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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Adam looks around at the cemetery, sadness in his eyes. "Aye. It's in need of some work." He looks back at the figure and offers his hand. "If'n ya want, I can help ya out. Gravekeepin's in my family after all."


Aider looks at Gamma and then to the Standing Stones. "They are... Standing Stones... They... Speak of those who are not here... I think... Not sure... Would have to ask The Adam." He stumbles out, still not fully used to talking. Aider then sort of moves about sheepishly a bit when he notices the man in question in the middle of something and looks back to Gamma. "Sorry..."

It's at this point that Recher perks up and starts speaking. "But we can show you others! Others are working! We were working but wanted to make The Adam happy! So we found this place! But now we don't have anything to do so we can take you to see the others because we like meeting new Things That Are Like Us But Not Quite!" He spouts off in a long excited jumble, jogging in place, friendliness practically radiating off of him. Aider had to wonder how it was the little runner had learned speech so fast.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Hensworth turns in surprise to the girl before him. "Oh! Hello. I uh... was just looking around. What's a young lady like yourself doing here? Do ya work here?" He shrugs and holds out his hand with a smile. "Hensworth Daddicad at your service. I'm one of the new mayors for this town. Might I ask your name?"

Gamma listens to both minions. Standing stones... Those who are not here? Gamma tries to speak, but the slime in her mind impedes her thoughts. She pushes it back for a moment, finding words. "Standing... Stones. They speak for... for the dead." She nodded, a surge of information coming to her. Where she was getting this was beyond her. "They're... graves. The speak of the dead." Gamma then turns to Retcher. "Things who are like us? You mean my siblings? I think it's... Alpha. And Beta. And... two others?"
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Well shit. This isn't working. Time to ask Thoth. Brad sighs.

"Do you have any basic spells or shit I can practice with? My eyes are swimming with words right now."
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.


Adeline was frozen upon being thrown through the portal. Not so much by the displacement; hopping dimensions can ward off that feeling. No, the figure on the other end of the rift had the girl frozen. Dressed in a gentleman's garb, patterned vintage yet lifelike in texture, authentic even. And wearing them, one she hadn't seen in several years. Matured by time perhaps, but still the smirk. That rebellious smirk that o ammount of time could wipe away. The portal only gave a single glimpse of the figure, but that was all it took for Adeline to recognize it.

She ran back to the front of the library, nearly toppling the bookshelves with her speed. "STOP WHERE YOU ARE ELRICH! DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF RUNNING THIS TIME!"
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Keeping quiet to avoid having the obviously angry young woman's attention drawn to him, Damien quietly and unobtrusively makes his way over to Thoth, passing along a written request for access to any introductory texts to enchanting objects and people, before sitting down and watching the confrontational female of the group.

Disappointed in the selection, Tesla snags a Water Card and relays a request to Caine to alert his master when his order arrives, exiting the shop and making a beeline to the Library to rejoin with Damien and relinquish the purchase.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

With Adam

"Aye, that's fine. I do need a bit of help after all."

Adam and the Gravekeeper are now on a quest to fix up the Cemetary.


With Hensworth

"My name is Agatha. I'm currently in chaarge of the new grocery store. Well Old grocery store. it's just been refitted. While the stock is currently empty we can get to work on stocking it. Well I can get to work on stocking it. It should be done by tomorrow. If you want to come by then."

with Brad

"I've got a couple of Cantrips that might interest you."

Brad has Ghost Sound and Message imprinted onto his brain.

He can only use them a few times per day however.

"You may find them useful as well."

with Adeline.

"Actually? I'm pretty sure I will. Let's play a game however."

Elrich's voice comes from nearby.

Well it might be nearby.

Ghost Sound is a bitch like that.

"Here is a clue. What does our ancestor and this place have in common. If you can figure it out. You can find your next clue. Till then ta ta."

With Damien

Thoth pokes him.

"I've been wanting to speak with you. I think I've found something you might find useful."

He hands over a book with the word Tesla on the cover.

Well now this is interesting isn't it?

Where in the world did he find a copy of Nikolai Tesla's notes?

L-Space Bitch.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Adam nods politely and surveys the area. "Right, let's get to work then." He mutters, moving to do maintenance on the graveyard. Then he stops, figuring it's rude to start work without asking. "So, what do you want to work on first? They're your grounds after all and I don't want to do something wrong by 'em by mistake."

