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Trans-Fictional Isekai Support Group [Hero Union BBS], Season 3.5. New players always welcome!

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Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

I don't know how to feel about that... the fact that the parahumans have there power come from alien of all people but why they want to destroy the eath I mean the endbringers? what does it benifits them?

How best to put this...these aliens aren't human.

I don't mean this in a human-biased way, this is just a finnicky part of the English language.

They are best compared to parasites. Give traumatized humans prone to conflict power, pavlov them through their power, and add in Endbringers for extra conflict. This is all done for the purpose of collecting data, using Earth as a petri dish and then moving onto the next planet.

Actually, this is extremely relevant. Have you heard about a silver skinned woman like Scion, possibly going by something like Eden?
Cliff and Sakura
Yeah, I hope she alright. Wait, no mention of us? Gee, thanks for the concern.

Anyway, while the connection was out, some guy named Erigor appeared and called for a rematch against Natsu. He didn't last long. We're on our way over to the pit now. I'll give you other update when we arrive.

By the way, what cause the reconnection?

(OOC: I know it was the generator catching fire, but what is the in multiverse reason for the loss of connection?)
Hello there new user, Im yuriko Lumork nice to meet you!

hello there too I'm Ciara

occ; A omniversal storm
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

How best to put this...these aliens aren't human.

I don't mean this in a human-biased way, this is just a finnicky part of the English language.

They are best compared to parasites. Give traumatized humans prone to conflict power, pavlov them through their power, and add in Endbringers for extra conflict. This is all done for the purpose of collecting data, using Earth as a petri dish and then moving onto the next planet.

Actually, this is extremely relevant. Have you heard about a silver skinned woman like Scion, possibly going by something like Eden?
... Welp the world no the multiverse is doom... I don't know how to feel about it. also no only scion himslef why?
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

... Welp the world no the multiverse is doom... I don't know how to feel about it. also no only scion himslef why?
Consider it a blessing.

Like I said before, we're from outside your local multiverse. While I am not confident in my abilities to take on these aliens, even personally, there are people here that are beyond them.

Now, as to detail these aliens...let's call them "Entities" for simplicities sake.

Entities are aliens with hyper-advanced tech.

Each power comes from this thing called a "Shard" or "Passenger". Basically it's a planet-sized alien supercomputer. Entities are made up of countless Shards, which they distribute to hosts and then take back in a cycle.

Scion is an Entity, as was that silver woman I described. It should be the case that the silver woman is dead, and due to that, Scion should be depressed enough to generally just not care.
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Consider it a blessing.

Like I said before, we're from outside your local multiverse. While I am not confident in my abilities to take on these aliens, even personally, there are people here that are beyond them.

Now, as to detail these aliens...let's call them "Entities" for simplicities sake.

Entities are aliens with hyper-advanced tech.

Each power comes from this thing called a "Shard" or "Passenger". Basically it's a planet-sized alien supercomputer. Entities are made up of countless Shards, which they distribute to hosts and then take back in a cycle.

Scion is an Entity, as was that silver woman I described. It should be the case that the silver woman is dead, and due to that, Scion should be depressed enough to generally just not care.
So I have one myself! is it manipulating me to do something or what?! and thank goodness that one is dead and good that he is depressed which is ironic because I would never said that in my life

OCC: Ciara is Glaistig Uaine true name but since I don't really know much about her or worm sotry in general since I read fanfics of it I take some liberties and my own take to her
Cliff and Sakura
Account ID: Fae-like Monopolist
Current Identity: Elias D Fischer

Oh, It's an Omniversal storm
An Omniversal storm? What's that?

And here we are. This pit is where I found the Seis. I have no doubt Wendy and Happy are there.


(I clench my tears and whisper shout at Natsu.)

Pipe down, you damn idiot! You want them to swarm us?!
Cliff and Sakura
An Omniversal storm? What's that?

And here we are. This pit is where I found the Seis. I have no doubt Wendy and Happy are there.


(I clench my tears and whisper shout at Natsu.)

