Jaune SI BS 10: The Giant Robot
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Nora tries to sneak into the kitchen in the common room after hours. She opens the fridge... Reaches for the frozen pancakes...
Nora: "OW!" She waves her hand, where a mousetrap is stuck on "Owowowow!"
Jaune: Glares at her "I told you, Nora. You're grounded... Also how does that even hurt? You have Aura."
Nora: "It was funnier?"
Jaune: "... I guess I can't argue with that."
Nora: "PLEASE JAUNE-JAUNE! GIVE ME PANCAKES!" Falls to her knees in front of him and sobs "I'LL BECOME YOUR SLAVE!"
Jaune: "I-I don't need one of those and I'm not gonna NTR Ren!"
Jaune: "I... He's what?!
Nora: "Well... He might be!"
- - -
Cardin is grumbling to himself... When Jaune walks up to him.
Jaune: "Yo, Cardin."
Cardin: "What do you want, Arc?"
Jaune: "I have beer and guns. Wanna go do something stupid?"
Cardin: "... Sure thing!"
Later, at a campfire, Team CRDL, Ren, Jaune and Sun are chilling out with beer.
Sky: "I just... I think she's kind of neat, ya know?"
Jaune: "Then ask her out, dumbass."
Sky: "But she's with Team NDGO!"
Jaune: "Wait, that's who you're talking about? Fuck, no, do not stick in evil and crazy, bro."
Dove: "I have been telling him the same thing."
Russell: "Totally. I don't even know why Adel is hitting on me. She's supposed to be a lesbian!"
Sky: "Statistically speaking, she's more likely to be bi than lesbian given how few true blue lesbians there are. Or true blue gay dudes there are. It's like a spectrum or something."
Russell: "Yeah and you're a rainbow gaywad!"
Sky: "I AM NOT!"
Cardin: "So... Uh... Jauney... I wanna ask your help."
Jaune: "Me? With what?"
Cardin: "Well you went on a date with Xiao-Long... Can you help me with the girls?"
Sun: "Why aren't you asking me? I went on a date with Blake!"
Jaune: "That was more like you both being temporarily homeless."
Russell: "Plus, you want that chick? Really? Her?"
Sky: "Her booty is amazing though!"
Russell: "It's more that she's part of Arc's harem."
Jaune: "I don't have a harem! Fuck's sake, just because Great-Grandpa had three wives does not mean I will! My dad only has my mom!"
Sun: "She-She totally isn't into Jaune anyway! She wore that collar for me!"
Dove: sips beer "I take back what I said, Sky. You're not a simp next to him."
Sun: "I'M NOT A SIMP!"
Cardin: "Anyway, come on Jaune! Help me with the girl!"
Jaune: "Who is it?"
Cardin: "Um..."
Ren: "If it's Nora, I will have to murder you."
Cardin: "NO IT'S NOT NORA!"
Jaune: "Though good on you, Ren! You made a move?"
Ren: "... Kind of?"
Russell: "OI! Come on, Pinkeye! Just tell her you wanna be together!"
Ren: "I don't want to ruin thirteen years of friendship."
Sky: "She's your childhood friend too?! Why do you guys get all the luck?!"
Jaune: "Who is it, Cardin?"
Cardin: "... Um... Well, uh, she's in the year ahead of us... Has a really neat Semblance and um..."
Jaune: "... You're shitting me. Velvet?! You pulled on her ears, dude!"
Cardin: "Well I got nervous and my family's got some history with the Faunus and-and I don't know what the fuck to do!"
Dove: "Ask her out."
Russell: "Ya damn pussy!"
Cardin: "Says the guy running from Adel!"
Russell: "She's terrifying! I'm not gonna be her dress up doll! Even if she hot as fuck and bisexual!"
Jaune: sighs "Cardin? Just go ask her out. Hand her flowers. Say you just wanted to get her attention but you went overboard. Maybe she'll give you a chance."
Cardin: "That worked for you with your harem?"
Jaune: "I DON'T HAVE A HAREM. I just asked Yang out on a date after flirting with her! It's no big deal! And I don't know why Blake is wearing a collar!"
Sun: "She's doing it for me! ME!"
Russell: "I really fucking doubt it, Abs-Boy."
Ren: sips his beer "... Why did we want to hang out with guys again?"
Jaune: "Because Ruby got into my childhood photos my sisters sent and I'm not crossdressing again... Unless it's to save the world or something."
Ren: "Or if your harem is into that."
Jaune: "Et tu, Ren?"