Aider looks briefly surprised at Gamma's knowledge before shaking his head to clear it. "Probably... Good to know... This information though." He smiles gratefully before a look of panic crosses his face. "Been gone... From others... Too long. Need to... Return and help." He murmurs, dancing around on his feet a bit. Then he looks at Recher, still beaming, and Gamma, and makes a decision. "Would you... Like to meet the others?"

During the admittedly long silence between Aider dancing around on his feet and asking Gamma to walk with them, Recher has been talking. And talking. And talking.
"Yup yup! Not met Beta yet, is that one nice, oooh, you're a much prettier color than Alpha was, what is your Maker's name, there's also Other Others that are crimson, grey, and crackly, haven't spoken to them yet, look forward to it, probably lots of interesting things to say, so can we be friends!?" His hand shoots forward again, only this time it's holding a particularly shiny pebble he'd found. It's obvious the noisy minion is offering it up.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Hensworth nods at Agatha and rolls up his sleeves. "Right-o. I would gladly help you restock the place. I uh... don't have much else to do at the moment. So just show me what needs some good ol' brute strength and it'll be my pleasure it assist you with it."

Gamma stares blankly at Recher talking. Goodness this one talks fast. "Beta is... Beta." She shoots Recher something that resembles a smile, as close as she can get to one anyway. "Thank you. My maker? You mean the human. It's... Henswoth. I think." She thinks about the 'crimson, grey, and crackly' ones. It sounds like... an image comes to her. A mountain, spewing dust and ash and some sort of... substance. It's hot and glowing and deadly as it flows over a village. Lava. Fire. "There are... fire ones?" Gamma recoils slightly at the sudden approach of the earth minion, gingerly taking the small stone from his hand. "Okay. I'll be your friend." She turns and nods at Aider. Perhaps these others would be less bratty than her brother and sister.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

"Hurblegerbil." Brad still isn't quite used to getting shit thrown in his brain like that. "Warn me first man! Geez."

Brad goes through his head, feeling for the spells. He sure finds them, all three of them, glowing like small suns in the landscape of his mind. He feels for the first, Off-step, and it fills him. He fills a shiver throughout his entire body, from the top of his head down to his toes. He opens his eyes and looks down. He looks like a double exposure in motion. Well, not really in motion, as his leg is still fucked up, but still like a double exposure.

As he lets that spell fade down, he feels for the next one. Message. A tightness fills his throat and he speaks the first thing that comes to his mind. "Titty sprinkles," he whispers. As he says it, he can feel the sound travel from his mouth outwards. He directs the phrase towards Thoth, who raises an eyebrow. Then that spell too, fades into nothingness.

Finally, Brad reaches for the last spell, Ghost sound. And Brad remembers. He remembers... a lullaby. A guitar chord. A shout. The sound of glass breaking. A car horn. The static of a radio breaking through the morning fog, and soft breathing. He remembers... a violin, harsh and shrieking, and going to soft and low, and back again. An ebb and flow that feels complete. This sound fills his mind in fierce remembrance and it spills out around him, filling the empty space over the table.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

With Adam

"It doesn't really matter. All of it needs work."

The figure begins clearing off weeds.

Your other three minions pop up and have a chest.

They hold it up to you.

With Hensworth

Grocery stocking progress is a go


What this is mostly filler.


With Brad

Well he just sits there really.

What? Most of the interesting stuff is just going around his head

Let's get to something important.

With Adeline

"Come on little sister. I thought that you wanted to meet up. It's a simple little game. All you have to do is find me. I'll be here for a day or two. I've got things to do after all."
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Eyes wide and mouth agape at the scientific treasure before him, Damien immediately starts browsing through it, mind whirling through the various plans, theories, and inventions. Page after page, schematics for the famous Coil right alongside blueprints for motors, notes on the construction process, the errors and mistakes made, even random doodles of various formula here and there alongside occasional mentions of Edison and Westinghouse. Hands shaking slightly with excitement, he babbles off a series of thanks and immediately starts pouring over the notes, eager for a in depth look into the mind and process of one of history's most well known inventors, wondering what he'll find in the text before him.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

"Alright then." Adam nods, kneeling down to help clean up the weeds and other plants that have overgrown the cemetery. He finishes two and gets ready to start on a third when Parer, Netto, and Bris run up to him with a strange box and offer it up to him, a little nervous in their actions. Kneeling down, Adam takes and inspects the box for a moment before he turns to the Gravekeeper. "Don't mean to be much of a bother, I'm just wondering if you know what exactly this box is?" He states calmly, releasing the catch and opening the lid...


