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I forgot to include the face he'd probably be making.
Ah, good. I needed a reason to say no, 'cause I didn't have one.
Well, I suspect that this setting is just going to cause me lots of headaches and that I should just accept that.

I have 2 more questions:

How do the judges define "combat"?
What kind of reward is given for combat? (If someone stole something from me and I chase him and we somehow enter combat mode, will I get what I want if we win? Will he be sent to jail? What will he get if he wins? If the penalty for him losing is that he will be transferred to jail is there anything preventing me from fighting him again and again until I eventually win?)
oh my so many mansex in one single place.
Well, I suspect that this setting is just going to cause me lots of headaches and that I should just accept that.

I have 2 more questions:

How do the judges define "combat"?
What kind of reward is given for combat? (If someone stole something from me and I chase him and we somehow enter combat mode, will I get what I want if we win? Will he be sent to jail? What will he get if he wins? If the penalty for him losing is that he will be transferred to jail is there anything preventing me from fighting him again and again until I eventually win?)
In the game where the protagonist suddenly found himself in Ivalice and fails his diplomacy check he fought two bangaas.
So I guess anything potentially deadly?
As for your scenario well.
Stealing counts as using an ability so I guess so? No he probably won't be jailed, no nothing prevents you although your enemy is thief you might want to take care of your belongings.
oh my so many mansex in one single place.

In the game where the protagonist suddenly found himself in Ivalice and fails his diplomacy check he fought two bangaas.
So I guess anything potentially deadly?
As for your scenario well.
Stealing counts as using an ability so I guess so? No he probably won't be jailed, no nothing prevents you although your enemy is thief you might want to take care of your belongings.
He meant stealing out of combat, then getting in combat, not stealing in combat.
How do the judges define "combat"?
What kind of reward is given for combat? (If someone stole something from me and I chase him and we somehow enter combat mode, will I get what I want if we win? Will he be sent to jail? What will he get if he wins? If the penalty for him losing is that he will be transferred to jail is there anything preventing me from fighting him again and again until I eventually win?)

Like said above, potentially deadly situations.

Well, there are a few things. If someone has put out a mission for that particular person you're capturing, you'll get the reward that was put up with said mission. Gil and items tend to be the big things, though if they stole from you then you'll get back the thing that they stole too. If it's a request from the Kingdom its more likely to be Gil. If he wins he won't get anything,

Well, no. Beyond recovery time and finding the guy again
Sorry to keep bugging you, Metraxa, but is there anything that needs to be fixed with my sheet?

If not, could I please get it threadmarked for ease of finding it?
Like said above, potentially deadly situations.

Well, there are a few things. If someone has put out a mission for that particular person you're capturing, you'll get the reward that was put up with said mission. Gil and items tend to be the big things, though if they stole from you then you'll get back the thing that they stole too. If it's a request from the Kingdom its more likely to be Gil. If he wins he won't get anything,

Well, no. Beyond recovery time and finding the guy again
Alright, that's helpful.

But why won't the guy get anything? Can't he just take stuff from me while I'm recovering? (Is it even possible to rob people in this world?)
Name: Xemnas
Age: In his early thirties (appearance wise only, chonological age is impossible to determine)
Gender: Male
Species: Human Nobody
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Being the founder of Organization XIII and apparently the oldest of Nobodies, Xemnas is truly emotionless—in every sense of the word—and does not even remember what it was like to have any feelings. He claimed that this allowed him to have a clear understanding of the heart, but, in reality, this had warped his mind into believing that only anger, hatred, and other negative emotions were what make up most of a heart.

His lack of emotion deprives him of remorse for his actions, as well as the loss of the other members of the Organization. The only thing he truly cared about was Kingdom Hearts and his desire for power, and even lamented it when it was damaged. However, on some occasions, he had appeared to value friendship, as he was shown to converse with the armor of Aqua in the Chamber of Repose, although, this is likely due to the influence of Terra, as he is, in a sense, Terra's Nobody.

