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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

A look at THE WOUND New
Would you like it if we waited till after we've reached Glory to get on with our problems? Because things are being pushed forward as if we have infinite time and control when events trigger.
To be fair, the Winter realization is the only real unknown left with Luna's abilities, so giving her one more turn dedicated to training doesn't seem unreasonable.
You know, the whole bit with DoA showing off how big and bad she is as an eldritch abomination really makes me wonder what Biedde will be like. Because he was mortal once, and unlike Baldomare he didn't become something that was more Light than Flesh. His Eldritch nature is going to be interesting to see, because I do expect it to be a little more In depth than the first thought of "knifey knife mckniferson."

The immortal incarnation of "Old Man in a profession where people die young".

View: https://youtu.be/G3Bgdyd1Omw

Edge is not entirely incompatible with the philosophy of the Sword Logic, which posits that existence is the surest proof, and cessation the surest rebuttal. Therefore, Edge at its foremost edge begins with the statement "I exist, and you shall not, thus what shall be meaningless is meaningless." Basically I would not be surprised at all if fighting Biedde begins with having to stalemate the argument that you are already dead.
I can't tell if this is Velvet or Soft Sweeps speaking. Kinda hoping its the latter cause a Snake and Wolf being bickering siblings sounds funny to me.
Definitely soft Sweeps. Velvet is not a wolf freak to Axe, she's probably just a monster.

Though maybe she's rethothinta... Hopefully...
The thing is doing

View: https://x.com/TGJ975/status/1839835155185160478/photo/1

Also -

Would you like it if we waited till after we've reached Glory to get on with our problems? Because things are being pushed forward as if we have infinite time and control when events trigger.

Depends on how quickly we can reach Glory, but mostly no.

That said, Selene's realizations are STRONG, and having the winter one would make a major difference.

I'd also hope for all 4, but considering that we don't have heart 4 yet and with that we can combine "teach Selene" with "teach silky/soft/storm", maybe we'll delay that a bit, so...

Look, before sending Selene to play therapist, I want to give her what I suspect will be her therapy powers
Look, before sending Selene to play therapist, I want to give her what I suspect will be her therapy powers
Are you sure you aren't thinking that because you want it to be true? Because to me therapy powers isn't going to be it. It's most likely going to be something related to her stint under the Worm because that is the defining moment of her life and related to Winter even more so.
Are you sure you aren't thinking that because you want it to be true? Because to me therapy powers isn't going to be it. It's most likely going to be something related to her stint under the Worm because that is the defining moment of her life and related to Winter even more so.
winter is the lore of death, endings, quiet, mental stability and so on, just from what we've seen on the quest.

It makes sense to me that, just like Knock helps Selene reach other people's dreams, Winter would help making them calm and relaxing ones.

and it's not like it will take long to verify that, AND Twilight very much wanted us out of her life.

IF we're going to ignore that and still try to make her better, we should at least give it our best shot... and ideally bring Cadance in, as she know better than us in what situation she's currently in.
If we send Luna to talk to someone I would like her to try speaking with Copper. Not as Velvet's daughter or confidante which may very well backfire on us. But in her role as Director of Lunar Bureau. First tell Copper that Master is dead, executed for his crimes against Crown. That he confessed instigating the fight between cult members just before his very end. That due to this Mansus was decreed to be off limits for all except for those loyal to the Crown and Copper will die if she tries to go to Mansus. And tell her that some former members of cult already signed to work for the government and it would be wise of her to make the same choice. Or government agents will burst through her doors the moment she wakes up, if she does not give satisfactory answer.
Then of course we will need some carrot to go with stick, so offer her some gov. position if she proves herself. Bureau Director of Foreign Affairs, or perhaps Head of Occult department of Lunar Bureau under direct control of Luna herself. Something that will let her think of herself as formal equal of Velvet instead of underling. It should allow her to try to prove herself as better of the two.

