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[RWBY] No Victory in Strength (Minecraft Jaune)

Do you guys think Menagerie would accept the help of a human uplifting them even with Blake's assurance?
Blake: "I swear he's actually a Faunus, part horse. No you can't see his animal trait, it's private."

More seriously, Blake and Wiess need to merge their plans to start a new company with the stated goal of uplifting everyone, Faunus first due to them being at the bottom, and just out-economy the SDC.
I'm with Blake, I don't get Weiss' plan she'll have to go through her dad then the company shareholders then whatever Atlas' laws to change the mine workers' condition.

... Naked apron cooking battle will be decided upon. *Flees*

She's hoping to appeal to the board that they oust Jacques in favor of her when she shows them Jaune's inventions and makes it clear he'll only work for her. She'll probably realize it's a no-go then try to start a competing company with Jaune, which also means not letting Blake have him since she'd really need his loyalty and efforts by then.

Blake: "I swear he's actually a Faunus, part horse. No you can't see his animal trait, it's private."

More seriously, Blake and Wiess need to merge their plans to start a new company with the stated goal of uplifting everyone, Faunus first due to them being at the bottom, and just out-economy the SDC.

Blake lies as easily as she breathes.

Depends. They both want different things. Weiss wants to take over (or take down) the SDC and redeem her family legacy while Blake wants to fix the infrastructure of Menagerie first and foremost. Both would require Jaune's full attention, at least for a while. Weiss would want Jaune to set up facilities, tools, and (most importantly) mining towns. Blake would want Jaune to turn Menagerie into a proper kingdom. Both are a time investment.

Yes, Faunus could work for Weiss' new company, but that doesn't solve the issue of the Faunus being considered weak or their hometown being one arsonist away from a disaster. It just fixes the dogshit working conditions and nothing else.
So how do you guys think Ruby and Yang would try to appeal to Jaune, given that they're confirmed pairings now? Ruby especially since she's not very good at the flirting stuff.
So how do you guys think Ruby and Yang would try to appeal to Jaune, given that they're confirmed pairings now? Ruby especially since she's not very good at the flirting stuff.

She won't flirt initially for a while because she doesn't fully understand her feelings and misinterprets it instead. Initially she loves to spend time with Jaune and testing his powers. Making guns and really anything. And after getting to know him she starts to read comics, watch cartoons, and play games together.

Yang doesn't start liking Jaune till after getting to know him as he wins over her unknowingly little by little. He likes him since he's a good friend for her sister but as she gets to know him she slowly falls in love. Could have her realize when Jaune goes to pick up a drunk Yang at the club or something relating to it. Combine that with his character (Arc's don't break promises) and you can set up her initial interest that way due to trauma caused by Raven.

I think when it comes down to it, Ruby is kinda the simplest character of her team. The least complicated.
She won't flirt initially for a while because she doesn't fully understand her feelings and misinterprets it instead. Initially she loves to spend time with Jaune and testing his powers. Making guns and really anything. And after getting to know him she starts to read comics, watch cartoons, and play games together.

Yang doesn't start liking Jaune till after getting to know him as he wins over her unknowingly little by little. He likes him since he's a good friend for her sister but as she gets to know him she slowly falls in love. Could have her realize when Jaune goes to pick up a drunk Yang at the club or something relating to it. Combine that with his character (Arc's don't break promises) and you can set up her initial interest that way due to trauma caused by Raven.

I think when it comes down to it, Ruby is kinda the simplest character of her team. The least complicated.

Just a correction. Yang does start liking Jaune next chapter, but it's the more shallow 'he's hot and looks good shirtless' attraction rather than something deeper. That comes later.

Yang also declares her intent to date Jaune next chapter, which causes the other girls to go 'nuh-uh'.
I assume some enchants are very rare. So like Jaune gifting Ruby Infinity is actually a big deal since he can't just pull out spares of it like the diamond sword.

Enchant a book the use an anvil to fuse them together.


I hope that jaune and phyrra get together, phyrra and Ruby seem like the two best ones in my opinion, though I wonder if ozpin sent an all girls team in the hopes that 1 or 2 will fall in love with jaune?

And if jaune died will he wake up in bed straight away?
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Enchant a book the use an anvil to fuse them together.


I hope that jaune and phyrra get together, phyrra and Ruby seem like the two best ones in my opinion, though I wonder if ozpin sent an all girls team in the hopes that 1 or 2 will fall in love with jaune?

And if jaune died will he wake up in bed straight away?
Watch as this is revealed to be an Ironman Hard Mode playthrough with Jaune only having a single life to use.
Jaune could probably make totems out of ever after materials. And he's really durable. He's not the best fighter, hut he does carry some high level gesr. Being smacked,with a diamond sword with enchants HURTS.

