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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

You know what I just realized? When Jacques won the council election, Ironwood totally could have just arrested him on not so bs fraudulent voter charges. Like hell, EVERYONE knew he had no way in hell of winning so like, for him to win it was obvious it was sabotaged and nobody would have cared about the lack of evidence either 😂 well except maybe the council but pretty sure he could have stopped them of power with his seats and military.
Last edited:
A few more prompts for Hump Day!

-Isabel Arc went in a slightly different direction in her medical research when she found the lost notes of her ancestor: Victor Frankenstein. And while Jaune did learn a fair amount from her, his dream of becoming a Huntsman was too strong. So he went to Beacon... But Isabel insisted one of her Monsters go along to protect her baby boy.

-Turns out that Weiss can not only kill Grimm and then summon them later? She can do the same with people. And given the assassins from White Fang and business rivals that would be after her, she's got a bit of a collection... Including a few people Blake might recognize.

-Pyrrha ends up finding a Grimoire from before the moon shattered. Filled with magical spells, including love spells. Which she can't resist the temptation to experiment with...

-Nicholas Arc has a side gig due to losing his soul in a card game: The Ghost Rider. And the Devil wants Jaune to take up the task as well!

-As if Remnant didn't have enough problems, White Fang tries to cause the zombie apocalypse with a virus they stole from a top secret lab. And since Grimm don't attack zombies, it makes the Vytal Festival Attack even worse.

And for less spooky ideas:

-Yang's Semblance has a side effect when she learns how to reach a second level with it: She becomes drunk on her Aura and then acts drunk. But rather than an angry drunk, she's a happy, cuddly, and overly affectionate drunk-Who can still punch a car in half.

-Ruby goes to Coco for advice on how to be feminine.

-Ren and Weiss bond over tea, which has Nora fretting.

-Continue any previous story idea.
-Ruby goes to Coco for advice on how to be feminine.

Coco: I have been waiting for you to ask, but why do you need to?

Ruby: I just want to be a bit more girly for a few things ok?!

Coco: And this has nothing to do with you now about your recent birthday and you know who, A Mister: Tall, Blonde, and Yummy swordsman?

Blushing Ruby: N-NO!!

Coco: Don't you worry my cute little reaper. Once I'm done with you, he won't be able to take his eyes and hands~ off of you.

Ruby: R-really?

Coco: I guarantee it.
-As if Remnant didn't have enough problems, White Fang tries to cause the zombie apocalypse with a virus they stole from a top secret lab. And since Grimm don't attack zombies, it makes the Vytal Festival Attack even worse.

Makes you wonder who would do best in a zombie apocalypse.

Blake, and Jaune in my mind, possibly Ruby as well.
The Arc Clan: Uncle Peter New
Jaune Arc did not regret his decision to become a Huntsman. Nor did he regret his decision to train as hard as he could.

That said, he was regretting that he hadn't trained harder in the past as Yang knocked him down onto the gym training mat again. The blonde bombshell stood over him with a smile as she panted for breath.

"Hey! Good work!" She complimented him, rubbing a red mark on her cheek that was fading away, "You actually got a hit in on me!"

"Nngh..." He found it in himself to smile. He then pushed himself up to his knees, then back onto his feet. He got his fists back up.

"O-Okay... Ready," he managed. Yang winced.

"Hey Stud, maybe you should take a breather, huh?"

"I... I can do this all day," Jaune insisted. Yang chuckled, before she grabbed his forearm and guided him over to the benches along the wall. Numerous other students were training nearby, on weights, treadmills, and various other equipment.

"I know, but let's take a breather, huh?" She said. "You can save that shonen determinator stuff for a real fight."

Jaune flushed. Yang sat down next to him, and picked up their water bottles. She handed his to Jaune, and he took it gratefully. They sipped their water in silence for a few moments, just getting their breath back.

"Sorry," Jaune mumbled. "I just feel like I'm not getting good enough fast enough, ya know?"

Yang rolled her eyes.

"Geez... Who are you comparing yourself to? Hyperman? You're doing fine, Jaune. Hell, you're doing ludicrously well given how you were literally an untrained civilian a few months ago."

Jaune smiled widely at her.

"Really? Y-You mean that?"

"Yeah," Yang said with a nod, "Seriously. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sure, you're not top of the class but..." She grinned, "I'm definitely not wasting my time."

Jaune smiled back. It did a few things to Yang's heart that she pointed ignored.

Come on... He's all over Weisscream... Ruby's got a crush, and Pyrrha... Yeah, come on, she thought to herself, Don't even think about it...

"Well! Good to see you're keeping up on gym day," a deadpan voice drawled. Jaune started and looked up, as did Yang. A middle aged but fit man with curly brown hair, green eyes, and a long face grinned at them. He wore a brown suit with matching trousers and a green button-up shirt.

Jaune's eyes widened and he grinned.

"Uncle Peter?!"

"I'd hug ya, but I think I'll wait til after your shower," he said. He glanced at Yang and raised an eyebrow. "Your girlfriend?"

"J-Just my friend," Jaune said quickly, "This is Yang Xiao-Long. Yang? This is my Uncle Peter."

Yang tolerated the man giving her the once over. It was only natural given she was hot and in her gym clothes. He extended his hand with his eyes on hers though, so she didn't give into temptation to punch him.

"Charmed," Peter said with a nod and a wink.

"What brings you to Vale?" Jaune asked curiously. "The Vytal Festival?"

Peter shrugged, a wry smile on his face.

"It's work related. An old summer camp needs some special care."

"Really?" Jaune asked, looking interested. Peter nodded.

"Yeah. Actually... I think you and your friend would be perfect for the gig. You want in? I can cut you guys in for a fairly decent contractor's fee."

"What kind of job is it?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Extermination," Peter stated. Yang blinked.


Peter grinned.

"Even worse. Thing is... The nature of the job means we gotta keep things quiet until the big reveal. We think the thing operates based on emotions."

Yang glanced at Jaune.

"What kind of extermination is this?" She asked.

"It's specialized," Jaune said, "Most people don't uh... Don't believe it, but it's the real deal."

Yang hummed.

"And you need me?"

"Trust me, you are perfect for it," Peter said with a grin. "Just requires a bit of acting."