It can even be a conditional action. If she agrees we limit ourself to spending single Luna's action on the whole affair. If not we reserve few Names to immediately send after Copper. Turn after we can approach Windy the same way. Good opportunity to start teaching Luna being a proper cult leader. Spooky dream visits are very important for making correct first impression :V

Assuming of course that we don't have another crisis on our hoofs by then. Or that Copper don't just drop dead and we are forced to deal with fallout.
Hear me out
We try to hunt down Windy before he Windigo-bombs Las Pegasus or something. I know that I've been arguing that there's a chance he isn't doing that sort of thing, but it's something we really need to either confirm or deny. And doing the last two trainings because of course we want Luna to finish her training ASAP, it's the prerequisite for her plans to stop Daybreaker from fully roaring into reality.
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If we send Luna to talk to someone I would like her to try speaking with Copper. Not as Velvet's daughter or confidante which may very well backfire on us. But in her role as Director of Lunar Bureau. First tell Copper that Master is dead, executed for his crimes against Crown. That he confessed instigating the fight between cult members just before his very end. That due to this Mansus was decreed to be off limits for all except for those loyal to the Crown and Copper will die if she tries to go to Mansus. And tell her that some former members of cult already signed to work for the government and it would be wise of her to make the same choice. Or government agents will burst through her doors the moment she wakes up, if she does not give satisfactory answer.
Then of course we will need some carrot to go with stick, so offer her some gov. position if she proves herself. Bureau Director of Foreign Affairs, or perhaps Head of Occult department of Lunar Bureau under direct control of Luna herself. Something that will let her think of herself as formal equal of Velvet instead of underling. It should allow her to try to prove herself as better of the two.

It can even be a conditional action. If she agrees we limit ourself to spending single Luna's action on the whole affair. If not we reserve few Names to immediately send after Copper. Turn after we can approach Windy the same way. Good opportunity to start teaching Luna being a proper cult leader. Spooky dream visits are very important for making correct first impression :V

Assuming of course that we don't have another crisis on our hoofs by then. Or that Copper don't just drop dead and we are forced to deal with fallout.

I kinda like it.

I'd go for something slightly different, making it clear that Selene being willing to give Copper a second chance is ALL that stands between her and THE SUN, and also that as a sign of her willing surrender she'll give up Neighnia's bindings to her.

But yeah, having LUNA take credit for the Mansus destruction, for Copper being hunted in ashen wastes, and come out to reveal that the conflict was incited by the master AND that she already is giving a second chance to Velvet...

It's an intervention.

If this happened at her full training, by the way, she'd also roll +30, AND we could add a grail influence... So another +40.

I like it.

Of course this assumes Luna is WILLING to give Copper this second chance...
Oh helllllllllllll no. Doing the reveal as a way to get the Manehatten Cult to defect to the Lunar Bureau is going to have tongues wag and Luna's return to activity leaked lightning fast. Which is exactly what we don't want when Celestia is currently doing her utmost to not explode. Windy can at least be dismissed as a lone madpony should he blab about Luna popping into his dreams, you can't say the same about a large group of ponies all saying that.

Now if this is after Solar Rehab, then maybe.
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Oh helllllllllllll no. Doing the reveal as a way to get the Manehatten Cult to defect to the Lunar Bureau is going to have tongues wag and Luna's return to activity leaked lightning fast. Which is exactly what we don't want when Celestia is currently doing her utmost to not explode. Windy can at least be dismissed as a lone madpony should he blab about Luna popping into his dreams, you can't say the same about a large group of ponies all saying that.

Now if this is after Solar Rehab, then maybe.
I don't think the idea is to have Copper join the Bureau now.

I think it's more of a "you'll stop doing what you're doing, give us Neighnia, and we'll extend protection on to you from the new threats of the Ashen Wastes, and make sure that Velvet will not continue the occult war your former and now very dead Master instigated. And once I'm back on the throne and my sister has calmed down from all the grief the changelings AND YOUR MASTER caused her, I'll extend a royal pardon to you, and maybe give you a position in the bureau if you proved yourself reliable".

