Bristol 1.4
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Bristol 1.4
Hanse 'the Fox' Davion had brought his BattleMaster purely on convention. He was an officer, and a gentleman of the AFFS even if he was not presently serving in a line unit. His BattleMaster out massed the smaller BattleMech in the way that Assault Mechs tended to do with regards to Heavy BattleMechs. Clay's Rabid Fox was a pristine machine, one that could have come off a Star League Factory line only years before. It was even in the dark green and khaki colors of the SLDF of old.Its presence in the Mech bay was also pro forma.
As heir to the Federated Suns, as Ian's heir, he was travelling with protection, and likewise as the incoming duke clay had brought with him further reinforcements. Clay had made clear to the planetary militia that they could expected an influx of funding and equipment to bring the force up to defensive strength, which of course Hanse had expected.
The problem so far as he could determine was the sudden legal challenge. Which was part of the reason he was here. Sakhara as an economic center had rapidly developed, and he wanted to see if the same could be done here on Bristol in part because Sakhara was such a contrast to how matters on Robinson were developing.
At its core though, it was fusion engine production. It had been what Clay had emphasized on Sakhara and form the sound of it it was Fusion engine production here which would take shape... also apparently it would be emphasized on New Avalon, but with the acquisition of Pratt &Whitney it was more that the capitals factories would be production of machinery and tooling that would be sold out to other suppliers and manufacturers.
Clay moved back into line of sight as he moved away from lighter seventy tonner that was his BattleMech. "I have questions," Hanse remarked.
"Yes," the young duke replied slowly.
"Sakhara has a great deal of infrastructure now," That was probably understatement... and for exactly that reason Ian was right to push Henry towards reinforcing the defenses there. Was it Hesperus no, of course not, Hesperus had been was a reminder of the greatest of the Star League, "There are a multitude of engines being produced there."
Henry nodded to the statement... and Hanse well... "Yes I think honestly Sakhara has probably put a few too many eggs in the basket so to speak," Robinson could produce the 200 series Nissan. They were going to need a lot of those. "Sakhara manufacturers honestly perhaps too many engines given its size, and protection." It didn't matter that in the 3rd Succession war a Battalion was a pretty serious raiding force against anything other than massively hardened targets... the Combine had reason to throw more than that at Sakhara if an attack came... which was why he wasn't advertised what really defended the factories in detail.
... but the truth was he had enough to prompt an attack, and putting more there was asking for trouble. Hanse merely nodded, "My understanding my read on the situation was that the original plan was to emphasize production foremost I assume the production of the centurion."
"And its nissan 200 engine. The plan was to manufacture it on Sakhara, and Robinson in the Draconis March, and also to also expand production of the engine with new factories on New Avalon with all three worlds producing Centurions for AFFS units." He replied... and that had been his initial plan... and it wasn't New Valencia's Blackwell corporations fault. OmniVehicles and the Marauder II had nothing to do with it. There was already chatter that that had driven Sakhara to push for unveiling of a resurgence in new designs... that had probably begun as propaganda an idea disseminated by House Davion or the unofficial portions of the propaganda elements of government but it had taken on a life of its own.
"Instead we're now looking at many, many more new designs."
"Sakhara does produce a lot of engines now, and will produce those designs. "Which was he assumed the question Hanse was really asking... Ian probably academically appreciated the idea behind the original Centurion project, but it lacked a certain spark of emotional, gripping display to sell to the public, the thing that showed the vitality of the Federated Suns. "That includes limited numbers of assault mechs,"
Hanse shifted. "Production volume?"
"Perhaps one or two a month of each for a period of the next few years, On Sakhara,"He stated, "Other resources will go towards New Avalon, production of the Sentry on Robinson... maybe eventual production of 240 engines for Rifleman mechs on Robinson in a few years depending on talks with Kallon." Still it was a lot. He really recognized that now. Never mind the Star Lord JumpShips... once those started coming on line. "New Avalon, we will expand the 160 Engines as well... there are things for that... but we need to diversify production sites. We also need to not commit to building new engine lines for other weights for the time being," He added the last more as an after thought.
The Fox of House Davion shifted, "Conventional wisdom would say its easier to defend one location."
Never mind eating nukes, "Not when you're going to have to ship things across and out known space. The circuits will help, Kathil will help but only so much. We're going to be luck if that's maybe five, if we're real lucky ten JumpShips coming online by 3020 depending on what all is needed to do at the McKenna yards." and he regretted immediately the more optimistic figure for the McKenna yards without yet having seen them yet, "But we have to be able to get to transfer all that metal to units on the front. Thats why there are so many designs revolving around the 200 and 240 engines... but I also recognize that there is an interest in the 320 designs, and just heavier machines in general."
There was the davion interest, preference for auto cannons too. There was so much at market, or items that needed to be looked at and shipped out. The plan had always probably been... there had been talk for months maybe years now after Michael Hasek had by tradition stepped back from his federal position to take up his hereditary dukedom. Hanse knew that after the victories against the Combine that Ian had had ambitions for more trade with the Lyran Commonwealth. Moves to strengthen relations between the two. "My brother is discussing who to appoint as minister of trade," He remarked pausing carefully, "and when that decision is made you'll be consulted regarding those yards," Kathil, "but we can expect ripples of course. BattleMech production will receive the lion's share of attention, we have more manufacturers we can involve in diversifying production for them, and for combat vehicles. Flying machines I'm afraid places you in an even more select company there is only so much aid that can be made available." Hanse replied with a wry smile, "But Ian has confidence in your demonstrated abilities."
Notes: Will do that Engine production, and later mech production, and armor hopefully this week I meant to do it last week, but shit insists oncoming up.
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