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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But I'm hoping it's a reboot with a focus on RWBY and JNPR equally. And everyone gets actual characterization.
I haven't seen it myself, but I heard good things about the Weiss Esdeath dream anime so maybe there is still some potential left in the IP…
I had an idea.

I was listening to the Bloodborne OST, specifically Ludwig's theme. And I got an idea.

I want Jaune to have the Holy Moonlight Blade.

So, I started to come up with ways that he could get it, and I think I came up with something good.


Thousands of years ago, there was a member of the Arc family who awakened their Semblance to find that it was incredibly powerful. This Arc's Semblance was the power to see someone's very soul, draw out that soul and shape it. To manifest it in physical reality in the shape of a weapon.

Essentially it was the power to turn souls into weapons. Incredibly powerful weapons, depending on the power of the targetted soul. The person still keeps their Aura and Semblance, as no matter the distance they are bonded to their weapon. Rather, they are their weapon.

That Arc used their Semblance and manifested their own "Soul Bond", as they would later be called. This Arc used their Semblance on the other members of the Arc family, and together they carved the Arc name in history.

Eventually this Arc brought forth the Soul Bond of each and every new family member. When the young came of age, their soul became their weapon forevermore. When someone married into the family, if that Arc saw their soul was deserving a place in the Arc Halls, they too received their own Soul Bond.

But, that Arc past away at the ripe old age of 103 years old. Yet their forging hammer remained. I haven't come up with a name for the hammer, but every Soul Bond has a name when it is made, and the person who's Soul was used will know it the first time they touch it.

The hammer of that Arc, their Soul Bond, remained even after their death. It even still had the power to see souls, and draw out someone's Soul Bond. It was also alive, in a sense. The hammer, when close to someone, will react to their soul. If their soul is worthy of the Arc name, it will draw closer to them.

If it sees a soul that does not deserve the name Arc, it will not react. If touched it will still make a Soul Bond, but it won't move to make it happen.

And so generation after generation passed. Each new generation grew up alongside their Soul Bond. Sometimes a Soul Bond could change, evolve over time just like someone's Semblance could. A shield could grow thorns to defend and offend. A sword may spawn a paired shield. A bow may twist into twin blades. Sometimes they'll even gain elemental affinities or other, mkfe esoteric effect. A hammer of fire, a spear of lightning, an incense burner that causes hallucinations or puts others to sleep, and more.

Because the weapons remain after death, the Arcs see it as a form of immortality. The death of the body is to be mourned, and the Soul Bonds of their loved ones is to be retrieved and entombed away into the Arc's family vault.

One day a Wizard came to the Arcs. He wished to see the soul forging hammer work its magic. It was the day two Arcs would receive their Soul Bonds, so the Arcs agreed so long as the Wizard does not touch the hammer.

Something unusual happened that day.

The first Arc went like normal. The hammer moved into their grip, and their soul was pulled from their body and forged into a weapon. A towering lance that held inside it a storm of the wind's fury.

The Wizard was truly amazed.

Then the second Arc went. They stood before the hammer, and it did something it had never done before. The hammer... moved away from them.

The Arcs quickly gathered up that young Arc, and took him away from the hammer. Whatever the soul forger saw when it looked into that Arc's soul, it did not want to awaken their Soul Bond.

That young Arc was stripped of their name. Disowned and shunned.

Still, the Wizard saw what he wanted to see, and so granted unto the Arcs a gift. He called upon his magic, and blessed the vault the weapons, including the hammer itself, were kept in.

It transformed into a Vault that could only be opened by one with the blood of an Arc flowing through their veins, and who held the Arc name. This would help keep the source of the Soul Bonds from those who were untrustworthy, who would misuse its powers, and those who were banished and disowned.

So, even more generations passed... and we get to the modern times of Remnant.

Jaune Arc was taken as a young boy to see one of his elder sisters get their Soul Bond on their 15th birthday. As he'd never seen it before, his parents allowed him to get closer to watch it happen.

His sister had her Soul Bond made, and when she placed the hammer down... it moved away from Jaune.

It was the second time it had ever happened in history. The Arcs knew that no matter what, Jaune Arc should never have his Soul Bond made. He was never brought into the Vault again.

When it was his 15th birthday... He was refused entry.

