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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2

Down they went into the administrative area, where there were offices and locker rooms. The Red team followed, all looking around carefully.

"Usually, this is where the flamethrowers start," the Red Scout said.

"Well I'm glad they aren't starting now," Roxanne observed.
"Let's just hope the other shoe doesn't drop until we're long gone." Paul muttered to himself, feeling just a touch of paranoia at the situation.
Down they went into the administrative area, where there were offices and locker rooms. The Red team followed, all looking around carefully.

"Usually, this is where the flamethrowers start," the Red Scout said.

"Well I'm glad they aren't starting now," Roxanne observed.

Dipper's gaze trailed over the hallway, looking for indentations where these flamethrowers and laser cannons could pop out.
"So, dose he turn them on when he's not in... or is this where Gosalyn went?"
Dipper's gaze trailed over the hallway, looking for indentations where these flamethrowers and laser cannons could pop out.
"So, dose he turn them on when he's not in... or is this where Gosalyn went?"

And several flamethrowers and laser turrets emerged and opened fire.

"YOU JINXED US!" The sniper shouted.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" The Scout bellowed.
And several flamethrowers and laser turrets emerged and opened fire.

"YOU JINXED US!" The sniper shouted.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" The Scout bellowed.

Hissing, Konstantin immediately brought up his shield to cover everyone (except the Reds). "Damn! How do we shut those accursed machines off?" He grunted as he felt his massive Shield begin to heat up from the flames and lasers.
And several flamethrowers and laser turrets emerged and opened fire.

"YOU JINXED US!" The sniper shouted.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" The Scout bellowed.
Hissing, Konstantin immediately brought up his shield to cover everyone (except the Reds). "Damn! How do we shut those accursed machines off?" He grunted as he felt his massive Shield begin to heat up from the flames and lasers.
"And there it is." Paul muttered to himself with a sigh. Taking a card out, he tried charging it with electricity. And threw it at one of the turrets, figuring that he could at least try to stun one of the things with a blast of electricity...or short out for a good long while if he was lucky.
And several flamethrowers and laser turrets emerged and opened fire.

"YOU JINXED US!" The sniper shouted.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" The Scout bellowed.
Hissing, Konstantin immediately brought up his shield to cover everyone (except the Reds). "Damn! How do we shut those accursed machines off?" He grunted as he felt his massive Shield begin to heat up from the flames and lasers.

"Well! There's always the direct way since the controls are probably past them and we don't know if they run off local power or their own grid."

Dipper peeked his keyblade around the shield, "Fire!" And sent a small barrage of fire balls at the laser turrets. Maybe he'd deform the focusing lens, maybe they'd just blow up either way it was better than doing nothing.
Konstantin also summoned the occasional bolt of Holy Lightning to strike the turrets, though he had to focus more on defending the others.
"And there it is." Paul muttered to himself with a sigh. Taking a card out, he tried charging it with electricity. And threw it at one of the turrets, figuring that he could at least try to stun one of the things with a blast of electricity...or short out for a good long while if he was lucky.

D20: 20

The turret exploded into shards, destroying another adjacent turret and damaging yet another! It allowed the mercs to direct their fire from behind cover.

"Well! There's always the direct way since the controls are probably past them and we don't know if they run off local power or their own grid."

Dipper peeked his keyblade around the shield, "Fire!" And sent a small barrage of fire balls at the laser turrets. Maybe he'd deform the focusing lens, maybe they'd just blow up either way it was better than doing nothing.

D20: 18

The fireballs blew up the laser turret, shattering the entire construct.

Konstantin also summoned the occasional bolt of Holy Lightning to strike the turrets, though he had to focus more on defending the others.

D20: 16

Yet another turret fell, and two others nearby were damaged. This allowed the Mercs the clear line of fire needed to eiminate the rest in short order.

"Your unholy communist weapons seem to be powerful... Too powerful to be communistic! You must be true red blooded Americans, soldiers!" The Solder proclaimed.
D20: 16

Yet another turret fell, and two others nearby were damaged. This allowed the Mercs the clear line of fire needed to eiminate the rest in short order.

"Your unholy communist weapons seem to be powerful... Too powerful to be communistic! You must be true red blooded Americans, soldiers!" The Solder proclaimed.

