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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Cowboys of Remnant: A Day with Orleans
Weiss walked up to the stables, a determined scowl on her face. The hot wind whipped her hair up behind her as she beheld both her greatest nemesis (after her father) and her potential greatest ally.

Orleans was standing in the shade, guzzling down water from the trough with great enthusiasm. The Aura-unlocked horse gave her a glance, before resuming her guzzling. She then pulled back, sending up a spray of water that flew up into the air and covered Orleans. It was rather majestic, Weiss thought, and the fact the horse didn't spray her (for once) was encouraging.

"Orleans," Weiss said quietly and tried very hard not to feel silly about talking to a horse, "I do care for Jaune very much."

Orleans snorted. Weiss shook her head.

"I mean it. He... Means a lot to me," she said. "But that doesn't mean we have to be enemies, right? We both want Jaune to be happy, don't we?"

Orleans looked considerate... For a horse. She neighed in agreement. Weiss smiled and pulled out the package she'd been hiding behind her back: A stack of magazines.

"Now," Weiss said, holding up the pages, "You see all these stallions? Racehorses. I could get any one of them to stud for you."

Orleans examined the magazine dutifully. She looked rather skeptical and snorted.

"What? These are the finest stallions in the world!" Weiss insisted. Orleans snorted again and turned her nose up. Weiss sighed.

Well, that was expected, she thought to herself. Fortunately, she was prepared.

"I see. You're like me, then. You prefer someone more down to Remnant. More of a blue-collar horse than some stuffy elitist," she said. Orleans scowled as well as a horse could and nodded. "Very well."

Weiss swapped the racing horse magazine for one about draft horses. She opened it up to page 12.

"See? This is Luscombe Nodram. The tallest Shire breed horse in the world. Now he's a prize winner, but he's a hard-working farm horse at heart," Weiss said with a smile, "See him? He doesn't look stuck up at all, despite his fame."

Orleans snorted again but did seem much more interested. Weiss smiled.

"You two would make beautiful foals," she said encouragingly, "And you know Jaune would love them. He loves baby animals, and so do I!"

Orleans leaned in a bit closer and examined the picture carefully.

"I will throw in these muffins my butler made," Weiss added, holding out a basket of the warm, delicious pastries Klein had sent her special delivery.

Orleans sniffed the muffins, then chomped down on them. She chewed them thoughtfully, paper and all.

She then nickered. Weiss beamed.

"So... You help me with love, and I'll help you with love. Sound good?"

Orleans huffed and again looked haughty as she considered it. She then neighed and nodded. Weiss nodded back, a smile growing on her face.

"Oh of course Jaune would always be first in your heart. Isn't that always the way?" She reached out tentatively. Orleans watched her intensely for a few moments... Before she relaxed. Weiss patted her on the back of her neck with a happy smile.


Weiss froze and looked over her shoulder. Pyrrha stood there with a terrifying smile that did not marr her usually pleasant features in the slightest.

"Um... Hello Pyrrha," Weiss said, her smile becoming nervous.

"You know Orleans," Pyrrha said conversationally as she walked up next to Weiss, "The Hellenic citiy-states became very good at horse rearing."

She held up her Scroll and presented an image of a magnificent black stallion. Orleans' eyes were glued to the screen instantly. Pyrrha then pulled out a vial and popped the top.

"His musk, for your perusal," Pyrrha said, still smiling in a scary way. Orleans sniffed, and nickered happily.

"There, see? You help me, you'll get him," Pyrrha said, "We're both happy."

She held out an open box filled with dried fruit.

"I also brought you a sample of fruits my mother tells me is raised on a farm we own," Pyrrha said.

Orleans neighed happily and chowed down as Weiss gasped at her former idol.

"You're trying to bribe Orleans?! But Pyrrha, you're-"

"I'm not as good at this field of battle as others," Pyrrha said firmly, "But I am a fast learner... And I aim to win."

There was a pause. Pyrrha allowed herself a smirk.

"Besides... Orleans is clearly a horse of taste. She wouldn't go for some celebrity horse like an over-eager fangirl. Would you, Orleans?"

Orleans nickered again. Weiss's eyes narrowed.

"I see," she stated, "So be it."

The two young women glared at each other. Orleans went back to drinking water, happily sniffing the musk.

- - -

Yang walked up to the stable, her stride confident. Orleans was again drinking deeply of the water trough.

"Listen Orleans," Yang stated, "I don't do this for a lot of people. Or horses."

Orleans looked up skeptically. Yang held up a bucket of warm, golden oats. The horse nickered happily as she sniffed it.

"Yup. Honey and brown sugar baked. Highest-grade cut oats," Yang said with a smile. Orleans leaned forward, but Yang pulled the bucket back.

"But... Quid pro quo," she stated firmly. Orleans snorted. Yang nodded.

"Come on. You want to be pandered to?"

Orleans huffed.

"Well, I suppose we all like to be pandered to a little from time to time. But not all the time."

Orleans glared at her. Yang sighed.

"Okay look. I really like Jaune and I don't want to fight you. All right? So yeah, have this bribe... And don't screw things up for me. Or, horse or no horse, I'll kick your ass!"

Orleans snorted... But then nodded. A bit of respect was in her eyes. Yang smirked.

"There you go."

She held out the bucket. Orleans bowed down and began to eat happily.

- - -

"... And he took shop class! Shop class is so amazing! He's so cool! He helps me at the forge and even fixed up the bunk beds! So could you please help me out, Orleans? It would be great of you!"

Orleans looked at Ruby incredulously. Ruby beamed and held out a cookie.

"Aw, you look so cute: Have a cookie!"

Orleans took the cookie happily. She then shrugged and whinnied happily.

"Aw! Thanks Orleans!" Ruby hugged her happily. "You're so sweet!"

- - -

Nora stole into the stable, Ren keeping pace a few steps behind her. Nora beamed and held up a bag of sugar cubes.

Orleans nickered happily, throwing her head back with a dramatic flourish.

"This is the good stuff, Orleans! You know I always get the best to share!" Nora said cheerfully.

Orleans considered this truth, and then nodded.

"Open wide!" Nora cried. She tossed the sugar cube, and Orleans chomped it out of the air. "Good on you, Orleans!"

Ren sighed.

"Why am I here?"

"You're hot when you're watching me feed Orleans sugar cubes," Nora chirped, tossing Orleans another sugar cube.

"You say I'm hot when I'm not watching you feed Orleans sugar cubes," Ren deadpanned.

"Am I wrong?"

Ren was silent, and then a bit smug.


- - -

"Who likes carrots?" Velvet asked cheerfully, holding up a bushel of orange roots. Orleans happily chewed on the treat as the rabbit Faunus girl brushed her mane.

"So, um, I was thinking maybe... Maybe you could put in a good word for me?" Velvet asked eagerly. "Maybe... Tell him I like him?"

Orleans stared at her as she chewed. Velvet sighed.

"You're right... I have to do it myself. Another carrot?"

- - -

Jaune walked up to Orleans. He reached out and patted her on the side of her neck affectionately.

"Howdy Orleans. How you doing? Not too hot, are you?"

Orleans shook her head.

"Are you sure? I can get the rectal thermometer-"

Orleans bit him.

"YEOW! Geez, fine, sorry!" Jaune grunted. Orleans neighed, then nuzzled him affectionately. Jaune sighed and patted her on the back of her neck.

"You're lucky I can't stay angry at you. For too long, anyway."

He frowned and looked back at her haunches.

"We're going for a ride as soon as it gets cooler: You're starting to get fat."

She bit him again.


- - -
Cowboys of Remnant: Carrot and Stick 2
Jaune Arc had more than a few harrowing memories in his brain. Becoming a cowhand for the Duke Ranch was not for the fainthearted, given they had to move thousands of cattle through bandit and Grimm infested lands. He'd seen men and women die in horrible ways. He'd killed men. Maybe one woman, he wasn't too sure about one bandit's gender.

Probably the scariest moment in his young life was going with his dad and Duke into a village of locals Indendepents called the Blue Sioux. They'd lived and survived on their own in the Valean wilderness for hundreds of years, and killed anyone who intruded on their land unless you could negotiate with and appease them.

They walked into that heavily reinforced village. Spikes covered in preserved Grimm Masks and human skulls decorated the concrete-reinforced walls. Machine gun nests rested on the top of the wall, their shiny barrels pointing out. All the Blue Sioux were dressed in leather and scrap metal armor with blue face paint and heavy weapons pointed at them. Every one of them wore a scowl on their pale faces.

They entered a concrete longhouse, filled with furs and tapestries. There was a throne that appeared to be a very well-upholstered Recliner. There was some plastic wrapping still on the sides. A few TVs hung from the walls, playing informercials.

They walked up to their chief, an old man with long white hair wearing a white robe and a crown of aluminum over a red and yellow beanie. He seemed much more relaxed than his tribemembers. Mister Duke was up in front, while Nick and Jaune flanked him. The chief rose.

"Hello Rooster!" He greeted him.

"Hello Joseph, King," Mister Duke had said, "We again seek to cross your lands with our cattle." He looked around. "The courtesy of your hall seems a bit lessened of late, Joseph, King."

Joseph shook his head and shrugged.

"Sorry. Things have been tense lately. Your Rangers shot at us a few times. The Branwen Tribe has struck too." Joseph frowned and looked around at his people, before looking back to Duke. "They want war."

"War is in no one's business, Joseph, King," Duke replied evenly, as calm as an Atlasian glacier despite all the guns pointed at him. His father was equally unperturbed, even smiling, though Jaune could tell there was a tension in his sword arm. Jaune himself was just trying really hard not to freak out with all the guns pointed at him.

Joseph, King nodded.

"True, true. The younger braves want to start raiding like the Bandits. Take what we want. We did that long ago. Didn't work out well for us." He sighed. "I have to take a heavy tithe for you to pass."

"What's the number, Joseph, King?" Duke gritted out. Joseph looked Mister Duke right in the eyes.

"Half your herd."

Jaune grimaced in disbelief. Half? He was going to shout in protest: They couldn't afford half the herd!

He felt his father's hand on his forearm. He glanced at him. Nick Arc shook his head, and Jaune tried to calm down.

Mister Duke didn't even twitch. His eyes did get a bit more dangerous though.

"Joseph, King, we've been friends a long time. When I was a Ranger, I treated you and your people with respect."

"That is true, Duke, you did," Joseph replied.

"If some low down Atlasian prospector demanded half your assets or he'd kill you, what would your response be?" Duke asked, his voice level but filled with warning. Joseph nodded slowly.

"I'd kill him right back and display his skinned body as a warning."

"Same goes for me," Duke growled. "Now I'll trade with your people fair and square, just like always. You'll get fresh cattle for your herd and a few other items you've been needing. All at fair prices. But if you insist upon trying to cheat a friend because of politics, well... Joseph, King? It will end badly for you."

"HA!" One of the braves shouted in mockery, "You're an old man with a dumb swordsman and a boy! We would kill you in an instant!"

Duke just slowly turned and stared him down. Jaune had no idea what Mister Duke's Semblance was, but being able to fill people with mortal terror might have been part of it since the guy shrank back in fear.

His father was also unperturbed, though there was a small smirk on his face.

"Joseph, King," Duke stated wearily, "We're too old for young man's foolishness. So we'll trade with you fairly, and then we'll leave."

Joseph King stared at Duke. Duke stared back. The silence stretched on for a time. Jaune's heart beat like a drum in his ears. All the braves around them had their weapons ready. His father's hand rested over his sword. Jaune felt the urge to go for his gun, but a look from his father stopped him cold.

At long last, Joseph, King held up his hand. The braves lowered their guns, though they all looked unhappy.

"We trade fairly, old friend."

The tension evaporated. The trade deal went well, though plenty of the braves kept their weapons close by. Which was fine by Jaune, they all did too.

The dread and terror of that moment seemed almost insignificant as he sat in the RWBY/JNPR common room, strumming his guitar listlessly.

Ruby popped up onto the couch next to him with a concerned look on her face.

"Hey Jaune? You okay?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure as shootin'," Jaune said with a smile. Pyrrha and Weiss were across from him, doing some homework. Yang was back in her apron again, cleaning some dishes with Nora's help. Ren was meditating on a nearby pillow. Blake was flipping through one of her books as she laid out on another couch.

"Cardin's not giving you any more trouble, is he?" Pyrrha asked gently. Jaune shook his head, strumming out more random tunes.