Unlike the other members of the Organization, Xemnas did not seem to want Kingdom Hearts for a true existence. Rather, much like his Heartless counterpart, he wanted it to use it to obtain power and remake the universe in his image. This concept was furthered as Xemnas thought that Nothingness was the source of much power, and does not seem to despise it in the slightest. This goal stemmed from that of one of his two original personas, Master Xehanort, whom also desired to unlock Kingdom Hearts for the same purpose.

In other matters Xemnas spoke with calmness and deep authority. He had a tendency to be overly melodramatic, making long-winded speeches, exaggerating his false rage and sorrow with wide sweeping arm movements and hand gestures, like many villains. While ridiculous in nature, his exaggerations were representations of his lack of emotion. He was very intelligent, overall, and knew how to manipulate others, particularly Sora and his friends for his own needs.

Xemnas's personality seemed to share traits from both beings who composed his original persona, Master Xehanort and Terra. From the former he inherited his manipulative nature and the ideas for the black coat and adding the letter "χ" to rename himself and his fellow Organization members. It is very hard to say how much he inherited from Terra, but there is at least the familiarity with Aqua's armor, to which he refers to as "friend", and his strong desire to find his other "friend" in Castle Oblivion, as he has had Saïx search for the Chamber he sleeps in. Another example was when Roxas fell into a comatose state, saying: "So, sleep has taken you again".
Shamelessly ripped off from Bandresnatch

There was once an old Keyblade Master by the name of Xehanort, who had an obsession with Darkness. In order to achieve his dream of reaching Kingdom Hearts, Keyblade Master Xehanort hatched out a grand and convoluted scheme that would engulfed multiple Worlds. However, the old Master was still a man, his life was coming to a close. So in an effort to carry out his plans and live to the end of it, old Xehanort sought out a younger body to host his Heart. With that phrase of the plan completed, Xehanort's scheme was coming to fruition.

Some time has passed, and Xehanort was ready to carry the next stage of his grand plan. Plunging his Keyblade into his self, this process created the Heartless Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and the Nobody (the shell that is left behind when a Heart is turned to Darkness) Xemnas. Each incarnation of Xehanort would went their separate ways and carried on Xehanort's will. To gather Thirteen Darkness and Seven Light, and then have clashed with each other to forge the X-Blade, a way to Kingdom Hearts.

The Nobody Xemnas infiltrated multiple worlds with his army of Nobodies. Worlds were plagued by the denizens of Darkness, hearts were harvested for Xehanort's wish. The futures of the worlds were bleak, darkness was as far as the eyes can see. That is, until the same young Keyblade wielder and his friends that had defeated Ansem stopped Xemnas in his tracks by systematically eliminating his Organization members.

On the climax of their final battle, Xemnas became one with the Kingdom Hearts they had built and then powered up further by becoming the vessel for the power of the Realm of Nothingness. However, by the intervention of that bothersome Riku victory was snatched away from him and he faded into Nothingness.

However, something happened, and now the severely weakened Superior of the Inbetween has ended up on Eorzea. Well, this wasn't part of the plan, but it can be salvaged. All Ansem needed was time and hope.
Job: Superior
Skills: Melee attacks with Interdiction, Firing Interdiction as a ranged attack (can end up being a GoB like attack once power has been restored), Thunder spells, Flight and Teleportation though various means.
(It should be noted that I have no fucking idea how FFTA works and that this section may require extreme revisions.)
Weapon: Ethereal Blades; Interdiction (Counts as both a sabre and a rod)
Other: Xemnas is a Nobody, and thus doesn't actually exist. This can lead to metaphysical complications should something try to erase him.
Should both Xemnas and Ansem die, they will recombine into Terranort who will be controlled by Bondo and I.
ort who will be controlled by Bondo and I.
So this must be the famous mansex that everybody is talking about.

