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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

It's been a while that he's been studying, and Brad has an interesting idea stuck in his head. "Thoth, are there any healers in this town? Because if I got healed, we could do some field training lessons like before."

Seeing that their leader left his rake at the apartment, the minions pick it up and bring it over to him. After doing so, Martin leads all of them to the Gym, for combat training. They enter, and wait for someone to approach.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Hensworth grins at Thoth. "Really? How sweet. And don't worry, I'm always up for a good surprise." He turns in surprise when he feels the water minion land on his shoulder. "Oh hey there Beta. I see you've been learning. Perhaps you could come back and learn some more later." Beta nods at him, standing up and saluting Thoth. Hensworth thanks Thoth, heading out of the library. "Now let's go find Alpha. I believe he's still in the Water Realm. What say you?" Beta just looks at him curiously. "Ah, right, you haven't seen Alpha yet. He's your... kin, I suppose."

Beta thinks this over. Kin? That's... family. She has family? She doesn't really consider the Hensworth family. Sure, he's an alright guy, but he's not really family. More like... an overlord. A nice one, but an overlord nonetheless. Ordering her around all the time. And yet she respects him, her overlord. He's strong, that much she could tell. And strength is a trait she respects. A strange pull causes her to face forward, a strange anomaly in the air. What is that? And that's when the Hensworth steps through.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adam leaves off with his minions.

However Merrick comes by.

"Having issues? I think I can break it. Don't tell anyone but I've been dreaming of the moons. So let me try this."

His hand glows an eerie whiteish blue color and he smashes the petrified stump.

"I think you can get it from there?"

He pats on of them while his hand still glows and Bris subtly changes.

With Damien

You see Thoth back to back with a Hooded Figure with six arms each holding a different element. While Thoth himself is holding a book. They are bound together with chains. The chains bind them to the ground. Books are floating around him glowing golden. A giant red Tree looms menacingly in the background.

Zach is back to back with a winged figure, a scythe is at both of their necks and they are bound together with chains. The chains bind them to the ground. Zach is smiling while holding gems. Runes in odd languages float around him. A Giant red tree looms menacingly in the background.

"So I'm guessing you found something interesting?"

With Adeline.

The Tiny Smith (TM) looks at the crab shell.

"It's brittle to hard impacts and cracks. It's more useful as an elemental type. It could slough off water attacks pretty well. Hm considering how much of that is useable and how much material I could make. 700 cash for it and this bangle."

She shows a bangle with a few gems on it.

"I'm not good at magic, but it's got resistance of darkness on it. Should come in handy Kay?"

She also looks at your pan.

She brightens up when she sees the maker's mark.

"I know this mark. It's made by that Lady Smith. She's my Idol. Her work is out of my league. Sadly."

She spots the minion with a knife and her eyes go wide and sparkly.

"I like it."

She starts measuring and checking and whatnot.

If you want anything out of her you best say something before she starts playing with your minion.

With Hensworth.

Your are now on the Beach again.

Alpha is sitting at the tide pool playing with a crab.

With Brad's minions

"Well. Hello? I'm guessing you want training but I really don't know where to start."

He thinks for a second.

"I've got an idea. There is a storm coming in soon. Why don't you observe how the winds move then?"

With Brad

Thoth replies

"I know a doctor. But I'd have to call him in. And you guys would need to fix up a place for him."

"His name is Victor however."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Pulling out the jewel and handing it to him, Damien starts messing around with the monocles and peering at random stuff through them. "Got that for killing a giant crab, any idea what you could do with that? Oh, and do you know who would be the best to go for enchanting? I got plans for these monocles, but I don't want to screw them up." He glances over at Zach again, both eyes covered by a monocle in a semblance of glasses, wondering if looking through two at once will reveal more.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"You had me at the bangle. Jewelery's ALWAYS good!" Adeline puts the accessory on the wrist opposite to the watch. So the smith knows the one that made her pan? Perhaps a referral in the future might be advantageous.

"Like the minion do you? My other request of you was some armor and weapons to upgrade their combat abilities. Training's good, but better bodies last longer. If you want to make him and the others stronger while you prod around with his tools I'd be willing to pay for it."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"Shit. Well I guess you're stuck with me then." Brad turns back to the book and keeps studying diligently.

Meanwhile, then minions take in what the big man just said. They look at each other, and nod. They then blow out the door, and then fly straight up to wait for the storm.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adam walks into the gym with a reasonable attitude, nodding at Brad's minions and Vil, before stopping inside. "Hey there. I'm here to see about getting myself some training? Figure I should ifn I'm to go up against the nasties out there in the realms."