When he asked to be trained so he could become a Huntsman, something every other family received even just a little of (they all learn how to use their Soul Bond properly), he was refused. His family was adamant.

But they refused to disown him. He was their only son. So, he still had the right to enter the Vault.

So when Jaune turned 17, he knew it was do or die. Either he enters Beacon with his Soul Bond... or he abandons the Arc name and goes to die in the wilds. He could see no alternative.

So one night he snuck out and entered the vault. The hammer moved away, sliding across the vault to get away. But Jaune grasped it, and his soul was forged.

In his hands was a greatsword, one which felt light in his hands. Its blade was sleek and beautifully decorated. The whole thing was silver, yet shone with a dark light. Then it glowed, and the blade grew into a gigantic blade of blue and black light, as if it were made of the cosmos itself.

It was here, when he touched the hammer, that he saw what the hammer saw all those years ago, when it first refused him.

Blackness lit by tiny pinpricks of light. Stars amidst an infinite darkness. In the center of his mind's eye there was a moon. Whole and grand, its radiant light conforting to Jaune, but to the hammer it inspired only dread.

And in the blackness surrounding the moon and stars, things of an unspeakable form and nature crawled, wriggled, snaked and danced. What the hammer saw from the crawling darkness was only horror. Jaune felt nothing but love. A love that pushed its way into his veins from the hand holding the sword, and his blood boiled aflame.
It was a love that was maddening in its intensity.

And so, his Holy Moonlight Blade in hand, Jaune travelled to Beacon alone.

Ahem... Yeah, that's my idea for how Jaune could get the Holy Moonlight Blade. If any if you want, feel free to take the idea and adapt it so he gets something else. It could be fun.
Jaune reveals he's known that Blake's real identity all along; his faunus friends in Radian made him a set of bingo cards for Menagerie faunus as a joke. Ever since he's met Blake, he's had to write back home weekly for new copies.
don't leave us hanging like this.
please give us some more about this
Cowboys of Remnant: Yang's Counterattack
Yang was stalking back and forth in front of Blake in the otherwise empty RWBY dormroom. She growled and shook her fists in the air.

"UGGGGGGGHHH! What the hell am I doing wrong?! I am literally the hottest girl here! A blonde bombshell!"

Blake turned a page in her book, and slammed her fist down on the desk in anger.

"And yet he can't take a damn HINT!" Yang growled.

Blake turned another page as Yang continued her rant.

"What do I have to do, jump him while naked?!" She glared over at Blake. "Blake! Aren't you going to say anything?!"

"I'm not going to interrupt your rant," Blake said dryly. Yang pushed her book down. Blake scowled back.

"You've had a boyfriend!"

"And you don't want my experience, it won't help," Blake stated, pulling her book back up to her face. Yang pushed it back down.

"Well who else am I gonna go to? Professor Goodwitch?" Yang demanded.

Blake heaved a long sigh. She closed her book and thought about things.

"One, he's very conservative and old fashioned. Two, he probably doesn't want to be torn apart by all the other girls with an interest in him."

Yang slammed her fist into her palm confidently.

"We could take 'em!"

Blake raised an eyebrow.

"Including Pyrrha?"

Yang faltered, but got herself back together as she scowled.

"... Cross that bridge when we come to it. But seriously?! Is him asking me out on one date too much for him?!"

Blake hummed, holding her book to her chest as she considered things. In a moment, an idea flashed in her yellow eyes.

"You know... He's been out on the frontier. Probably ran into a lot of aggressive prostitutes trying to take advantage of a young, inexperienced boy. You should try something he'd feel more comfortable with."

Yang scowled at her… But her eyes were curious.

"Such as...?"

Blake wore a little smile.

- - -

Jaune woke up early, as he always did. He eased out of bed, taking care not to wake his friends up. He walked to the door, opened it, and made it to the common room. He could smell breakfast being cooked. He could hear Yang humming, and see part of her blonde hair.

"Good morning, Miss Xiao-Long. Thought I was supposed to cook-?"

He went around the kitchenette… And stopped cold. His jaw dropped. His cheeks went bright red at the sight.
"Good morning Sweetie!!" Yang was in a yellow house dress... With an apron... And her hair up in a red bandanna. She beamed like the sun at the slack jawed Jaune.

"Just sit right down, Jaune. Your food will be ready soon."

