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Better Enjoy This While I Can (ASOIAF, Stannis SI.)

Vale's National Sport?

  • Cricket

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Ultimate Frisbee

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Soccer/Football

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Basketball/the Mayan version

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No more goddamn words to say... No quips, or bad jokes. Just this... Goddamit man way to make the start of my day somber as you make me morn a fictional character. Kudos.
I spent about 7 years out of my 30, thinking I wouldn't make it to the end of the year (getting better now, so don't worry about me).

I've written my own will a few times and seeing how hard it is for people to plan funerals, have actually done most of the planning for my own. redone my funeral playlist a few times, chosen a cheap/free location for the ceremony, and have insisted I get an Irish style wake. So even if people are sad, they'll also have some smiles and a few laughs.

Writing this story really felt like I overcame a lot of the turmoil I had built up. I spent a lot of years making amends for my mistakes and just trying to enjoy my time with friends and family. This story was just so much catharthis and I'm so happy people enjoyed it.

Varys is already killing himself mentally at least.
Varys is definitly going to need to work on damage control. He really thought Stannis was plotting something.

He's also freaking out over how much I knew(without him having any clue) and he needs to know who I told.

Doesn't count unless it's physically too.
Varys definitly knows he made a mistake. One of the rare times someone actually fooled him. He thought I had some big plan to take over/keep my family in power. Stannis just wanted shireen to have friends and be safe once he was gone. Stannis was the one to take Dragonstone in canon. All the SI had to do, was say the delay was his choice and point out the lack of royal fleet pursuing the children (ever). At that point Varys thinks I've been on his side the whole time and he thinks everything I did was to set up the Targs return.

This is so sad, I didnt really need more sad...
I'm sorry but I can promise the epilogues/sequel in a couple weeks will be happier. I just had some family issues that really ruined my happy mood and need some time to cope. It took a long time to get this chapter done and it still feels off.
Aww... he didn't use the chance to REALLY mess with Varys...

Stannis: You know Varys, you could have always come home and tried to hide with Family, there's so few of us left...
Varys: I don't know what you're-
Stannis: Please Varys, I'm not an idiot and neither were my parents, of course you're family.
Varys: What!?... How did you know...
Basically it's the ending for now. But when/if I get back into a happier mood, it has a happy resolution in the sequel. If it does end up being the end, I'll do some epilogues in a couple weeks. If I do a sequel, I'll let everyone know when to expect it with an update in 2 weeks.

He did what he could with cards he get.He do not get superpowers after all,or technical knowledge and 15 years to prepare.If he try fight Targeryns,too,then he would die ,and his family and friends would die with him.
Now? united Westeros with at least semi competent ruler,his family safe,and Others could fuck themselves.
Pity,that he have no time for helping wildling go through Wall.And warn spider about Melly - althought that is probably secured.

P.S next story could be about Engineer who get body of Ned and have 15 years to prepare for Others,with all metaknowledge about settling.
And,when Jon marry Brienne,where would they live?
I'm glad to hear that.

Wise of you, grieving people never really need more on their plate then they already have.

My mom and grandfather still aren't talking because of a funeral over a decade ago. So I really want to avoid that when I go (hopefully decades from now).

Aww... he didn't use the chance to REALLY mess with Varys...

Stannis: You know Varys, you could have always come home and tried to hide with Family, there's so few of us left...
Varys: I don't know what you're-
Stannis: Please Varys, I'm not an idiot and neither were my parents, of course you're family.
Varys: What!?... How did you know...
Oh.... that would have been really good. Damnit!

He did what he could with cards he get.He do not get superpowers after all,or technical knowledge and 15 years to prepare.If he try fight Targeryns,too,then he would die ,and his family and friends would die with him.
Now? united Westeros with at least semi competent ruler,his family safe,and Others could fuck themselves.
Pity,that he have no time for helping wildling go through Wall.And warn spider about Melly - althought that is probably secured.

P.S next story could be about Engineer who get body of Ned and have 15 years to prepare for Others,with all metaknowledge about settling.
And,when Jon marry Brienne,where would they live?
Thanks, I really just tried to have a fun little romp with the people who deserved some good times.