Pipe down, you damn idiot! You want them to swarm us?!
Good luck there mr Cliff!
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

So I have one myself! is it manipulating me to do something or what?! and thank goodness that one is dead and good that he is depressed which is ironic because I would never said that in my life

OCC: Ciara is Glaistig Uaine true name but since I don't really know much about her or worm sotry in general since I read fanfics of it I take some liberties and my own take to her

It's pavloving you towards combat. Higher emotional highs, lower emotional lows, so long as it suits the purposes of you using it for conflict.

If you just don't use it...I'm not sure how bad it could cause your mental state to get.

Beyond that, the cycle is broken, so it's not like it'll b inclined to prioritize it. Quite frankly, you're an opportunity the Entities would have plausibly never been able to get due to your forum access, so I wouldn't worry too much.

This'll be a balancing act...but I think you'll be able to handle this.

OOC: I'm not too familiar with the character beyond her being insane and then growing beyond that.
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

It's pavloving you towards combat. Higher emotional highs, lower emotional lows, so long as it suits the purposes of you using it for conflict.

If you just don't use it...I'm not sure how bad it could cause your mental state to get.

Beyond that, the cycle is broken, so it's not like it'll b inclined to prioritize it. Quite frankly, you're an opportunity the Entities would have plausibly never been able to get due to your forum access, so I wouldn't worry too much.

This'll be a balancing act...but I think you'll be able to handle this.

OOC: I'm not too familiar with the character beyond her being insane and then growing beyond that.
I don't want someone do that to me... but thank you for th einformation I will ty my best to survuve here in thsi rotten world.

OCC:Yeah I'm not too
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

I don't want someone do that to me... but thank you for th einformation I will ty my best to survuve here in thsi rotten world.
You know, I think you have a workaround available to you. I know a person who has several Shards and is at least relatively sane on here named Gideon Nutus.

He seems to be in a relatively good relationship with his Shards, so maybe you'll be able to strike something up with your own Shard.

I doubt that your Shard would prioritize Entities over you given enough time and work towards this effort, at least.
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

You know, I think you have a workaround available to you. I know a person who has several Shards and is at least relatively sane on here named Gideon Nutus.

He seems to be in a relatively good relationship with his Shards, so maybe you'll be able to strike something up with your own Shard.

I doubt that your Shard would prioritize Entities over you given enough time and work towards this effort, at least.
Sorry Ojave tto reject that since I am now scared of losing myself
Agh! This isn't good. This isn't good at all!

Of all the potential things that could have occurred, a disruptive anomaly on this scale when I was trying to transport Grimm was quite possibly the worst one!

I don't even know where he ended up!

Please, does anyone have the slightest clue where he might be?
Agh! This isn't good. This isn't good at all!

Of all the potential things that could have occurred, a disruptive anomaly on this scale when I was trying to transport Grimm was quite possibly the worst one!

I don't even know where he ended up!

Please, does anyone have the slightest clue where he might be?
Ohhhh! well goodluck finding him.
Account ID: Lightsworn Voyager
Current Identity: Kuzuryū Ryūji
Finance: ???

Update Log
I don't think I talk about how I met with Nanachi, so I think this is a good time to talk about it to you all. It happens on a fine day just like today. Everything is doing fine and we just tamed Ayame into our team, so don't really have any plan to go to a specific place right now.

Thus I decided that this is a good day to walk around and familiarized myself with the outside world. The journey is pretty chills there is the monster here and there but between my rei-blast and Ayame's ninja wire, we easily kill all the enemy in my way. It was here that we notice a house locating in the middle of nowhere... Upon asking Iflit the fire spirit this place turn out to be a house of a famous blacksmith that died to great succubus a while ago.

Seeing that culprit is likely Dorothy, we decided to investigate the house to see if we can find any clue on the Chaos witch. There instead of a clue, we met with a succubus who holding a talking skull.