"...I hail from the land of Prydain." Konstantin replied flatly as he slowly lowered the shield and began moving forward, his grip tightening on his hammer as he readied himself for another possible ambush.
"Your unholy communist weapons seem to be powerful... Too powerful to be communistic! You must be true red blooded Americans, soldiers!" The Solder proclaimed.
"I'm literally an American Privateer. Writ of Marquee and all from the government." Paul just says at that, not mentioning some of the others who signed off on it.
"I'm literally an American Privateer. Writ of Marquee and all from the government." Paul just says at that, not mentioning some of the others who signed off on it.

"Oh! Then... You're an American pirate! Great to meet you, soldier!" The Soldier said cheerfully, taking his hand and shaking it.

Dipper shook his head. "Is this entire team just made up of stereotypes?"

"Not know what you mean, Little Key Boy," the Heavy stated gravely. "Am Russian. Very large, stoic, heavy weapons, and from Siberia. What stereotypical about that?"

"Uhhhh," Dipper tried. He shook his head. "Anyway! Doors up ahead!"

Indeed, there were doors up ahead. And a suspicious lack of defenses. The Spy shook his head.

"Seems too easy."

"So, should we keep going?" Dipper asked. "Just charge in?"
"Oh! Then... You're an American pirate! Great to meet you, soldier!" The Soldier said cheerfully, taking his hand and shaking it.

Dipper shook his head. "Is this entire team just made up of stereotypes?"

"Not know what you mean, Little Key Boy," the Heavy stated gravely. "Am Russian. Very large, stoic, heavy weapons, and from Siberia. What stereotypical about that?"

"Uhhhh," Dipper tried. He shook his head. "Anyway! Doors up ahead!"

Indeed, there were doors up ahead. And a suspicious lack of defenses. The Spy shook his head.

"Seems too easy."

"So, should we keep going?" Dipper asked. "Just charge in?"

"...I will go first." Konstantin volunteered, slowly moving forward with his shield raised. "Be ready. I suspect there are more traps than we saw."
"Oh! Then... You're an American pirate! Great to meet you, soldier!" The Soldier said cheerfully, taking his hand and shaking it.
Paul just takes the hand shake and goes along with it.
Dipper shook his head. "Is this entire team just made up of stereotypes?"

"Not know what you mean, Little Key Boy," the Heavy stated gravely. "Am Russian. Very large, stoic, heavy weapons, and from Siberia. What stereotypical about that?"
"I had a friend whose dad was in the special forces, he met a lot people with a similar set up to you...though not necessarily with the same sort of heavy weapon...though suposedly one of them used a portable laser 'cannon' which I was pretty skeptical of that story." Paul said with a shrug at that.
"Uhhhh," Dipper tried. He shook his head. "Anyway! Doors up ahead!"

Indeed, there were doors up ahead. And a suspicious lack of defenses. The Spy shook his head.

"Seems too easy."

"So, should we keep going?" Dipper asked.
"Well, it'll probably be better to keep moving than waiting for whatever horrible thing is likely to attack us with...I want to say nightmare plasma, which is like regular plasma but worse." Paul said, looking around. "Besides, chances are if we don't keep moving then something'll probably happen here."
"...I will go first." Konstantin volunteered, slowly moving forward with his shield raised. "Be ready. I suspect there are more traps than we saw."
"Right right." Paul said, readying a gun and preparing to cast some magic.
"...I will go first." Konstantin volunteered, slowly moving forward with his shield raised. "Be ready. I suspect there are more traps than we saw."

There wasn't anything. Roxanne cast a defense spell, raising everyone's defense stats.

Paul just takes the hand shake and goes along with it.

"I had a friend whose dad was in the special forces, he met a lot people with a similar set up to you...though not necessarily with the same sort of heavy weapon...though suposedly one of them used a portable laser 'cannon' which I was pretty skeptical of that story." Paul said with a shrug at that.

"Well, it'll probably be better to keep moving than waiting for whatever horrible thing is likely to attack us with...I want to say nightmare plasma, which is like regular plasma but worse." Paul said, looking around. "Besides, chances are if we don't keep moving then something'll probably happen here."

"Right right." Paul said, readying a gun and preparing to cast some magic.

They entered the room: It was a huge facility, filled with the humming of computers and a view of a large manufacturing facility beyond. Standing in front of them was Syndrome, keeping his arms crossed.

"Well, well, well... You found me. What's your prize?" He turned and grinned back at them.
There wasn't anything. Roxanne cast a defense spell, raising everyone's defense stats.