Yang's eyes narrowed.

"It's not porn," Jaune said quickly.

Peter threw his hands up.

"Why does everyone make that assumption?!"

- - -

Despite Yang's reluctance... The money was good and hey: She did trust Jaune.

Going to an abandoned summer camp where Jaune's uncle's associates set up strange equipment around the dock at the lake was weird, but not too out of her comfort zone. Ray, Egon, and Winston were all nice-Though Egon definitely came off as very weird.

The only hitch was the actual job.

"Okay, you told me this wasn't porn," Yang stated flatly, standing in a string bikini on the dock.

"It isn't!" Peter insisted. "It isn't! Really! Jaune's mom would kick my ass if I even thought of putting him into it!"

"Okay, so what is all this?" Yang demanded. She pointed at a towel and picnic basket sitting on the dock as the sun slowly began to set, "What kind of thing are we trying to lure out?"

"We can't tell you all the details because it tracks based on emotion," Ray pointed out, making some adjustments at a computer terminal, "So your reactions need to be genuine."

"But trust us, if we pull this off, we'll be making the world a MUCH better place," Winston added, the dark skinned man checking on a thrower device hooked up via a tube to a heavy looking backpack. They were called "proton packs", and each man carried one.

"The murder and disappearance rate around this area for the last twenty years has been abnormally high, and the PKE readings are off the charts," Egon muttered, typing on a laptop, "Hmmm... The pattern suggests focused and semi-corporeal... A revenant?"

"That would fit with our theory," Ray added. The chubby man smiled warmly at Yang, "Trust us, this is gonna be great! You'll be totally safe!"

"I think I could handle whatever this thing is with my fists," Yang deadpanned. Egon shook his head.

"Unfortunately due to its nature as partially organic, Aura is ineffectual against it," he said. "Given how many Hunters-in-Training teams it's taken down."

"Immune to Aura?!" Yang squeaked. "And so, what, I'm out here as bait?!"

"It only attacks when there are teenagers involved in specific activities around," Peter said, "But don't worry. We'll take it down."

Yang glared harder. Peter sighed.

"Fine. Triple what we promised?"

"... Fine," Yang groaned. "What's one more stupid decision in my life?"

"That's the spirit!" Peter cheered. "HEY JAUNE! YOU READY?"

Jaune emerged from the dressing rooms near the lake... Walking stiffly in a Speedo. His face was bright red.

"Is this necessary?" He demanded. Peter's lips twitched.

"Totally! It's in the literature," he said.

Yang stared intently, her cheeks bright red.

Oh... Oh wow... Okay... I see the training's been paying off...

Jaune locked eyes on her... And blushed brightly as well. He coughed and held his towel in front of his lower half.

"Uh... H-Hey Yang... You look... N-Nice," he managed.

"Y-You too, VB," Yang stuttered.

"Perfect! Awkward teenaged chemistry!" Ray grinned. "How are their pheromone levels, Egon?"

Egon held up another scanner, his blonde eyebrow raised.

"Quite high overall, but closer contact will help."

"In that case," Peter said, as the sun set behind the mountains, "It's showtime!"

They turned on the lights over the dock, and went into hidden positions. Yang and Jaune walked to the towel, and sat down. Peter poked his head out from behind an overturned boat on shore.

"Okay! Just like in the script!" He called out.

"S-Sure," Yang mumbled.

"R-Right," Jaune muttered.

He reached out and pulled her into a hug. One she returned. Their blushes got brighter.

"Um... S-So... I think you're super hot, Yang," Jaune began, "Like... The hottest camp counselor here!"

"Oh... Yeah! It's what comes from being a cheerleader!" Yang replied.

"Ditzier!" Peter hissed. Yang glared.

"I'm not a dumb blonde!"

"You're playing one!"

Yang sighed. She then let out a giggle and cuddled against Jaune. She had to admit, she liked how cute he was blushing. At least she wasn't the only one embarassed.

"Yeah! I'm the head cheerleader! So like, I gotta be hottest! Totes!" She managed. She looked up at him and batted her eyelashes.

"So, since we're here and not doing our jobs to look after the kids," she continued, "You wanna... Smoke some pot?"

Jaune coughed. He then looked her right in the eyes.

"Uhhh... Actually, um... I would rather have pre-marital sex with you," he said.

Yang giggled, though it was a little more nervous than amused. Jaune was very warm and the way he said it, while dorky, had so much conviction...


"W-Wow... Me too!" Yang said. "I love pre-marital sex! Especially without protection!"

A pause. Both teenagers glared at Peter.

"Who wrote this crap?" Yang demaned.

Peter pointed over at Ray. Ray coughed.

"To be fair, I used an AI generator to avoid any emotional bias-"

"Don't knock it!" Winston said, looking over at the trees. "It's working."

Yang looked at the trees. Something huge and hulking was stalking through them. Dark and malevolent, like smoke trying to assume a human form. Her eyes widened.

"Don't pay attention to it!" Peter hissed, "Keep focused! You gotta draw it in!"

Normally, Yang was fearless. But the prospect of being bait for something she couldn't fight was intimidating. Still...

"R-R-Right," Yang mumbled, looking back at Jaune, "Um... So... That pre-marital sex, and-and all... Uh... Um... We... We..."

It was very hard to remember her lines as the shadow gained form-A seven foot tall brute of a man with a hockey mask and a machete. It began to stride out of the trees-Relentless, menacing.

Ohhh... Oh shit... Um... What... What do I do?! I forgot everything! Yang's mind wailed.

"He's almost there! Go! Go!" Peter hissed.

What do I do now?! Yang's mind demanded. Something cold and icy was wrapping around her, like the brute was projecting sheer menace. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe...!

Jaune cupped her chin in his hands. He swallowed, and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Nothing will happen to you," Jaune whispered, "I'll never let anything happen to you... Because you're the light of my life."

He leaned in and kissed her. The icy feeling vanished, replaced by warmth. She leaned into the kiss, moaning quietly as he held her tightly.

She'd had so little physical affection in her life: Despite her looks and attitude, she wasn't easy. She had to think about Ruby and so she had virtually no experience. Jaune was so warm and so strong and his conviction even in this situation... It was definitely doing things to her.