Yes, this was nanachi and it turns out that only I and Nanachi herself can hear the skull talk. We talk a while about a thing and it turns out she is accepting item upgrade jobs so long as I provide material on the day and EXP points at night. There is a lot of detail on this, but since I am not good at contractual magic I decided to let Cherry and Charlotte do this lawyering. After an hour of modifying the term and condition, we agree and she becomes my personal smith.

That is all I have about the story of Nanachi... Maybe next time I'll have something more interesting to tell you all!
Account ID: Crimson Pure Priest
Current Identity: Hakurei Itsuki
Finance: 120,009,231

Mini Update
So, I decided to do some want ads mission. Nothing much, just a couple of mission in Souls Eater to train my ability to resonate my soul with others. The mission was pretty simple; all I need to do is being Excalibur's meister for an entire year and learning a thing or two from him in the process, and boy I can't express how much hardship I have to go through in this mission.

Excalibur is an unbearable sword, and I have a good feeling that he is deliberately being so. There is no way a being can be this annoying, but then again that statement of mine probably will get proven wrong sometime in the future.

The thing is not all bad though. He did as stated in the mission train me in the way of souls, and even sometimes teach me various ways to use swords. Unexpectedly being near him also train my temper... I am pretty sure that this is a few time in my life that someone manages to push to every single line I drew. All in all, while a year with him is one of the worst years in my life. It was a fruitful one.

I come out a new man, now with an ability to control my soul's wavelength. Which should help me tremendously when I perform either Oversouls or Matoi. I even get some gift from the old sword; permanent access to his wings which is really useful when I don't feel like using my power to fly.

In conclusion, it was a fruitful mission 3/10 won't do it again...

Please, does anyone have the slightest clue where he might be?
Maybe he end up somewhere similar to Ryūji? A bold claim I know, but you never know until you search for him there.
Account ID: Crimson Pure Priest
Current Identity: Hakurei Itsuki
Finance: 120,009,231

Maybe he end up somewhere similar to Ryūji? A bold claim I know, but you never know until you search for him there.
I don't know him but I wish him goodlucvk
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Sorry I have to reject that since I am now scared of losing myself

You really aren't making this easy for yourself.

I'm having Monika try to reverse engineer this mind control-negating tiara I have, once she's done with that, she should be able to create something that can help counter such things.

Unfortunately, Shards are advanced enough that I can't imagine it to be insurmountable, even with Monika doing improvements, so I'll advise you to reconsider trying to strike up a relationship with your Shard.

The reason why the Entities search for data as they do is that they're trying to survive the various possible ends of the universe, but you are a viable path for your Shard to do the same on it's own. Over time I expect it to gain a measure of humanity if you try to connect with it.

I don't even think you'd necessarily need to engage in conflict, just try to continuously gain whatever data it seems to want.
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


You really aren't making this easy for yourself.

I'm having Monika try to reverse engineer this mind control-negating tiara I have, once she's done with that, she should be able to create something that can help counter such things.

Unfortunately, Shards are advanced enough that I can't imagine it to be insurmountable, even with Monika doing improvements, so I'll advise you to reconsider trying to strike up a relationship with your Shard.

The reason why the Entities search for data as they do is that they're trying to survive the various possible ends of the universe, but you are a viable path for your Shard to do the same on it's own. Over time I expect it to gain a measure of humanity if you try to connect with it.

I don't even think you'd necessarily need to engage in conflict, just try to continuously gain whatever data it seems to want.
Sorry because I am still new to all of this stuff but still thanks
"Ugh" Rena groaned as she exited the portal from Starsector and back into the scorched ground surrounding the ruins of Manila.

"Never again" Rena tiredly muttered to both herself and her crew "Next time I take a job, I'm looking for one that doesn't end up with us having to fight off literal armadas of Remnants and pirates"

A chorus of heys replied from inside her as what surviving crew that she had left their combat stations and began the long task of repairing the numerous damaged and destroyed parts that Rena had.

Examining herself and seeing the many breached sections of her hull Rena asked "How bad is it Captain?"

