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In the Emperor's Name (Dark Heresy)

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 69, total 69[/blockquote]
Irradience: You have seen the true power of the Golden Throne. You have no hair anywhere upon your body, face or head.
bitstrangewithflowing hair as a trait*g*
[blockquote]Rolled 1d5 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]
And5+x gelt to spend..

Hmas for minor powers I will take :
Healer and Chameleon.
And spent my exp on:
2 steps of willpower, for together 350 exp raisng my willpower to 50.
I take it I use my basic willpower for checking for powers and not the one with my starting exp spent? I am a bit usnure if later referes to willpower bought after chargeneration for for willpower after rolling for it.

And in regards to gear I am buying a flakhelmet. leaving me with
30+x thrones and 50 xp
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So, given that we're still waiting on R.A.G., and everyone else is done (including one of the backup players) can we bump him down to the backup list, give Sci a his place, and get the game actually started before everyone loses interest?
Hello people! How are you doing?

Now the question is, are you still here? And if you are, how far have you come with your characters? I don't need a novel as a backstory, honest...

I'll give you two to three days to answer. Please answer.
I'm here, and I'm done. I'm just waiting for everyone else.
Still interested and you should have everything for the Psionic if I see that right. Only my alternativ char a sororita has not yet been posted.
So... Scia and nick012000. Nobody else?

I guess we can start with only two players. Could you PM me your characters? Depending on some things I might be able to create the IC thread later today, or tomorrow.

You who have not answered should be able to get into the game too, just PM me your finished characters and I'll see where we can insert you.
Nekraa said:
So... Scia and nick012000. Nobody else?

I guess we can start with only two players. Could you PM me your characters? Depending on some things I might be able to create the IC thread later today, or tomorrow.

You who have not answered should be able to get into the game too, just PM me your finished characters and I'll see where we can insert you.
I've already posted my character in this thread, but sure, I can PM a copy of it to you. ;) :p
Nekraa said:
So... Scia and nick012000. Nobody else?

I guess we can start with only two players. Could you PM me your characters? Depending on some things I might be able to create the IC thread later today, or tomorrow.

You who have not answered should be able to get into the game too, just PM me your finished characters and I'll see where we can insert you.
Aye give me a moment to gather the stuff again or should I search for my sororitas instead of the psionic?
The IC thread is now created. Scia, nick012000 and guile are the current players. IC
Ah, you three are on the spaceport "alone". See the first post of this thread for primary and secondary objectives.

Sorry if there are any confusion, this is my first PbP game.
What do we know about each other and about our inqusitor? Is it our first mission for the inqusition or only our first one as team?
Scia said:
What do we know about each other and about our inqusitor? Is it our first mission for the inqusition or only our first one as team?
I knew that I was forgetting someting -.-

You have not met Inquisitor Praetia face-to-face. She usually communicates through servitors made for that purpose or other lackeys. You are reasonably sure that she is a woman.

This is your first mission, though you have been tested (separately).

As for your fellow acolytes. You have all read files about each others' homeworld, name, appearance and "occupation". This is the first time you met.

Inquisitor Praetia believes in the sink or swim method.

Also, she has given all of you a code that you can give the astropath (as astropaths are used for FTL communication, there's one or two in the Arbites headquarters and at the starport) when you are to contact her.
Thanks for the prompt information, that remind me do we have some faked ID papers or is that one of the laxer hives in that regar?
Scia said:
Thanks for the prompt information, that remind me do we have some faked ID papers or is that one of the laxer hives in that regar?
Some fake ID's, yes. The psyker and the Arbite also has the certifications that says that they are that sanctioned. And as a note, psykers are feared and hated, so it can be useful to keep secret. Or used to intimidate people. Though, if the autorities notices that you kept that fact that you are a psyker secret from them, they can get upset.

Also, I'll go to sleep in some moments so I can't answer much more at the moment. But I'll answer any other questions tomorrow, so you can still post them.
hmh its likely that we get acess to the arbites or do we have the possibility to raise a shitstorm with the local judge dreads in case HERESY is iminent? And I take it that our arbites has papers that say why she is no longer around in her regular precipt?
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Scia said:
hmh its likely that we get acess to the arbites or do we have the possibility to raise a shitstorm with the local judge dreads in case HERESY is iminent? And I take it that our arbites has papers that say why she is no longer around in her regular precipt?
Given that she's from another planet, odds are she could just tell them "I've been seconded for duty by the Holy Ordos of the Inquistion", and they'd just nod and go, "Fair enough."
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Scia said:
hmh its likely that we get acess to the arbites or do we have the possibility to raise a shitstorm with the local judge dreads in case HERESY is iminent? And I take it that our arbites has papers that say why she is no longer around in her regular precipt?
Some arbites are on the move and travels to different planets. In this case, Zetkin has a superior that actually is (as far as you know) a fake identity used by the inquisition. So if they tries to contact Lord Marshal Heisama, they will get an answer after a few days that you are on a legitimate mission.