I'm probably going to do a Young Justice story next. My own novel has super powers and I need more practice writing with them.
Chapter 20: Epilogue 1
Chapter 20: Epilogue 1
1 Month Later: Davos

Being forced to keep the true cause of Lord Stannis' ailment to myself, is the first time one of my promises to him has been tested. Almost everyone believes he was just good at hiding how serious his illness really was. But Lady Selyse and I both know better and this is the first time one of my promises to Lord Stannis has been tested so.

The Master of Whispers' quick discovery of him, is the only reason my lord even has a chance at life. And the reason he is no longer just called a lord as courtesy. The land once claimed by the Baelish family is supposed to be miserable, so I'm not sure why Lord Varys had a face splitting grin.

It has been tense here at Summerhold these last few weeks. The King delayed his trip as long as possible, in hopes his brother would awaken for some final words. Eventually though, the King's fury drove him North with the army. Seven have mercy for the Wildlings, because the King will not.

Lord Stannis has done nothing but mumble and moan the entire time, with the servants barely managing to get any broth down his throat each day. Maester Cressen is firm in his promise that our lord will recover and that's the only reason we've been able to go forward with his plans.

Though as I pass by a stiff backed Gendry and the lovely Lady Margaery, I wonder how long it will be until her father sends an offer. The pair are trailed by a blushing Samwell and Bella, with the boy refusing to meet my gaze.

The lad may be a slower learner with a blade than even myself, but he's a natural with the harp. He's left the other boys in his dust already and I expect Bella will convince him to play on stage soon enough. Though I'm not sure why Lord Stannis paled when Jon considered learning the harp for himself.

"How are the lessons going?" My voice somehow manages to keep out the amusement as I address Gendry.

"They don't give me headaches anymore." He mutters back and gives Samwell a brotherly scowl. "But I'm never going to be the warrior of words, that Sammie here is." The Tarly heir tries to deny it, only for Bella to let out a string of giggles at her brother's expense.

Trying not to embarrass either lad more than I already have, I glance over at the Baratheon girl instead. "And what about the dance lessons?"

The stories the four rush to blurt out first bring a smile to my face and it remains the entire walk. It only grows bigger when I see Shireen laughing with her friends outside the room claimed by Syrio.

"Davos!" Her voice calls out the moment she catches sight of me. "Did you get a new story out of the pile?"

"Of course I did." Holding up the sheets that her father had written in the strange language he seems to have invented, I watch her eyes shine with glee. "I wouldn't miss story time for anything, we're so close to finding out if Ser Skywalker can redeem his father."

"But why did your father make Jaime kiss his sister?" Arya blurts out and pretends to gag. "I'd never kiss Jon. That's just gross!"

"If you ever want to release the story, I'd suggest changing Ser Skywalker's name to something less famous." No reason to get the Lannisters mad, not when they're one of the top contenders for the assassin.

When we arrive at Lord Stannis' room, we're let in almost immediately. The sight of my Lord sitting up and struggling to drink water makes me lose my voice in shock. Though Shireen manages to avoid that fate.

"Father!" She barely manages to stop herself from leaping onto the bed, restraining herself to a slightly too tight hug. "You're alive." Sobs Shireen, while her Father's arms slowly wrap around her.

"I am." His voice is lacking the charisma I had started to grow used to this last year, but it's not quite back to the old gruffness either. "And it feels like I've been living a dream for months. But I'm finally awake now and feeling like myself again."

"... Is that a good thing?" Leave it to Shireen to jump right to heart of the matter.

My lord closes his eyes and really considers the question deeply. It's almost a whole ten seconds before his eyes open again and I can see them shimmering with guilt.

"Are you happier here, than back on Dragonstone?" He responds to his daughter with a question of his own, his voice heavy with years of turmoil.

"The happiest I've ever been father," Shireen promises without a shred of doubt.

"That means it's a good thing." He pulls her back in for a hug and waves for Bella and Gendry to join them. "I just wish I knew how much easier things are, when you can say sorry and mean it."

Notes: Was going to just release all 5 parts of the epilogue in a single chunk, but I don't want to leave it on such a sad cliffhanger. So this can tide you all over for the next week or so.
"I am." His voice is lacking the charisma I had started to grow used to this last year, but it's not quite back to the old gruffness either. "And it feels like I've been living a dream for months. But I'm finally awake now and feeling like myself again."

