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In the Emperor's Name (Dark Heresy)

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Happerry said:
As stated in the idea thread, I'm planning on a tech priest. Probably a minor minion who was tossed at the Inqusitor when she asked for someone able to do tech support and such for her new team.

So, used that Character Builder that got linked and got this. He look ok as a base?
Also, by the way, Happerry, there's the Cyber-Mastiff Handler alternate career in the Book of Judgement, and the Factor of the Lathes alternate career in The Lathe Worlds. There's no real downsides to either (beyond, perhaps, the fact that they use a different advancement table, but even then they both give back at least as much as they lose). I'd recommend checking them out; the Cyber-Mastiff Handler gets a pretty cool robo-dog, and the Factor of the Lathes gets a bunch of social bonuses (because they don't look like hideous robot-people).

Also, a Mono-Greataxe costs 110 Thrones, does 2d10+Strength bonus damage with a Penetration of 4, and looks totally bitching with the Mechanicus skull inscribed on it. ;)
Hm, Tech Priest, Scum and investigatory Arbite seem like they have quite a bit of overlap. Maybe I should switch over to something else.
Guile said:
Hm, Tech Priest, Scum and investigatory Arbite seem like they have quite a bit of overlap. Maybe I should switch over to something else.
Not really. The Tech Priest has the technical skills (and maybe some tracking skills if he goes for Cyber-Mastiff Handler), you've got the "find out information" skills, and I've got the social schmoozing skills. We've all got at least some combat skills, if in different fashions; you're rocking a shotgun, I'm duel-weilding pistols, and the tech-priest's rocking an axe and eventually a bunch of strength-and-toughness-boosting cybernetics, while the Feral World Guardsman's got skill and berserk fury for his melee.
Okay, works for me. Didn't really wanna rewrite anyway.
So, how is it going for you? There is no problem? Or something you want to ask?
Just got my hands on the actual rulebooks today, trying to make sense of them and finish up my character.
Name: Drake
Homeworld: Forge World
Career: Tech-Priest
Rank: Technographer
Gender: Male
Build: Lanky
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Mousy
Eye Color: Lenses
Age: 29
Quirk: You have a chemical smell.
Point of Origin: Explorator Fleet
Divination: The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done.
XP: 400
EXP Spent: 400 (Logic, Literacy +10, Sound Constitution, Simple Intelligence Advance)
Starting Package: None
Thrones: 11
Corruption: 0
Insanity: 0

WS 29, BS 29, ST 30, T 30, Ag 32, Int 47 (42+5), Per 32, WP 32, Fel 29
Fate Points: 1, Wounds: 12

Skills: Common Lore (Tech) (Int), Common Lore (Machine Cult) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Literacy+10 (Int), Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int), Trade (Scrimshawer) (Ag), Logic (Int)

Talents: Technical Knock, Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Las), Electric Graft Use, Sound Constitution x1,

Traits: Fit For Purpose, Stranger to the Cult, Credo Omnissiah, Mechanicus Implants.

Gear: metal staff, las pistol and 2 charge packs, las carbine and 1 charge pack, knife, flak vest, glow lamp, data-slate, Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing), 9 spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc), vial of Sacred Machine Oil, hipflask (memento), bar magnet in glass block (memento), Mono Great Axe, Data Slate

Special Qualities: None

Family: Your mother's name was Dice. She walked the path of the Tech-Priest. She is deceased. Your father's name is Lupus. He walks the path of the Guardsman. Your sister's name was Quali. She walked the path of the Adept. She is deceased.

So here he is EXP spent and Money spent as well.
Well then, are you finished with your characters? Can I start the IC thread soon?
Nekraa said:
Well then, are you finished with your characters? Can I start the IC thread soon?
We only have two posted sheets I can find, unless someone PMed theirs to you instead of posting it, I'd think it's more the time to start poking people to see if they actually want to play.
Sorry, I want to play. I just haven't had access to an untracked- computer for the past few days. College Orientation. Still, I'm free again so willing to play.

