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Let's Try Out: Dawn of Worlds

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Shape Land 5 (15)

Desert spreads around the Floating mountain/lake

(The desert, as if insulted by the massive lake and floating mountain rapidly advances to surround it leaving sparse life all around the strange formation and the new race living upon it. Perhaps the desert is trying to protect the world from the flying Flugen Race.

Not that they really care, they have new things to explore with the change of the land around them)

End points : 0

[X] Do not advance age

Current Power: 4.
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Spending 10: Advance Race (Psionics Mastery)

(Understanding, empathy, connection - to their sisters, to their goddess, to their land. These were foundations of Niue-Oro culture that every daughter absorbed with her mother's milk. But some went further than that. To feel emotions before they are expressed and to let one's own be felt. To know where others are before one's senses register them. To remember every moment of one's life and to share these memories directly. As time passed, such abilities became more common, more prominent, more diverse. Before long every daughter would have a measure of this talent and would never be alone again.)

Current Power: 1.

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Current power: 0
Bonus Power: +3
Once more you begin to whisper to the willing ears of your people. Once you'd spoken in hushed breaths of the marvels of life itself, of its intricate twists and codes of the ways and means by which to alter to transform and to shape that which lives. And now once more you stand upon the cusp of a new revolution...

The secrets of Enchantment, the embodiment of magic into physical form. To make all harder, better, faster, stronger... To imbue flesh with power beyond that which flesh had ever been meant to have. Soon your children begin to work, your avatar Madrigoza translating your holy word into holy Writ as your people learn the secrets of symbol... and begin to imbue Blood-Codes with these magics. And within the generation you see the seed of this spread into the ecosystem itself.

Great trees, weeds, birds, and beasts... this engineering of Magical imbuement become key to many, giving meat the consistency of steel and utterly transforming the durability of all that lives within the Jungle-Web Sea.

Even as said terrain begins to explode outward as if questing for further expansion.

And even as all this begins you speak to your Avatar gravid with her latest brood and let the loving whispers of your words lavish her senses...

"Gather me an army... we begin to prepare for war."

Advance Civilization (Enchantment Magic Mastery) - 10 power
Shape Land (Jungleweb Sea expands further inland) - 3 power
Command Avatar (Gear up for War) - 2 power

Final Power count: 0 Power
Bonus Power: +3
Turn Start Power: 28
Bonus: +0
Advance Age: Yes

Post Roll Power: 39

Action: Nothing.

Round 8 (First Age continues)
Advance Age: No
Current Power: 3
Bonus: +3

Current Power: 15

Advance Civilization: The Svartalf: Working Metal.
Command Avatar: Command Civilization (Craft wonder: Great Wall)

(The First shows his people how to fold metal, to shape it, to incorporate ingredients tangible and spiritual, to weave power into steel and brass and copper, to forge artifacts of meaning and beauty and wonder rather than mere tools.

The Alf have begun to see glimmers of other races, strange creatures that seem as children to the proud children who proclaim themselves the eldest. They look down upon these others, but do not seek them out or learn their tongues. They do not look outward. Long they have ceased to call themselves the First's People has become the First People, a name of reverence fallen to mere pride.

But the First cannot abandon its children so easily, though it can not bear the vanity they are becoming. It warns them, with eyes that have seen the rise of the world, of dangers to the West, and then it departs, walking across the waste where none may stand.

The Alf are not so gone as to ignore their maker. They toil with stone and steel, with iron and blood and magic wrapped in it, to make a wonder as the world has never seen. A silver wall arises, stretching between the Waste and the Mountains, carving the continent in half. It is a mighty thing, and the labor of dynasties rather than kingdoms. It is layered with magic, hundreds of feet high, impenetrable save at its gates.

To the North are mountains, steep and impenetrable. To the south, the Waste than none may endure and live. The Alf look at their wall and think themselves safe, forgetting the warnings of their maker. They man the wall, but they forget why. Their eyes do not watch the Western Horizon.)

Current Power: 3
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Start Turn Points : 0

+3 bonus points
Advance Age : No
10 points

Command Race - Flugen : Create City (Avant Heim) (8)
(Growing tired of simply living wherever on their flying mountain the Flugen begin construction of a city at the top of their mountain. Moving stone with their strength and basic magic to slowly create a City of smooth stone carved with simple art when the Flugen have inspiration.

