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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adeline leaves Damien to his work without waiting for a yes.

She then spot a guy walking around the town that she hasn't taken account of yet.

"Hello sir! I am Mayor Adeline Masters of the town Mysthome. I am among a group of 5 currently working to rebuild the town from its remains and searching the portal realms for those scattered by the cataclysm of the town's past. You or your ancestors may have been residents within the town; can you tell me your name and your buisness here?"
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Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

"A'right then. Thank ya kindly once more miss and have a good day." He then looks at Damien and Adeline and nods his head before speaking again. "Now if'n all yall will excuse me, I'm off to see about-" He stops as Adeline leaves and, shrugging, figuring he has nothing better to, follows after her. Seeing the man, Adam nods his head and smiles, sticking his hand out. "Well, what she said. Name's Adam Mori. Pleasure to meet ya sir."
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Hensworth surveys the situation. "Huh. A newt? That's new. Alright Beta. Here's the plan. I go for the slime, you go for the newt. That good." Beta nods vigorously. "Okay. Break!" Hensworth leaps from the tree, landing on the ground hard enough to shake the slime like a plate of gelatin. He darts forward and scoops a bit of slime into the bottle. He then shoves the anchor into it and casts Deluge.

Beta takes a more subtle approach. While the newt is distracted by Hensworth's charade, she quietly leaps out of the tree, landing on the leaf padded forest floor without a sound. She then gets a running start and jumps at the newt. Midair, she takes one of her fingers, which she had sharpened down to a needle fine point, and lands on the animal. Then, before it can react, she jams her needle finger up and into the newt's neck, just under the base of its skull. Beta bubbles quietly and shoots an icy stream into the newt's brain.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Brad is studying. Minions are awaiting the oncoming storm. Woo. Party. The minions are trying to make noises though, so they can communicate better. Boredom is the mother of invention after all. So far they've been able to make a high pitched blowing noise, and a lower pitched one, by swirling their winds faster or slower, respectively. They also have their battle cry, which is more of a shriek, made by the release of wind after holding it for a few moments.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

With Damien
Tiny Smith lets him and returns to nomming the apple

With Adeline and Adam.

"What? My name is Xander. This is my home town. I just came back from The War. You know the big thing with all of the Battles."

With Hensworth

Hensworth kills a slime and a Newt.

Gets slime gel and newt corpse.

with Brad

It starts raining slightly outside.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Adeline looks confused for a moment, then grows a look of dread.

"Tell you what, why don't we swing by the shop to see if Caine has any hard liquor, my treat to an honored veteran. You're going to need it in a moment."

She takes the soldier by the hand and walks him through town to the item shop, being careful to avoid the more ravaged sections of town. She steps into Caine's shop and quickly buys a bottle of his strongest liquor, and a history book if he has it. It's going to be a long day.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Adam frowns when the man mentions the war, noting the uniform and dog tags. Then he pales a bit and looks down and away rather hurriedly. "Err, you go on ahead Adeline. There's... There's a few things I feel I ought to take care of right quick like."

Rushing towards the marketplace, Adam pulls the Shovel out. "Right then... I feel I've been a bit lax in my duties in making this town better. So..." He skids to a stop in front of a small pile of stone rubble. He readies the shovel, swinging it calmly, swinging it carefully. "Let's fix that and fix this in the process. And then.... Then I'll see about the cemetery and seeing to it that the dead are paid their proper dues."
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Brad goes to the bathroom, and keeps studying.

The minions are having quite a bit more fun, though. The rain is agitating them, which makes them blow around and scatter for a little bit before calming down. There are several low *fwoosh* noises from the minions, as a few of them don't like getting wet, it seems.

Joan looks up at the clouds, and feels the raindrops falling past her. She flies up closer to the clouds, to see where the rain is coming from. It seems to be falling from the clouds, not from above. Maybe... the clouds are the rain? But... the clouds... are air. So rain... comes from the air. Water... is in the air itself, and then forms clouds, and then forms rain. Maybe, she can take the water in the air... and make water.

Carl doesn't really notice the rain that much. He does feel the air pressing down on him, in waves. As he moves, it feels like the storm pushes him differently, first strongly, then weakly, then strong again. The clouds look like they feel it too. They shift and turn depending on the force from above, this ... pressure. Air pressure. It pushes the clouds, and all the air around them.

