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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2

D20: 18

The Heavy was knocked back, the wind knocked out of him as he was blasted off his feet and into another set of Mercenaries. Roxanne emerged and took hold of Dipper's hand.

"All right, time to end this! Come on Dipper: Let it loose!" She encouraged. "LIMIT!"

Staff and Keyblade were raised up, then slammed back down, a veritable garden of wildly flowering plants blooming at their feet and spreading throughout the battlefield.

ALLIES all gain: ESUNA, REGEN, and Bravery!

And in the same spell thorns and brambles clutch at Merc feet, blooms of wafting pollen finding their way into sinuses, down throats with ecery breath, and making eyes water.

ENEMIES gain: Movement impairment, Blind, Silence!
D20: 12

"I... I WANT TO KILL ALL YOU LOSERS! YOU ALL SUCK!" The Scout bellowed, as he began swinging at his teammates. Mr. Incredible and Elasti-Girl again struck, slowing all the mercs down.
Taking a calming breath, Paul charged up another card. This time with the charm effect, and threw it at one of the medics. Attempting to at least minimize the healing on the enemy's side for a time.
Staff and Keyblade were raised up, then slammed back down, a veritable garden of wildly flowering plants blooming at their feet and spreading throughout the battlefield.

ALLIES all gain: ESUNA, REGEN, and Bravery!

And in the same spell thorns and brambles clutch at Merc feet, blooms of wafting pollen finding their way into sinuses, down throats with ecery breath, and making eyes water.

ENEMIES gain: Movement impairment, Blind, Silence!

1D20 => 19

Everyone was restored to full strength, or close to it! And everyone was strong!
"We end this now!" Konstantin said, as he swung at Heavy's skull once again, channeling holy lightning though the hammer!

1D20 => 11

The Heavy took the blow with his arm minimizing it, keeping him standing through he was hit hard. He staggered back, grinning.

"Hahaha... That best you got?!"

"THIS! IS! STUPID!" Elasti-Girl bellowed. "What are we fighting for?!" She glared at the mercs. "You won't get paid if you fight us!"

"No, but it'll make us feel better!" A Scout shouted. Elasti-Girl threw a punch at him.

1D20 => 12

The blow connected and knocked a tooth out. "OW! You stupid bit-"

"Watch your mouth, young man!" She shouted.

"Yes ma'am," the scout returned.

Roxanne sighed. "Look... Maybe if you help us capture Syndrome... You can all get paid, right? A big reward?"

The Mercs looked thoughtful.
1D20 => 11

The Heavy took the blow with his arm minimizing it, keeping him standing through he was hit hard. He staggered back, grinning.

"Hahaha... That best you got?!"

"THIS! IS! STUPID!" Elasti-Girl bellowed. "What are we fighting for?!" She glared at the mercs. "You won't get paid if you fight us!"

"No, but it'll make us feel better!" A Scout shouted. Elasti-Girl threw a punch at him.

1D20 => 12

The blow connected and knocked a tooth out. "OW! You stupid bit-"

"Watch your mouth, young man!" She shouted.

"Yes ma'am," the scout returned.

Roxanne sighed. "Look... Maybe if you help us capture Syndrome... You can all get paid, right? A big reward?"

The Mercs looked thoughtful.
"If it helps, I can literally provide some of that payment in gold, silver, platinum, gems or doubloons." Paul offered, trying to sweeten the deal a bit.
"A man like him likely has a very big price on his head, especially for what he's done." Konstantin adds. "Very big.
"Oh yeah, attacking government agents, attempting kidnapping and harming of minors. Domestic terrorism. Likely corporate espionage and tax evasion. Wouldn't surprise me if there was a dead or alive reward for him at some point considering what he's done. And that's not even including the existential threat." Paul pointed out, trying to add on to things.
"If it helps, I can literally provide some of that payment in gold, silver, platinum, gems or doubloons." Paul offered, trying to sweeten the deal a bit.

Dipper almost outright asked if there were really Doubloons and how period accurate they were before he shut his mouth because that would not help trying to bribe the mercs.

He'd just have to ask to see them later.

"But if you helped catch him, especially with any evidence lingering around here of what he had going on and was making you do? Probably be some hefty reparations in that."
dwennon, Valiant Zaravan

1D20 => 20

"... All right," The Engineers said. "Aw reckon that's fair."