Aider leads Gamma to his fellows, following his senses and their trail- debris from cleaning up wreckage, nice and sorted to the sides- all the way up to the other three. He notices they're carrying a box and proceeds to jog up to them. He hears The Adam speak to... The Gravekeeper, was it? Well at any rate he's happy to see the others, though a little confused as to why they stopped working. He then turns to Gamma and starts to introduce the other minions, stopping Recher from doing so for him by swiftly clapping his hand over the yappy minion's mouth.

"These are... the other... Children Of Earth. The big one there... He is Bris. He... Breaks things for us... That we might build them better." He motions at Bris, who thumps his chest with a mighty fist and holds the hand out to be shaken. "This is Netto.... He cleans up... things so that we... might be able to use them... later..." Aider nods his head at Netto, who seems somewhat less shaky now. And to his credit, Netto doesn't bolt or even cringe as he holds his hand out, albeit shakily, to Gamma. "And this one... Is Parer... He fixes the things... So that they might be useful again." Parer is the only one not to hold his hand out. Instead, Parer merely nods and smiles.
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Sweet. Looks like everything works. Brad stumbles to his feet, and thanks Thoth for the teaching. He also gets a bit more food from Thoth, namely two XL milkshakes, as well as a couple books, and hobbles out the door with his things. He gives Damien a look, and keeps walking out the door. Brad, as he limps back to his place, spots Martin and Messages him to take some money from the room and bring him two more packs of that soda. Martin blows off to the store, and gets the stuff just like he did last time. He makes it back ahead of Brad, and drops it off for him. But as Brad reaches the apartments, he remembers- stairs. Goddamnit. He Messages Martin again, and tells him to get the others. Once they all get there, Brad hands them all of his shit save for the rake. "Carry that shit up to my room, and put it down in the kitchen, kay? I gotta climb all these stairs." Brad leans on the rake, using it to prop himself up, and starts to climb. It takes fuckin forever, but he makes it. He opens the door to his flat, and collapses on his bed.
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Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Hensworth continues helping Agatha with restocking. Because he helps people that need it. Not that Agatha needs help. She probably had it under control. Not that helping people is bad. Uh... look! Minion stuff!

Gamma follows the two earth minions, standing before the three other Earth Children. She stands up straight, being just a sliver shorter than Bris, and grasps his beefy hand, pleasantly noting that their hands are about the same size. Turning to Netto, she gives him a comforting (and possibly intimidating, considering the height difference) smile as she takes his hand and gives it a firm shake. And finally, a nod of acknowledgement is given to Parer. She thinks she might like him the best. "I am Gamma. Slime Stained Servant of the Hensworth man."
Re: You Won A Town. Pretty much all about the minions lately.

Find him, find him. What a proposal! The only glance she'd seen of him in the past several years was right there and then through some... rift. Assuming he had as much magic as she did, he could conjure them from anywhere. In town was the only moderately helpful hint, but if he could jump from place to place then a search for him would be moot. No, she would have to find where he was staying. At least then she could camp out and wait for his return.

Adeline went to the front of the library, this time confronting Thoth on a different matter. "Elrich's portals, whats-his-face's dimensional portals. What is the deal with them? What sort of magic are they using?"
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

With Damien

Ideas have popped into your head because of the masters work.

Thunderstorm - This idea is going to take forever to learn. You don't even have enough power to even really start doing it. But it's sitting as an idea in your head.

Thunderball - Well forming the electricity into a ball then popping it sounds like a good idea. Well in thought. You've yet to even begin working on how in the world it's supposed to work.

<Something else>

With Adam

The box is open. The Dies have been cast. The path you now walk is set in stone. You no longer have a choice. Your fate is now tied to the box and what you let out of it. So Gravekeeper, You let it out. And now? You have to put it back in the box. But before we get all speculative on it. Why not see the results in person.