Enchant a book the use an anvil to fuse them together.


I hope that jaune and phyrra get together, phyrra and Ruby seem like the two best ones in my opinion, though I wonder if ozpin sent an all girls team in the hopes that 1 or 2 will fall in love with jaune?

As mentioned above, pairing is harem with RWBY and Pyrrha included.
So could anyone who played Minecraft explain waht Redstone is? A power source? Cause people suggest putting it in the Minecraft Jaune fic and seeng how it affects the Dust based economy.
I'm 99% sure this is not what Ozpin and Salem meant by no victory in strength lmao, with victory lying purely on sheer industrial power, he who controls the Jaune Arc controls the world, I wonder what Weiss and Blake are gonna do to try to take him, wait I wonder if he will ever build a nether portal and use it as a form of transportation, that would be fuckin hilarious
I'm 99% sure this is not what Ozpin and Salem meant by no victory in strength lmao, with victory lying purely on sheer industrial power, he who controls the Jaune Arc controls the world, I wonder what Weiss and Blake are gonna do to try to take him, wait I wonder if he will ever build a nether portal and use it as a form of transportation, that would be fuckin hilarious

As mentioned before, he creates an Ever After portal instead of a nether one. And people lean towards either seduction or an earnest plea from both. Guilt tripping by Blake is seen as poor taste.
So could anyone who played Minecraft explain waht Redstone is? A power source? Cause people suggest putting it in the Minecraft Jaune fic and seeng how it affects the Dust based economy.
As far as I understand it, and there is not a lot to go off of, lore wise, red stone is solidified magic that forms in the depths of the world where magic flows more richly(?) and is a great conduit of almost all forms of pure energy transfer, be it magical, kinect energy, or electrostimulation.
Jaune made intelligence potions that made dogs sapient. I wonder what happens if Ruby or Weiss drinks it...

Also, I know I joke about it, but would Ironwood really try to get Jaune for Atlas or trust his own kingdom's innovations over an unknown foreigner?
Jaune made intelligence potions that made dogs sapient. I wonder what happens if Ruby or Weiss drinks it...

Also, I know I joke about it, but would Ironwood really try to get Jaune for Atlas or trust his own kingdom's innovations over an unknown foreigner?

Assuming Ironwood is actually a proper general and leader and that his insanity was caused by his semblance, stress, and being lied to. I'd think he'll hire him to beef up the defenses of Mantle (a secondary wall+turrets) or maybe even expand it. He'll probably try to have him improve the infrastructure of both cities as well. Though he probably won't be able to touch the dust (SDC) or make Atlas float without the relic (security threat). Then he'd have him improve/rebuild/remake all the bases outside the city as well.

He may try to get military contracts on him but either Jaune refuses or the Council/SDC won't let him. That or he may have reservations as he'd be worried about maintenance and upkeep.
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Assuming Ironwood is actually a proper general and leader and that his insanity was caused by his semblance, stress, and being lied to. I'd think he'll hire him to beef up the defenses of Mantle (a secondary wall+turrets) or maybe even expand it. He'll probably try to have him improve the infrastructure of both cities as well. Though he probably won't be able to touch the dust (SDC) or make Atlas float without the relic (security threat).

He may try to get military contracts on him but either Jaune refuses or the Council/SDC won't let him. That or he may have reservations as he'd be worried about maintenance and upkeep.

The issue is hiring Jaune is a crapshoot because EVERYONE tries to hire him. So why would he pick Ironwood over the council, Weiss, Blake, the happy huntresses etc? Someone made the joke that he tries to offer up Winter. Winter is either extremely offended or is all for it. For the good of Atlas!
The issue is hiring Jaune is a crapshoot because EVERYONE tries to hire him. So why would he pick Ironwood over the council, Weiss, Blake, the happy huntresses etc? Someone made the joke that he tries to offer up Winter. Winter is either extremely offended or is all for it. For the good of Atlas!
1. Make a waitlist,
2. have Nora be the secretary and manage it,
3. ?
4. Profit
5. Nora gets to break legs.
How do you guys think Ruby and Yang would react when Blake and Weiss admit their plans here? Leaning towards Ruby calling them selfish and saying she (Ruby) clearly has Jaune's better interests at heart. So she should get with him.
Weiss' issue is lack of perspective brought on by a affluent upbringing. "Need something, pay for it. I can fix everything if I get the little people money." But that's not how economics or supply works. They might live better in the shit, but the workers would just still be in the shit.

Blake's issue is inherit counter Racism. She consistently espoused that the Faunus have had it the worst for years and has lived in an echo chamber about it. Whatever 'equality' she wants can quite easily be built on the back of 'Fuck You, Got Mine' mentality defended by 'What About'-Ism till time ends.

