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[RWBY] No Victory in Strength (Minecraft Jaune)

Weiss sees just how bullshit Minecraft powers are:

The sounds of whirring drew her attention elsewhere. Weiss watched, utterly gobsmacked, as the farmers left the freshly harvested field only for a machine to suddenly roll over the empty dirt. It looked like an oversized tractor or combined harvester, except instead of shearing away the fields, it spread seeds and water with extreme precision. That in and of itself wouldn't have been too odd. After all, she'd seen similar machines back at Atlas.

No, what really made her gape like a fish out of water was the sight of the plants growing right before her very eyes. Weiss rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing correctly. Yes, the crops were growing from fresh seedlings to assorted fruits and vegetables in a matter of minutes. And as soon as the crops finished growing, the farmers quickly set to harvesting them with practiced ease. Was that why they never had any problems feeding their rising population?

She stared at the machine which continued to plant more seeds and water. Could Jaune perpahs do the same with other resources? Perhaps Dust?

The possibilities made her feel lightheaded. Weiss took one last look at the efficient farmers before slowly walking back to the castle. She had to ponder some things...

Jaune: "World hunger? What's that?"
Blake and Weiss argue their points. This is not the full argument, but a snippet. Who do you guys side with/think is more right?

"Of course not." Weiss sighed, "Jaune helping me is for the greater good, you know."

"For who? For the people who already have more than enough?"

"For everyone." Weiss grit her teeth. The words came out far more strained than she would've liked, "I saw things down there. People working together equally with one another. It didn't matter their age or race, they cooperated with smiles on their faces. Imagine how much Remnant could be improved if the SDC was run like that. No more mining accidents because the company decided safety checks were too expensive. No more employees being mistreated and forced to work for pennies so some corrupt bastard can afford another mansion he'll never actually use."

"I thought you'd want the same thing, Blake!" Weiss threw her hands up, "Haven't the White Fang been attacking the SDC - my family - because they wanted equal treatment?" Blake winced slightly at the reminder of how often Weiss had been at the other end of her former group's wrath, "Under my leadership, Faunus will finally be treated equally and Dust will be made far more available to all of Remnant. Villages outside the settlements won't have to pay through the nose just to afford Fire Dust that will let them survive the winter."

"It sounds like a pleasant dream, Weiss, but you're wrong about one thing." Blake's gaze was firm, "Your plan won't make us equal. We'll be treated better at the SDC, sure, but what about outside of it? How do better wages and more affordable Dust help the Faunus? We'd still be seen as nothing more than filthy animals without even a kingdom to go back to. Jaune can give us that. He can turn Menagerie into a true sanctuary for the Faunus so they aren't forced to survive in cities that treat them as second-class citizens."

"The Faunus will have the power to stand with their head held high. The other kingdoms can't ignore us if we've got a kingdom of our own. We don't have to hide and bow our heads because some racist asshole decided attacking us is the only way he can get some meaning out of his worthless life. We can have a chance at true equality, something we've been denied for as long as we've existed. How could I not fight for that chance?"

Yeah, look at the argument above. Weiss and Blake have rather naive (or idealistic, if you wanna be nice) about what they cna do with Jaune. They see this guy who can perform what seems to be miracles and decide that he can help them solve problems that have been going on longer than they've been alive.

Weiss thinks she can just lead the SDC to not be corrupt when, to quote another poster:

"Fuck yours, got mine" isn't the only issue. It's also "If you're not fucked, I don't got mine."

Or to put it more bluntly, it's not enough that the managers, stockholders, and/or board of directors have lots of money, it's about making sure other, less-important people (ie. those filthy faunus) don't have money and stay in their proper place.

She honestly thinks she can make people play nice or else once she's the CEO. And as Blake points out, being treated well at work doesn't suddenly negate the Faunus being regarded as second class citizens.