Harriet doesn't like the rain that much. It slows her down too much. Luckily, the winds by the clouds are really fast. If she gets right in the flow of the wind, she goes even faster than usual, which is still pretty fast. She rides the winds to and fro, like a spirit in the breeze. She's learning to go with the flow, and skate across the sky.

Florence just looks up at the sky, waiting for something to happen. She just floats there, like a low cloud.

On his way back up to the sky, Martin notices something strange on the ground. Something... circly. He looks up at his friends to make sure they'll be okay, and then floats back down to look for whatever it was that he saw. By the time he gets back down though, it's already gone. He searches around, just to make sure, but it's gone. He's about to go back up to the sky when he sees it again. Its a swirling circle of leaves on the ground. He floats over to look and see what's going on, and for a second, he's in the center, with wind circling about him. Then the swirlyness goes away, and the leaves skitter to a halt. He waits, for longer this time, and then the swirlyness, this... whirl of wind comes back. He immediately gets inside of it again, and this time spins himself, to try and keep it going. The...whirlwind fades, and then he has to try again. It always comes back in the same spot, which gets Martin to thinking. Maybe the way the wind moves around the buildings makes it spin. Maybe... when the wind hits itself, it starts to spin around.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Finding a table to sit down at, Adeline began flipping through the history book, passing it back and forth between herself and Xander so he could read it himself.

"28 July, 1914. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand starts a chain of events leading up to the start of World War."

"11 November, 1918. The Germans surrender, ending 4 long years of warfare."

"28 June, 1919. The Treaty of Versailles forces the Germans into a war debt that cripples the nation's infrastructure for many years."

"4 September, 1929. The Great Depression sends many world economies into debt, people lose their wealth, and many their ways of life."

"5 December, 1933. Prohibition in the United States ends. Yes it is legal, take a sip already."

"1 September, 1939. The Germans, under command of Adolf Hitler, invade Poland and begin what is known as World War II. He is responsible for the deaths of millions. All nations of the world are involved."

"2 September, 1945. Through the use of weaponry never heard of and a united world, Germany and its allies are defeated once more. The world knows peace for many years to come."

"25 June, 1950. War escalates between North Korea and South Korea. The struggle lasts for three years with an armastice, but hostilities remain to this day."

"12 April, 1961. The Russians send the first human into space. 8 years later, the Americans get a team of men on the moon."

"4 April, 1968. Martin Luther King, a man that brought about black rights throughout the United States, dyes a martyr and pushes his cause to success."

"... 1980. Large devices known as Computers, developed in the 40s, become compact enough to become a standard home appliance. Today they are small enough to fit in your pocket."

"25th December, 1991. The Soviet Union is dissolved, ending a half century old Cold War."

"...1994. Web 2.0 gains in popularity, forming what is known as the modern day internet. The world becomes united, not as a single nation, but as a community of peoples."

"21 April, 2013. A man comes to his home seeking the life he once knew. A century of history had passed in his absence, a catacalism away from his watch stealing the life he knew. Time passes,, events flow, and the world becomes something entirely different. But the one thing that remains the same is that there is always work to be done, and always people to welcome others into their communities. We are all of the same town, and that quality is ageless."

Adeline closes the book, taking a good drink from the remains of the bottle. "So, let me start over. My name is Mayor Adeline of Mysthome, working with others to restore a town time itself is unable to completely destroy. I welcome you home as an honored soldier who brought about a beautiful world."
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Hensworth pats Beta on the head. "Nice job girl! You killed that thing right quick. Now uh... guess we should keep it?" Hensworth walks across the slime puddle and picks up the newt by the tail. "Hmm..." He puts it in his bag and turns to the tree. "Alpha? Come down here boy. I understand you're a bit upset because Beta's here, but you're still my little man, alright?"

Alpha perks up as Hensworth speaks to him. Hensworth still... liked him? He wasn't ignoring him. Alpha hastily slid down the tree trunk and climbed onto the man's shoulder. Hensworth patted the minion on the head. "See? Not so bad right? Now let's make you another sibling, eh? I got this slime here for a reason. Beta, up." Beta nods, jumping onto Hensworth's hand and then onto his shoulder.
In the apartment, Hensworth stands in front of the table, with Alpha and Beta on either side of him. He stands with the paper in his hand, Alpha clutching the bottle of slime. Hensworth checks to make sure both minions are watching, then reads the words on the paper once more.