The minions stare briefly at Merrick, stunned at what they just witnessed. Aider is the first to shake off the shock of seeing someone just up and punch a giant rock into a pile of gravel, and rouses the others out of their surprise. Netto then sets off rounding up all of the gravel and putting it into the small rocks pile he'd set up earlier while Parer gets to fixing the ground where the petrified stump was by filling it with some displaced dirt. Recher rushes around, helping Netto out by picking up rocks that got sent further away. Aider starts to try and help Parer when he notices that Bris isn't moving. Walking up slowly, Aider shakes him gently, trying to get a response. And Bris, rather uncharacteristically, lets out what can only be interpreted as a fanboyish squeal. Seems he has a role model now. And he takes to this new inspiration with a gusto, running around as fast he can smashing up everything that needs smashing.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Hensworth smells the salty air of the beach. "Ah. Such a relaxing place, don't ya think girl?" He glances around, spotting the lizard monkey corpses and then the tide pools. In one of them, he sees a small, watery head sticking up above the rim. "Ah! Alpha, my boy! I brought you a friend!"

Alpha turns, still trying to get used to the new saltiness invading his body. He can feel each individual particle swirling around inside him. It makes him uncomfortable. He is happy to see Hensworth though. The man would comfort him. And then he spies the water minion on his shoulder. It looks different from him. Its ice seems sleeker, its motions more fluid, and just a general air of stealth. He can instantly tell that they probably won't get along.

Beta observes Alpha. Thick claws, clunky and heavy movements, and an aura of... knowledge? Beta bubbles in almost a scoff. That 'Alpha' may look somewhat like her, it may be made of the same stuff as her, but it... he is nothing like her. Beta turns around and sits facing away from Alpha on Hensworth's shoulder. That other minion, while it may look strong, has a very troubled mind. If anything, he's thinking too much. And that's what's weighing him down.

Hensworth glances confusedly between the two minions. They didn't seem to like each other. Odd. All the other minons got along fine. Perhaps it was because they were all made at the same time. He stoops down, holding a hand out for Alpha to step on. He complies, feeling himself lifted to the shoulder opposite Beta. With a shrug, Hensworth heads back through the portal and Caine's shop. Perhaps the man would know how one would upgrade his watch.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.


You don't see anything new through the monocles though he looks at you like your a moron for wearing them both at the same time.

"Well I could turn this into a spell shot. Water Based. But of course I'd need a bit of cash. On the Enchanting? You'd need to find someone. I'm not particularly good at that."

Pay Zach 200 to get something useful from the Gem?


"I don't have much on me. Hasn't been much need for forging. I do have a hat."

She brings out a new helmet.

Do you want it?

200 cash


"It's fine. I don't have much to do anyways."


"I've been expecting you."

Vil is smiling.

"The most physical element. Earth. It's rather good to have. Crushing force. Fun innit? But you want to learn about what comes next don't ya. You can Crush foes with boulders and call them to you to form the Hammer. But you need to learn Cracking. Breaking rocks to make them more dangerous right? Or do you have an idea of something you'd like to work on?"


You pick up your minions.

He offers up the Aqua Card
This adds features like Depth, Pressure, and makes it waterproof.

500 cash.

Pay for it?
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adam thinks the slow spiraling thoughts he thinks for a moment. Then, he answers.

"That Cracking thing... That sounds about right where I should start. Because while I've got an idea of sommat I could try, I'm thinkin' I should put more thought into it afore I try it. So if you've got any pointers on how to do this cracking thing, I'd be grateful to ya."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Handing over the requested funds, and pocketing the monocles, Damien waits and watches as Zach performs his trade. "Well, since you don't think you can do it, and you didn't name anyone that you know that could, I'll just shelve that till I find someone that can help. Gotten anything new in stock or restocked while I was gone by any chance?"
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"Aqua Card, huh?..." Hensworth picks it up, turns it over a few times and nods. "Yeah alright. I'll take it." He slaps the money on the counter and examines the card for a moment, finally figuring out how to insert it into the watch. It slides in with a click and the face of the pocket watch blinks, making it sort of like a digital watch on a chain. "Oh neat. Thank you sir." Hensworth nods.

Alpha and Beta are brooding on Hensworth's shoulders. Alpha is lost in thought and Beta is scratching small slivers of ice off of her hands. Hensworth glances between the two. Maybe he just needed to get them used to each other. "Hey you two... maybe you just need to... bond a little. And what better way to bond than fighting things?" Beta perks up at the mention of a fight, while Alpha just slumps further against Hensworth's neck. "C'mon, let's go!"

