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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Dragonslayer: "Survival Procedure" 1
Her vision was dimmed, like shadows were creeping up around her. She saw trees, heard snarls. White masked monsters descended on her, even as yellow fire burned. She heard Ruby cry out… Ruby, where was Ruby? She brought her here, it was her fault, it was all her fault! Mom! MOM! MOM-!

"Yang! Yang! Yang!"

Yang Xiao-Long struggled back to consciousness, struggling against an intense fatigue and pain that seemed to permeate her body. She thrashed about furiously in the bed she lay on against someone holding her down.

"Wha-LET GO-!"


She felt someone cover her mouth. She forced her eyes open. Desperate blue orbs bore into her lilac, as messy blond hair stuck to a familiar forehead. She breathed, training hammered into her after hundreds of bouts with her father forcing her to calm down.

"Jaune?" She mumbled against his hand. The knight nodded slowly, looking relieved. He had a bruise on his cheek, and his clothes were in rough condition, covered in cuts and a few stray leaves. He slowly released her mouth as he muttered soothing things.

"It's okay, you're okay, it's okay…"

Yang turned her head to look around-And then grit her teeth as pain screamed in her head. She reached up to the side of her head, finding bandages wrapped around it tightly.

"Ugh… Fuck… What happened?"

Her Aura barely responded, a weak spark compared to the usual immense flare. The room was barely illuminated by the fading sunlight through curtained windows, and a fire lit hastily in a small fireplace nearby.

Jaune sighed, and rubbed his forehead.

"Grimm attacked the student camp," Jaune said quietly, "We all got separated."

Yang winced for reasons unrelated to her head.

"Right… Then… I… Fought them…"

A huge monster Grimm, covered in bony plates and spines, had barreled out of the woods. It had charged, she had charged back. She'd unleashed the full might of her Semblance, taking hit after hit and dishing it back…

She heard Ruby screaming for her as she managed to break through the thing's facemask, her Aura near the breaking point but the hits kept her going… Then… Blackness.

"What happened then?"

Jaune leaned back just a little, pulling up a canteen. He held it out to her, and she pressed her lips to it to drink. The cool water was very refreshing as he spoke.

"Well, you got side tackled by a Boarbatusk," Jaune said, "I think your Aura broke when you were knocked out. I managed to hurt that one while the big thing was reeling, and I just ran. Everyone else scattered too. Last I saw they were all running off in different directions."

Jaune lowered the canteen. Yang licked up the excess water from her lips. She looked around a bit more closely at their surroundings: Wooden walls with some generic nature photos up, a desk in the corner, a few more cots and cabinets nearby. It helped distract from her headache and her worry over the others.

"Where are we?"

"Ranger Station. I ran into it after we fell off the cliff-"

"Cliff?!" Yang gasped in disbelief. Jaune smiled and waved his hand, even as his Aura flickered around his injuries.

"It's okay, it wasn't a big one. I took the brunt of the impact for you. Anyway, I got us here. Good news is there's a radio, since Scrolls don't work great out here."

Yang sighed in relief, but the tension remained in Jaune's eyes.

"Bad news?"

"It's busted," Jaune sighed. Yang groaned.

"Well, that's great."

"But I might be able to fix it," Jaune offered. Yang shot him a disbelieving stare.


Jaune shrugged with that embarrassed little smile of his. It was not very reassuring.

"Yeah, I know the basics. It's a struggle to remember some of them but I'm pretty sure-Oh geez, right…"

He pulled out a flashlight, and clicked it on.

"Okay, just look at the light for a second…"

Yang grimaced, but did so. Jaune nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay… Now. What's your name?"

"Yang Xiao-Long," Yang replied with a scowl.

"Name of your sister?"

"Ruby Rose."

"Okay, and your partner's name is…?"

"Blake Belladonna," Yang grumbled, "I wasn't hit that hard."

"You wouldn't know," Jaune stated firmly, "All right, pupil response is normal. How's your headache?"

"Still… Pretty bad," Yang mumbled.


Yang lifted her head, trying to get to her feet… Then dropped back against the pillows, a wave of nausea washing over her. Jaune scooted out of the way and held up a bucket to her. She retched into it, feeling cold and clammy. He helpfully held her hair up, as he lowered the bucket back down. She moaned.

"Right," Jaune sighed. He offered her more water, which she accepted with some reluctance.

"Okay, just sip… Your Aura should recover in a few hours, and you'll be just fine. You just need some rest. Try to relax."

"Stuck in the middle of nowhere surrounded by Grimm? Sure, I'll be able to relax," Yang grumbled. Jaune sighed and shrugged.

"Yeah, well…"

Jaune slowly got up, and went over to the table. He set up his Scroll to illuminate it with its flashlight, and he started fiddling with it. Yang groaned softly, leaning back on the cot. She studied him for a bit.

"Stay with me, Yang," Jaune said quietly. "You need to rest but sleep might still be dangerous. Tell me something. Anything."

"I…" Yang frowned. Her memory was still a little hazy. Probably not a good sign.

"How do you know… Field medicine?" She asked. "You went through the same checks my uncle did with me during training."

"My mom's a doctor," Jaune said, eyes on the radio, "She wanted me to be a doctor, too."

Yang stared at him in disbelief.


"Yeah," Jaune said.

"You uh… Study for it?"

"Passed the exams to get into Thorndyke Medical School," he went on, without a hint of pride. Yang's eyes widened.

"That's… That's a really high brow school, huh? You passed the exams?"

His shoulders tensed a bit.

"Yeah. I mean, my mom's got connections so that helped but I did. Just before I left home for Beacon."

Yang snorted in disbelief.

"And you chose to become a Huntsman over a Doctor, huh?" She asked. Jaune sighed and nodded.



Jaune looked back over his shoulder. He shrugged.

"It's not what I wanted. It's what my mom wanted," he said. "I mean, she was a Huntress before she got her doctorate. She and my dad were partners. They fought all sorts of monsters, helped save so many people… I-I mean, she does great work, but…"

He shook his head, looking a bit self conscious.

"I wanted to help people. Save them. Protect them, like all my ancestors did. Like my parents did before they settled down. Not be stuck in school for eight years and then have to deal with bureaucrats and bosses and other crap like that."

He looked back to the radio, avoiding her gaze.

"I guess… I guess I'm kind of stupid, huh? I'm not even that good at this."

"I mean… No," Yang admitted, and then amended it when she saw him slump, "Not yet. But I think you made the right choice. Ruby's a lot happier to have you as a friend, for one thing. You're getting a lot better. And hell, if you did go off to be a doctor, you wouldn't be enjoying a stay in a tiny cabin all alone with me."

She managed a wink, though it gave her a headache. Jaune shook his head and his ears burned brightly in a blush.

"You'd have been okay-"

"Jaune, if I was Aura broken in the middle of a melee with Grimm, I would not be okay," Yang stated firmly. "Okay? I… Thank you. I mean it. Thank you."

He turned back and smiled at her.

"Well, I mean, you'd do the same for me," he said warmly.

Yeah. Yeah, she would. Yang grimaced for a second. Her thoughts were so cloudy…

"Still… I mean… You got into medical school?" Yang ventured. "You're always such a… Well…"

"Dolt? Yeah," Jaune winced, "Academic stuff I can handle. Juggling other stuff at the same time? A lot tougher. I honestly really admire you. You're able to get good grades and be good at fighting."

"Yeah, well, I do have a lot more practice at it," Yang said. She stared up at the ceiling, wincing against the headache. A bit more silence followed, which Yang broke.

"You know… We haven't really just… Talked like this."

"Sure we do! We uh… We…" Jaune frowned as he looked up. "... Well, no. I guess we haven't."

"Like, I didn't even know your mom was a doctor," Yang said.

"Well, I didn't know… Um… Well, Ruby told me a lot but that… Yeah," Jaune sighed. "Did… I mean, I know I can be a little, uh…"

"Dorky? Nah, I don't mind that," Yang said, staring intently at the ceiling boards, "You making goo goo eyes at Weiss did tend to dominate things when we met up before."

"Oh. Yeah," Jaune sighed. "Yeah, I was… A total ass about that."

"Why'd you go so hard for her, anyway?" Yang asked.

"Well, she's beautiful, she's cool, she's smart, and well, she's kind, despite everything," Jaune said. He paused. "Though she did leave me pinned to a tree during Initiation."

"Wait, she did what?!" Yang asked in disbelief. Jaune nodded.

"Yup. Pyrrha had pinned me to a tree, I was hanging from it, Weiss walked in, looked at me, and turned right around and walked away."

"God, geez," Yang muttered, "You crushed on her for that? If you didn't have Aura, you'd have been killed!"

"Oh… Yeah… Eheh… If I didn't have Aura," Jaune managed nervously, "Um… Well… I mean, I did some thinking. I realized, with some help, that well… I was trying too hard to make up for… Being me. So, uh, the Dance, I just… I decided that her being happy was more important than trying to win her heart. That… That wasn't fair to her. I was being an idiot."

Yang stared at him for a while as he worked on the radio.

"Well, I mean… Weiss is kind of used to gold diggers going after her," Yang said, "So uh… I mean, she saw it like that. I just thought you were a little corny but… It was fun."

"Yeah, that's me, regular class clown," Jaune muttered.

"You really gotta stop being so down on yourself," Yang advised, "It's a real turn off."

Jaune blushed.

"Yeah, well… I'm used to it," he muttered. "Your dad encouraged you to become a Huntress, right? Trained you himself?"

"He did, yeah, but he was against it at first," Yang said, "He and Uncle Qrow tried to talk me out of it. Scare me out of it. My mom… Ruby's mom… She died on a mission."

"I'm sorry," Jaune said, automatic but sincere. Yang nodded.

"She was… She was basically one of my heroes. So I… I wanted to be like her."

She paused, the memories between the fight today and that terrible day back then…

"And, well…" She shut her eyes, "I wanted to be… To be free, I guess. Go out on my own on Bumblebee, explore the world. Make money punching monsters, saving people. Get out of that house."

Jaune looked over at her in concern.

"Why? Your dad…?"

Yang sighed.

"He… He just… He fell apart after Mom died," she admitted. "I mean, my biological mom left him when I was a baby. Then Ruby's mom died. And… And I had to take care of things. He'd just sit there for days sometimes. I had to take care of Ruby, make the food, do the cleaning… I was like a single mom at the age of seven."

She trailed off.

"He got… He got a little better after…"

"What?" Jaune asked, eyes away from the radio entirely.

Yang bit her lower lip.

"... I heard this story that my bio mom was still around on Patch. Or maybe… Maybe I just made it up. I don't know. Anyway, I put Ruby into a wagon and pulled her with me. I… I wanted to find her. I wanted her to come home, make Dad happy again. Fix everything."

She sighed.

"I… I got us deep in the woods. I found this old cabin. I knocked on the door… And a bunch of Grimm came out to attack us. They'd… They'd been stalking us. They were going to tear us apart. My… My uncle came just in time. Killed them all. But…"

She grimaced.

"I hated… Hated that I'd gotten us into that mess. Hated my dad for getting so bad it happened. Hated myself for being weak… I was so stupid."

Jaune slowly nodded.

"Yeah. You were. But I mean… We all make stupid mistakes. You didn't die. Ruby didn't die. You're both okay… And-And your dad got better after, right?"

"Yeah," Yang sighed, her eyes flashing red briefly, "But he still has… Had times he couldn't get his shit together. So… Yeah… Ruby's like my sister-daughter."

"You did a good job," Jaune said encouragingly. Yang snorted.

"No, really! I… I think you'd be a great mom," Jaune said earnestly.

A bright blush came over her face.

"G-Geez…" She tilted her head away, the headache distracting her from the sincerity in his voice, "Moving a little fast there, aren't you Ladykiller?"

Jaune's cheeks burned like stoplights.

"Er um, I didn't mean it like that! I swear!"

Yang snickered, despite how much it hurt.

"Yeah, I know you didn't…"

He really was kind of cute… Though that might have been the concussion talking.

- - -

First part. May be expanded into a smutty version at some point.
Last edited:
The Vytal Festival Reunion 5
While Glynda was metaphorically (and somewhat literally) flaying Ozpin alive, Isabel took Willow aside to have some coffee in an outdoor cafe. They watched the violence unfold as they sipped their lattes.

"Honestly, she really does have a lot of issues, always did," Isabel observed.

"Not like we can talk," Willow sighed, "Half your children ran away from you."

"They didn't run away from me," Isabel growled, shaking her fist furiously, "They went to pursue their different dreams from what I wanted for them! And anyway, two of your children ran away! That's two thirds! I'm still doing better than you!"

Willow looked even more depressed, staring into the depths of her coffee. Isabel frowned, the mood shifting away from wild anime slapstick.


Willow sighed harder.

"You know... If I'd married Nick, my father would have had a hard time accepting him... But he would have eventually. My father never fully approved of Jacques. I thought he was being overly protective. Jacques was so warm and charming..."

She scowled.

"Turns out he was a bastard. A total bastard!"

Isabel frowned.

"How... Big of a bastard?" She asked cautiously. Willow glared at her.

"What do you care?"

"Willow, I'll admit," Isabel said carefully, "I am EXTREMELY irritated with you for still carrying a torch for my husband all these years but..." She shrugged. "I did want you to be happy. With someone else. Anyone else."

Willow sighed.


Five Minutes Later

Isabel rose, her eyes blazing with fire.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" She swore.

Willow gaped in shock.

"Y-You believe me?!"

"You are a worse liar than Nick! You have this twitch when you-ANYWAY!" Isabel glared. "That's just not right!"

Willow bowed her head.

"It's my fault, too. I fell into despair and ignored my own children-"

"Well, you're here aren't you?! You're not drunk!" Isabel cried. She grabbed Willow by the shoulders and pulled her up to her feet. "You're making a lot of progress!"

"Actually it's because Klein bullied and guilted me into being out here," Willow sighed, but her eyes narrowed. "But you're right! I've done nothing for far too long! I... I need to be more like you and your husband!"

"Yes!" Isabel declared. "We're going to help you, Willow! Both of us, together!"

Willow's eyes sparkled.

"Then, will you let me have Nick-?!"

"LIKE HELL!" Isabel shouted, bonking Willow over the head.

"OWWWWW! Why do you have to be so rough?!" Willow whined.

Klein appeared at his mistress's side, and handed her an ice bag.

"Doctor Arc is a very direct kind of person, Mistress," Klein said, "It is how she handles things."

"Damn straight!" Isabel smirked. "It's how I got my husband and my hospital! Totally direct!"

Glynda walked up, deadpan expression firmly in place, as a contrite Ozpin followed behind her.

"This from the woman who denied she had any romantic feelings for her future husband for years."

"I DIDN'T DENY THEM!" Isabel growled. "I-I was just waiting for the right moment and kept any thirsty whores away from him!"

Ozpin adjusted his glasses... Then realized they were no longer on his face. Indeed, given where Glynda had put them, pushing them up any further was a bad idea.

"As I recall, Isabel, you very publicly proclaimed, and I quote, 'Nick Arc is too stupid to be my boyfriend. He is too stupid to be anyone's boyfriend. You're not taking advantage of my idiot partner.' Unquote."

Isabel flushed a bit.

"W-Well... It was true!"

"More like you were hording him for yourself," Glynda huffed.

"Well! It worked, and you're gonna be a single childless hag who puts baby clothes on her cats!" Isabel snarled. Glynda's eyesbrows twitched, as every stepped away from the two blondes.

"Stuffy arrogant witch doctor!"

"Lonely spinster!"

"You don't even need glasses! You just wore them to look smart!"

"Look who's talking! At least I AM smart and don't pretend to be!"

Ozpin sighed again.

"I'm going to have to halve the coffee budget again, aren't I?"

"Based upon how much damage they did the last time they fought? Probably," Klein observed. "Ice pack, sir?"

"Thank you. I desperately need one."

"For your balls-?"

"That was implied!"
Dragonslayer: The Boots
A shoebox was set down on the table Yang Xiao-Long was eating lunch at in the Beacon Cafeteria. She looked up with a cocked eyebrow at Jaune Arc, who stood there with a nervous smile.

"Yeah Yang."

"VB... What's this?" She opened the shoebox... And her eyes went wide. She pulled out a pair of combat boots, custom-built. She turned one of them over in her hands, eyes wide.


"I uh, I asked Ruby for your measurements..."

At Yang's smirk, Jaune shook his head quickly.

"You know what I mean! I asked my sister about it, and uh, well, she knows an Atlasian armorer."


Yang swung around and pulled her shoes off. She pulled on the boots, and they fit perfectly. She smiled and patted the sides of her boots. She looked up.

"What brought this on?"

"I did vomit on your boots when we first met," Jaune pointed out with a shrug, "I finally got enough money to replace them. And well..." He smiled nervously, "I just... I wanted to make up for it."

Yang studied the boots intently, well aware that the rest of their teams were staring intently. Yang looked over at Weiss, who was gaping.

"Wha... That's a Frau Holda piece!" Weiss sputtered. "Your sister knows Frau Holda?!"

"The top designer for Atlas' military?!" Ruby gasped. "WOW!"

She knelt down and studied the boots intently.

"Do they fit well?" She asked her sister.

"Perfectly," Yang managed. She stared up in shock at Jaune. "How much-?"

"Uh, um, don't ask," Jaune said, waving his hands, "B-Besides! Again, I owe you and I couldn't exactly just go to the Spend Less Shoe Store, right?"

"Nope," Yang said with a grin. She stood up, and took Jaune by the arm. "So, let's go try them out, huh?"

"Uh, sure?" Jaune asked with a smile, "A nice hike around campus?"

"To start with," Yang agreed, leading Jaune off. Weiss scowled after them. Blake raised an eyebrow.

"You seem unhappy," she observed.

"What? No!" Weiss scoffed. "Why would I be unhappy Arc can act considerate around others? He's finally growing up!"

"Mmhm," Blake said.

"Shut up!" Weiss growled.

"I didn't say anything!"

Pyrrha's smile was extremely brittle as she watched them go.

"I... I could have recommended some boots, Jaune," she mumbled.

Nora sighed, and patted her fellow redhead on the shoulder.

"There there... They're just boots!"

Yang and Jaune talked happily. They were silhouetted against the open door. Yang leaned over and kissed his cheek.

All of the metal around them began to bend ominously.

"Just boots! Just boots!" Nora emphasized, waving her hands frantically.

- - -
Sanctuary 4
- - -

The Arcadia Farmhouse doors opened up onto a modest wooden hall, dominated by a staircase going up to the second floor. Warm brown wooden baseboards ran about the walls, and a few simple knit carpets sat on the hardwood floors. A simple brass chandelier hung from above, shining in the sunlight the many windows let in. The wallpaper seemed to be a plain white... At least, Yang thought it was white. There were hundreds of picture frames covering the walls, ranging from images of Jaune and his many, many sisters with their parents at various ages, to black and white photos of relatives and friends, and several paintings.

Despite herself, Yang felt a bit more... Homey.

Jaune led Yang and Ruby into an adjacent living room. This was at the base of the round tower-like part of the farmhouse, and had a wide panorama view of the barn, fields, drive, and a CCT repeater tower in the distance. It was filled with worn but comfortable furniture: Couches, arm chairs, two coffee tables, and bookshelves filled with books and knick knacks. A player piano made of warm cherrywood sat in a corner, with a few swords hanging over it on the wall.

Yang's eyes focused against the glare through the windows. Her jaw dropped. She honestly would not have expected these people to survive the fall of Beacon, and yet... Here they were.

Velvet Scarlatina, that shy rabbit Faunus a year ahead of them, sat on a light green couch. She was leaning against the tall form of Cardin Winchester, who was fiddling with his huge mace. Velvet had gotten some combat pants, a T-shirt, and a brown jacket with a tac-vest-They were a bit big on her, suggesting she'd been loaned the clothes. Cardin was in his usual armor, though it had some touch-ups obviously made by a welding torch. His hair was a bit shaggier, and he had some stubble on his chin and cheeks. Velvet looked exhausted, but definitely comfortable sidled up against her former bully.