Coyly, she walked up and pushed his jaw closed. Her fingers lingered only for a moment, before she turned and went back to the stove.

"I-sure, Miss Xiao Long. I-I thought it was my turn to cook today?" He mumbled. "I-I mean uh, I-I said that…"

Yang looked back over her shoulder and tossed him a wink.

"I just decided I'd give you a break. Now sit down, I'll pour you some coffee."

Numbly, he sat down at the table. His eyes just wouldn't break contact from Yang.

"T-Thank you," he stuttered.

It wasn't like Jaune was sexist or anything, he's met plenty of ladies who fight just as well as the menfolk and he would never disrespect them. Hell, his mom was strong enough to smash a tractor flat with her fist. However… A woman choosing to take care of her man and show her affection in this way?

Well... It was mighty hard to ignore.

Yang bustled back over with the pot, and bent over slightly to pour the coffee right into his waiting mug. He could see sweat sliding down her perfect neck into her dress…

He gulped.

"I uh… I-I 'preciate it Miss Xiao Long but I'm not one to shy away from honest work. Let me make it up to you."

Yang smiled sunnily at him.

"Oh? How would you do that?"

"I-I uh… I uh…"

She leaned in again, and reached out to rest her hand on his palm. The contact was electric as their Auras interacted. It was warm and his heart was beating a mile a minute.

Yang cutely reached up and adjusted a lock of her hair, putting it behind her ear. He couldn't remember seeing a woman look so beautiful before.

"Uh… Um… Wh-What… What would you… L-Like me to do?" He stuttered.

Yang's warm sunny smile gained the hunger of a dragon.


The doors to the RWBY and JNPR dorms slammed open, and the rest of the teams filed in. Ruby led her team, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Pyrrha led the other, yawning a bit while still in her pajamas.

Both groups stopped short and stared at the scene before them.

"Morn…Ing?" Ruby managed. "Yang, what are you wearing?"

Yang pulled back from Jaune, still smiling warmly.

"Oh, I just felt like a change," she said with a chuckle, "My little sister's growing up and I'm feeling like an empty nester!"

She walked up and hugged Ruby, which the smaller girl was extremely annoyed by.

"Yang! Cut it out! I'm not a kid anymore!" Ruby whined.

Pyrrha's gaze was fixed on Jaune, whose gaze was locked on Yang. She cleared her throat… Then cleared it again.


"Huh?" He started and looked over at Pyrrha. "Oh, uh, g-good morning Pyrrha! Nora! Ren!"

He looked over at RWBY, where Weiss was glaring death at Yang while Blake covered up her mouth to hide her smirk.

"G-Good morning Ruby! Weiss! Blake!"

"Good morning," Weiss said sourly, eyes narrowed at Yang, "How nice to see you looking almost respectable, Yang."

"Well," Yang tossed her hair back and smirked, "Jaune seems to like it. Don't you Jaune?"

Jaune felt like a lightning bolt was about to strike, given the female ire that seemed to electrify the air around him. Pyrrha's smile was utterly terrifying, as Weiss and Ruby's glares seemed ready to burn him alive. Yang's smirk was utterly unrepentant, and only grew worse when she saw his eyes were still locked onto her.

Ren looked like he was praying for Jaune's soon to be departed soul, while Nora had gotten popcorn from somewhere and was eating it messily.

Well… If I am to die, I'll die an honest man, he thought.

"Um… Y-Yes, I think you look very pretty," he said carefully.

"Aw, aren't you sweet?" Yang gushed, bustling back over to hug him. She made especially sure to press his face into her apron covered bosom. "Such a gentleman!"

The female ire only seemed to increase. Yet Jaune could not escape. Her warmth, her smile, and her domestic goddess nature were all a perfect trap.

"And don't worry about what I want," She murmured to him, "I'll definitely let you know~."

"Uh… Uh huh," Jaune managed a slow nod.

- - -
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"UGGGGGGGHHH! What the hell am I doing wrong?! I am literally the hottest girl here! A blonde bombshell!"

Blake turned a page in her book, and slammed her fist down on the desk in anger.

"And yet he can't take a damn HINT!" Yang growled.

Blake turned another page as Yang continued her rant.

Look, Blake's being supportive! :V

So.... what's on the cover of that book, a cowboy perhaps?
I have cracky short idea. Remember that Neptune is afraid of water? Well... Turns out having Poseidon as a fiancee, for some weird reason of his ancestor making a promise to a goddess of all people, is very clingy and won't let him go the moment he touches water.