"Oh, no. We uh... We have an understanding of sorts," he said. "Hmmhmm... Hmmm... How'd it go...?"

Nora popped up on Jaune's other side with a grin.

"You took a while in the locker room! You usually take a lot less time! How much time does he take, Ruby?"

"After combat class? Fifteen point two minutes on average," Ruby chirped.

Much staring. Ruby blushed and found her boots very interesting all of a sudden.

"I-I was bored so I did the calculations...? You wanna know how long you spend in the locker room, Weiss?"

"No," Weiss stated flatly.

"Oh, well..." Jaune coughed. "I had to talk to Cardin."

"He doesn't want to join our movie night tomorrow, right?" Nora asked with a pout.

"Um, no," Jaune managed. Nora beamed.

"Also, you haven't chosen the movie! What's it gonna be, Jaune-Jaune? Ooh! Another war movie?"


Nora's eager smile filled his vision. Ruby squeezed in and shook her head.

"No no no! We're gonna see GunGun Mecha Prime: The Return! The mechanical design on the giant robots is superb! It's pure gear porn~!"

"Ruby!" Yang growled. "Don't say 'porn'!"

"So should I just say 'Blake's reading material'?" Ruby deadpanned. Blake scowled. Yang hummed.

"No, that would take too long."

"Hey!" Blake protested quietly.

"So! What are we watching?" Nora asked again, very eagerly.

Jaune sweated. He felt Blake's curious eyes upon him.

Damn her Faunus senses, she can tell I'm nervous, he thought to himself. Crap crap crap...

He could see it in his mind's eye. His admission about Velvet, and all the ladies in his life donning war paint and stringing him up without his skin!

Should he lie? He was no good at lying! He could bluff but that wasn't exactly the same as lying!

Could he go to the Frozen Hell for bluffing? Did the White Witch own his soul now that he played cards?!

"Jaune? Are you all right?" Weiss inquired gently. "You're extremely off tune."

"O-Oh, uh, sorry Weiss," Jaune apologized. Everyone'e eyes were on him, Nora and Ruby's especially. He grimaced.

Okay... Come on... Honesty is the best policy... Just... Stay cool. Be like Mister Duke, and be cool, calm, and collected.

"Well... You'll have to choose the movie for movie night, since I have another engagement," he said, as calmly as possible. Pyrrha smiled.

"Oh? What kind of engagement?"


Right. What did Dad always say? Keep it simple, stupid. Stupid smart folks loved to make things complicated, when smarter dumb folks kept it simple.

"Miss Velvet Scarlatina invited me to a friendly dinner to thank me for standing up to Cardin for her," Jaune said, slowly and carefully.

Much staring. Nora blinked and laughed.

"Oh, that's all? I thought it was serious! Friend dinner, yay!"

The tension seemed broken. Jaune relaxed a bit as his friends did too. Ruby slid back next to him and grinned.

"Oh! That's all? Neat! So, when are we going?"

The tension was back. Jaune resisted the urge to cough.

"It's just me and her. To some place called Minerva's."

Silence fell again. Only broken when Weiss dropped a stylus on the coffee table.

"She got reservations to one of the most exclusive and romantic restaurants in Vale?" She asked, slowly and dangerously. Pyrrha's smile became very brittle, as Yang's smile grew angry.

"I uh... Through her friend, Miss Adel," Jaune went on, "It's just a friendly dinner. I'll be a little late for the movie night, but I will be there."

The silence resumed. Nora again beamed and laughed.

"Oh! Okay!" She then frowned. "Wait... You don't think she's gonna steal your kidneys, do you?"

"Why would she want my kidneys?" Jaune asked, grateful for the distraction. He was gonna buy Nora that cowgirl hat she had been desperate for. As many sparkles as she wanted.

Pyrrha relaxed a little. Ruby's frown remained, but was less tense. Yang laughed and walked up to him. She bent over and winked.

"Well, if you wanted someone with a love of carrots, I would happily oblige, cowboy. I'd even let you use the stick on me~."

Jaune turned bright red.

Weiss sputtered.

"Don't you dare you slut! Stop acting like that-Jaune! Are you absolutely certain you want to go? I-I mean, if you wanted to go to Minerva's, I could have gotten us a table! Two tables!"

"It's not like that," Jaune sighed, doing his best to not look directly into Yang's cleavage. "She's just taking me out as thanks. It's nothing special. I'll be back in time for movie night."

"Oh... Y-You will?" Ruby asked with a smile. Jaune smiled back and patted her on the head.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

"See? He wouldn't miss it," Pyrrha said with a smile, "It's good that Miss Scarlatina is thanking Jaune."

"Why is she just thanking him? We did work too!" Nora pouted.

"I'll ask her about that," Jaune said carefully. He plucked the strings of his guitar nervously, then frowned. No wonder he hadn't been able to relax.

"Dang it. I gotta tune her up. Be right back."

He got up and left for his dormroom. He and Ren shared a manly glance. Yup, things could have gone worse.

Getting skinned and beheaded worse. No need for his friends to know about the kiss on his cheek. He was sure Miss Scarlatina was just overcome with emotion.

Everything would be fine.

- - -

Jaune shut the door behind him. All eyes turned to Weiss.

"The most romantic restaurant? It really is that, Weiss?" Ruby asked, looking worried.

"Yes," Weiss seethed, "That little Faunus slut!"

She coughed and looked over at Blake.

"Sorry Blake-"

"Oh no, rabbit Faunus are all the same," Blake stated calmly, turning another page in her book, "Total man stealing sluts. They can't wait to get knocked up and pump out a dozen babies to claim any attractive man who isn't theirs. That's why it took so long for Menagerie to give them the vote."

"They do?!" Pyrrha gasped in horror.

"We're not letting that whore take our... Team Leader," Yang growled, slamming a fist into her palm.

"Absolutely!" Weiss insisted.

"M-Maybe she's not stealing Jaune away?" Ruby suggested.

"She totally is!" Weiss insisted. "Did you see the way she looked at him? Like a ravenous she-wolf!"

Ren looked over at Nora. Nora shrugged with a smile.

"I see this as a win. Fearless Leader is getting a free meal and I get to choose the movie for movie night!"

"We didn't agree to that!" Ruby shot back.

- - -
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Even More Blake is Racist
Blake is scowling at Cardin and Velvet having a happy lunch out on the quad. Team RWBY is nearby at a picnic table, relaxing.

Yang: "Blake? You still got a bug up your butt over those two?"

Blake: "Of course I do! Cardin obviously bullied her into being his girlfriend!"

Ruby: "They look happy to me."

Blake: "I'm much more worldly and experienced, Ruby. Clearly, Cardin psychologically broke her into dating him! And now he'll break her into his dutiful, obedient bunny bride! Pumping out dozens of children, his own personal brood bunny! He'll chain her to the oven and make her walk around in nothing but an apron!"

Yang: *covering Ruby's ears* "Would you PLEASE stop that shit around Ruby?!"

Ruby: haunted look "I can read lips, Yang, it's too late."


Weiss: "Look, I'm no fan of Cardin Winchester, but they seem perfectly happy. He hasn't done anything racist to her. Look! He's even stroking her ears affectionately."

Yang: "Maybe Cardin's just no longer a jerk, have you ever considered that?"

Blake: "HA! Racist humans never change their minds about Faunus! Besides, rabbit Faunus are especially prone to being abused like this!"

Weiss: "What? How so?"

Blake: "They're all weak, demure herbivores! They bend to the slightest pressure and run off! And they can't help their breeding instincts to just give in to any strong male who dominates them! Most single Faunus mothers are rabbit Faunus and they betray their own kind with humans! That's why we feline faunus run things! We're not so easily overpowered like those dumb cottontails!"

Hex Skvader, an upperclassman rabbit Faunus glares as he was walking nearby.

Hex: "Hey! That is OUR word! You can't use it!"

Blake: "I can use it all I want! Cottontail!"

Hex: "Alley Cat!"

Blake: "Bunny Buns!"

Hex: gasp! "That is a slur, Mittens!"


Ruby: "But... I like mittens."

Yang grabs Ruby's hand and pulls her away: "Okay Ruby, I think we'll let them sort this out themselves. Come on Weiss."

Weiss: "But this is hilarious!"

Yang: "I said come on!"
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Even More Blake is Racist 2
Jaune gets up in the middle of the night to get some water from the common room. He enters it... Turns on the light... Walks past Blake to the sink.

Jaune: "Hey Blake."

Blake: "EEP!"

Jaune turns back. Blake has her ears loose and is... Playing with a ball of yarn.

Jaune: "... Oh. So that's where that went."

Blake: "Jaune... You've discovered my secret! You evil, wicked human!"

Jaune: "That... You're a Cat Faunus? Blake, we've known that for months now. I'm pretty sure everyone knows now. Velvet passed you an ear brush at lunch a few days back-"

Blake: "Which means, to keep my secret, I'll have to do any depraved thing you human males can think of to do with feline Faunus! We're the most desirable kind of Faunus, after all! Way better than rabbit Faunus!"

Jaune: "Ummm..."

Blake: "What will you do to me first?! Put a collar on me? Make me 'nyah'? Make me go on a leash and be your obedient pet?!"

Jaune: "You don't put leashes on cats. I know. There are many cats on my farm. None of them took a leash."

Blake: "Oh just get it over with and make me into your slave, you depraved human!"

Jaune: sips his water... And heads back to his dorm

Blake: "Wha... Jaune? JAUNE!"

Jaune: "Goodnight, Blake."

Blake: "What are you, gay?!"

Jaune: "No, I'm just very, very tired."

- - -

Jaune also being the One Sane Man at Beacon is a fun plot. He was a civilian and everyone else has been in training for most of their lives to fight soulless monsters for a living. Him being the most exasperated at everyone else's drama and just trying to get by could be very funny.
Even More Blake is Racist 3
Ruby: "Jaune? I need you to do something for me."

Jaune: "Sure, what?"

Ruby: "Take Blake on a date? A regular, non-sexually depraved date?"

Jaune: "What?"

Pyrrha: "What?!"

Ruby: "You dated a cat Faunus before, right?"

Pyrrha: eyes narrow "You did?"

Jaune: "Well sure, but Katy Sith was a childhood friend! We broke up amicably! Also, she wasn't crazy."

Ruby: "Blake isn't crazy!"

Weiss: "HA!"

Ruby: "... Okay so she is. But! You can make her NOT crazy! Or at least show her that not everything is about racism and sexual depravity! You're perfect! You're like... Normal!"

Jaune: "I literally snuck into Beacon Academy with fake transcripts, no Aura, and no clue what I was doing."

Ruby: "Didn't you ace the entrance exams?"

Weiss: "Wait, he did what?!"

Jaune: "Well of course! Every time I made a stupid lie about Aura or the Vytal Festival I was panicking and saying stupid crap! I do actually study hard and I got in!"


Yang: grins, holds up Jaune's Scroll "See for yourself."

Weiss: looks "... They told me someone else got a perfect score! I ONLY GOT A 99! HOW DID AN IDIOT LIKE YOU BEAT ME?! YOU-YOU DOLT!"

Jaune: "I-I just test well! And freak out in situations where I might be killed!"

Weiss fumes.

Ruby: "See? You're an absolutely normal person, Jaune! And Blake needs normality!"

Pyrrha: "Does she? Maybe she could date Sun? Wasn't she already dating Sun? You know, SUN?"

Yang: "Apparently he's not human enough. He's a primate and so he's close to humans which would annoy her dad, but not far away enough it will piss him off."

Everyone tries to sort that out.

Jaune: "... How...?"

Yang: "Don't ask. That was the least taxing part of the conversation with her." sighs "If I ever decide to date her, please, cut my arm off?"

Jaune: "Agreed. Also? You're getting another case of beer from my sisters' next aid package."

Yang: "Hey hey! Good on you, Stud!"

Jaune: "What happened to Vomit Boy?"

Yang: "You got me beer! And you're going to take my neurotic partner out on a date! Two step promotion!"

Jaune: "Ruby, I mean, I don't know-"

Ruby: "Pleasssse?"

Jaune: sighs "... All right. For you, Ruby."

Pyrrha: "But-Jaune-Don't we have training?"

Jaune: "Relax Pyrrha. I'll just take Blake out on a nice, normal date to a bookstore coffee shop. Lunch or brunch." He smiled "It's no big deal, just like how I would take Katy out."

