Turn 2 - Results, part 3
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] Friendship is Ritualism
-[X] Last Turn's Purchase Options
--[X] BOOK – FORGE Level 1, buy for 7 bits
--[X] BOOK – KNOCK Level 1, buy for 7 bits
-[X] This Turn's Purchase Options
--[X] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.)
---[X] ARTIFACT – HEART Level 3, costs 200 bits
----[X] Buy
-[X] On what must be done (finding a way to reach Princess Luna)
--[X] You have reached the Dreamlands, or rather the place where the Mansus touches the Dreamlands. Now you must explore it.
---[X] If she truly is the sovereign of dreams, then she must stroll through her realm. Learn the paths she takes between dreams and attempt to track her hoofsteps. But keep to the shadows, for the dangers of the Dreamlands are unknown to you.
-[X] On furthering the cause
--[X] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. (may involve random expenditure of bits).
All sub-choices not suspicious.
---[X] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)
----[X] In addition to your own searching, see if your ponyservants find anything neat.
--[X] You cannot expect to succeed working alone, that's why you are in a cult. Take some time to help one of your colleagues. Who knows, you might even learn something from them.
---[X] Help Starry Dancer, the pink mare who seems to be in charge of the talking.
-[X] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
--[X] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with…
---[X] Rarity, who bears the Element of Generosity
----[X] Just a social call, nothing more than that.
--[X] BOOK – FORGE Level 1, buy for 7 bits
--[X] BOOK – KNOCK Level 1, buy for 7 bits
-[X] This Turn's Purchase Options
--[X] You haven't forgotten about it, you just put it on hold until a more convenient time. (Purchases done here will arrive/be completed at the end of this turn.)
---[X] ARTIFACT – HEART Level 3, costs 200 bits
----[X] Buy
--[X] You have reached the Dreamlands, or rather the place where the Mansus touches the Dreamlands. Now you must explore it.
---[X] If she truly is the sovereign of dreams, then she must stroll through her realm. Learn the paths she takes between dreams and attempt to track her hoofsteps. But keep to the shadows, for the dangers of the Dreamlands are unknown to you.
-[X] On furthering the cause
--[X] There are books that could be of use. You should start looking for them. (may involve random expenditure of bits).
All sub-choices not suspicious.
---[X] In Ponyville, and its… great assortments of libraries? (no extra cost)
----[X] In addition to your own searching, see if your ponyservants find anything neat.
---[X] Help Starry Dancer, the pink mare who seems to be in charge of the talking.
-[X] Your personal life, or at least the non cult-y part
--[X] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with…
---[X] Rarity, who bears the Element of Generosity
----[X] Just a social call, nothing more than that.
- - -
You take the last bite from your breakfast, a smile on your face. Count yourself surprised, but today you're actually feeling giddy!
A napkin floats towards you as you hum a soft tune, and moments later you are out of your seat. You kiss your daughter's head as you pass her, and soon enough you're opening the door to-
"Sweetheart… is everything okay? You seem to be a bit…"
Until Stormchaser's voice interrupts you, causing your horn to freeze up while its magic is reaching out to the doorknob.
But of course, your husband's puzzled eyes have been following you this whole time. How could you not have addressed that?
"... uncharacteristic, today?" he finishes his sentence, after a good few seconds of fishing for words.
You turn towards him with an actually sincere smile.
"Whatever you mean by uncharacteristic?"
"Well the…" he fumbles for a few moments, until he points to where you were seated a few moments ago, "the humming? And the smiling? And the…"
"Oh," your smile disappears from your face, "you mean I'm uncharacteristic because I'm happy today?" you ask, raising an eyebrow with a you-are-now-digging-your-own-grave tone of voice.
"What? No! That's not what I meant, I mean," he looks at Silky Stream for help, suddenly realizing he was being cornered, but your daughter is too oblivious in her own breakfast to even notice the conversation.
You laugh, cutting him off before he can continue. Stallions are so easy to dance around.
"I'm joking dear, and I know what you mean," you say waving an apologetic hoof, "I'm just a bit excited because I'm visiting a friend today!"
You realize you are sounding a bit like a filly right now, but you can't help yourself for a few moments as you continue.
"Not an official meeting, not anything work related. I just realized this morning that I might not have done something like this in years! In fact, I think I've been so engrossed with work for such a long time that if it wasn't for Silky here with me, while you're out for business, I would have gone mad years ago!"
