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In the Emperor's Name (Dark Heresy)

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Scia said:
I was thinking on that level and not on the caprace armor level of a propper judge dread arbites uniform.
Or a armored bodysuit that could be moved under regular clothing
Fair enough. Speak of Judge Dredd, though, did you know both of the movies are up on Youtube? Just type in "Judge Dredd", and they're the first two results.
nick012000 said:
Fair enough. Speak of Judge Dredd, though, did you know both of the movies are up on Youtube? Just type in "Judge Dredd", and they're the first two results.
hmh interesting. somethign else that we could need would be combeads.
nick012000 said:
Also, Nekraa, how are you going to handle XP awards, given that there isn't any real distinction between sessions? Are you going to award it after each scene/goal completed, or every week IRL, or what?
Hm, yeah, no real sessions... At each IRL week and and at completed goals sounds ok.

nick012000 said:
I suppose we're just waiting for Nekraa now, though.
Is that so. Then I will write. Also, sorry, I've been unexpectedly busy.

Happerry said:
argh how did I miss the IC going up...

Is it to late for me to still be in?
How is your character? chibi-reaper has become the fourth player, but I could probably have a fifth player. So PM me your character and I'll see where I can fit both of you in the game.

Also, before I forget. I will be away and unable to access internet from wednesday (31/7) and will return on monday (5/8) evening. Just so you know.
Is the Idea with the psionic being subcontracted by the arbites marshal sound or not btw as guiles char should know more about that including the requsition issues.
Scia said:
Is the Idea with the psionic being subcontracted by the arbites marshal sound or not btw as guiles char should know more about that including the requsition issues.
Yes, it's a workable plan. Psykers can be found among most of the organizations in the Imperium, if you take a closer look (or a not so close one in the case of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica). Though most people prefer not to.
Nekraa said:
Yes, it's a workable plan. Psykers can be found among most of the organizations in the Imperium, if you take a closer look (or a not so close one in the case of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica). Though most people prefer not to.
Thansk I was a bit unsure as arbites are one of the usualy lesser traveled paths with the exeption of the calipurna novels.
Scia, a some questions.

Where on her body is Atella's sanctioning brand (chest, forehead, hand, arm, cheek, throat, somewhere else easily accessible)?

Also, what is her Psy-Focus?

And lastly, is she trying to conceal that she's a psyker to watchers (aka people on the street and so on)? By covering her brand and hiding her Psy-Focus?
Nekraa said:
Scia, a some questions.

Where on her body is Atella's sanctioning brand (chest, forehead, hand, arm, cheek, throat, somewhere else easily accessible)?

Also, what is her Psy-Focus?

And lastly, is she trying to conceal that she's a psyker to watchers (aka people on the street and so on)? By covering her brand and hiding her Psy-Focus?
Stil lthinking about the details but currently it looks like i will put it somewhere where she can acess it easy but where it is hard to see accidental.

hmhm using the magic 8 ball for the inspiration give me a bit.

And to the later one yes as it might end a bit ..bad if she shows it open if I remember some reactions right but she is willing to come clear to the arbites especialy as she does not gain anything from not showing it to them as she is lacking mental powers.
'key, I have Happerry's and Chibi-Reaper's characters now. Can we take the easy route and say that they were with you all from the beginning? :p
If I was there, I would probably have slipped out to look into any underworld contacts I have first, rather than just tagging along with the group to the arbiters.

I mean, unless someone else has that sort of contact? And I can't really see that sort of meeting as going better for having more people there with me. So if I was there, then ducked out, most likely. I'd assume we have some way to contact each other if we were all together? Space cell phones or something.
Rolling a Charm test:

[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 81, total 81[/blockquote]
Righto, last minute money spending.

Picking up two frag grenades and two fire bombs, in addition to suddenly having a silencer on my rifle all along, for a total of 40 cost and reducing my current money to 104 gold.

I'd have had a telescope sight too, except I remembered the broken sight memento and decided, sure, that can be a thing that I need to replace in real game time.

Chibi-Reaper said:
Righto, last minute money spending.

Picking up two frag grenades and two fire bombs, in addition to suddenly having a silencer on my rifle all along, for a total of 40 cost and reducing my current money to 104 gold.

I'd have had a telescope sight too, except I remembered the broken sight memento and decided, sure, that can be a thing that I need to replace in real game time.

Investing in better armor or a Mono upgrade for the meele weapon might also be worthwhile because those are more reusable/let you live longer.
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Nekraa is back but needs sleep. Will see about writing tomorrow.
nick012000 said:
Wow, four days of sleep! You must have been really tired, Nekraa!
That is not dead which can eternal lie... sorry, my muse is stubborn at the moment. I try but it simply ignores me.
Nekraa said:
That is not dead which can eternal lie... sorry, my muse is stubborn at the moment. I try but it simply ignores me.
How about you start with resolving my Charm roll, and go from there. ;) :p
Since it's roll-under? Pretty sure that GM judgement isn't absolutely required to say 'yeah, this probably fails'.
Chibi-Reaper said:
Since it's roll-under? Pretty sure that GM judgement isn't absolutely required to say 'yeah, this probably fails'.
Yeah, I know. I still need the GM to narrate the NPC's reaction to the failure, though. ;)
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Ouch saying that the arbites wants a bribe. Well that is a bitsuicidal.

Rhia is starting to go into murder-withdrawal. The poor dear.
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