Pyrrha: twitch, scary smile "Oh?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha are you okay? You seem tense. Do you need another massage?"

Nora: "HEY! You've been holding out on us, Jaune! We all want massages!"

Ren: "I don't."

Nora: "Then you give me one!"

Ren: "All right..."
Katy Sith
Pyrrha tries to inquire about Jaune's relationship with Katy Sith. In a subtle way.

Pyrrha: "Um... So... You had a girlfriend?"

Jaune: "Hm? Oh, yeah. Katy Sith! She was great!"

Pyrrha: "Was she?"

Jaune: "Yeah! We were childhood friends! Heh! I actually thought I'd marry her."

Pyrrha: "Did you?"

Jaune: "But we decided we weren't going to. We wanted other things out of life, ya know?"

Pyrrha: relieved "Oh! Oh... Yeah..."

Nora: "So! How far did you two get?"

Jaune: "..." blush

Pyrrha: "... Jaune?"

Jaune: "I uh... I really shouldn't say."

Pyrrha: "Oh, you're being so polite and gentlemanly!"

Jaune: "Yup! How I was raised!"

Much laughter.

Pyrrha: "... So... Um... How far did you two go?"

Jaune: "Um... Well uh... It's not important, right?"

Pyrrha: "Of-Of course not!"

Jaune: "Right, right..."

A beat.

Nora: "You totally fucked didn't you?"

Jaune: bright red "NORA!"
Even More Blake is Racist 4
Jaune opens his locker, checks his gear... Closes it, and Blake is standing right there with a scowl.

Jaune: "Um... Hey Blake?"

Blake: "You want to be like the great heroes of your family, right?"

Jaune: "I... I do?"

Blake: "You didn't even consider taking me as a prize! Making me your collared pet?! That's what your ancestor King Roland Arc IV did to the Faunus! You could blackmail me into being your sexy feline Faunus servant!"

Jaune: sigh "One, that was two hundred years ago. He was the last Arc to be a king."

Blake: "So?"

Jaune: "Two, yes he collared a Faunus woman but he made her his wife."

Blake: "Wha... You can't be part Faunus! Human men only have Faunus children with Faunus women!"

Jaune: "No, they don't. It's fifty-fifty on the genetics otherwise Faunus would have outbred humans a long time ago."

Blake: "But-But-!"

Jaune: "Third, everyone knows you're a Faunus. You didn't even change your name, Blake!"

Hex: "BELLADONNA!" He rushes up and kneels before her "While I have pride in my Rabbit Faunus heritage, I pledge my fealty to the Princess of Menagerie as we tear down the corrupt human society dominating us and rise up as the rightful new rulers of Remnant!"

Blake: "THAT'S NOT MY FATHER'S DREAM!" cough "I-I mean, I'm not that Blake Belladonna! I just have the same name!"

Hex: "Command me, My Princess! I only ask that you help me save Velvet Scarlatina from her obviously abusive human boyfriend! She should be MY waifu!"

Blake: "WHAT?!"

Jaune: "Yeah, have fun with that, Blake."
Thomas "Tom" H. Sun
An OC for consideration... Ruby apparently didn't have any friends back in Patch. But what if she did have one kid she got along with?

He would be Thomas "Tom" H. Sun, a rather short young man with glasses, curly orangish-red hair, and a white labcoat, purple gloves, blue pants and heavy boots. His weapon is "Inquiry", a gigantic wrench that serves as a polearm or club, but doesn't use bullets. It does use Dust to produce various effects as needed, but is just one of many tools and weapons Tom carries with him.

Tom was always short and a bit small for his age. His Semblance, Compression, allows him to shrink himself down in size, which is not really that great for combat. His real ability is his immense intellect. He's a genius scientist and engineer, who creates gadgets and weapons. His ability to shrink lets him get inside machines to fix them and he's even figured out how to manipulate how his eyes focus with his Semblance, letting him see minute details at regular size. Even so, he's still a few inches shorter than Ruby when he's full sized.

His goal is to become a researcher and inventor in Atlas. He's got a bit of an ego (mainly due to his small stature and poor physical attributes) but he has a soft spot for Ruby. He doesn't think she's as smart as he is, but he loved her enthusiasm for science and they were able to bond over it.

When he makes it to Beacon a year later (he only skipped one grade), they reunite and all of sudden? Hormones have hit. Tom is suddenly realizing that Ruby is a girl. A cute girl. A cute girl who loves SCIENCE!

And well... He's gonna have to deal with that.

Naturally, appearance and personality wise, he is based heavily on Dexter from Dexter's Lab:


His Semblance and name are derived from Tom Thumb, the tiny boy in English folklore, and Issun-boshi, or the One-Sun (Inch) Samurai, from Japanese folklore, who is a similarly tiny boy who goes on adventures. He is also a reference to Ant-Man from Marvel Comics and The Atom from DC Comics-Both scientists with size changing abilities.
Blake Tries to Change her Ways
Got a bit more serious version of Blake and the collar idea.

Jaune: Alright, Blake, I've come as you asked what did you want to talk about?

Jaune: Also, what with the outfit?

Blake is wearing a zip-up track jacket with a high collar and a pair of boots.

Blake: Part of our discussion, that will be relevant once I've explained everything.

Blake: So, Jaune, you're one of most sensible people I know.

Jaune: I snuck into Beacon with no Aura.

Blake: And still, you made good calls when you first fought an Ancient Grimm. You have a good head on your shoulders. Which is the reason I asked you to talk.

Jaune: Alright. We're friends. Sort of. So I'm glad you trust me enough.

Blake (muttering): He makes it so easy.

Blake: It's… well. Hard for me to admit it, but I have a problem. I'm horrible when it comes to life choices. Absolutely awful.

Jaune: I don't think coming to Beacon was a bad choice.

Blake: Sneaking in disguised as a human was. If Belladonna wasn't so common last name in Menagerie, everyone would've connected the dots even quicker. Never mind, it's about my other life choices.

Blake: You know I joined Sienna Khan's faction of White Fang over dad's, right?

Jaune: Yes… I've heard about it.

Blake: Yeah. Then I got into a relationship with the most intense guy I've met. And the most insane, even Sienna told me it was a bad idea. But I didn't listen. Just like I didn't listen to Mom and Dad when they told me Sienna would turn White Fang into terrorists.

Blake: I just yelled at them and ran away. And with Sienna I defended Adam… my then-boyfriend, even though I already saw what he was slipping into. And then there was the whole problem with Weiss, when I yelled at her, even if I knew exactly what White Fang was becoming. And then I wanted to prove her wrong and nearly got myself and Sun killed at the docks.

Blake: That's my problem, Jaune. I make a bad decision and then double, triple and quadruple down on it. And when it inevitably goes south, I run away like a scaredy-cat. Yes, yes, I'm allowed to say that. And now, I got into another fight with my team because I'm trying to investigate the White Fang further and… And I realized that I'm just going down that road again.

Jaune: So you want me to help you? Give you advice if something a bad idea or not?

Blake: Not quite.

She unzips her jacket – she's not wearing anything underneath it, except for a collar with a long leash. Blake takes the leash and offer it to Jaune.

Blake: I'm horrible at making decisions on my own. So, I need someone else to make them for me.

Jaune: You want me… to be your boyfriend?

Blake: No, not boyfriend. My Master.

She looks down.

Blake: Not just in a sexual way. But, well, that too. But to completely own me, make all of important decisions for me.

Jaune: I… I don't know what to say Blake…

Blake: Yes?

Jaune gives her a deadpan look.

Blake: Please, at least consider it. We don't need to be exclusive. I won't mind if you have relations with other women or anything. Just so long as you're my master as well, I don't mind. I'll be anything you want me to be: wife, servant, mistress, toy…

Jaune: Blake, stop. You're getting desperate.

Blake shuts up immediately and looks at him intently.

Jaune: It's just… I'm flattered you trust me this way, really. Just… why me? Surely, I'm not the first choice for something like that.

Blake: I did think about it, Jaune. It's not a spontaneous decision. It's like I told you – you got a good head on your shoulders.

Blake: I considered others too, but… Ruby is a good leader, but she's too young and isn't really commanding. Sun… has a good head on his shoulders, but he's built this idealized image of me in his head… It'd take some time to get it out, and I would likely screw things up before then. Ren is Nora's and, well, she doesn't seem like a sharing type.

Jaune chuckles.

Jaune: Yeah, she's really not. What about Pyrrha?

Blake (with a soft blush): Oh, Jaune. Pyrrha never had any real control of her life. If anything, she'd more likely to offer you her own leash alongside mine. (Whispering): That would be sexy as hell, too.

Jaune blushes heavily.

Blake: It really boils down to either you or Yang – she's the one who pretty much raised Ruby, after all. But, personally, I prefer sausages over tacos, if you know what I mean. Compatibility is important too.

Blake reaches for the zipper again to pull it up.

Blake: I get that it's a bit overwhelming and if you want to take time to think about it, I understand. It's a big decision.

Jaune: I realize that I have no idea what I'm getting into, just like the Initiation. But… You're my friend and you need me to be there for you, so...

Jaune sighs and takes the leash.

Blake beams at him.

Blake: So-o… Celebrating now?

Hope it's not too OOC.
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The Arc Motorcycle
Beacon Academy. Jaune was just chilling out with his team and team RWBY. Nora was regaling them with a story about her latest dream. Weiss was trying to study, while Blake read a book.

Nora: "So there I was, fighting the mighty Grimm Kraken made of oatmeal raisin cookies!"

Ruby: gasp "That's horrifying! Oatmeal raisin is the White Witch's cookie of choice!"

Nora: "EXACTLY! And so when it lifted its huge tapioca arms-!"

There is the roar of a motorcycle. A large silver motorcycle bursts up onto the quad, ridden by a blond bearded man wielding a giant rail gun sword.

Nick: "HEY SON!"

Jaune: "DAD?!"

Yang: "Dad?!"

Weiss: "Wha...?!"

Nick Arc gets off his fearsome ride, and pulls Jaune into a tight hug.

Nick: "Haha! How's it going? Your mother was worried!"

Jaune: "Er, I'm fine. Everything's fine. How-How are you?"

Nick: "I'm great! Killed a dozen Grimm on my way here!"

Yang: eyes sparkling "You drove a Wayland 2005 through the Emerald Forest all the way here? Killing Grimm?!"

Nick: "Of course I did!"

Yang: "Your dad is fucking awesome, VB!"

Nick: "It's my Semblance, Jaune's Girlfriend!"

Pyrrha: "Wait, she's not-!"

Weiss: "Wh-Why not take a Bullhead?!"

Nick: "Bullheads are for sissies! ... Plus I get airsick. ALSO! I had to deliver my boy's birthday present, didn't I?"

Weiss: "I... Wha?!"

Jaune: "Um, it's not for another month-"

Nick: "Well it's also supposed to be a bribe... Oh. Shoot. Your mother told me not to say that."

Jaune: scowls "Dad. I am NOT going back to medical school."

Nick: sighs, smiles "You're just as stubborn as me and your mom, you know. Still..." He gestures to the motorcycle "Eh? Ehhhh?"

Jaune: "Wha... Dad! You can't give me your motorcycle!"

Nick: "What? I got a new one! Tarasque here is all yours!"

Jaune: "But it's... I mean, you've had her since I was a baby!"

Nick: "True. I blew up my old one getting that Deathstalker for your birth celebration! But now son... She's yours."

Jaune: scowls "If I quit and go to medical school?"

Nick: "Errr..."

Jaune: "No deal."

Nick: droops, sighs "Aw son... Yeah. That's unfair of me." He tosses Jaune the keys "Take her anyway. It'll make your career as a Huntsman go better, believe you me. Also, your girlfriend has good taste and would probably like a ride."

Jaune: "She's not my-"

Yang: grabs Jaune's arm "Of course darling~! Let's go for a ride right now!"

Pyrrha: TWITCH

Nick: "HAHA! Great! Try not to break her too quickly, huh?"

Jaune: "Dad, I just got the bike. I'm not gonna break her immediately."

Nick: "The bike-? Oh! Oh, yes. The bike. That's totally what I meant. ANYWAY! I'm gonna go ask for a room! Don't mind me, I will NOT be cramping your style! Though I will insist we do father-son bonding by killing Grimm tomorrow!"

