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Let's Try Out: Dawn of Worlds

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Mar 1, 2014
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Rules: http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf (Link should be legal)
World Map: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1q0pfSWRs5Itfe9X7tvuu7FF2NEK5ipq68JSBQa6WgIY/edit
Icons used: http://www.hexographer.com/extra-icon-sets/calligraphy-icon-set/

So, Dawn of Worlds is somewhere between an RPG and a world-building exercise. Players introduce races, systems, features, etc to gradually shape a world together. You're also welcome to get really angry when the asshole right before you sticks fucking-pretty boy elves in your giant forest and start saving up resources to rain firey rage down on all of them, apparently.

To be honest, I got linked to this five minutes ago and I've barely skimmed the rules, but it looks interesting!

So, currently looking for 3-4 people to do a GMless take on this.... What will happen with the final project? Probably nothing, but I'm curious to see how it works. Given the format of the game, I expect play by post would be best.

There's no character gen needed, so in general, any slots are first come first serve. I'll leave this up for a few days, but close as soon as we get to five.

Any interest?

1st Age
  • Round 1 (Year 0, The World Dawns)
    • Darkened: Creates an amazingly tall mountain in the Southwestern Sea
    • Dreadis: Creates a really really big desert mountain in the northern part of the continent.
    • Tavarokk: Creates a forest along the Eastern Shore
    • Xicree: Creates a junglish area in the midwestern sea.
    • Reinzero: Creates forested mountains in the Southeast
  • Round 2 (Year 500: Life appears in the young world)
    • Darkened: Creates an impossibly dry, necrotic wasteland in the Center of the continent. Creates an avatar (The First)
    • Dreadis: Creates mountains in the Northern Deserts
    • Tavarokk: Expands the Eastern forests and adds rivers.
    • Xicree: Forest expands, the core forest begins to generate a mutagenic mist (Western forest is renamed the Jungelweb Sea)
    • Reinzero: Southeastern Forests expand
  • Round 3 (Year 1000: The first people)
    • Darkened: Makes the Southwestern Mountain double in size
    • Dreadis: Creates more Mountains in the North
    • Tavarokk: Converts eastern forests into a hotter humid jungle
    • Xicree: Creates avatar (Madrigoza). Avatar creates race (Hordes of Xantne). Jungleweb Sea expands.
    • Reinzero: Southeastern forests and hills expand
  • Round 4 (Year 1500: The first city)
    • Darkened: Creates a cold climate in the Northwest. Avatar (The First) creates race (Svartalven). Race creates its first city (Nidvalier)
    • Dreadis: Spreads deserts, east of the mountains
    • Tavarokk: The forest expands
    • Xicree: Jungleweb Sea expands.
    • Reinzero: Expands Southeastern Forests
  • Round 5 (Year 2000: The Rise of an Angel)
    • Darkened: Expands the Northern Tundras.
    • Dreadis: Creates a Flying Forest Mountain over a giant Oasis Currently on the edge of a desert.Creates an avatar
    • Tavarokk: Create Avatar (Niue), Create Race: (Niue-Oro) Shape forest to jungle
    • Xicree: Expands mutagen. Xantne gain biotech mastery.
    • Reinzero: Does Nothing
  • Round 6 (Year 2500: The slow growth of civilizations)
    • Darkened: Tundra Expands. Svartalf gain Engineering Mastery. Svartalf begin to cultivate the land for use in farming.
    • Dreadis: Stabilizes climate around floating island. Creates race (Flugen)
    • Tavarokk: Niue-Oro begin to develop animal training (not an advancement)
    • Xicree: Xantne build the Hive City Reglath
    • Reinzero: Does Nothing
  • Round 7 (Year 3000: The inklings of Conquest)
    • Darkened: Expands Tundra. Svartalf create city Hreidmar. Farmland expands to rivers.
    • Dreadis: Spreads Desert
    • Tavarokk: Niue-Oro begin to develop psionics.
    • Xicree: Xantne develop enchanting mastery. Jungleweb Sea Expands. Xantne gear up for war.
    • Reinzero: Does Nothing
  • Round 8 (Year 3500: )
    • Darkened: Svartalf become the masters of metalwork. Svartalf begin to construct a great wall.
    • Dreadis: Flugen create Avant Heim
    • Tavarokk:
    • Xicree:
    • Reinzero: Does Nothing
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Interested as hell, reading now.
Interested, reading.

Edit: sounds fun, I'm in.
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Played a game of this on SB a while back ^_^ was quite nice.

I'd play.
Tanuki wakes up and licks the thread. Its best done in real life. :3
Okay, unless they decide otherwise, Xicree, Dreadis and Tavarokk have slots pending confirmation of interest post-reading on the part of Dreadis. Bii does as well if desired, though I'm not sure if that's a post confirming interest or just an aside.

This covers all slots, though any other posts will count in terms of a queue in case someone decides not to take part.

I am happy to keep a record of turns, but does anyone more artistically inclined than me want to sketch out a starting world map? If not, I'll find a way to manage.
I was interested before finishing reading, only real worry is the map making doing this online.
Rein is interested... saw thread late. :(
Okay, so that's definitely 5 players confirmed, with the fifth as either Bii or Rein.

Biigoh: Were you reserving a slot or just making a comment about the system?
If you're sure. Okay then, tentative plan is to start this tomorrow. Turn order will be in order of first posts in thread.