nick012000 said:
Given that she's from another planet, odds are she could just tell them "I've been seconded for duty by the Holy Ordos of the Inquistion", and they'd just nod and go, "Fair enough."
Nekraa said:
Secondary Objectives:
[x] Hide your affiliation with the Inquisition.
Change that to "My superior has sent me to look into the 'True Malfian Brotherhood'" and it's pretty much ok.
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Again! Because I've managed to get myself nothing but a headache by trying to move that over to an excel character sheet.

I'm reliably informed that having low gothic twice is some sort of talent that gives me a +10? Yay having that for both noble and assassin, I guess. That will definitely not be totally useless, guys, I promise!

As for XP, I made a huge conundrum for it for myself before I realized that hemming and hawing over things at level one wasn't fun, so I just picked things. Buying:

Simple Agility- 100xp
Pilot(civilian craft)- 100xp

Using up all 400 starting xp. I don't know what qualifies as a civilian craft in the grim darkness of the far future, but I'm sure it's definitely not useless if I end up getting one so I can use that skill, I promise, guys. Probably!

Also I still have an electoo thing, which I thought was a space kazoo to start, but now I'm told alternately was a replacement limb, was an extra limb, and finally and correctly wasn't a limb at all but qualifies me for a few techpriest things later and for more xp than they pay, so yay? As long as I don't die. But hey, I have dodge and a nice agility score, so who knows! I totally won't end up dying in the first encounter because I'm flinging throwing knives at the armored space tyrannosaurus. Promise.

Electoos are basically electronic tattoos. Tech Priests use them for various purposes as part of the Tech Priest Implants trait, but the ones most normal people have are basically just animated tattoos.

Also, you may want to consider taking the Malfian Noble-Born variant home world from the Radical's Handbook, given that the game's currently set on Malfi. If you don't have that book, basically, you lose the Etiquette Trait from being Noble-Born, and replace it with the Fiendish Mind (+10 Intelligence, and the Talented (Deceive) and Resistant (Fear) talents) and Monstrous Lineage (1d10 Corruption points and 2d10 Insanity points) Traits.
Of course that also open up the change that we want to kill your direct family because they are cultist, which might be a win win situation for you, or your vendetta is part of the cult.
Also, Nekraa, how are you going to handle XP awards, given that there isn't any real distinction between sessions? Are you going to award it after each scene/goal completed, or every week IRL, or what?
And guile sorry about the posting storm there.
Funny enough, Guile, you're the best one to roll for equipment availability, since it's an Inquiry test, and that's your speciality.

I suppose we're just waiting for Nekraa now, though.
argh how did I miss the IC going up...

Is it to late for me to still be in?
Happerry said:
argh how did I miss the IC going up...

Is it to late for me to still be in?

<i think it should still be possible unless our GM changed his mind.

And in regards to requisition we need better armor as soon as possible.
Scia said:
And in regards to requisition we need better armor as soon as possible.
Laser Sights would also be quite useful, as well, at least for those of us who plan on using single-shot weapons (i.e. everyone but me, by the looks of things), as well as being fairly cheap at 50 Thrones apiece. Stacking as many bonuses as you can is the name of the game, in Dark Heresy.
Aye But surviving to use them is aso important and its not like non primitive armor is not worn in the hives. Beacause a 1 point armor above my chest is not filling me with confidence..
Scia said:
Aye But surviving to use them is aso important and its not like non primitive armor is not worn in the hives. Beacause a 1 point armor above my chest is not filling me with confidence..
Yeah, but on the other hand, we want to be subtle during our investigations, and bulky armor is sort of contra-indicated for that. Things like mesh vests and flak coats would probably work well enough, though, if we remove the Imperial Aquilas.
nick012000 said:
Yeah, but on the other hand, we want to be subtle during our investigations, and bulky armor is sort of contra-indicated for that. Things like mesh vests and flak coats would probably work well enough, though, if we remove the Imperial Aquilas.
I was thinking on that level and not on the caprace armor level of a propper judge dread arbites uniform.
Or a armored bodysuit that could be moved under regular clothing
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