"That's something I haven't seen in a long time. I'm surprised however. I expected that Brad fellow to have opened it. He's a bit of a spaz isn't he?"

He smiles.

"But knowing what I know? You need to catch it. Luckily you have the right person to send you to it. Space magic is useful that way."

He frowns.

"And of course She's here. You'll be on your own for a bit. I don't get along with her very well."

You blink and he's gone.

"You opened it?"

A voice from behind makes you jump. An old lady with white eyes stares at you.

"A warning for free. The Last you will get yes. For a Favor you once did a little girl."

"Beware the Cyclops. He's not one to trust. The Hanged Man is your friend. The Forever Child knows. The child of the Blood Seal knows the fate of man. And Finally Watch the rooftops."

You blink again and the woman is gone.

With Adeline

"That's a simple question to answer. Space Magic. Allows one to bend Space to one's whims. To answer the question I know that's coming. No I can't teach it. Tex can do it because he's Tex and Elrich has The Vorpal Sword. It's got space magic literally built into it in ways you can't understand."

With Brad

He goes to bed.

With Henworth

He finishes doing grocery stocking.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Adam blinks in shocked silence.
Then, the silence persists as he blinks some more.
At last, it dawns on Adam that he may have made a severe mistake.
"I have made a most grievous error. Ain't I?" He murmurs to no one in particular, before shaking his head to try and clear it. "I apologize, but I feel I'm gonna have to excuse myself sos I can think a few things through." Adam then shifts a little bit sheepishly. "I promise I'll come back by whens I gots the time to do so and lend a hand." He then glances at where his minions had been standing moments before, noticing a severe lack of the little guys. "I'd get my minions to assist ya but they're apparently elsewhere at the moment. At any rate, take care. Again, sorry for leaving ya with all this work to do." Adam nods, and walks off to the library, hoping to get a few answers.
He enters, obviously deep in thought, and walks up to Thoth.
"Evenin' Thoth. Don't mean to disturb ya but I had an incident up at the graveyard. I think I may've done goofed a bit and let something out of a box what didn't need lettin' out of a box." Adam rubs the back of his head at this, obviously feeling a bit guilty about both bothering Thoth with this and with having gotten into this mess in the first place. "So I'm thinkin' I'm in need of some information if'n you don't much mind." Adam pulls up a chair and sits in it, thinking for a bit, his thoughts not having completed in the walk. Then he speaks.
"Right, what I'm curious about is what, exactly, did I let loose? What's that thing's history? How do I catch it? And why should I watch the rooftops now that I've let that thing loose?"


Parer was doing delicate work with his hands. He was trying to fix a few things the others had found. He wasn't the only one busying himself in an effort to both get work done and demonstrate their talents to their new friend. His fingers flew, going from one point to the other in a near blur. He was getting faster and more effective with his repairs. But he was kind of bored. Just fixing things was... Well. Dull. Especially since he had the feeling that watching five creatures calmly but dilligently work was likely not the most exciting thing in the world. So Parer thought and fixed, thought and fixed. And unbidden, a noise started. It started low and grew in volume as time went on. He stopped, halfway through straightening out a length of metal the others had found, as he realized what it was. It was the start of a song. And Parer smiled and sang a little bit louder. The others heard, not realizing what was going on, but picking up on it one and the same. One by one, their voices joined in.

The Children of the Earth had discovered song. And they smiled and sang as they worked, moving faster, doing things better.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Hensworth wipes his brow and admires the work that they just finished. "Ah, nice work there Agatha. That was some good exercise." He cracks his knuckles and pats her on the shoulder. "Yes, yes. Fine work indeed. I needed a little hard work to really loosen up a bit. You get me any time you need a little help, ya hear?"

Gamma sits on a rock and swings her legs absentmindedly. They all worked in different ways, yet as in synch as anything. It was quite the thing to watch actually. Almost like a dance. It made her kind of sad to think that she and her siblings would probably never get along like that. Well... maybe the two later, but they'll get along with anyone. She ponders where all the knowledge that she possesses came from. It has to be from before she was made, before the slime addled her thoughts. Said thoughts are interrupted by the gentle thrum of... music. She listens carefully. The sound is sturdy and light, but strong. It was not a surprise that it was coming from the Earth Children. It suited them quite well. Gamma began her own tune, quiet so as not to disrupt the other song, but there. It was quiet and brash, thundering quietly like waves on the shore.