The problem they both have is neither have an 'end goal' for their plans for Jaune.

"Make a better Dust Mine" for power issues ongoing of planet wise society? That's a lifetime goal. It doesn't 'stop'. And it can't if its build on the back of his anomolous abilities. Even a pause would kill stock prices and the company could fall.

"Make Menagerie habitable" starts with a city, then more, then even more. Once your half done, you need to re-do the start to make quality of life better. Even if the whole sub-continent becomes one big farmland and city, the job becomes maintenance (because you leaned on one magic man to build, you lack manpower and skilled labor to do upkeep) or making more for other locations, or just updating the 'nice' city into the 'greatest' city. All built on an understanding that no 'human' will be allowed to use any of it, because 'fuck you, got mine'.
Blake and Weiss argue their points. This is not the full argument, but a snippet. Who do you guys side with/think is more right?

"Of course not." Weiss sighed, "Jaune helping me is for the greater good, you know."

"For who? For the people who already have more than enough?"

"For everyone." Weiss grit her teeth. The words came out far more strained than she would've liked, "I saw things down there. People working together equally with one another. It didn't matter their age or race, they cooperated with smiles on their faces. Imagine how much Remnant could be improved if the SDC was run like that. No more mining accidents because the company decided safety checks were too expensive. No more employees being mistreated and forced to work for pennies so some corrupt bastard can afford another mansion he'll never actually use."

"I thought you'd want the same thing, Blake!" Weiss threw her hands up, "Haven't the White Fang been attacking the SDC - my family - because they wanted equal treatment?" Blake winced slightly at the reminder of how often Weiss had been at the other end of her former group's wrath, "Under my leadership, Faunus will finally be treated equally and Dust will be made far more available to all of Remnant. Villages outside the settlements won't have to pay through the nose just to afford Fire Dust that will let them survive the winter."

"It sounds like a pleasant dream, Weiss, but you're wrong about one thing." Blake's gaze was firm, "Your plan won't make us equal. We'll be treated better at the SDC, sure, but what about outside of it? How do better wages and more affordable Dust help the Faunus? We'd still be seen as nothing more than filthy animals without even a kingdom to go back to. Jaune can give us that. He can turn Menagerie into a true sanctuary for the Faunus so they aren't forced to survive in cities that treat them as second-class citizens."

"The Faunus will have the power to stand with their head held high. The other kingdoms can't ignore us if we've got a kingdom of our own. We don't have to hide and bow our heads because some racist asshole decided attacking us is the only way he can get some meaning out of his worthless life. We can have a chance at true equality, something we've been denied for as long as we've existed. How could I not fight for that chance?"

Weiss' issue is lack of perspective brought on by a affluent upbringing. "Need something, pay for it. I can fix everything if I get the little people money." But that's not how economics or supply works. They might live better in the shit, but the workers would just still be in the shit.

Blake's issue is inherit counter Racism. She consistently espoused that the Faunus have had it the worst for years and has lived in an echo chamber about it. Whatever 'equality' she wants can quite easily be built on the back of 'Fuck You, Got Mine' mentality defended by 'What About'-Ism till time ends.

The problem they both have is neither have an 'end goal' for their plans for Jaune.

"Make a better Dust Mine" for power issues ongoing of planet wise society? That's a lifetime goal. It doesn't 'stop'. And it can't if its build on the back of his anomolous abilities. Even a pause would kill stock prices and the company could fall.

"Make Menagerie habitable" starts with a city, then more, then even more. Once your half done, you need to re-do the start to make quality of life better. Even if the whole sub-continent becomes one big farmland and city, the job becomes maintenance (because you leaned on one magic man to build, you lack manpower and skilled labor to do upkeep) or making more for other locations, or just updating the 'nice' city into the 'greatest' city. All built on an understanding that no 'human' will be allowed to use any of it, because 'fuck you, got mine'.

Yeah, look at the argument above. Weiss and Blake have rather naive (or idealistic, if you wanna be nice) about what they cna do with Jaune. They see this guy who can perform what seems to be miracles and decide that he can help them solve problems that have been going on longer than they've been alive.

Weiss thinks she can just lead the SDC to not be corrupt when, to quote another poster:

"Fuck yours, got mine" isn't the only issue. It's also "If you're not fucked, I don't got mine."

Or to put it more bluntly, it's not enough that the managers, stockholders, and/or board of directors have lots of money, it's about making sure other, less-important people (ie. those filthy faunus) don't have money and stay in their proper place.

She honestly thinks she can make people play nice or else once she's the CEO. And as Blake points out, being treated well at work doesn't suddenly negate the Faunus being regarded as second class citizens.