You can feel that you would actually have trotted in place for a bit while saying that, if you didn't know that it would have been a horrible idea for your leg.
But for all your smiles and excitement, for some reason your husband's quizzical look just grows deeper.
"But… don't you go to that book club of yours every so often?"
You freeze up for a second, a facehoof being very nearly avoided by all those years of etiquette classes. How could you have let that slip by you so easily?!
"Oh, that?" you laugh nervously, waving your hoof dismissively, "well, book club nowadays is almost a job in itself dear. Of course I enjoy it, but I feel like I'm actually starting to get competitive about it" you finish, recomposing your smile and hoping your husband would buy into it.
"Competitive about… book club activities?"
Nope, he definitely didn't buy it.
"You wouldn't get it, dear," you give him a wink, sighing in relief when you see him rolling his eyes and just giving up on the conversation.
And you walk out of the dining room before anypony else can stop you.
- - -
Despite all of that, you were being honest.
Granted, you will have to be more careful when balancing your "social life", or at least how other ponies perceive your supposed social life. You are after all, as far as anypony is concerned, a mare who attends a "book club" every so often. It might be less than once a month, but you can't just rave like a little filly whenever you meet a new pony who's not related to that.
Still, back to the topic at hand. Going to meet your friend.
Well… acquaintance? It doesn't matter. Today is a free day, and you intent to use a good part of it to do nothing important at all, be it work, family or cult related.
Now… where can you even find her to begin with…? You recall her saying something about a boutique, the same way you recall her not pointing you where it was, so…
[Searching for Rarity, breakpoints 40/60/80]
[Roll: 59 + 8 (Martial) + 5 (SECRET HISTORIES bonus) = 72, you find her, and she's not alone.]
It really wasn't hard at all, you must say.
At first you thought Ponyville's uniqueness would work against you, with almost every house being somewhat different from the other. You even passed by a place, you think it was a bakery, that was styled like a real cake, with brown roofs of "chocolate" and white tiles for "icing", and even a cupcake-shaped... room on top of it? The thing even had giant decorative candles on top of it which might have doubled as chimneys.
You mentally mark that place to make sure you never go near it with Silky Stream, or else she might break the front door or a window while rushing towards it.
But in the end, Ponyville's personal charm actually helped you find your quarry, you think to yourself, as you stand before the aptly named "Carousel Boutique". A soft blue and pink circular building that, upon closer inspection, does seem to be quite like how the fashionista would have liked it.
Even the small windows on the door are diamond-shaped, and you think you recall her cutie mark being something related to that.
You ponder on knocking on the door for a few seconds, but the stylish "open" sign quickly makes you decide against it. A soft bell rings as you open it, and you have to admit you are impressed.
The whole place seems to have been designed to awe from the moment a pony opens the door. Several mannequins are immediately in your view, each with a different kind of clothing, and the whole place seems to have been designed as if it was telling stories of sorts. A mannequin with a male overcoat and a top hat here, apparently courting one with a dress... a trio in summer gowns of different colors there, arranged as if having a pleasant conversation.
You even eye two of them, a more casual dress with an accompanying umbrella next to a filly-sized mannequin in a matching dress, that very much look perfect for you and Silky to wear together.
And the whole place is marvelously detailed. Mirrors at different heights for different points of view flanked by richly colored veils, several dressing rooms, and other small details wherever you look.
You were being honest when you told her that you didn't exactly knew much about fashion, a few weeks back, but even you can tell that the mare has talent.
"I'll be with you in a moment" you hear a familiar voice coming from deeper within the store, followed by the soft hum of levitating magic. Moments later, Rarity comes into view from behind a large set of hangers, each with a different piece of clothing. She doesn't freeze, much to your relief, but you can clearly see surprise in her face.
"Miss Velvet! Such a lovely surprise, what can I help you with?"
"Well, I was going to say I just came for a visit," you walk towards her, still looking around and taking in the decorations of the place, "but forget about me, this place is simply wonderful!"
"I try my best, Miss Velvet," she says with a slight blush, "but thank you, I am indeed a bit proud of my work."
"Oh, enough of the whole 'miss' thing. And you are telling me you designed all of this by yourself? I would have thought this was the hoofwork of at least three different ponies."