"I can give you purpose. Make you real. As long as you trust me."
Maxell, poker-faced: "I shall take that under advisement."
I know where you are and what you are doing at all times. The X/cross also needs to be significant enough that you would include it in a detailed description.
I presume that the first only applied to the unreduced Xenahort, aka Sir Not Appearing In This RP, and that the second only applies to Xs about one's person, not in one's name.
I presume that the first only applied to the unreduced Xenahort, aka Sir Not Appearing In This RP, and that the second only applies to Xs about one's person, not in one's name.

Why would you presume that? Xemnas was the one who put an X in each of the Organization's members. That'd be a silly thing to do if it didn't grant him an advantage. He's also the first to mention the Recusant's Sigil in DDD, so he obviously knows what it is and what it does.
So I was looking for Marche images, for unrelated reasons.

It is a pretty good line. So, who wants to wake up?
"I am equal parts fascinated and terrified at what might happen if I tried."

Why would you presume that? Xemnas was the one who put an X in each of the Organization's members. That'd be a silly thing to do if it didn't grant him an advantage. He's also the first to mention the Recusant's Sigil in DDD, so he obviously knows what it is and what it does.
Name: Young Xehanort
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Hume
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Personality: This incarnation of Xehanort is one who was an empty state with a desire to explore worlds and plagued with wanderlust. He is emotionless, silent and submissive to his older self's orders
Bio: This is Xehanort in his younger years, He was approached by his future heartless to bring every incarnation of Xehanort into the future to fulfil his elder self dream of the Keyblade War. However, something happened when he was about to collect his heartless he was suddenly transported to Eorzea with his abilities greatly weakened.
Job: Time Traveller
1)Space-time manipulation- Once, his power over time is such is that he can manipulate the flow of battle, performing such feats as slowing his opponent or reversing the flow of time to regenerate health and time travel, since arriving at Eorzea, he was weakened to performing the weakest of time magic. Currently he is limited to the following time spells: Haste, Slow, Stop.
2) Power of Darkness- Unlike his heartless he is only limited to the corridors of darkness and it was weakened even further to the point he is unable to use it to get out of this world and the range is greatly shortened. Basically his teleport spell
3) Magic- Like his other abilities this was weakened. List of spells:
  1. Magic Bullet: He fires several magic bullets towards a target/multiple targets. Single Target/Multi Target
  2. Fire Manipulation: He can use the three tiers of Fire.
  3. Ice Manipulation: He is can use the three tiers of Blizzard
  4. Telekinesis: He can push enemies back with the use of a invisible magic blast at point blank range.

Weapon: Ethereal Blades-Glowing Short Blades with hilts, can be combined to make a dual blade and can be turned into a whip ,Grants Speed Boost, Combo Master, Critical Boost

So, I take it 'Time Traveler' is secret code for 'Dark Knight', just like 'Seeker of Darkness' is? :p

Does telekinesis hurt people, or just push them back?

Name: Xemnas
Age: In his early thirties (appearance wise only, chonological age is impossible to determine)
Gender: Male
Species: Human Nobody
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Being the founder of Organization XIII and apparently the oldest of Nobodies, Xemnas is truly emotionless—in every sense of the word—and does not even remember what it was like to have any feelings. He claimed that this allowed him to have a clear understanding of the heart, but, in reality, this had warped his mind into believing that only anger, hatred, and other negative emotions were what make up most of a heart.

His lack of emotion deprives him of remorse for his actions, as well as the loss of the other members of the Organization. The only thing he truly cared about was Kingdom Hearts and his desire for power, and even lamented it when it was damaged. However, on some occasions, he had appeared to value friendship, as he was shown to converse with the armor of Aqua in the Chamber of Repose, although, this is likely due to the influence of Terra, as he is, in a sense, Terra's Nobody.

Unlike the other members of the Organization, Xemnas did not seem to want Kingdom Hearts for a true existence. Rather, much like his Heartless counterpart, he wanted it to use it to obtain power and remake the universe in his image. This concept was furthered as Xemnas thought that Nothingness was the source of much power, and does not seem to despise it in the slightest. This goal stemmed from that of one of his two original personas, Master Xehanort, whom also desired to unlock Kingdom Hearts for the same purpose.