...Is this OG Stannis back in the driver's seat, then? I kinda get that impression, but I dunno.
...Is this OG Stannis back in the driver's seat, then? I kinda get that impression, but I dunno.
OG Stannis is indeed in charge again and what happened to the SI will be revealed with the other 4 epilogues.


So, it seems Stannis did die. Good thing he had a life to spare...

Again, Mood. Now we just need to see if Stannis was in the backseat when Mannis was in the driver's seat, or if he was in the trunk.
The Mood part is confusing me.

I di the opposite in my Viserys SI, and it's what gave me the idea for this one.

He was driving the SI's car.
The Mood part is confusing me.
Sorry, I might be meming wrong.

I meant that this chapter gave me bittersweet feelings.

The Flightless Mannis is gone, and that's sad.
But Stannis is still here, and he was cognizant of Mannis' process, and that's happy.

Hence, it gave me Mood... That's a good thing, and would it make me a heel if I said that this story is already leagues above Viserys' one, even when it's SFW and shortish?
Has to be tough being in the passenger seat to your own body and suddenly watching how your previously miserable life is turned around by changing his attitude and seeing how much loved he suddenly is.

There wasn't a new power or abilities or sudden wealth, he had everything needed to make his life happy staring him in the face all the time, he just had to embrace it.
Sorry, I might be meming wrong.

I meant that this chapter gave me bittersweet feelings.

The Flightless Mannis is gone, and that's sad.
But Stannis is still here, and he was cognizant of Mannis' process, and that's happy.

Hence, it gave me Mood... That's a good thing, and would it make me a heel if I said that this story is already leagues above Viserys' one, even when it's SFW and shortish?
Your probably memeing correctly. I just was unaware of the meme and figured the fastest way to an answer was to ask.

Stannis was still an innocent victim of body snatching and I felt he needed his body back for a true happy ending.

It really makes me happy to know I'm improving with each story. My life motto is "I only have a single person to compete with in life, myself yesterday." The Viserys story was better than the giant fic, which was better than my power rangers one. Going back and reading my first story from a year and a half ago makes me groan. I can really see the improvement and it almost hurts to look at my first story now.

Has to be tough being in the passenger seat to your own body and suddenly watching how your previously miserable life is turned around by changing his attitude and seeing how much loved he suddenly is.

There wasn't a new power or abilities or sudden wealth, he had everything needed to make his life happy staring him in the face all the time, he just had to embrace it.
My life got a whole lot better when I let go of a bunch of minor resentments that had building for years and just forgave some people who never actually meant to hurt me(they did, but it was the accidental kind and not malicious.). As soon as I apologized with genuine meaning, 90% of them apologized as well.

I hope,that Stannis have knowledge of SI,and would act on it,otherwise he would die quickly and for good this time.
But - it was logical.
Stannis was in the SI's body for a year.
Your probably memeing correctly. I just was unaware of the meme and figured the fastest way to an answer was to ask.

Stannis was still an innocent victim of body snatching and I felt he needed his body back for a true happy ending.

It really makes me happy to know I'm improving with each story. My life motto is "I only have a single person to compete with in life, myself yesterday." The Viserys story was better than the giant fic, which was better than my power rangers one. Going back and reading my first story from a year and a half ago makes me groan. I can really see the improvement and it almost hurts to look at my first story now.

My life got a whole lot better when I let go of a bunch of minor resentments that had building for years and just forgave some people who never actually meant to hurt me(they did, but it was the accidental kind and not malicious.). As soon as I apologized with genuine meaning, 90% of them apologized as well.

Stannis was in the SI's body for a year.

Your stories indeed are better.Many writers claimed,that everybody who want succed must just write every day,preferable about the same hour.
About Stannis - he still need to kneel to Targs to survive.
Chapter 21: Epilogue 2
Chapter 21: Epilogue 2
6 Months Later: Robb Stark

"Keep going!" My snarl drives the others to follow the already fading trail.

Domeric just wanted to see his brother's grave and no one could fault him for that. So while our fathers and their lords discussed plans in the Dreadfort, we decided to go for a ride. Stupid of us!