Cue her appearing out of nowhere from a shallow pond that Neptune stepped on and then bitchslapping any women within a five mile radius of Neptune.
Some more prompts and ideas:

-Whitley gets pressed into doing diplomatic and business meetings as Jacques' representative. In this role, he's made connections with Ghira and Kali Belladonna and has been trying to improve the SDC's relationship with them quietly. Explore how this might change things.

-Jaune has an ex-girlfriend: Katey Sith, a very beautiful and energetic cat Faunus girl from Radian who is his childhood friend. She shows up at Beacon to visit. Drama and comedy ensues.

-Penny starts having nightmares about flying around and killing people. She confides in Ruby, and then her father about it. Ruby finds newspaper reports of people dying or disappearing. Ultimately they confront the real killer: A gynoid Watts created by stealing the designs for Penny, but because he copied the method so closely, the two "sisters" have a quantum connection. Her name is Buratina-A take on the Russian version of Pinocchio.

-Yang gets dragged along with Ruby and Jaune to a local comic con. Yang must confront her nerdy past, and maybe embrace it again. Jaune helps her do so.

-Give me ideas for "A Song from the Past" Shi Yin-Yue's trying to marry Ren while Nora and Ren have to deal with their own feelings.
-Jaune has an ex-girlfriend: Katey Sith, a very beautiful and energetic cat Faunus girl from Radian who is his childhood friend. She shows up at Beacon to visit. Drama and comedy ensues.

I'm kind of picturing her looking like Kuroka from DxD....

Katey Sith - "I'm here for my man, back off you thirsty skanks!"

Pyrrha/Yang - "Over our dead bodies!"

Sun - "It's like looking at a hotter version of Blake that doesn't make me feel like she's going to run out on me at some point...."

Blake - "I don't like her."
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Some more prompts and ideas:

-Whitley gets pressed into doing diplomatic and business meetings as Jacques' representative. In this role, he's made connections with Ghira and Kali Belladonna and has been trying to improve the SDC's relationship with them quietly. Explore how this might change things.

Whitley: *resigned* "You're thinking about your daughter having my kids, aren't you?"
Kali: *cheerfully* "It's that or I start thinking about how our only daughter left us and we have no idea where she is before I start crying myself to sleep."
Whitely: "..."

<Weeks later>

Blake: *reading her scroll before spitting out her coffee* "WHAT THE HELL?! "Billionaire heir adopted by Menagerie Chieftain?! 'Can't be any worse than my blood-family' claims Whitley Schnee-Belladonna?! NEW AGE FOR ATLAS-MENAGERIE RELATIONS?!"
-Jaune has an ex-girlfriend: Katey Sith, a very beautiful and energetic cat Faunus girl from Radian who is his childhood friend. She shows up at Beacon to visit. Drama and comedy ensues.

And it turns out that she loves dogs and is actually rather offended by the laser thing.

Katey: "No, seriously, why would you even think that? Do I look like one of those crazy Menagerians to you?"
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Enlightenment New
The hilarious idea of Jaune finding out before beacon that huntsmen have "cool super powers and some kinda aura thingies"

And tries to figure it out himself and just keeps stumbling into other power systems and seeding them around remnant.

Ironwood: What the fuck is Mantra?



Neptune: what's going on buddy?

*Sun is floating*

Sun: I have achieved enlightenment brother.

Neptune: oh this is going to end great I can already tell.

Sun: Tell me brother what makes a catgirl? Is it the ears? The tail? Is it a little nya sound?

Neptune: I figured it was the cat parts yes.

Sun: No brother it is the attitude! Any girl can put in a headband or a butt plug tail and call themselves a catgirl, but they need a cats attitude or it's just shitty cosplay.

Neptune: right I'm just gonna go.

*Neptune slowly backs out of the room*

Sage: so did you actually achieve some kinda enlightenment or what?

Sun: nah some dude at the park was teaching this Ki stuff and how to fly and I figured I could use it to mess with Neptune.

Sage: you truly are enlightened.
I'm kind of picturing her looking like Kuroka from DxD....

Katey Sith - "I'm here for my man, back off you thirsty skanks!"

Pyrrha/Yang - "Over our dead bodies!"