Meanwhile, in the full argument, Weiss points out something Blake has been ignoring: the White Fang. Even if Jaune agreed to help them, would the White Fang - or Faunus in general - allow themselves to be uplifted because of a Human? Blake notably gives a non-answer and just goes 'No You' by saying Weiss would just be exposing Jaune to Atlesian politics and corruption.

Ultimately, both are a couple of teenagers who think they can solve long-term societal problems. Weiss thinks she can usurp her dad and make things okay for everyone and Blake thinks turning Menagerie into a kingdom and having the Faunus move there/it being a safety net will give them equality. They have good intentions but are running on a bit of a hero complex.

OTOH, even if Jaune can't help them solve the main issues, he can definitely help. Even fortifying Menagerie would give the Faunus a boost (assuming the White Fang don't co opt it). Or in the case of Weiss, he could help by building tools andmbrewing strength potions that increase productivity snd safety. Or help her start her own company.

reminds me of the quote "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life" at the moment Weiss and Blake aren't thinking of the bigger picture, in time once they've thought about it they may take a step back and think about things more and make more reasonable demands of jaune. Then again they might not take a step back... but if they don't then others may step up and ask jaune to step back and allow their civilisations to grow, to prevent their town's and cities becoming reliant on one man.
Honestly Jaune just fixing up and fortified the main city on Menagerie and then made some viable farmland before leaving would probably be the most the faunus would allow him to do. Well before the White Fang bitched enough for him to just leave. Hell they would probably try to assassinate him cause their that stupid.
If I'm being honest I always thought that Weiss needed something personal on her side of the conflict with the White Fang. Not just her father being a monster but a personal tragedy. Like say her favorite uncle was murdered by the White Fang when she was a child. Something to make the conflict a lot more personal and a focal point for her emotions to rage.

Being oppressed and enslaved is terrible. Losing people you love to heartless terrorists and being threatened with death or worse is also terrible. It makes the conflict more personal for both sides.

But that's just my opinion. Otherwise the argument looks good and both girls are stubborn and idealistic enough to make this very difficult. Also potentially hilarious.
Honestly Jaune just fixing up and fortified the main city on Menagerie and then made some viable farmland before leaving would probably be the most the faunus would allow him to do. Well before the White Fang bitched enough for him to just leave. Hell they would probably try to assassinate him cause their that stupid.

Weiss makes that exact argument. Blake thinks otherwise and says that many in the White Fang fight for equality simthey'll totally accept Jaune's help,

If I'm being honest I always thought that Weiss needed something personal on her side of the conflict with the White Fang. Not just her father being a monster but a personal tragedy. Like say her favorite uncle was murdered by the White Fang when she was a child. Something to make the conflict a lot more personal and a focal point for her emotions to rage.

Being oppressed and enslaved is terrible. Losing people you love to heartless terrorists and being threatened with death or worse is also terrible. It makes the conflict more personal for both sides.

But that's just my opinion. Otherwise the argument looks good and both girls are stubborn and idealistic enough to make this very difficult. Also potentially hilarious.

Weiss does say her family personally was targeted and, unlike canon, she and Blake are not friends in this story. Weiss says outright that she can't just forgive and forget Blake being a former member of the group that targeted her family, justified or not.

Yeah. The issue is both girls think their plan is so obviously better and the other one should just shut up and let them have Jaune. Ruby calls both selfish for it.

reminds me of the quote "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life" at the moment Weiss and Blake aren't thinking of the bigger picture, in time once they've thought about it they may take a step back and think about things more and make more reasonable demands of jaune. Then again they might not take a step back... but if they don't then others may step up and ask jaune to step back and allow their civilisations to grow, to prevent their town's and cities becoming reliant on one man.

Yep. If Jaune ever dies then Domremy is kinda hosed. Though I guess one could argue they have enough if a foundation to keep going and it just wouldn't be as idllyic.

Pretty sure she has lost family members to assassins, if I remember it correctly she spoke about it to Blake not long after finding out she was a faunus.

In canon she says family friends/acquaintances. People often fanon that she lost direct family members though
reminds me of the quote "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life" at the moment Weiss and Blake aren't thinking of the bigger picture, in time once they've thought about it they may take a step back and think about things more and make more reasonable demands of jaune. Then again they might not take a step back... but if they don't then others may step up and ask jaune to step back and allow their civilisations to grow, to prevent their town's and cities becoming reliant on one man.

My favorite version of that quote is the one Jaune can deliver to his enemies
"Make a fire for a man, and you warm him for a day. Make a fire OF a man, and you warm him for the rest of his life."
Though, in this case, it will be applied mainly to Grimm.

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