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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

My knowledge of Exalted comes from you guys.

Still I'd say just dump the guy in town, we don't actually have to do anything with him until we go to find Ryusenkyo where we would drop him in. At worst we can drag him to Mil-tan and his friends and use that to cure his fear of dragons...and remove Mil-tan...
Issei was taking part in a Quest online during one of his training periods. He ended up convincing the others to make Shirou a Crossdresser in order to mess with Rin.
Link or I'll blast you with my Kill SAT.
Is it wrong that I want to drag him along on our search for the land of the dragons. All the while making him think that the search is what we are dragging him along for only to instead find out its to make him train with us in the valley.
Is it wrong that I want to drag him along on our search for the land of the dragons. All the while making him think that the search is what we are dragging him along for only to instead find out its to make him train with us in the valley.
...only if Gasper gets to keep being a Trap, cause he pulls the look off amazingly well.
Now that I have the facts... I formally protest against Plan Smuthunter, because this is clearly metagaming.

Eh, fuck it.

To make it seem more in character:

[X] Plan Smuthunter
--[X] It really sucks that he is this pathetic... You'd have liked to beat him up some more. Unless: "Eh, Bright Sensei? Can I somehow beat the stupid out of him?"
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Raiser post character development is actually a bro instead of a douchebag. He really turns over a new leaf after Issei took him to meet Tannin. I object to the notion that we're "wasting" EXP on him if we get him to that point.
That was after he worked his way through his trauma the hard way, gaining strength of character in the process.

What you're advocating, using a Charm, is the easy way. There is no lesson for Raiser to learn there and if he doesn't learn one, he'll never grow beyond his douchebag self. This is a complete waste.
Charms don't work like that, this charm gives him all the growth he needs to fix his problem, because it fixes his problem, it's like how there is a charm to heal a wound that would take 3 months to cure in 1 day it dosn't miss anything good out that would happen in that 3 months, just because essence is bullshit, thats kinda what Solars DO
Still feel like a cop-out.

Exalted can be generally summed up as "You can totally do it, but should you ?" and right now we're totally falling down the slippery slope of "quick and easy".
wrong, that would be fucking with him to make him our servent or making him believe something totally out of character, this? this is fixing something we broke without taking for fucking ever to do it, and sorry but these charms are MADE to heal this sort of thing, heal, not harm, this isn't that sort of bs at all
wrong, that would be fucking with him to make him our servent or making him believe something totally out of character, this? this is fixing something we broke without taking for fucking ever to do it, and sorry but these charms are MADE to heal this sort of thing, heal, not harm, this isn't that sort of bs at all
Well, yeah, I did say that I FELT it was a cop-out. That wasn't intended as an argument, just my own feeling on the subject.
Made some edits to the vote.

[?] EXP Debt:
-[?] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
-[?] Hastening Night's End

[?] Tell Raiser we're going to sit outside his door until he comes out. Wait for him to calm down, then start talking to him through the door. Use Hastening Night's End to cure his derangement.
-[?] Make small talk and casual conversation. Mention Ravel and how she was willing to defend him even after seeing what you could do. There's something of worth buried under all that blind arrogance; if he doubts that then he insults Ravel by insulting himself.
--[?] Use Raiser's memory of Ravel defending him to complete HNE.
Made some edits to the vote.

[?] EXP Debt:
-[?] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
-[?] Hastening Night's End

[?] Tell Raiser we're going to sit outside his door until he comes out. Wait for him to calm down, then start talking to him through the door. Use Hastening Night's End to cure his derangement.
-[?] Make small talk and casual conversation. Mention Ravel and how she was willing to defend him even after seeing what you could do. There's something of worth buried under all that blind arrogance; if he doubts that then he insults Ravel by insulting himself.
--[?] Use Raiser's memory of Ravel defending him to complete HNE.
Need to add increasing Presence to that.
[x] Plan Smuthunter.
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Guys there is no mark 2, I just replaced the first vote and I'm giving the people who already voted a heads-up in case they have an issue with it and want to change their votes.
Hello im new in this. Really like this quest so far.
Since I want the escalibur arc soon I vote for:
[X] Plan Smuthunter

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