Alpha sat in the apartment in a glass of water. It calmed him down and he wasn't sure he wanted to go to the water place again. So in the glass he sat. Something tugged at his mind and he let out a quiet tune. Like the slash of rain onto the trees of the forest. He knew it had something to do with the others. As much as he disliked them, he supposed that this was something they could share.

Beta, in the library, reads one of the books Brad left on the table. It wasn't that interesting, and some of it didn't make sense to her, but hey. If he could learn something from it, then she definitely could. A sound like the almost silent fall of snow, tinkling, soft and oppressively heavy, emerged from her as she read. The Ballad of the Man had begun, and it still needed two more singers.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Brad drinks his milkshakes as he watches his minions flutter away. It really is convenient to have them around, even if it goes against his sensibilities. He finishes off his milkshakes, and starts to hit the soda. He practices Message on various targets around the room; the lamp, the bathroom, the foot of the bed, until he can't use it anymore, for some reason. Magic is probably like a muscle, you use it, you get tired, and then next time you're better at it. Kinda like running, really. You start out slow, but then you can get really fast, and go for longer. Brad ruminates on this as he drinks another soda. He then throws Ghost sound around the room, sending thoughts and, of course, obscenities, flying around the room. As he works on throwing the magic, he thinks some more about what he can do to train. The wind slap thing could probably work, if he had enough practice. It would also be cool to fly paper airplanes around with magic. He runs out of Ghost Sound, and picks up another bottle of soda. Although, with magic, why stop there? he thinks. With wind magic, he could probably pull wind underneath himself to glide. Maybe he could even use the wind to propel himself, like tailwind. That would be pretty sweet. He tosses the soda into the trash can, and lays there for a while, before getting out his books and practicing the wind slap thing again, although with less vigor than before. He drinks sodas while doing so, hoping maybe the magic in the soda will help. It probably wont, but whatever. At least it'll heal him some.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Head throbbing from the constant onslaught of ideas and theory, Damien slowly, reluctantly, stores the notes away in his bag as he stands up and looks around the library. Seeing Adam sitting at a table with Thoth discussing something with a rather serious look on his face, he makes his way to the table, pulling out a chair and collapsing into it, head coming to rest on the table as he listens to the two while trying to calm his mind and work out a way to make those ideas bubbling in the back of his brain a reality.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

"So if there were a way to trace it, he would know better. Thank you for your assistance."

And then Adeline was at the portal nest.

"I need to find the wielder of the Vorpal Sword. Tell me how I can defeat space magic."
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

With Adam and Damien? Whatever

"Hmm. I've never actually seen this is person. I do know what it is. Effectively? It's a Paradox. A thing that Didn't exist before you opened the box and existed before you opened the box. Because it's fate for the box to be opened and to be put back in. But to be more exact? No one created the Box nor the Item inside. They just existed. It's a thing that has powers that really aren't defined because no one's actually had it long enough to do so. It's History? It basically caused havoc in a few places before you put it back into the box. And left the box in the past so you can open it in the future. Before you ask to many questions. The more you know the more you will be locked into doing it. On the last two things? I have no idea. For how you catch it? It's locked in place. You just have to be at the right time and place. Don't worry about it too much. On the rooftops I suspect it's a warning about something to come."

With Hensworth

He goes to bed.

With Brad

He does nothing really

A tiny bit of practice.

With Adeline.

"Why? and sneak attack from behind. You ain't overpowering it deary. One of the two of the highest class magic tricks. Along with time. It's the safer of the two however."
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Brad finishes the next pack of sodas, and continues to try and flip the pages of the books with magic. That and he's getting sleepy. He's not really doing much honestly.

His minions are off clearing out the marketplace with their gales. Might as well do something useful.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Adam sighs and puts his head in his hands. "Alrighty then. Thanks for telling me what ya know in that case. Any knowledge 'bout this 's better than none." Adam yawns and rubs at his eyes a bit before he pushes the chair back. "Well if'n that ain't an indicator that I'm tuckered out, I don't rightly know what is." He chuckles, standing up. He then nods his head at Thoth. "Thanks again. And have a g'night."