A dark skinned, red-headed girl (May Zedong, from Shade, she vaguely recalled) was dressed in her usual hoodie and jeans. She worked on a sniper rifle, doing some maintenance with the guts of the weapon spread out on a coffee table. Neptune Vasilias, looking a bit shaggy and unkempt himself, was nevertheless bent over May's weapon with her, fiddling with various components and talking softly to her.

A dark skinned, blonde girl in nun's robes sat on a pillow on the floor, deep in meditation. Arslan Atlan: RWBY had eliminated her team in the Vytal Tournament. She'd been tough, but ultimately no match for them.

Nora and Ren were on another couch, Nora solemnly working on her hammer while Ren sat in repose with his eyes closed.

Everyone's eyes focused on them as they entered. Cardin, Nora and Ren got to their feet. Velvet, May, Arslan and Neptune soon followed.

"Hey Jaune. Hey Ruby. Hey, Xiao-Long," Neptune said, putting a bit of his old cockiness in his voice. "Nice to see you back up and about! Knew a babe like you couldn't be kept down for long!"

"It is indeed good to see you well," Arslan added, bowing slightly, "You were formidable opponents."

"H-Hello," May greeted softly, her eyes unable to meet Yang's.

"Xiao-Long," Cardin greeted with a simple nod. Velvet smiled a bit tiredly.

"It's... It's good to see you again," she said.

"It is," Ren agreed, giving Yang the slightest of smiles. Nora gaped in shock, then grinned.

"YANG!" Nora leaped over the coffee table and embraced Yang tightly. She tensed up, but relaxed as Nora sniffled and sobbed genuine tears.

"I missed you! You look great! Ooh, you got your new arm! That's great!" She grinned. "It has a gun in it!"

"... Really?" Yang asked, blinking.

"Totally!" Nora enthused. "That's what your Uncle said!"

"He visited you, huh?" Yang asked, eyes narrowing a bit. And not me...

"He did say something about that," Ruby agreed, smiling at Yang, "I-I can take you through the features-"

"Later," Yang grunted. Ruby frowned, but nodded.

"S-Sure... It's been a long day," she said.

"So Arc," Cardin cleared his throat, "Your dad and his troops visited. Told us to wait here for you. What are your orders?"

Jaune paused. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils.

"We're on stand down," he said at last, "Dad wants us to take a break."

Velvet's eyes narrowed.

"Did he say for how long?" She asked, a hint of anger in her tone. Yang had never heard anything like it from the generally meek Rabbit Faunus.

Jaune shook his head.

"No. They got reinforcements from Doremy, so they want us to take it easy for a while."

"Jaune," Cardin growled, "The walls aren't fully secure-They can't just exclude us! We've been fighting since we got here, damnit-!"

"We have our orders," Jaune stated flatly, "We're going to follow them."

Cardin grit his teeth. Velvet's eyes narrowed. The two of them united in anger like this was strange.

"Jaune, those monsters-!"

"I know what those monsters did, Cardin," Jaune growled, so deep and angry everyone stared in shock. Yang's jaw dropped as she beheld the transformation.

Gone was the goofy blond noodle. In his place was a hardened soldier, full of cold rage and steel.

Breaker Above... When did that happen?! She thought in shock.

Cardin ground his teeth, still glaring at Jaune.

Ruby cleared her throat nervously.

"M-Maybe... Maybe it's a good thing," she suggested, "We've been fighting without a break for over a week. Some of us longer."

"It would give us the chance to catch up on things," Arslan said, soft but firm, "And to recuperate. We will do no one any good if we're fighting our fatigue and the Grimm..."

She looked at Jaune knowingly.

"Among other things," she finished.

"H-Hey, I am totally fine with a break," Neptune said, laughing nervously, "Um... I mean, your sister-Hey, Orchid!"

A girl a little shorter than Yang walked out of the kitchen. Her blonde hair was cut short in a utilitarian pageboy. She wore jeans and a T-Shirt with the "Achieve-Men" logo over her chest. A pair of square glasses adorned her tired blue eyes, as she absent-mindedly tapped on a Scroll. Yang could see some kind of interface projected onto her glasses.

"Hello all. Hello Jaune," she said in a monotone. She walked up and hugged Jaune tightly. He returned the hug, rubbing her back.

"Hey Orchid. What are you doing here?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

"I live here," Orchid replied, her tone not shifting a bit.

Yang fought a snicker. Orchid blinked at the stares, then shrugged.

"You asked."

"Right, right, tell us what you told me!" Neptune said eagerly, "When we were at the repeater tower!"

Jaune glared at Neptune. He coughed and held up his hands.

"I was escorting her, I swear! May, you can vouch for me, right?"

"Y-Yes, he didn't... Um... We just did our jobs," May managed. Jaune slowly nodded.

"All right. Orchid?"

Orchid held out her Scroll and activated a holoprojector. Several technical diagrams and windows of computer coding appeared above them. None of it made any sense to Yang. Nora actually stood on her head to try and make sense of it.

"In essence, while the main CCT Network is down thanks to the virus implanted by the terrorists," Orchid stated, "Several regional networks are still mostly operational. The Gallian and Albion networks in particular."

"How did they avoid the virus?" Ruby asked, intensely curious.

"Twelve years ago, the system was due for a major upgrade," Orchid said, "As it was a joint venture between Albion and Gallia, both sub-kingdoms' Councils would have to agree on a unified upgrade plan."

"... Which would require both Councils to agree on something," Neptune deadpanned. Orchid nodded.

"Correct. Add in a scandal regarding embezzlement from the Modern Arts Grant, and the Councils of both nations collapsed in their respective elections to be replaced by new ones. They ultimately decided to save upgrading the servers for the regional repeater system for the year after this one."

"So we have communications?" Jaune asked. "Can we reach Vale? Beacon?"

Orchid shook her head, flipping through a few more holographic pages of what may as well have been hieroglyphics to Yang.

"Only intermittently. In addition, global communications are still down. We did get a call from Uncle Arjun over the radio.""

"Uncle Arjun?" Yang asked.

Jaune coughed.

"He's our godfather. He uh, he lives in Pandu, south-eastern coast of Animus."

"Well, what did he say?" Neptune urged Orchid.

She adjusted her glasses. "It appears that Mistral has fallen into civil war. Mistral itself, Pandu, Temujina, Fuujin-They're all at war since the CCT Network collapsed."

"Oh Breaker, no," Arslan whispered. Neptune gaped.

"What about Argus? Anything on Argus?!"

"I do not have any news on that," Orchid said in her monotone, "Though he did say that Atlas was holding to its treaty and had forces still stationed in Argus. Other than that? There is little to report. I am hopeful that we'll be able to get more as we work with other engineers across Gallia and Albion: Enough to get direct communication back with Vale to some extent. There is talk of reactivating the old cable networks, though most of those were destroyed by the Grimm."

Jaune sighed in relief, and hugged his sister again.

"Thanks Orchid."

"You are welcome. I am going to bed now, as I have been up for forty-eight hours straight rewriting IP Protocol codes for the region. Excuse me."

Orchid headed off towards the stairs, and climbed them out of sight. Cardin sagged a bit.

"Well... Maybe I'll get to call my dad," he sighed.

"Same," Velvet sighed, "They're up in Atlas. I... I'm glad they didn't come to see my fights. Not after all this."

"Agreed," Arslan said, "It was lucky for them..." She bit her lower lip. "After calling my family, I am hoping to get back in contact with my team. We were scattered during the fall."

May winced, and remained silent. The pain in her eyes reminded Yang of what had happened to her team.

"Same," Neptune sighed, "I lost Scarlet and Sage when we were evacuating to the airships. They took another but I don't know where to." He shook his head. "And of course, Sun ran off after Blake again."

"Blake?" Yang perked up. "Blake Belladonna?"

Neptune snorted.

"You know any other Blake Belladonnas he'd chase after? I did get a message before the CCT went totally down: That they were headed to Menagerie-"

Velvet seethed.

"Of fucking course they were," she growled.

All eyes went to the normally timid rabbit Faunus. Cardin was grim, but didn't move away from her.

Yang frowned as well.

"So... She's okay. That's good, right?" Yang asked. She was glad Blake was (probably) alive, but what was Velvet's deal?

"Sure. Two traitors running off together," Velvet sneered. Neptune gaped. Ruby frowned.

"H-Hey!" Neptune said, "Sun's not a-!"

"Oh, so the princess of the White Fang and your buddy just ran off to, what, elope?!" Velvet demanded angrily.

"I-I mean, I'm sure she had a reason-" Ruby tried, but Velvet angrily cut her off.

"She straight up abandoned you! Abandoned her partner!" She pointed at Yang. Yang grimaced and gripped her artificial arm with her real one.

"I-I mean... She-"

"She used to be White Fang!" Ruby insisted, "She wasn't anymore-!"

"And the White Fang attacked and destroyed a city," Velvet snarled, "Just as she conveniently gets away!"

"She-She's not like that!" Yang responded, though doubt tinged her words. "She was fighting against them-!"

"Well she did a HELL of a job, didn't she?!" Velvet spat, fists clenched, cheeks red, "A bunch of their goons caught my team! They shot Coco! They blasted Yatsuhashi and Fox away! I would have been next if Cardin hadn't charged in!"

Cardin grimaced and rubbed his chest. His other arm stayed around Velvet's waist, offering support and security as she raged.

She fixed a glare on Yang and Ruby.

"They murdered my team and their princess runs off?! Convenient, isn't it?!"

"She didn't have-She saved my life!" Yang shouted back.

"No," Velvet snarled, looking at the grim faced Jaune, "Jaune saved your life. Jaune carried you to the airship! Where was Blake, huh?!"

"She didn't have anything to do with this!" Ruby insisted. "I-I know Blake! She just... She..."

"She ran off with the rest of those murderers," Velvet seethed, now being restrained by Cardin's arm. "I hope Atlas invades and flattens them! I hope Atlas kills them all-!"

"That's enough!" Jaune barked. Velvet grit her teeth and scowled at him. Jaune shook his head slowly.

"That's not going to help," he stated. He looked at Cardin. "Cardin, Velvet... Go chill out. Relax. Get some air."

Velvet shot another venomous glare at them all. Cardin nodded slowly.

"Come on, Velv," he said softly, "Let's go chill out. All right?"

"... Fine," Velvet stated slowly. She narrowed her eyes at Yang and Ruby.

"But if I see her again? I'm putting a bullet in her head. The same thing her thugs did to my friends."

Cardin and Velvet walked out, Yang, Jaune and Ruby parting for them. The doors shut behind them, leaving only the clock ticking away.

"... I'll get started on dinner," Ren said quietly, rising and walking to the kitchen.

"I'll help," Arslan contributed, walking after him. Nora followed, though not without giving Yang, Ruby, and Jaune tight hugs.

"Um... I-I need to finish reworking my rifle," May mumbled, sitting back down with her head bowed.

"Y-Yeah, sounds good," Neptune said nervously, "I'll help."

Jaune hefted up Yang's luggage, his face stony.

"I'll show you to your room," he said to Yang.

"It's-It's mine too, Yang," Ruby said with a smile, "It's great. You'll see!"

"... Sure," Yang whispered, staring at her mechanical hand in silence.

- - -

Well, that got rather dark. But what do you think?

- - -

Yang was no stranger to faking being asleep. She'd had to keep an eye on Ruby for most of her life, after all. Oblivious and innocent, her little sister would sneak off in the middle of the night to mess with a new gadget, a new weapon, or look up technical facts on the CCTnet. Things Yang had had to manage, because God knew Dad was only fifty-fifty on it.

It was easy to tell when Ruby fell asleep this night though. It was when she stopped crying. Yang watched her from the twin bed on the other side of the small bedroom. It had belonged to one of Jaune's sisters, and the walls were covered in posters of old boy bands and pictures of the ocean. A few seashells sat in a glass bowl on a wooden desk, the only bit of debris left from her departure.

Yang slowly got out of bed, and stared down at her sleeping little sister. She clenched her fists. She reached out her hand... Her biological one, her real one. She tried to touch Ruby, to offer her some kind of comfort...

She grit her teeth. She pulled away. She turned and softly walked out of the door, silently shutting it behind her.

I'm fucking useless... Completely...!

Angry restlessness filled her. Something bitter and painful. Something she had to get away from, something she had to escape.

She stalked down the hallway. She could hear Neptune snoring through one door. Saw a light shining through the crack of the door where May and Arslan slept. Soft voices still carried to her as the two talked, though Yang couldn't make anything out. She passed by Cardin and Velvet's room, which was empty. They still hadn't come back yet. Orchid's room also had soft snoring coming from it. A few other doors were closed, but she couldn't tell how many were occupied. Not that she cared that much, as long as they didn't notice her.

Yang finally made it down the stairs, the steps creaking uncomfortably loudly for her. She made it to the ground floor, and wandered out the door. She closed her eyes as she felt the cool night air. She looked up at the silent stars, breathing slowly. She trembled as she stared at the moon, the broken form familiar but... Not in the least bit comforting.

She wrapped her arms around her, trembling in the sudden chill.


She looked over. Sitting on one of the old rocking chairs was Jaune: Still in his armor and duster. A nearly empty bottle of whiskey was in his hand. He stared blearily up at her.

"Jaune? What...?"

"Couldn't sleep," he slurred. He looked back out at the stars. "You?"

"... Same," she decided on. Jaune nodded, rocking back and forth silently.

"No squeak," he said.


"Chair. Doesn't squeak," he elaborated, rocking back and forth a bit faster. "Used to... They fixed it. Doesn't squeak... I... I liked the squeaking."

Yang stared at him for a bit, before a snort left her nostrils.

"You're drunk."

"Am not," Jaune replied maturely, swigging down another gulp of whiskey, "Been... Been drinking wine since I was six."

"Bullshit," Yang returned. "My uncle's a drunk. You're a lightweight."

"Nooo... Just... Haven't drunk in a while," Jaune protested. "Sides... Bet you can't handle a shot."

Yang's eyes narrowed.

"I could too!"

Jaune snorted in juvenile laughter, shaking his head. He leaned back with a smug smirk that just infuriated Yang further.

"You drink strawberry sunrises. No booze in 'em!"

Yang growled. She stalked up to Jaune, grabbed the bottle, and tilted it back. She gulped down a few mouthfuls, before she let it go with a gasp. She glared back at Jaune, even as the alcohol hit her system and lit up her cheeks.

"Not all the time," she snorted.

Jaune stared.

"Huh... Cool," he mumbled. He reached up and pulled the bottle towards him. Yang held on. Jaune scowled up at her.


"I mean... Your mom's not gonna-"

"Fuck my mom," Jaune snarled, "And my dad!" He wrestled the bottle back, even as Yang held onto it.

"Jaune! What the hell are you-?!"

The bottle snapped under the pressure, and the remaining booze splashed onto the deck. Jaune groaned, and glowered up at her.

"Oh great. Thanks! Thanks a lot!"

"Well excuse me for being concerned about you!" Yang snarled. Jaune drunkenly glared back, grabbing onto the armrests of the rocking chair to rise up. His footing was unsteady, but he used his height to try and loom over her.

"I didn't ask you to-!"

"Well too bad! I am now!"

"I don't need anyone's concern!" Jaune barked. "You just got a new arm! You go back to sleep-!"

"Like hell I am!" Yang grabbed his arms. "You go to sleep! You're exhausted!"

Jaune tried to grab her wrists, but he stumbled and lost his balance. He slammed against her, and Yang surged her Aura to keep him upright. Jaune shook his head.

"No... No, you go. I'mma... I'm fine-"

"Oh really?" Yang asked with a glare. "Fine. How about the Uncle Qrow test then?"

She let Jaune go, and stepped back. He wobbled as she glared at him.

"If you can walk, you can stay out here alone," she stated. "Go ahead."

Jaune glared at her. He took a shaky step... And fell over again. Yang caught him with a grunt, and glared at his sullen face.

"... Fine," he mumbled.

"All right," Yang nodded, "Let's get you to bed."

"Why do you care?" Jaune mumbled. Yang started, and glared at him in complete shock.

"Why do I-You want a list, Jaune?! Is that what you need?!" She demanded. "You saved my life! You saved Ruby's life! You got us all here to safety!"

"You're not happy about it," Jaune mumbled, "And... And Pyrrha would have done better. Pyrrha would have done it... Super better..."

His head bowed. His eyes went blank. His tone was empty.

"Pyrrha should be here... Not me," he muttered.

Yang's jaw dropped. Her anger evaporated.

"H-Hey... Hey... You didn't kill her," Yang tried, "You didn't-"

"When she went to fight Cinder... I was gonna go," Jaune husked, "I was gonna fight with her... She told me she loved me. She kissed me... Then she shoved me in a rocket locker."

Yang felt a chill. The shame in Jaune's voice, the way he stared down at the porch... It was all too familiar. Horrifically familiar.

"J-Jaune... You... There wasn't anything you could've-"

"I could have died for her," Jaune said bitterly, "I could have been a distraction... Anything... I didn't deserve her love. I didn't deserve... Anything. I should be dead... I deserve it. Fucking deadlast loser fraud. I should have died for her..."

Yang felt tears come to her eyes. Her mood was all over the place thanks to... To her depression. Isabel warned her about it.

Probably why punching Jaune came as a surprise to her. He was slammed down into the porch. He looked up in disbelief, as she panted for breath. She clenched and unclenched her artificial fist.

"Don't you fucking say that again," Yang snarled, "You stupid bastard! You get it?!"

"I-!" Jaune tried to protest, but Yang grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up in the air.

"Your parents love you! Your sisters love you! I can see it, I can tell! And you-You're just acting like they wouldn't care if you died?! What about Ruby? REN?! NORA?! What about everyone else?! HUH?! What about PYRRHA?!"

The tears were flowing freely now. She didn't care though. All that mattered was that Jaune's eyes were wide in fright and shock and he needed to listen.

"She got you away cause she loved you, moron!" Yang spat. "How do you think she'd feel if you'd died, huh?! You selfish-selfish stupid fucking bastard-!"

Anger returned to Jaune's eyes. He shoved her away, and she dropped him onto the porch beams.. He grabbed onto her shoulders for balance.

"Anyone could do better than me! Anyone SHOULD! Anyone-!"

"ANYONE DIDN'T! YOU DID!" Yang shouted. "So don't you fucking pull that-that 'I should have died' shit! Don't you pull that fucking 'woe is me' shit, Jaune! Because that will get people fucking killed! YOU GET IT?!"

Jaune stared back. His anger faded. His shoulders sank. Fatigue set in.

"... I'm sorry," he muttered. He hugged her, and she returned it.

"Yeah, well..." Yang buried her face in his shoulder, "I... I hate seeing people give up. Especially... Especially when they have people depending on them."

Jaune nodded slowly.

"I don't know why," he admitted.

"Yeah, well... Neither do I," Yang mumbled, "But in case... In case you haven't noticed? We're not... We're not in the best of shape. I... I don't mind taking a break."

Jaune stared at her for a long time. She flushed.


"You haven't been passionate in a while," he said, "I-I missed that... You're always hottest when you're passionate."

Her cheeks burned red for a very different reason.

"You're drunk," she mumbled.

"Yeah," he muttered, "Doesn't mean I'm wrong."

He hugged her more tightly. She sighed.

"... Don't make a fucking habit of this," she muttered, "I'm not dragging your ass to bed again when you're drunk."

"You smell nice," he mumbled. Yang sighed and helped him towards the doors.

"Yeah, well... You stink."


Yang paused and looked out into the yard. There were a few spotlights here and there. Underneath one, some distance away, she spotted the tall form of Cardin Winchester and the diminuitive form of Velvet Scarlatina. They were holding hands and talking, leaned up against a fence post. Yang stared in quiet disbelief. Her eyes widened when she saw them...

"They're... Kissing?" Yang muttered, holding the door open, "How the hell did that happen?"