"Au contraire darling," she swings her mane, her blush turning into a delighted smile, "everything at Carousel Boutique was made by yours truly."
She walks around you, drawing your gaze to the several different outfits as she continues.
"Of course, inspiration is sometimes hard to come by. But Ponyville has yet to fail me on that regard-", your brief tour, and Rarity's proud smile, are suddenly interrupted by the sound of a short yelp, followed by something falling down, coming deeper from the boutique.
"Oh my, I almost forgot! Please wait a second here darling, I'll be right back," she says, hastily going to the source of the mysterious sound.
And, obviously, you go after her a few moments later.
"Oh I'm so sorry dear. Here, let me help you with this," you hear Rarity's voice, clearly nervous, coming from just a bit further ahead.
"Hey, wai- ouch! Careful with the pins!", followed by another voice you don't know.
"Rarity? Is anything the matter?" you ask, finally reaching the place from where you were hearing her.
You see Rarity, her expression slightly flustered, helping another pony take out an overly large dress that is clearly still in development stage.
Not a pony, you realize, a filly. Her coat as white as Rarity's, and her mane a pink and purple tone that is just a touch lighter than Rarity's. But in all other aspects, the small unicorn is basically a mini version of her.
She looks at you with a somewhat pained expression while the older mare tries to unfold the dress from around her. It clearly looks like the filly tried to walk in that overcomplicated thing, and tripped before her first hoof even touched the ground.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were attending somepony else before I arrived."
"Don't worry about it darling," she says, concentrating on her magic while trying to unknot a web of frills, "my sister was just helping me with modelling when the doorbell rang."
Which causes her sister to shoot a glare at her, prompting an uncomfortable smile from Rarity.
"Although I may have left Sweetie Belle on a particular pose for too long while we… chatted," she admits, still with an apologetic expression.
But a few moments later the dress is successfully untangled, and you can take a better look at the filly as she is safely floated to the floor.
"Oh, she looks the same age as Silky Stream," you say your thoughts out loud once you take a better look at the recently-freed pony.
"Silky? The transferred filly?" Sweetie Belle looks you from head to hoof, "oh right, you do look a bit like her."
"I had no idea you also had a sister, darling."
You let out a short laugh at Rarity's remark, quickly covering your mouth with a hoof. The two sisters look at you curiously before you can properly answer.
"Oh, sorry. I am actually referring to my daughter, you know."
Sweetie Belle simply nods, as if it was obvious. But Rarity, on the other hand.
"Daughter?! Why, but I thought… Around Sweetie Belle's age?" she looks you over again, twice, three times, her expression aghast.
"Mhmm, she still doesn't have a cutie mark either," you answer, watching the young filly embarrassedly try to hide her flank.
Oh, so she is already at that age then. You'll make sure to be mindful about it.
"But you… Velvet I never would have guessed it, you have the looks of a princess about you!" Rarity finally says, starting to settle down from her surprise.
You wave an embarrassed at hoof at her, that was quite the refined way of saying you are a good few years older than she thought you were.
"Well, I'm flattered. But here, let's not bother your sister with our grown mare talk. Why don't we take this somewhere else, and you tell me about what you have been working on?"
You see Sweetie Belle sigh in relief, both at the prospect of not having to pose anymore for some experimental dress, and because her blank flank was no longer a subject.
"Oh, I'd love to darling. Here, allow me to introduce you to a place I know. The tea is simply fabulous over there," she guides you towards the door with a satisfied nod.
And the two of you walk out of the boutique, idly chit-chatting as you make your way to the streets.
You and Rarity are no longer acquaintances, you are now actual friends!
You are now acquaintances with Sweetie Belle.
For the record, a reminder you have the "Beautiful" trait. And on another note, finding Rarity with another Element Bearer would have been at the +80 breakpoint.
- - -
- - -
- - -
[Book Hunting in Ponyville]
[Roll: 86 + 12 (Learning) + 5 (SECRET HISTORIES bonus) = 103]
You are in the middle of Ponyville, under the afternoon sun, taking in the sight before your eyes.
And quite honestly, you are currently weighting your options.
You have passed by that building before, of course, but this is the first time you have actually realized what it is. For the longest time you had thought it was the house of some eccentric botanist pony, but you can see now that it isn't.
"Golden Oak Library… huh…" you muse to yourself.
On one hoof you went out today to buy books, not rent them.
