need to be handled carefully...Where those the perils of being a harem master? If so he couldn't fail: to reach his dream, everything must be perfect.
He suddenly remembers that Mittelt and Asia were still in the cafeteria, almost certainly wondering where he had gone. He quickly makes his way back, quickly finding the two girls again.
"There you are! I was wondering where you had gone off to! You shouldn't just go running off like that without letting us know first!" Mittelt huffs as they make their way to the table where Issei had put his lunch and backpack.
Issei laughs nervously. "Sorry about that, something urgent came up. Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about later..." He begins, silently preparing all the Presence Charms at his disposal to handle the future hard matter.
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