Construction is slow, the Flugen slowly learning what can and cannot work, having no particular talent for such engineering. Yet eventually the Flugen create their Grand, if slightly simple from an engineering perspective, City of Avant Heim)

End Turn Points : 2


Edit : Misread numbers
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Current Power: 1.
Bonus +3
Advance Age : No

Spending 10: Advance Race (Life Magic Mastery)

(With the introduction of psionics, accumulating and sharing knowledge became considerably easier for the people of Niue. One of the most notable results of this change was great increase in the number and skill of magic users. Although the goddess would occasionally teach her priestesses the arts of healing and plant manipulation, truly mastering such skills required more time and effort than most Niue'Oro were willing to commit to the task, and many never even had the chance to try, living far from the heart of the forest and rarely getting to see their progenitor. With new abilities having become available for all daughters of Niue, most such obstacles had vanished, allowing almost every Niue-Oro with talent and desire to become a healer or a shaper and to develop these skills for the benefit of their descendants.)

Current Power: 2.

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... Umm... Tavarokk...

Sorry dood but no. You just stepped into my entire magic pool by calling it something slightly different.
Roll Bonus: +3
Like madness you spread word of your power within your people's grasp. Giving them all they need... knowledge will and direction.

You teach them the simplest of secrets.

You show them the path of grand wings, of propulsion so grand it bridges gaps between vast untenable lands. Of arrangements of flesh and enchanted magics which in conjunction with a now almost instinctive grasp of aerial motion, you give your people the gift of the wind... of vast beasts which can take them too and fro... Even as you order your Avatar to teach them the ways of shaping weaponry based upon natural designs.

And you leave them with but a simple order.

Find the O̵̯ͨ̈́̓̕t̴̸̵̹̹̳̙̮̻͚̮̃͑́h̺͉͖͕̭͆͡ͅĕ̼̩͙̥ͣ́̇͟͡ȑ̴̬͓̻͙̥̮͍̥̓̐͗ͪ ̸̡̡̤̰̹͒ͩ̅͋͊ forests and take their children for your own.

Advance Civilization (Bio-Magitech Airships) - 10 Power
Order Avatar (Fly the Bio-Magitech ships to holy war and raiding) - 2 Power

+2 Power remains
+3 Power Bonus next turn.

Next up: ReinZero
Turn Start Power: 39
Bonus: +0
Advance Age: Yes

Post Roll Power: 47

Action: Nothing.

Round 9 (Still the First Age)
Current Power: 3
Bonus: +3
Advance: No

Current Power: 14

Command Avatar: Create Order (Xantne): The Covenant of Xian
Create Subspecies: The Tian

The First wanders among the Xantne , ignoring their craft of flesh for their ways please it not. His first creation has fallen to pride, to aggrandizement, and though the seed of creation no longer lies with him, the first will progress, will shape as is his want. They strike him, but his bones are the Earth itself. He lives, but there is nothing of flesh for their magics to twist in him. He tolerates their blows and their anger, their bestial aggression, and begins to teach, quietly and compassionately of a different way.

At first none listen. To the First, they seem a savage, primal lot. But some follow. They change, measuring their bestial prowess with discipline and restraint, leaving the horde and adopting a different ethos.

Bit by bit he pulls a few from their purpose. They abandon pride, abandon instinct, and seek enlightenment instead. The temper themselves and practice the art of being slow, of walking peacefully amidst the quiet trees. To these savage monks, these Xian, the First grants many blessings. They become different from the horde, living longer, cultivating their bodies as temples. They learn to live without expiration, to hold themselves apart from the cycle of nature, to judge calmly and efficaciously and to refine their bodies beyond others. He grants unto them to incorporate the elements themselves into their flesh, to transcend the nature of beast and accept half the nature of spirit.

They are of flesh and of spirit, solid and insubstantial in equal parts, unaging yet endlessly changing. As their teacher, they are crafters, but their only works are their own bodies. Some drink lightning and become swifter than thought, others learn to consume as fire, the mane of a lion subsuming into blazing heat.

They deny the horde, deny the collective and accept the First as their savior, even as they twist his words and carry on the horde's knack of twisting flesh.

They fight against their brethren, though they are few and solipsistic. Each is a kingdom unto itself, a force of element and beast that is all but unkillable. If they spread as the horde, they would wipe out their progenators, but the Tian are not born but made, sharing their creator's gift amongst those they call beasts, 'uplifting' their lessers to stand against the horde. They are a rejection of everything their race stands for, a cult of death and violence opposed entirely to the collective, to civilization. And yet they are proud and strong enough to merit as much envy and hatred.)
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Start turn points : 2
+3 bonus
end age : no
Points 15

Advance Civilization (10)
--War Magic

Command Avatar -- Command City : Avant Heim (2)
--Build school of Magic - Avant Magic Academy

Shape Land (3)
--Mountainous region
(Flashes of light and loud explosive noises draw attention of many of the Flugen. Curious, a number fly out past the fertile land around the lake into the desert to see what is causing flashes and noise. They find Gibril, the youngest of the adult Flugen, holding a glowing yellow sphere in her hands. Not noing what is going on they simply float around watching Gibril as she flings the sphere out, shooting it quite some distance away, and are unprepaired for the blast. though the damage was focused in the direction Gibril launched it the backwash of the blast buffeted the braced Gibril in place and flung the Flugen watching from the air away.