But on the other… there could be a few interesting ones in there. And besides, if you recall correctly, you have been to libraries in Canterlot where there were some sort of sales section, when you were younger.
"Although this is a small-town library… it might not have something like that."
What finally makes you decide, in the end, is the afternoon sun. Your thoughts are starting to go from "books" to "how cool it might be inside a tree", so you realize it might be a good time to get inside a nice and shaded place.
You walk through the bright red door, the candle painted on it amusing you somewhat.
And you are greeted by a completely unexpected sight.
"Twiiiliiiiight! I told you somepony would show up!"
The library is a mess.
There are books strewn around the floor and all over the place. Well, not exactly strewn, some of them are neatly piled in columns, but still there isn't almost a single one of them that is actually in a shelf.
However, the mess in itself isn't the most shocking part of it. What made you freeze up for a good few seconds is the fact that-
"I'm sorry miss but uh… We're kinds closed for maintenance right now?"
There is a dragon in the middle of the library!
"Well, more like 'absolutely necessary reordering', according to somepony" he says, making a mock mimic of a voice as he talks, followed by a grumpy expression.
"I heard that Spike," another pony appears, and you hear her walking down the stairs as she speaks, "and I told you, there's no way anypony will be able to find anything in here unless we reorder it by genre and author name. This is important!"
But you don't even notice her, your eyes still locked on the dragon.
Sure, he is small, and purple, and doesn't even have wings yet. But he's still a dragon.
"I'm sorry miss, can I help you with anything?", you nearly jump in surprise as the purple mare appears at your side, carrying a stack of books with her glowing horn.
You recall her walking towards you in your peripheral vision, but she could have teleported there for all you were paying attention.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you take a deep breath, shaking your head a bit, "I was just surprised by your little friend there."
You finally manage to take a better look at the mare who is talking to you. She is quite young looking, to the point where you think she might have only recently become an adult. Her eyes still have that sort of innocent and curious looks that you would expect from a pony who is growing up, but the ease with which she is floating a rather large stack of books shows you that she knows a thing or two (but probably more) about magic.
"Don't worry about it. Spike can be quite a head turner once you meet him, but you get used to it," she says, turning away from you and filing the books in the air, quickly reading their sides and floating them towards a specific cabinet.
"Its just that I've never seen a dragon in my life. I didn't know there were any here in Ponyville."
"We are actually from Canterlot, but you're right, dragons aren't common over there either," she says with a bit of a giggle, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, by the way."
"Velvet Covers, a pleasure to meet you. And you too," you say towards the small dragon, "Spike, wasn't it?"
The purple dragon simply waves you with a dispirited expression, as the other unicorn starts floating more and more books for him to organize as well.
It takes you a few more seconds for your brain to finally make the connection.
This is Twilight Sparkle? This is the pony who is Princess Celestia's personal student? The one who defeated Nightmare Moon after gathering the long lost mythical Elements of Harmony?
She is way younger than you expected.
"Nice to meet you! And I'm sorry about the current state of the library, but so few ponies actually come here that I didn't think it would be any harm to try and rearrange it right now. Oh, are you here for anything in particular?" her expression suddenly lights up, "can I help you find a specific book or something?"
Some books fan around her as if in display, and you honestly wonder if it is intentional from her or some form of subconscious excitement. Either way, she must really like books.
Well, that's something the two of you have in common then!
"Actually I am," you say, and Twilight reacts almost instantly, "no single book in particular, but I do love having some literature to go through during my spare time."
"That's great! You must be the first pony I heard say that since I moved in from Canterlot," she claps her hoofs together, "here Spike, take my share for a few minutes, I'll help our guest search for what she's looking for!"
You feel a tinge of pity for the small dragon as a second pile of books floats towards his head. But instead of being neatly lowered down, they are instead "un-floated" above him, with gravity causing the expected result.
You thank the excited unicorn, of course, but you make sure to stay for as little time as possible to spare Spike the herculean task that he will have to do alone for as long as you are here.
But not before you find a few books that catch your eye, of course.
-A treatise on the relationship of Equestria and its neighboring lands – SECRET HISTORIES Level 3, costs 30 bits
-A dramatic reading of an ancient war – SECRET HISTORIES Level 2, costs 15 bits
-A historical atlas of Ponyville and its surrounding lands – Reveals TWO places for expeditions, costs 15 bits
You leave the Golden Oak Library, satisfied with what you have found, as well as with who you have met, and head back home..