Sun - "It's like looking at a hotter version of Blake that doesn't make me feel like she's going to run out on me at some point...."

Blake - "I don't like her."

First off, why did she and Jaune break up?

Second, we need a story prompt where Blake ISN'T a shitty kitty. Just to imagine such a world
First off, why did she and Jaune break up?

Second, we need a story prompt where Blake ISN'T a shitty kitty. Just to imagine such a world

in regards to the Jaune x Katey relationship, maybe it was simply that they recognized that it was attraction but not much deeper, or in general a amicable end compared to other options. and then Katey's Instincts went into Overdrive, because she got a Eureka moment about Jaune being THE Husbando Material and is going to Beacon because of it.

a story with Blake as a Good Kitty? that would be great to see. as well as Confident Amazon Pyrrha.
First off, why did she and Jaune break up?

My idea - Katey finds out that her brother, who doesn't like Jaune, sabotaged their relationship and tricked them into breaking up. She finds out from Jaune's parents where he is, and after stuffing her brother into a garbage can, she heads to Beacon to reclaim her man.
Some more prompts and ideas:

-Whitley gets pressed into doing diplomatic and business meetings as Jacques' representative. In this role, he's made connections with Ghira and Kali Belladonna and has been trying to improve the SDC's relationship with them quietly. Explore how this might change things.

Kali keeps trying to set him up with a nice girl. Ilia and Trifa (the spider-girl) among them.

Whitley: Mrs. Belladonna, I get that you actually enjoy playing matchmaker, but why are so many of these girls are older than me?

Kali: I thought teenage boys liked older girls.

Whitley: Very rich teenage boy here. Girl being older is sort of a red flag.

Alternatively either Whitley trying to fit in Menagerie ends up a RWBY version of Richie Rich (which means with more guns and explosions) or him and the Belladonnas having to deal with weekly White Fang assassination attempts to the point it becomes a comedic routine.

My idea - Katey finds out that her brother, who doesn't like Jaune, sabotaged their relationship and tricked them into breaking up. She finds out from Jaune's parents where he is, and after stuffing her brother into a garbage can, she heads to Beacon to reclaim her man.

And since Blake is a Good Kitty in this timeline, she actually volunteers to help her sister-in-fur, which spirals into another set of shenanigans ending in either them both dating Jaune or building a harem completely on accident.
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The hilarious idea of Jaune finding out before beacon that huntsmen have "cool super powers and some kinda aura thingies"

And tries to figure it out himself and just keeps stumbling into other power systems and seeding them around remnant.
This idea that Jaune accidentally stumbles across completely different power systems is absolutely hilarious and can be used for pretty much every other power system.
Jaune could use them on their own, in combination with his Aura and Semblance, he might even teach them to others, and is probably leaving everyone incredibly confused on how that even works.

He could discover things like; Stands, Nen, Alchemy, the loads of other versions of magic, Cursed Energy, Haki, Ripple/Hamon, one of the number of variations on Ki, the Force, psychic, BoBobo's complete insanity of powers, etc.
This idea that Jaune accidentally stumbles across completely different power systems is absolutely hilarious and can be used for pretty much every other power system.
Jaune could use them on their own, in combination with his Aura and Semblance, he might even teach them to others, and is probably leaving everyone incredibly confused on how that even works.

He could discover things like; Stands, Nen, Alchemy, the loads of other versions of magic, Cursed Energy, Haki, Ripple/Hamon, one of the number of variations on Ki, the Force, psychic, BoBobo's complete insanity of powers, etc.

This doesn't even need to be a crossover. He just stumbles across some ancient magic left over from before the wrath of the Gods and fall of the magical civilizations and starts using it.
This doesn't even need to be a crossover. He just stumbles across some ancient magic left over from before the wrath of the Gods and fall of the magical civilizations and starts using it.
CDN media
The Lost Fable: Soulmates
So, here's part 1 of 3 a write-up for Oz and Salem's backstory I've been putting together to replace the backstory given in canon.
Please read this in the voice of Logan Cunningham as the Narrator/Homer from Hades.