Meanwhile, in the full argument, Weiss points out something Blake has been ignoring: the White Fang. Even if Jaune agreed to help them, would the White Fang - or Faunus in general - allow themselves to be uplifted because of a Human? Blake notably gives a non-answer and just goes 'No You' by saying Weiss would just be exposing Jaune to Atlesian politics and corruption.

Ultimately, both are a couple of teenagers who think they can solve long-term societal problems. Weiss thinks she can usurp her dad and make things okay for everyone and Blake thinks turning Menagerie into a kingdom and having the Faunus move there/it being a safety net will give them equality. They have good intentions but are running on a bit of a hero complex.

OTOH, even if Jaune can't help them solve the main issues, he can definitely help. Even fortifying Menagerie would give the Faunus a boost (assuming the White Fang don't co opt it). Or in the case of Weiss, he could help by building tools andmbrewing strength potions that increase productivity snd safety. Or help her start her own company.

The thing is, if you want to remove Faunus treatment globally, Weiss's approach would be more practical due to the scale of the SDC and also the increasing in wealth and purchasing power of Faunus. With Blake's approach while it will improve living conditions undoubtedly, the issue remains that this will cause an emigration of Faunus from the other kingdoms and instead allow racism to foster and spread. Separate groups will always begin to spread away from each other without regular contact and exposure. It'd be the death of Faunus and human relations. So for the sake of the future, Blake cannot be allowed to monopolize Jaune.
The thing is, if you want to remove Faunus treatment globally, Weiss's approach would be more practical due to the scale of the SDC and also the increasing in wealth and purchasing power of Faunus. With Blake's approach while it will improve living conditions undoubtedly, the issue remains that this will cause an emigration of Faunus from the other kingdoms and instead allow racism to foster and spread. Separate groups will always begin to spread away from each other without regular contact and exposure. It'd be the death of Faunus and human relations. So for the sake of the future, Blake cannot be allowed to monopolize Jaune.

How does Weiss lead to the increase in wealth and purchasing power for the Faunus? The company is still run by humans, and while Weiss' ensures that they'll be treated well, it doesn't change their standing and place in society. People will still regard them as second-class citizens except now they get fair salaries at work.
How does Weiss lead to the increase in wealth and purchasing power for the Faunus? The company is still run by humans, and while Weiss' ensures that they'll be treated well, it doesn't change their standing and place in society. People will still regard them as second-class citizens except now they get fair salaries at work.

If Weiss is going to turn around the SDC it'll include not only safer working standards but also fair minimum wage pay. Shell also likely purge many of the corrupt elements in the company as well. After all, she wants the SDC image improved. Simply increasing safety standards won't do that.

With this it also removes one of the largest faces of Faunus oppression and sets a precedent a very big one. And sometimes that's all you need. Not to mention I don't think Ironwood as a general would have liked the SDC was being running with all the negativity it generated. And would support Weiss and with his 2 council seats try to pass laws to mitigate or prevent racism. Though not immediately as that'd cause a counter movement by the racists.

Thirdly, by improving their purchasing power you give them economic power, as cruel as it may be, if people see you as rich or at least well dressed they are less likely to judge you. After all, you look at someone in casual clothes vs a tux and you'll inherently have more respect for the guy in the tux because he looks rich and powerful. Looks are a big part of how we perceive things it's just how it. And giving buisnesses economic incentives to not reject Faunus customers because they can actually pay for it is a thing as well. Not to mention that Faunus families with more money would also mean higher education for the children and eventually an even higher paying job in positions of authority and skill.

Ultimately yes it's not gonna be quick or fast but it would still be more effective in normalizing Faunus and human relations than building up menagerie. Which while it would improve the lives of Faunus would in my opinion only strain the relationship between the two. Especially since some human supremacists would complain about the Faunus getting Jaune's powers and would likely kidnap (or at least try to kidnap) his family and force Jaune to do what they want. Which may be to help Vacuo (maybe you can use the Crown for that) or prevent him from helping Faunus.