"Definitely," said the Scout. He grinned at Roxanne. "So uh, can I get a da-?"

"A gold coin to the first man to shut him up," Roxanne commented.

There was a dogpile, as Mr. Incredible and Elasti-Girl laughed.
"Just cause I can be generous, everyone in that dogpile than the one being dogpilled gets a gold coin. Either in plain old gold or doubloon gold." Paul offered, getting tired of the scout too.
dwennon, Valiant Zaravan

1D20 => 20

"... All right," The Engineers said. "Aw reckon that's fair."

"Definitely," said the Scout. He grinned at Roxanne. "So uh, can I get a da-?"

"A gold coin to the first man to shut him up," Roxanne commented.

There was a dogpile, as Mr. Incredible and Elasti-Girl laughed.

Dipper let his Keyblade lower, but he didn't dismiss it yet.

"...He is not allowed to meet Mable."
Freezing, Konstantin quickly turned and realized that the entire time, the Medic had still been burning on his pyre.


Giving the Pyre a smack, he destroyed it, the fires and wood disintegrating and dislodging an extra crispy Medic.
Freezing, Konstantin quickly turned and realized that the entire time, the Medic had still been burning on his pyre.


Giving the Pyre a smack, he destroyed it, the fires and wood disintegrating and dislodging an extra crispy Medic.

"Vas... Very interesting... An experience," the medic coughed, falling onto his face.
"I can feel the sin in your soul from here. Be glad I didn't leave you tied to the Pyre."

"Oh? You can? How?" The Medic asked, adjusting his glasses. "Zat sounds very inter-Mmph!"

"I think you should be less suicidal, Doktor," the Heavy stated, covering the Medic's mouth.

"Physician, heal thyself," Mr. Incredible said dryly.
"I can feel the sin in your soul from here. Be glad I didn't leave you tied to the Pyre."
"Oh? You can? How?" The Medic asked, adjusting his glasses. "Zat sounds very inter-Mmph!"

"I think you should be less suicidal, Doktor," the Heavy stated, covering the Medic's mouth.

"Physician, heal thyself," Mr. Incredible said dryly.
"I mean, I can do that. But I'm not a physician, and am magic." Paul said, only barely keeping track of what was going on there.

Gosalyn crept through one of the facilities, the place was largely well lit, but with a space here and there one could hide out in if needed, not that she'd needed it so far. The 'staff' if they could be called that were… distracted, hopefully just continuing to fight each other from what she'd seen.

Still though as she'd ventured deeper into the little complex she'd found a discrepancy, this facility was largely staffed by men, so the presence of a female lilt further in had piqued her interest.

Coming up to a doorway, she risked a sideways glance inside for a heartbeat, then slipped in when the brunette woman was turned away from the door, with a very familiar voice.

"-ay harder, with the little bunscout along… But kinda worth it, think if I had a choice, I'd have grabbed him too intentionally. No home cooked meals kind of wear you down after a while. Still though, as long as I keep him out of anything questionable… He's really too trusting..."

This… was Mabel, sweet kooky Mabel? How long had this been brewing?! Oh Hell she'd tossed Henry at this-

"You're such a good listener Waddles, I can trust you with anything."

Wait Waddles was here?- Instead of the normal grunts and oinks there was a far deeper whuff of air and a grunt from something that sounded large that she didn't look over the crate to see. That sounded closer than she'd like.
Going to add this before I pass out:

It had been three days since Paul had departed Atlantis, and frankly, David Xanatos was beginning to grow concerned. Paul hadn't reported in at all, and the readings indicated the Joyeuse had wandered into a new, unknown world, completely off the map. With the Camelot Voyager still on a mission to rescue a probe ship that had emerged from a white hole, he only had one candidate to track them down. "Owen, get me J. Gander Hooter." In a few seconds, the cross-world telecom system activated, the screen switching from a standby image, to that of an aged goose with glasses in a red suit. "Ah, David. What can I assist you with?" "I need Agent Mantlovich. Is he occupied at the moment?" Xanatos inquired. "No, actually. He just wrapped up his tactical analysis of Planet Z." Gander responded, holding up a thick file. "I need him on an assignment."