When our heroes try to infiltrate a White Fang meeting... They bring the police with them. Unfortunately, Roman whips out the Paladin mech and chaos ensues. Roman blasts apart the warehouse and JNPR and RWBY barely escape the falling rubble.
Or at least, most of them did.
Pyrrha: "Jaune?! JAUNE! WHERE'S JAUNE?!"
Nora: "JAUNE?!"
Ruby: "JAUNE!"
Yang: "JAUNE!"
Roman's Paladin strides out, carrying the limp body of Sun Wukong.
Blake: "SUN!"
Roman: "You girls gotta get tougher boyfriends if I can wreck them like this. Oh well! Time to die~."
Roman: "What the-?!"
A heavy semi-truck rams into the Paladin at high speed. Jaune, carrying a large backpack, jumps out of the driver's seat just in time before it hits and explodes.
Everyone opens fire on the mech as it tries to free itself from the wreckage.
Jaune: "Actually? We did."
He pulls out an anti-armor rocket launcher and takes aim as everyone else keeps firing on Roman.
Roman: "Oh. Well shi-"
Jaune fires. The armor piercing warhead punches through the armor on the mech's drive system. With a massive explosion, the mech goes limp and loses all power.
Jaune: "... Bit of a design flaw, that."
Yang: snerk "Remind me to send a complaint to the Atlasian Military."
Jaune: "Totally."
Ruby: "Awww... Jaune!"
Jaune: "What?"
Ruby: "I wanted to have a cool fight with the giant robot!" pouts
Nora: "Me too!" Also pouts
Jaune: "Well then, next time make sure it's not in a heavily populated area. And bring anti-armor weapons with you."
Ruby: "Maybe I will!"
Nora: "Can I have an advance on my allowance?"
Jaune: "Only if you're good."
Blake and Weiss give Jaune suspicious looks.
Jaune: "... Yes?"
Blake: "How did you know there would be a giant mecha here?"
Jaune: "I didn't know. I just figured that if the White Fang are getting a lot of weapons from somewhere, it wouldn't hurt to prepare for the absolute worst case scenario. In this case, having a giant armored weapon to deal with. At most I thought it would be like one of those cheap-ass Mistralian tanks with the legs that kind of work: Not a Paladin!"
Weiss: "... I suppose that's sensible." nods "You were right to be paranoid."
Jaune: "It's only paranoia if they're not out to get you."
Blake: "Who?"
Jaune: "Well gee, given that Weiss is numero uno target for the White Fang and Blake left them, it seems like they'd be all too happy to go after you two! Also your friends! Speaking of, Blake? Your boyfriend is badly injured, maybe we should tend to him?"
Blake: "O-Oh! Right!"
Weiss: "So self centered."
Blake: "You didn't notice until Jaune pointed it out!"
Weiss: "I was a little preoccupied!"
Pyrrha smiles warmly at Jaune as he starts first aid on Sun.
Pyrrha: "You did very well, Jaune."
Jaune: beams "Thanks Pyrrha. Anything to keep the ones I love safe."
Much blushing from the women around ensues.
Sun: "Ugh... Hey Jaune... Thanks for the save."
Jaune: "Hey, I'm not letting my friends get killed by a giant robot. It'd look bad on my resume!"
Sun: "Can't say I'm uh... I'm comfortable with a dude saying they love me."
Jaune: "It's friendly love, bro. You know, bro-mance? Like what you have with Neptune, except I'm straight."
Sun: "Heh. Funny."
Jaune: "His dress sense says otherwise."
Weiss: "Y-You're just upset he's manlier than you!"
A pause... Then much laughter ensues.
Weiss: "HEY!"
Jaune: "Sure Princess, sure."
Blake: "Wait, I thought I was the Princess?"
Jaune: "You both are."
Sun: pained scowl "Bro..."
Jaune: "Oh relax Sun, I'm not stealing another man's girl."
Blake: quickly "I'm not his girl."
Sun: "Urk... The pain...!"
Jaune: "I think those are your ribs. Also geez Blake, ya gotta be all tsundere when he's like this? At least give him a lap pillow while he's injured."
Blake: "I-I'm sorry! I'm not good at this stuff!"
Sun: smiles "I like you for it anyway."
Blake: "Now is not the time to flirt!"
Yang: "It's always the time to flirt!"
Sun: "Oh, also... Where did Roman go?"
They search... But the red haired criminal is long gone.
Jaune: "Oh wow, we are bad at this."
Sun: "Urgh... I'm never gonna be a Junior Detective at this rate..."