The Lost Fable: Soulmates

Long ago, before this world was ever known as Remnant, there lived a boy who dreamed of being a hero. A cunning child with a gift for magic, he desired to be a Spellblade in the service of the God of Light, a wandering Paladin who protected the innocent and destroyed the guilty. He trained for years, passed the trials, and became the youngest to ever swear the Oaths. A boy no longer, the young man wandered the world, going wherever his heart pleases and righting wrongs as he went. He slew dragons, negotiated peace, broke curses and so much more. Years passed, his legend grew and soon taverns, mead halls, and tea houses all across the world rang with the tales of Ozma, the Great and Powerful.

Long ago, when magic still suffused this world, there lived a girl who dreamed of freedom. The only living child of a Mad King who had lost everything, she was kept under lock and key in tower for her own protection. All she had ever known were the walls of her home, but the stories in her books and the tales told to her by her caretakers ignited a longing in her heart, to see the fantastical world she had only ever heard of. So, she hatched a plan. Using her magic, she spread the tale of a princess imprisoned by an evil king, who awaited a hero to rescue her. Whichever kind soul succeeded would be worthy of the hand of Salem, the Girl in the Tower.

Many would-be heroes stormed the prison, but none succeeded in freeing the princess, struck down by her zealous father and his guards. Salem had all but given up hope when a hero, a true hero, appeared.

Ozma, the Great and Powerful, had come.

First, he tried to convince the Mad King to let his daughter go, but was rebuffed at every turn. He struck down the gates of the keep, and beseeched the Mad King once more. Instead, the monarch summoned his Royal Guards to kill the interloper. For hours, Ozma, armed with staff and blade, clashed with the King's elite and proved their better. The King, incensed beyond reason, engaged the hero in a duel of gramarye that could be seen and heard for leagues around. For three days and three nights, the Mad King and the Hero fought, until, on the dawn of the fourth day, Ozma cast the sovereign down from the skies and stood victorious. But Ozma was yet mortal and soon succumbed to exhaustion, falling into a deep slumber at the foot of Salem's Tower.

The princess had not been idle during the battle and as soon as the fighting subsided, had made to steal away from her prison. But, as she stepped foot outside of her tower, Salem's eyes fell upon the sleeping countenance of Ozma, and discovered that all her plans were for naught, for something happened that she could never have anticipated.

She fell in love.

When Ozma awoke, it was to the gently smiling face of the princess, who had spirited him away from the ruins of her erstwhile home. And Ozma, the Dragonslayer, the Peacebringer, the Cursebreaker, who had traveled the length and breadth of the world many times and experienced more in a single lifetime than most men experience in a dozen, found himself doing something he had never expected.

He fell in love.

The two clasped hands, staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"Why did you rescue me?" Salem asked. "Was it for the fame? The riches? My hand?"

"No," Ozma answered. "For none of that. I rescued you, because it was the right thing to do."

"Then... what do we do now?" Salem asked, fearfully.

Ozma smiled. "Whatever you wish."

With the defeat of the Mad King and the rescue of the Girl in the Tower, Ozma's legend grew to even greater heights. His deeds were sung in the haunts of the low and the palaces of the high alike but they were only the prelude to a greater story.

Free to explore the extent of her magic for the first time and with the tutelage of the greatest wizard of the age, the former Princess's powers grew tenfold and soon eclipsed those of her husband, just as her legend grew intertwined with his.

For the tales that followed spoke not only of the Wizard Ozma but also his fair companion and wife, the Good Witch. She who shattered a castle and built a city from the rubble. The queller of storms and the liberator of slaves. The one who fashioned an oasis as thanks for the assistance of the desert tribes and the one who eradicated a royal bloodline for crimes against humanity.

She was Salem, the Just and Kind.

For years, the Sorceress and her Wizard wandered the world, righting wrongs and taking solace in their love. Despite the strife inherent to their way of life, they were content and it seemed that they had found their happily ever after.

And yet, it was not to be, for the fate of all mortals came to pass.

Ozma, the Wizard, the Great and Powerful, the Bane of Evil, and the Champion of Good, sickened and died.

And Salem despaired.
"As Jaune Arc, I pretend to be afraid. But, with a mask as my disguise, I ride through the night... and raise my sword in the name of justice. For I am ZORRO!"

Ruby: *squee*
Weiss: "I...I suppose that...vigilantism is..." *blush*
Yang: *wide eyed, remembering Zorro dueling her and snipping off her clothing and stealing a kiss*
Blake: "Ah, he's a faunus. Zorro means fox after all."

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