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One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

Bristol 1.4 New
Bristol 1.4
Hanse 'the Fox' Davion had brought his BattleMaster purely on convention. He was an officer, and a gentleman of the AFFS even if he was not presently serving in a line unit. His BattleMaster out massed the smaller BattleMech in the way that Assault Mechs tended to do with regards to Heavy BattleMechs. Clay's Rabid Fox was a pristine machine, one that could have come off a Star League Factory line only years before. It was even in the dark green and khaki colors of the SLDF of old.

Its presence in the Mech bay was also pro forma.

As heir to the Federated Suns, Ian was travelling with protection, and likewise as the incoming duke clay had brought with him further reinforcements. Clay had made clear to the planetary militia that they could expected an influx of funding and equipment to bring the force up to defensive strength, which of course Hanse had expected.

The problem so far as he could determine was the sudden legal challenge. Which was part of the reason he was here. Sakhara as an economic center had rapidly developed, and he wanted to see if the same could be done here on Bristol in part because Sakhara was such a contrast to how matters on Robinson were developing.

At its core though, it was fusion engine production. It had been what Clay had emphasized on Sakhara and form the sound of it it was Fusion engine production here which would take shape... also apparently it would be emphasized on New Avalon, but with the acquisition of Pratt &Whitney it was more that the capitals factories would be production of machinery and tooling that would be sold out to other suppliers and manufacturers.

Clay moved back into line of sight as he moved away from lighter seventy tonner that was his BattleMech. "I have questions," Hanse remarked.

"Yes," the young duke replied slowly.

"Sakhara has a great deal of infrastructure now," That was probably understatement... and for exactly that reason Ian was right to push Henry towards reinforcing the defenses there. Was it Hesperus no, of course not, Hesperus had been was a reminder of the greatest of the Star League, "There are a multitude of engines being produced there."

Henry nodded to the statement... and Hanse well... "Yes I think honestly Sakhara has probably put a few too many eggs in the basket so to speak," Robinson could produce the 200 series Nissan. They were going to need a lot of those. "Sakhara manufacturers honestly perhaps too many engines given its size, and protection." It didn't matter that in the 3rd​ Succession war a Battalion was a pretty serious raiding force against anything other than massively hardened targets... the Combine had reason to throw more than that at Sakhara if an attack came... which was why he wasn't advertised what really defended the factories in detail.

... but the truth was he had enough to prompt an attack, and putting more there was asking for trouble. Hanse merely nodded, "My understanding my read on the situation was that the original plan was to emphasize production foremost I assume the production of the centurion."

"And its nissan 200 engine. The plan was to manufacture it on Sakhara, and Robinson in the Draconis March, and also to also expand production of the engine with new factories on New Avalon with all three worlds producing Centurions for AFFS units." He replied... and that had been his initial plan... and it wasn't New Valencia's Blackwell corporations fault. OmniVehicles and the Marauder II had nothing to do with it. There was already chatter that that had driven Sakhara to push for unveiling of a resurgence in new designs... that had probably begun as propaganda an idea disseminated by House Davion or the unofficial portions of the propaganda elements of government but it had taken on a life of its own.

"Instead we're now looking at many, many more new designs."

"Sakhara does produce a lot of engines now, and will produce those designs. "Which was he assumed the question Hanse was really asking... Ian probably academically appreciated the idea behind the original Centurion project, but it lacked a certain spark of emotional, gripping display to sell to the public, the thing that showed the vitality of the Federated Suns. "That includes limited numbers of assault mechs,"

Hanse shifted. "Production volume?"

"Perhaps one or two a month of each for a period of the next few years, On Sakhara,"He stated, "Other resources will go towards New Avalon, production of the Sentry on Robinson... maybe eventual production of 240 engines for Rifleman mechs on Robinson in a few years depending on talks with Kallon." Still it was a lot. He really recognized that now. Never mind the Star Lord JumpShips... once those started coming on line. "New Avalon, we will expand the 160 Engines as well... there are things for that... but we need to diversify production sites. We also need to not commit to building new engine lines for other weights for the time being," He added the last more as an after thought.