Public access libraries will only ever give you books that are up to level 3, and the incremental +20 rolls while searching cap at 100.
Books are always rolled randomly, but certain cities have a greater "weight" to certain aspects.
- - -
- - -
- - -
The two stallions leave the package at your main hall, at your behest, and you quickly have it opened and moved to your room.
It is flamboyant to say the least, and definitely extravagant. And even though you are looking at it directly you cant quite decide if it is a carpet or a thick blanket. You also can't identify what animal that skin belonged to in life, but by the heavens it is soft.
You put it in your storage for the time being. The thing caused a few murmurs among your servants, but all of them of carefree nature, nothing to be worried about. And you are sure that none of them… felt, what you felt coming from the thing.
It isn't a worrying feeling, but you're also not about to put it as a carpet in your study room or start sleeping in it either. And you definitely will instruct your servants to not let Silky Stream see the thing. There is definitely some Heart going about that item, and you will be wary about it until you can properly study it.
[Acquired a HEART artifact]
Not long after, a servant comes to you with an excited face. You quickly recognize him as the one you sent to go looking for interesting books.
"Good evening ma'am, I have returned from the errant you sent me."
"Good evening. Go ahead, did you find anything?"
[Book Hunting in Ponyville – Servant Action]
[Roll: 1 + 12 (Learning) = 13]
[Rolling for lost bits…]
He moves to take something out of his package, but instead of the report you were expecting, or a list of books and prices you thought he would present, he takes out an actual book.
You raise an eyebrow.
"It was almost like it was meant to happen, ma'am! I didn't even make it to the first bookshop before this wonderful wagon stopped next to me. They had all sorts of books, and once I told them what I was looking for, those helpful unicorns immediately presented me this copy!"
Your raised eyebrow slowly crumbles into dawning horror as you float the book out of his mouth and closer to your inspecting gaze.
"Something something…" you read the jumbled and convoluted title of the blue book, "deep mysteries? By the Flim & Flam book press?"
You quickly go through a few pages, realizing there is nothing useful in that book, and closing it before you actually start to feel sick about it.
"Yes ma'am!" the pony continues, excited, "and I know you told me to report back with a list. But they told me they were travelling merchants, and that it was the final copy they had! I just HAD to get it there and then!"
Several options went through your head. Facehoofing yourself was one of them, facehoofing him was another. Hunting down those two "helpful unicorns" and having a large stallion facehoof them several times was a third, equally alluring option.
But in the end, you simply thanked him for his work, and dismissed him for the rest of the night.
[Lost: 10 (base) + 9 (1d10 roll) = 19 bits]
- - -
- - -
- - -
You gather, once again.
It happened in the same way, the crossroads appearing before your eyes as soon as your head reached your bed. You had almost expected a dizzying sensation, as if you had just been pushed off a cliff, but it never came. You simply looked around, realized you were alone, and made your way towards the Woods.
And once again, you arrive at that same clearing, coming out of the bushes almost at the same time as the other five.
You nod towards your compatriots, with Copper Secateur waving back at you and Starry Dancer doing the same in a perhaps too excited manner.
But once the six of you form a loose circle... nothing. Nothing but silence, and the sound of wind against leaves, happens.
You strain your ears for a sign. Searching for the buzzing that should be mounting in your head, listening for the breaking of a twig that would surely come, waiting for the noise of things scraping against the bark of wood.
But you neither hear nor feel any of that.
Until one of you, a voice you have never heard before that you soon realize is Jade Whistle, starts speaking.
"We hit a roadblock, for a while," she turns her back to the woods and faces the rest of you, an action that the rest of you copy, forming some sort of talking circle, "I thought the best candidates for any magic ritual we might attempt would be among those who had already made their way into the Woods. Affinity, understanding of secrets, a mark of those sorts of things. But I finally settled for those who seemed to have better innate regular magic to them, pony magic that is. And Ponyville has a lot of farmers and weather pegasus, a few them among our numbers, so I'm somewhat confident we have a fledgling magic-oriented team. We just haven't had the opportunity to test them yet."
Her voice seems a bit unfocused as she speaks, somewhat dreamy and droning. But when she finishes, she turns to look at Comet Feet who is sitting next to her. The large pegasus looks around, as if not entirely sure of what he is doing, before starting to talk as well.