"Cardin always had a crush on her," Jaune mumbled, "He was in super denial... They saved eachother's lives during the attack so... Ya know..."

"That's... Strange," she muttered.

"Yeah. She likes getting her ears pulled," Jaune said cheerfully, "Not supposed to say that... Or say-"

"Anything else, got it," Yang covered his mouth with a blush, "Now shut up, you need sleep."

She managed to get him to the couch, where he collapsed with a snore. She pulled off his duster, armor, and boots, and got him settled. She then pulled an old comforter over him.

"Now sleep," she ordered. Jaune smiled up at her, even as he closed his eyes.

"Love you too."

Her face again turned bright red. She heard Cardin and Velvet's voices approaching the door. Like a flash she ran up the stairs, past the other rooms, and right up to the one she shared with her sister. She took a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart.

She opened up. She saw Ruby was still asleep. She was mumbling things, and sniffling every so often.

Yang stared for a long moment, before she shut the door behind her. She walked up and squeezed Ruby's shoulder comfortingly.

Her little sister relaxed, just a little. She rubbed her back, and Ruby calmed down.

Her hand lingered for a bit longer... Before she pulled back. She sighed, and trundled back to her bed. She laid down on it, and pulled the covers up.

It wasn't much. Honestly, their drunken host/leader smiling for once and her little sister not having a nightmare.

It was never enough.

It was all she could do right now.

- - -
Dragonslayer: The Motorcycle
Beacon Academy. Jaune was just chilling out with his team and RWBY out on the campus quad. Nora was regaling them with a story about her latest dream. Weiss was trying to study, while Blake read a book. The whole time, Nora's exploits got more and more ridiculous… Which was just how Jaune liked it.

"So there I was, fighting the mighty Grimm Kraken made of oatmeal raisin cookies!"

Ruby gasped.

"That's horrifying! Oatmeal raisin is the Devil's cookie of choice!"

Nora nodded sagely, shaking her fist.

"EXACTLY! And so when it lifted its huge tapioca arms-!"

The roar of a powerful, Dust-enhanced combustion engine shattered the afternoon air. A large silver motorcycle drove up onto the quad, ridden by a blond bearded man carrying a giant rail gun sword on his back. Jaune got up first in shocked recognition.

"DAD?!" Jaune cried.

The seven foot and some change man slid off his mighty steel steed, and laughed. He hugged Jaune tightly, his long brown duster waving in the wind over his black and white armor.


"Dad?!" Yang and Ruby gasped.

"That's his Dad?!" Weiss gaped in disbelief.

Blake stared in shock. Nora whooped.



"Oh-Oh my," Pyrrha mumbled. Weiss blushed a bit, looking back and forth between Jaune and his father.

"Haha! How's it going? Your mother was worried!" Jaune's father said cheerfully.

"Er, I'm fine. Everything's fine. How-How are you?"

Jaune's Dad chuckled and waved his hand.

"I'm great! Killed a dozen Grimm on my way here!"

Yang got right up in front of Jaune and his father, her eyes wide in awe and amazement.

"You drove a Wayland 2005 through the Emerald Forest all the way here? Killing Grimm?!"

"Of course I did! I'm Nick Arc! That's how I roll!!" He laughed.

"With the twin Acerbo Dust turbos?!" Ruby gasped.

"Absolutely!" Jaune's Dad said, giving her a thumbs up. Ruby's eyes sparkled. Yang laughed.

"Your dad is fucking awesome, VB!"

"So fucking awesome!" Ruby repeated. Yang immediately glared at her.

"Language Ruby!"

"You said it first-"

"NO!" Yang growled. Ruby pouted then turned away to ogle the bike.


"Hahaha!" Jaune's Dad patted Yang on her shoulder. "It's my Semblance to be awesome, Jaune's Girlfriend!"

Pyrrha, stunned until now, was broken out of it by this declaration.

"Wait, she's not-!"

Jaune also tried to interject.

"She isn't-!"

Weiss also interjected, though for different reasons.

"Wh-Why not take a Bullhead?!"

Blake stared at Weiss as though to ask "Really?"

Nick Arc laughed boisterously.

"Bullheads are for sissies! ... Plus I get airsick. ALSO! I had to deliver my boy's birthday present, didn't I?"

Weiss stared in further shock.

"I... Wha?!"

"But that's not for another month!" Pyrrha protested. Nick chuckled and winked at his son.

"Well it's also supposed to be a bribe." He winced, and Jaune scowled at him. Nick sighed. "Oh. Shoot. Your mother told me not to say that."

"Dad," Jaune said, as firm and hard as steel, "I am NOT going back to medical school."

"Medical school?!" Weiss gasped.

"Yeah," Ruby said cheerfully, "He passed the entrance exams but he ran away to become a Huntsman!"

"... So he's an idiot," Weiss sighed.

"Huh," Blake murmured, "Why didn't I know about that?"

"Because you're a self absorbed drama queen," Weiss muttered.

"You didn't know either!" Blake accused, "Typical Schnee arrogance!"

"Typical Belladonna self-absorption!"

While Blake and Weiss argued furiously, Nick gave his son an exasperated (but still rather proud) grin.

"You're just as stubborn as me and your mom, you know. Still..." He gestured to the motorcycle. "Eh? Ehhhh?"

"Wha... Dad!" Jaune gasped. "You can't give me your motorcycle!"

"What? I got a new one!" Nick affectionately patted the handlebars. "Tarasque here is all yours!"

"But it's... I mean, you've had her since I was a baby!"

Nick nodded firmly.

"True. I blew up my old one getting that Deathstalker for your birth celebration! But now son... She's yours."

Jaune stared at the motorcycle, clearly tempted. He could see how Ruby glowed around it, how Yang was nodding furiously.


"If I quit and go back to medical school, right?" Jaune asked.

Nick coughed, and rubbed the back of his neck.


At this, Ruby frowned. Yang followed, staring at Jaune.

Jaune shook his head.

"No deal."

Nick drooped and sighed.

"Aw son... Yeah. That's unfair of me." He tossed Jaune the keys. "Take her anyway. It'll make your career as a Huntsman go better, believe you me. Also," He nodded over at Yang, "Your girlfriend has good taste and would probably like a ride."

Jaune sighed.

"She's not my-"

Yang: grabbed Jaune's arm "Of course darling~! Let's go for a ride right now!"

Pyrrha twitched. Nora and Ren slowly scooted away from her.

Nick laughed. He hugged Jaune cheerfully.

"HAHA! Great! Try not to break her too quickly, huh?"

"Dad, I just got the bike. I'm not gonna break her immediately."

Nick blinked.

"The bike-? Oh! Oh, yes. The bike. That's totally what I meant. ANYWAY! I'm gonna go get a room in town! Don't mind me, I will NOT be cramping your style! Though I will insist we do father-son bonding by killing Grimm tomorrow!"

Nora dashed up to Nick, her eyes sparkling.

"Can you adopt me?"

Nick hummed.

"You like killing Grimm?'


Nick gave Nora a bear hug.


"YAY!" Nora looked over at Ren with a beam. "NOW I HAVE SOMEONE TO GIVE ME AWAY AT OUR WEDDING, RENNY!"

Ren blinked. Pyrrha continued to twitch a bit.

Jaune looked scandalized.


Nick shrugged at his son.

"What? Your mom is getting Empty Nest Syndrome! COME ON, NEW DAUGHTER!"



Nick pouted, as did Nora.

"All right… I'll go get some ice cream then," Nick sighed, then brightened. "I'll get ice cream for everyone!"

"YAY! ICE CREAM!" Nora cheered.

Jaune sighed.

"You know, your Dad is kind of weird, but cool," Ruby said.

"Do not encourage him," Jaune sighed.

While Nick headed off, Yang and Jaune were left to admire the Wayland 2005. Ruby was already checking the stats on her Scroll, grinning happily. Blake and Weiss continued to argue, while Pyrrha shyly examined it from afar. Nora happily babbled about ice cream to Ren.

Yang rubbed her hands almost greedily.

"Oh man, I've wanted to ride a Wayland since before signal! How come you never mentioned your dad had one?!"

Jaune sighed.

"Well, one, it's my Dad. He's… A bit much. Two? Why would I? Waylands are great but they've got nothing on the Fenrir models."

Yang snorted derisively.

"Please! Fenrir's are for dads with mid-life crisis going on. I should know, my dad bought one."

"That's true," Ruby admitted.

Jaune scoffed.

"Mid-life crisis? Fenrirs are rugged, damn near unbreakable and crush every reliability score on the market!"

Yang shook her head.

"Fenrirs are rugged because they're slow! They're only so tough 'cause the manufacturers know the Grimm will catch you!"

Jaune nodded sagely, rubbing the console of the Wayland.

"Exactly! A good Fenrir will pulp any grimm dumb enough to get in between you and your destination! I've seen my Dad drive his straight through a Leviathan gullet without a scratch! While Waylands are great, compared to Fenrirs, they're made of paper!"

"So your dad is going through a midlife crisis too, Jaune?" Ruby asked.

"No, he's always been like that," Jaune sighed.

"You mean amazing?" Yang demanded. "And hey! The slowest Wayland is at least half again faster than the fastest Fenrir, I won't need to drive through the Grimm because I'm already a speck in the distance!"

Jaune scoffed.

"Just like your savings! New Waylands are way overpriced for what they offer. They've become way too pricey!" He took hold of the handlebars. "I'd better get her to the school garage. No telling how hard Dad rode her here."

"I'll go with you," Yang said, taking the other side of the motorcycle, "Besides, you clearly don't know what you're talking about!"

"I absolutely do!" Jaune insisted.

Yang leaned over the other side of the bike, glaring in irritation.

"What model of Fenrir did your dad get?!"

"Um…" He checked his Scroll.

"A Loup 455!"

Yang scoffed.

"HA! A Loup 455 is overpriced!"

"Not when you do the custom mods yourself…"

The two walked off arguing on their favored motorcycle, Jaune pushing the Wayland between them. The rest of teams look on with a mix of frustration, confusion, and mirth.

"I-I'd be happy to ride a motorcycle with Jaune," Pyrrha muttered.

"It doesn't make him even the least bit more attractive," Weiss muttered in irritation.

"I wanted to help," Ruby pouted, "But I think they're in their own little world. Hmph. I know more about it than Yang does…"

Nora, fresh off her ice cream rant, hummed thoughtfully.

"Soooo, do you think they're gonna fight or fu-?"

"Nora!" Ren scolded her.

"Whaaat? We're all thinking it!"

"No we were not!" Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha all denied very loudly.

Blake smirked.

"Well, one way or another, we know someone's getting a ride very soon."

"BLAKE!" The teams screeched in unison at her. Save for Ren, he just sighed.

"See? She knows what's up!" Nora said cheerfully.

- - -

A fully expanded and edited version of a short I wrote. Along with a bit written by @Seth ex makina for Dragonslayer Week 2024. What do you think?
Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou
Team RWBY find Team JNPR outside on the quad at some picnic tables. With them is an elegant older woman in a blue and white dress. She sips tea, her white hair up in a bun thanks to some blue ribbons.

She has wrinkles around her blue eyes, but all from smiles.

Arturia: "Oh, hello!"

Jaune: "Hey guys! My uh... My Nana came to visit."

Arturia: "I'm very proud of you, Jaune. Getting into Beacon! First try, too!"

Jaune: "Er uh, well... I had a lot of help."

Ruby: "Oh... Wow. Your Nana? So she's your grandma?"

Arturia: "Great-grandmother actually."

Ruby: "WOW! You must be super old!"

Weiss: "RUBY!"

Yang: snerk

Arturia: laughs "I am!"

Jaune: "Er, yeah."

Pyrrha is starry-eyed.

Pyrrha: "She fought in the Great War!"

Arturia: "Oh, I did my part."

Weiss: "Well, that's very impressive."

Yang: "You don't actually look that old."

Arturia: "Healthy living! I keep in shape!" She looks intently at Jaune "I hope you are keeping up with your training, Jaune?"

Jaune: "I am!"

Arturia: "Hm... Mind if I test you?"

Jaune: "Ummm..."

Pyrrha: "It would be wonderful, Jaune! Can she test me, next?"

Nora: "Me too! She seems SUPER fun!"

Ren: nods "It would be an honor, ma'am."

Arturia: "Oh, I'm deeply flattered! Honestly though, I don't know how much fun I'll be. I'm old, after all."

Jaune looks extremely nervous, which Blake, Yang, Weiss and Ruby take notice of.

Jaune: "Well uh... I mean, Pyrrha is training me-"

Arturia: "Hmmmm..." She eyes Pyrrha "I see. I'll test her first then?"

Pyrrha: very excited "Wonderful! Is right here and now good?"

Arturia: "Perfectly!"

Ruby: "Uh, Pyrrha? You sure you want to do this?"

Yang: "Yeah, I mean uh... Maybe Jaune's Nana needs to take a break? It must have been a long trip from uh... Where are you from?"

Arturia: sips her tea, then rises "Radian."

Yang: "Right, there."

Weiss: "Yes! Surely we can wait, have some more tea-?"

Arturia: "No, no. I do need to know just who is teaching my great-grandson."

Jaune: "Um... Just remember, Nana-"

Arturia: chuckles "Oh Jaune, you worrywort! You're such a sweet lad. But your partner will be fine." She stretches a bit "Mmm! Honestly, she seems like she'll give me some trouble. But I like trouble!"

Pyrrha: "Thank you, Mrs. Arc!"

Arturia: "Call me Nana Arturia!"

Pyrrha: "Hee!"

As Arturia and Pyrrha walk off onto the grassy knoll, Arturia carrying a rather large briefcase Ruby is deeply concerned.

Ruby: "Um... Why are we letting the... How old is she?"

Jaune: "One hundred and five."

Ruby: "One hundred and five year old woman fight the best student in Beacon?!"

Jaune: "Honestly? I'm more worried about Pyrrha."

Weiss: "Her?! What about your great-grandmother?! She looks... Well, she's well preserved but she's still really old!"

Ren: "Ah. So you don't recognize her."

Weiss: "Recognize who? I'll admit she looks... A little familiar."

Nora: "Waiiit for it!"

Arturia pulls on gray armor, which expands and locks around her midsection. She pulls on gauntlets and grieves that automatically lock into place. She then pulls out a sword that fairly glows with Aura Energy, something reflected by her eyes.

In a moment, Nana Arturia has gone from a sweet old lady... To a deadly knight, with grim eyes and face that speak of nothing but battle.

Pyrrha is practically beside herself with excitement.

Weiss: eyes wide, jaw drops "Wha...?! No.. No way-!"

Arturia's sword turns invisible... And in a split second she is hammering her mighty sword against Pyrrha's Milo and Akoúo̱ so fast sparks flew off the impacts. Pyrrha tried to rally and go on the offensive, but Arturia's speed, precision, reach and strength were phenomenal. Pyrrha feinted and tried to flank Arturia, but the elderly woman parried her strikes. She gave ground slowly as Pyrrha began to get more mobile.

Pyrrha then feinted and side flipped, trying to get behind Arturia. The knight swung her blade behind herself, unleashing an Aura Slash that Pyrrha barely dodged. It cut a tree behind Pyrrha in half, and sent it falling over.

All of RWBY is gobsmacked at this. Jaune looks relieved. Nora cheers as Ren smiles softly.

Arturia: "Haa... Haa... Haa... Very impressive, young lady." She raises her sword in salute

Pyrrha: "Haa... Haa... You too, Nana Arturia!"

Arturia: smiles "That said, you rely very heavily on your Semblance to fight. If you were blinded or distracted by loud noises, it could throw off your concentration. It is admirable you are so gifted and train so hard... But do not forget that true battle does not have rules."

Pyrrha: unbelievably happy "Yes Nana Arturia!"

Arturia: "Hmmm... Also... Jaune? While Pyrrha is very good at swordplay... I don't think emulating her style suits you, at least in that way. She's very mobile, you are not."

Jaune: "Er, well, not really."

Arturia: "I will teach you my own style while she trains you in more general combat. You should know how to fight like a proper knight: Great cunning and calculation, but brute force and strength are just as important!"

Jaune: nods "Um... What will Mom say though?"

Arturia: sighs "I may have respected her wishes when you were a child, but you have clearly chosen your path."

Jaune: smiles "Thank you Nana."

Arturia: "Now, aren't you going to introduce me to the rest of your friends? It's very rude."

Jaune: winces "Sorry Nana. Um, Nana? This is Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao-Long, and Blake Belladonna. Everyone? This is my Nana Arturia Arc... Um, Pendragon-Arc."

Dead silence ensues. One Blake breaks.

Blake: "Your Nana... Is Empress Arturia Pendragon?! Queen of Albion?! The Saber Queen?!"

Arturia: "Oh my, that was a very long time ago. I abdicated, after all."

Weiss: "Y-You slew over ten thousand enemy soldiers in ONE DAY during the siege of Camelot!"

Arturia: "Did I? Huh! I didn't really keep count. Couldn't afford to."

A tall old man with tanned skin, white hair, and golden-brown eyes approaches in plain green and black clothing with some bags of fast food.

Shirou: "Heh. I got about half of them, but I wasn't keeping count either. Too busy watching you."

Arturia: "Aw! Sweet as always, my beloved Shirou. Did you get-?"

Shirou: "Yes, just how you like them. I see you worked up a sweat!"

Arturia takes a bag, pulls out a burger, and sits down with her husband at the picnic table. She happily eats a burger, as Shirou smiles and waves.

Shirou: "Hey! I'm Jaune's Papa, or Great-Grandpa Shirou! Nice to meet you!"

Weiss: "Th-The Master of Unlimited Blade Works?!"

Yang: "Holy crap...!"

Shirou: "Heh. Been a while since I was called that. You're a good student of history!"

Weiss: "Th-Thank you sir!"

Shirou: "Call me Papa!"

Ruby grabs Jaune and drags him aside. RWBY and NPR join them as Shirou and Arturia eat their burgers.

Ruby: "When were you going to TELL ME your great-grandparents were some of the most incredible fighters in history?!"

Jaune: exasperated "When you didn't fangasm over them?"

Ruby: "I-But-THEY'RE SO COOL!"

Jaune: "Yes. I know. But to me, they're just my great-grandparents. So please..."

Weiss: "You know, um... It is curious you didn't bring them up. With me."

Yang: "Oh, so now you're interested in him?"

Weiss: "In his family history!"

Jaune: "Because of this, okay? I love them to death... But I'm not using them to get attention. I want to earn my way through life myself... Not thanks to their names."

Weiss: "... I... I can understand that, Ar-Um... Jaune."

Blake: "Same."

Pyrrha: "Completely, Jaune. I just... It's such an honor to fight her! She's still so incredible!"

Yang: "You think I could fight her next?! Or your Papa? Damn, he still looks amazing! I am seeing the future and I like it~!"

Pyrrha: "What do you mean by that?" Very brittle smile

Yang: "What do you think I mean, P-Money?"

Weiss: "Hey! There's no need to fight! Especially not over Arc!"

Blake: "Says the girl who's been eyeing his great-grandpa with lust in her eyes since he showed up?"

Weiss: bright red "I have not!"



Ren: "Indeed."

Pyrrha and Yang glare at one another over their smiles. Weiss and Blake argue. Jaune sighs. He walks over to his great-grandparents and sits down. Shirou hands him a burger.

Shirou: "If it helps, son, I've been where you are. With your great-Aunties Sakura and Rin."

Jaune: "What happened?"

Arturia: "I beat them into submission and made it clear Shirou was my man. This will work itself out."

Jaune: "How is that supposed to help?!"
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A quick idea I put together last night:

A small rogue independent kingdom has revealed robots that can use Aura. They developed them as a weapons system against the Grimm and they're doing very well! Atlas is very interested in this, as is Ozpin. However, this kingdom keeps its secrets very close to their chest. It's not until Team RWBY and Team JNPR run into one of these "robots" that they discover the truth:

The "robots" are actually cyborgs. Living people, the dying, the crippled, the criminal, were plugged into these things to give them souls so they could fight Grimm. And while the program started out with only volunteers, as demand has increased, more souls are needed for these weapons to function.