Nora: sparkly eyes "Can you adopt me?"

Nick: "You like killing Grimm?'

Nora: "HELL YEAH!"


Jaune: "DAD!"

Nick: "What? Your mom is getting Empty Nest Syndrome!"
Tanya's Interrogation
Nora Arc trained by Jaune's parents is a terrifying thought and would probably create the most overprotective sister Jaune has.

"Are you shanks trying to take advantage of my bro-bro? SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR ANKLES!!!"

I dunno, Tangy (aka Tanya) might also have some things to say.

Tangy: "So... You think you're good enough to date my baby brother?"

Girl: "Oh, well uh-"

Tangy: "I did a credit and background check on you. There were many... irregularities in your family's mortgage."

Girl: "N-No, I swear, my father just used the mortgage to buy a few automated carwashes-!"

Tangy: "I've seen those carwashes." Tosses an envelope onto the table with a scowl "Open it."

Girl: "But-"

Tangy: "Don't make me repeat myself."

The Girl opens the envelope and gasps as she beholds the pictures.

Tangy: "Not pretty, is it? How can I trust the daughter of a man who can't even keep his automated businesses clean with my precious baby boy? A daughter who was SUPPOSED to clean them!"

Girl: "But-It was summer and-and I wanted to go swimming with Jaune-"

Tangy: "No discipline, no integrity. You'd probably let my baby brother's house fester and decay while he worked himself to the bone!"

Girl: "N-No, I-!"

Tangy: "I think we're done here."
Isabel Visits Aqua
Nick shouldn't just visit his son, of course. He goes to see his daughters.

Isabel too, though she doesn't get away as often.

Team Kadmium (Led by Kazuma) was dealing with some bandits in Mistral...

Kazuma: "Okay guys. We can do this the hard way or the easy way."

Bandit: "Do your worst!"

Kazuma: "Aqua?"

Aqua: "Yes Kazuma?"

Kazuma: "Tell them about your DnD character."

Darkness: gasp "Even I'm not that sadistic!"

Megumin: "The horror. The horror."

Aqua: "I've been working on her since I was eleven! She's an elf! But a half elf, half human. She stands between two worlds..."

Bandit: "Oh Table Breaker... Please... No...!"

Isabel: "AQUA SOL ARC!"

Aqua: "ACK! MOM!"

Isabel: "Are you torturing these bandits with your DnD character sheet?"

Aqua: scoffs "We can't all make people vomit with a touch, MOM."

Isabel: "No, but you absolutely can with your cooking."

Aqua: "You taught me how to cook!"

Bandits: "Ummm..."

Kazuma: sigh "Okay, while they sort that out... Megumin! Tell them about how you worked out your chants for the Explosion Spell!"

Megumin: "Gladly!"

Darkness: wince "Oh you poor fools..."
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Tanya Re-Reincarnated
You know how your version of the Arc sisters are inspired by characters from different stories and all that? Take it a step further and make them all reincarnations of them. And all seven of them end up secretly creating a hidden Syndicate solely to protect the Arc family and their baby brother.

Tanya: "Another world? And I'm a girl again. With a loving family in a world of monsters. Hmph. Who would want to fight for anything but their own self interests?"

Nick Arc sees his youngest daughter pouting. He kneels down next to her.

Nick: "Sweetie? I love you. And I'll be proud of you no matter what you do with your life."

Tanya: "Hmph..."

Nick: "And even if you have trouble understanding it, just... Look for the patterns. There are times when your family and friends fail you, true. But the overall pattern will show that... Well, we love you. And we'll be there for you."

Tanya: "Hnn..."

Nick: "Here. Your mom would freak out, but... Your birthday is coming up soon, so..." He hands her a serrated combat knife "For my special little girl." He kisses the top of her head and heads off. Tanya watches him go.

Tanya: smiles "... You know... This isn't so bad. Fuck you, Being X."
Knightshade: "Impulse Control"
Feeling on a roll today, and I really liked that prompt.

Jaune Arc sighed as he put away his textbook. Cramming was hard, especially since he had to over crazy amount of new information. Good thing he was a fast learner.

"Just a bit more, then I could take a break," He muttered

"Perhaps you should take a break now?" a familiar voice rang in his ear. "You look like your brain might start leaking out of your head."

"Gah!" Jaune turned around to look at the black-haired girl, sitting next to him. "When did you get here, Blake?"

"About half an hour ago," the girl deadpanned. "I thought you'd notice me, but you seemed so engrossed into your book."

"Sorry," Jaune winced apologetically. "Just overfocused on cramming. Happens sometimes."

"I won't judge," Blake stretched. "I know what it means to get lost in a book. Though for me it's usually fiction."

Jaune chuckled. While they weren't exactly the closest, he still considered Blake a friend.

"Never seen you cramming so hard before," she observed. "Any particular reason for that, beside the obvious."

Jaune sighed and looked around.

"Just keep it to yourself, alright. I don't want my team to worry too much," he half-whispered. "You know the deal with my transcripts, right?"

"Yes. Ruby told me," Blake shrugged. "You passed Initiation and came with a plan to kill the Deathstalker, though."

"Yeah, but that might not be enough for my parents," he sighed. "They may still to try to pull me out of Beacon. And I can't hide from them forever. I just figure, if I get good exam scores and manage to get Professor Goodwitch to vouch for me, it'd be enough to prove that I belong here."

"I see," Blake fell silent for a moment, lost in thought. Then she looked back up. "Wait. Seventeen is an age of majority in Vale, would they still try to pull you out. You're technically an adult."

"Won't stop my mom," he winced again. "I'm always her "precious baby". It's embarrassing, really."

"Oh, really?" the catgirl raised an eyebrow. "My mother is pretty embarrassing as well."

"Did your mom ever took you outside after your sisters stuffed you in a dress to make photos, because it "looked cute"?" he asked. "Because mine did."

"I'm an only child," Blake shook her head. "But one time my mom…"


"…and so," Jaune continued. "She just said "My son will be learning medicine, so you two can play doctor all you want". In front of everyone. I wanted to just jump down a manhole."

"Oof," Blake covered her mouth to stifle giggles. "Can imagine. Well, just you wait. My parents took me on rallies when I was still a kid. And normally I'd just be there in a shorts and T-shirt. But once we arrived a day early, and Mom decided to give me a makeover. It was just after dad was elected Chieftain."

"Uh-huh," Jaune nodded leaning to her.

"So I got a full "princess" makeover just before we were supposed to go to a rally," she scowled. "I was standing there with a "Say 'NO' to oppression" sign. In a frilliest dress you can imagine."

"You must've looked adorable," Jaune chuckled.

"It's no laughing matter," she hissed. "I had ringlets, Jaune. Ringlets."

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized. "It's just I got a bit of a "princess fetish", so to speak."

"I'll file this under "blackmail material"," she winked at him.

"You know," Jaune looked at her. "I don't think I ever seen you so relaxed."

"Guess, talking about embarrassing parents helps,." Blake's face darkened again. "They probably worry about me."

"Maybe you should call them then?" Jaune asked tentatively. "I would've called mine long ago, but I want to have the exam scores to back me up."

"I guess I should," she said slowly. "Just not sure what I'd say to them. And well, we parted after a big fight."

"Want me to go with you?" Jaune leaned to her. "I mean, I'd want support when I'm talking to my mom."

"You know," Blake smiled slightly at him. "I think it's a good idea. I'm getting cold feet just thinking about it and having a friend would be… nice."


It took Blake a whole day to muster up the courage. She eventually contacted Jaune, and he rushed to her immediately.

"He really wants to be a hero" – the catgirl thought as they were walking to CCT.

It took a few minutes for them to contact Menagerie, and even then they had to wait for her parents to arrive.
Once their faces appeared on the screen, expressions worried and relieved at the same time, she nearly bolted from the cabin again, if it wasn't for Jaune who put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed ever so lightly.

"My baby!" Kali cried. "You're alright"

"Hi, Mom, Dad," Blake croaked. "Yes, I'm alright. I'm in Vale now, a student at Beacon."

"Hmm." Ghira nodded looking at her. "It's good to see you're doing well, Blake."

"Yes…" she was at a loss for words again. Not knowing what to say, where to start.

"And you, young man?" her father continued curiously.

"Jaune Arc, sir," the boy at her side replied. "I'm here for… ah, emotional support?"

"I see," the feline man muttered.

"Mom, Dad…" Blake began again. And again, she faltered. She wanted to say she was sorry for saying so many things. But seeing her parents so relieved, she just couldn't bring herself to remind them of the circumstances of their separation. She needed to apologize, but her tongue became tied.

"C'mon, Blake," Jaune squeezed her shoulder again. "You can do it."

"I'm…" she tried again. "I'm..."

"Blake," her mother interjected, her expression worried. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes!" she blurted out, her mouth letting out the word before her brain could catch up with it.

Jaune let out a half-choked sound behind her, but Blake only saw her mother's face which went from worried to surprised to positively shining.

"That's wonderful!' Kali squealed, eliciting a surprised gasp from her daughter who still tried to find words. "Did you hear that Ghira? We're going to be grandparents!"

Even Ghira was smiling in the background, though he then frowned slightly and interjected over Kali's gushing.

"I hope you plan to make an honest woman out of my daughter, Mr. Arc," he leveled his gaze on Jaune.

"I… well…" Jaune was at a loss of words too. "Well… we just wanted to…"

"…contact us first?" Kali answered for him with a wide smile on her face. "Right?"

Jaune wanted to say something. Probably correct the misunderstanding. But Blake just couldn't allow it. Not when her parents looked so happy. She couldn't remember them ever being this happy. The catgirl squeezed her friend's hand, preventing him from saying anything. He looked at her oddly, then at her parent on the screen and nodded rapidly.

"Yes. Exactly, "she lied. "We will need to talk about it. You can visit Beacon, right? We have a lot to talk about, and I think it's better if we did it in person."


" Well," Kali sighed. "At least she's alright and healthy. Not exactly how I would want to learn about having grandkittens, but I'm happy that they're doing fine."

"Seems a bit unexpected," Ghira grumbled. "Never heard of this guy before. It'd take a lot to support a child, especially if they're still students."

"Arc…" Kali muttered. "Arc. Isn't that the old Valean royality?"

"Maybe," Ghira looked at the terminal. "We're here anyway. Might check."

The check revealed one Jaune Arc declared missing in a town of Radian.

"So they eloped together," Kali almost "squeed" again. "That's romantic, don't you think?"

"A bit irresponsible for my tastes," her husband replied.

"Well, it's that, or a man who's as edgy as a moody eight-grader with more issues that cast on New Generation Gospel combined."

"We should contact his parents," Ghira said solemnly, ignoring his wife's obscure references. "They're probably just as worried as we were."


The two teenagers looked at now dark screen.

"Blake?" Jaune looked at her. "Why?"

"I'm sorry, I panicked!" she looked at him. "I never, ever seen them so happy. I just couldn't… I'm sorry."

"But, what are we going to do when they come here?" Jaune was starting to hyperventilate.

"I HAVE NO IDEA!" the catgirl screamed.

Trying to balance feels and comedy.
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Aqua Reincarnated
Tanua:ugh love and affection....... More.

Aqua: sigh "Well.. I'm mortal. At least I get wine despite being underaged... But I miss my friends. I even miss Kazuma..."

Isabel: "Hey sweetie. You okay?"

Aqua: "Well... Um... I'm just... Pondering life and stuff. I'm not sure you can help me, Mom."

Isabel: chuckles "You know, you remind me of myself when I was nine."

Aqua: Considering I'm older than you by several million years, I doubt it, MOM.

Isabel: "Trying to grapple with so many complicated questions. I was always a bright girl and very talented but... It left me kind of lonely. I couldn't relate well to kids my own age, and I couldn't relate as well to adults with more experience."

Aqua: "I... I guess I get that..."

Isabel: "We can't relate to everyone perfectly. That's just not how it works. Even if you had a telepathy Semblance. But... We can relate on the important things." Hugs her "Does that help?"

Aqua: "I... Yeah. A little. I just... Why do you do... Um..."

Isabel: "My job?"

Aqua: "Sure."

Isabel: "Because I want to help people. I want to make their lives better."

Aqua: "But all mortals will die. What's the point?"

Isabel: "To live. To love. To be happy. To learn and grow. Your father is more religious than I am... But I also believe there is something beyond death. And that our actions do matter to the divine, to the universe... And to us."