The Fox of House Davion shifted, "Conventional wisdom would say its easier to defend one location."

Never mind eating nukes, "Not when you're going to have to ship things across and out known space. The circuits will help, Kathil will help but only so much. We're going to be luck if that's maybe five, if we're real lucky ten JumpShips coming online by 3020 depending on what all is needed to do at the McKenna yards." and he regretted immediately the more optimistic figure for the McKenna yards without yet having seen them yet, "But we have to be able to get to transfer all that metal to units on the front. Thats why there are so many designs revolving around the 200 and 240 engines... but I also recognize that there is an interest in the 320 designs, and just heavier machines in general."

There was the davion interest, preference for auto cannons too. There was so much at market, or items that needed to be looked at and shipped out. The plan had always probably been... there had been talk for months maybe years now after Michael Hasek had by tradition stepped back from his federal position to take up his hereditary dukedom. Hanse knew that after the victories against the Combine that Ian had had ambitions for more trade with the Lyran Commonwealth. Moves to strengthen relations between the two. "My brother is discussing who to appoint as minister of trade," He remarked pausing carefully, "and when that decision is made you'll be consulted regarding those yards," Kathil, "but we can expect ripples of course. BattleMech production will receive the lion's share of attention, we have more manufacturers we can involve in diversifying production for them, and for combat vehicles. Flying machines I'm afraid places you in an even more select company there is only so much aid that can be made available." Hanse replied with a wry smile, "But Ian has confidence in your demonstrated abilities."
Notes: Will do that Engine production, and later mech production, and armor hopefully this week I meant to do it last week, but shit insists oncoming up.
I'd question making yet more AA mechs in suns space as compared to 60 ton battle line/trooper designs like the merlin and especially the ranger
I think Clay is easing into introducing new designs. Existing production lines in that weight class will also make it easier to expand later.

PS: ninja'd
Bristol 1.5 New
Bristol 1.5
Ian's confidence was better placed than he knew, but even so that didn't change the facts. It didn't change the conversation about BattleMechs either. "This is the tentative Rifleman 4P," He said, "Simply put Kallon already produces the Rifleman this makes changes using still standardized parts, and like our Shadow Hawk package can be furnished as a refit kit, or as an entirely factory built 'mech."The Four Papa was an all energy boat. Its two PPCs were standard models easily capable of engage aircraft, there was no range loss and no ammo to concern a pilot of the standard rifleman and it carried eight additional heat sinks to deal with the PPCs.

It still wasn't necessarily a cold running design. It certainly wasn't over sinked, but it wasn't woefully under sinked compared to the standard Kallon design even accepting how cool auto cannons ran. That was neither here nor there in Henry's perspective... this was designed as more of a frontline combatant. Made possible by removing both auto cannons and large lasers, and doubling the number of medium lasers.

Hanse nodded."Parts commonality with Warhammer and Longsword."

"Right," Henry replied.

Hanse was in sync with the idea, and he more or less expected that Ian would be fine with it as well... "But you are still working on other designs,"

"I like the trebuchet but as a mech it runs into the problem of it runs on an engine that is different from the mechs escorting it. Yes its faster not slower, which is admittedly a plus, but hence the Fusilier, it carries the same pattern of weapons, puts out 30 missiles, and has the self protection offered by medium lasers while running the 200 rating Nissan Engine." It was ultimately as design to offer out to Achernar to bolster the AFFS by reducing the logistical burden on the strategic scale. If it played well, then there was always the possibility of helping them expand production to other heavierdesgins since of course as had been highlighted in other conversations heavier mech designs appealed. Which he understood of course, but they were larger and more expensive, but if Achernar wanted to manufacture, was interesting in manufacturing the Bastion then so be it... it was just that most of the designs, "That's of course going to be a recurring thing Hanse, Medium lasers are a cost-effective combat solution. They're not as finicky as PPCs they're not as expensive the work that goes into longer range weapons requires other considerations," Which sounded completely reasonable, it was just something that he could circumvent, "The Rifleman project using PPCs we have familiarity with it shouldn't bedifficult to expand the employment of them."