In other matters Xemnas spoke with calmness and deep authority. He had a tendency to be overly melodramatic, making long-winded speeches, exaggerating his false rage and sorrow with wide sweeping arm movements and hand gestures, like many villains. While ridiculous in nature, his exaggerations were representations of his lack of emotion. He was very intelligent, overall, and knew how to manipulate others, particularly Sora and his friends for his own needs.

Xemnas's personality seemed to share traits from both beings who composed his original persona, Master Xehanort and Terra. From the former he inherited his manipulative nature and the ideas for the black coat and adding the letter "χ" to rename himself and his fellow Organization members. It is very hard to say how much he inherited from Terra, but there is at least the familiarity with Aqua's armor, to which he refers to as "friend", and his strong desire to find his other "friend" in Castle Oblivion, as he has had Saïx search for the Chamber he sleeps in. Another example was when Roxas fell into a comatose state, saying: "So, sleep has taken you again".
Shamelessly ripped off from Bandresnatch

There was once an old Keyblade Master by the name of Xehanort, who had an obsession with Darkness. In order to achieve his dream of reaching Kingdom Hearts, Keyblade Master Xehanort hatched out a grand and convoluted scheme that would engulfed multiple Worlds. However, the old Master was still a man, his life was coming to a close. So in an effort to carry out his plans and live to the end of it, old Xehanort sought out a younger body to host his Heart. With that phrase of the plan completed, Xehanort's scheme was coming to fruition.

Some time has passed, and Xehanort was ready to carry the next stage of his grand plan. Plunging his Keyblade into his self, this process created the Heartless Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and the Nobody (the shell that is left behind when a Heart is turned to Darkness) Xemnas. Each incarnation of Xehanort would went their separate ways and carried on Xehanort's will. To gather Thirteen Darkness and Seven Light, and then have clashed with each other to forge the X-Blade, a way to Kingdom Hearts.

The Nobody Xemnas infiltrated multiple worlds with his army of Nobodies. Worlds were plagued by the denizens of Darkness, hearts were harvested for Xehanort's wish. The futures of the worlds were bleak, darkness was as far as the eyes can see. That is, until the same young Keyblade wielder and his friends that had defeated Ansem stopped Xemnas in his tracks by systematically eliminating his Organization members.

On the climax of their final battle, Xemnas became one with the Kingdom Hearts they had built and then powered up further by becoming the vessel for the power of the Realm of Nothingness. However, by the intervention of that bothersome Riku victory was snatched away from him and he faded into Nothingness.

However, something happened, and now the severely weakened Superior of the Inbetween has ended up on Eorzea. Well, this wasn't part of the plan, but it can be salvaged. All Ansem needed was time and hope.
Job: Superior
Skills: Melee attacks with Interdiction, Firing Interdiction as a ranged attack (can end up being a GoB like attack once power has been restored), Thunder spells, Flight and Teleportation though various means.
(It should be noted that I have no fucking idea how FFTA works and that this section may require extreme revisions.)
Weapon: Ethereal Blades; Interdiction (Counts as both a sabre and a rod)
Other: Xemnas is a Nobody, and thus doesn't actually exist. This can lead to metaphysical complications should something try to erase him.
Should both Xemnas and Ansem die, they will recombine into Terranort who will be controlled by Bondo and I.
ort who will be controlled by Bondo and I.

Okay, so. Basic melee attack isn't a skill, that's more just walking up to someone and punching them in the fact, though I will make note of Interdiction as a rod and a sword.

Beyond that, magic. Genrally, Thunder, Teleportation, and Fight aren't lumped together. So you could take on a skillset of magic (say Black Magic which would give you access to Thunder), and White Magic, or you could do what your companions are doing and go with a "Power of Darkness" ability that bootleg what magic does in evil form. Look at the other sheets here if you want some idea of how the whole 'skillset' abilities thing works, along with the linked wiki pages in the OP..
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