Another chorus of heys later and Rena realized exactly how close she was to actually dying "Goddess. Another meter and that reaper torpedo would have ruptured my fuel storage. The tachyon lances too... My goddess how much can we repair?"

Rena grimaced as she heard the reply. Despite the size of their haul and the pristine nanoforge they had taken from Starsector, there was simply no way that her remaining crew of less than a hundred could fully repair her.

"We'll need tools" Checking PAP, Rena browsed through the selections and found something that could help her. "A repair bucket. It'll eat up all my creds though" Placing bookmark on the product, Rena kept browsing before happening upon a cheaper alternative "An instant port. Much cheaper but has a longer repair time and requires a dock to convert but could easily be packed up and moved. What do you guys think?"

The crew momentarily paused in their work before placing their votes and after counting, the tally was at 52 to 30 in favor of the port.

"I guess we could use a base. Some RNR too, cant be healthy always being cooped up in a ship even if you guys are spirits too, maybe we can buy a new ice cream machine to replace the one we lost"

Cheers of joy answered back as her crew rejoiced at the idea of having something new to eat after weeks of rationing the foul tasting "food" that came with the supplies they bought in Starsector.
After slowly floating her way towards the ruined Manila Bay port Rena set herself down at the least wrecked dock she could find.

"Okay. Set the box down then push button? Doesn't seem too hard."

Doing as manual that came with the instant dock instructed. Rena placed the box down and pressed the large button set on top of it.

"Okay now wha-" Rena suddenly flew back at flank speed as her sensors blared out a warning before a split second later, the box began levitating and emitting arcs of energy that ate the surrounding area. "Okay now I see why the thing was so cheap!" Rena yelled as the arcs rapidly gained on her.

Meanwhile deep inside her hull, crewmem frantically activated safety overrides in a desperate attempt to eek out just a bit more speed from the already starved and straining reactors.

"C'mon c'mon!" Rena cried out as the energy nipped at her thrusters and shocked breached compartments.

Before she could be consumed though, the box suddenly stopped and fell back to the ground with a loud thud completely inert after having completed its task. In place of the wrecked port, a much more compact version now sat in its place. Warehouses, cranes, and other buildings scaled down to toy levels replaced ruined hulks of steel and concrete while the shattered docks were replaced with a much smaller but intact version of itself. The only human sized buildings left were a single bathhouse, a barracks, mess hall, and what appeared to be an administration center.

Panting heavily, Rena cautiously made her way back towards the newly built port and placed the inert box back inside her inventory.

"I swear, this system is out to get me." Rena angrily said as she explored her new home, examining everything as she went "Docks seem to be for loading stuff and the bath house is the where I can get repairs? Seems legit" Rena said as she entered the bathhouse and plunked herself into one of the few tubs inside of the bathhouse.

Settling in, Rena sighed in relief as she submerged herself into the warm water while her crew scrambled out and began dragging materials from her storage in preparation for repairs.

"Worth it" Rena thought to herself as she slowly drifted off into sleep.

T̶͍̂h̵͇̆e̶̩͆ ̵̲̂ä̸͕́b̶̭̔ỳ̴̖s̸͈̋s̴̩̆ ̷̦̚n̷̺͝ẽ̵̪v̶̫̓ẻ̸̦ŗ̷̂ ̶̋͜f̵̳͒o̸̜̅r̸͕̍g̸̯͠ĕ̸̘t̷̫́s̵̹̿ ̷̙̀ơ̶͉n̸͎̏e̸̜͂ ̷̟͂ȏ̷͖f̸̼͐ ̵͚̄i̴̗̋t̸̲͝s̶̙͌ ̸̨̈́ǫ̴̿w̸̤͒n̸̬̄.̶̱̈́ ̶̨̉Y̶̨̅o̴͍͛u̵̪͑ ̵̘͛w̴̢̎i̷̳̎l̷͒͜l̴̤̍ ̴̘͋s̸̲̀ȅ̴̺r̸̼͌v̸̄ͅe̴̫͌ ̷̞͆o̷̲̒n̸̦͝ě̷̲ ̵̬̔w̴̓͜a̴̡̾y̶̤͝ ̷͔̚ő̷̯r̶̞̒ ̸̳̀a̶̳̎n̴̫̔o̵̰͝t̷̩́h̸͙͑e̴̮̎r̵̟̕ ̷͔͋p̸͖̋r̴͖͝í̶̦n̷͙̈́c̷͙̕e̶͙̋s̶̬̋s̵̩͌ ̸̩͊