It doesn't take long before Hensworth has the bait. He stands on the outskirts of the town, where they had their first fight with the slimes, lizard monkeys in hand. He throws a few around, then runs over and watches the corpses anxiously with Beta as they wait for a prospective fighter.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Martin looks out on the horizon, seeing a storm front several miles away. It will be a while until it arrives though. In the meantime, might as well do something. Martin drifts down slowly, and back to the apartment where all the gold is. He remembers that Brad looked hurt before, in pain. He takes a good bit of it, and goes out to the shops. He enters Caines Curios, and seeing the word "healing" picks up two six packs, leaving the money on the counter, and going to the library to drop off the sodas.

Meanwhile, Brads stomach rumbles. He turns to Thoth, and asks, "Can we get some food? I'm starving."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.



The fuck kind of hat is that!?!?!?!?

Despite her objections to the... thing... Tiny Smith presented, Adeline decided to purchase it. She would give it to Maid. It might like it maybe.

"Could I, by chance, commission you to make particular items for later, if you don't have the stock. A crossbow, longsword, mace, and shield. All for minion use. I don't need it now, I can pay in advance for them to be made when time is available."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

With Adam

You attempt to learn how to break rocks is mildly successful.

Well you are causing it to turn into gravel bits at a time.

That can come in handy right?

With Damien

He hands you two shots of puddle and then talks to you.

"Well, gemstones are hard to find. Well to an extent and I can't really go out and kill monsters for blue magic materials. And I should explain what these do shouldn't I? Basically extends a zone of water around you. I expect that you may find it useful."

With Hensworth.

A slime gurgles over towards your carrion you left out.

Well you could wait for more slimes or you could play with this one.

It's not like it can do anything.

With Brad

"Fine fine. Anything in particular you want to eat?"

With Adeline

"You don't like it?"

She can read you pretty well.

She looks at your minion.

"I might have issues with the crossbow. The string will break too easy with these guys."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"Hmm, well I would prefer some sort of ranged armament. I don't want my secretary jumping into the line of fire with an axe; bad for notetaking."

Adeline stares at the hat for a few seconds before tossing it into Maid. Maybe it will help with its cleaning ability?
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adam stretches his arms and swings the shovel lightly a bit, marveling at the tips and pointers Vil gave him. Smiling happily, Adam turns to Vil and puts his hand out. "Thank ya kindly. I'm sure this'll come a might bit in handy."

Shaking Vil's hand, Mori nods his head goodbye and leaves off for the forge, intending to see if he can't get some better tools forged for his minions. Entering the forge, he notices Damien and Adeline standing ahead of him in line and waits patiently.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"Hey Martin, thanks." Brad takes the sodas, and puts them on the table. "Thoth, I'll eat anything right now. So long as it's not poison. I'm not a fan of poison."

Martin nods at Brad, and joins the others up in the sky.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Pocketing the spell with a mad grin on his face, Damien bids Zach a good day before heading off to the forge he remembered being shown on the tour. Slipping inside, he starts a loud greeting before noticing Adeline and a minion speaking with what seems to be a young girl in blacksmiths gear. Shutting the door with a noticable thump, he calmly waits for them to finish their current business while taking a look at the smith through his lens.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Hensworth turns to Beta. "Alright, girly. Watch this." He drops his anchor on the slime before it reaches the carcass and activating Deluge to turn it into a sticky mess. Beta claps happily. He eyes the slime water for a moment before coming up with a great idea. "Alright Beta. Here's what you need to do. Stay here and guard the meat. Don't let any slimes get past. I'll be right back." Hensworth carefully balances Alpha on the tree branch before running off back to town.

Beta excitedly jumps off the tree, landing in the slime goo with a quiet 'sploosh'. She stands at ready, waiting for any slimes to pass by. Oh, the anticipation is killing her!

Hensworth busts into Caine's shop again, looking around for a few moments before spying what he needs. "Ah, good sir. Sorry for busting in so rudely, but I require one of those bottles you have there, how much?"
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

With Hensworth's minions and himself
A slime approaches.

Beta chooses poke.

It's super effective.

The slime freezes over.

Hensworth has a bottle now.

With Damien and the other two
The Tiny Smith is surrounded by fire. Crashing Metal resounds and molten metal flows. Hammers that surround her waiting to be chosen.

"So many new people. I can finally eat real food again."