The Wildlings had already raided this far South. why did we think it would be safe now just because the army was gathering?

Mya accompined her betrothed, with Sansa and I of course joining them to the remains of the village. Which of course got Theon to invite himself and then Father insisted we bring the Reeds with us.

I thought we would have been fine with two dire wolves keeping watch. But the pair just sat quietly while the Wildlings crept up on the girls.

Theon took a knife in the shoulder when he managed to catch up to the one with Meera, forcing me to leave the two behind. The savages are fierce and swift on foot which only angers me further.

Only one has any idea how to ride a horse and of course that's the one with my sister. When the Wildlings start to split up, I roar back at Domeric to go after Mya.

Lady and Greywind are gaining ground on our own target, now with only a single companion to get in my way. In my seething rage, I don't realize how long the chase goes on. Nor do I notice when we leave Bolton lands and the relative safety the army provided.

A grin threatens to replace my grimace at the sight of Greywind snapping at slower Wildling's leg. And a dark grunt of amusement escapes when he's bucked off the panicking mare, not moving after his skull strikes the ground.

Sansa lets out a shriek when I throw myself at them, sending all three of us tumbling into the snow. Before I even have a chance to react, both wolves are on the Wildling. His screams are surprisingly high pitched and it takes me a few moments to realize who my captive really is.

"You're a girl!" My shock is increased when I realize that neither wolf is tearing out the blonde's throat.

"And you're a madman!" She wheezes back as I approach with my own knife in hand. "You could have killed all three of us with that stunt."

"Why did you, take my sister?" I know the Wildling men would want such a healthy young lady, but not why this beauty would.

"My sister's husband said to grab the king's daughter." Defiance flashes in the Wildling's eyes and I start to wonder why our women are hunted at all. The ones they have are more than desirable to the eyes.

She tries reaching for her own knife and I barely step on her hand in time. "None of that now." My comment only gets a noncommittal grunt and I make sure too watch her closely. "Why does he want Mya?"

"All our dreamers started saying the same thing." Her eyes dart behind me at the same time I hear the crunching of snow. "We're only getting South of the Wall with a marriage." The guarded look calms me and I turn to see Jojen and Meera have caught up. "So Mance said a royal one would be best."

"The King Beyond the Wall?" That would make her a Wildling princess. "That Mance?"

She finally sits up when my shock gives her an opening. "Aye. The one and the same."

"And who are you?" Snarls Meera, still not over her own attempted abduction. "Why shouldn't I kill you?"

I'm forced to step in and lower the spear with my own hand. "She's a princess, we can't just kill her."

"But they tried to steal us!" Sansa hisses at me, enraged at the idea I might forgive her for being pretty.

"And failed." I finally make up my mind and grab the blonde's wrist. "So I'll take her hostage and bring her back with us." That should hopefully give us a way to end these raids even faster.

"So you're stealing me?" She twists her face into an amused smirk and doesn't struggle when I bind her wrists. "I guess this still accomplishes what Mance sent us out for."

"What does she mean?" Jojen is the only one laughing at that comment and I try not to snarl at him.
Last edited:
Chapter 22: Epilogue 3
Chapter 22: Epilogue 3
2 Years Later: Daenerys

Marching through the Red Keep, I can't help but take everything in silence. When Drogo had finally admitted he had no plans to cross the Narrow Sea, I was surprisingly okay with that choice. I was already Khaleesi and happy with my life.

But the Usurper couldn't leave my family be and had his agent make his move. Jorah killed my husband and fled with our son.

I never thought to see him again and only pressed on through a newfound desire for vengeance. But my nephew Aegon and the Golden Company found them in Meereen.

They kept my son safe while I travelled to Vaes Dothrak and gained an army of my own. The dragons that hatched in the pyre of Khals, proved Aegon was who he claimed. And I was finally no longer alone in the world.

Once Aegon has his throne, Varys will need to fill us in on where the missing army is. The Usurper is a warrior and our army faced counted barely a thousand soldiers in the city. I'm worried his army will pour out of the Kingswood in the middle of the night and try to retake the city.

While my Dothrakki patrol the outskirts to prevent that, the more disciplined soldiers keep the peace inside the walls. And three dragons circle the city until I call them off... that should stop anyone from doing something stupid.

