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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2

D20: 19

He bashed through the robots, bringing them down like a line of dominos!

Gritting his teeth, Konstantin realized Syndrome was quite close to escaping.

Like hell.

"Destroy the mechanical men, while they're down!" He shouted to the mercenaries, before he took a deep breath and concentrated.

"Viar ex Luminos, Astra Est Velarta, In Persecios Est." He whispered, before he gave prayer to the Light itself to Strike Down Syndrome, kneeling as he did so and channeling all his faith.
Just sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, Paul tried one last time to get at Syndrome with another throw of cards.

D20: 17

The second wave struck true, and Syndrome was struck hard. Dipper swung his Keyblade to hit him in the face.

D20: 15

The blow struck Syndrome in the face, hard! And sent him tumbling through the air into the windows. Dipper jumped off, falling into a hard roll.
D20: 17

The second wave struck true, and Syndrome was struck hard. Dipper swung his Keyblade to hit him in the face.

D20: 15

The blow struck Syndrome in the face, hard! And sent him tumbling through the air into the windows. Dipper jumped off, falling into a hard roll.
Paul just sighed, glad that he finally hit true and something else beyond blast shit with lightning worked. With a bit less confidence, Paul tried to use bounce again in an attempt to keep on Syndrome and make it a bit less likely for him to get away or pull something.
Paul just sighed, glad that he finally hit true and something else beyond blast shit with lightning worked. With a bit less confidence, Paul tried to use bounce again in an attempt to keep on Syndrome and make it a bit less likely for him to get away or pull something.

D20: 1

The spell... Entirely failed. Roxanne winced.

"That's a tricky spell to get right," she said consolingly.
D20: 1

The spell... Entirely failed. Roxanne winced.

"That's a tricky spell to get right," she said consolingly.
"...I literally made the spell myself." Paul said with a sigh. Just about done with trying to get his creation to work at all. Just pulling his gun out, and trying to shot at any of the remaining robots to keep the annoyance to get to him.
Gritting his teeth, Konstantin realized Syndrome was quite close to escaping.

Like hell.

"Destroy the mechanical men, while they're down!" He shouted to the mercenaries, before he took a deep breath and concentrated.

"Viar ex Luminos, Astra Est Velarta, In Persecios Est." He whispered, before he gave prayer to the Light itself to Strike Down Syndrome, kneeling as he did so and channeling all his faith.

D20: 18

The holy lightning came down, striking down with great fury and the righteous power of the Light! All of the robots were disabled!
D20: 18

The holy lightning came down, striking down with great fury and the righteous power of the Light! All of the robots were disabled!

"Now! Focus on bringing down Syndrome!" Konstantin exhorted to the others, even as he lunged and attempted to smash down the Supervillain himself, his Hammer singing as it whistled through the air.
"Now! Focus on bringing down Syndrome!" Konstantin exhorted to the others, even as he lunged and attempted to smash down the Supervillain himself, his Hammer singing as it whistled through the air.

D20: 18

Syndrome was definitely not having a good day, as the hammer hit him right in his large chinned face, and sent him through the massive window.
D20: 18

Syndrome was definitely not having a good day, as the hammer hit him right in his large chinned face, and sent him through the massive window.

There was a gleam filled with Killing Intent shining in Konstantin's gaze that could be seen even under his hood as he lept after the Villain, grip on his hammer's shaft so tight it audibly creaked. HE could already feel it. He was falling into a trance.

Just him, and the Target.

Just like old times.

Just like old times.
With a sigh, Paul unleashed a barely shaped blast of magic. Attempting to destroy the last of the robots and not stress out too much about his luck has been.
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There was a gleam filled with Killing Intent shining in Konstantin's gaze that could be seen even under his hood as he lept after the Villain, grip on his hammer's shaft so tight it audibly creaked. HE could already feel it. He was falling into a trance.

Just him, and the Target.

Just like old times.

Just like old times.

Dipper and Roxanne jumped after him, as Syndrome flew away to try and get some distance between himself and his foes.

"You're insane! All of you! I don't have any beef with you at all!" He shouted. "But I'm going to change my mind, really soon!"

With a sigh, Paul unleashed a barely shaped blast of magic. Attempting to destroy the last of the robots and not stress out too much about his luck has been.

D20: 16

The entire line of robots all fell to pieces, rendered into scrap metal! The Scout hummed.

"So... Can you teach me how do that?" He asked.
"So... Do you feel like it?" The Scout asked.
"Going to have to think on it for a bit. Especially if any of the others." Paul said, with a nod towards the other mercs. "Want to learn as well. But tell you what, try some of this and see how you feel." He said, pulling out a thick blue vial with barely 2 teaspoons worth inside of the very thick glass.
"Going to have to think on it for a bit. Especially if any of the others." Paul said, with a nod towards the other mercs. "Want to learn as well. But tell you what, try some of this and see how you feel." He said, pulling out a thick blue vial with barely 2 teaspoons worth inside of the very thick glass.

"Sure!" The Scout grabbed the vial, and drank it down. He then coughed hard, and bent over. The Engineer laughed.

"Never could hold anything stronger than sodie pop, could ya boy?"
Dipper and Roxanne jumped after him, as Syndrome flew away to try and get some distance between himself and his foes.