And then Adam walks back to the apartments, eyes warily watching the rooftops in case something should occur. Arriving, he brushes his teeth, takes a shower, gets dressed in his pajamas, and climbs into his bed. And he sleeps.


The minions have flubbed up the song. There's no ill will though. If anything it's just making the group happier. The song had started out as a simple song of work and diligence but had become something... Off by this point. It involved hedgehogs and beer. More than that is an exercise that would require a thousand offended school matron's worth of disapproving sneers. However, the song falters and fades as the group notices the moon creeping over the rooftops. Sighing, they all get set to leave.

Aider stops them real fast and pulls them all to one side. He'd been meaning to tell the others about this for a while. It had been a thought he'd been brewing up in his mind for a while now.
"Guys I... Think we all come from... A giant rock tree."
Blank stares. Nothing but blank stares and confusion.
"I mean... Look at us. Look at how... We are both stone and plant... The only thing we've seen... That is like this... Was the rock tree."
The others look at one another, worried, fearing their brother may have lost it. Aider, in frustration, slams his hand into his face.
"I THINK WE'RE A BUNCH OF ROCK TREE SEEDS THAT CAN WALK AND TALK!" He finally yells out, exasperated, not knowing how to get this across. He then flinches, realizing how loud he was glancing over at Gamma in a slight panic.
Sighing, he calms down and explains it in depth to the others, quieter this time. Eventually they all come to an understanding. And nod.
They then head off, done with their work for the day, stopping by Gamma on the way back.
It's Bris who speaks up.
"Hello Green One who is called Gamma. We are returning to the... The apartments. Feel that night time is not good time, yes? Not sure why but..." Bris pauses, and fumbles for the words. Recher then leaps up onto his head and starts to speak before the others hurriedly clap their hands over his mouth, knowing that they'd never get him to stop talking otherwise. It's Parer who finishes the thing Bris was saying.
"Teeth. We know there are teeth in the night. And we don't think they would much like us. So would you like to walk with us?" Parer states calmly.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Hensworth goes into his apartment, with a yawn. He strips down to his boxers and is about to go over to his bed when something catches his eye. On the table, next to Alpha and his glass of water was a strip of paper. The minion summon spell. He glances around the room as though someone might see and disapprove, then grabs the paper and walks over to his bed and sits down. He stares at the words for a few moments. He starts to read the words, not thinking, before his eyelids start to get heavy and he lays down, falling asleep with the paper in his hand.

Beta retreats from the library, happy with the random bits of knowledge she had gathered for the day. Arriving in the apartment, she sees the Hensworth on his sleeping thing. As she heads into the kitchen, she notices Alpha in a glass on the table. She sneers at him. "Peasant." A phrase she had learned from a human history book on the 'Early Middle Ages'. She goes to the kitchen sink, jamming the plug into the drain and filling the sink up. She stops it at a satisfying level, jumping into the basin and curling up in the warm water.

Gamma stares at the changing sky. It was going dark. The circle in the sky... no wait. The orb. It was an orb. Called the sun. It gave the sky its light. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the shout about... rock seeds? Huh? She looks over at the earth minions curiously, seeing Aider cringe. She supposed it was none of her business, going back to looking at the sky. Little lights began to wink into existence. Something told her they were the same as the Light Orb, but she couldn't fully process it due to the slime. It demanded food again. She decided to indulge it just this once, getting up while the others were occupied with talking. She found a small dead thing, furry and bloody. She kneels down to look at it. It had been dead awhile. Something had come and taken most of the meat, but the thing within her cared not. She reached out, mesmerized, and grabbed a chunk of what could only be its liver. Liver? An organ. She held the bloody chunk, taking it and pushing it into her chest. It slowly began dissolving within her. She felt better, stronger, smarter. The slime receded from her mind and now Gamma realized what she needed to control this beast suppressing her mind. It just wanted meat. She wiped her maroon stained hand on the ground, making her way back to the stump just as the Earth Children stopped talking. "Teeth in the night?" It was an interesting prospect. Being in this temporary state of clear headedness, she processed this for a few moments. Must have been a feeling put in place, to rationalize a fear of the unknown in the dark, probably instilled into these minions through their leader human. There probably wasn't anything to fear, but she didn't want to offend them. "Okay."
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Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Raising his head after a slow realization that it has gotten rather quiet, Damien is somewhat surprised to find himself alone in the library. Not wanting to risk spending the night he quickly leaves, jogging back to his apartment, entering to find the squad playing a game of cards in the kitchen, all of them having looked up at his arrival with various expressions of happiness on their metal faces. Chuckling slightly, he pulls up a chair and waits to be dealt in as Tesla and Vari explain the rules.
Re: You Won A Town. No Funny Title for you

Wow this hasn't been updated in forever. I really wish I knew where my notes fucking went. Whatever Let's wing it.