Beta sees it first, almost like a rift in the air. The formation on water and ice slowly patching itself together. She looks to the other two, but they just stare at the space on the table, like nothing's there. She burbles in irritation. Lifting her hand in the air, she signals to Alpha. The male minion notices the signal, he wasn't ready, and uncaps the bottle. He goes to pour the slime onto the quickly forming minion, which is slowly becoming visible to him. In a flash, Alpha trips, sending both the bottle and the slime at the minion. Both substances are taken in without a sound.

Gamma knows what she is before she's fully formed. Like she's accessing the consciousness of some higher up being. The thought quickly fades away as her mind is taken over by a cold, green, and utterly mind numbing sensation. She tries to fight it, but it sweeps her thoughts away, and all she is left knowing is that she, well, is a she.

Hensworth finally sees the minion as it fully forms. This one is different than the other two. This minion's fluid is green tinted and viscous, almost like jello. Or slime, if you will. And its hands and feet, unlike the rough, opaque ice of Alpha and Beta, is smooth and transparent, yet just as fluid as water. She looks up at Hensworth, her eyes dilated, almost dopey. And she utters a single word. "Gamma."
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Thanking the girl, Damien quickly disappears into the depths of the forge, designs in hand, to create the item requested of him. The smith is curious when Tesla enters and makes his way to his master, peeking in a while later to see Damien using his gloves to weld metal pieces together while Tesla holds them, when the metal minion isn't assisting by heating and shaping the metal with his own hands. Hour upon hour passes, sounds of electricity and flame alike emanating from within, every curious glance inside showing the project further to completion, though she's momentarily confused when she looks in and sees a man sized completed product and Damien and Tesla still at work, until they shift and reveal a smaller version of the completed rifle.

It's growing dark when tech and mech emerge from the inner works, each holding a scaled rifle clearly inspired by steam-punk styled works, and several of the magazine like items poking out of one of Damiens pockets. A quick discussion with the little smith, and Damien exits, his bill payed, lenses fitted to frames, and order for the blades confirmed, en-route through town in search of either a place to test the rifles, or Adeline to hand off the minion rifle.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

With Adam
Setting up a perimeter of where he has decided the new market place has gone. He and his minions have begun to clear out rubble and start fixing any issues they see.

Marketplace is at 10 percent completion
Materials Needed

Completed Task Merrick's Orchard Clean up.

Beginning Merrick's Orchard Planting time.

Magically Cleared.
+1 Resident.


His minions take in aspects of the storm while he continues to learn.


Damien goes to the gym to find a shooting range. Sadly Vil doesn't have one.

"I'd build one but I don't have the money nor the time to do so."

Task option
Build Shooting Range.


"This is, I don't even know. How do you deal with the fact everyone you knew was gone. Dead of old age if they weren't here or if they were here transported or murdered. I don't know. What do I do?"

He takes a swig of the Alcohol.


He created Gamma the slime tinged servant.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

"What would they have wanted you to do? You survived a turn-of-the-century war where men died simply because noone realized how ugly war had evolved. Those horrid trenches, the deadly lines and whizzing of early machine guns. Armored tanks and explosive ammunition, flying machines that would rain death on the helpless below. You survived the worst threats Time could possibly throw at you. I might not be able to speak for your family, but if I were them I would want you to push forward and live a life well deserved."

Adeline takes another drink of alcohol, having managed to get two more bottles onto the table during the course of History 101. Though her frame might not look it, she was able to hold alcohol pretty well. Heritage thing. Despite the handicap she maintained her composure; someone would have to be strong here.

"During the unknown cataclism that ravaged the town, many civilians managed to escape through the portals. I've personally met one family that went 200 years on their end of the portal, still thriving strong. Old Man Wulf, not sure if you're friends or not. He claims many survivors escaped to his realm alone, and who knows how many others to the other portals. Perhaps the greatest thing you could do to honor the memory of those you knew would be to make sure their descendants do better. Maybe even bring a few back to their home if you're the bold type."