Just about an hour later, Xanatos waited on his rooftop helipad, reading a magazine to pass the time (Fox and Alexander were out with his father, Fox liked going fishing to decompress). He then heard the sound of jet engines. What looked like a giant metallic condor appeared, the portals that marked inter-reality travel flickering away around it. The craft lowered a pair of legs with large talons as it hovered over the pad, and slowly set down, the talons opening and spreading into landing struts. The beak beneath the cockpit opened, and a brown-haired man clad in one of Xanatos' own inventions, a condor-themed stealthsuit, debarked. "Mr. Xanatos, good to see you again. What's my assignment?"

"You're going to find the Joyeuse. It was last seen taking off from Atlantis three days ago, and we're not sure where it went. Several agents and a Keyblade wielder were aboard the ship. Our current theory is that they've wandered into another world that isn't charted yet. I want you to find them and mark their reality on the Master Map and collect information about the inhabitants. Make sure we know what we're dealing with." Xanatos summarized. "I have several scanning devices for the Condorjet that will be crucial to your mission, technicians are standing by to install them."

Condorman-- or rather, the second Condorman after his father, lowered his goggles, before grinning. "Don't worry, Mr. Xanatos. I'll find them faster than you can say 'Gosalyn's out of arrows'." "She's one of the personnel assigned to this mission." Condorman's face fell. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know." His face then steeled itself into a face of resolve. "I'll find them."
dwennon Valiant Zaravan

"So, if we could find Syndrome, where might he be in this facility?" Roxanne asked politely. The Engineer shrugged.

"Probably the main control room. Of which there are two in this here facility," he said.

"Lots of laser cannons around the entrances," the Blue Scout said. "Burn a lot."

"So which one would he be in?" Roxanne asked. Mr. Incredible shook his head.

"We'll take them both. Dipper, you, Paul, Konstantin and Roxanne handle this side. We'll handle the other!"

"I'll be happy to help you handle anything else," the Red Scout said with a grin, sidling up to Roxanne. She sighed.

dwennon Valiant Zaravan

"So, if we could find Syndrome, where might he be in this facility?" Roxanne asked politely. The Engineer shrugged.

"Probably the main control room. Of which there are two in this here facility," he said.

"Lots of laser cannons around the entrances," the Blue Scout said. "Burn a lot."

"So which one would he be in?" Roxanne asked. Mr. Incredible shook his head.

"We'll take them both. Dipper, you, Paul, Konstantin and Roxanne handle this side. We'll handle the other!"

"I'll be happy to help you handle anything else," the Red Scout said with a grin, sidling up to Roxanne. She sighed.


Konstantin, who quickly got in between Roxanne and Red Scout, using his towering height to... Dissuade the Bostonian, looked to Dipper. "Alright Dipper. Just lead the way and we'll be right behind you. I'll be sure to keep everyone safe."
Konstantin, who quickly got in between Roxanne and Red Scout, using his towering height to... Dissuade the Bostonian, looked to Dipper. "Alright Dipper. Just lead the way and we'll be right behind you. I'll be sure to keep everyone safe."

Red Scout winced. "Uh, dude, can you stop cockblocking me?"

"I'm taken," Roxanne stated, her eyebrow twitching slightly. "Like I said before."
Konstantin simply responded by smashing his warhammer into the Red Scout's crotch.


"... M-MEDIC!" The Red Scout squeaked, falling over and covering his crotch. Medic sighed, and fired his medical gun at the writhing young man.

"Thank you," Roxanne said, with a wince. "A little excessive, don't you think?"
"... M-MEDIC!" The Red Scout squeaked, falling over and covering his crotch. Medic sighed, and fired his medical gun at the writhing young man.

"Thank you," Roxanne said, with a wince. "A little excessive, don't you think?"

"Considering you are engaged... No." He says simply.
Paul just didn't have much to say at that little...tiff. Just sighed, and got ready to do what he needed to do.
Paul just didn't have much to say at that little...tiff. Just sighed, and got ready to do what he needed to do.

Down they went into the administrative area, where there were offices and locker rooms. The Red team followed, all looking around carefully.

"Usually, this is where the flamethrowers start," the Red Scout said.

"Well I'm glad they aren't starting now," Roxanne observed.

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