This program has allowed this kingdom to flourish with their cyborg protectors... But is the price worth it?
Childhood Friends: Yang and Ruby 2
After Initiation and everything settled down, Jaune became leader of his team, and Ruby became leader of hers. A team Yang was on with her.

After the ceremony, they'd gone to their assigned dorms. Yang waited outside the door to hers, arms crossed under her chest. She saw Jaune walking with his new partner, Pyrrha Nikos.

Just the sight of him with her was... Irritating. Some celebrity invincible girl buddying up to her childhood friend...

"Hey! Crybaby!" Yang called out. Jaune looked up, and smiled.

"Hey Firecracker!"

"Oh... You two know eachother, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, still smiling. Yang smiled back at her, though anger was burning in her eyes.

She was sure she would have landed with Jaune so they could be partners. Ruby at least should have landed with him! But then she threw her spear to pin him to a tree...

"Yeah! I've known her since we were kids," Jaune said cheerfully. "She unlocked my Aura!"

"Did she?" Pyrrha asked, narrowing her eyes while still smiling.

"Oh yeah. We go way back, P-Money," Yang said, her grin becoming feral.

"Well, I'm pleased that Jaune has so many friends... And so glad to be his partner," Pyrrha replied, looking just the tiniest bit smug.

Bitch, Yang growled mentally. Jaune cleared his throat, and stepped away from Pyrrha between the two young women.

"Hey! It's been a long day. Let's all get some rest, huh? Pyrrha, I'll be there in a bit," he said with a smile.

"Of-Of course, partner," Pyrrha said with a smile. She shot Yang a hard look for the briefest of moments, before she turned and headed into the JNPR dorm. The door shut behind her. Jaune looked at Yang in concern.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," Yang grunted, "You got the Invincible Girl as your partner, after all."

"What's wrong with that?" Jaune asked.

Yang scowled at him, then looked aside.

"Nothing. Your stupid ass needs all the help it can get," she grumbled.

"You're probably right about that," Jaune sighed.

"Yeah, we're in agreement," Yang growled.

"So, what's the problem?" Jaune asked, "Pyrrha's really amazing! And nice! A little... Weird, but I was lucky to get her."

She's not ME.

Yang flushed, and shook away the thought.

"I just... You know..." Yang huffed. "I just... I wanted us to be partners. You know? I mean I'm with Blake and she's neat but..."

Jaune nodded.

"I know. I wanted that too," he said, "But hey... We're at Beacon together. Just across the hallway!"

"That... Yeah," Yang agreed.

"Plus..." Jaune frowned. "I don't know... Pyrrha's... Lonely. Really lonely. I... I got that feeling from her. Or maybe I'm just imagining it. It's hard to read her and I don't really know her very well. Not as well as you."

He laughed.

"Ya know... Before I met back up with you and Ruby? I thought I could handle anything thrown at me. But... I would have died if you didn't unlock my Aura. I... I got an idea of how outclassed I am. I'm sorry I was a jerk."

"You kind of were," Yang laughed, lightly punching his shoulder, "But... Ya know... Getting knocked down is good for you. If you learn how to stand back up."

Jaune beamed even as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Thanks Yang. I... I really appreciate you, ya know? How can I repay you?"

Yang bit her lower lip and thought about it.

"Just... You know... Don't get killed. And... Stay my friend. Forever."

"I made the same promise when we were six, you know," Jaune pointed out.

Yang laughed.

"Yeah, only now you seem a little less dorky saying it."

"Hey!" Jaune laughed.

They talked a bit more afterward, before heading to bed. Jaune smiled, waved, and went into the dormroom. Yang sighed and leaned back against the door, looking up the ceiling.

"You know," Blake said, making Yang jump as she crept out of the shadows of the hallway, "Childhood friends win the protagonist's love less than 25% in most love stories."

"Geez!" Yang yelped. "Why don't you tell me when you're around? And what's that supposed to mean?!"

"You know what I mean," Blake deadpanned. Yang blushed.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Blake smirks.

"Of course I don't. And you're absolutely not worried about another woman stealing Jaune away."

"Of course I'm not!" Yang growled. "Now shut up, I wanna sleep."

"All right," Blake said, "But you should know... The tsundere route is fifty-fifty."

"Shut it!"
Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou 2
Weiss managed to finagle tea and biscuits with the former Queen of Albion and Empress of Vytal, in a nice garden on the Beacon grounds near the old cathedral.

Weiss: "It's just such an honor to meet you, Your Majesty!"

Arturia: "Please. It's been a very long time. Just call me Nana."

Weiss: "Still... I mean... It's just so incredible! You're like a living legend! You took over the throne of the biggest empire on Remnant when you were my age-!"

Arturia: "Yes, because my father Uther was killed in the opening battles of the Great War."

Weiss: wince "Oh, um... Sorry."

Arturia: "It's quite all right. He was a good man. Flawed, but he did his best to rule the empire justly and to train me to take the throne. It was not easy." sips tea "You have no idea how hard it was... I pray you never do. War... War is truly Hell."

Weiss: "Ohh..." Is feeling worse by the second

Arturia: brightens "But I did meet my wonderful husband during the war. He was so heroic! We were holding off Atlas' siege on Camelot while Lancelot got reinforcements. But their artillery, air attacks, and General H. Holmes' powerful Dicer Semblance were driving us back until they were at the city walls. I went out with men who would volunteer to try and get behind enemy lines, but they surrounded us. We were going to fight our last stand... Artillery shells flew in... And they were all knocked out of the sky by swords."

Arturia smiled happily, lost in her memories.

Arturia: "Lancelot had returned with reinforcements, including the Arcs from Radian. And the man who was shooting off swords like arrows, so many they nearly blotted out the sky... Was Shirou."

Weiss: "Wow..."

Arturia: "We slew Holmes, and the traitor Gilles de Rais, and drove the Atlasian forces off Albion. And after I abdicated the throne and abolished the Empire with the end of the war? We were married."

Arturia sighs in bliss.

Weiss: "That's wonderful..."

Arturia: "It is. Though I did have to put up with his other two girlfriends for a while."

Weiss: "Eh?! His girlfriends?!"

Arturia: nods "His childhood friends Sakura and Rin. We get on just fine though."

Weiss: "They uh... They married other men?"

Arturia: "Hm? Oh, no. But they recognized the pecking order." sips her tea

Weiss: "I uh... I-I see...?"

Arturia: "You will have to do it yourself if you date Jaune."

Weiss: "What?! I-I have no interest in that dolt! Sure, he's a much better person than I gave him credit for and well, he didn't use his lineage to impress me and maybe he's actually getting better but I don't-I do not like him like that, Ma'am!"

Arturia: chuckles "Ah... Memories."

Weiss: "I DON'T!"
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Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou 3
Shirou and Jaune are doing some training out in the wilds.

Shirou: "Honestly... I don't see why you're keeping my dad's sword and shield." Slices a Grimm in half with a flick of his wrist

Jaune: struggling to keep up "He-He was a great hero in the War, wasn't he?"

Shirou: "He was. And a very good father. I'm so blessed to have had him..." Kills a few more Grimm by tossing more swords "But it is very old. It needs reforging. Maybe your little Reaper friend could do it for you?"

Jaune: "I mean... You really think I should?" Manages to bash a Grimm, then stab it "Hurgh!"

Shirou: "Absolutely. I know swords, after all. In fact... Why do you even need the shield?"

Jaune: "Cause that's how I fight, Papa!"

Shirou: "Bah. Who needs shields when you can just have more swords?" Blocks a Deathstalker with two swords, then summons a third and cuts it in half "See? I blocked that with two swords, and then used another sword to kill it! Swords!"

Jaune: "I-I just like sword and shield!"

Shirou: sigh "Your father doesn't even use a shield, just a big sword! Your mother... Didn't get into swords. I suppose it skips a generation."

Jaune: "Swords are super cool, Papa, but you're a little obsessed with them."

Shirou: "It is not an obsession!"

Jaune: "Papa, I was nearly crushed when I last went to your house and I opened a closet full of swords."

Shirou: "Well, you were very young at the time-"


Shirou: "Fine, fine! You sound like Arturia. And your mother. In stereo..." sighs

Jaune: "Anyway... Thanks for training me, Papa. I know I'm not very good-"

Shirou: "Relax son." pats him on the shoulder while throwing a sword at another Grimm trying to sneak up on them "Literally the only reason I'm so good is because I trained like hell to get that good."

Jaune: "Oh."

Shirou: "Also some... Other ways but those don't really apply."

Jaune: "Oh? Like what?"

Shirou: "Meeting your future self and getting all his knowledge and power."

Jaune: "... Hahahaha! Wow, you almost got me there, Papa! You're such a joker!"

Shirou: "Heheh... Yeah... Joker..."

The Rusted Knight peeks out of the Ever After for a moment, before pulling his head back in. Shirou tries very hard not to notice.
Uncle Arjun and Archer Jaune
You know, I did make Arjun Sarkara Jaune's godfather in my fanon. Perhaps there's another timeline where Arjun, mindful of Isabel's desires that Jaune not become a Huntsman... Did at least train him in archery and the use of his Aura.

- - -

Arjun: "There are plenty of things you can do with your Aura activated and skill in archery that don't include Hunting. So your mother should be fine... Though let's just not tell her about it, all right?"

Jaune: "What about Aunt Saia? Won't she tell Mom?"

Arjun: "I have ways of keeping her quiet."

Jaune: "Like what?"

Arjun: "Well... First you make your fingers like this-"


Arjun: "Hey, you might not mind this knowledge when you're older!"

Jaune: "No way!"

Years Later... At Beacon Academy... Jaune Arc arrives in white armor, a red jacket, black pants, a bow, a quiver full of arrows, and a kukri knife at his side.

Ruby causes a Dust explosion. Jaune walks over to help her up.

Jaune: "Hey! You okay?"

Ruby: "I-Yes..." cough "Sorry!"

Weiss: "Well you should be! This is Dust straight from the Schnee Dust Company! You have to be careful around it!"

Ruby: "Well why were you handling it in loose containers?!"

Weiss: "They weren't loose until you bumped into them!"

Jaune: "Hang on... This was just an honest mistake. How about we all just be thankful nobody got seriously hurt?"

Weiss: "... Hmph. Idiot."

Ruby: "You are!"

Weiss stalks off with her luggage. Blake Belladonna slips by unnoticed. Ruby turns to Jaune with a smile.

Ruby: "Hey... Thanks. Oh! You're the guy who threw up on the airship!"

Jaune: wince "I... Yeah, that's me. I get airsick and I forgot my pills. I'm Jaune Arc. What's your name?"

Ruby: "Ruby Rose."

Jaune: "It's nice to meet you, Ruby. You're here to become a Huntress, huh? You look really young!"

Ruby: "Oh! I-I got in two years early!"

Jaune: "Wow! That's really impressive!"

Ruby: "Wanna see my weapon?"

Jaune: "Sure!"

Ruby produces Crescent Rose and spins it around.

Ruby: "I built her myself!"

Jaune: "That's incredible!"

Ruby: "What are your weapons?"

Jaune holds out the bow, a metallic compound bow.

Jaune: "This is my godfather's old bow, Pinaka."

Ruby: "Cool! What's it do?"

Jaune: "Shoots arrows."

Ruby: "... And?"

Jaune: "Shoots more arrows."

Ruby: "Oh... Well, uh... That's cool... You any good with it?"

Jaune: little smile "I guess we'll see."

The next day... After everyone's been catapulted into the Emerald Forest... Jaune is flying through the air. He sighs.

Jaune: Well, here we go Jaune... Don't fuck up, don't fuck up...!

He throws a grappling hook with a rope he reinforces with Aura (just like his godfather taught him) to catch a tree and swings himself around and around... Until he lands gently on the ground. He releases the hook and reels it back in.

Jaune: "Geez... That's always the worst part..."

Weiss Schnee stumbles through the forest into the clearing. She locks eyes with Jaune. She scowls.

Weiss: "You?!"

Jaune: sighs "Oh, hey. Guess we're partners-"

Weiss: "NOPE!" She turns and stalks off

Jaune: "... Seriously?"

Pyrrha: "Ahem... Um, hello Jaune?"

Jaune: "Hm? Oh, hey Pyrrha!" smiles and waves "So... You want to partner up?"

Pyrrha: "I would love to!"

Jaune: "Well, I'll try not to slow you down too much... Oh, hang on."

He narrows his eyes, and they glow with Aura channeled to them. He holds up his bow, notches an arrow, and lets it loose. The arrow passes right past Pyrrha's ear.

Pyrrha: "Ah?!" She turned around and stared. A Nunda, a panther-like Grimm, had been sneaking up on her, was dissolving from the Aura-infused arrow that had pierced it between the eyes.

Jaune: "Sorry. Man, those things are super rare!"

Pyrrha: "I didn't... Even notice..." She looks at Jaune, blushing red

Jaune: "You would have sliced it in half when it pounced! You're awesome!" Beams "Anyway, cover me while I get my arrow? I only have so many."

Pyrrha: "Yes~. Certainly Jaune~."

Jaune does so... Though he can't help but feel as though some great predator is staring intently at his rear...

- - -

So. What else can be done with an Archery-Focused Jaune?
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Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou 4
Weiss: "What?! I-I have no interest in that dolt! Sure, he's a much better person than I gave him credit for and well, he didn't use his lineage to impress me and maybe he's actually getting better but I don't-I do not like him like that, Ma'am!"

Arturia: chuckles "Ah... Memories."

Weiss: "I DON'T!"

Mordred: "Father! Jaune can do better than this skinny twig!"
Weiss: "EXCUSE ME?!"
Arturia: *sighs* "Sir Mordred..."
Mordred: "None of this pansy shit! Oi, you! The blonde with the cow tits and the abs! You have this Mordred's support!" *thumbs up*

Sakura: "It's okay. I was the youngest too, you know."
Ruby: "Wha...really?"
Sakura: "But...I was there for sempai every day. He...he took care of me, and I like to think I took care of him, too..."
Ruby: *squirms* "Then, I...I have a chance?"
Sakura: *gentle smile* "You have to lean into your advantages, and mine includes having badonkers bigger than nee-chan's. That, AnD mAkInG sUrE tHoSe BiTcHeS kNoW tHeIr PlAcE."

Rin: "I don't like people like you, who hide their feelings and pine away at a distance."
Pyrrha: *invisible arrow pierces her back*
Rin: *sips tea* "Be meek and demure, or a rough and tumble tomboy, I don't really care. But as you are now? The Invincible Girl is a pretty little lie."
Pyrrha: *another invisible arrow pierces her back*
Rin: "I thought I'd have to test your worth, but you failed before you even picked up the pen. Pathetic." *turns to leave*
Pyrrha: "No...no, wait! Please! I...I don't know how...to be the real Pyrrha Nikos...please, teach me..."


Pyrrha: *in a short, skimpy toga with somehow-practical slut armor underneath* "I'm Pyrrha Nikos, the best fighter of our generation, and this man is where my babies come from!"
Jaune: "Eh? EH?"
Ishtar-Rin: "Ohohoho, war and beauty, baby!*
Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou with Tanya Arc
Also, Arturia Arc shouldn't just interact with Jaune, of course:

Tanya: "Nana, why don't you try a gun? A gun would be great." Hefts up her Dust rifle "See? Guns are awesome!"

Arturia: "What do I need a gun for? I can shoot Aura blasts from my sword."

Tanya: "But won't you run out of Aura?"

Arturia: "Run... Out?"

Tanya: "Nana, I know Arc Aura can be ridiculous but it's not unlimited!"

Shirou: "Pendragon Aura. She's only an Arc by marriage."

Tanya: "Oh, right."

Shirou: "Strangely though, we Arcs tend to attract mates with absurd Aura reserves."

Arturia: "Strangely, he says. As though it wasn't a necessity..." Saucy smile

Shirou: Just as saucy smile back

Shirou: "Oh come on. You've left me worn out more than a few times."

Arturia: "Oh you~!"

Tanya: "Please. STOP."

Shirou: "I meant in our spars!"

Tanya: "No. You didn't."
Uncle Arjun and Archer Jaune 2
Jaune is refletching his arrows in the JNPR common room when Weiss walks up to him with a scowl.

Weiss: "Ahem. Jaune..."

Jaune: "Weiss."

Weiss: "Would you mind NOT blasting around me when we're in a training exercise?! What are you trying to do, kill me?!"

Jaune: "I wouldn't have to if you actually fought like you should!"

Weiss: "Who are you to tell me how to fight?!"

Jaune: "Because I know how to stick to my fighting role! One I'm actually decent at!"

Weiss: "Explain, you dolt! What's your role? Hiding in the back line?"

Jaune: "I'm an archer. I have excellent vision and great aim. I also remain mobile and stay out of melee range because I suck at it. I'm no good to anyone if I get mauled by a Grimm because I tried to stab one instead of shooting one. You are a caster-type combatant. Your Glyphs let you hit targets with Dust effects at medium range and to move about the battlefield at high speed, but you cannot last long up close in melee. So guess what? Every time you do get up close, I have to make sure you don't FUCKING DIE!"

Weiss: "I-I'm a fencer-!"

Jaune: "Which also requires reach. As in range! So before you tell me how to do MY JOB, why don't you do YOURS?!"

Weiss: "Arrogant ass!"

Jaune: "Stupid child!"

Ruby: "Guys, guys!" She steps in between them "Look... Jaune, maybe you should try to make your point in a less... Mean way?"

Jaune: "..." sighs "Sorry Ruby."

Ruby: "And Weiss! Jaune's only trying to help you! You are basically our caster and you shouldn't get too close to the enemy if you can help it!"

Weiss: "Says the girl with a sniper rifle that's also a scythe."

Ruby: "At least I can take a punch!"

Weiss: "I-I can take a punch-!"

Jaune: "But not a Dust blast, clearly."

Weiss: "SHUT UP!"
Nana Arturia: The Sword
Radian, Gallus, North Sanus

One month after the fall of Beacon

- - -

He trained. He trained and he trained and he trained. As hard as he could, every day. Nora and Ren joined him, trained with him, and then rested. But Jaune kept going straight on until he was exhausted. His sisters had to drag him back to the farmhouse, or Nora or Ren.

His parents were out, helping in Vale. Trying to save it.

And here he was, training in the copse of trees around the family mausoleum... Useless.

"HAA! HAA! YAHH!" He roared, beating the tree trunk with Crocea Mors furiously. The slices went right through the ancient wood, and the tree soon toppled. Jaune fell to his knees after, panting in the shade. He bowed his head, trying to get breath back into his lungs.

Pyrrha... Pyrrha, I failed you...

She hadn't even wanted him around as a distraction... She'd just sent him away with a kiss and a declaration of love.

I failed her...

He heard soft footsteps behind him. He turned and stared up at a slim, feminine form.


The old woman smiled sadly. Her white hair was in an elegant braid behind her head. Her blue eyes shone with understanding. Her blue dress waved slightly in the breeze, over her brown boots. Her walking stick held her up as she considered him.

"Hello Jaune," she murmured. "I heard about what happened."

Jaune again bowed his head. He heard her walk up, and felt her hand on his shoulder.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of," soft and kind she spoke, "You were outmatched. Overwhelmed-"

"I failed my team. I failed... I failed the girl who loved me," Jaune whispered, fighting back tears, "I failed... Everyone."

"You lost, yes," Nana said quietly, "But it was a battle. Not the war. The war against the darkness goes on, Jaune."

Jaune slowly looked up at her, still fighting the tears threatening to emerge. Her face held nothing but compassion.

"The question is," she said softly, "Are you willing to keep fighting?"

Jaune considered it. He was still so weak, so outclassed. Cinder may as well have just killed him instantly.

He shut his eyes. He could still see Pyrrha running off. His fists clenched.

"Yes," he growled.

Nana nodded.