But she was still a Huntress. So when the menacing figure stalked over them and lifted up its machete? She grabbed Jaune and leaped right off the dock into the water.


Four streams of orange energy erupted, projected from the four older men's proton packs. The monstrous figure's rotten, decaying flesh exploded. Something glowed in the center of it, writhing and screaming like a worm from hell. Yang and Jaune surfaced, treading the water as the four men blasted the worm. The orange beams wrapped around it, and it struggled to escape against the pull.

"THE TRAP RAY!" Peter shouted. Ray threw out a small box on wheels that rolled underneath the monster. It opened, and a bright light emitted. The worm screamed like something out of nightmares, before it was sucked into the trap. The doors shut and its lights flashed... Before it beeped twice.

The four men walked up to the trap, checked it over, and grinned at each other.

"One in the box!"

"Ready to go!"

"We be fast..."

They pointed at the trap with smiles.

"They be slow!" They chorused together.

Yang and Jaune got back onto the dock. Yang scowled as Jaune got her a towel and wrapped her in it.

"So... You were using us as bait?!" Yang demanded.

"You were in little real danger," Egon stated, adjusting his glasses, "And it had to be very attractive teenagers with good sexual chemistry."

"Take it easy, Yang," Winston said, waving a hand, "You've saved a lot of lives."

"Yeah," Ray enthused, "Camp Crystal Lake is haunted no more! I can't wait to study this guy!"

Yang scowled. Jaune wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"And we did have to go in blind since it can sense emotions," Jaune said with a nod. He scowled. "Still Uncle Peter... I hope you're not gonna be cheap."

Peter pointed to himself with an innocent look.

"Cheap? When have I ever been cheap in my life? You should see these guys' research budget."

"Peter," Winston, Egon and Ray all said with varying scowls. Peter sighed.

"Fine. Triple the usual rate... And I'll get you guys a table at Minerva's. Least I can do for my nephew and his girlfriend."

"She's not," Jaune started, "URK!"

And ended with Yang's elbow in his abs. Yang smirked and took his hand, even as he blushed brightly.

"Sounds like a start, Uncle Peter! So uh... What did you call your company again? I swear I've heard of it before."

"Ghostbusters," all four men said in synch.

- - -

I dunno, it just came to me. A Halloween themed Arc Clan entry! Which is something any of you can do!
Turns out that Weiss can not only kill Grimm and then summon them later? She can do the same with people. And given the assassins from White Fang and business rivals that would be after her, she's got a bit of a collection... Including a few people Blake might recognize
Sounds hilarious if a bit horrifying
The Arc Clan: Cousin Alice New
And now, for another Arc Clan member...

- - -

Weiss focused her energies as she stood in the ruins nearby Beacon. Her Glyph rotated before her, glowing brightly. She surged her Aura, and focused her mind on what she wanted to bring forth.

In a flash of light, the Geist Knight appeared, towering over her as it had over a year ago. It saluted her with its large sword, then knelt in supplication. Weiss smiled a bit, then heard some footsteps.

She looked and frowned a bit in confusion. A beautiful, voluptuous pale woman with white hair, wearing dark purple robes, walked up the path towards her. A trident-like symbol was engraved upon her forehead and her eyes were dark blue.

"Oh, hello!" She greeted Weiss politely with a small smile. Weiss smiled back just as politely.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Ah, forgive me," the pale woman said, "My name is Alice Arc. I've gotten a bit lost. I was looking for the courtyard: I'm meeting my cousin there. His name is Jaune: Do you know him?"

Weiss blinked. Compared to the other relatives of Jaune's that she'd met, this woman seemed... Mostly normal. Still, it never hurt to be cautious.

"We're... Friends, I suppose," Weiss said. "Why didn't you call him on your Scroll?"

"I'm afraid I lost it on my way here," Alice sighed, "But my servants are looking for it. I decided to try and find him the old fashioned way first."

"I'll let him known you're here," Weiss decided, pulling out her Scroll and texting a message to Jaune. When finished, she looked back down the path the woman had walked.

"You came through the Emerald Forest?" She asked in mild disbelief. "Are you a Huntress?"

Alice smiled wryly.

"Sort of. Ooh! A Geist Knight!" Her eyes locked onto the large form, her early worries forgotten, "Totally under your control?"

"Er, yes," Weiss nodded, "It's part of my Semblance. I can resummon defeated enemies from my Glyphs, among other things."

"Fascinating!" Alice enthused, walking over to look over the Knight from every angle. "Do you require additional Dust for specific summons or is it just an Aura Cost?"

"It's just an Aura cost, but Dust can be used to enhance them with elemental effects," Weiss explained, smiling a bit, "You're familiar then?"

"My own Semblance works on somewhat similar principles," Alice replied, smiling back, "Though its utility is more focused on... Uh... Summoning and animation than Elemental manipulation. Could you explain it?"

Weiss spent a rather lovely thirty minutes talking about Semblances and Dust usage. Her worries about Alice Arc diminished. The woman was keenly intelligent and very curious, and had some wonderful suggestions for her own Semblance that Weiss really wanted to try out.

Thank God, a normal Arc relative! Weiss thought happily.

"Oh! Jaune, I completely forgot!"

"So, you said your Semblance was similar to mine," Weiss said, "Can you demonstrate it?"

Alice hesitated.



Weiss looked down the path... And her jaw dropped. Two dozen animated skeletons ran up the hill, the lead holding a Scroll in its bony fingers.


She turned to run... And slammed right into Jaune. He held her and looked down in concern at the panicking Weiss.

"Hey Weiss! You okay?"

"SKELETONS! MONSTERS!" Weiss shrieked. "Th-They must be possessed by Geists! We need to alert the school, we need reinforcements-!"

She turned to direct her Summon to battle... When Jaune laughed.

"Oh! No, it's okay! I know these guys!"

Weiss's eyes bugged out.

"You what?!"

The skeletons came to a stop in front of Alice. The leader, dressed in a tuxedo, held out the Scroll to Alice, who took it gratefully.

"Thank you guys," she said with a smile.