Heya guys! I'm back and still alive! Well partly, I'm pretty sure losing a half of your crew counts as losing half of your soul but no biggie! At least I hope its no biggie, I hate to imagine what'd it'd be like to not have any crew left *shudders* AAAAANYWAYS! I got back from my relatively short adventure and got lotsa loot! Got a bit banged up but Im alive is alive.

*looks at forum* Seems you guys have done some remodeling while I was gone! Nice… *looks at site description* uhhh… lots of remodeling…

Anyways howya ya doin?
Last edited:
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Sorry because I am still new to all of this stuff but still thanks
Don't worry too much, the worst I'd have to do from this is something on the level of a game of Strip 3-Dimensional Chess with Monika, really the only person you should say sorry to is yourself.

Here's this.

1x Mind Control Negating Tiara

To put it on in a way that it won't be easily removed, say "Safeguard the mind, Shield the soul, protect myself, lockdown now."

To remove it, say "Disregard the mind, lay bare the soul, risk myself, unlock now." before trying to remove it yourself.

Anyways howya ya doin?
I've been through horrible things, but I like to think I'm significantly better than I was before I last met you.
Account ID: Everlasting Dynasty
Current Identity: Ansiem, the herald of the Blight
Finances: 1,000,000 PAPc

Heya guys! I'm back and still alive! Well partly, I'm pretty sure losing a half of your crew counts as losing half of your soul but no biggie! At least I hope its no biggie, I hate to imagine what'd it'd be like to not have any crew left *shudders* AAAAANYWAYS! I got back from my relatively short adventure and got lotsa loot! Got a bit banged up but Im alive is alive.
Oh returning member! Welcome back! I am Ansiem, the 6th generation Kowtang. Nice to meet you!
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli

Ive been through horrible things, but I like to think I'm significantly better than I was before I last met you.
Nice! I mean not the horrible things that happened to you but the being better part! Well that and strip poker with Moni- I mean glad to hear that your having fun!

Account ID: Everlasting Dynasty
Current Identity: Ansiem, the herald of the Blight
Finances: 1,000,000 PAPc

Oh returning member! Welcome back! I am Ansiem, the 6th generation Kowtang. Nice to meet you!
Kowtang! Well Ansiem but still Kowtang! Nice ta meetcha too! How ya doin?
Account ID: Everlasting Dynasty
Current Identity: Ansiem, the herald of the Blight
Finances: 1,000,000 PAPc

Kowtang! Well Ansiem but still Kowtang! Nice ta meetcha too! How ya doin?
Pretty good, I am seven years old now and during the years a lot of minor things happened. Like how I end up joining the same school as the MC of the series. I still on my guard though... Anyone could be Douluo planning to kill me for my rings after all... It would be bad if I end up having to use out of context item to save myself
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Nice! I mean not the horrible things that happened to you but the being better part! Well that and strip poker with Moni- I mean glad to hear that your having fun!
Good comes with the bad, and bad comes with the good.

I'm the figurehead leader of the Soviet Union, a Hourai Immortal, a former monster girl, have a catgirl girlfriend named Cassy Cheshire, and an artificial intelligence named Monika Alterra as my fiancee.