"All I can say is... You must not give into hate, or despair, or desperation, Jaune," she said softly. She squeezed his shoulder. "If you do that, you may fall prey to... To worse things than Cinder Fall."

"Like what?" Jaune demanded. Nana didn't so much as flinch at his angry tone.

"You may give up all the things you fight for," she answered, "Humanity is a precious gift, Jaune. You cannot discard it. Without it... You become nothing more than a tool of uncaring forces. In a fight you are a mere pawn in. Do not give in, Jaune. She... She would not want that for you."

Jaune stared into his nana's eyes. She was very old, but still so sharp. Her eyes held a deep wisdom, born from pain. Jaune slowly nodded.

"I... I won't," he said, "I swear. But I... I still can't... Do anything. I try so hard and..."

He bowed his head again in his shame.

Nana nodded. She let him go and began to walk towards the mausoleum.

"Come with me," she ordered.

Jaune got up and obeyed. They went through the old fortress manse, Arcadia, which was overgrown with trees yet still possessed an ancient, mysterious splendor. They descended down marble steps into the mausoleum.

They passed the statues of Jaune's ancestors: Roland the Great, Renaud de Montauban, and Joan D'Arc herself were preserved in stone as silent guardians.

They finally came to a coffin, large and square, in the middle of the great mausoleum. As though the lid weighed nothing, Nana pushed it off and let it fall to the floor with a loud crash.

"Look inside," Arturia said quietly.

Jaune hesitated, but obeyed. He looked inside... And his eyes widened.

"A sword...?" He murmured. His eyes bugged out in shock when he recognized it.


"I chose to live here with your Papa, Jaune," Nana said quietly, "To build and share in the days of peace after the Great War. I gave up my sword, at long last... But I did not forget it. The one in Camelot is a replica. A very good one, but still a replica."

She bent over, reached in, and pulled the sword up and out. She grunted and winced a bit, before turning to him.

"You... You cannot imagine the battles I have fought, the things I have seen, Jaune. Same with your Papa. I do not regret my life with him, with your grandfather, your mother, you. I do not regret the sacrifices I have made. And I do not regret that I will die, and go onto an eternal reward."

She smiled sadly.

"For eternal life in this world is overrated. But this sword... This is more than just a weapon. It is a legend weaved purely out of hope. It represents the legitimacy of humanity, uses it, and thus is proof of our future. Even the most depraved, lost, and darkened souls will feel light when they see this sword, for it speaks of the universal truth of hope."

She looked into Jaune's eyes, and held the sword out.

Jaune recoiled instinctively, and shook his head.

'I... I'm not worthy-!"

"I didn't think I was either, Jaune," Nana said softly, "But I was. A minor king's daughter with a desire for glory and justice. That's all I was, when the sword chose me."

"Chose...?" Jaune stared at the holy blade in awe.

Nana nodded.

"Draw it. Let us see what it thinks of you. Focus, Jaune. Focus on what you want to be. What you truly want to be."

Jaune stared down at the sword. He knew its history, knew how his great-grandmother had used it. How the Pendragons had wielded it to help win the Great War and bring peace to Remnant. To slay so many horrible monsters and terrible foes.

He closed his eyes, and reached out.

I want... I want to be a hero... I want to help people... I want that terrible day to never, EVER happen again... Not to anyone.

I want to justify people's faith in me...

I want... I want Pyrrha's death to mean something...

I want... To bring hope again. To make people smile once more...

He took hold of the hilt... And pulled the sword. It caught for a moment, but he kept pulling... Until it came out with a flourish. He held it up, and opened his eyes. The sword gleamed in the dim light of the mausoleum, as pure as the clouds on a sunny day.

This was Excalibur. The Sword of Light.

Nana nodded, looking very proud.

"It has chosen you, Jaune," she said quietly. "But it will still great effort to master it. You will have to abandon the shield. You will have to make yourself a shield for others. Are you willing to do that?"

Jaune nodded slowly, feeling the weight of history on him... Yet his heart was light.


"Then," Arturia Pendragon-Arc, once Queen of Albion and Empress of Vytal, the Lion Queen, the Queen of Knights, smiled, "Let us begin."

- - -

Damnit, I watched a little Fate for this and now I'm hooked.
Nana Arturia: The Sword 2
- - -

Jaune awoke to his bedroom door opening. He was up in seconds, hand going for his sword-

"It's me, Jaune, it's your Dad," Nick Arc said, stopping some distance away with his hands open and up. Jaune relaxed, and slowly nodded.

"Hey... What is it-?"

He heard angry voices echoing from the hallway. He frowned and stood up. He looked to his father, who stood there with a very serious look on his face.

"... I guess she told you, huh?" Jaune asked quietly.

Nick nodded.

"Your mom's not happy."

"I figured," Jaune sighed. He gird his sword and belt on, over his boxers and T-shirt. His father looked at the sword, and smiled softly.

"You know," he said, "When I was a boy... I dreamed of getting to wield Excalibur. The weapon of legend. The day your Nana accepted me into the family, wearing it? Was one of the happiest days of my life."

He paused and shrugged.

"It was also our wedding day, so... Super happiest day."

He reached out and ruffled Jaune's hair. He smiled a bit, but then grew serious.

"Dad," Jaune said, "I... Why did you let me go? You were always agreeing with Mom that... That I shouldn't be a Hunter."

Nick slowly nodded.

"Yeah... Well..." He sighed. "I would be proud of you as long as you did something good with your life, Jaune. As a doctor, a teacher, or a Hunter. Because... We know how horrible it can be. And nearly losing you as a baby? It... It scared her. She's always blamed herself. The world's greatest healer and she nearly lost her son... Her baby boy... Feeling helpless like that is... Is horrible. I understand it, her desire to protect you from any harm. And there's a lot of harm involved in being a Hunter."

Jaune slowly nodded. Nick reached out and squeezed his son's shoulder.

"We were trying to protect you from that. To be the shield between you kids and those kinds of horrors," Nick said softly.

"I know," Jaune said quietly. Nick then pulled his hand back, and shrugged.

"But... Since you've seen those horrors. Since you've fought through them. And since you're still going to keep doing it...? Well. I can't stop you. I won't stop you. Just know that... That your mother and I? We both love you very much. Your mother just wanted you to be safe and happy, and so did I. But you won't if we keep you cooped up here."

Jaune nodded slowly.

"I... Thanks Dad," he whispered, voice thick with emotion. Nick hugged his son, then patted him on the back and let him go.

"For what it's worth? I am very proud of you, son," Nick said, "And your mother is too. You just need... To make her understand."

Jaune sighed heavily. He stood up straight as though going into battle. His father stood aside, and let him march out of the room.

He descended the stairs, the shouting becoming much clearer. He walked into the living room, where Nana Arturia sat as regal as a queen on a green couch. His mother was stalking back and forth, waving her hands around and ranting.

"-So irresponsible-He needed therapy! He needed to recover! He doesn't need a SWORD!"

"It chose him," Arturia said patiently, "If it hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to draw it. His path is set."

"Bullshit his path is set!" Isabel raged. "He's just gotten out of a warzone! Did you SEE his eyes when he came back?! Do you know what he went through?!"

"Yes Izzy, I do," Arturia stated firmly, "And so do you. We both know what the path of the warrior holds."

"So why are you encouraging him?!" Isabel demanded, her fists clenched as she shook them at her grandmother.

"She didn't. I chose this path."

His mother started, and looked over at Jaune. He stood there feeling... Calm. Or at least, focused. He'd thought about meeting his mother after Beacon many times. How fearful he was of her reaction.

Yet now he saw less anger in her eyes and just... Fear.

"Jaune," Isabel said, "Please. Just... Give back the sword. You want to help people? I'll train you myself! There are so many people that need help-So many wounded-!"

"They'll need protection, Mom," Jaune stated firmly, "They need hope. I... I can provide that."

Isabel glared at her only son.

"You almost died when Beacon fell! You admit this-!"

"And I'm still willing to fight," Jaune said, eyes narrowed. "Or are you not going to help?"

"There are other ways to help, safer ways-!" Isabel insisted, but Arturia snorted.

"There are no more safe places, Izzy," she stated quietly. "The sword chose him. If he masters it... He could help save more lives than even you could with a hundred hospitals."

"He's my son!" Isabel snarled, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"I know," Jaune said quietly, "But I'm not a child anymore. I haven't... I haven't been a child since my partner was murdered."

Jaune stepped forward, and faced his mother. He took a deep breath.

"I know you've never liked the idea of me being a Hunter, Mom. I know you wanted me to be safe... But I can't be. This..." He held up Excalibur, "I can't just ignore this. Ignore what's happened. I'm not asking you to be happy about this, Mom... I'm just... Just asking you to accept it."

Isabel tried very hard to hold back a sob. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and kissed the side of his head.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... This is my fault-"

"No!" Jaune insisted. He pushed her back just enough to look her in the eyes.

"No... It was never your fault. I don't blame you... Please. Stop blaming yourself, Mom. Stop trying to make up for something that wasn't your fault... I-I..."

He closed his eyes tightly. He still saw Pyrrha's sad face as the locker door closed.

"I know how hard that is... So... So let's both try... Please?"

Isabel continued to cry. He held her tightly, as he sobbed into his chest.

His father gracefully walked in, and took Isabel into his arms. He guided her up the stairs, after she gave Jaune a last hug and kiss. They disappeared up the stairs. Jaune watched them go, before turning back to his Nana.

"Nana... Do... Do you think I can do this?"

Arturia nodded.

"The sword would not have chosen you if I didn't believe... But you can't do it alone. Or without proper training."

Jaune felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulders from behind, and yank him against a tough female body. He looked to his side to see a familiar scowl on a graying blonde woman in black and red armor.

"Aunt Mordred-?!"

"UNCLE DAMNIT!" Mordred growled.

Arturia rolled her eyes.

"We've been over this many times Mordred, there is no need to hide your gender-"

"Well I got into the habit, so there, Father," Mordred scoffed. She scowled at her great-nephew. "So... The sword chose him."

She did not bother to hide her hurt. Arturia nodded.

"Why?" Mordred demanded. "Why him?! Why not me?! Your own firstborn?!"

"Because he does not seek a crown and throne, Mordred," Arturia stated patiently, "But to help all. I'm sorry, Mordred. It does not mean you are unworthy of succeeding me."

"No, just that I cannot be the greatest of warriors," Mordred snorted. Arturia chuckled.

"Life is full of disappointments. But also great joys. After all... You will be my heir."

Mordred and Jaune's jaws dropped.

"Nana?! You-You-?"

"The situation in Vale is so grave that I have used all my connections to enact an ancient law," Arturia stated, slowly rising, "I will take the throne, as Emergency Dictator. I will take our friends and forces down to restore order, and government. It will be temporary... And I will expect you, Mordred, to take my place as Queen of Vale when the emergency has passed. I can think of no one better suited."

Mordred gaped in astonishment at her mother. Tears sprang from the corners of her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away.

"I... Father... Th-Thank you," she whispered.

"So, um... What do I do?" Jaune asked.

Arturia smiled.

"Kneel, Jaune," she commanded. "Mordred? Your sword please?"

Mordred handed it over to her mother in reverence. Arturia took it, as Jaune knelt before her. She held the sword up over Jaune in a salute.

"Jaune Arc. As Queen of Vale, I charge you with a sacred quest," she began, her voice grave and full of ancient power, "You will find allies, form a party... And seek out the intelligence behind these forces of Darkness. While long have I lived, the mysteries of this world still remain enigmas... Yet I have seen enough to know there is an intelligence behind the Grimm. You will seek it out, and destroy it."

It was the task of a lifetime... But if Nana thought he could do it? It could be done. It would be done.

"I will," Jaune said firmly, "I swear it."

Arturia hummed.

"Do you swear to uphold the principles of chivalry? To follow and glorify the True Divine in all you do? To bring mercy and aid to those in need? To bring light into the darkness, even if it costs you your life?"

Jaune felt a conviction arise in him, stronger than any that he'd ever felt before. He looked up into his great-grandmother's eyes, firm and focused.

"I do," he stated, before bowing his head again.

Arturia pressed the flat of the sword on his right shoulder, and then on his left, before she pulled it away.

"Then I, Queen Arturia, first of my name, Lion Queen of Albion and Vale, hereby dub thee Sir Jaune Arc," she stated.

Jaune rose, the solemn gravity of the moment making it hard to stand, but he found it in himself to do so. Arturia smiled softly.

"And for the next three months? Mordred will train you and your friends to ensure you can accomplish this," she stated. "After that, I shall need Mordred in Vale with me. You must not speak of your mission to any but those who will join you. You must be sure of their loyalty. Secrecy is of the utmost importance, Jaune. Do you have companions who you can trust with this quest?"

Jaune nodded, his mind already going to Nora and Ren (who were sleeping in the rooms above) and Ruby (down in Patch). It wasn't much, but it was a start.

"I do."

"Then I leave it to you, and my... Son," Arturia decided. Mordred grinned.

"Though if you are to appear at court," Arturia said wearily, "Please cease this nonsense?"

"I've kept it up for eighty years!" Mordred declared.

"Yes, we are all well aware," Arturia sighed.

Jaune snickered. Geez. One minute, his great-grandmother and his great-aunt were like the warriors of legend... And then the next squabbled like they were still kids.

It was strange but... It gave him some hope for the future.

"Don't you laugh at me!" Mordred growled, putting Jaune in a headlock, "I'm gonna make your life hell, Usurper!"



- - -
Nana Arturia: The Sword and Shield
- - -

Jaune awoke to his bedroom door opening. He was up in seconds, hand going for his sword-

"It's me, Jaune, it's your Dad," Nick Arc said, stopping some distance away with his hands open and up. Jaune relaxed, and slowly nodded.

"Hey... What is it-?"

He heard angry voices echoing from the hallway. He frowned and stood up. He looked to his father, who stood there with a very serious look on his face.

"... I guess she told you, huh?" Jaune asked quietly.

Nick nodded.

"Your mom's not happy."

"I figured," Jaune sighed. He gird his sword and belt on, over his boxers and T-shirt. His father looked at the sword, and smiled softly.

"You know," he said, "When I was a boy... I dreamed of getting to wield Excalibur. The weapon of legend. The day your Nana accepted me into the family, wearing it? Was one of the happiest days of my life."

He paused and shrugged.

"It was also our wedding day, so... Super happiest day."

He reached out and ruffled Jaune's hair. He smiled a bit, but then grew serious.

"Dad," Jaune said, "I... Why did you let me go? You were always agreeing with Mom that... That I shouldn't be a Hunter."

Nick slowly nodded.

"Yeah... Well..." He sighed. "I would be proud of you as long as you did something good with your life, Jaune. As a doctor, a teacher, or a Hunter. Because... We know how horrible it can be. And nearly losing you as a baby? It... It scared her. She's always blamed herself. The world's greatest healer and she nearly lost her son... Her baby boy... Feeling helpless like that is... Is horrible. I understand it, her desire to protect you from any harm. And there's a lot of harm involved in being a Hunter."

Jaune slowly nodded. Nick reached out and squeezed his son's shoulder.

"We were trying to protect you from that. To be the shield between you kids and those kinds of horrors," Nick said softly.

"I know," Jaune said quietly. Nick then pulled his hand back, and shrugged.

"But... Since you've seen those horrors. Since you've fought through them. And since you're still going to keep doing it...? Well. I can't stop you. I won't stop you. Just know that... That your mother and I? We both love you very much. Your mother just wanted you to be safe and happy, and so did I. But you won't if we keep you cooped up here."

Jaune nodded slowly.

"I... Thanks Dad," he whispered, voice thick with emotion. Nick hugged his son, then patted him on the back and let him go.

"For what it's worth? I am very proud of you, son," Nick said, "And your mother is too. You just need... To make her understand."

Jaune sighed heavily. He stood up straight as though going into battle. His father stood aside, and let him march out of the room.

He descended the stairs, the shouting becoming much clearer. He walked into the living room, where Nana Arturia sat as regal as a queen on a green couch. His mother was stalking back and forth, waving her hands around and ranting.

"-So irresponsible-He needed therapy! He needed to recover! He doesn't need a SWORD!"

"It chose him," Arturia said patiently, "If it hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to draw it. His path is set."

"Bullshit his path is set!" Isabel raged. "He's just gotten out of a warzone! Did you SEE his eyes when he came back?! Do you know what he went through?!"

"Yes Izzy, I do," Arturia stated firmly, "And so do you. We both know what the path of the warrior holds."

"So why are you encouraging him?!" Isabel demanded, her fists clenched as she shook them at her grandmother.

"She didn't. I chose this path."

His mother started, and looked over at Jaune. He stood there feeling... Calm. Or at least, focused. He'd thought about meeting his mother after Beacon many times. How fearful he was of her reaction.

Yet now he saw less anger in her eyes and just... Fear.

"Jaune," Isabel said, "Please. Just... Give back the sword. You want to help people? I'll train you myself! There are so many people that need help-So many wounded-!"

"They'll need protection, Mom," Jaune stated firmly, "They need hope. I... I can provide that."

Isabel glared at her only son.

"You almost died when Beacon fell! You admit this-!"

"And I'm still willing to fight," Jaune said, eyes narrowed. "Or are you not going to help?"

"There are other ways to help, safer ways-!" Isabel insisted, but Arturia snorted.

"There are no more safe places, Izzy," she stated quietly. "The sword chose him. If he masters it... He could help save more lives than even you could with a hundred hospitals."

"He's my son!" Isabel snarled, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"I know," Jaune said quietly, "But I'm not a child anymore. I haven't... I haven't been a child since my partner was murdered."

Jaune stepped forward, and faced his mother. He took a deep breath.

"I know you've never liked the idea of me being a Hunter, Mom. I know you wanted me to be safe... But I can't be. This..." He held up Excalibur, "I can't just ignore this. Ignore what's happened. I'm not asking you to be happy about this, Mom... I'm just... Just asking you to accept it."

Isabel tried very hard to hold back a sob. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and kissed the side of his head.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... This is my fault-"

"No!" Jaune insisted. He pushed her back just enough to look her in the eyes.

"No... It was never your fault. I don't blame you... Please. Stop blaming yourself, Mom. Stop trying to make up for something that wasn't your fault... I-I..."

He closed his eyes tightly. He still saw Pyrrha's sad face as the locker door closed.

"I know how hard that is... So... So let's both try... Please?"

Isabel continued to cry. He held her tightly, as he sobbed into his chest.

His father gracefully walked in, and took Isabel into his arms. He guided her up the stairs, after she gave Jaune a last hug and kiss. They disappeared up the stairs. Jaune watched them go, before turning back to his Nana.

"Nana... Do... Do you think I can do this?"

Arturia nodded.

"The sword would not have chosen you if I didn't believe... But you can't do it alone. Or without proper training."

Jaune felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulders from behind, and yank him against a tough female body. He looked to his side to see a familiar scowl on a graying blonde woman in black and red armor.

"Aunt Mordred-?!"

"UNCLE DAMNIT!" Mordred growled.

Arturia rolled her eyes.

"We've been over this many times Mordred, there is no need to hide your gender-"

"Well I got into the habit, so there, Father," Mordred scoffed. She scowled at her great-nephew. "So... The sword chose him."

She did not bother to hide her hurt. Arturia nodded.

"Why?" Mordred demanded. "Why him?! Why not me?! Your own firstborn?!"

"Because he does not seek a crown and throne, Mordred," Arturia stated patiently, "But to help all. I'm sorry, Mordred. It does not mean you are unworthy of succeeding me."

"No, just that I cannot be the greatest of warriors," Mordred snorted. Arturia chuckled.

"Life is full of disappointments. But also great joys. After all... You will be my heir."

Mordred and Jaune's jaws dropped.

"Nana?! You-You-?"

"The situation in Vale is so grave that I have used all my connections to enact an ancient law," Arturia stated, slowly rising, "I will take the throne, as Emergency Dictator. I will take our friends and forces down to restore order, and government. It will be temporary... And I will expect you, Mordred, to take my place as Queen of Vale when the emergency has passed. I can think of no one better suited."