"It might not be much of a blessing, but you've managed to survive a century of turmoil, even if it was by incident. There ain't anyone else in this era with your skillset. Use it, and forge a new life for yourself."
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

The three figures stare at Gamma for a moment. Hensworth clears his throat and smiles sheepishly. It's different and yet... it's almost exactly what he had expected. Green, viscous, and stronger looking than the other two. But there is something about the way it holds itself that made him feel bad, almost guilty. "Gamma? That's a good name." He glanced at the other two minions, who seemed more repulsed at the minion than he was. Alpha had taken a physical step back and Beta, who was a bit more restrained, leaned away from the green minion. "Well uh... let's go find the others, shall we?" He sticks an arm out for Alpha and Beta, both minions quickly scrambling up his arm and, despite each other, sitting on the same shoulder, leaving the other for Gamma. "Well up you go." He lightly grasped Gamma and placed her on his empty shoulder. He heads to the library, he knew Brad was there and perhaps he would know where everyone was. He steps outside, surprised at the rain. When did that start? He shrugs, shaking his minions, and begins his weary trudge to the library.

Gamma stared at her hands as the rain ran in rivulets between her glassy fingers. Why... why couldn't she think? She knew she had thoughts, but they were deluded by a constant barrage of impulses, mostly to eat. That's all she wanted to do. Eat. And go to the forest. And eat. And eat and eat and eat. There was also a heavy feeling in the pit of her body. A burning, evil feeling. Directed at the man and pointed at the two things on the other shoulder. Those things were nothing like her. And yet the man looked at them with affection, while he looked at her with pity. What had he done to her?
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Slightly disappointed that he can't simply tryout his creations right away, before shrugging and requesting that Vil spar with him to kill sometime and get some more experience fighting while Tesla goes and locates Adeline to let her know the request is finished.

Tesla, leaving the smaller rifle behind, heads off in the direction of Caines shop. Perhaps he will know where the loud female is.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Adam looks around, sadness in his eyes. "This town... Just what the hell happened to it?"

Stepping lightly towards a pile of rubble, Adam stoops down and sorts through it, picking up what appears to be the last remnants of a letter. The text is illegible, years of sitting in the ruins having managed to permeate the debris piled atop it. Sighing, he puts the scrap of paper back down, letting Netto grab and carry it away to some small refuse pile nearby. And Adam gets back to cracking the biggest chunks of rubble, wishing desperately that he hadn't been so quick to run off and explore when he could still clean up a little here and there.


Aider and the others stop in their toil and seem to converse secretly to themselves, outside of Adam's hearing. There's a general feel of worry surrounding the group, a heavy air that seems to weigh even the mighty Bris down. Recher and Netto in particular seem affected by Adam's melancholy mood, Recher constantly looking at the man and making to run before stopping, looking down and with confusion about how to handle the situation. Netto... Netto just keeps fiddling with the objects in his hands, glancing at the others worriedly.

They finally seem to reach a consensus and split off. Recher and Aider take off from the others, leaving them to their work while they go off in search of something to try and cheer Adam up a bit.
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Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Brad moves on to his seventh and eigth soda. That and he studies.

Martin and all of the others are still doing their own thing: Martin is whipping the wind around himself, Joan is learning to precipitate from the air, Carl is learning about air pressure, and Harriet is learning to become the wind. That's pretty much it for them. Florence though, is another matter.

She's floating, alone, looking at the clouds. She's not like the others she thinks. Everyone else is fast and furious, except for her. She feels like the clouds, shifting because of the wind, and rolling and changing and... growing. Maybe she can grow like the clouds, and get bigger and stronger. Then maybe she can shift herself for once.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.


Xander is just depressed looking. The firms up and salutes.

"Permission to reclaim my old family home?"

Resident Joined.

Xander, Time-lost Soldier, War born hero.

With Hensworth

He's now at the Library.

Making me feel bad.

With Tesla

He finds Adeline and Tells her about the rifle

Damien is currently dealing with fighting.

Upgrade Vil's gym for better results.

With Adam

Well he's still fixing up the General Market area.

And finally Brad

His minions are gaining traits by observation.
He's currently healing using tons of soda and now Hensworth is here.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Adeline bows. "Permission granted. You are dismissed, Soldier."