Aqua: "What if... What if you screw up so much even the divine don't want you around anymore?"

Isabel: "You'd have to screw up really badly for that to happen, Aqua. But even if that is the case... If you truly want redemption? If you seek it with all your heart and soul and body? You will find it. And more importantly? You'll help other people. Given them hope and comfort, even when things are darkest. I was in a lot of dark times myself... But people I didn't even know reached out to me. Helped me. There has to be some kind of justice to the universe to make that matter."

Aqua: "... There is... I-I just... I wonder if the gods are as good as we think they are."

Isabel: "Well... Even if they don't exist or are cruel? I would want to be kind and helpful anyway. If only because it would spite them. I choose to be kind and helpful, even if the universe wants me to be otherwise."

Aqua: "W-Wow Mom... That..." sniffles and hugs her

Isabel: "It's okay Sweetie... It's okay..."

Aqua: Mortals... Can even teach a goddess... Like Kazuma taught me... Ohhhh I hope I see him again someday...!
Salem Against the Gods
Hmm. Ok I have a different idea for a reverse rwby series

Salem: we were a proper society once. We were preparing to take to the stars, to see wonders you couldn't possibly imagine.

*Salem glares her eyes shining crimson*

Salem: And then the gods came with their magic, and they ruined us. Why bother learning about chemical reactions and electrons to make new power systems when you can mumble some gibberish and kiss up to the gods for a free battery?

*Salem stands from her throne mechanical limbs covered in nanites made flesh flexing*

Salem: Disgusting. Weak. Pathetic. And my beloved husband? He embraced this weakness. So I cut him down before the rot could ruin him. But they brought him back.

*Mechanical beast and biological monsters surround Salem waiting for her orders*

Salem: Fine. If humanity wants to abandon their accomplishments to sit at the feet of gods then they can die with their gods.

*Salem mounts a mechanical Cerberus*

Salem: My name is Salem Mandius and I will end the age of gods.
On Railgun Swords
Nick: "Hey sweetie."

Ruby: "Hello sir... Can I see your railgun sword?"

Nick: "Only if you marry my son-"

Ruby: "DONE!"

Nick: "Hahahah! You don't need to, here you go!"

Ruby: GASP! "YES!"

Ruby then breaks the railgun sword through various shenanigans in mechanical troubleshooting.


Weiss: walks in "Ruby, have you see my... What?"


Weiss: "How terrible."

Ruby: "You're rich! Can you help me get the spare parts?!"

Weiss: "I could."

Ruby: "Oh thank goodness."

Weiss turns to leave.


Weiss: "I didn't say I would."

Ruby: "WEISS!"
On Railgun Swords 2
Ruby: okay…. n-n-n-no need to panic! I just need to look up the make and model number, make note of the various mods, and and… and sell my soul for 1 billion lien and i should be good!

Ruby emerges into the common room nervously. She sees Jaune.

Jaune: "Oh, hey Ruby! How's Blont Joyeux?

Ruby: "Huh? What?"

Jaune: "Uh, my dad's sword?"

Ruby: "O-Oh... Um... Great! It's really an amazing piece of work!"

Jaune: "Isn't it? I remember Dad sitting me in his lap when I was four to help him clean the insulators! Though uh, one time? He got up to go have a beer and I tried to pull out some Grimm gunk between a breaker and didn't trip them first. I might have been electrocuted if Dad hadn't thrown himself at Blont Joyeux to knock it away."

Ruby: "Hahaha... Oh, wow, that was... Um... Heroic of him!"

Jaune: "Yeah. Heh. Mom forbade me from working on the sword with him anymore. He would sneak me in sometimes though, but he never, EVER left me alone with it. He said that while Blont Joyeux protected his family, she needed to be treated with respect. If you messed her up, she'd be like an unruly horse: She'd crush your skull."

Ruby: "Y-Yeah... Uncle Qrow was like that with Crescent Rose. He always watched over me when I worked on it."

Jaune: "That's great, Ruby!"

Ruby: "S-Sooo... Um... Blont Joyeus... Just out of curiosity, who made it?"

Jaune: "Don't know. Apparently it was some prototype kept in this abandoned Atlasian military hardware warehouse. My mom and dad's team was fighting some thieves trying to raid it. One guy shattered both my dad's swords, and nearly had him. He then reached into what looked like a big junk drawer of sword, pulled out one, and swung it while channeling all the Aura he could into it!"

Jaune chuckled.

Jaune: "It was still loaded, can you believe it? So yeah, he annihilated those guys!"

Ruby: "W-Wow... So um... Did he find any plans? Schematics? An instruction manual?"

Jaune: "He had to take her apart and put her back together again to figure it out. Then make his own ammo and replacement parts. Apparently the thieves downloaded all the design documentation for the prototype weapons in the warehouse, then destroyed the servers... And uh, then Aunt Saia destroyed their data drive with her Death Ray. So, uh, no."

Ruby: "Ohhhhh!" groans "How much do you know?! You helped your dad maintain her, right?!"

Jaune: "Well yeah, but come on Ruby. You're the mechanical genius! I just worked on tractors and stuff. It's not like you broke her or anything, right? I mean, that would be impossible! Even if you did, you could fix it right up again!"

Ruby: "R-R-Right! Of-Of course I could, ahahaha!"

Jaune: " But my dad has maintained Blont Joyeus himself for years after! It's all in his head! He'd be able to answer any questions you might have-"

Ruby: "N-NO! No! I'm fine! I'll ask him questions later! Also, for no real reason but um can you do me a favor?"

Jaune: "Sure, what?"

Ruby: "Could you help me move something REALLY big and heavy to the school workshop and forge and NOT ask any questions about what it is?"

Jaune: "... Ruby... Did you kill someone and need to dispose of the body?"

Ruby: "What?! NO!"

Jaune: "Ruby, if you did, I am fully willing to help cover it up. Who was it? Sky Lark? Did he try to take advantage of you? I knew his geeky nature was covering up some creep! If he's still alive, he won't be for long."
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Radian Dust Fishing
You know what we need? More bro bonding moments with Jaune and Ren. Make them play some sports together, Ren teaching Jaune aura control, or as one story did, become models together and slowly grow their way to make stardom one edition at a time. or Jaune being a bro and taking one for Ren and keeping Nora occupied for the day.

Something, just more Ren and Jaune bonding as brothers. With Jaune noticeably being the more energetic and caring older brother. With Ren being the quieter but observant younger brother.

Edit: Oh, idea Juane secretly being a bro and tries to set up Nora and Ren on dates. Ren also does the same for Jaune and Pyrrha. Neither of them know this. But Nora and Pyrrha are wholly aware of their shenanigans and can't help but find it funny.

Jaune: today Ren I'm going to teach you the good old tradition of Radian Dust Fishing.

Ren: Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

Jaune: I would, but I'd be lying. It's not as bad as you think.

*Jaune pulls out a small box full of red, blue, yellow, and purple pellets about the size of a pea*

Jaune: so the red ones heat a small area enough to kill a fish if you hit it directly with the pellet, blue ones do the same but with cold. Yellow causes a paralysis effect in case you wanna try getting them with a net and purple makes them float out of the water.

Ren: huh. I was expecting.....

Jaune: big boom?

Ren: big boom.

Jaune: well for one this is supposed to be a family activity so you don't want anything SUPER dangerous at worst these things will give a human a mild burn or some stiff fingers as long as they have aura or someone with aura nearby, another thing is this helps with aim training for young.

Ren: that's actually pretty cool.

Jaune: yeah you get started I gotta run back to the dorm real quick and grab something I forgot.

*Jaune leaves. A wild Nora appears*

Nora: this doesn't look like a shortcut to pancake palace....

Ren: hello Nora.

Nora: hi Ren, whatcha doing?

Ren: fishing.

Nora: without polls?

Ren: with dust.

Nora: *gasp* lemme lemme lemme!!!

*Behind a tree Jaune whispers to himself*

Jaune: all according to keikaku.

(Note: keikaku means plan)
Isabel's Therapy 1
-Isabel Arc is concerned with the psychological condition of several Hunters-in-Training at Beacon. So she acts as a part-time counselor to the students. Things uh... Things don't go well. Poor Isabel.

Weiss: ...and this concludes my essay on the "daddy kink". Which I totally don't have.

Isabel: I see. We will address that on our next meeting, miss Schnee. After I finish that bottle of Aspirin. Next!

Blake: Hello, Mrs. Arc. I will be straightforward with you, I intend to offer myself to your son as a slave and I need to know how to break it to him so he won't freak out and run away.

Isabel: (stares)

Blake: (stares back, South Park style)

Isabel: NEXT!

Pyrrha: Hello, future mother-in-law.


Isabel: How come you're the sanest one?

Nora: I dunno. It's mystery.
Isabel's Therapy 2
Weiss: ...and this concludes my essay on the "daddy kink". Which I totally don't have.

Isabel: I see. We will address that on our next meeting, miss Schnee. After I finish that bottle of Aspirin. Next!

Blake: Hello, Mrs. Arc. I will be straightforward with you, I intend to offer myself to your son as a slave and I need to know how to break it to him so he won't freak out and run away.

Isabel: (stares)

Blake: (stares back, South Park style)

Isabel: NEXT!

Pyrrha: Hello, future mother-in-law.


Isabel: How come you're the sanest one?

Nora: I dunno. It's mystery.

*Later that evening*

Isabel: "This place is so fucked up." *Writing her class notes for the next week*

-A knock on the door-

Isabel: "Yes?"

Jaune: "Just me, mom. Can I talk to you?"

Isabel: "Come on in, Jaune. I always have time for my baby boy."

*Jaune comes in, the thousand-yard stare is prevalent*

Isabel: *Turns in her chair to face Jaune* "What's up?"

Jaune: *Still with the thousand-yard stare* "I…"

Isabel: "Uh-oh."

Jaune: *Sits down on another chair* "My partner, Pyrrha, just confessed to me that she loved me. Yang followed immediately after. Blake showed me a collar that said 'Property of Jaune Arc' and asked me to put it on her. Ruby flew herself into my chest as she confessed to me. Weiss called me 'Daddy' as I was trying to recover from the impact of Ruby hitting me.-"

*10 minutes later, after Jaune speaks about the transfers also confessing, even if they have only seen Jaune once-or-twice.*

Jaune: "And then there's Wint-"

Isabel: "Jaune."

Jaune: "Y-yes?"

Isabel: "You need to follow your heart, and think with your mind. Do you like them like that?"

Jaune: *Finally getting away from the thousand-yard stare calming down* "I-"

Jaune: *Deflates as his head hangs* "I don't know. I care for Pyrrha and Team RWBY. But I don't want to hurt anyone else."

Isabel: "Jaune, you're my son. I can offer this only as a mother."

Jaune: *Raises his head to look at Isabel*

Isabel: "I asked the same thing when I had all of you. From Saphron to Tanya and every child in between. But I realized that love is not a finite resource. Only you can decide who you truly like and love."

Jaune: "Mom-"

Isabel: "Jaune, your life is yours. I am only one part to help guide it. If you feel you can find it in yourself to love them, then try."

Jaune: "But what of those I can't find to love?"

Isabel: "Then do your best to let them down as gently as possible."

Jaune: *stands up, walks to Isabel and gives her a hug* "Thanks, mom."

Isabel: *smiles at the embrace* "Anytime, Jaune."

*Jaune releases the hug and turns for the door*

Isabel: "Oh, and Jaune?"

Jaune: *Stops and turns to Isabel* "Yeah, Mom?"

Isabel: "I know you didn't ask this specific question. But I'd certainly give Pyrrha and Yang extra attention, regardless. They need it, for a number of reasons."

Jaune: *Nods with a huff of amusement and a grin* "Thanks for telling me."

Isabel: "Besides, your children with them would be adorable."

Jaune: *Beet Red* "M-mom!"

*Jaune leaves the room, closing the door behind him*

Isabel: *sighs* "I hope I didn't lead him astray."

*Another knock on the door*

Isabel: "Come in."

*Velvet walks in*

Isabel: "Oh, Miss Scarlatina. What can I do for you?"

Velvet: "How can I tell someone I want to fuck them so hard it could break their pelvis?"

Isabel: *Thousand-yard stare*
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Isabel Therapy Sessions: Jaune
Of course, Jaune's got his own issues.

Jaune: "You NEVER believed in me!"