... and of course that was the easy stuff. The Shadow Hawk, and Rifleman equipment didn't change anything about the engines of the machines. Theyweren't entirely new machines, new designs, using common parts. The intention was to provide a machine that could fight other mechs more effectively than its preceding design, or combat vehicles.

"The obvious difference being that the Shadow Hawk isn't manufactured, and you have no plans, from what we've discussed to move towards 275 engine production, is that right?"

"Yes." Industrial production was going to be the strategic question, "The 240 and 200 are arguably going to be the most important engines we can manufacture en masse," Clay replied. "It will allow us to build up a number of engines for different platforms," Not just mechs but vehicles as well. The recent problems with tank production... legal questions aside... well those engines could go to other thins until they figured a workable solution.

"But the Cataphract runs off of a 280 Engine, or at least the model for your friend Mister Allard, isn't that a problem for your plans?"

Clay grimaced and rubbed his scalp, "Yeah, I won't say the cataphract is a mistake, but in terms of 280 engine production I would say the Longsword will need to take precedence. That will probably confine production of both machines to Sakhara for the time being." That wasn't a change, they just hadn't moved to expand engine production to include the 280 engine for either machine onto New Avalon, and here there was too much to do. "Kallon shouldn't have any problem building the Rifleman 4P with the data, and there are other programs we can collaborate on.

He paused, sighed,and moved over to the table, the stylus was connected to the holographic projector that dominated the center of the room as large pool table sized mass of stainless steel and a hard wood veneer.

Bristol would probably produce other engines, after they started 320 production forthe Fury ... and for the Victor, and the Zeus and the Thug's down teched version. All of those would largely go to helping other manufacturers produce more mechs for the AFFS so they were for export.

The tables were similar to the ones he had shown Aaron Sandoval on New Avalon. Sakahara, New Avalon, and Robinson would all be aimed at production of lighter machines. Not just limited to BattleMechs. The real difference besides some minor revaluations of what they should focus on was the spread sheet's inclusion of what other manufacturers produced. "You have fusion engine production on Robinson aimed at Partisan tanks," Kallon on Robinson was actually making the tank chassis and doing final assembly, but 240 engines were slated to go to Kallon's production, "and if Kallon were to expand production, battlemech production to make the Rifleman on Robinson the 4P could be produced instead of the standard with the Partisan serving as the principle air defense for the DMM and 'mechs focused to engaging other BattleMechs."

"Its an ideal arrangement, certainly that would be a preference." He replied. The machinery which produced the 240 engine on Robinson was already in place... Kallon would be doing the rest of the work, so that would take time to bring production online... and that was just for the tanks, the Rifleman was still in discussion hence bringing out the 4Pas a trooper which could shore up the DMM as Hanse had observed. "We have a handful of 4P Rifleman for testing on Sakhara already... I was planning to put them in the hands of the incoming class in the fall to see how fresh cadets dealt with the heat curve but that hasn't gone into practice yet."

Kallon, Corean, and Achernar though were all on the table for discussions and cooperation, and if all of them were active in building up in and through the Draconis March, and in the Crucis March if you included New Avalon them the AFFS should have the production to rearm and expand... to be in a better position to face the combine. "The Centurion is a tried and true mech,"

"Something your inlaws would be comfortable taking possession of." He had heard, impossible to miss chatter really, talk of the Stephenson's home unit conservatism when it came to equipment. That might change with battlefield success but one step at a time.

"Yes,"Hanse replied nodding, "Or the Enforcer the idea stands, the Fusilier, Cataphract, even the Longsword are too new regardless of how theoretically sound in concept they might be. You're familiar with Spica, we expect any attack from the combine to funnel through New Ivaarsen," Two jumps from Robinson, "We're not suggesting the industrial development merely that we can reinforce the planet to blunt a combine attack, or when the day comes that it can b e the staging ground to launch an attack against the Kuritans." IN short committing to the main version, the iteration of the plan that was simplest. Build up a common body of mechs and tanks that weren't especially unique, didn't really have any overly complicated systems or technology, things that there could be an abundance of spare parts for, and leverage it against the Combine. "We have our work cut out for us, over the next few years..."
There it is, Clay just laid the purpose behind all this build up on the table. I know all the characters in the fic will know, but I figure there are at least a few readers that have forgotten or haven't clued in.

