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Let's Try Out: Dawn of Worlds

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current power 11

Shape Land x3 (9)
3 more desert mountain sections filled with yet more caves and caverns, though smaller then the first, groups of mountains instead of one big one like the first, an Oasis forming in one area where the mountains meet with the larger mountain
(More desert mountains rise from the land to the east and south of the first. With caves and caverns of wondrous natural design spread throughout. An Oasis forms where the new mountains meet the base of the first bringing a hidden bit of dense life to the sparcely inhabited growing desert mountain range.)

Current power : 2

Current Power: 5.


Spending 9: Shape Land x3 to expand the forest and add river.

(Across the plains multiple springs open, water flowing into streams that eventually combine into a mighty river. Along its banks the forest, now dense and full of life, expands further inland.)

Current Power: 4.

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Current Power: 18
Shape land: 3
Shape Climate: 2

The forest begins to extrude a mist, a hellish mutagen transforming all life it touches. Within the Jungleweb Sea, change becomes the only law as the trees give birth to new life, and a creeping mat of constantly changing moss and vines creeps outward to conquer the world around them.

And the mad beasts begin to arise from the trees.

Current power: 13

Turn Start Power: 3

Post Dice Power: 15

Spend 12: Shape Land x4
Expand the forested mountains with running rivers through them to the two islands to the right and also one above and one below. Thus covering the shores.

(The mountains grow outwards, pushing forth into their surroundings, the trees growing with them. But yet, they do not cover the waters. No, they spread across the islands beyond the shores, as if saying the waters are unworthy of their presence.)

Post Turn Power: 3
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Still working on figuring out which way to handle/resolve power spending on my turn/end. Though there's a slight concern that comes to mind.

Xicree in which/what way are you interpreting, meaning, and using 'mutagen' in context and phenomenon?
That which causes random mutations to arise. Right now supported by the rapidly growing nature of the life in the area it allows a far higher than normal variation rate (even though it does cause a significant increase in the mortality rates of the creatures within it's grasp. Right now nothing that isn't specialized to live in it is going to have a long happy life.

It's a first step to my wonderland death jungle.
Darkened ah fine, I'll bear with the lack of clarity on that other thing. Action edited in and done.
Round 3

Current Power: 0 (+1)
Current Power: 8

Shape Land (3): Making the mountain in the southeast roughly double in size.

(Angry that some rival in the North dare rival his testament, a god lifts from below, raising the Southwestern Mountain higher and higher until it is truly an incomparable peak.)

Current Power: 5

Next is: Dreadis
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Current Power 2
+2 bonus
New total 7
Shape Land 1x (3)
More desert mountains
(The desert mountains stretch northward, nearing the northern coast. The mountains themselves similar to the others before them.)

End turn Points : 4

Current Power: 4.

Spending 8: Shape Climate x4 to to convert the forest into hot, humid jungle.

(Over the years the climate in the region shifts, becoming more and more hot and humid. The plants in the area adjust, then start to grow explosively, creating impassable jungle, as deadly as it is beautiful.)

Current Power: 1.

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Power: 13 +
Power: 19

From the centre of the trees, it begins to emerge... Like woman, like beast, like thing bursting with the essence of life it grows out from it's wooden gall, ripping it's way out of the largest of the grand trees as it stalks the Jungleweb Sea. Beautiful, yet terrible in it's danger, the womanly creature finds sustenance among the wild beast, hunting twisted monstrosities with her own hands as she reaps the toxins of life and change as her very own blood.

Then one day soon after her creation she begins to explore urges beyond bloodlust, her dark eye for beauty leading her to all the most magnificent specimens of beast, subduing then rutting with all of the greatest and most powerful beasts that she could find, mixing their essences within her body and giving beautiful laborious birth to something completely new.

Like men, like beasts, mighty of limb and quick of mind the Nameless avatar of what till then was a nameless god, wracked the world with her progeny. Bestial orgies began as the beasts born of her ever changing blood settled into their own, born from her holy womb they would come back to know her well, until they grew prosperous and many. Their wombs blessed with the ability to breed with anything they wished... their males capable of rutting with beasts to create new lineages.

And thus was the coming of Madrigoza and her peoples, the Hordes of Xantne, even as the Jungleweb Sea begins to expand it's reach, and it's rich mutagen spills outward, preparing it's advance.

Power spent: -19
Create Avatar: 10
Command Avatar: 2 (Create Race)
Shape Land: 3
Shape Climate 2x: 4


Turn ends.
Per player is the intent.
True, though per game would be a decent variant to make the game a bit more competitive. Of course the hatred of the dice could simply screw all but one player over so its probably not the best thing to do for a fair game.
Turn Start Power: 3

Post Dice Power: 8

Action: (3 Power) The forested mountains with rivers through them expands westwards from the original lands where they first sprung up from. The small lake formed prior is but now expanded into a lake proper, though most of it is in this newer location.

(And so the mountain ranges expanded, pushed outwards, bringing along it its trees and rivers, but most notably, the formation of a lake).

Post Action Power: 5
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Round 4

Current Power: 5
Bonus: +2
Current Power: 16

Shape Climate (6): Freezing cold in the Northwest peninsulas.
Command Avatar (2): Create Race (Svartalven)
Command Race (8): Build City (Nidvallier)

(The Icy Breath of the gods begins to blow in the Northwest, generating a freezing cold that wraps the land permanently in winter's grasp.

Meanwhile, The First advances from its ashy cradle, moving slowly and pondrously as it traverses the wastes. Finally, when it sets upon true, solid Earth, its many hands begin to grasp the Earth and shape, building and twisting images in any number of images, only to knock them down again and again. Finally, after centuries, it stumbles across a form it likes, and breathes into them the spark of life. This race is bidpedal, dark of skin. They are slender, with thin gangly arms that trail almost to the ground, though they are not short. Their hands are graceful and delicate, their eyes wide and well suited to either darkness or detailed work.

To these Svartalven, the First bestows many gifts. He teaches them language and society, of culture and civilization. But mostly he teaches them of art and of building. He shows them how to shape the land, to create prosperity from rocky fields. And they build. Nidvalier is the first city on the world, a primitive, subterranean mass of caves and stones, carved with hands where no refined tools yet existed.

The Svartalven see themselves as the oldest after their maker, and take pride, believing themselves the first true race upon the world. They are delicate and fragile, and have, as of yet, no weapons, nor any concept of war. Violence exists, but it is odd and rare, an aberration brought about by fits of rage, unworthy of the First's People.)

Current Power: 0

It's Dreadis' Turn
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Start Turn Points 4
+3 bonus
Points available : 12
Shape Land 3x (9)
Desert, sparse life east and north-east of desert mountains
(Desert lands spread eastward of the Desert Mountains. Life within the desert lands is sparse but does exist, tough specimens adapted for survivability)

End Turn Points 3

Current Power: 1.
Spending 3: Shape Land to expand forest west-north-west.

Current Power: 5.

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Power: 5+1
The grand forest grows. It's mutating essence traveling before it.

Shape Land: 3
Shape Climate: 2

Power remaining: 1
Turn Start Power: 5

Post Roll Power: 14

Action: (x3 Shape Land, 9 Power total) Expand the lands outwards more, so they reach downwards to the bottom coastline, and then more towards the west, filling that side of the shore as well.

IC: (The mountainous forests grew and pushed out more, as if filled with untapped power. Perhaps.)

Post Action Power: 5

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Round 5
Current Power: 0
Bonus: +3

Current Power: 6

Shape Climate (2): The tundra in the north expands.
Current Power: 4
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