"You're insane! All of you! I don't have any beef with you at all!" He shouted. "But I'm going to change my mind, really soon!"

"..." Konstantin simply took out one of his Stakes, imbued it with Holy Lightning, and tossed it full force.

He had a specific target in mind, however. One that would prevent Syndrome from continuing to run if it worked.

He'd noticed those... Jets coming out of his boots. If those stopped working, then he couldn't fly away.

This in mind, he aimed for the sole of Syndrome's left boot, looking to destroy whatever was powering his flight.
"Sure!" The Scout grabbed the vial, and drank it down. He then coughed hard, and bent over. The Engineer laughed.

"Never could hold anything stronger than sodie pop, could ya boy?"
"Well, that was one of my much lower end magic potions that I'd use to restore magic. And while it may not have been the good quality stuff..." Paul said, trailing off at the end to let imaginations do the rest of the work.
"..." Konstantin simply took out one of his Stakes, imbued it with Holy Lightning, and tossed it full force.

He had a specific target in mind, however. One that would prevent Syndrome from continuing to run if it worked.

He'd noticed those... Jets coming out of his boots. If those stopped working, then he couldn't fly away.

This in mind, he aimed for the sole of Syndrome's left boot, looking to destroy whatever was powering his flight.


Both jet boots were struck, and Syndrome fell onto a fuel tank. He hit it hard, leaving a dent as the wind was knocked out of him.


Dipper jumped up and dove down. "ARS ARCANA!"


He struck Syndrome, again and again and again, and sent the supervillain falling to the hard concrete floor.

Both jet boots were struck, and Syndrome fell onto a fuel tank. He hit it hard, leaving a dent as the wind was knocked out of him.


Dipper jumped up and dove down. "ARS ARCANA!"


He struck Syndrome, again and again and again, and sent the supervillain falling to the hard concrete floor.

Slowly making his way over to Syndrome like an Executioner approaching the chopping block, Konstantin loomed over the villain, looking down at him.

"...Nowhere to run now, boy." He stated, before he brought his Hammer down on Syndrome's arm (and more specifically, the gauntlet he wore that gave him those strange energy powers).
"Uhh... I'm good," the Scout managed.
"I mean, I could try the bazooka based version. It does use a higher end equivalent for magic recovery. And it means I can shoot you with a bazooka with no consequences as long as you can handle the magic recovery." Paul said, completely nonplussed about the bazooka based recovery. "Heck, I even have it in a healing variation if you aren't feeling so good."
Slowly making his way over to Syndrome like an Executioner approaching the chopping block, Konstantin loomed over the villain, looking down at him.

"...Nowhere to run now, boy." He stated, before he brought his Hammer down on Syndrome's arm (and more specifically, the gauntlet he wore that gave him those strange energy powers).

D20: 7

The hammer struck the edge of Syndrome's gauntlet, cracking it. He reached out to try and strike him again with Zero Point Energy!

D20: 3

Which... Fizzled out.

Syndrome's eyes widened. "What?! No, no, NO!"

Dipper glared deeply. "Tell me what you know! Where's Mabel?"

The supervillain blinked. "Mabel? I don't know who you mean."
D20: 7

The hammer struck the edge of Syndrome's gauntlet, cracking it. He reached out to try and strike him again with Zero Point Energy!

D20: 3

Which... Fizzled out.

Syndrome's eyes widened. "What?! No, no, NO!"

Dipper glared deeply. "Tell me what you know! Where's Mabel?"

The supervillain blinked. "Mabel? I don't know who you mean."

Planting his hammer in the ground and reaching down, Konstantin slowly wrapped his armored hand around Syndrome's throat, using the other to rip away at the villain's gauntlet.

He didn't say anything, and simply started squeezing.
Planting his hammer in the ground and reaching down, Konstantin slowly wrapped his armored hand around Syndrome's throat, using the other to rip away at the villain's gauntlet.

He didn't say anything, and simply started squeezing.

Dipper gasped. "Hey! What are you doing?!" He demanded. "You can't kill him!"

Roxanne grabbed onto Konstantin's forearm. "Hang on a second! We need information!"
Dipper gasped. "Hey! What are you doing?!" He demanded. "You can't kill him!"

Roxanne grabbed onto Konstantin's forearm. "Hang on a second! We need information!"

For a moment, he'd almost lost himself. He'd almost given in to long buried instincts, ones he'd done so much to try to forget.

"..." Looking down at Roxanne, he relaxed his grip, but did not let go, and he turned to look Syndrome in the eyes.

"Speak." He ordered him. "And let every word be truth."
For a moment, he'd almost lost himself. He'd almost given in to long buried instincts, ones he'd done so much to try to forget.

"..." Looking down at Roxanne, he relaxed his grip, but did not let go, and he turned to look Syndrome in the eyes.

"Speak." He ordered him. "And let every word be truth."

"M-Mabel? Who's Mabel?" Syndrome gasped, his face still blue from the choking.

"My sister! She's got a Keyblade too! You have her, don't you?" Dipper demanded. "I know she's here! I know she's been here!"

Dipper's eyes widened, and he held up his Keyblade. Another Keyblade flew down, slamming into the weapon. Dipper was knocked back hard, and tumbled away. A dark robed figure stood up, high in the rafters.

"You're making a lot of trouble, you all," the figure said in a smoky female voice.

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