Using her watch, she signals Secretat to focus the minion rebuilding efforts towards Xander's abode. Hopefully they'd be there to help fix any lasting damages when he arrived. For now, however it might be better if he stuck by himself to think. She heads to the gym to meet with its keeper.

"I need to expand my fighting capabilities. Take me in as a student."

[15:39] <Demjou> Okay. You want my opinion? Have Secretat go to the smith. Get details on what you need for upgrades to minions. Have her meet you at gym.
[15:39] <Demjou> Then we can give you your rifle. Go get some materials. And have you finish learning your move.
[15:39] * Demjou ends opinion

This happens.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Punches, kicks, grappling. Shocks, tasers, Shock-waves. Nothing seems to really work on Vil beyond forcing him back momentarily. Even a rapid combo of everything Damien could think of only kept him down for a few seconds. Dashing in as Vil comes to a stop near the door, he fires off yet another Shock Wave, idlely noting that it seems to be getting stronger the longer this spar continues. Wonder what he's thinking right now.

'Damn it, bastard dodged AGAIN. How the hell am I going to keep up with him, maybe if I focus some of the shock energy into my legs? Oh, there he is again!'

The dodged Shock-Wave continues on to slam into the door...the door that just opened and had Adeline enter through, saying something as the attack carrens near invisibly through the air towards her....Oops?


Walking into the store, Tesla marvels at the sheer amount of products on the shelves, let alone the items he can see through the doorway behind the counter, quickly forgetting his original reason for entering. As he approaches Caine, the shopkeeper looks somewhat annoyed. "What do you want. Can you even speak?" The question filters quickly through Tesla's processors, reaching the conclusion that no, he can not speak. A bit of innovation will do though, as he takes a finer control of the television screen he used for his head.

Text scrolls across the screen as he angles it for Caine's easy viewing. 'Requesting view of electricity and metal related specialty stock'
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Adam keeps working diligently, stepping to the side as Bris, Netto, or Parer rush by to perform some task. He's spending time thinking the thoughts he thinks. And like most people when they feel they're alone, he starts doing so aloud.

"Now, I don't mind admitting that I don't much rightly know anything about running a town." He whispers, shoveling a bit of rubble he'd cracked out of the way. "I don't mind admitting a lot of things, truthful like. Namely that I feel a bit guilty for not having done something about the cemetery by this point." SHRACK! The shovel impacts quite heavily on a bit of rubble, again and again as he keeps practicing and working. "So, Aider, I want you to..." Adam stops for a moment, resting his hands on the handle of the shovel. He looks around in each direction, keeping a keen eye out for any sign of Aider. "...Well now. Where have he and Recher gone off to?"

Aider wished desperately that he could sigh. Recher's antics were getting a tad nuisancey. The speedy minion refused to stop bouncing around and grabbing shiny things, insisting that they'd make the Adam happy, with Aider having to calmly point out that not everyone liked pretty things as much as he did. And this sparked off another discussion about why the Adam and every last one of the Others Who Were Big carried around those shiny round things (Aider STILL didn't know but refused to admit it, having come up with the clever story of those being magic things they could eat.) It was, in short, annoying for Aider.

He could only wish that they found something to make the Adam a bit more cheerful. Well, that and a leash for Recher. That'd be nice too. And then Recher grabbed his arm and started pointing excitedly, jumping and jumping, dragging on his arm. Aider turned to calm Recher down or maybe yell, when he saw what he was pointing at. They'd found it. The place with the Standing Stones.

The Cemetery.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Hensworth enters the library soaked and worn down. His minions, even Gamma, had all abandoned ship to go do whatever in the rain. He ran a hand through his short hair, flicking beads of water out of it, and found Brad. "Ah. Hey sport. How's the leg?" He plops himself down into a chair and pulls out his pocket watch. With nothing better to do, he pops the cap open and closed, as well as fiddling with the time piece.

Alpha sprints through the rain happily, jumping and slashing at the tiny water droplets falling through the sky. He doesn't watch where he's going, eventually slamming into a building. Looking up at the faded sign, it proudly declares itself to be a 'Gym'. Funny, Alpha could have sworn it was a name, not a place. He hears the sound of a storm, different from the one happening right now outside. It comes from inside the place and sounds like it's just the crackle and snap of the jagged storm suns. He knows the word for it... lighting. It sounds like lightning. Alpha enters the gym in curiosity.