"Lord Varys." Our Dornish companion calls into the shadows, his voice a barely contained storm of rage. "Where is Arianne?"

Prince Oberyn and his Dornish spears met us in the Stepstones, with rage at this Prince Joffrey for holding his niece hostage. She thought his attempt to mend the family feud was proof he could be controlled... but was very quickly proven wrong when he locked her in the maiden vault.

"She's safe," An overweight man with a polished head emerges with a pleased smile. "Thanks to some shocking assistance from one of Joffrey's white cloaks. Sandor has kept your niece calm while awaited your arrival."

"Any news from the North?" Oberyn hisses back while we near the throne room. "How much longer until Robert has finished with the savages?"

Our spy's face shifts into a glowing smile. "I have some wonderful news on that front." He appears to hold in some laughter before he straightens himself again. "It seems he and this Mance Rayder, both died in the same battle before the wall."

The relief floods into me as I focus on his eyes for any sign of deceit. "Truly?"

"Many of my birds sing the same song," Varys confirms swiftly. "Though they don't quite agree on the details."

"And so this Joffrey..." Interrupts Aegon with a glare at a pair of fallen guards, both white cloaks stained pink. "Is now the one wearing my crown?"

"Joffrey was advised poorly by his Red Priestess." Adds Varys with a conniving smirk. "Melisandre lost interest in him, the moment she saw the dragons on the horizon. She found it quite easy to convince Joffrey, that his Grandfather's sacrifice was needed."

Not willing to remain silent any longer, I make my own voice heard. "And the pretender? What of this King Joffrey?"

"I showed him one of the secret passageways out of the Red Keep." Varys explains, his expression strangely smug. "It's a shame that it lead right to where Princess Arianne and Sandor are hiding. Doubly so, once Sandor informs Ser Barristan of the Prince's orders. These last few weeks."

The spymaster explains how Ser Barristan has been searching the city since the day we took Dragonstone. "He wanted to burn his half siblings..." Varys chuckles for a moment and preens with well earned pride. "Shame how I'd already smuggled the five here, out to the safety of Summerhall."

"The ruins?" I frown at the sight of a dead woman seated on the Iron Throne. Her golden hair and red dress mark her as Cersei Lannister in life, with the spilled goblet of wine showing her cowardice.

"Not since your cousin, Lord Stannis..." Varys has been very firm on laying all the blame at the feet of the eldest Baratheon and was quick to share how I truly managed to escape to Essos. "Decided to have it rebuilt." It seems I have even more to thank my cousin for.

"He even swindled the Lannisters into paying for it." Oberyn's approval only cements my choice to leave Stannis be. As long as this Ser Davos keeps any raven from reaching Lord Stannis, he can be kept from choosing between family.
.... Fuck nuggets you can't really have anything good in GRRM's wacky world of thousand dish dinners and "surprise" subversions huh?
It took a lot of maneuvering, to kill off as few "good" characters as possible. Getting Sandor into a whitecloak was nescesary, so his fear of fire would make him pull a Jaime.

Varys almost killing Stannis, was needed to get the unknown bastards sent to Summerhold. Otherwise Joffrey and Mel would have found them, right after Robert's death report.

Robert needed to die in battle, that was his only happy ending (though he and Mance didn't die killing each other, it was a joint defence against the dead).

with all the other noble woman of marriageable age already taken, it really only left Joffrey with Arianne as an option.

Khal Drogo had to die, because he was never going to play nice in Westeros (but Aegon saved the son). The dragon eggs hatched at Vaes Dothrak (about 6 months-1year later).

Jorah is a pedo and I will never give him a happy ending. The Unsullied still got freedom (just from Aegon instead, with the Dragons only showing up at the very end of the Slaver's bay stuff). Misandei

Tywin, Joffrey, Cersei all needed to die. But Barristan could very easily be convinced by Sandor, to turn against Joffrey. Varys get's Littlefinger's land and title for the luls/place for Aegon to lead his army into the North.

Last two segments are almost all happy though and I'm already working on the Brienne/Jon one at Winterfell.

Really enjoying the "I'm fucked, so fuck it I'm just gonna enjoy the ride, and spend time with my family" vibe that he's got going on.
Andrela on spacebattle inspired the idea. And yeah, basically any body I inserted into would be a positive. So I would definitly just enjoy it as long as I could, likely thinking it was a fever dream as I was dying in real life.