Realizing there were others watching Gibril quickly flys after them. When she reaches them instead of being berated or attacked for hurting them she is instead praised, the others all but begging to be shown ho to do what she did. Eventually the news slowly spread more and more wanting to learn Gibril's magic, eventually creating more spells as they experement on their own.

Artosha moves down from above the mountain where she had been staying, watching her creation grow on its own quite safely, worried about the dangers of the Flugen's new interest in dangerous magics, instructing the Flugen in the city of Avant Heim to construct a place for those interested in learning such magic, beyond the basic tricks most have available to them already, in a place built to protect the rest of the flying mountain from miscast or badly aimed spells by those learning.Drawing on its own innate power Artosha creates numerous slabs of diamond like material for the Flugen to use in construction.

Elsewhere in the world, more mountains rise up in the north of the world.)

End turn points : 0

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Current Power: 2.
Bonus +3
Advance: No

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Spending: Shape Land to expand forest, Command Avatar - Create City (Kana-Roa), Command CIty - Train Army (Way of Claw and Fang).

(As numbers of the Niue-Oro grew and their culture turned more complex, a need in a meeting place arose. Deep in the heart of the forest, not far from the clearing where Niue had been born, a settlement was fashioned amidst the jungle, still living plants grown into halls and awnings. It became a sacred place for the daughters of Niue, a place to worship their goddess, to teach and learn, to meet their brethren from distant reaches of the jungle and celebrate. This settlement would grow over the years and eventually be named the holy city of Kana-Roa.

One of the new arts passed to the young girls in the halls of Kana-Roa was that of discipline, resilience and survival. It was customary for the Niue-Oro to learn how to fight from the forest itself until a number of honored elders captivated by the thrill and challenge of battle endeavored to gather and refine all such skills. Thus was created the Way of Claw and Fang, the first martial art of the daughters. Not many would commit to mastering it, seeing anything beyond the basics required for everyday survival as a unique hobby, but those who did would be prepared to defend their homes should it become necessary.)

Current Power: 1.

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Power: 2
Bonus Power: 3
Total power: 5 + ???
Should conflicts resolve when the actions are made or at the end of a given round?

I don't think the rules specify, and I can see merits to both approaches, though the latter feels far more natural.

(In the former it's possible to raise an army, march across the world and conquer a city in one turn without any reactions, since it's easy to use an avatar or two to fold raising an army and marching into one turn, and not doing both at once is really really weird in the first or second age, but the latter blunts the ability of surprise and impacting things strategically, as it makes it much easier to defend than attack.)
Should conflicts resolve when the actions are made or at the end of a given round?

I don't think the rules specify, and I can see merits to both approaches, though the latter feels far more natural.

(In the former it's possible to raise an army, march across the world and conquer a city in one turn without any reactions, since it's easy to use an avatar or two to fold raising an army and marching into one turn, and not doing both at once is really really weird in the first or second age, but the latter blunts the ability of surprise and impacting things strategically, as it makes it much easier to defend than attack.)

Well the original concept seems to be more 'tabletop' use, so it would seem more simultaneous turns for responding to conflicts. It also makes (more) sense for/when people pool power to make/do stuff jointly.
I'm thinking that once Conflict is declared and the powers for both attack and defense are made during the round then there should be an extra Rolling round to see how things play out based on the power, the civilizations, and everything else in play during that round.

I believe this is why this needs something of a GM to moderate. Just for the conflicts however.

So there should have been rolls at the end of round 8 for how successful my Armies were and what effects they would have had on Tavarokk's region.
So there should have been rolls at the end of round 8 for how successful my Armies were and what effects they would have had on Tavarokk's region.

Except it makes zero sense for the opponent race not to respond in any way for 500 years. So marching to war at the first age means that either the earlier vote gets retconned as the race grows aware of the attack early into five centuries period or the system gets broken.
Honestly, the conflict rules and initial costs are borked enough that I'm tempted to just restart everything with a few revisions. The map is also probably too large.
Honestly, the conflict rules and initial costs are borked enough that I'm tempted to just restart everything with a few revisions. The map is also probably too large.

Reduce map size by 25%.

And I suppose restart would be from scratch?
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