Isabel: "That's not true, Jaune! I believed you could be a great doctor-"

Jaune: "And I didn't WANT to be a Doctor!"

Isabel: scowls "You're not cut out to be a Huntsman, Jaune! You spent so much of your life being sickly and weak-"

Jaune: "And I'm FINE now! Hell, with barely any training, I'm still better than 20 percent of the people here! If I work hard enough-"

Isabel: "If you work hard enough, you're going to find yourself in a horrific position! You'll see horrors! You'll go through horrors! You might lose people you love or die pointlessly-!"

Jaune: "Maybe I will! But at least I'll be trying to help and protect people like YOU used to do! Instead of hiding in a hospital and making dad putter around behind city walls!"

Isabel: "We do good work, Jaune! Work YOU could still do! You're romanticizing the life of a Huntsman and it WILL get you or people you care about killed! You're just living a fantasy-!"

Jaune: "Why do my sisters get to choose their paths, but I have to be YOUR vanity project?!"

Isabel: "You're not my-!"

Jaune: "YES I AM! I know why you kept forcing me to do all this crap! You don't think of me as ME! Just some weak little loser YOU have to manage and control because otherwise, I CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! Isn't that right, Mom?!"

Isabel: "That is NOT what I-!"

Jaune: "Except that you didn't think I could choose for myself! Well I am choosing for myself! And if you think I'm going to die well I'll just prove you and Dad wrong out of SPITE!"

He storms out. Isabel sighs and collapses in her office chair.
Isabel's Therapy Sessions: Izzy and Nick
Isabel: "Nick... Nick. You agreed with me! You-You let me push Jaune to become a Doctor!"

Nick: nods "Yes."

Isabel: "You agreed that it was too dangerous for him to become a Huntsman!"

Nick: nods "Yes."

Isabel: "Well... Why aren't you saying anything?! Why aren't you helping me make him go back home?"

Nick takes a deep breath, and lets it go.

Nick: "Izzy, you know I love you. I love our kids. And I know you do too, you just want what's best for them. And some of our kids you have known exactly what was best for them. Verdy and Coral do need to be close to home for a while longer. Orchid is happy in engineering. Lilac is too in love with the farm and Radian to ever want to leave. But Tangy, Aqua, Saphron, and Jaune all wanted different things. And you didn't want to see that because you care about them so much."

Isabel: "I..."

Nick: "Tangy was never gonna be happy as some financial guru: She's got too much of a fighter's savagery in her for that. Aqua was never gonna be happy following in your footsteps: She needed to be free as a river to settle down on her terms. Saphron you did a lot better with, but you pressured her too much to follow your plan for life and so she left. And Jaune was never gonna be happy as a doctor in a bubble you made for him."

Isabel: "Then why did you go along with my wishes?!"

Nick: "Because I love you. And most of the time you do know better than me! In these cases though... You didn't."

Isabel: "So you just-just undermined me and went behind my back-!"

Nick: "I didn't undermine you, Izzy. I went along until it was clear it wouldn't work anymore. Tangy wanted training? I trained her and her men. Aqua needed some backup? I provided. Saphron needed a train ticket? I got it for her. And Jaune was so stubborn he just ran out. I could have caught him and brought him back, but I didn't."

Isabel: in tears "You know what kind of... You were at Mountain Glenn with me-"

Nick: "I was. I will never forget it. A lot of good people died and the government decided to cut them off and leave them to the Grimm" sighs "You know I still have nightmares... But ultimately, our children are people. They have to make their own decisions, and we can't be there for them all the time. All we can do is trust and hope they make more good decisions than bad and that we taught them well."

Isabel: sniffles.

Nick hugs her with one arm as she cries.

Isabel: "I'm a bad mother..."

Nick: "No. I'm a bad husband, Izzy. I was too afraid to just tell you outright what I was doing, I just went and did it because... Because it needed to be done. I'm sorry."

Isabel: sobs "I love you for that, you know... Just plowing through because of what you felt was right... I just..."

Nick: "It's all right, Izzy, it's all right... Grandpa George told me that as long as everyone's alive? There's time to fix things. If you're willing to fix things with your terrible husband?"

Isabel: laughs through her tears "If you're willing to fix things with a terrible wife?"

Nick: "What terrible wife? I've only got the one and she's the best thing that ever happened to me."

Isabel: laughs some more "You corny idiot..."

Nick: "Yeah... Your idiot. Forever."

Isabel: "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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Doctor Knowall 2
Doctor Jaune Arc, or Doctor Knowall as he was going by, looked out of the restaurant window. The shining lights of Vale formed a beautiful outline against the darkness of the sky. The broken moon hung overhead, as it always did. And still did even in his time.

"Doctor? Doctor Knowall?"

"Hm? Oh, yes," Jaune said quickly, turning back to the woman across the table. The beautiful Glynda Goodwitch, the Deputy Headmistress of Beacon, raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled softly.

"Apologies. I haven't seen Vale in a long time."

Glynda slowly nodded, the tiniest hint of a smile on her face. If he didn't know any better, he would think she thought him attractive. Sure, he had gotten cleaned up and his suit was well tailored (He'd found one of Tangy's emergency funds she wouldn't tap and he knew how to get around the safeguards she set up to check for theft) but... No. He wasn't going to entertain anything like that.

Even if she was drop dead gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as...

No. You are not thinking about that, Jaune admonished himself, as Glynda nodded.

"It is beautiful," she agreed quietly. She then returned to the serious expression she'd been wearing since he'd shown up.

"But we are short on time, Doctor."

"Of course," Jaune said, sitting up straight and trying to convey that he was confident, but not too confident. Honestly, he hadn't thought he would ever need the skills for a job interview ever again. Not after Radian...

No. No. Radian is fine. Radian will be fine. You just have to focus, He thought, as Glynda went through his files.

"Your residency and experience is heavily focused on the frontier," Glynda said, "Any particular reason? Your transcripts would have let you get a job at any major hospital."

Well I didn't exactly have much choice, seeing how civilization was collapsing around us, Jaune thought to himself. Outwardly, he shrugged.

"Isabel Arc started as a field combat medic. My teacher was taught by her, and he had the same philosophy before he died: Go out to heal and save whoever you can out there. Try to..."

He glanced at the island of light outside. One that would go dim in a few short years if he didn't...

"Try to push the boundaries of where the light reaches," Jaune decided on, "And help people who can't help themselves."

"It's a brutal task, Doctor," Glynda stated calmly, her eyes like hard emeralds, "A hard one."

"It is," Jaune agreed, "But... Someone has to do it, for there to be any kind of future."

Glynda stared into his eyes. He let his weariness show. That didn't require any thought, because it was the chief emotion he had felt back in the future: Tired.

Glynda slowly nodded.

"I see," she said quietly. "There are a few other candidates I will be interviewing. But... If it helps? I think you would do well at Beacon."

He allowed himself a small smile.

"Thank you, Professor. I had always hoped I would."

- - -

They exited after paying for their meal. Glynda raised an eyebrow as he walked nearby her. He shrugged.

"My apartment is in the same direction as the airship port," he explained.

"Indeed," Glynda hummed.

Knowall shrugged.

"Besides... While you are absolutely beautiful and amazing, I... Well..." He shrugged again and looked back up at the moon.

"I see," Glynda said softly, "Your wife?"

Jaune slowly nodded.

"Was going to be," he replied softly. "Grimm attack."

"I'm sorry," Glynda said, genuine sympathy in her tone as they walked. He nodded slowly, his expression like stone. He reached out to pat her shoulder gently, to reassure her where his face and words wouldn't. She nodded back, and looked ahead.

"Have you lost any...?" Jaune asked. He then sighed. "Sorry. That's too personal."

"I got personal first," Glynda said with gentle admonishment, "My parents. A perimeter breach in the town of Fluske, North Vale. I was at Beacon at the time. We got there and..." She shrugged. "My house was nearest the wall."

"Sorry," Jaune said quietly. Glynda nodded, and let out a soft sigh as they crossed the street.

"It is... Amazing how human beings can still go on, despite all we lose, isn't it?"

"I like to think so," Jaune replied.

There was an explosion ahead that blew out a shop's windows. Glynda pulled her riding crop while Jaune went into a combat stance. A few thugs in black and white pinstripe suits with bowler hats poured out of the shop, carrying barrels of Dust. A tall redhead in a white suit with black bowler and cane emerged, and spun around with a laugh.

"Ah... A nice night on the town," he sighed. He looked over at the two with a scowl. "Hey! Unless you want Roman Torchwick's autograph, you can scram!"

"I don't think so," Glynda stated firmly, raising her riding crop like a baton and sending rocks and debris around at Roman like a machine gun. Roman swung his cane and spun it, using Fire Dust to project a shield of flame. The other goons began to charge. Jaune took a deep breath... And dashed forward.

Remember Jaune, his mother's words came to him, You can't control your brain like I can with my Semblance. You'll have to emulate it with Aura control. But if you can speed up your ability to process information? Everything else will come far more easily.

The first thugs swung machine guns for him like they were in slow motion. A burst of speed and Jaune slammed his hands into their stomachs. He forward flipped over them, slamming his foot into the face of the next goon. He went down hard, while his buddies opened fire on him. Jaune bobbed and weaved, his arms flying almost loose behind him, before he again used a speed burst and punched two of the gunmen down. The third kept firing, and Jaune held up his arms to tank the shots. He then charged him, and swung his foot up between the guy's legs.

"GYAH!" He shrieked as he went flying right back through the broken storefront windows. Jaune turned back as Roman dueled with Glynda. Roman unleashed Fire Dust blasts in a furious barrage, which Glynda quickly countered with every telekinetically seized projectile she could get her Semblance on. Jaune dashed again, and swung a fist for the back of Roman's head.


Reality... Shattered, as he missed Roman by scant inches. His eyes went wide.

What the-?! Enhance senses! NOW!

He channeled Aura to his nose, eyes, and ears. He took a sword stab to the side, and grunted as he stumbled. He heard the barest flap of an umbrella, and reached out to snag it!

Reality shattered around him again. A girl with mismatched eyes, pink and brown hair, a white suit and bowler hat stared at him in shock. He swung for her, but she jumped back out of reach, yanking her umbrella sword with her. She landed on a parked car, and tilted her head in curiosity.

Roman jumped back with her, panting heavily.

"Well... This is a bust. Next time? Pick a better date idea than spoiling my plans!"

He and the girl vanished. Jaune scanned around, but he couldn't pick up on them anywhere. He looked over at Glynda, who was walking over the groaning, unconscious henchmen.

"You okay, Professor?"

"I'm fine, what about you?" Glynda asked, pointing at his side. Jaune looked and checked for blood. He held up red fingers, and sighed.

"Ah, yeah. One sec." He pressed his hand down on the wound, and focused his Aura. The stab wound vanished, and he relaxed.

"There we go. No harm done," he said with a smile... Which turned into a frown. "Though I'm gonna need this suit to be repaired."

Glynda gave him a wry expression, before she waved her implement. His suit's rips and tears were repaired, leaving him in pristine condition. He smiled genuinely.

"Well, thank you very much Professor."

"You may as well get used to calling me Glynda," Glynda said, her smirk becoming a small smile, "As I think we will soon become colleagues."

Jaune grinned.

"You mean it?"

"You acted as perfect support for me and brought these thugs down with no fatalities," Glynda said, "Trust is essential in this business... And you've more than earned it."

Jaune nodded.

"Well Miss... Glynda? If you'll have me? I'm all yours."

- - -

A bit short and maybe a bit rushed, but hey, I'm on my lunch break.
Isabels' Therapy Sessions: Ruby
Ruby sits down in Isabel's office on the couch, swinging her legs a bit as she looks around at all the pictures the Doctor brought with her. Her silver eyes lit up when she spotted a picture in particular.

Ruby: "Hey! Is... Is that my mom?"

Isabel: "It is! Hang on..."

Isabel gets the picture down and hands it to Ruby. Ruby eagerly looks upon the picture, showing a young Summer Rose with a younger Isabel, a blonde girl with streaks in her hair she didn't recognize scowling at them, a brunette woman with red eyes scowling at the other blonde, and a dusky Pandu woman in white robes with red hair, smiling nervously.

Ruby: "Wow... Who are the other girls?"

Isabel: "That's Raven Branwen, Yang's mother."

Ruby: "Huh! Dad and Uncle Qrow don't talk about her much."