I hope some other writers get inspired and try introducing sports to WEsteros. I only dabbled in it, but it could be a whole story on its own.

Looks like Stannis will ends up as the next Lord Paramount of the Stormsland eh
Well... It was a pretty roundabout way of just having Renly and Stannis switch castles.
How they would deal with Others? nothing worked in show,including dragons,so they must use Arya ex Machina.
P.S did Jon , Brienne,Domeric and Mya go fighting? at least Domeric and Jon was honor-bound to do so.
How they would deal with Others? nothing worked in show,including dragons,so they must use Arya ex Machina.
P.S did Jon , Brienne,Domeric and Mya go fighting? at least Domeric and Jon was honor-bound to do so.
Domeric and Robb where with the Army.

Jon, gendry, Brienne, went up later with Dany and her army. After Aegon discovered that yes, the dead are walknig around.
Chapter 23: Epilogue 4
Chapter 23: Epilogue 4
5 Years Later: Brienne

The trenches around Winterfell are filled to overflowing with bodies, a few already set ablaze by the dragons. It's hard not to choke on the smell filling the courtyard, but Jon is insistent on finding his family.

Lord Stark survived the Wall's fall, but he hasn't walked a single step since that day. He and the other noncombatants sheltered in crypts and my heart clenches at the sight of the broken open door.

"Jon?" He was going to stay in they South, until Arya pointed out he only needed a new name. Something that I could provide my friend with just a simple marriage.

"No..." He denies what his eyes are confronted with and forces his way inside the crypts with a frantic desperation. "Father!" The call is answered at once, by a massive shadow blocking our path.

"I held the door Ser Jon." The burly man who Jon claimed was once called Hodor, stands bloody with a dozen broken wights at his feet. "I didn't let any of them get past me." He wheezes in pain and slides down the stone wall. "But is it okay if I take a rest now?"

"Don't even think about it!" The gruff voice of Lyanna Mormont barks at him as she starts clearing the doorway. "Not until the Maester looks at that head wound."

As she emerges from the darkness with a swagger I still wish I could find, Jon rushes towards his revealed family. Sansa the betrothed of our new King Aegon, pushes her father's wheeled chair with relief filling her eyes.

On either side of her is little Rickon and his mother Lady Stark. The newborn Annalee, squirming in her mother's arms. She'll never believe what we had to face and that's enough to make me chuckle.

"It's finally over." The sound surprises everyone and I just can't seem to stop.

It having been days since anyone had heard genuine laughter at Winterfell. And for Brienne the Brick to be the one to start it off... was just enough for everyone to share the moment.

Lady Catelyn recovers first and I feel Jon tense beside me when he notices her gaze. It darts between my husband and his uncle.

Jon did some investigating and was able to cross a few names off his list of possibilities. But I was as shocked as Gendry and Samwell, when my husband greeted Daenerys as his aunt. It made our victory possible, having three ridden dragons to scorch the dead.

"What about Aegon? And Robb." Sansa blurts out when she notices the absences. "Where are they?"

"Fine last time I saw them," Lord Jaime enters through the nearly cleared doorway. He clutches the lion pommelled Longclaw with one hand, even as his face tries to appear relaxed.

Stannis told the late Lord Tywin of who had a sword and a very desperate need for gold and men alike. And after tripling the number of men in the Watch and a million gold offer, the Lannisters finally had the precious blade. Though after seeing Lords Robb and Jaime wield their Valyrian steel swords so expertly... I can think of few who would have used them better.

"Robb had a good plan with the bones." I can see the relief warring with bitterness in Lord Stark's eyes. "They started to rattle around, which really started to worry me. but separating them even a few inches... stopped them from being an actual threat."

As we leave the crypts and rejoin the survivors outside, my mind starts to drift towards a far happier future than I had ever dreamed of. With Princess Daenerys and Renly moving to Dragonstone, Lord Stannis has been offered his families seat and position as Lord Paramount.

Which means not much will truly change for Jon and I. Most of our friends will remain near us in the Stormlands and we still answer to Lord Stannis. Though the way he eyed Jon and I last... makes me worry he's already plotting out how to betroth any daughter we have, to his own newborn son.