Beta has followed the creature. Her supposed 'brethren'. Hah. That thing isn't normal, what was the Hensworth thinking. However, for some obscure reason, the thing is faster than her. Stronger too. And soon, she's lost it, ending up back at the library. Well, she might as well visit the teacher that resided there. Perhaps he had more to teach.

Gamma crashes through the underbrush, trying to find the place that compels her. The forest. This organism inside her, it's not a monster because it only dulls her mind, knows one thought. Eat. Her thoughts swirl in time with it, each miniscule idea dancing with the behemoth that is the slime's impulse. She breaks through, happy to be out of the branches and thorns, only to find herself surrounded by stones. They stick out of the ground, names and numbers scrawled all over them. What did this all mean? Gamma steps forward, placing a glassy hand on one of the gravestones.
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Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Brad drinks the rest of his sodas, and keeps studying mana theory, and how he can utilize it.

Florence knows what she wants to try now. She stretches herself out, spreading her arms thin, trying to produce clouds of her own, almost like a fog of her own.

Martin feels himself becoming more of the storm, stronger, windier, more substantial. He feels wetter inside, like more of his body is becoming water and rain, heavier. He uses Hurricane, and sees his newfound power for himself. The area around is is slick with rain, and all of the nearby leaves and rocks have been blasted clear of him. He then trains it, over and over, combining it with gale on occasion to produce a particularly strong band of wind and rain.

Joan can feel the hard bits of ice and hail inside of her now, protecting her like a spiky coat. She summons her strength, to swirl the winds about her, to protect herself from everything, to be safe in her fury. Hail forms around her, and is whipped around her wind. She is powerful, she is furious, and she is righteous in her fury.

Carl and Harriet feel their winds become stronger, mostly. Their bodies swirl faster that before, and they can spin the winds around them, creating a powerful storm of wind.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

With Adeline

She trains for a while and learns the move for money.

The next move will cost much more.

Fire Smash learned.

"Upgrades? Well They'd need new stuff but that's a lot of materials. Why don't you figure out who gets what and then I'll have a bill set for you kay? It's cheaper that way."

With Damien

Damien has Learned Thunderclap via paying for it.

The next move will cost more money.

With Tesla

"Don't have much. Not much need around here at the moment. Of course I could always send off for it."

With Adam

He's at a cemetary.

There is a man here?

What is a man doing here.

Hensworth and Brad are at the library.
they haven't really done anything.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Adam looks at the cemetery and just walks around, in a bit of a daze. Granite. Marble. Even some well preserved wood slabs. Graves of all sorts obviously mark this place as what it is. He's... A little homesick, come to think. He misses the work he used to do, morbid though others might find that fact. He misses the smell of freshly cut roses as he laid them on the graves of those who had none to bring flowers. He misses seeing the groups of people gathered together to say farewell to the dead so that they could carry on living. He misses it. It was home to him. Adam sighes and looks as though he's about to get to work. And then he notices the man.
"Err, hello there! Name's Adam Mori! One of the new mayors here. Mind my asking who you are?" Mori says with a slight bit of confusion, walking towards the silhouette.
The minions, with the exception of Aider and Recher, continue their work.

Aider and Recher, in the meantime, have taken notice of Gamma looking curiously at the Standing Stones. Aider and Recher exchange a look... Or at least Aider tried to before he noticed a conspicuous lack of Recher. The speedy minion has already closed distance with Gamma and is holding out his hand, all smiles and friendliness. Sighing, Aider trudges up behind him, extending his own hand in friendship. Still though, in his mind Aider is thinking. A thing that grew was made of stone. He and the others are stone and plant. So what does that mean about them?
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

As Brad sips away at the last of his soda, he looks and sees the word "healing" on the bottle. He... doesn't really have the energy to care at the moment. His leg is feeling better now, so he guesses that it makes sense, but honestly he isn't all that surprised. There has been a lot of shit going on, and quite frankly he's not that impressed. Not to mention that pretty much all of his body parts are asleep. Ah, now his eyelids are drooping. Perfect. He lifts his head up from the book, and puts a bookmark in the page. He sets the book aside, and picks up "Magical Theory: The Secrets Within" from the table. He then opens the book, and starts to swat at the pages without touching them. Brad is quite tired of book study. He already knows that mana is present in the air, and that air is the element of freedom and movement. And if he can tap into that mana in the air, maybe he can flip this goddamn page without touching it. The page is already moving from the air around his hand, so if he can just get a little more air to follow his hand, or move more air around him, maybe it'll turn the page. So he swats. And swats. And swats. He tries to focus on the air around his hand, how he feels it when he swats through the air. He imagines his hand pulling away more of the air, like a hand swiping at a cobweb. The hand is unaffected, but some of the cobweb trails along behind it afterwards. He tries to pull the air across the pages of the book.