Isabel: "I guessed that. That's Saia Sarkaras, she married our teammate Arjun and now rules Pandu. She's one of my best friends."

Ruby: wide eyes "You're best friends with a queen?!"

Isabel: giggles "Yup! We don't see eachother as often as we would like, but we're still close. She's the godmother of my children, Jaune included."

Ruby: "Who's that blonde girl?"

Isabel: "Glynda Goodwitch."

Ruby: "In tight black leather?! Is that a nose ring?!"

Isabel: giggles "She tried being 'edgy' and 'rebellious' for a time. I think she got it out of her system. She was my senior adviser, and so we went for girls' nights out from time to time. Going to bars, movies, that sort of thing."

Ruby: "Wow... I um... Hey. I know this therapy thing is... Supposed to be about me or whatever..."

Isabel: "It's about anything you want, Ruby. You can talk about anything."

Ruby: very small voice "... Can... Can you tell me about my mom?"

Isabel: smiles "Of course I can. Where would you like to start?"

An hour passes as Isabel tells Ruby all about Summer. Ruby laughs a lot, as does Isabel. They get cookies and tea... And milk for Ruby.

Ruby: "Wow... There's just so much I didn't know."

Isabel: "Mm? What do you mean?"

Ruby: "I-I mean, Dad and Uncle Qrow told me lots of stuff about Mom but... Always of her being like this superhero. I don't get a lot of her being... Um..."

Isabel: "Normal?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

Isabel: "It's okay. Trust me, we were all dorks back then. I timed how long it took my team to take bathroom breaks and insisted they be faster."

Ruby: laughs "Oh wow! That's terrible!"

Isabel: "Yeah. Your mom insisted on teaching everyone how to cook. Your father was a quick study and became very good... After a few disasters. Raven managed some basics but baking? Ha! She blew up an oven! Of course, she was working with your uncle, who tried to learn because he heard it could get him 'chicks'."

Ruby: "Let me guess: Total disaster?"

Isabel: "He still has a ban from kitchens across Vale. Your mother was a great cook, Ruby. But she insisted on sugar and cinnamon in everything. I swear I regrew a few teeth her cookies rotted away. And she could be annoying. She told terrible jokes."

Ruby: "Like what?"

Isabel: bright and cheery "Did ya hear about the peanuts on the subway? One of them was a-salted!"

Ruby: "HAHAHAHA! Oh, geez... That's horrible!"

Isabel: "Yeah. Your dad and mom got along great, really. It... She was really down when your dad married Raven first. But she was bright and cheerful, and went on helping people with your uncle as her partner until... Well... Raven left. But your mom and dad got together and they were very happy, Ruby. I still remember the wedding."

Ruby: "I... I see..." She bows her head

Isabel: "Ruby? What's wrong?"

Ruby: "I'm just... Urgh! Dad and Uncle Qrow just tell me all this stuff about when she was so super awesome! And that's great but... She never felt like a real person, you know? Like, I didn't even know she told terrible jokes until now! Why didn't they tell me?!"

Isabel: "Well... Your father took her death very hard, Ruby. So did Qrow. Honestly? I lost track of them for years. I didn't even know about you until recently. They never told me. I think that... Losing Summer was just so painful for them that they only wanted to tell you about the best times, because the hard times might make them feel terrible if you didn't like what you heard. They wanted to make sure you loved and admired your mother."

Ruby: "Yeah but... I feel like I'm... I'm missing stuff! And I don't know what it is! Like... I should know all about my Mom, shouldn't I?! If she was... Was awkward and dorky like me! Or... I don't know..."

Isabel hesitates, before she goes over and sits on the couch with Ruby.

Isabel: "It was very hard for them too, Ruby. To lose her."

Ruby: "Yeah, well... At least they got to know her. Know if she'd... She'd be proud of me."

Isabel: "She would, Ruby. I know she would." She looks regretfully up at the clock "We're out of time, Ruby."

Ruby: "... Can... Can you tell me more about her in more sessions?"

Isabel: smiles "And outside of them. I promise."

Ruby: beams and hugs her tightly "Thank you!" She zips out of there. Isabel sighs and looks at the photo with a nostalgic smile.

Isabel: "It has been a long time, hasn't it?"

Later, Glynda Goodwitch tried to sneak into the office... Lifted the picture with her Semblance...

The light go on. Isabel scowls at Glynda.

Isabel: "Glynda."

Glynda: "Isabel... You promised you burned that picture."

Isabel: "No, Summer promised she burned that picture. She was always the better liar."

Glynda scowls.

Isabel: "Relax! I won't share it on the CCTnet. Promise."

Glynda: "You'd better not. I still have copies of that 'Love Letter.'"

Isabel: eyes narrow "Touche."
Doctor Knowall: The Future Left Behind
(wanted to imagine the world knowall left behind)

Sitting on a broken CCT tower in a ruined city a blindfolded woman hums to herself before starting to sing.

"Alone at the end of the world with nobody to finish my song.~"

Long and messy black and grey hair with some faded red at the tips, a torn black outfit and a tattered red scarf that looks like it was torn off of a much bigger piece of cloth.

"The lights gone out it's all gone wrong.~"

Her voice fades out and Ruby sits on the tower quietly. She'll sit here for another few hours before falling asleep and repeating the process.

She's been waiting for a long time.

She'll wait for a lot longer.
Isabels' Therapy Sessions: Weiss
Weiss enters with a look of displeasure. She sits on the couch.

Weiss: "... Honestly, I don't know why I have to be assigned to therapy sessions."

Isabel: "It's School Policy, you were involved in a violent incident outside of the school's boundaries."

Weiss: sigh "... You're not going to use this to make me go out with your son, are you?"

Isabel: confused "What? Has he been harassing you? Do I need to straighten my son out?" Her eyes glow ominously.

Weiss, shocked, waves her hands.

Weiss: "Nonono! No! He's uh... He was rather obnoxious, at times, but he's... He's fine! We're friends now!"

Isabel, all smiles and normal: "Oh good! Just making sure."

Weiss: "I... Yes..." sighs "Do... We have to talk about anything in particular?"

Isabel: "No. And I won't divulge anything we talk about either, to anyone."

Weiss: "... I've heard that before."

Isabel: "I imagine you have. But rest assured, I do not work for your father. Nor do I want to." sighs "Honestly? This may be unprofessional but..."

Weiss: "But...?"

Isabel: "Well. I met him when my team was in their twenties. We protected your mother from some kidnapping attempts... Met her too."

Weiss: "Really?"

Isabel: "Yes... And... Well... How do I put this?"

Weiss: "As bluntly as possible."

Isabel: "Your mother was thirsty for my boyfriend, now husband, and your father came off as a lying snake."

Weiss: "... She didn't see that?"

Isabel: "Weiss... The sad truth is? If she didn't marry your father, you wouldn't be here. And I think that would be a shame. Though that doesn't make him any less of a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling... Bastard."

Weiss: "I see... Can you tell me more? Which uh... I will verify-"

Isabel: "That's okay. I completely understand. Well..."

Isabel talks about her family life. Weiss listens raptly.

Weiss: "I just... It's hard to imagine a happy family life. It all seems so... Saccharine and fake."

Isabel: "It has its problems. Orchid and Nick tried to turn the tractor into a hot rod for a summer project. That was a mess. He also tried to plow the fields on his own... I mean, he's strong enough and he finished but he was burning so much Aura it was ridiculous. Heh... When I was having our first babies? He actually carried me in his arms and ran all the way to the hospital. Ran right past his motorcycle."

Weiss: "Heh... You married such a... Um..."

Isabel: "Dolt?"

Weiss: blush "... Well..."

Isabel: "Yes. Oh we have our problems. I can... I can be too controlling and overbearing. He can be too free spirited and impulsive. But..." smiles warmly "He is the love of my life. And I wouldn't trade him for anything. I just wish I hadn't been such a bitch to him at first... But honestly? I wasn't thinking about romance. I was so determined to lift my family out of poverty... Do everything myself..."

Weiss: "I... You're not very subtle, you know!"

Isabel: "Hm? I'm only speaking from my experience, Weiss. What are you speaking about?"

Weiss: blush "... Sorry. It's hard for me to not be suspicious that people have an ulterior motive with me."

Isabel: "And there's nothing wrong with that. It can be useful. Honestly, the number of con artists my husband fell for got ridiculous. Any sob story he heard, he'd go and help." smiles "But when it was genuine? I am very glad his big heart got us there. It doesn't hurt to be a little trusting. Especially with your friends. That said? I know it's not easy."

Weiss: "So, how do you become more trusting?"

Isabel: "Well... They do have to earn it. Have your friends earned your trust?"

Weiss: "... To some extent."

Isabel: "Then keep working on it. You both earn trust the more you do for one another. This doesn't mean you push yourself too hard... Just keep moving as a pace you are comfortable with."

Weiss: "But I do have to keep moving."

Isabel: "Yes."

Weiss: "... Thank you, Doctor Arc."

Isabel: "No problem. Our session is done for the day."

Weiss: "Already? I mean... Um... That's good."

Isabel: "See you next time?"

Weiss: "I suppose..." She gets up and leaves.

Isabel: sighs "... I should have slugged that smarmy little bastard when I had the chance. Maybe then he'd have become a good father. Or a decent one. Or Willow would have poisoned him by now..."
Cowboys of Remnant: Gifts and Horses
Ren was meditating in the Star Maiden Garden, at peace with everything in the world. The birds were singing and the sun was shining. It was all beautiful and perfect.

Well, mostly. He heard a familiar sound of jangling spurs. He looked up to see his friend and team leader, Jaune Arc, approaching him carrying a round hat box.

"Jaune," Ren greeted softly. Jaune sighed.

"All right, Ren. Listen... You hold onto this hatbox and go with the flow."

He shoved it into Ren's hands, who took it with some confusion.

"I... What? Why?" He asked.


Jaune took a step to the side and smiled.

"Howdy Nora!"

"Howdy Jaune-Jaune!" Nora greeted cheerfully, bouncing up happily. "What's going on? What's in the box?"

"It's a gift for you, Nora," Jaune said. Ren's eyes widened.


Nora's eyes widened happily. She gasped for joy.

"Really?! What is it what is it what is it?!"

"I uh... Um..." Ren held it up to Nora. She picked up the box, and opened it with a flourish. She gasped and pulled out a white Stetson in pink sparkles.

"IT'S PERFECT! THANK YOU RENNY!" She hugged Jaune tightly.

"Kiss his cheek," Jaune muttered, "To show your appreciation."

Nora kissed Ren's cheek very happily, and nuzzled him. Ren gaped and went red.

"And to celebrate your newfound hat, here," Jaune said, handing Nora some tickets, "The best dang barbecue place in Vale's having a special on ribs."

"I LOVE RIBS!" Nora cheered. "Let's go Renny! Please? Please? Please?!"

Ren stared in disbelief... Then gave Nora a smile. A small, rare one, but he only showed them to her.

"Sure. You go get ready."

"YIPPIEE!" Nora cried, charging off with her sparkly pink hat shining in the sunshine. She whooped and spun around happily before she jumped off through the pillars holding up the front gate of Beacon.

Ren looked over at Jaune, a bit stunned.

"I... Why?"

Jaune smiled warmly.

"You're my partner, Ren. And you and Nora deserve some happiness."

Ren looked at his hands quietly.

"I... I'm not sure about this."

Jaune blinked and shrugged.

"I know. But do you like to see her be happy?"

"Yes. More than anything," Ren said quietly.

"Then let her be happy," Jaune said with a smile. "And you'll be happy. Besides, you also love ribs."

Ren nodded.

"I do. That said... How did you get the hat and tickets?"

Jaune sighed.

"My sister's idea of a practical joke. She sent me these for a date."

Ren's eyes narrowed.

"A date with Nora?"

Jaune held his hands up.

"No! Of course not! A man never steals from his best male friend!"

Ren blinked.

"We're best male friends?"

"I mean... Aren't we?" Jaune asked.

Ren smiled softly.

"I suppose we are. Now."

"So," Jaune said, "You want a cowboy hat too?"

Ren narrowed his eyes.

"Does it also have glitter?"

Jaune winced.

"... Some?"

Ren shook his head. Jaune sighed.

"Well now who am I going to give this damn thing?" He pulled out another hat, covered in red and green glitter.

"One of your many paramours would appreciate it," Ren deadpanned.