"We'd have been here sooner but JEREMY tried to add some deer bones to himself to look more 'manly'," the leader Skeleton groused. One skeleton, wearing deer antlers on his head, looked as non-chalant as he could.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I'm just naturally horny!"

The lead skeleton sighed then looked at Jaune. He bowed his head.

"It is good to see you well, Jaune."

"You too, Old Bone!" Jaune said cheerfully.

Weiss gaped.

"I... Wha...?!"

Alice turned to Weiss and Jaune with a bashful shrug.

"This is my Semblance: Necromancy."

"No bones about it!"

"Shut up, Jeremy!"


Weiss silently moaned.

I knew it! There's no such thing as a normal Arc!

- - -

Based upon this Alice from the Baalbuddy Comics:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDAL3u-0NBQ
-Yang's Semblance has a side effect when she learns how to reach a second level with it: She becomes drunk on her Aura and then acts drunk. But rather than an angry drunk, she's a happy, cuddly, and overly affectionate drunk-Who can still punch a car in half.

But now is the question who will teach her?
Taiyang, Ren, Jaune, Sun, Glynda, Arslan, or someone else?
I had another dark idea. Salem making use of people to make Grimm but not like the hound. Something worse.

Imagine Pyrrha and summer appearing, their colors washed out like something sun bleached.

Then not wanting to hurt their friends and family but being absolutely fucking terrified of "disappearing back into the dark."

Or maybe just give one of them a madness mantra. "It's cold. It's cold. It's cold itscolditscolditscold."

Imagine that
JNR find their lost P.
And they have to put her back into the ground knowing she's fully aware of this and she's absolutely terrified.

And even if they do that that's going to raise existential questions.

What's the afterlife look like without god? Judging by Pyrrha and summer? not a good one.
Jaune Arc did not regret his decision to become a Huntsman. Nor did he regret his decision to train as hard as he could.

That said, he was regretting that he hadn't trained harder in the past as Yang knocked him down onto the gym training mat again. The blonde bombshell stood over him with a smile as she panted for breath.

"Hey! Good work!" She complimented him, rubbing a red mark on her cheek that was fading away, "You actually got a hit in on me!"

"Nngh..." He found it in himself to smile. He then pushed himself up to his knees, then back onto his feet. He got his fists back up.

"O-Okay... Ready," he managed. Yang winced.

"Hey Stud, maybe you should take a breather, huh?"

"I... I can do this all day," Jaune insisted. Yang chuckled, before she grabbed his forearm and guided him over to the benches along the wall. Numerous other students were training nearby, on weights, treadmills, and various other equipment.

"I know, but let's take a breather, huh?" She said. "You can save that shonen determinator stuff for a real fight."

Jaune flushed. Yang sat down next to him, and picked up their water bottles. She handed his to Jaune, and he took it gratefully. They sipped their water in silence for a few moments, just getting their breath back.

"Sorry," Jaune mumbled. "I just feel like I'm not getting good enough fast enough, ya know?"

Yang rolled her eyes.

"Geez... Who are you comparing yourself to? Hyperman? You're doing fine, Jaune. Hell, you're doing ludicrously well given how you were literally an untrained civilian a few months ago."

Jaune smiled widely at her.

"Really? Y-You mean that?"

"Yeah," Yang said with a nod, "Seriously. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sure, you're not top of the class but..." She grinned, "I'm definitely not wasting my time."

Jaune smiled back. It did a few things to Yang's heart that she pointed ignored.

Come on... He's all over Weisscream... Ruby's got a crush, and Pyrrha... Yeah, come on, she thought to herself, Don't even think about it...

"Well! Good to see you're keeping up on gym day," a deadpan voice drawled. Jaune started and looked up, as did Yang. A middle aged but fit man with curly brown hair, green eyes, and a long face grinned at them. He wore a brown suit with matching trousers and a green button-up shirt.

Jaune's eyes widened and he grinned.

"Uncle Peter?!"

"I'd hug ya, but I think I'll wait til after your shower," he said. He glanced at Yang and raised an eyebrow. "Your girlfriend?"

"J-Just my friend," Jaune said quickly, "This is Yang Xiao-Long. Yang? This is my Uncle Peter."

Yang tolerated the man giving her the once over. It was only natural given she was hot and in her gym clothes. He extended his hand with his eyes on hers though, so she didn't give into temptation to punch him.

"Charmed," Peter said with a nod and a wink.

"What brings you to Vale?" Jaune asked curiously. "The Vytal Festival?"

Peter shrugged, a wry smile on his face.

"It's work related. An old summer camp needs some special care."

"Really?" Jaune asked, looking interested. Peter nodded.

"Yeah. Actually... I think you and your friend would be perfect for the gig. You want in? I can cut you guys in for a fairly decent contractor's fee."

"What kind of job is it?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Extermination," Peter stated. Yang blinked.


Peter grinned.

"Even worse. Thing is... The nature of the job means we gotta keep things quiet until the big reveal. We think the thing operates based on emotions."

Yang glanced at Jaune.

"What kind of extermination is this?" She asked.

"It's specialized," Jaune said, "Most people don't uh... Don't believe it, but it's the real deal."

Yang hummed.

"And you need me?"

"Trust me, you are perfect for it," Peter said with a grin. "Just requires a bit of acting."

Yang's eyes narrowed.

"It's not porn," Jaune said quickly.

Peter threw his hands up.

"Why does everyone make that assumption?!"

- - -

Despite Yang's reluctance... The money was good and hey: She did trust Jaune.

Going to an abandoned summer camp where Jaune's uncle's associates set up strange equipment around the dock at the lake was weird, but not too out of her comfort zone. Ray, Egon, and Winston were all nice-Though Egon definitely came off as very weird.

The only hitch was the actual job.

"Okay, you told me this wasn't porn," Yang stated flatly, standing in a string bikini on the dock.

"It isn't!" Peter insisted. "It isn't! Really! Jaune's mom would kick my ass if I even thought of putting him into it!"

"Okay, so what is all this?" Yang demanded. She pointed at a towel and picnic basket sitting on the dock as the sun slowly began to set, "What kind of thing are we trying to lure out?"

"We can't tell you all the details because it tracks based on emotion," Ray pointed out, making some adjustments at a computer terminal, "So your reactions need to be genuine."