That's my opinion anyway. If you want to help Faunus then go menagerie if you want to help human and Faunus relations the SDC.
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If Weiss is going to turn around the SDC it'll include not only safer working standards but also fair minimum wage pay. Shell also likely purge many of the corrupt elements in the company as well. After all, she wants the SDC image improved. Simply increasing safety standards won't do that.

With this it also removes one of the largest faces of Faunus oppression and sets a precedent a very big one. And sometimes that's all you need. Not to mention I don't think Ironwood as a general would have liked the SDC was being running with all the negativity it generated. And would support Weiss and with his 2 council seats try to pass laws to mitigate or prevent racism. Though not immediately as that'd cause a counter movement by the racists.

Thirdly, by improving their purchasing power you give them economic power, as cruel as it may be, if people see you as rich or at least well dressed they are less likely to judge you. After all, you look at someone in casual clothes vs a tux and you'll inherently have more respect for the guy in the tux because he looks rich and powerful. Looks are a big part of how we perceive things it's just how it. And giving buisnesses economic incentives to not reject Faunus customers because they can actually pay for it is a thing as well. Not to mention that Faunus families with more money would also mean higher education for the children and eventually an even higher paying job in positions of authority and skill.

Ultimately yes it's not gonna be quick or fast but it would still be more effective in normalizing Faunus and human relations than building up menagerie. Which while it would improve the lives of Faunus would in my opinion only strain the relationship between the two. Especially since some human supremacists would complain about the Faunus getting Jaune's powers and would likely kidnap (or at least try to kidnap) his family and force Jaune to do what they want. Which may be to help Vacuo (maybe you can use the Crown for that) or prevent him from helping Faunus.

That's my opinion anyway. If you want to help Faunus then go menagerie if you want to help human and Faunus relations the SDC.

Huh, interesting insight. Discussions elsewhere more or less point out that Weiss leads to indirectly helping integration but it would take a while. Meanwhile, building up Menagerie gives the Faunus a far stronger power base but likely leads to two states separatism where the Faunus just ditch the four kingdoms and all go live in Menagerie...which, ironically, was what the Faunus fought to PREVENT back in the Faunus Revolution. They fought for the right to live in the kingdoms and yet, ironically, Blake's solution is likely to lead into the Faunus digging in on Menagerie and telling the Humans to fuck off. And now you're gonna have racists and supremacists who are jealous that the Faunus now have an equal, if not better, standard of living compared to them.

Again, reminds me of the Krakoa thing in X-Men. For the longest time, the Humans wanted the Mutants to fuck off, so eventually the Mutants make their own nation. Response? Humans complain that the Mutants have some really cool tech that they don't wanna share with the race that has tried to genocide them more times than there are holidays in a year. Same here, I suppose.
The problem with trying to apply any rational logical solutions to RWBY's problems is that RWBY stopped caring about rational logic and reasoning a while ago. Honestly I still find it bewildering that overt racism can exist when there is a literal tide of darkness attracted to negative emotion clawing at the walls of civilization. But then again...

Well before the White Fang bitched enough for him to just leave. Hell they would probably try to assassinate him cause their that stupid.
Case in point.
Weiss sees just how bullshit Minecraft powers are:

The sounds of whirring drew her attention elsewhere. Weiss watched, utterly gobsmacked, as the farmers left the freshly harvested field only for a machine to suddenly roll over the empty dirt. It looked like an oversized tractor or combined harvester, except instead of shearing away the fields, it spread seeds and water with extreme precision. That in and of itself wouldn't have been too odd. After all, she'd seen similar machines back at Atlas.

No, what really made her gape like a fish out of water was the sight of the plants growing right before her very eyes. Weiss rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing correctly. Yes, the crops were growing from fresh seedlings to assorted fruits and vegetables in a matter of minutes. And as soon as the crops finished growing, the farmers quickly set to harvesting them with practiced ease. Was that why they never had any problems feeding their rising population?