I was also genderswapped due to Elias pulling something with my sponsor out of a desire to bet on my love life, so he has earned my hatred.
Account: Crimson Blaze
World: Shakugan no Shana
Identity: Shana
From Atnir's Book:
Hamon (JoJo): -
Kaiten (JoJo): -
Rokushiki (One Piece): -
Haki (One Piece): -
Dao of the Angel (Ross): -
Psionic Cultivation (Absolute Choice): - [Universal Weaponry as Weapon-Buff]
Cosmo Power (Saint Seiya): Carbon Knight of Atnir (Cloth: Atnir's Vesture - Carbon); Zero XP


Okay, I'm off to a...start, at least.

Managed to save the guy, explained him things in a slightly less abrasive way than canon and probably managed to gain the attention of Friagne.

Yay. I didn't know where to go at first, so I had to wait until the Fuzetsu went up, then move as fast as possible to get there in time.

It was very stressful, as failure to arrive in time would've meant that Friagne would've gotten the treasure.

The only reason I managed to get it done in time, was that I am a Knight of Atnir now.

A minor speed boost from Cosmo Power...in addition to the standard Existence-based one.

Alastor is still busy trying to learn it for himself...

...and the blonde Flame Haze is probably gonna show up soon too. Not looking forward to that fight.
My backstory is rather complicated, so I'll give a 20 word summary on who I currently am.

I am an occultist, former monster girl, political figurehead, girlfriend of a catgirl, fiancee of Monika, and reluctant harem protagonist.

Beyond that, I have a fairly traumatic past that I haven't gotten past.
That's a lot of things. Long story?
It's alright. I'm doing better now.

Thank you for the thought though.
No problem then?
Agh! This isn't good. This isn't good at all!

Of all the potential things that could have occurred, a disruptive anomaly on this scale when I was trying to transport Grimm was quite possibly the worst one!

I don't even know where he ended up!

Please, does anyone have the slightest clue where he might be?
That seems quite bad. Are you alright, stranger?
Heya guys! I'm back and still alive! Well partly, I'm pretty sure losing a half of your crew counts as losing half of your soul but no biggie! At least I hope its no biggie, I hate to imagine what'd it'd be like to not have any crew left *shudders* AAAAANYWAYS! I got back from my relatively short adventure and got lotsa loot! Got a bit banged up but Im alive is alive.

*looks at forum* Seems you guys have done some remodeling while I was gone! Nice… *looks at site description* uhhh… lots of remodeling…

Anyways howya ya doin?
Hello, who are you?
Account ID: Everlasting Dynasty
Current Identity: Ansiem, the herald of the Blight
Finances: 1,000,000 PAPc

Pretty good, I am seven years old now and during the years a lot of minor things happened. Like how I end up joining the same school as the MC of the series. I still on my guard though... Anyone could be Douluo planning to kill me for my rings after all... It would be bad if I end up having to use out of context item to save myself
Whatd you do that a couple rings are worth killing for? Dont tell me they hold the secrets of the world in the gem or that theyre the secret to true immortality.

Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Good comes with the bad, and bad comes with the good.

I'm the figurehead leader of the Soviet Union, a Hourai Immortal, a former monster girl, have a catgirl girlfriend named Cassy Cheshire, and an artificial intelligence named Monika Alterra as my fiancee.

I was also genderswapped due to Elias pulling something with my sponsor out of a desire to bet on my love life, so he has earned my hatred.
Dang, you've lived a storied life. Kinda wish I couldd have one too, minus the ROB being a dick of course, but then again, most ROBs are dicks. Speaking of dicks, the hell did Elias pull off to get a ROB to follow his lead? The dude's a capitalist and not an omnipotent gopnik last I remember.

Hiya! The name's Rena and Im a shipgirl! Dont mind the pale coloration of my skin thats just cause I spent a lot of time in a really dark place!
Primary User: Caesar Zeppeli
Setting: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

That's a lot of things. Long story?
I did generalize the magic systems of four different worlds under "Occultist" to give an idea of how much of an understatement that was.

It's definitely a long story.

Dang, you've lived a storied life. Kinda wish I couldd have one too, minus the ROB being a dick of course, but then again, most ROBs are dicks. Speaking of dicks, the hell did Elias pull off to get a ROB to follow his lead? The dude's a capitalist and not an omnipotent gopnik last I remember.