Edit: If we do play, should we have some specific time to be here? Otherwise I don't see any games as being possible. Because we will almost never end up with everybody present.
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Time... Somewhere around 18:00 to 23:00 would be good. As I live in Sweden, that's GMT+1 (or, UTC+1), I'm not sure what time it's for you. If that does not work, we could see if other times work better.
Nekraa said:
Time... Somewhere around 18:00 to 23:00 would be good. As I live in Sweden, that's GMT+1 (or, UTC+1), I'm not sure what time it's for you. If that does not work, we could see if other times work better.
I'm fine with that. It's 12:00 for me.
The nature of PbP games is slow, but you don't have to have everyone get together at a certain time.
Guile said:
The nature of PbP games is slow, but you don't have to have everyone get together at a certain time.
I expect it to be slow regardless. I just figured that if we are posting within a couple of hours of each other, things will be more coherent.

Go ahead and put me on the back-up list I guess.

I promise you, I will seldom if ever have any idea what I am doing!

I mean, just to start, I have no idea what much of that character sheet above means. Izzat good?
That reminds me that I should also add one of my two concepts to the pile even if its still unfinished.
The other one would have been a Sorotias
Chibi-Reaper said:

Go ahead and put me on the back-up list I guess.

I promise you, I will seldom if ever have any idea what I am doing!

I mean, just to start, I have no idea what much of that character sheet above means. Izzat good?
Well, to start, it's unfinished. You still have all 400 of your starting XP to spend. And all your starting cash to buy gear with.

As for is it good.. this system is a roll under system. As in, you roll a 1d100 and try to get under your (Relevant Stat+Relecant Skill), with every iteration of ten you are under being an additional degree of success, and every iteration of ten you roll over your target number being an additional degree of failure. 30s in things that will be important to you seems to be about average, and with an agility close to 40 that's pretty shiny.
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Right there with you, Chibi. I just punched in what looked interesting in the tg character generator.
Nekraa said:
The OOC thread for my Dark Heresy game, "In the Emperor's Name". If you are interested in the game, post in this thread.

BTW Should I reroll my tarot as I got a mutation or do you want to roll for it?
Because picking and chosing there would be a bit to easy after all.
Scia said:
BTW Should I reroll my tarot as I got a mutation or do you want to roll for it?
Because picking and chosing there would be a bit to easy after all.
You can either roll for the mutation or reroll the divination.
Nekraa said:
You can either roll for the mutation or reroll the divination.
Invisible castle or the local diceroller? As the Tg generator after all has no feature for that and is to easy manipulated in regards to divinations.
Scia said:
Invisible castle or the local diceroller? As the Tg generator after all has no feature for that and is to easy manipulated in regards to divinations.
I prefer to use the local one (mostly because I've never used Invisible castle), but you can chose whichever you like.
Nekraa said:
I prefer to use the local one (mostly because I've never used Invisible castle), but you can chose whichever you like.
Time to research again how the forum roller works.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 40, total 40[/blockquote]
Feels no pain+1 wound and hm seems my Psi sanction vanished from the SHeet, Another roll for it then?

And why is my Voidborn psionik the tank with the highest amount of Toughness and wounds? ^^
Scia said:
Feels no pain+1 wound and hm seems my Psi sanction vanished from the SHeet, Another roll for it then?

And why is my Voidborn psionik the tank with the highest amount of Toughness and wounds? ^^
Because the Tech-Priest is still low-level, and hasn't had the opportunity to start stacking cybernetic implants to turn himself into a superhuman cyborg capable of rivalling a Space Marine in sheer physical capability and killing potential.
So, how are things going for you? If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask.
Nekraa said:
So, how are things going for you? If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask.

As I am still in the wings I was wondering in regards to my question to the psi sanction ie chosing or rolling it here.

And any preferences for the psi abilitys?
Scia said:
As I am still in the wings I was wondering in regards to my question to the psi sanction ie chosing or rolling it here.
You mean for the trait "Sanctioned Psyker"? You roll for that one.

Scia said:
And any preferences for the psi abilitys?
Psychic Powers? With WP 40 you get two Minor Psychic Powers. They can be found at page 165 in the core book (those are the pages of the physical book, can't access my pdf-version at the moment). And you can chose any you want. As long as the rules allows it.
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