"But trust us, if we pull this off, we'll be making the world a MUCH better place," Winston added, the dark skinned man checking on a thrower device hooked up via a tube to a heavy looking backpack. They were called "proton packs", and each man carried one.

"The murder and disappearance rate around this area for the last twenty years has been abnormally high, and the PKE readings are off the charts," Egon muttered, typing on a laptop, "Hmmm... The pattern suggests focused and semi-corporeal... A revenant?"

"That would fit with our theory," Ray added. The chubby man smiled warmly at Yang, "Trust us, this is gonna be great! You'll be totally safe!"

"I think I could handle whatever this thing is with my fists," Yang deadpanned. Egon shook his head.

"Unfortunately due to its nature as partially organic, Aura is ineffectual against it," he said. "Given how many Hunters-in-Training teams it's taken down."

"Immune to Aura?!" Yang squeaked. "And so, what, I'm out here as bait?!"

"It only attacks when there are teenagers involved in specific activities around," Peter said, "But don't worry. We'll take it down."

Yang glared harder. Peter sighed.

"Fine. Triple what we promised?"

"... Fine," Yang groaned. "What's one more stupid decision in my life?"

"That's the spirit!" Peter cheered. "HEY JAUNE! YOU READY?"

Jaune emerged from the dressing rooms near the lake... Walking stiffly in a Speedo. His face was bright red.

"Is this necessary?" He demanded. Peter's lips twitched.

"Totally! It's in the literature," he said.

Yang stared intently, her cheeks bright red.

Oh... Oh wow... Okay... I see the training's been paying off...

Jaune locked eyes on her... And blushed brightly as well. He coughed and held his towel in front of his lower half.

"Uh... H-Hey Yang... You look... N-Nice," he managed.

"Y-You too, VB," Yang stuttered.

"Perfect! Awkward teenaged chemistry!" Ray grinned. "How are their pheromone levels, Egon?"

Egon held up another scanner, his blonde eyebrow raised.

"Quite high overall, but closer contact will help."

"In that case," Peter said, as the sun set behind the mountains, "It's showtime!"

They turned on the lights over the dock, and went into hidden positions. Yang and Jaune walked to the towel, and sat down. Peter poked his head out from behind an overturned boat on shore.

"Okay! Just like in the script!" He called out.

"S-Sure," Yang mumbled.

"R-Right," Jaune muttered.

He reached out and pulled her into a hug. One she returned. Their blushes got brighter.

"Um... S-So... I think you're super hot, Yang," Jaune began, "Like... The hottest camp counselor here!"

"Oh... Yeah! It's what comes from being a cheerleader!" Yang replied.

"Ditzier!" Peter hissed. Yang glared.

"I'm not a dumb blonde!"

"You're playing one!"

Yang sighed. She then let out a giggle and cuddled against Jaune. She had to admit, she liked how cute he was blushing. At least she wasn't the only one embarassed.

"Yeah! I'm the head cheerleader! So like, I gotta be hottest! Totes!" She managed. She looked up at him and batted her eyelashes.

"So, since we're here and not doing our jobs to look after the kids," she continued, "You wanna... Smoke some pot?"

Jaune coughed. He then looked her right in the eyes.

"Uhhh... Actually, um... I would rather have pre-marital sex with you," he said.

Yang giggled, though it was a little more nervous than amused. Jaune was very warm and the way he said it, while dorky, had so much conviction...


"W-Wow... Me too!" Yang said. "I love pre-marital sex! Especially without protection!"

A pause. Both teenagers glared at Peter.

"Who wrote this crap?" Yang demaned.

Peter pointed over at Ray. Ray coughed.

"To be fair, I used an AI generator to avoid any emotional bias-"

"Don't knock it!" Winston said, looking over at the trees. "It's working."

Yang looked at the trees. Something huge and hulking was stalking through them. Dark and malevolent, like smoke trying to assume a human form. Her eyes widened.

"Don't pay attention to it!" Peter hissed, "Keep focused! You gotta draw it in!"

Normally, Yang was fearless. But the prospect of being bait for something she couldn't fight was intimidating. Still...

"R-R-Right," Yang mumbled, looking back at Jaune, "Um... So... That pre-marital sex, and-and all... Uh... Um... We... We..."

It was very hard to remember her lines as the shadow gained form-A seven foot tall brute of a man with a hockey mask and a machete. It began to stride out of the trees-Relentless, menacing.

Ohhh... Oh shit... Um... What... What do I do?! I forgot everything! Yang's mind wailed.

"He's almost there! Go! Go!" Peter hissed.

What do I do now?! Yang's mind demanded. Something cold and icy was wrapping around her, like the brute was projecting sheer menace. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe...!

Jaune cupped her chin in his hands. He swallowed, and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Nothing will happen to you," Jaune whispered, "I'll never let anything happen to you... Because you're the light of my life."

He leaned in and kissed her. The icy feeling vanished, replaced by warmth. She leaned into the kiss, moaning quietly as he held her tightly.

She'd had so little physical affection in her life: Despite her looks and attitude, she wasn't easy. She had to think about Ruby and so she had virtually no experience. Jaune was so warm and so strong and his conviction even in this situation... It was definitely doing things to her.

But she was still a Huntress. So when the menacing figure stalked over them and lifted up its machete? She grabbed Jaune and leaped right off the dock into the water.


Four streams of orange energy erupted, projected from the four older men's proton packs. The monstrous figure's rotten, decaying flesh exploded. Something glowed in the center of it, writhing and screaming like a worm from hell. Yang and Jaune surfaced, treading the water as the four men blasted the worm. The orange beams wrapped around it, and it struggled to escape against the pull.

"THE TRAP RAY!" Peter shouted. Ray threw out a small box on wheels that rolled underneath the monster. It opened, and a bright light emitted. The worm screamed like something out of nightmares, before it was sucked into the trap. The doors shut and its lights flashed... Before it beeped twice.

The four men walked up to the trap, checked it over, and grinned at each other.

"One in the box!"

"Ready to go!"

"We be fast..."

They pointed at the trap with smiles.

"They be slow!" They chorused together.

Yang and Jaune got back onto the dock. Yang scowled as Jaune got her a towel and wrapped her in it.