They entered the room: It was a huge facility, filled with the humming of computers and a view of a large manufacturing facility beyond. Standing in front of them was Syndrome, keeping his arms crossed.

"Well, well, well... You found me. What's your prize?" He turned and grinned back at them.
"A sad attempt for a boss battle form a guy who looks like a red headed stepchild who grew up to be a bitch?" Paul asked right as he got a few snapshots off with his gun.
"A sad attempt for a boss battle form a guy who looks like a red headed stepchild who grew up to be a bitch?" Paul asked right as he got a few snapshots off with his gun.

D20: 5

The shots bounced off Syndrome's Zero Point Energy Field.

"You think that's going to really stop me?" He taunted. "Where's Mr. Incredible and his wife?" Syndrome chuckled. "Oh right, they ended up in the trap on the other side of the mine."

"You trapped them?" Dipper demanded. Syndrome rolled his eyes.

"Of course I trapped them! I want them, not you Johnnies come Lately! But if you're determined to interfere in my affairs, I suppose I'll just have to take care of you." He flew off into the air, using his rocket boots. "Now, I'll leave you in the capable hands of my administrator."

A nasty looking woman appeared on a viewscreen. "Mercenaries! Destroy them in 60 seconds or else!"

"Heavy is not interested in this," Heavy stated. "These men and dog girl are good."

"Your pay will be doubled," the admin stated. The Scout grinned.

"Oh boy! That sounds great! And I... Uh..." At the glares of his fellow mercs, he shrugged. "I... Absolutely won't do that! Even for all that money!"

The Administrator sniffed. "Fine. Robots are cheaper anyway."

Syndrome flew upwards into a hole in the ceiling... And through it dropped robots. Dozens of them, made to resemble the Mercs.
D20: 5

The shots bounced off Syndrome's Zero Point Energy Field.

"You think that's going to really stop me?" He taunted. "Where's Mr. Incredible and his wife?" Syndrome chuckled. "Oh right, they ended up in the trap on the other side of the mine."

"You trapped them?" Dipper demanded. Syndrome rolled his eyes.

"Of course I trapped them! I want them, not you Johnnies come Lately! But if you're determined to interfere in my affairs, I suppose I'll just have to take care of you." He flew off into the air, using his rocket boots. "Now, I'll leave you in the capable hands of my administrator."

A nasty looking woman appeared on a viewscreen. "Mercenaries! Destroy them in 60 seconds or else!"

"Heavy is not interested in this," Heavy stated. "These men and dog girl are good."

"Your pay will be doubled," the admin stated. The Scout grinned.

"Oh boy! That sounds great! And I... Uh..." At the glares of his fellow mercs, he shrugged. "I... Absolutely won't do that! Even for all that money!"

The Administrator sniffed. "Fine. Robots are cheaper anyway."

Syndrome flew upwards into a hole in the ceiling... And through it dropped robots. Dozens of them, made to resemble the Mercs.
"...I wonder what it says that this isn't the first or even third time I've had a similar situation to this happen to me...even worse it's not even as creative as the other times." Paul said with a deadpan tone. Launching a blast of lightning magic out to hit either Syndrome or the robo mercs.
"...I wonder what it says that this isn't the first or even third time I've had a similar situation to this happen to me...even worse it's not even as creative as the other times." Paul said with a deadpan tone. Launching a blast of lightning magic out to hit either Syndrome or the robo mercs.

D20: 10

The blast struck a Mecha-Scout, and sent it tumbling into a Mecha-Soldier. A Mecha-Heavy opened up with its gatling gun, forcing everyone to dodge.
D20: 5

The shots bounced off Syndrome's Zero Point Energy Field.

"You think that's going to really stop me?" He taunted. "Where's Mr. Incredible and his wife?" Syndrome chuckled. "Oh right, they ended up in the trap on the other side of the mine."

"You trapped them?" Dipper demanded. Syndrome rolled his eyes.

"Of course I trapped them! I want them, not you Johnnies come Lately! But if you're determined to interfere in my affairs, I suppose I'll just have to take care of you." He flew off into the air, using his rocket boots. "Now, I'll leave you in the capable hands of my administrator."

A nasty looking woman appeared on a viewscreen. "Mercenaries! Destroy them in 60 seconds or else!"

"Heavy is not interested in this," Heavy stated. "These men and dog girl are good."