Tiny Smith has stars in her eyes. (She's a jukebox hero. Waahaa)

With Brad

He brings a sandwich and fries.

Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Damien starts looking through his pockets, in search of something."Hmm, I know I had one somewhere. I'm assuming this is where all that metal I found is ending up. Would you be able to make a pair of daggers and a sword, all coated in copper? Oh, and I'd like to have these lenses cut to fit these frames, if you're able. AH, there it is!" Setting the lenses and the frames on the table, along with a apple leftover from breakfast earlier, before going to look around the forge a bit.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"...I'll leave you to it then?"


"Hey, look. I might have overreacted with the pan. I was in a bad place and at most you deserved a glove. For that I apologize."

She takes a bow to proove sincerity in her statement. "Also, I need you to build me a steam bolt rifle for my minion to use. If you could start working on it now that would be great."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

"Eh, don't worry too much about it. Looking back, it was a rather bad looking situation. Damn that hurt though, you got a arm on ya...Wait, a rifle? Let's let Adam get his business dealt with while we discuss the specifics." Damien leads her over to a empty table, after borrowing a bit of grid paper from the smith for blueprints. "So. Tell me what you want it to do."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Mori does a small look between Damien and Adeline at the mention of pan to the face before shaking his head and deciding he doesn't need to know. Then he looks at the Tiny Smith and speaks up. "Good day miss. I'm here to see if'n you've got any objections to providing some minion sized construction tools fer me when you've got the opportunity and materials to do so. If'n there's any particular cost or materials I need ya need to obtain aforehand let me know and I'll see about getting them for you."
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Hensworth pays Caine and thanks him, running back to the forest area to find a frozen slime. "Oh my. That's... quite the power you've got there Beta. I suppose Thoth was right when he said I should expect surprises from you. Alpha, can you do that?" Alpha huffs angrily and stays up in the tree. "Alpha?" Beta calmly tugs on Hensworth's pant leg and they scramble back up into the tree, waiting for another slime to pass by. Hopefully they don't know what the giant ice blob is.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

Adeline goes to a table and borrows some paper from Secretat to make a rough sketch. "Carbine Steam-powered Bolt Launcher Rifle. Firing mechanisms steam-based to benefit a flame minion wielding it and more importantly to not malfunction. Lightweight-ish, easy to handle, and bolt feed so I can make my own ammunition."

She gives Damien the rough sketch. Traditional, elegant, and /nowhere near functional/. But it was the technician's job to make it work.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

As he eats his sandwich, Brad asks Thoth for a milkshake to dip his fries in. Thoth grudgingly gets him one, and Brad digs in. After downing his first milkshake, Brad switches over to the sodas that Martin brought by. He's a pretty chill bro. He continues eating the sandwiches and fries, and starts to get a craving for more milkshakes as he finishes his second soda. He asks for some more, and Thoth delivers like always. So Brad keeps on drinking milkshakes, and downing the bubbling soda, which tickles his throat on the way down, which somehow makes him want more milkshakes, until it reaches the point that he can drink no more, after six sodas and four delicious milkshakes. He lays back in the chair and takes a moment to rest, sighs, and then thanks Thoth for the food and gets back to his studies.
Re: You Won A Town. And then There was Crab.

With the trio

"I can have the apple? I can cut them to fit in the frames."

She's positively radiating happiness.

She smiles at Adam.

"Nothing in particular at the moment. I just need to work though the supply of metal we've just procured."

With Hensworth.

A new slime pops up.

And a Newt?

With Brad.

His leg feels much better. And it looks like it's been weeks instead of a day since you had it in the cast.


The road lights up. Stone by stone it glows leading a path. A portal opens up.

A song flits through.

"Mama I'm coming home. Welcome your bonny boy back from war."

A man with a set of dog tags and a uniform walks out.

"What the hell happened?"


"It's finally time."

A figure reaches for a key and walks out into the world.
Re: You Won A Town. Welcome the Soldier home from War. A master begins his work.

Glancing over the sketch, a look of focus takes over Damien, a gleam of interest and innovation appearing in his eyes. Snagging the pencil Adeline was using, he starts making rapid alterations to the design, writing down various measurements, specifications, and requirements, at first making constant corrections, but fewer and fewer until he finally sets the design down, declaring it finished. It's overall design is mostly unchanged, save for what appear to be magazines of some kind and several sections that appear to be made with attachments in mind.

A look around the forge, and it's noticed that most...no, everything he'd need to make at least one or two is right here.
"Yes. What good fortune. May I use your forge young smith? I'll compensate you for everything I need of course."
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