"So... You were using us as bait?!" Yang demanded.

"You were in little real danger," Egon stated, adjusting his glasses, "And it had to be very attractive teenagers with good sexual chemistry."

"Take it easy, Yang," Winston said, waving a hand, "You've saved a lot of lives."

"Yeah," Ray enthused, "Camp Crystal Lake is haunted no more! I can't wait to study this guy!"

Yang scowled. Jaune wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"And we did have to go in blind since it can sense emotions," Jaune said with a nod. He scowled. "Still Uncle Peter... I hope you're not gonna be cheap."

Peter pointed to himself with an innocent look.

"Cheap? When have I ever been cheap in my life? You should see these guys' research budget."

"Peter," Winston, Egon and Ray all said with varying scowls. Peter sighed.

"Fine. Triple the usual rate... And I'll get you guys a table at Minerva's. Least I can do for my nephew and his girlfriend."

"She's not," Jaune started, "URK!"

And ended with Yang's elbow in his abs. Yang smirked and took his hand, even as he blushed brightly.

"Sounds like a start, Uncle Peter! So uh... What did you call your company again? I swear I've heard of it before."

"Ghostbusters," all four men said in synch.

- - -

I dunno, it just came to me. A Halloween themed Arc Clan entry! Which is something any of you can do!

This suddenly gave me the idea that Fred Jones is Jaune's uncle… yes Fred Jones from Scooby Doo and his wife Daphne, and their friends (honorary aunt and uncle) Velma and Shaggy. Shaggy is a part of the reason Jaune cooks so well along with Scooby of course.
A few more prompts for Hump Day!

-Isabel Arc went in a slightly different direction in her medical research when she found the lost notes of her ancestor: Victor Frankenstein. And while Jaune did learn a fair amount from her, his dream of becoming a Huntsman was too strong. So he went to Beacon... But Isabel insisted one of her Monsters go along to protect her baby boy.

-Turns out that Weiss can not only kill Grimm and then summon them later? She can do the same with people. And given the assassins from White Fang and business rivals that would be after her, she's got a bit of a collection... Including a few people Blake might recognize.

-Pyrrha ends up finding a Grimoire from before the moon shattered. Filled with magical spells, including love spells. Which she can't resist the temptation to experiment with...

-Nicholas Arc has a side gig due to losing his soul in a card game: The Ghost Rider. And the Devil wants Jaune to take up the task as well!

-As if Remnant didn't have enough problems, White Fang tries to cause the zombie apocalypse with a virus they stole from a top secret lab. And since Grimm don't attack zombies, it makes the Vytal Festival Attack even worse.

And for less spooky ideas:

-Yang's Semblance has a side effect when she learns how to reach a second level with it: She becomes drunk on her Aura and then acts drunk. But rather than an angry drunk, she's a happy, cuddly, and overly affectionate drunk-Who can still punch a car in half.

-Ruby goes to Coco for advice on how to be feminine.

-Ren and Weiss bond over tea, which has Nora fretting.

-Continue any previous story idea.

Sounds hilarious if a bit horrifying

I know of two stories where Weiss is forced to kill Jaune and his soul ends up inhabiting her summon. Which, it's weird it happened twice.
in regards to that prompt with Jaune and Yang as bait for Serial killers, what would happen to Jaune if that was the Shoujo Horror Kotobukiya Jason Voorhes aka Gajinka Jason Voorhes?
This suddenly gave me the idea that Fred Jones is Jaune's uncle… yes Fred Jones from Scooby Doo and his wife Daphne, and their friends (honorary aunt and uncle) Velma and Shaggy. Shaggy is a part of the reason Jaune cooks so well along with Scooby of course.
I am going to corrupt your idea in a funny but horrifying way.

Scooby is actually a faunus with a semblance that lets them basically adjust how animal they are. From 90% animal (talking dog) to 90% human (dog nose faunus) and any level in between.

Scooby is also female (nobody but shaggy and Velma are aware of this), shaggy girlfriend, and enjoys fucking with peoples heads.
Some more spooky prompts:

-Ruby and Yang are both werewolves and are tortured by the knowledge of what they've become. It's up to Jaune to help these two get their animal instincts under control! Can he convince them that they are, in fact, good girls?

-In a timeline where Nick died, Isabel uses her medical knowledge to bring him back from the dead as... FRANKEN-NICK.

-Pyrrha tries a different spell from Lillith's grimoire to make herself more confident for Jaune. But what results is a split personality. Pyrrha Nikos... And Miss Hyde.

-Cardin and Velvet get possessed by the ghosts of lovers. The only way to free them is to let the spirits have one last romantic outing together. But this won't stir up any feelings between these two... Right?

-Ruby learns she can mind control people with her silver eyes. But she won't abuse this power... Right?
Some more spooky prompts:
-Ruby learns she can mind control people with her silver eyes. But she won't abuse this power... Right?

ruby using the mind control for all the cookies and other sweets...and Juane of course.

quite unfortunate that she ended up seeing him shirtless and wants the lovey Dovey romance option, and the fact Juane has enough raw Aura that he is not only resistant, but its just only very suggestive and he can say no any time.
ruby using the mind control for all the cookies and other sweets...and Juane of course.

quite unfortunate that she ended up seeing him shirtless and wants the lovey Dovey romance option, and the fact Juane has enough raw Aura that he is not only resistant, but its just only very suggestive and he can say no any time.

Ruby going through mental angst and question her morals after a he said yes to a date

Meanwhile Jaune only got the lil nudge to ask her out and is panicing to make a perfect date!

do they go to a weopon museum or gun store? an arcade or game shop? what movies should they watch?!
he's spiraling trying to make sure the dates goes well while Ruby is spiraling about if she's crossed a line!
Classic miscommunication and drama for a love story without any forced BS

or you can go the NSFW route but that should be in the other thread
Last edited:
ruby using the mind control for all the cookies and other sweets...and Juane of course.

quite unfortunate that she ended up seeing him shirtless and wants the lovey Dovey romance option, and the fact Juane has enough raw Aura that he is not only resistant, but its just only very suggestive and he can say no any time.

Or we go the crack route.

She's not actually mind controlling anyone her silver eyes just let her project a aura/illusion of max level adorable.