"otherwise you'll never have a restful night ever again, and the Ashes Wastes will hunt you, and I will not stop Velvet, and I'll make sure you are no longer a threat".

basically Stick, more stick, and a promise of a future carrot.
It would be quite the kick in the head, after everything the cult did for Luna to suddenly show up in Copper's dream.

Or better yet at The Crossroads, which would be even worse from Copper's perspective.

Just blunt "hello Copper". From the alicorn they schemed to (accidentally) drive mad who is now right behind her in the Mansus-dream.

But yes, this kind of showmanship must needs wait until things with Celestia are a lot more stable.
Look I really don't want to rely on a plan with that many moving parts and conditionals. Let's just stick to the simple stuff yeah? Scry for info, make a plan and throw Names at the plan. Whether that's Marinette or Biedde+DoA is dependent entirely on what the info is.

If for some god forsaken reason we haven't dealt with Copper and/or Windy by the time we've brought low Daybreaker we can consider this hare brained scheme.
Again, I think you're reaching very hard here because you want it to be true. The Moth power is related to her desire to keep being Selene and the fact she spent almost a year, a very happy and character changing year, as Selene.

The Edge one is a general combat thing like her sister's and so we can take that as more generic or Alicorn related.

The Knock one has been built up for a while as Selene wanting full control of her Doors and dream walking powers, it's a Luna specific thing coloured by Selene's desires.

The way I see the Winter one is that it's going to be either about her personal ability to deal with trauma, like unlocking memories/dealing with distress or about the Worm and Nightmare Moon.

Each of the other realisations have been related to something important to her nature and experiences as Selene, Luna or as an Alicorn not to combo off of the others and I don't know about you but neither Selene nor Luna were psychiatrists and didn't want the job either.

But you're right we'll find out soon.
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Hear me out
We try to hunt down Windy before he Windigo-bombs Las Pegasus or something. I know that I've been arguing that there's a chance he isn't doing that sort of thing, but it's something we really need to either confirm or deny. And doing the last two trainings because of course we want Luna to finish her training ASAP, it's the prerequisite for her plans to stop Daybreaker from fully roaring into reality.

I mean right now Copper can die at any moment and if she had prepared weaponry against us, Windigo's Urns can just be lying in some obscure warehouse in Manehatten. If so we can't tell how soon they will trigger without direct oversight. Or if in the wake of her death her cult develops acute sense of Paranoia and they get released during infighting. With Neighina and functional cult Copper has better odds to successfully summon Mansus spirits than Windy and thus should be priority IMHO.

And of course we should do the last two training, but one of them is free due to Luna's Digilence, so we have one free action from her, hence the whole discussion.

Oh helllllllllllll no. Doing the reveal as a way to get the Manehatten Cult to defect to the Lunar Bureau is going to have tongues wag and Luna's return to activity leaked lightning fast. Which is exactly what we don't want when Celestia is currently doing her utmost to not explode. Windy can at least be dismissed as a lone madpony should he blab about Luna popping into his dreams, you can't say the same about a large group of ponies all saying that.

Now if this is after Solar Rehab, then maybe.
Even if we wanted it for some reason Luna can't appear before each cult pony, we don't have actions for it. :V
If Copper starts to order her ponies on behalf of Luna, and don't keep quiet about it (which we should warn her about of course), then it is just crazy mare that used Luna name to order ponies. Oh look ,she even gathered cult around herself. Totally normal behavior... for crazy cultist lady. And as mentioned in the post above she does not officially joins Bureau until everything settles. We may use her as deniable asset and make her think that she works for Bureau if she is to do any actions for us in the meantime. Or make them part of her proving herself before she can join.
Look I really don't want to rely on a plan with that many moving parts and conditionals. Let's just stick to the simple stuff yeah? Scry for info, make a plan and throw Names at the plan. Whether that's Marinette or Biedde+DoA is dependent entirely on what the info is.