The minions have regrouped down at the ground near the apartments save for Florence. Florence is still up in the sky, trying to copy the clouds and make clouds or fog of her own. Down at the ground though, all of the minions are demonstrating what they've learned during the storm. Martin demonstrates his Hurricane, Joan her Hailstorm, etc etc. But when Harriet uses her Spiral, all of the minions want to try, and try to copy how she swirls around with her arms, throwing wind about her.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Hensworth shrugs, patting Brad on the head and leaving the library. He wanders off, it seems the storm let up somewhat, barely a drizzle left in the air. He walks around the town for a few minutes, lost in thought, before coming across a building that's a bit different from the others in the sort of residential area. Grocery Store. "Huh. Well, I suppose I could check it out." Hensworth goes up, having to manually push open the automatic doors. The place must not be getting any power, or at least not enough to get the doors working. It's quiet and empty, shelves standing more bare than trees in the winter and in solemn rows. "Hello?"

Beta climbs up onto the table and watches Brad flip his pages. She lets out a bubbly laugh, more playful mocking than anything.

Gamma stares at another gravestone. There's a name on it... Why would they put a name on a stone? Stones don't need names. Her train of thought was rocketed off of the tracks when hyperactive Recher speeds up to her. She takes a weary step back, but the thing just stands there with an extended hand and cheeky attitude. She reaches out, easily taking the minion's smaller, rougher hand into her large glassy mitt. The instant she lets go, another thing comes up. This one seems a lot more stoical or, at the very least, a heck of a lot calmer. She shakes his hand as well, standing a good inch taller than Aider. They were different than her siblings. She remained cautious around them, but softened up a bit, pointing curiously at the gravestones.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Adeline, being sick of the returns of Tennis, was glad to finally have something else under her repetuar of abilities. However, strength alone was not going to work against every target. It would take a fool of a tactician to think that was the case. There was yet another thing to master. It would mean swallowing her pride, but rather that than eating a bullet. There were far worse things after all.

She swung open the door to the library, the experiences of the past day as armor to what she was anticipating.

"Hit me again. I. Dare. You."
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Dripping with sweat, Damien thanks his opponent for the match, and after a quick stop to shower off and a brief deliberation with himself and a even shorter talk with Tesla, decides to return to the library for a bit of rest and research.

Meanwhile, Tesla has been in a seemingly frozen state, his processor working hard at deciding what would be best to order, and after a brief discussion with Master, placing a order for a large amount of tungsten wire, and requesting access to any watch upgrades in stock.

Slipping past Adeline posing in the doorway, Damien quickly checks for information on any reading material regarding adding or altering enchantments, eventually hurrying off to search for a few nights worth of reading material manually and return in time to see what happens with Adeline.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

With Adam at the Cemetary with the Shovel

The figure sighs.

"I don't mind. My name? It's been so long since I've said it. I've pretty much forgotten it. You can call me the Gravekeeper. It's all I do after all."

"It's been a while since I last visited. So much to fix."

Adam can't get a good look at the figure.

With the Henry and the Brads?

Brad tries rudimentry wind excercises. sadly not doing very well. Might he ask for a training excercise instead?

Henry enters an abandon'd but rebuilt grocery store.


A person walks in via a door on the side.

"You wanted something"

It's a girl?


With Damien

He pretty much gets ready to see hilarity.

He loses a cash amount.

With Adeline.

Thoth looks at her and

"I'm sorry."


"I didn't know that you would have such a reaction to a low level illusion spell. And I'm sorry for the issues you had because of it. If need be I can give you access to a phone as to you to call your parents."


Elrich opens a portal and pushes Adeline in.

Adeline is now on the other side of the Library.

Elrich is gone.

What the hell just happened?
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