"Your pay will be doubled," the admin stated. The Scout grinned.

"Oh boy! That sounds great! And I... Uh..." At the glares of his fellow mercs, he shrugged. "I... Absolutely won't do that! Even for all that money!"

The Administrator sniffed. "Fine. Robots are cheaper anyway."

Syndrome flew upwards into a hole in the ceiling... And through it dropped robots. Dozens of them, made to resemble the Mercs.

"...Hmph. Soulless mechanical effigies will not stop our progress." He assured the others. "We must be quick in destroying these things, so we may move on to delivering Sanctification upon Syndrome."

Turning back to the robots, Konstantin charged, swinging his lightning infused hammer at the nearest foe.
D20: 10

The blast struck a Mecha-Scout, and sent it tumbling into a Mecha-Soldier. A Mecha-Heavy opened up with its gatling gun, forcing everyone to dodge.
"...Hmph. Soulless mechanical effigies will not stop our progress." He assured the others. "We must be quick in destroying these things, so we may move on to delivering Sanctification upon Syndrome."

Turning back to the robots, Konstantin charged, swinging his lightning infused hammer at the nearest foe.
"I'd offer to try casting one of my really wise ranging spells...but right now I can only handle about one a day." Paul said, letting loose another blast of lightning alongside a lightning shot with his gun at the robots and Syndrome.
"...Hmph. Soulless mechanical effigies will not stop our progress." He assured the others. "We must be quick in destroying these things, so we may move on to delivering Sanctification upon Syndrome."

Turning back to the robots, Konstantin charged, swinging his lightning infused hammer at the nearest foe.

D20: 4

The hammer swing missed entirely, as the robot dodged the strike.

"I'd offer to try casting one of my really wise ranging spells...but right now I can only handle about one a day." Paul said, letting loose another blast of lightning alongside a lightning shot with his gun at the robots and Syndrome.

D20: 16

This time the shot connected with a robot, blowing it to smithereens in a massive blast!

Dipper jumped up high, and brought the Keyblade down on the nearest robot Heavy!

D20: 16

And sliced right through the robot, its two halves falling and slamming onto nearby robots!
D20: 4

The hammer swing missed entirely, as the robot dodged the strike.

Grimacing, he decided to focus on the Medic Robots, knowing that those were priority targets that could make their lives much harder. Raising his hammer, he cast a storm of Holy Bolts to smite them.
Charging up more attacks, Paul let loose another set of lightning magic and lightning charged bullets.

D20: 17

Another three robots fell to the shots, as the Mercs began to open fire and drive the robots back. The robots themselves returned their fire, even as Syndrome kept flying away.

"He's getting away!" Dipper shouted. "Come on! We need to get after him!"
Grimacing, he decided to focus on the Medic Robots, knowing that those were priority targets that could make their lives much harder. Raising his hammer, he cast a storm of Holy Bolts to smite them.

D20: 14

Two Medic robots were hit, shaking and clattering back! A third fired back needles!
D20: 17

Another three robots fell to the shots, as the Mercs began to open fire and drive the robots back. The robots themselves returned their fire, even as Syndrome kept flying away.

"He's getting away!" Dipper shouted. "Come on! We need to get after him!"
Seeing this, Paul sighed. Putting his gun away, and charging up a spell with both hands. Casting a thing he'd been working on but hadn't quite perfected yet. Thrusting his hands down, he tried to use bounce. Just hoping it wouldn't fizzle out on him or cause some horrible trouble for him.
Seeing this, Paul sighed. Putting his gun away, and charging up a spell with both hands. Casting a thing he'd been working on but hadn't quite perfected yet. Thrusting his hands down, he tried to use bounce. Just hoping it wouldn't fizzle out on him or cause some horrible trouble for him.

D20: 6

The Bounce spell is cast... But does little. Roxanne fired a lightning blast up at Syndrome!

D20: 8

Which Syndrome redirected, snorting contemptuously.

"You really think you can do anything to me?" He demanded.

Dipper tried to Double Jump after him, and grabbed onto one of Syndrome's legs. He gasped.

"HEY! Get off me, you freak!"
D20: 14

Two Medic robots were hit, shaking and clattering back! A third fired back needles!

Realizing that even now, they had no time to deal with the mechanical mercenaries, Konstantin charged forward, using all his 7+ foot height and weight of all his armor and shield to battering ram his way through the enemy!

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