If for some god forsaken reason we haven't dealt with Copper and/or Windy by the time we've brought low Daybreaker we can consider this hare brained scheme.
Contacting Copper does not have any relation to Daybreaker issue. If anything Copper going out with big bang has better odds of attracting Celestia attention than calmly discussing things so we all are on the same board. Or you think that if we fight in the middle of Manehatten with Names on both sides and Windigo and who knows what else,that there would not be a collaterial damage to Manehatten and thus Celestia's ire?
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Again, I think you're reaching very hard here because you want it to be true. The Moth power is related to her desire to keep being Selene and the fact she spent almost a year, a very happy and character changing year, as Selene.

The Edge one is a general combat thing like her sister's and so we can take that as more generic or Alicorn related.

The Knock one has been built up for a while as Selene wanting full control of her Doors and dream walking powers, it's a Luna specific thing coloured by Selene's desires.

The way I see the Winter one is that it's going to be either about her personal ability to deal with trauma, like unlocking memories/dealing with distress or about the Worm and Nightmare Moon.

Each of the other realisations have been related to something important to her nature and experiences as Selene, Luna or as an Alicorn not to combo off of the others and I don't know about you but neither Selene nor Luna were psychiatrists and didn't want the job either.

But you're right we'll find out soon.
Its not a guaranteed/only reasonable thing. But Winter as "therapist" (more fitting wording: helping others with their mental stability) would fit excellently with who she was as Luna. As that was already what she did with her dream entering powers.
And it would fit very well with what is needed.

Now it is a trap to believe that "its plausible and what we want, so it has to be true" but it is a strong possibility. And one that will be confirmed/denied next turn.
...hey I just thought of something we could have Biedde do if we summon him! Windigo bomb defusal :V

Yeah, him and Baldomare to make sure it gets done, if memory serves those things need active maintenance in order to stay sealed. The absolute last thing we need is for one to get hidden somewhere until it goes off.
...hey I just thought of something we could have Biedde do if we summon him! Windigo bomb defusal :V
Would that even be necessary? A Windigo without violent orders is banished... unless there are enough for them to break free of their bindings, okay I got it now better to check everything.

Wait, would an attack against Copper's cult be an expedition or a regular action?
Would that even be necessary? A Windigo without violent orders is banished... unless there are enough for them to break free of their bindings, okay I got it now better to check everything.

Wait, would an attack against Copper's cult be an expedition or a regular action?
I... think it would probably count as "Assault an Opponent"? Since even if it's the cult we're targeting, they'd still be Copper's assets, so to speak. So an expedition with 5 bits/day/person cost and 5 days expected length.
Would that even be necessary? A Windigo without violent orders is banished... unless there are enough for them to break free of their bindings, okay I got it now better to check everything.

It's also mentioned that a critical mass of windigos will break their bonds, and that unbound windigos are harder to rebind than they are to unsummon and replace. I personally suspect that unbound windigos immediately go berserk and automatically give themselves violent orders, and that letting the urns degrade is one of the ways this can happen.
Hmm. That is a question, do we even have the bits to send a Name crew on the hunt? I didn't pay much attention to all the money calculations people were doing.
Depends on how many Names and if Bird is willing to give us the results of the RotTs before Biedde so we can make a more accurate budget and timeline for book acquisition + Frangiclave (@OurLadyOfWires pretty please?). But we did have enough probable give in the budget to summon Biedde and a MitL (55 bits), so sending a two-Name squad (50 bits) certainly isn't out of the question.
Depends on how many Names and if Bird is willing to give us the results of the RotTs before Biedde so we can make a more accurate budget and timeline for book acquisition + Frangiclave (@OurLadyOfWires pretty please?). But we did have enough probable give in the budget to summon Biedde and a MitL (55 bits), so sending a two-Name squad (50 bits) certainly isn't out of the question.
Unfortunately, Biedde summoning will be after this next update (which I hope will be up today). And voting for his action will happen then, should you succeed at summoning him.

Try as I might to optimize turn actions, I still have to follow certain things.

Back to writing.

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