She stared at the machine which continued to plant more seeds and water. Could Jaune perpahs do the same with other resources? Perhaps Dust?

The possibilities made her feel lightheaded. Weiss took one last look at the efficient farmers before slowly walking back to the castle. She had to ponder some things...

Jaune: "World hunger? What's that?"
this is what i'm here for
i wanna see Jaune overturn the world with his magical plants
or should i rather say mystical agriculture

how about silverwood, the tree that could purify taint in thaumcraft 4
could Jaune make them and would it purify grimm?
The problem with trying to apply any rational logical solutions to RWBY's problems is that RWBY stopped caring about rational logic and reasoning a while ago. Honestly I still find it bewildering that overt racism can exist when there is a literal tide of darkness attracted to negative emotion clawing at the walls of civilization. But then again...

Case in point.

This doesn't surprise me. Look at settings like 40K where racism is the bread and butter. Or Fallout where Ghouls are treated as zombies by a good chunk of the populace. The literal end of the world won't stop people from being assholes. I just think that this is POORLY WRITTEN racism.

The White Fang, or certain sects of it, going from a group of freedom fighters and devolving into a pure hate group is fine. The problem is ALL we see of them are that hate group and the racism in the show amounts to slurs one asshole bully pulling on a bunnygirl's ears.

this is what i'm here for
i wanna see Jaune overturn the world with his magical plants
or should i rather say mystical agriculture

how about silverwood, the tree that could purify taint in thaumcraft 4
could Jaune make them and would it purify grimm?

Just wait till Ironwood realizes Jaune can make airships and golems. The man will eithe decide Jaune needs to be in Atlas or he's too dangerous to leave alive.


1. So between Blake and Weiss, who do you think deserves Jaune's help more? Ignoring the whole 'them not asking Jaune at all about his opinion' thing. Blake's plan is ambitious but is definitely a time-sink even with Minecraft powers. Weiss has a higher likelihood of success but it's not as widespread or significant as giving the Faunus an equal place on Remnant.

No one deserves his help because everyone just wants to take advantage of him, he should stay in his hometown and make it self-sufficient and fortify it so strongly that could repel a possible invasion by the grimm/any of the kingdoms
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No one deserves his help because everyone just wants to take advantage of him, he should stay in his hometown and make it self-sufficient and fortify it so strongly that could repel a possible invasion by the grimm/any of the kingdoms

it's pretty much reached that point already. Jaune is an endgame Minecraft player.
No one deserves his help because everyone just wants to take advantage of him, he should stay in his hometown and make it self-sufficient and fortify it so strongly that could repel a possible invasion by the grimm/any of the kingdoms

Honestly I kinda think this is what should happen. Given that going to Menagerie could be seen as lending his significant power to a radical terrorist organisation, and going to Atlas could be seen as the same but to the SDC, who are the posterchildren for workers rights violations. Now that I think about it, given he could potentially compete with dust, wouldn't the SDC try and assassinate him?

There is also the whole Worm Tinkertech conundrum (correct me if wrong) where if he trips and dies, what becomes of the works and infrastructure he leaves behind? Does it all still work as normal or just break?
Honestly I kinda think this is what should happen. Given that going to Menagerie could be seen as lending his significant power to a radical terrorist organisation, and going to Atlas could be seen as the same but to the SDC, who are the posterchildren for workers rights violations. Now that I think about it, given he could potentially compete with dust, wouldn't the SDC try and assassinate him?

There is also the whole Worm Tinkertech conundrum (correct me if wrong) where if he trips and dies, what becomes of the works and infrastructure he leaves behind? Does it all still work as normal or just break?

The SDC and the White Fang gunning for Jaune is brought ip as an issue next chapter. Depends if you think he can survive just fine given he's a Minecraft character in full. So totems of revival.

It still works and doesn't even decay with time, though they can be destroyed by outside parties. And then they can't be repaired by anyone but hjm.

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