"I've got almost nothing. Ponyville is too peaceful, and almost nopony in our cult proper has any affinity to the Edge. I have two, maybe three ponies who have the slightest clue of what to do, but that's it. Our cult almost entirely lacks muscle, and I'm considering going for other cities or hiring help if we need anything done. Although hiring would also involve at least going to a bigger town, where people looking for shady work might be. But for Ponyville itself, recruiting anypony for hard work is utterly fruitless."
He lets out some sort of gruff snort, and turns his head to face Starry Dancer.
"Oh, my turn? Well… I tried to work my way into the town hall for a few weeks, and I thought I had a shot at it. Well, a shot, until Velvet here came along!" she points at you excitedly, "she had a talk to the mayor and suddenly I became her personal assistant! I don't think I'm close enough to actually sway her, but I think she trusts me. At least enough to give me the copy of some keys, including the town hall and its archive!"
She nearly prances with excitement as she delivers her news, then turns to Copper Secateur.
"We are doing well, I'd say. I was far less subtle than I usually am, but Ponyville itself seems oblivious to it. But far more importantly, I think I found a group of ponies who I can train to help me look for conversion candidates. And since we are starting to move with purpose now, I suppose that working towards a web that can expand by itself is the obvious direction to go."
She then turns to Windy Flakes, and the unicorn seems to think for a while before he starts speaking softly.
"I don't have much to report, unfortunately… I do have a plan, I mean. We obviously need a better source of income for the cult, and a place we can gather more easily, but the problem is that initial push. This would be like trying to start an enterprise from scratch, and we simply don't have the bits for it. I did find a good place for it though, a building for sale to the south of Ponyville, distant from the more urban area and away from prying eyes, but still central enough to be a business location. But it is for sale, and we don't have the bits…"
He hits his hoofs lightly while thinking, the soft clopping sound echoing in the clearing.
"I have been entertaining thoughts about… convincing the owner of that building into being more generous," he lets out a wry smile, looking at Comet Feet.
But soon after, he is looking at you, and its your turn to report on your doings.
You open your mouth to speak, but you stop, and you finally feel what Jade Whistle must have felt from the beginning. The whole… forest seems to turn its attention to you. Dark trees seem to bend slightly in interest, the wind seems to howl just a little less as if to allow you to talk.
Your Master is listening, that much becomes crystal clear to you.
You pick your words carefully, and begin your own report.
[You must pick one of each category. Planned voting.]
[ ] On the dreamlands
-[ ] You have not found your any way to the Dreamlands.
-[ ] You have found a way to the Dreamlands, beyond the crossroads and towards the horizon.
-[ ] You have found a way to the Dreamlands and explored it, but found no evidence that Princess Luna is there.
-[ ] You have found a way to the Dreamlands and explored it, finding rescued dreams that confirm that Princess Luna is active in there. (This is the full truth for a report)
[ ] On Rarity
-[ ] There is no need to comment about meeting Rarity.
-[ ] You have met Rarity, a bearer of the Elements of Harmony, and believe that you are on good terms with her.
-[ ] You have met Rarity, an Element bearer, and found out she has a little sister. And that is exploitable.
[ ] On Twilight Sparkle
-[ ] There is no need to commend about meeting Twilight Sparkle.
-[ ] You have met Twilight Sparkle, the young mare who exorcised Nightmare Moon.
-[ ] You have met Twilight Sparkle and her pet dragon Spike, who seems to be small enough to be an easy target.
[ ] On your helping of Starry Dancer
-[ ] There is no need to talk about helping Starry Dancer.
-[ ] Highlight how helpful you were when helping Starry Dancer, gloating before your fellow advisors.
[ ] On your acquisitions
-[ ] There is no need to talk about your acquisitions.
-[ ] You have recently purchased an interesting curio that clearly hums with Heart, and you will study it.
-[ ] You have recently purchased an interesting curio of Heart, and will donate it to the Cult.
[ ] On your servants
-[ ] Just forgive him already.
[ ] On the Things that Stalk
-[ ] Keep that to yourself.
-[ ] Mention that there are dangers in the Dreamlands, but that you have no idea what they are.
-[ ] State that there are... things in the Dreamlands, and demand your Master explain what they are.
There will be at least 24 hours for voting.
Your character sheet will be updated to reflect your current (end of turn 2) situation.