"I ain't got a paramour," Jaune said stubbornly.

"Not yet. I guess they'd have to fight to the death for the hat," Ren observed.

Jaune scowled.

"That ain't funny."

"Wasn't supposed to be."
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White Knight: The Marriage Meeting
Weiss was barely able to keep from grinding her teeth through long practice as she walked with Klein through the halls of the Schnee Mansion. The place was as cold and sterile as ever, cleaned by robots and servants to never betray so much as the barest hint of humanity. That was how her father preferred it.

Her elegant dress fit her svelte body well, pure whites and blues. Tasteful, yet showing off her best assets. It burned her to think she had to show herself off like some dog at a competition...

"It will be all right, Miss Schnee," Klein spoke into her thoughts. She looked over at her faithful butler, the only person in her life who had shown her some paternal affection, and managed a tiny smile.

"I know," she said quietly, "Just put up with this ridiculous farce for a bit longer and I can go back..."

She was going to say 'home'. How strange she thought of Beacon as a home more than here.

Klein nodded. There was a small glint in his eyes.

"This one though... You never know. He might not be as bad as the others."

Weiss sniffed haughtily.

"You confused optimism for stubbornness sometimes, Klein," she said, though not as harshly as she would have otherwise. Klein chuckled as they rounded a corner. "Who is he, anyway? Another banker's son? Scion of a tech empire? A Mistral prince?"

"He's Valean, minor nobility," Klein explained as they headed down the hallway, "The great-grandson of Empress Arturia."

Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"I thought she abdicated at the end of the Great War?"

"She did," Klein confirmed, "Retired to a little town in North Sanus. But even a former Empress has great connections. Her granddaughter, the young man's mother, is an exceptional doctor who has revolutionized the field of Aura healing, and her grandson-in-law is a great Huntsman. He slew a Grimm Dragon in his youth."

"And this young man? What has he done?" Weiss sniffed. Klein chuckled.

"Not much, yet. I got a good look at him though: He seems quite kind and humble, compared to the other suitors your father has dragged up."

Weiss sighed. Klein winked.

"Come on... You never know. He might be the one?"

"That'll be the day," Weiss snorted. They reached the meeting room. Weiss forced a polite smile onto her face as she entered. It was a well apportioned and furnished drawing room, with large windows to let in the infrequent Atlasian sunlight. At the head of the marble table sat a regal looking, short elderly woman in blue and white dress fit for a former empress. A white haired man she guessed was the Empress's consort sat nearby, with swept back white hair, tanned skin, and a nice green suit.

"Empress Arturia, it is an honor," Weiss said graciously, curtseying, "And your consort...?"

"Shirou Arc, Miss Schnee," the man greeted, standing up with his wife. He nodded with a polite smile. Weiss frowned inwardly.


"Our great-grandson went to the bathroom," Empress Arturia stated, "He should be back-"

"Sorry! Sorry I'm late!" A painfully familiar male voice called out from the doorway. Weiss turned, her eyes widening in horror at the tall blond boy in a sleek black suit.

"I didn't mean to-Weiss?!"


- - -

The adults were discussing things in the drawing room. Weiss had dragged Jaune out into the gardens with the excuse of "getting to know him better". Once she had him far enough away from the windows to avoid too much attention, she shot him her most venomous glare and shoved him back against an orange tree.

"What the-How are you the great-grandson of EMPRESS ARTURIA?! SHE USED TO RULE MOST OF THE WORLD!"

Jaune coughed, and shrugged.

"Um... I mean... I could go into the birds and the bees-"

"UGH! YOU DOLT!" Weiss pulled back and massaged her temples in irritation. Jaune shrugged.

"Hey, come on! I didn't know I was meeting you! I thought I was meeting your sister or something!"

"My sister was disowned!" Weiss snarled, glaring at him. "Did you ask your great-grandma to set this up?!"

"What?! NO!" Jaune waved his hands. "Of course not! Look Weiss, you made it clear you hated me, all right? Why would I give you more reasons to?"

Weiss froze. The hurt look on his face was uncomfortably similar to Ruby's when Weiss had gone too far. Like a kicked puppy's.

She took a deep breath, and let it out.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, "I just... I was blindsided." She scowled at him. "Why did you agree to this, anyway?"

Jaune sighed and shrugged.

"Every so often, Nana Arturia has to make a show of some of her relatives to some of her old contacts. That they might get to marry into the family. There's like, zero wealth involved but a lot of prestige. She has us go through some marriage meetings just to appease her old friends, and then we go home. If there's one person she thinks might be a good match for one of her relatives, and this is super rare, she'll approve. But only if they're actually in love. She got tired of the marriage political games in her youth-Hell, Papa Shirou was a high school student who wanted to become a chef when she met him during the Great War."

Weiss again stared at him.

"Shirou the God of Swords? One of the most deadly combatants in history?! He wanted to become a chef?!"

Jaune shrugged.

"My mom wanted me to become a doctor. Your dad wants you to marry some bigwig..." He shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. "It's... Just how it goes, I guess."

Weiss flushed a bit. She cleared her throat, and looked back towards the windows.

"So... Um-"

"She's not going to force this, relax," Jaune stated, sounding a little bitter, "She hates your dad. In the old days, she'd have had him beheaded. We're not gonna get married, all right? You don't have to worry about suffering my company any longer than you have to."

Weiss winced. Jaune looked at her, and then lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, "I don't like this situation and... And I'm pretty tense, too. Not because of you, just... I hate that I have to get paraded around-"

"Like a dog at a show?" Weiss asked softly. Jaune nodded. She snorted. "Yes, well... At least you don't have to do that as often as I do."

Jaune frowned.

"How much...?"

Weiss sighed.

"Since I was... Nine I think? Paraded around, shown off. All to potential business partners and their sons. All terrible."

"Sorry," Jaune said quietly. Weiss nodded.

"It's not your fault," she stated softly, "It's... Just the situation."

Silence fell. Weiss coughed.

"You uh... You never mentioned you were directly related to the Empress."

"Of course not," Jaune stated firmly, "I'm not some bragging asshole. I want to earn my place... Not ride off my family's accomplishments."

Weiss stared intensely at Jaune.

"I... So do I," she mumbled.

Silence fell again. Jaune forced a chuckle.

"Uh... You know, this is probably the longest we've ever talked."

"Yes, well," Weiss sighed, "I hope I didn't dash your hopes and dreams too harshly. I'm not exactly a prize for... For someone like you."

Jaune stared at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean... You would probably want someone more like... You know..." Weiss shrugged. "Ruby."

"She is my best friend," Jaune said, "But uh... Well..." He turned away, digging his hands into his pockets, "I thought... I think you're pretty amazing, too. Not just your looks, but your intelligence, your kindness-"

"My kindness?" Weiss asked in disbelief. "I... I've been nothing but a bitch to you!"

Jaune stated, and looked back over his shoulder at her. She shrugged helplessly.

"I mean... You were really annoying at first but..." She bit her lower lip. "I... I could have been nicer about... Turning you down."

Jaune shrugged again.

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his head, "I was pretty obnoxious. And, you know? Now that I see what you have to go through, well. I'm sorry, Weiss. I must have come off as some kind of... Of golddigger."

"No," Weiss stated, "You came off as a buffoon."

Jaune stared at her. She smiled weakly. He chuckled.

"Yeah... Yeah, I did," he said. "Sorry. It's... Kind of who I am."

"Yes, I-I suppose so," Weiss admitted quietly.

Silence again fell. Weiss sighed.

"Do you want to go to the kitchen?"

"Sure, I'm starving," Jaune said with a nod.

"Good. You'll have to do the cooking, since I'm hopeless at it," Weiss warned.

"I just wanted a sandwich," Jaune said in surprise. Weiss sighed, a little smile on her face.

"Like I said, I'm hopeless."

- - -

Arturia, Shirou, and Klein watched the teenagers head into the other part of the mansion. Arturia wore a little smile as she held hands with her husband.

"Like I said," Klein said, "She's really a sweet, wonderful young woman. It takes a special kind of man to even get a smile out of her."

"And our great-grandson is certainly a glutton for punishment," Shirou sighed.

"I think it runs in the family," Arturia joked. The two smiled warmly at one another, as Klein chuckled.

- - -

I don't know where this came from, but it's up to you to decide if it's worth continuing or expanding upon.
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Even More Blake is Racist 5
With great reluctance and nervousness, Jaune goes up to Blake while she's at her rocket locker. She scowls at him a bit.

Jaune: "Hey Blake."

Blake: "Jaune."

Jaune: "Blake... I got some coupons for the Celsus Coffee House and Bookshop tomorrow." He holds them out "I thought you might like to go with me."

Blake: "Wait... Go with you... Like... Like a date?"

Jaune: nods "Yes."

Blake turns bright red.

Blake: frowns "It's... A little sudden. I mean, you've been avoiding me a lot lately."

Jaune: "Well, I wanted to make it up to you. I think we just had a miscommunication."

Blake: "I also thought you were pursuing Weiss."

Jaune: "No! No, I'm over her. Honestly? I think you're much prettier than her."

Blake: blush "... Wait... " scowls "Is it because you have a cat Faunus fetish?"

Jaune: "Er... I mean, no more than any other guy-"

Blake: "You dated a cat Faunus before, right?"

Jaune: "Yes, I did. We ended it amicably. I don't see you as a replacement for her if that's what you're asking."

Blake: shyly "Do you... Do you think I'm hotter than her?"

Jaune: "... Yes. Yes I do."

Blake: "... All right. Um... Do... Do you want me to wear a collar or-or anything?"

Jaune is silent for a while.

Jaune: "I mean... Not on the first date?"

Blake: "Oh, right. That... That would be rushing things for normal romance. Which I totally know how to do!"

Jaune: "It's okay, Blake. We'll just take it a step at a time, and have fun. All right?"

Blake: smiles "All... All right..."

Jaune has to admit, that is a pretty smile. He smiles back.

Jaune: "Great!"

Blake: "Okay. Sounds good." She heads off

Jaune: sighs once he's sure she's out of hearing range

Jaune: "Okay... Step One complete."

Ruby: "YAY!" Hugs Jaune "You did it! She'll get some normal romance and then she'll stop being so racist!"

Jaune: "We can only hope..."

Weiss and Yang also emerge from hiding.

Yang: "Oho? You dated a cat Faunus before, huh? Guess you've got Cat Scratch Fever?"

Jaune: "I didn't like her for that alone. We were like, childhood friends!"

Weiss: "So... You think Blake is prettier than me?"

Jaune: "Er... Honestly? I think you're all ridiculously beautiful, just in different ways."

Weiss: blush... Huffs "Sure you do!"

Ruby: blush "Really?"

Jaune: "Yes, really."

Yang: bright red... Snickers "Yeah, sure!"

Jaune: "I mean it! I'm still really sorry I came on so strong, Weiss. But I do think you're all gorgeous. I um, I might have fixated on you because, well... You're like the opposite of my ex and I didn't want to compare you to her. It wouldn't be fair. But she is just one of many kinds of girls I'm into... Well, maybe the kind I'm most into, really. I'm learning stuff about myself."

Yang: Grabs Jaune's Scroll "Oh? The exact opposite? So what is Katy Sith... Like...?"

She freezes and stares. The others do too.

A busty, blonde and muscular cat Faunus girl sits with Jaune in a photobooth.

Yang: "I... Wha...?"

Jaune: "I mean, you know... It's not like I dislike her or anything. I just... It's easy to fall for people like those you dated before so... Um... I'm gonna go!"

Jaune flees, grabbing his Scroll.

Weiss: scowls "What does he mean the exact opposite?! I... I'm beautiful! So what if my chest isn't huge?!"

Ruby: stares at Yang "Yang? You okay?"

Yang: "He's... Into... But he didn't...?" Eyes narrow "Why the hell did he... It's not like I'm a cat Faunus! I bet she's not a boxer, either! What the hell, Vomit Boy?!"

Ruby: "I mean, he said we're all beautiful in our own ways-"

Yang: "He didn't hit on me once because he didn't want to replace his ex?! That's the shittiest excuse ever! Going after BLAKE, now that's a repeat!"

Weiss: "I didn't think you cared, Yang."

Yang: "I DON'T! But... Ya know... Since he's over you... And maybe if we help Blake... He could ask me out. I mean, she looked pretty happy!"

Weiss: "They broke up!"