Jaune is resistant because 7 sisters.
Ahead of the Game New
Had to write this one down.

- - -

On a training mission into the Emerald Forest, Jaune had stumbled across a magical collar in one of the ruins. It had refused to come off, and from Ozpin's research, it would choke him to death in four days.

He had tried every spell he could think of. Brought in Penny and had her father remotely try to destroy it without harming Jaune. He'd had everyone in the school try something. Glynda had come closest but it just hadn't budged.

Ozpin, feeling the lowest he had for centuries, made the call to Jaune's parents to come and pay their last respects. Meanwhile, his friends gathered with him in the infirmary. There wasn't a dry eye anywhere, even Ren was crying in silence.

Jaune: choked "Guys...? I'm sorry... There's... There's so much I wish... I had said. Weiss? I'm sorry I bugged you... I genuinely thought you were amazing as a person... Your wealth and name didn't matter. I just... I just thought you were incredible. Smart, kind, determined..."

Weiss: sniffles "I... I'm sorry I didn't see that until... I'm so sorry, Jaune."

Jaune: "Ruby..." smiles "I'm sorry I won't get to see the kind of woman you will grow into. You... You're gonna be amazing... And beautiful. Please... Have all the adventures I-I never got to. Please... Make new friends. Be happy."

Ruby: sobbing too hard to say anything as she hugs him

Jaune: "Yang...? I wish we'd... We'd spoken more. Honestly? I thought you were one of the hottest Huntresses ever, and one of the most amazing. Your tender side and your fighting side... They were both... Beautiful. I hope you find someone who will love you and never leave you. You-You deserve it."

Yang: trying not to cry, but failing "Jaune..."

Jaune: "Blake... Again... Sorry we didn't... Talk much... You're an amazing person. I get that... That opening up is hard when you've been hurt so much... But take it from me... It sucks to be alone. Please... Be good to your friends. Grow and learn... And don't shut others out."

Blake: sniffles, nods

Jaune: "Nora... You've been like a sister to me. Keep up... Keep up the good fight. Keep bringing people smiles... And breaking legs."

Nora is silent, just crying into Ren's shoulder. She manages a nod.

Jaune: "Ren... You're like the brother I never had. I know it's hard... To be strong, but... You're one of the strongest people I know. Please... Take care of everyone."

Ren: stoic manly nod

Jaune: "Miss Goodwitch... Thank you for the chance to... To try and be a hero. To try and help people... I'm sorry I was a fraud-"

Glynda: barely able to control her tears "N-No... It was very brave, Jaune."

Even Cardin showed up.

Cardin: "Hey man... I'm sorry-"

Jaune: "N-No... No... I was weak... I needed to get over myself and stand up... So... Ya know... No hard feelings... Just... Try to be a better man..."

Cardin: "I-I will... I promise..."

Jaune: "Professor Port... I actually liked your stories."

Port: smiles sadly "I shall tell yours forever more, my boy."

Jaune: "Thank you..."

Pyrrha has been trying to hold it together all this time... But when Jaune looks at her...

Jaune: "Pyrrha... I-"

She sobs and falls to her knees. She hugs him tightly.

Pyrrha: "I love you Jaune! I've always loved you! I-I just... I'm sorry... It's all my fault, I opened that tomb and-!"

Jaune: "No, no... It's not your fault, Pyr... It's all right..." smiles "I... I just want to tell you... I cared for you. So much... Please... I just ask that you... You smile again one day. Genuinely... Don't let this... Let me drag you down..."

Pyrrha: "You never did...!" She keeps crying

Then at the door to the infirmary, there is a loud commotion. Isabel and Nick Arc storm in, followed by Ozpin.

Jaune: "M-Mom... Dad..." smiles "I'm... I'm sorry I disobeyed you but-"

Isabel: "Sweetie? Shut up. Mommy's here to fix everything. Nick?"

Nick hefts up a sword which Isabel runs her glowing hands over. He smiles at Jaune.

Nick: "Don't worry son! Everything's gonna be all right!"

Which is when Nick swings his sword and cuts Jaune's head off. As literally everyone screams in horror (Including Ren), Jaune has one last thought:

Jaune: ... What?

Darkness... Then... Jaune wakes up, gasping for breath. He reaches up to his neck: The collar is gone... His head is reattached.

He's in the infirmary. Isabel is sitting next to him, sipping some tea. Nick is grinning.

Nick: "Told ya!"

Jaune: "Wha... WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Isabel: "Language!"


Isabel: "Yes Jaune. It was the only way to get that cursed collar off of you!"


Isabel: "Only for a few seconds, then I put it right back on. Don't be such a baby, sweetie!" sips

Jaune: "O-Oh..."

Isabel: "Honestly, they should have just called me from the start! Still sweetie, I'm glad you're all right now." smiles

Jaune: "M-Me too..."

Nick: "And hey! Now you can finally go out with all those girls who were crying over you!"

Jaune: "DAD!"

Nick: "Well most of them. The orangette asked to be adopted and that would be awkward!"
What if. Blake was right.

Zwei really IS a abomination.

As in his semblance makes it so anything he eats is a part of him forever. Luckily he's gotten really good at rearranging things so he looks like a normal corgi most of the time. Thanks in part to the fact that Grimm are magic and goo so yay shapeshifting (side not they taste terrible).
Ahead of the Game 2 New
Had to write this one down.

- - -

On a training mission into the Emerald Forest, Jaune had stumbled across a magical collar in one of the ruins. It had refused to come off, and from Ozpin's research, it would choke him to death in four days.

He had tried every spell he could think of. Brought in Penny and had her father remotely try to destroy it without harming Jaune. He'd had everyone in the school try something. Glynda had come closest but it just hadn't budged.

Ozpin, feeling the lowest he had for centuries, made the call to Jaune's parents to come and pay their last respects. Meanwhile, his friends gathered with him in the infirmary. There wasn't a dry eye anywhere, even Ren was crying in silence.

Jaune: choked "Guys...? I'm sorry... There's... There's so much I wish... I had said. Weiss? I'm sorry I bugged you... I genuinely thought you were amazing as a person... Your wealth and name didn't matter. I just... I just thought you were incredible. Smart, kind, determined..."