Notes: Well, this is the end. Family stuff got worse and I just can't get the 5th​ one out with a happy mindset. This one was almost impossible after my uncle had a stroke and died. I was getting prepared for bad news from grandma and this took me by complete surprise.

I know the epilogues are a little off tonally, but I'm not going to be able to right anything happy for months. Sorry for not landing the epilogue as well as I handled the whole story.
Chapter 23: Epilogue 4
5 Years Later: Brienne

The trenches around Winterfell are filled to overflowing with bodies, a few already set ablaze by the dragons. It's hard not to choke on the smell filling the courtyard, but Jon is insistent on finding his family.

Lord Stark survived the Wall's fall, but he hasn't walked a single step since that day. He and the other noncombatants sheltered in crypts and my heart clenches at the sight of the broken open door.

"Jon?" He was going to stay in they South, until Arya pointed out he only needed a new name. Something that I could provide my friend with just a simple marriage.

"No..." He denies what his eyes are confronted with and forces his way inside the crypts with a frantic desperation. "Father!" The call is answered at once, by a massive shadow blocking our path.

"I held the door Ser Jon." The burly man who Jon claimed was once called Hodor, stands bloody with a dozen broken wights at his feet. "I didn't let any of them get past me." He wheezes in pain and slides down the stone wall. "But is it okay if I take a rest now?"

"Don't even think about it!" The gruff voice of Lyanna Mormont barks at him as she starts clearing the doorway. "Not until the Maester looks at that head wound."

As she emerges from the darkness with a swagger I still wish I could find, Jon rushes towards his revealed family. Sansa the betrothed of our new King Aegon, pushes her father's wheeled chair with relief filling her eyes.

On either side of her is little Rickon and his mother Lady Stark. The newborn Annalee, squirming in her mother's arms. She'll never believe what we had to face and that's enough to make me chuckle.

"It's finally over." The sound surprises everyone and I just can't seem to stop.

It having been days since anyone had heard genuine laughter at Winterfell. And for Brienne the Brick to be the one to start it off... was just enough for everyone to share the moment.

Lady Catelyn recovers first and I feel Jon tense beside me when he notices her gaze. It darts between my husband and his uncle.

Jon did some investigating and was able to cross a few names off his list of possibilities. But I was as shocked as Gendry and Samwell, when my husband greeted Daenerys as his aunt. It made our victory possible, having three ridden dragons to scorch the dead.

"What about Aegon? And Robb." Sansa blurts out when she notices the absences. "Where are they?"

"Fine last time I saw them," Lord Jaime enters through the nearly cleared doorway. He clutches the lion pommelled Longclaw with one hand, even as his face tries to appear relaxed.

Stannis told the late Lord Tywin of who had a sword and a very desperate need for gold and men alike. And after tripling the number of men in the Watch and a million gold offer, the Lannisters finally had the precious blade. Though after seeing Lords Robb and Jaime wield their Valyrian steel swords so expertly... I can think of few who would have used them better.

"Robb had a good plan with the bones." I can see the relief warring with bitterness in Lord Stark's eyes. "They started to rattle around, which really started to worry me. but separating them even a few inches... stopped them from being an actual threat."

As we leave the crypts and rejoin the survivors outside, my mind starts to drift towards a far happier future than I had ever dreamed of. With Princess Daenerys and Renly moving to Dragonstone, Lord Stannis has been offered his families seat and position as Lord Paramount.

Which means not much will truly change for Jon and I. Most of our friends will remain near us in the Stormlands and we still answer to Lord Stannis. Though the way he eyed Jon and I last... makes me worry he's already plotting out how to betroth any daughter we have, to his own newborn son.

Notes: Well, this is the end. Family stuff got worse and I just can't get the 5th​ one out with a happy mindset. This one was almost impossible after my uncle had a stroke and died. I was getting prepared for bad news from grandma and this took me by complete surprise.

I know the epilogues are a little off tonally, but I'm not going to be able to right anything happy for months. Sorry for not landing the epilogue as well as I handled the whole story.

Take your time,family always matter more.And pray for your uncle,too.I hope,that he is in better place now.

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