1. Me!
2. Dreadis
3. Tavarokk
4. Xicree
5. Reinzero

If no one manages to come up with a nifty blank map over the next day or so, I'll work it out for the OP myself.
If no one manages to come up with a nifty blank map over the next day or so, I'll work it out for the OP myself.

This may be of help: https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/world/

Most results are rather bizarre (it just loves putting all landmass into a single continent on one pole and all water on the other), but at 80-90% water 0% ice and no objects generating a few decent-looking continents to copy-paste out should be no trouble. As for editing throughout the game, dunno, some kind of cloud image editor? We could put some pasted tokens on the side and just copy them onto the field every turn.
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Link to world map. Not perfect, but best I can manage. For now, a bit unsure on keys.

Still working out the key for alterations. Cities/races are easy enough, but geographical features are proving difficult to make anything but extremely ugly on this software.

At the same time, let's get this going!

Round 1
Okay, it's my turn! The first step is to roll 2d6 and add that to current power (0). For now, I'd like every player to post their current post-roll power and then final power total at the end of their turn. All rolls should be made with this forum's program. Post your pre-roll total then roll and edit in your turn and a final total.

Current Power: 0
Power: 10

Spending: 3 Shape Land to create one very large mountain in the southwestern corner of the ocean.
(The heavens move, drawing out a single stone monolith from beneath the waves. Higher and higher it ascends until its tip crests the stars themselves. It is the first mountain, and for that alone it is mighty. But it is also the greatest mountain, a climb no mortal could summit. )

Ending Turn:
Current Power: 7

Next is Dreadis
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Alright lets get this started

Old Power = 0

Power 6

Spending 3 Shape Land to create a desert mountain
(In the north east of the continent a desert mountain rises, caves dot its surface with many caverns deep inside)

End Turn
Current Power 3

Next is Tavarokk
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Hmm ok!

Lets do this thing!
Spending 3: Shape Land.

A vast Jungle rises up from ocean flooded lands to the Shore of the Mid-western sea. Tall and strong it is a network of trees standing up from the flooded floor, connected by a vast mass of interconnected vines tangled about pitch black leaves. The Jungleweb Sea is born.

End Turn.
Current Power: 9.

Next up is: ReinZero
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A vast Jungle rises up from ocean flooded lands to the Edge of the Southeastern sea. Tall and strong it is a network of trees standing up from the flooded floor, connected by a vast mass of interconnected vines tangled about pitch black leaves. The Jungleweb Sea is born.

Can you actually make jungle without changing climate? Default is what, moderate?
Acording to the PDF jungle is an option on the change land but it will probably be temperate instead of hot/steamy unless he also changes the climate.
Well, I'm going for the jungle as well, but as I can't imagine temperate jungle, I figured I'd start with a forest and have it change into jungle as part of climate shift.
Acording to the PDF jungle is an option on the change land but it will probably be temperate instead of hot/steamy unless he also changes the climate.
I was assuming that the Continent's lower end was already in the tropical zone.

On the other hand though, I can Easily imagine a temperate magical Jungle, just it's going to need a primary 'mutation/energy' source (Tropical Sun provides that in a real jungle) hmm... I might do a 'climate update' to my part of the map. Something nice and unique.
I was assuming that the Continent's lower end was already in the tropical zone.

I've asked Darkened when making my own forest, equator goes across exact middle of the map, but any serious climate deviations would have to be done with Power.
Do note that everyone can do more than one thing at once if you have the power, and that very large geographic features (a rainforest, a 'vast' jungle, etc) would require repeated use of shape land to spread them.
Turn Start Power: 0

Post Dice Power: 6

Spending 3: Create a forested mountains with running rivers through it on the lands/shores ajoining the south eastern islands. Specifically next to the island (barely) connected to the mainland. The river itself is the only one of 'note' within the land and ends in a tiny lake to its left/western side/edge.

(The lands shift, they rise, they spring forth. As if life anew sought to reach higher into the sky. Earth shifts upwards, forming but mountains while trees spring up as if covering them. Several rivers run through them, though only one is of particular note, size, and length, emptying out into a tiny lake at the edge of its western side.)

Post Turn Power: 3

Nexted Up: Darkened
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Rein, can you get the map working, or do you need someone to edit it for you?

Round 2

Current Power: 7

Current Power: 16
Shape Land (6): A roughly circular wasteland appears in the continent's center. It is neither hot nor cold, and yet distinctly unbearable to any life. Absolutely dry, the fertile soil collapses into ashen wastes and gray dunes, so irresistably dry that they seem to suck the very life from anything foolish enough to enter.
Create Avatar (10): The First a many limbed beast arises in the center of this desert.

(The vitality of the land is stolen away. Life, water, flows toward the center, drawn inexorably from the entirety of the world. Pulled, by an irressitable force. But it is the closest land that bears the greatest burden, the ground reduces itself to ash as life and breeze and motion are drained away, condensed. What might have been a kingdom, a jungle or beautiful plains is left to ruin forevermore.

And in the center of that storm, the stolen life bears fruit. Bones of strong stone, blood of flowing, purest water and flesh of growing bark and pliant grass give rise to a king of none, crowned in antlers and more god than beast. Its limbs are many, sprouting as readily as leaves and shifting as fluidly as water. Its gaze is wise and passionate as fire. It alone walks unimpeded through the ash, wandering, searching for that which is not yet.)

Current Power: 0

Next is: Dreadis
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Current power 3
1 bonus power this turn since i ended last with less then 5

New power 3+1+7
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