Mordred gaped in astonishment at her mother. Tears sprang from the corners of her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away.

"I... Father... Th-Thank you," she whispered.

"So, um... What do I do?" Jaune asked.

Arturia smiled.

"Kneel, Jaune," she commanded. "Mordred? Your sword please?"

Mordred handed it over to her mother in reverence. Arturia took it, as Jaune knelt before her. She held the sword up over Jaune in a salute.

"Jaune Arc. As Queen of Vale, I charge you with a sacred quest," she began, her voice grave and full of ancient power, "You will find allies, form a party... And seek out the intelligence behind these forces of Darkness. While long have I lived, the mysteries of this world still remain enigmas... Yet I have seen enough to know there is an intelligence behind the Grimm. You will seek it out, and destroy it."

It was the task of a lifetime... But if Nana thought he could do it? It could be done. It would be done.

"I will," Jaune said firmly, "I swear it."

Arturia hummed.

"Do you swear to uphold the principles of chivalry? To follow and glorify the True Divine in all you do? To bring mercy and aid to those in need? To bring light into the darkness, even if it costs you your life?"

Jaune felt a conviction arise in him, stronger than any that he'd ever felt before. He looked up into his great-grandmother's eyes, firm and focused.

"I do," he stated, before bowing his head again.

Arturia pressed the flat of the sword on his right shoulder, and then on his left, before she pulled it away.

"Then I, Queen Arturia, first of my name, Lion Queen of Albion and Vale, hereby dub thee Sir Jaune Arc," she stated.

Jaune rose, the solemn gravity of the moment making it hard to stand, but he found it in himself to do so. Arturia smiled softly.

"And for the next three months? Mordred will train you and your friends to ensure you can accomplish this," she stated. "After that, I shall need Mordred in Vale with me. You must not speak of your mission to any but those who will join you. You must be sure of their loyalty. Secrecy is of the utmost importance, Jaune. Do you have companions who you can trust with this quest?"

Jaune nodded, his mind already going to Nora and Ren (who were sleeping in the rooms above) and Ruby (down in Patch). It wasn't much, but it was a start.

"I do."

"Then I leave it to you, and my... Son," Arturia decided. Mordred grinned.

"Though if you are to appear at court," Arturia said wearily, "Please cease this nonsense?"

"I've kept it up for eighty years!" Mordred declared.

"Yes, we are all well aware," Arturia sighed.

Jaune snickered. Geez. One minute, his great-grandmother and his great-aunt were like the warriors of legend... And then the next squabbled like they were still kids.

It was strange but... It gave him some hope for the future.

"Don't you laugh at me!" Mordred growled, putting Jaune in a headlock, "I'm gonna make your life hell, Usurper!"



- - -
So he's got THE sword.. but it don't feel right without a shield. Then i thought what would be considered THE shield... and it hit and would not let me go... so here we go

Ruby Rose walked into training room where Jaune was praticing, carraying a large square box. "Hey'ya Captain."

"Oh come on Ruby."

She smilied Impishly "What it's the rank your 'Uncle" gave you. I'm just using it Captain Jaune Arc"

Jaune sighed "Okay what do you need Rubes"

Ruby "More like what have I got for you." She passed him the box. "Open it."

He did quickly and found something he didn't expect. A large round shield. "Wow. Where did you get this?"

"I got given the metal a while back. This old guys gave it to me said' I'd know when I'd need to use it. I was gonna use it for upgrades to Crescent Rose but with how light and strong it Is and how I know you still miss using a shield. Well. I got inspired."

"You made this?"




"It's just so simple"

"Yeah. . but that metal…the old guy who gave it to me. He said it fell from the stars and thats why it's so hard to work with so I figured Simple was better."

"So since it fell from the stars thats why you put a star in the center"

Ruby nodeed and turned away"Yep.. that and… well you've been the guiding star for us the last few months so to speak"

Jaune took the shiled and hefted it into his left arm like he would into battle. "Ruby I…"

"You don't have to say anything Cap.

"So why the red and blue?

"It felt right."

"Does it have a name?"

"Considering what started this path.. I thought…. Avenger"

As for the old man. Well Hail to The King
Last edited:
The Maiden is Reborn
Jaune Arc was terrified.

He wasn't quite sure what he had walked in on.

Pyrrha was in some kind of pod, there was another pod with a really messed up girl in it, and cinder was trying to get a shot off on the pods while Ozpin was beating her like a unwanted stepchild (for unknown reasons cinder made a note to torture Jaune later).

And then there was a flash from the pod before it exploded sending shrapnel flying everywhere. Including into cinder.

A light left cinder before flowing into where the pod once was.

Standing there was a girl who was Pyrrha but...not.

The hair was the same deep crimson color but it moved on its own flowing lazily like a campfire.

Her eyes were still green but now he could see a ring of yellow and flecks of brown, reminding him of falling leaves.

And most concerning her armor had melted, but instead of burning her or dripping to the floor it stayed on her like a dress of molten bronze.

She seemed off, like someone just waking up from a long nap.


She at least responded to her name. Her eyes quickly found his before a storm of emotions seemed to go through them.

Confusion, recognition, fondness, hate, more confusion, horror, sadness.

"Not completely, not anymore."

This was wrong. Something about this is very very wrong.

"Pyrrha I don't know what's going on but I'm sure we can figure this out. You, me, Ren, and Nora."

"It's too much Jaune. Too many embers. There's Pyrrha, Amber, Cinder, and so many others. Ozpins machine woke us all up and we're being blended up. It's scary Jaune, I don't want to disappear!"

She's shaking, the strongest person I know is shaking like a leaf. Ozpin what the hell did you do to my partner?

"Listen. It doesn't matter how much you change or how much you add. You'll always be my partner and we'll always have a place for you. I swear."

The shaking stops but she still looks miserable.

"I have to go. I need to fix myself and hide."

"Hide from what? Ozpin? He should be the one hiding from what I'm going to do to him with Nora's help!"

"There's a bad lady out there Jaune. Worse than cinder and she wants what's in me. I need to go. But I'll be back, when it's safe. When I'm strong enough."

That last bit definitely didn't sound like pyrrha. It almost sounded like cinder. But before I could try to talk her out of leaving she flew up through the roof trailing fire.

My partner was gone and there was only one thing I could do.

I walked over to where the explosion had tossed Ozpin after knocking him out.

And I kicked him in the ribs.

"Wake up. You've got a lot of explaining to do."
The Arc Clan: "Uncle" Mordred (Rough)
- - -

Team JNPR and Team RWBY were returning from a joint training mission. They walked through Beacon's Star Maiden garden filled with beautiful fountains, flowers, marble columns...

Which is when loud music begins to play. Jaune pales as he hears it.

Ruby: "What is that song? It sounds super old!"

Yang: "I think Dad used to play it all the time... VB?"

Pyrrha: "Jaune?"

Jaune has his weapon out and shield up.


A figure in heavy combat armor, with horns on her helmet, charges in and swings her sword. Jaune barely parries the first three blows, before the figure sidesteps his desperate counter attack and slaps him on the ass with the flat of her blade. This sends him flying headfirst through a stone bench. Everyone else scatters and pulls their weapons.

Ruby: "!!! JAUNE!" She leaps into super speed with her Semblance, and strikes the armored figure several times. Each time the figure parries or deflects the hits with her sword, before yanking Ruby into range, punching her in the stomach, and throwing her into a column.

Ruby: "URK!"

Figure: "A Lancer who gets too close and fights too predictably..." She blocks Pyrrha's furious counter strikes and then evades Yang's berserker rage "Hmmm..." She trades sword blows with Pyrrha while evading everyone else's fire, before Yang charges at her.

She then catches Yang's wrist and throws her into Pyrrha. Pyrrha tries to catch Yang... Which is when the figure closes the distance and slaps them into a fountain with her sword.

Figure: "A Berserker without brains or agility and another Lancer who is far too showy and emotionally compromised-" She dodges around Nora's wild swings and slams, using her agility to disarm Nora and then kick her into a tree. "Another Berserker who is too wild-"

Ren pops up and tries to strike her from behind, but the figure swings around and unleashes an Aura blast that sends him crashing through a fountain statue.

Figure: "Assassin with shitty weapons and-" She casually backhands Weiss who tries to charge her. Weiss plows into a flower garden with a screech. "A Caster who thinks she's a Saber."

She looks over at Blake, who was hesitating behind a pillar.

Figure: "And finally, another Assassin who thinks too much." sighs "JAUNE! Your teams are very disappointing!"

Pyrrha gets up and attacks again. This time the figure is forced to fight a bit more seriously, having to parry and counter and even evade Pyrrha's furious assault. Pyrrha manages to get a hit on her helmet. The figure traps Pyrrha's blade against hers.

Figure: "Ooh... I may have misjudged you. You might be fun-"


Mordred: "YOU WOULDN'T!"

Jaune holds up his Scroll. Mordred huffs, and pulls back. The rest of RWBY and JNPR get up. Weiss is glaring hot death at Mordred, and then at Blake.

Weiss: "You SAID you were gonna back me up!"

Blake: "Well, I-!"

Yang: "I thought you were gonna do the same!"

Blake: "Would it have actually mattered?! We all got clobbered!"


The woman's helmet slides open, revealing a rather strikingly beautiful older blonde woman with blue eyes, a ponytail for her slightly white streaked locks, and a cocky grin.

Mordred: "I am Sir Mordred Arc! Knight of the Round Table! Heir to the throne of Albion! And... Jaune Arc's great-uncle."

Weiss: "WHAT?!"

Ruby: "Wha-You're Jaune's unc-but you're a-!"

Jaune: "DON'T! Don't! It's not worth it! Just call her-um, him, Uncle Mordred." sighs

Weiss: "Did you really have to attack us as a greeting?! Are you insane?!"

Mordred: "YES! It is how one should properly greet Hunters-in-Training! And given I mopped the floor with you all except the redheaded Lancer, you clearly need a lot of work! Jaune I can understand-His parents forbade him from training and he is catching up! But YOU! How the mighty have fallen!"

Jaune: "Mordred, you are literally 80 years old and have seen more combat than most of us have in a lifetime."

Mordred: "BIG DEAL! If you'd worked together you might have stood a chance! Well, nothing for it! I shall have to train you myself!"

Nora: "Oh wow... Jaune? Your uncle is cool and super hot!"

Mordred: "DAMN RIGHT I AM!"

Weiss: "She's a lunatic-" Mordred has a sword to her throat "Urk!"

Mordred: "Don't call me a woman, damnit! Just because I have a husband and have borne him children does not MAKE ME A WOMAN! It merely makes me very manly!"

Weiss: "I-You-!"

Jaune: "Please. Don't. You'll only make things worse."

Weiss: "S-Sure, um, Mordred. You are... Very manly."

Mordred: Withdraws her sword "EXCELLENT! Now, all is not lost! You have promise! But back in MY DAY, we were fighting bandits and Grimm beasts every single day for classes! None of this book learning nonsense! We shall go get alcohol-!"

Jaune: "AHEM."

Mordred: "We shall go get drinks of some sort! And then perhaps get our nails done! I like the star designs on my nails, that's extra manly!"

Nora: "Question!"

Mordred: "Yes?"

Nora: "Why that old music?"

Mordred: "It's catchy and I enjoy listening to music while training!"

Nora: gasp "IT IS SUPER CATCHY!"

Jaune: "Pyrrha? You okay?"

Pyrrha's eyes are sparkling.

Pyrrha: "That was the most amazing and intense fight I've ever had, Jaune! I can't wait for your uncle to train us more!"

Jaune sighs.

Jaune: "Yeah, me too..."
Divine Nora
Though it doesn't come up often (especially in remnant a literally god forsaken world) there are 3 ways to become a demi-god.

The first is to be born one. The second it to kill or severely injured a god and usurp some of their power.

The third is to be blessed by a god with a piece of their divinity, basically godly adoption.

Once again normally this wouldn't come up in remnant except for in this very specific situation.

Nora was in her own without Ren. The poor boy ended up in detention for falling asleep during a lecture from goodwitch (because they didn't watch Nora well enough and she got some redbull somehow.)

Nora had already completed her punishment (repairing everything she broke and writing a 50000 word apology letter to every person caught up in her mayhem.) and was now enjoying her Sunday.

By picking up something for a lunch on the go and getting lost.

See Nora likes to wander, and it's led her to many fun and interesting things, like the store that sells maple flavored soda!

Currently it led her to a moss covered alter under the city.

This thing was OLD but somehow the inscription was still readable. (We're Ren here he'd be suspicious of such a old inscription being in a dialect they could understand)

"Present thy offering to the gods, and should it be accepted you shall be rewarded accordingly? Huh. Seems legit."

So Nora gave the gods the only thing she had in her she was willing to part with.

Meanwhile deep in the depths of space the brother gods were spending another day exploring existence (and dodging the many limbed and eyed horrors in the cold void of space) when something unexpected happened.

The brothers received a tribute.

Nox the dark brother was the first to notice it so naturally he grabbed it first. It was a paper sack dripping with some sort of grease, and there were words up on the sack.

"Bluefords big belly buster burgers? What in our names is a burger?"

So naturally he had to rip open the sack.

Inside was something neither brother had seen before. Large pieces of bread with cheese and jalapenos baked into it covered in layers of beef, onion rings and bacon stacked higher than a baby and held together with a mix of cheeses, BBQ sauce, and hot sauce.

It was something that would horrify any doctor.

To the brother gods it was a creation on par with humanity. Masterfully crafted with the stickiest of sauces to hold it all together it's the peak of redneck creation. While also being a tool of total organ destruction.

The brothers didn't need words to come to a agreement. They were gonna eat this thing.

Lux ended up trying the first bite.

"Oh my fucking me that's good."

The sounds and moans the two brothers made while enjoying their tribute weirded out the space horror that was stalking them enough that it decided to go elsewhere for a meal.

And now comes the consequences of Nora's adventure.

The brothers did truly enjoy the tribute they received, and as the sign promised good tributes get rewarded. So what did the brother gods decide was a fitting reward for a foodgasm? Well....

"Renny I'm a god!!!"

Normally when this happens Ren assumes she got into some bad syrup (or good rum). However Normally she also isn't riding in a magically constructed sloth made of living lightning.

While this was happening Ozpin was currently waking up in the back of a farm boys head after having a heart attack.
Jaune the Prodigy...?
As an aside: I would love to read a fic where Jaune reveals his faked transcripts to his other friends and... Well... They don't believe him.

Jaune: "No! I really didn't attend combat school!"

Ruby: "Riiight, and you really didn't unlock your Aura until Initiation."

Jaune: "I didn't!"

Weiss: "Okay. So. What you're telling us is that a dolt like you somehow faked his way into Beacon with fraudulent transcripts, and had no Aura."

Jaune: "Yes! I am completely a fraud!"

Weiss: "That would mean that a dolt like you not only has enormous Aura potential, but that you figured out how to use your Aura in... What, an hour after it was released?"

Jaune: "Er... Well... Yeah?"

Weiss: "HA! It took me YEARS to learn how to use my Aura! Are you saying an idiot like you managed it in an HOUR?!"

Yang: "It also took us years to figure out how to use it to strengthen ourselves and increase our speed and reflexes. What, you're saying that in a few months you went from untrained civilian to able to kill Ursas with a single blow? You have any idea how INSANE that is?"

Weiss: "You'd have to be an outright prodigy! Like the harem protagonists in Blake's terrible erotica!"

Blake: "They're not terrible! It's just fantasy! Escapism! Nobody could be like that in real life! If they were, th-they'd be... Amazing!"

Yang: "And your perfect man, huh?"

Blake: blush "W-Well... Maybe? Certainly better than what I have dated in the past."

Weiss: "HA! If you were really that incredible, I'd date you!"

Yang: "If you were that amazing, I'd marry you, Stud!" winks "Ten babies, for sure!"

Ren: "No offense, Jaune, but it was a miracle I managed to unlock my Aura and Semblance in a matter of minutes. I only did it because it was either do that or Nora and I would die. It's not uncommon but it still seems hard to believe."

Nora: "Yeah! I mean sure, you're rough but you're also really good at stuff other than fighting! Which is great, cause I don't think I could do leadership! Or make crepes either!"

Ruby: "So, come on Jaune. There's no way you're a once in a lifetime super prodigy who could fight, I dunno, legendary warriors after only a year or two of training!"

Jaune: "Uh... Yeah! Yeah, totally! It's just... I told Cardin that."

Yang: grins "Oh wow! He believed you?"

Jaune: "I was trying to troll him, ya know."

Yang: "HA! Nice one! Geez, can you imagine how shattering it would be to his ego if you were some super prodigy? You'd make him look like a dumbass! And well, the rest of us too!"

Jaune: "... Yeah, no. It was just a dumb joke. Don't pay it any mind, okay? You guys are amazing, and I'm just the deadlast."

Ruby: "Yeah, but you're a great leader and you're getting better." hugs him "Mm!"

Pyrrha smiles wanly as Jaune pulls away from their friends.

Jaune: "I think... I understand you a little better now, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha: "And I you."

Jaune: "... Am... Is it really that incredible?"

Pyrrha: "Jaune... You are. So please, stop being so hard on yourself. You should never cease for improvement, but don't hate yourself for your weakness. That is something you will correct. You just need to keep working as hard as you have, and you'll be the great warrior you want to be."

Jaune: "... Thanks Pyrrha. You're the best."

Pyrrha: "Hopefully, not for much longer. It gets lonely at the top... And I want us to stand there as equals."

Jaune: bright smile "Me too, Pyrrha. Me too."
AU Radian's Oddities
A bit random but... I've got a fever and I'm feeling sick. So...

- - -

JNPR and RWBY have arrived at Radian.

Weiss: "Well... At least it's not a bunch of straw and mud brick huts."

Ruby: "Weisss! You said you weren't gonna be mean anymore!"

Weiss: sigh "... Sorry. But it is rather... Rustic."

Pyrrha: "I like it!"

Yang: "Same! It's all homey and has a castle! Rolling fields, barns... The smell of manure..."

Jaune: "You get used to it."

Weiss: "Ewww!"

Nora: "YAY! MANURE! AND COWS! Can we tip over a cow, Jaune? Can we? CAN WE?"

Jaune: "No."

Nora: "Awww!"

Ren: "The town is very beautiful. I can practically feel the Aura of life flowing through this entire area."

Jaune: "Yeah, see? Complete and total relaxation!"

A catman with a tail, ears, and teeth comes up in a truck.

Mercer Sith: "Howdy Jaune!"

Jaune: "Hey Mercer! How are you?"

Mercer Sith: "Doing great! These yer friends and the Menagerie bint?"

Jaune: "They're all my friends."

Blake: "Wha-Why are you so rude to a fellow Faunus?"

Mercer: "I'm not a Faunus!"

All: "Wha...?"

Mercer: "I'm not a Faunus! I'm a Cat Youkai!" Shifts into a full cat form "Or Werepanther. See?"

RWBY and P: "WHA?!"

Nora: "SO CUTE!"

Ren: blinks "... Huh?"

Blake: "N-No! You're a Cat Faunus with... With a transforming Semblance!"

Mercer: "You're really starting to piss me off, bint."

Jaune: "Easy guys, easy! We're all friends here! And uh, yeah. The Sith aren't Faunus, Blake."

Mercer: "Yeah! Deal with it, ya bloody poser!"

Blake: "E-Excuse you?!"

A mole pops out of the ground... A mole the size of a large dog wearing glasses.

Mole: "Yo, hey Jaune! You've been away for a while!"

Jaune: "Hey Doug!"

Doug: "You want some Dust? I found some-Oh. Your friends?"

Ruby: "He-Wha-?"

Jaune: "He's a Moleman. There's a community here-"

Weiss: "That-Then they're also Faunus-?"

Doug: "What? No, girlie! We actually work for a livin'!"

Blake: "HEY!"