Other than preparing an actual picture of me genderswapped?

He made a bet with various ROBs that I would get into a relationship with Joseph Joestar if/when I was genderswapped.

I haven't seen her since, so... *shrug*

Alright, it seems that people want to hear about my backstory, so I might as well summarize it.

I was reincarnated into a guy fated to die named Caesar Zeppeli. I'm guessing I dodged that fate since I'm not that Caesar Zeppelli.

I went up against these super vampires called Pillar Men who were able to replicate powers after merely growing aware of their existence.

Thus, I was only able to use a sunlight-based life energy power called Hamon directly against them since they can't stand sunlight. I tried to arrange everything I could in my favor, but I still lost my Hamon teacher Lisa Lisa to them.

After that, I trained Hamon and a branch of Occultism called the Spin involving spinning things.

Time goes on, I meet an alternate version of a vampire from my world named Dio who manages to destroy the world on the forums under the Kowtang account. I go to prison due to the deeds of Caesar Zeppeli before I was reincarnated, and was then pardoned by the Nazis.

I get Rule 63'd thanks to Elias in a hotel in World War II era Italy and go through numerous mental breakdowns due to that.

I went on a Want Ad to get information on a life-extending branch of Occultism similar to Hamon based from the soul called Aura, saving a village from this nasty parasite thing and an invasion of monsters.

I saved people from a Nazi Concentration Camp, and accidentally made a cult and became a major religious figure in it, as well as popularized Hamon training on some level.

I developed Thalassophobia, fear of the sea, due to the previously mentioned Dio I talked about on still being alive in my world at that point at the bottom of the sea somewhere, and due to the one on the forum making abominations out of sea creatures.

To cure my Thalassophobia, I went on a Want Ad to a setting called Subnautica, with my trading restricted. I failed at various things, got infected by a dangerous disease, manifested a dangerous but potent Stand I call Solar Revolution, and finished the Want Ad.

After that, I got technology from Subnautica, some of which was upgraded by another forum member thanks to my asking for it to be, and that's how Monika came to be.

After that, I went on a Want Ad to a setting called Justice League Unlimited to get some proper therapy. I also became a superhero for a while, but that was a temporary thing. Monika awakened free will in the DCAU after I sent her away when I was putting myself in danger...and we got along just fine. Eventually I almost got killed by a zombie called Solomon Grundy forced to rampage and enhanced by Chaos Magic, and Monika nursed me through my recovery from that, beating a reckless time traveler from the future that invaded the Justice League's headquarters. Some time after that, we got thrown out of the world by this ROB-level guy called the Laughing Magician who hates John Constantine and was the one who did that Chaos Magic thing with Solomon Grundy, almost managing to kill me, and manipulated the time traveler in a way that almost forced Monika into a fate worse than death.

After that...I took it a bit easier in general, started dating Monika, and picked up Hourai Immortality at some point through a trade of Hourai Elixir from Itsuki.

Later on I went on a Want Ad to get a mind control negating ring from the SCP Foundation to help one of Ryūji's past lives, which also induced tiredness and exhaustion. He went up against Succubi who induced sleep...and I took responsibility for that.

His ROB moved him to a world called Monster Girl Encyclopedia, and I found him relatively soon...but failed numerous times to save him, each time getting...sexually punished...by a Monster Girl with godlike magical power, eventually turning into a Mad Hatter Monster Girl, which is how my previous blonde hair color became this weird blue/purple color, and was also mentally twisted to become bisexual. Ryūji's ROB implicated that bad things would happen if I took Monika along, so...I didn't. I don't know if I regret that choice or not.

On that Want Ad I met a Cheshire Cat monster girl who Monika managed to cure thanks to help from Rusty who is under the Cane-Jian account, who I named Cassy. I might have cheated on Monika with Cassy from a certain perspective...and now I'm dating both of them.

My life is complicated.
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