Weiss: sniffles "I... I'm sorry I didn't see that until... I'm so sorry, Jaune."

Jaune: "Ruby..." smiles "I'm sorry I won't get to see the kind of woman you will grow into. You... You're gonna be amazing... And beautiful. Please... Have all the adventures I-I never got to. Please... Make new friends. Be happy."

Ruby: sobbing too hard to say anything as she hugs him

Jaune: "Yang...? I wish we'd... We'd spoken more. Honestly? I thought you were one of the hottest Huntresses ever, and one of the most amazing. Your tender side and your fighting side... They were both... Beautiful. I hope you find someone who will love you and never leave you. You-You deserve it."

Yang: trying not to cry, but failing "Jaune..."

Jaune: "Blake... Again... Sorry we didn't... Talk much... You're an amazing person. I get that... That opening up is hard when you've been hurt so much... But take it from me... It sucks to be alone. Please... Be good to your friends. Grow and learn... And don't shut others out."

Blake: sniffles, nods

Jaune: "Nora... You've been like a sister to me. Keep up... Keep up the good fight. Keep bringing people smiles... And breaking legs."

Nora is silent, just crying into Ren's shoulder. She manages a nod.

Jaune: "Ren... You're like the brother I never had. I know it's hard... To be strong, but... You're one of the strongest people I know. Please... Take care of everyone."

Ren: stoic manly nod

Jaune: "Miss Goodwitch... Thank you for the chance to... To try and be a hero. To try and help people... I'm sorry I was a fraud-"

Glynda: barely able to control her tears "N-No... It was very brave, Jaune."

Even Cardin showed up.

Cardin: "Hey man... I'm sorry-"

Jaune: "N-No... No... I was weak... I needed to get over myself and stand up... So... Ya know... No hard feelings... Just... Try to be a better man..."

Cardin: "I-I will... I promise..."

Jaune: "Professor Port... I actually liked your stories."

Port: smiles sadly "I shall tell yours forever more, my boy."

Jaune: "Thank you..."

Pyrrha has been trying to hold it together all this time... But when Jaune looks at her...

Jaune: "Pyrrha... I-"

She sobs and falls to her knees. She hugs him tightly.

Pyrrha: "I love you Jaune! I've always loved you! I-I just... I'm sorry... It's all my fault, I opened that tomb and-!"

Jaune: "No, no... It's not your fault, Pyr... It's all right..." smiles "I... I just want to tell you... I cared for you. So much... Please... I just ask that you... You smile again one day. Genuinely... Don't let this... Let me drag you down..."

Pyrrha: "You never did...!" She keeps crying

Then at the door to the infirmary, there is a loud commotion. Isabel and Nick Arc storm in, followed by Ozpin.

Jaune: "M-Mom... Dad..." smiles "I'm... I'm sorry I disobeyed you but-"

Isabel: "Sweetie? Shut up. Mommy's here to fix everything. Nick?"

Nick hefts up a sword which Isabel runs her glowing hands over. He smiles at Jaune.

Nick: "Don't worry son! Everything's gonna be all right!"

Which is when Nick swings his sword and cuts Jaune's head off. As literally everyone screams in horror (Including Ren), Jaune has one last thought:

Jaune: ... What?

Darkness... Then... Jaune wakes up, gasping for breath. He reaches up to his neck: The collar is gone... His head is reattached.

He's in the infirmary. Isabel is sitting next to him, sipping some tea. Nick is grinning.

Nick: "Told ya!"

Jaune: "Wha... WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Isabel: "Language!"


Isabel: "Yes Jaune. It was the only way to get that cursed collar off of you!"


Isabel: "Only for a few seconds, then I put it right back on. Don't be such a baby, sweetie!" sips

Jaune: "O-Oh..."

Isabel: "Honestly, they should have just called me from the start! Still sweetie, I'm glad you're all right now." smiles

Jaune: "M-Me too..."

Nick: "And hey! Now you can finally go out with all those girls who were crying over you!"

Jaune: "DAD!"

Nick: "Well most of them. The orangette asked to be adopted and that would be awkward!"

Jaune's friends are let into the infirmary. Pyrrha, Yang, Weiss, Ruby, and Blake are a bit bashful.

Ruby: "Um... Sorry we attacked you, Mister and Mrs. Arc."

Isabel: "No no, quite all right! If I saw a strange person cutting off the head of someone I cared about, I would also get violent."

Jaune: "Oh. So that's why we're in a different infirmary?"

Pyrrha: "We um... We kind of wrecked the other one... Sorry."

Nick: "It's all right, everyone! That's the kind of thing someone can... Lose their head over!"

Everyone groans but Yang, Jaune and Isabel. Also Ren.

Ren: "Jaune? Your parents are amazing and I am very glad you're alive but... They are also terrifying."

Jaune: "Trust me, you don't know the half of it."

Weiss clears her throat.

Weiss: "W-Well... Um... Jaune? Since you're not going to die... Uh... I was thinking maybe... It would be nice to go out to dinner and talk. As you asked before."

Jaune: "Well I-"

Yang: "Oh really? I think VB would have a lot more fun on a date with me, Weisscream!" She sidles up to Jaune with a wink "He did say I was hot and amazing, after all. I should reward that."

Jaune: "But-"

Pyrrha: "I-I confessed my love for him! He's going on a date with me!"

Jaune: "Well you-"

Ruby: "HEY! He said he wanted to see what kind of a beautiful woman I'd grow into! I wanna show him!"

Blake: "Honestly? He's kind, he's sweet, and he came back from the dead. I think I want to stake a claim here." Starry eyed "It's just like my manga~!"

Ruby: "You don't even know him!"

Weiss: "He crushed on me!"

Yang: "He spent his deathbed speech on praising me! I'm not letting him go!"


The girls begin to bicker and tug on Jaune. Jaune gulps and looks to his parents, Nora, and Ren for help.

Jaune: "Uh... Mom? Dad? Guys?!"

Isabel: "Oh my... Think of the grandchildren!"

Nora: "You got this, Fearless Leader!"

Ren: "Good luck, Jaune."

Nick: "You should have quit while you were... AHEAD! Ahahahaha!"

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