Doug: "Anyhoo, tell ya all about it later!" He dives back into the ground and tunnels away

Weiss: "I... You... Are we being pranked?!"

Jaune: "NO! Nonono! I mean uh..."

Pyrrha: "This is a bit... Unusual..."

Jaune: "Well-"

A white haired girl the size of a doll flies up on fairy wings. She hugs Jaune tightly.

Fairy: "Hey Jaune~! Welcome home!"

Jaune: "Oh, hey Sylphie!"

She then expands into human size, and beams.

Sylphie: "It's so nice to see you! You've gotten so big! Oh hey! Your friends are neat! I like your silver eyes!"

Ruby: "Thank you...? Oh my God, a fairy?!"

Weiss: "FAIRY?!"

Blake: "F-Fairy?!"

Pyrrha: eyes narrow "Fairy?"

Jaune: "Um... Hey? Her father Oberon lives here too."

Weiss: about to have a heart attack "OBERON?!"

Blake: "Seriously?!"

Yang: "You weren't going to tell us?!"

Jaune: "Ummm... Well, I hoped to ease you into it. Hell, I didn't even get into the dragon."

All: "DRAGON?!"

Sylphie: "He's super nice!"

- - -

Yes. Radian in this iteration is a haven for all sorts of magical creatures and beings. Totally normal to Jaune. A complete surprise to everyone else.
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The Elrics, the Pendragons and the Arcs
In the past, Edward Elric-Arc and his family are visiting the Arc Farm for dinner... At the same time Arturia Pendragon-Arc and her husband were visiting. Dinner goes well, for the most part, until...

Edward: "I don't see why you have to insist on swords when guns work just as well. Even better in many cases. You and your absurd Aura."

Arturia: "Please! You and Alphonse can't speak about absurd Aura levels with some of the things you pulled off."

Edward: "That is the product of years of study, practice, and efficiency! We're not barbarians slinging around our Auras willy-nilly!"

Arturia: "Oh, and I suppose I just wasted all my time studying combat, military tactics, and Aura control, hm?"

Alphonse: "Ed, come on, we're family..."

Nick: "Nana, please, not again..."

Edward: "Not now Al, I need to teach this hag a lesson..."

Arturia: "HA! Says the tiny shrimp who never broke five foot nothing?"

Al and Nick calmly usher everyone else out of the dining room.

The resulting explosion can be heard for miles.

Shirou is late getting back with ice cream, along with Mordred and Isabel. They see everyone eating outside while explosions go off in the house.

Shirou: "... She made a short joke didn't she?"

Mordred: "Ooooh! Let me get in on this-!"

Isabel: "NO."

Al: "Brother is still tetchy about that."

Isabel rolls up her sleeves and storms into her house.

Some violence later... Isabel is waving a sheathed sword at her grandmother and her great-uncle as they sit seiza in the wrecked dining room.

Isabel: "What kind of irresponsible nonsense is this?! You're both over a hundred years old, act your damn age! You have any idea what ideas you're giving your grandchildren?! Also, STOP WRECKING MY HOUSE!"

Nick smiles proudly. After all, his wife is strong enough to put some of the greatest warriors in history in their place

Arturia, looking to the side: "... The castle wouldn't have broken."

Shirou: coughs "Um, dearest, she was there for that spat you had with Cousin Astolfo."

Arturia looks blank.

Shirou: "The chandelier?"

Arturia: wince "Ah."

Ed: "Ha!"

Isabel: Glares at him "And I haven't forgotten my sixth birthday party, either."

Ed: Wince "That... That was obviously overblown in your memories! Tell her, Al!"

Al: "Brother, you blew up the greenhouse because you mistook the clown for an assassin."

Arc Family Companions: Inari
Had a kinda funny idea of Jaune having a companion/guide that randomly shows up and disappears after offering help or pulling him in some kind of adventure. (Not quite a Merlin but kinda similar).

Blake: I still don't know how you snuck into beacon. You really shouldn't have gotten this far.

Jaune: mean.

Blake: you live with a bunch of former and semi-active huntsmen in a small town. I'd be surprised if you could scratch your ass without them knowing one way or another, much less steal a sword and supplies.

Jaune: Well I did have some help.

???:are my ears burning? Is someone talking about little old me?

*Blake jumps and looks around before spotting a fox faunus sitting in a tree nearby (that she's almost positive was empty just a second ago). Golden brown hair and ears sticking out from under a white bucket hat the faunus has crystal blue eyes and slit pupils (along with what appear to be some very sharp canines Blake notes). Across their chest are stretched tightly wrapped bandages covered in writing (mistralian maybe?) sitting under a open light blue Hawaiian style shirt covered in waves and paw prints. Around their waist is a fur belt that matches their hair and some loose white cargo shorts seemingly stuffed to the brim with random objects. The strange faunus is also barefoot (and has very sharp finger and toe nails Blake can't help but notice).

Jaune: oh perfect timing! Blake this is Inari Teumessian, he helped me get out of Radian and make my way to beacon.

*The faunus twitches slightly at being called he*

Inari: I just grabbed you a few things you forgot. Like food, or a weapon, or underwear.

*Inari stands on the tree branch before seeming to fall off only to somehow pop out of the bushes behind Blake*

*Blake flinches*

Blake: how did he?

Jaune: yeah he just does that. I think it's a semblance but he won't tell me, anyway what's up Inari?

Inari: well my fine friend of fraudulent education I was wondering if you'd like to go fishing with me?

*Inari pulls a mechashift fishing rod that can also turn into a harpoon out of the bushes*

Jaune/Blake: fishing?

Inari: fishing.

Jaune: just fishing?

Inari: just fishing.

Jaune: no weird Grimm attacks? No stealing? No mafia?

Inari: Jaune I'm hurt by those accusations.

Jaune: fine....

*Blake makes a note that Inari never actually denied any of those accusations*

*Six hours later the three of them are covered in bruises and being hugged by a bunch of dirty and scared women and children*

Jaune: fishing huh?

Inari: I'm as shocked as you that someone was using this out of the way dock for human trafficking, after all why smuggle a human when there's better options? Like fish, or fried tofu.

*One of the crying kids buries his snotty face in Inaris belt causing the fox faunus to have a full body shiver*

Inari: tell you what, you and kitty-cat get out of here, I'll handle talking to the cops when they get here. And you can keep all the actual fish we caught.

Jaune: fine *sigh* let's go Blake.

*As they're walking away*

Blake: Is he always like that?

Jaune: shifty and manipulative? Yeah but it's usually helpful so I don't raise too much of a fuss.

*Blake looks back at the strange faunus who's now entertaining the kids with some kind of water manipulation trick making small foxes out of water*

Blake: interesting.
Uncle Arjun and Archer Jaune 3
Jaune is refletching his arrows in the JNPR common room when Weiss walks up to him with a scowl.

Weiss: "Ahem. Jaune..."

Jaune: "Weiss."

Weiss: "Would you mind NOT blasting around me when we're in a training exercise?! What are you trying to do, kill me?!"

Jaune: "I wouldn't have to if you actually fought like you should!"

Weiss: "Who are you to tell me how to fight?!"

Jaune: "Because I know how to stick to my fighting role! One I'm actually decent at!"

Weiss: "Explain, you dolt! What's your role? Hiding in the back line?"

Jaune: "I'm an archer. I have excellent vision and great aim. I also remain mobile and stay out of melee range because I suck at it. I'm no good to anyone if I get mauled by a Grimm because I tried to stab one instead of shooting one. You are a caster-type combatant. Your Glyphs let you hit targets with Dust effects at medium range and to move about the battlefield at high speed, but you cannot last long up close in melee. So guess what? Every time you do get up close, I have to make sure you don't FUCKING DIE!"

Weiss: "I-I'm a fencer-!"

Jaune: "Which also requires reach. As in range! So before you tell me how to do MY JOB, why don't you do YOURS?!"

Weiss: "Arrogant ass!"

Jaune: "Stupid child!"

Ruby: "Guys, guys!" She steps in between them "Look... Jaune, maybe you should try to make your point in a less... Mean way?"

Jaune: "..." sighs "Sorry Ruby."

Ruby: "And Weiss! Jaune's only trying to help you! You are basically our caster and you shouldn't get too close to the enemy if you can help it!"

Weiss: "Says the girl with a sniper rifle that's also a scythe."

Ruby: "At least I can take a punch!"

Weiss: "I-I can take a punch-!"

Jaune: "But not a Dust blast, clearly."

Weiss: "SHUT UP!"

Yang had snuck off into Junior's to try and get some more information... But they were expecting her this time. A few Atlasian guard robots were among their numbers, with clearly illegal weapon mods.

Junior: "Now... We gonna do this the nice way, Blondie? Or we gonna do this the hard way?"

Yang: "Still a pervert, huh Junior?"

Junior: "I did NOT know you were sixteen, you crazy bitch! And another thing-!"

Several arrows flew through the windows and exploded with Electric Dust. The EMP knocked out the lights. Yang took the chance to run in the darkened chaos, smashing through a window and running out. Gunfire followed her, but a few more arrows impacted the ground and formed ice to cover her escape.

She climbed up onto the rooftops and parkoured her way (with some boosts from Ember Celica) out of the neighborhood. She came to rest on an old banking building, and took the time to catch her breath.

Jaune: "You know, I'm pretty sure your probation means you don't go out and get into trouble?"

Yang: "GAH!" She threw a shotgun blast... At Jaune, blasting him off his feet and onto his back.

Jaune: "URK!"

Yang: "AH! Vomit Boy!"

She ran to his side and helped him up. He scowled at her.

Yang: "Sorry. You're too damn stealthy for your own good, ya know?"

Jaune: "Yeah... Next time I'll wear a bell."

Yang: "On a collar? Heh. Blake will call that racist."

Jaune: rolls his eyes "Let her, if it keeps me from getting shot again."

Yang: "Yeah... Hey uh... Thanks for the back up."

Jaune: scowl "Ruby asked me to look after you."

Yang: "That little-!"

Jaune: "She's worried! About you and Blake. You always run off and do your own thing, regardless of the danger or what it might mean!"

Yang: "Hey! I can take care of myself-!"

Jaune: "Uh huh. I saw."

Yang: "I..." scowls "Why do you care, anyway? You have your own team."

Jaune: "Yeah. And Ruby's my best friend, and I like to think we're friends too. So if she asks me to help? I'm helping. Even if it pisses you and Blake off. Even if it makes us not friends.."

They glare at each other, silent for a while. Yang sighs.

Yang: "Yeah well... I... You'd still be my friend, even if you pissed me off, so... Thank you."

Jaune: "Same." They get back up

Yang: "So... How much of an eye are you keeping on us, anyway~?" She winks "You watching us in the showers, too?"

Jaune: blush "Er, um... No! Of course not!"

Yang: "Heh! I bet you do! Though really, seeing Weisscream naked is no different clothed."

Jaune: "I wouldn't know."

Yang: "Uh huh, surrrre you don't~."

Jaune: "If I was going to peep on a girl... It'd only be with her permission, thank you."

Yang: "Hmmm... Good to know." She leaned in and smirked "You got mine, stud~."

Jaune: sputters

Yang: giggles "Aw, you're cute when you blush!"

Jaune: "Impossible woman."

Yang: "That's the best kind!"

And at some point...

Jaune was practicing his archery at the shooting range. One Cinder Fall walks up and watches him carefully.

Jaune: "Uh... Hello, Miss... Fall was it?"

Cinder: smiles "Yes... I see you practice Pandavan style archery."

Jaune: "Oh, you're familiar with it?"

Cinder: "Somewhat. Though of course, your godfather's reputation proceeds him."

Jaune: blush "Er, I guess so..."

Cinder: "You were trained by him, the King of Archers?"

Jaune: "Uh, well... Yes. It wasn't easy."

Cinder: "I imagine so... It's quite impressive, however. Tell me... Would you care to train together for a bit?"

Jaune: "Sure, I suppose."

Cinder pulls out her own bow and arrows, and takes up a position at the firing station next to his. She pulls back and lets loose, hitting an arrow just an inch or two off the bullseye. She puts several more arrows downrange, all the arrows slightly off.

Cinder: "Forgive me... I'm not nearly as good as you."

Jaune: "... Yes you are."

Cinder: "Pardon?"

Jaune: "You're deliberately leading your shots. The distribution of your hits is too precise to be otherwise." He smiles and shakes his head "That's very impressive."

Cinder: "... Oh. I see."

Jaune: "If you don't want to show off before the Vytal Tournament, I get it. I just ask that you don't spy on me in so brazen a manner. We can train together, but only if we both demonstrate our true abilities."

Cinder: "That would give the other an unfair advantage, wouldn't it?"

Jaune: "Not at all... Not like I'm going to show off all my tricks, after all."

Cinder: thin smile "I suppose that's fair."

They do some more shooting, both much more accurate. Jaune then gets a call on his Scroll.

Jaune: "Sorry, I have a prior engagement. But this was fun. Not many Archers around, ya know?"

Cinder: "Indeed. I will see you later?"

Jaune: "I'd love to!" He ran off. She watched him go.

Cinder: Not as big a fool as I thought... You may require some watching, Jaune Arc...
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Cowboys of Remnant: "Jackie"
The other storyline in Cowboys of Remnant is being worked on. Don't worry about that. But I got a wild hare of an idea...

- - -

The town was called Hackberry, and it straddled a mountain pass between Vale and Vacuo. Despite its lucrative position, the harshness of the pass compared to other paths between the two nations had restricted it's growth severely. As a result, it was still fairly small despite being established at the end of the Great War.

Still, they needed Grimm exterminated, and so Teams RWBY and JNPR were deployed on a training mission to help out the local Hunters. Weiss managed to win rock, paper, scissors and had gotten to go on patrol with Jaune alone: The envy on everyone else's faces was something she rather enjoyed.

Once out with Jaune though, she was all business. They went out through the center of the town, scanning for any trouble.

A couple was trying to repair the wheel on their truck. Jaune smiled kindly and walked up to them, Weiss in tow. The five children belonging to the couple all stared at them from the truck bed.

"Howdy Sir and Ma'am, do you need any help?" Jaune asked with his usual friendly smile. One that made her smile.

Most Hunters wouldn't bother with helping out like this, but Jaune was different. And while Weiss had thought it unnecessary at first, seeing how people's faces lit up made clear that such kindness was something a Hunter should offer as a matter of course.

It was just one of many reasons she truly admired-

"N-No!" The man's wife cried, shaking her head and drawing back. Her husband glared at Jaune.

"We don't need no help from the likes of you!" He spat on the ground in front of Jaune.

Jaune blinked in confusion.


"Get goin'!" The man snarled. Weiss scowled back.

"He was only trying to help, sir," Weiss stated firmly.

"You and your little skank can go jump in an Ursa cave!" The wife sneered, as their children gasped and giggled. Weiss' face turned red in anger.


Jaune took hold of Weiss' arm. Weiss's years of comportment training returned to her, and her face became an icy mask again.

Jaune calmly tipped his hat to them, then led Weiss away. Weiss resisted the urge to glare back at them.

"If they don't want help, they don't want help," Jaune said quietly.

"Still... To be so rude about it," Weiss grumbled.

Jaune shook his head, taking a few deep breaths.

"It ain't worth blowing up over," he muttered. Weiss nodded slowly.

"I know... I just... Why were they so upset?"

Jaune shrugged.

"Might be some Huntsmen took advantage of them in the past," Jaune sighed, "I've seen it on the Frontier. Folks with power abusin' it."

Weiss' face darkened.

"That's terrible," she murmured.

"It is," Jaune nodded, "Unfortunately, not everyone's gonna be responsible when there's nobody to check them."

A pang of regret filled her heart.

"Or even when there are," she said quietly. Jaune looked at her curiously. She shook her head. "It's... A long story."

"You can tell me... Or not, it's up to you," Jaune said with a kind smile. One that made her heart flutter a bit.

Honestly, he was just... So wonderful sometimes...


Jaune and Weiss looked around. Four men in Valean Ranger longcoats emerged from behind barrels and drinking troughs, all holding high powered Dust rifles and pointing them at Jaune's head. Weiss' eyes widened. A thin, nervous looking man with large eyes and fish lips emerged from behind a door, as civilians all scattered and went into hiding. A shiny badge was on his khaki uniform, and his hat was a matching Stetson. He held a revolver up, adding to the firepower locked onto them.

"MA'AM! STEP AWAY FROM THE FUGITIVE!" The fish lipped man shouted.

"W-Wait!" Weiss cried. "There has to be a mistake! This is Jaune Arc-!"

"STEP AWAY FROM THE FUGITIVE, MA'AM!" The fish lipped man repeated. "HANDS ON YOUR HEAD, ARC!"

Weiss grit her teeth. Her hand began to reach for Myrtenaster-

"Stand down, Weiss!" Jaune barked. He slowly held up his hands from his poncho, and put them behind his head. Weiss gaped.

"Jaune! No! You haven't done anything-!"

"Get the others, get to the Ranger Station," Jaune said tersely, "We'll sort this out, I promise. But do not let anyone do anything rash, understand?"


"Do you understand?" Jaune demanded, his voice harsh and commanding. Weiss nodded.


She backed away. The Rangers surrounded Jaune, one forcing him down to the dirt while another put Aura-suppressing cuffs on his wrists. Weiss cringed, then quickly pulled out her Scroll.

- - -

It didn't take long to gather everyone else. They'd quickly met up in response to Weiss's Scroll call, and they'd arrived in the square. Jaune's progress to the jail house was slowed by the curious onlookers, which had the added benefit of preventing anyone from trying to free him.

"I could get him out, no problem," Pyrrha said firmly, "Just knock them all out-"

"It would take even less time with me," Yang snarled.

Ruby grimaced.

"We-I'm sure it's a misunderstanding," Ruby said optimistically.

"I'm not," Blake muttered.

"So, break him out and run to the border?" Nora asked with a grin. "I'm game!"

"We're not doing that," Ren stated.

Weiss nodded.


As a group, they pushed through the crowd to the nervous looking fish-lipped man. Weiss took the lead.

"Mister... What is your name?" She asked the man. He puffed himself up.

"Deputy Pitch Fife, Miss! And don't you worry: This scoundrel ain't gonna hurt you no more!"

"Hurt us? What's he done?" Blake demanded.

"Yeah! Isn't he innocent until proven guilty?" Nora shouted, waving her hammer around. Fife gulped a bit. Pyrrha, ever the PR specialist, pushed Nora's hammer down and delivered a winning smile to Fife.

"Surely we can all go to the station and sort this out. I'm sure there's just been a terrible mistake," she said kindly.

"Nope!" Fife said, shaking his head, "Arc's pulled a fast one before! Even escaped my eagle eyes! Mine! But not this time! But uh... You can come along if you really want to, ladies."

"I'm a man," Ren stated. Fife coughed.

"My mistake!"

The Rangers escorted Jaune towards the jail house. Teams RWBY and JNPR followed. Fife led the way, and practically kicked in the door to the sheriff's station. He led the precession inside, and tipped his hat cheerfully at a grave-looking man in a similar sheriff uniform behind a large oak desk. He was dark haired and lantern jawed, and looked up at Fife with some fond exasperation.

"Andy! Andy! I caught the fugitive!" Fife chirped excitedly. "He didn't get away this time!"

Andy raised an eyebrow, and looked over Jaune and his friends. He then let out a sigh.

"Well, you're not wrong about that, Pitch," Andy stated, nodding over to the jail cells nearby. All eyes turned... And saw what at first glance was another Jaune Arc in the cell. His clothing was more slovenly: Dirty jeans, rough boots, sweat stained shirt, blue coat, and ratty hat-But aside from thicker stubble and greener eyes, he was the spitting image of Jaune.

"Wha... TWO JAUNES?!" Nora cried. "One of them must be a robot!"

"Hwah?!" Ruby gasped.

Weiss's jaw dropped. Ren looked perturbed. Yang's eyes widened. Pyrrha stared intensely. Blake blinked rapidly.

The young man in the cell... Grinned broadly.