Welcome back true believers. This is the Narrator speaking. Where were we exactly again? Something about a paradox in a box? That doesn't quite seem right. I think the GM may have started rushing things out before he should have. Meh.

But we last left off with everyone in bed.

So this is their chance to start doing things again.
Re: You Won A Town. After ten thousand years I'm free.

Adam stretches his way out of bed, having thoroughly enjoyed his night's rest. He slips out of the bed, noticing that the minions are already gone, off doing who knows what. Shrugging, Adam slips on his shoes and clothes, then reads a bit in his archaeology book before heading down to breakfast and coffee. Hopefully he can discuss this box nonsense with the others.


The minions are already out and about, having slipped out of the building shortly after dawn. They're back at work doing what they each do best. Except for Recher, who'd already marked everything at today's site. So now the littlest minion sits on a block and kicks his feet, bored. He tries to sing a song, but it lacks what they'd found yesterday together. Sighing, Recher just starts to mark the ground idly, thinking about what Aider told all of them about the Great Rock Tree. He stops, then looks more closely at his markings. He smiles, and starts marking more. It's a tree! Well, sort of a tree. A drawing of a tree. A scribble really. But he's overjoyed, because now he has a new thing he can do when he doesn't have a job.
Re: You Won A Town. After ten thousand years I'm free.

Hensworth yawns, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. A tickle on his cheek makes him crack his eyes open, looking for the source of said sensation. It had come from a piece of paper in his hand. The minion spell. He must have fallen asleep with it in his hand. Strange. He reads the semi-familiar words to himself once more before pulling himself out of bed and stretching. "Goodness, I must've had a damn good sleep. Feels like I've slept for weeks on end." Having limbered himself up, Hensworth slips on a polo and some jeans before heading down to see if anybody was up yet.

"Adam, my boy! You're awake!"


Alpha pulls himself from the lukewarm water of his glass and burbles, only to find his two 'sisters' as the only inhabitants of the Hensworth's living box. He grunts in frustration, hopping off of the counter and walking out of the apartment, leaving the other two water minions behind.

Beta huffs at Alpha, her smooth surface bubbling in annoyance. What a prick. She knows the icy minion thinks he's so great, just because he came first. It's obvious that he's lesser, if not the least, of their human's current entourage of minions. Then again, his only competition for second is the freak show Gamma, but she's pretty sure that was his fault too. Focusing on training the meager skills she learned from some other human, Bread or something, Beta turns to Gamma, wanting her to leave. "Don't you have something to do? Go hang out with those dirty 'earth things' of the shovel man."

Gamma sits on the windowsill, silently watching as Alpha judged her before leaving. It's a shame he's so cold, she thought he was rather interesting... She slows down her thoughts, pushing back the hunger from the slime. 'Feed me' She frowns inwardly. It was demanding again 'Shut up.' It's annoying her again, and she doesn't want to deal with it now, especially since the other minion, Beta, is speaking to her. "They're not the simpletons you believe them to be. Maybe if you actually... attempted to act... civ..." She couldn't finish because the slime pushed at her mind again. 'Foooood' She couldn't take it anymore. She had to appease it. Ignoring any other blatherings made by Beta, Gamma left the apartment, heading towards the woods in search of a meal, preferably something she had to hunt.
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Re: You Won A Town. After ten thousand years I'm free.

Oh the lovely meat bistro! Grills all around cooking beef and pork in all sorts of forms! Sizzling kebabs, tenderloin cuts, dumplings and hell, some guy is wheeling in a roast head of pig! All while a seasoned man sings oriental Chinese music on a lute in the corner dear god this place is heaven! And here's the first serving! Just one bite, and her mouth filled with the wonderful taste of... cotton?


Adeline woke up trying to eat her pillow.



She was suddenly very sad. Then extremely upset.

Today was going to be a bad day.
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