"Cousin Jaune!" He cheered. "You've come to spring me from my unjust incarceration! Told you I had powerful friends!"

His crooked grin shone in the light as he tilted his head.

"Come on, Jauney! Don't you remember your ol' Cousin Jackie?"

Jaune's eyebrow twitched. His face was a stony mask of rage. He flexed his muscles, and the Aura Suppression cuffs snapped. He stalked his way through the surprised Rangers. He pulled his fist back and punched Jackie so hard the doppleganger was slammed into the backwall of the cell. The Rangers quickly grabbed him and pulled him back, as Jackie's eyes spun and his Aura flared to heal him.

"Yep. I remember," Jaune seethed.

- - -

It took some time for everyone to calm down. When they did, Sherriff Andy sat everyone down on some wooden chairs around Jackie's cell. Weiss managed to sit next to Jaune on his right side, as she had managed to get everyone's attention with a shower of Ice Dust. Pyrrha had taken his left, while Ruby stood behind him anxiously. Yang shot scowls at Jackie, while Nora stared at him in fascination and Ren remained stoic.

Jackie was sitting up close to the bars, rubbing his cheek and shooting his cousin a wounded look. Fife looked extremely embarrassed and stood behind Andy. The Rangers were near the back wall, looking exasperated and amused.

"Sorry for the case of mistaken identity, son," Andy said, "My deputy is a little too excitable." He shot a glare at Fife, who coughed and shrugged.

"H-Hey! He's already escaped once! And his cousin-They look like they're the same person!" He protested.

"I clearly got the better looks," Jackie snorted, "And manners-"

Jaune clenched his fists audibly. Jackie gulped.


"What's he in for, anyway?" Ruby asked, squeezing Jaune's shoulders in concern. Andy held out his hand. Fife gathered some papers, and ran them over to Andy before shrinking back. Andy pulled on some reading glasses and held up the papers. He cleared his throat.

"Nine counts of petty larceny-"

"Hey! I was stealing food so I wouldn't starve! That's a crime?" Jackie protested.

"One count aggravated assault-"

"I was accused of cheating at gambling! My honor as an Arc demanded I respond!"

"Two counts breaking and entering-"

"I forgot my glasses in the shops!" Jackie explained. "Twice!"

"One count impersonating a member of the Church of the Broken Table-"

"Those orphans needed charity! Besides, nun uniforms are more comfortable in the heat!"

"One count prostitution-"

"I just said I would be paid to give ladies pleasure!" Jackie squawked. "That doesn't necessarily mean sex!"

Five counts soliciting prostitutes-"

"Is love a crime?!" Jackie demanded. "Besides, with my good looks, why would I need to pay for sex?!"

"And twenty-five counts of fraud and malicious mischief," Andy finished, lowering the papers.

"Oh, so just because the government has a 'patent'," Jackie made finger quotes, "on something means I can't sell it? That's communism, that's what it is!"

Jaune turned his furious glare on Jackie. His cousin gulped and scooted back from the bars.

"Honestly, I don't want to keep him in here," Andy sighed, "He's a nuisance."

"That's a polite way of putting it," Yang deadpanned, glaring at Jackie. He grinned and winked back.

"You know, I can be as polite as you like, babe!"

Jaune heaved a very, very long sigh.

"... How much is his bail?" He asked.

"You're not seriously going to bail him out, are you?" Yang protested. "Look at this guy's rapsheet!"

"Come on, Jauney!" Jackie pled, "Remember all the good times we had?"

"Yeah, I am," Jaune growled. Jackie winced. Jaune shook his head.

"But I know Auntie Marie's heart can't stand any more breaks, so... How much?"

- - -

Teams JNPR and RWBY stood outside the sherriff's office. Jackie Arc brushed off his hat, and donned it with a happy grin.

"Thanks Cuz! I knew you'd come through-URK!"

Jaune grabbed his collar and lifted him up with one hand.

"You are going to get yourself back to Radian," Jaune snarled, "You are gonna go back to your mother, apologize, and get an honest job. And if I so much as hear about you putting a toe out of line, I'm skinning you alive. Understand?!"

Jackie nodded quickly.

"Y-Yep! Sure! No problem, Cuz! No problem at all!"

Jaune dropped him. He barely landed on his feet, and coughed. He rubbed his throat.

"Geez... You ladies sure you want to be around him? Cousin Jauney's got a bit of a temper-"

"Git," Jaune snarled. Jackie nodded quickly, then turned and walked off as fast as he could without looking like he was fleeing. Jaune glared after him. Yang reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey... You can't choose your family," she said quietly.

"Indeed," Weiss said, squeezing his hand. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah... Unfortunately," he sighed. He shook his head. "He's always caused a headache for me since the day we met. But... If I don't look after 'im, he'll get himself killed. So..." He shrugged. "I just don't like him staining the Arc name... Getting me in trouble."

"We'll always be here to stand up for you, Jaune," Pyrrha said with a soft smile. Ruby nodded eagerly.

"Yeah! Count on it!"

"Or break some legs!" Nora said cheerfully. "Which we could still do! Creep was ogling me the whole time!"

Ren's eyes narrowed. Jaune sighed and shook his head.

"Nah... Let's just forget about him. Hopefully, he ain't gonna get into any trouble between here and Radian... At least, trouble that involves us."

- - -

Some time later...

Jackie Arc adjusted his plate armor, poncho, and sword. He grinned at himself in the mirror as he pulled on a brown leather hat.

"Perfect," he muttered, "Now..."

He held up his Scroll, and began to type.

"'Wanted: Female Huntresses for an exciting business opportunity! Must be within these body parameters. One Cat Faunus Girl only. Must be comfortable with nudity. Some acting required. Contact: Jaune Arc of Radian.'"

Jackie grinned. This was gonna be his best venture yet!

- - -

There are plenty of frauds, shysters, and rogues in Westerns. So I decided to make one who was a relative of Jaune's. Who is no doubt going to get him, RWBY, and JNPR into all sorts of trouble.

Naturally I borrowed Fife and Andy from 'The Andy Griffith Show'.
Last edited:
Sleepwalking Jaune: Yang
- - -

Yang had, for once, been studying. Cramming at the last minute was an unfortunate habit of hers. After all, her physical abilities had let her get through anything at Signal Academy. Still, Beacon was on a whole new level. So even she had to study.

Especially since Pyrrha freaking Nikos was now her biggest competition. Honestly, it was kind of humbling to come here and learn she wasn't the biggest fish anymore.

Still, she wasn't going to let that discourage her. She'd figure a way to beat the Invincible Girl...

Just you wait, P-Money. I'm not gonna let you rest on your laurels forever...
She stretched her arms up over her head, and let out a little grunt. She then smelled something coming from the JNPR common room.

"Huh? That's weird..." She checked the clock.

"Geez, it's really damn late... Who is cooking this late at-?"

Oh. Ohhhh.

"Heh... VB's sleepwalking again," Yang grinned. "Can't wait to see what he does!"

After all, Blake was making breakfast and actually trying to sociable. Whatever he'd done must have been pretty amazing.

She got up, silently opened the door, and headed across the hallway. She opened the door and entered. She grinned.

There he was. Cooking something with that silly apron of his. It smelled really good, honestly.

"Hey VB," Yang greeted carefully. It wouldn't do to wake him up before she had some fun.

"Hey Firecracker," Jaune greeted her without skipping a beat. Yang's eyebrows went up.

"Oh? You like giving out nicknames too, huh?"

"I just think it fits you," Jaune said.

"Oh?" Yang asked, leaning over the stove. She sniffed the bubbling pan. "Geez, this smells really good... Why don't you ever call me that?"

"Dunno... I guess I think you won't like it," Jaune admitted. "Makin' curry... You like curry?"

"Love it!" Yang said cheerfully. She leaned in. "So..."

This might be pushing it, still...
"Do you know P-Money's secret weakness? Does she have one?"

It was a bit unfair, but...

"She's lonely."

Yang blinked.


"She's lonely. She doesn't know how to relate to the world," Jaune mumbled, stirring the rice cooking in a pot, "She's afraid... Afraid that people won't like the real her... But I think she's great. I just wish she'd be more open... She's just really scared to open up. Maybe because so many people in her life were fake. I don't know. I haven't pried a lot..."

Yang blinked.

"Wow... You know, you're usually pretty oblivious..."

"Well, it's a dream," Jaune said with a smile, "So I don't need to hold back, right?"

"I... I guess," Yang said, feeling awkward. She looked directly at him.

"So... So what's my weakness?" She asked softly.

"You're afraid of being abandoned," Jaune said, without skipping a beat. Yang's jaw dropped.


"I talked to Ruby. And other stuff," Jaune said, "I watch people a lot. When I stop blabbing. That's why I think Weiss is amazing and... And I just wish she'd like me back..."

Yang gaped at him in disbelief. Jaune smiled at her.

"But it's okay. Maybe she'll like me... Some day..."

"Enough about Weiss, how did you...?" Yang shook her head. "About me?"

"Seven sisters. Aqua always put on a brave front. Always boasted and shouted and declared she was the greatest. And teased. Teased so much... But she was scared of people seeing the real her..."

He finished preparing the curry, and poured it out over a bowl of rice. He set it out in front of Yang, who stared at it.

"So... What happened to her?" Yang asked softly.

"No matter what she did... She found people who knew the real her... And would never leave her. Because they love her. Even with all her flaws."

Jaune smiled.

"Just like I love you. Flaws and all. And would never leave you. Just like Ruby..."

Yang's face turned bright red. She gaped in disbelief at him.

"I-You-Wh-Why are you-?!"

"It's a dream. And since it's a dream..." He leaned in and kissed her on her cheek. "Eat up!"

"I-I... You...!" She trembled. "G-Geez..."

"I'm gonna get some sugar for cookies," Jaune said, smiling at her and started walking towards the windows. Yang blushed harder, staring at the curry... Then realized...


Jaune was already stepping out the window. In a flash, Yang was there and wrapped her arms around his chest.

She yanked him back, and fell. Jaune twisted against her. They both hit the floor with a thud.



Jaune blinked rapidly. He looked bewildered. He then stared down at Yang.

"Uhhhh... Yang? Wha... What happened? Oh shit... Did I sleepwalk again?"

Yang stared at him, her cheeks burning bright red. She let out a sigh.

"Yup," she managed.

"O-Oh geez... Did I do anything bad-?"

"NO!" Yang shoved him off, and glared away from him with bright red cheeks. "J-Just made some curry and said... Stupid crap..."

"Oh um... Sorry?" Jaune managed. His eyes widened. "Aw crap! The curry!"

He got up and rushed to the stove. Yang rubbed her cheek, still blushing bright red.

"Geez... Stupid jerk," she muttered, though she did have a smile on her face.

- - -

I can only blame being sick on this pile of crap. Hope you don't hate it too much.
Renora: The Lightweight
Jaune: "Hey Ren. I got you a drink from my farm!"

Ren: "Really? Thank you. What is it?"

Jaune: "It's tea. Well, a special kind of tea."

Ren: "I see." He opens the Ice Dust cool container, and opens the bottle. He sniffs it. "Ah, Jasmine... And fizzy."

He drank it down.

Jaune: Reads the letter "It's... Oh crap... Jasmine fizz? It's a cocktail made with... VODKA?! Well, it shouldn't be an issue if Ren's not a lightweight-"

Ren: Red faced, grinning "Haaa... Thish... Thish is grrreat, Jauunnne!"

Jaune: Oh shit he's a total lightweight!

Nora: Enters "Hey Renny and Jaune-Jaune-!"

Ren: "NORRRRRAAAAAAA!" He grabbed her and kissed her deeply "OMNOMNOMMMMMM~!"

Nora: "MMPH?!"

Jaune hauled Ren off the dazed Nora.

Jaune: "Woah woah woah... Are you all right, Nora?" He held Ren back, who drunkenly giggled "Um, sorry about that. My sisters sent me some alcohol and I didn't know it was alcohol-I thought it was tea! Well it is tea but it's made with vodka and now Ren's drunk! I had no idea he was such a lightweight-You okay?"

Nora: "..."

Nora calmly shoves Jaune out of the room, shuts and locks the door. She then grabs the alcohol, tips Ren's head back, and pours it down his throat.


Jaune: "... I think I'll avoid the dorms for a while..."
Even More Blake is Racist 6
Blake waited for Jaune at the Bullhead port in Vale. She's dressed in a white sweater with a black skirt and stockings: Every inch the naughty book loving girl she fantasizes about.

Jaune arrives, driving a Wayland 205 heavy offroad bike. Blake flushes.

Blake: "Oh! Uh... I didn't know you had a motorcycle."

Jaune: "Well, I couldn't travel from Radian all the way on foot. Besides, my dad gave it to me for my birthday. I've uh, I've kept it in storage because it's cheaper." Smiles "But it's a good day to take it out for a spin. Don't you think?"

Blake: blushes harder "S-Sure."

She got onto the back of the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around his waist. He revved up the engine and drove off at a reasonable speed into traffic... But Blake's mind was going very unreasonable places.

"Even if it's just us against the world, Princess," the noble Biker Knight Tetsuo swore, as he dodged around explosions, "I will never leave your side!"

"Oh Tetsuo~!" Princess Nekomata cried, clinging to him tightly as her kimono rode up over her smooth, long legs-

Jaune: "We're here!"

Blake: "Ah! O-Oh! Good."

Jaune parked, and they got off. They walked to the Celsus Bookstore.

Jaune: "Do you want to browse or get lunch first?"

Blake: "I... I think lunch would be nice first."

Jaune: "Works for me."

They got a table. The waitress came. They got some coffees and teas, and Blake looked over the menu. The sun was shining, only partly cloudy. The wind was low speed. She could see the beautiful architecture of Old Vale all around them. People were going about their business, peacefully, happily.

And yet...

Jaune: "Blake?"

Blake: "Sorry... I just..." Her bow twitches "I guess I just feel... A little guilty. You're being very kind to me and... And I realize I haven't been very kind to you."

Jaune: "Well... I mean... No."

Blake scowls.

Jaune: quickly "You're doing okay now though."

Blake: "I... I guess I just..." She frowned "I don't know what I'm supposed to say or do."

Jaune: "Just talk. About something you like. I mean, I don't read a lot of novels anymore, but I do like to read for fun."

Blake: "I've only seen you with X-Ray and Vav."

Jaune: "I mean, yeah, but that's just like, potato chip reading. My parents were actually really big on the classics."

Blake: "Oh? Like what?"

Jaune: "Well, um, Aristos' Physics, Politics, Metaphysics... Bardic's plays... The theological works of Saint Edmund, Eustace, and Lucy... And lots of classic kids' books. Ya know, Mark Clemens, T. Selliot, Yules Tern..."

Blake: lights up a little "I grew up reading a lot of those too, actually." smiles "I still do from time to time."

Jaune: "No kidding? That's great!" Smiles "I mean, the CCT signal wasn't always the best out in Radian until my teens so I had to entertain myself with a lot of other things."

Blake: "Same. Fishing, hiking... There are a lot of beautiful beaches around Menagerie, and coral reefs. Despite how dangerous it is, I always liked going out. Not so much swimming but I loved watching whales and fishing. My father cooked a lot of food on an open fire."

Jaune: "Hey, mine too! We had the mountains, and I hiked a lot. There's the Hanging Lake above Radian, and there's this beautiful waterfall! My uh..." screws up his face "Great-Great-Great Grandfather made it as a wedding gift for his bride, by redirecting a mountain river. It's called the Love Story Waterfall."

Blake: "I've heard of that! I always wanted to see it..."

They talked... And talked... Their food came, and they kept talking.

They finished their food, and Jaune paid. They then went into the bookshop... And kept talking.

Blake: "I always thought Plateau was overrated as a philosopher."

Jaune: "I dunno, I did like the dialogue he wrote about his teacher and the giant dragon monster."

Blake: "Heh. I suppose you would remember that one."

Jaune: "Well, he is talking about how a creature that is so alien to our experience would see us as... As abominations. If it was like, a pure ideal in physical form. How something pure, even if it's pure evil, would be out of place in a world that's compromised like Remnant. That's kind of neat."

Blake: "Hmph. His ideal 'Republic' is the very worst kind of tyranny."

Jaune: "Yeah, but, nobody's perfect." He made a face "Urgh. My brain feels like it's turning rusty gears remembering all that stuff."

Blake: "You know a lot more about it than I would expect a... Um, farmboy to know. No offense."

Jaune: "None taken. My mom wanted me to be a doctor, like her. But well... I wanted to be a Hunter more. Like my dad... And her."

Blake: "I see... My parents wanted me to take over their... Business as well. I worked very hard with the movement. I studied, I protested, I wrote letters... It just... It never seemed like it was enough."

Blake frowned.

Blake: "I thought that... That political power only grows out of the barrel of a gun. That if you wanted real change to happen, you needed to force it."

Jaune: frowns

Blake: "... Turns out it's... Not that simple."

Jaune: "No." He smiled softly "I used to ask my great-grandma why she didn't just force people to do what she wanted. She was... Very powerful in her youth. Everyone in the town respects her deeply. But bad things still happen."

Blake: "What did she say?"

Jaune: "She said that no one, no matter how much power they have, can fix everything. And nobody with ultimate power can be trusted not to abuse it. So... You have give and take. It sucks, but..." He shrugged. "I guess no matter how right you can feel you are, you can still be wrong."

Blake: "... I suppose there's something to that... But it's not the easiest thing to accept."

Jaune: "No."

Blake: "But it is better to accept it than to deny reality..." sighs "You've been nothing but nice to me. The others too... Even Weiss, sort of. And I just... Lash out. Like I'm fighting injustice. And... And I don't really think I am."

Jaune: "I mean... I don't think fighting injustice is the problem. It's just how you're doing it."

Blake: "I know, I know... I just don't know how to do it differently. Or if it would even work. And so I'm just... I'm frustrated. And I don't know what to do."

Jaune: "I don't know either... But I'm willing to help you, Blake. So is everyone else."

Blake: "... I'll think about it. It... That's not a no. I just..."

Jaune: nods "Yeah. I-I get it..."

They paid for their purchases and headed back out to the bike.

Blake: "... You know, all of our friends have been spying on us since we got here."

Jaune: sighs "Yeah... I'm aware."

Blake: "... You're... What do you feel about that?"

Jaune: "Well, they're concerned about you. Pyrrha's also really concerned for some reason. I guess she's just being an overly protective big sister."

Blake: stares "... Really?"

Jaune: "Well, that's how she comes off as. Like I appreciate everything she's doing for me but she keeps coddling me like she's afraid she'll break me."

Blake promised she wouldn't be mean anymore. She promised she wasn't going to stir shit anymore... But...

Blake: "I see... So... Are you still interested in Weiss?"

Jaune: "Hm? No. I mean, she's great but no. I was kind of a jerk and she was like, the opposite of my last girlfriend-Oh, um, sorry. I shouldn't mention her-"

Blake: "You're not just taking me out on a date because I remind you of her, do I~?"

Blake gets closer to Jaune. He gulps.

Jaune: "I uh... N-No! No! She um, she wasn't big on books or uh... Nerding out, really..."

Blake: "So you're... Definitely single?"

Jaune: "Y-Yes?"

Blake: "..." smirk "Not anymore." She pulls him into a kiss.

From a less than properly concealed hiding spot nearby...

Ruby: "WHAT?!"


Weiss: "How DARE she-She can't just-She's doing it to get to me, I just know it!"

Ruby: sarcastically "I thought you didn't have any feelings for him."

Weiss: "I DON'T!"

Pyrrha: twitch "Sister...?! He sees me like a sister?!"

Nora: "I don't see the problem! It's right here in one of Blakey's books: 'Incest is best, put your sister to the test!'"

Ruby: "NORA!"

Nora: "WHAT?!"

Pyrrha: blushes bright red... Considers...

Ren: sighs "Jaune... I shall pray for your departed soul."

- - -

So it turns out Blake's not quite so racist after all... But she's still a cat at heart.