Clay is doing everything he can to give the AFFS the kind of parts commonality between mechs, tanks, fighters, etc that somewhat equivalent to NATO having standardized weapon patterns/gun calibers. This will let the AFFS be leaner and meaner when the fighting starts again.
speaking of suns AA mechs I need to tinker with the jagermech since its made on 2 planets and arguably has much worse problems than the rifleman

also the 4P Rifleman still is a decent AA mech given how many AA mechs rock PPCs even if its not quite as good as its old form.

as for the trebuchet given the suns make the engine plus everything else goes into the design its not too hard to sustain it but a couple more designs using the FE 250 would be a good idea. maybe the crab or something close to it? Or a ASF?
As for more 320s I'd go with the striker since its a easy to maintain assault mech along with the thug (and much like the thug there's probably a fair few mothballed due to needing parts). Getting the Zeus license would be a NIGHTMARE and I'm not a fan of what amounts to what's a heavy mech in assault mech form including in terms of armor levels.

As for the Shadow Hawk and 275 the suns have 3 sites that already make 275s including on new avalon so just get general Dyamics, Norse battlemechs and/or Achernar a shadow hawk license.
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speaking of suns AA mechs I need to tinker with the jagermech since its made on 2 planets and arguably has much worse problems than the rifleman

also the 4P Rifleman still is a decent AA mech given how many AA mechs rock PPCs even if its not quite as good as its old form.

as for the trebuchet given the suns make the engine plus everything else goes into the design its not too hard to sustain it but a couple more designs using the FE 250 would be a good idea. maybe the crab or something close to it? Or a ASF?
As for more 320s I'd go with the striker since its a easy to maintain assault mech along with the thug (and much like the thug there's probably a fair few mothballed due to needing parts). Getting the Zeus license would be a NIGHTMARE and I'm not a fan of what amounts to what's a heavy mech in assault mech form including in terms of armor levels.

As for the Shadow Hawk and 275 the suns have 3 sites that already make 275s including on new avalon so just get general Dyamics, Norse battlemechs and/or Achernar a shadow hawk license.
I believe the S-Hawk license should be open since the original manufacturing company died 200 years ago.
I think Comstar is peeping hard onto FEDCOM, and peeping nukes for Bristol and Sakhara
if the Dragon attacks- Boom …..

Comstar will hire some "Pirates who have nukes".
I believe the S-Hawk license should be open since the original manufacturing company died 200 years ago.
I think Comstar is peeping hard onto FEDCOM, and peeping nukes for Bristol and Sakhara
if the Dragon attacks- Boom …..

Comstar will hire some "Pirates who have nukes".
Comstar of this period at least outside the memes isn't using nukes since if nothing else you can track nuclear material back to it's orgin point. Well that and to be blunt far easier to do conventional sabotage or help raiders do a conventional but still destroying the facility strike
Bristol 1.6 New
Bristol 1.6

Henry checked his timetable for probably the twentieth time this morning, he knew they were planning to leave soon. The work on Bristol was administrative... not even really that it was formalized, and about being present... but not actually doing anything. There was so much talking about the new government but the new administration wasn't going to need him to do much of anything this trip even as he laid out was he wanted to do.

He was laying out, this is what we're going to do.

That was what was being said but most people probably took that as campaign promises or something like that.

There was going to be a lot to do though. That wasn't even touching the inevitable what weapons should be produced. Energy weapons were one thing, but endorsing an auto cannon ... especially when they inevitably moved to introduce other specialty auto cannons was something he was already dreading...had already been dreading.

In that sense he would be glad to return to Sakhara. The return to the routine of the academy was something he was already looking forward to, New Avalon was nice to visit but too much, so much going on on the capital for the holidays. He needed good news from Haakon from Mountain Wolf BattleMechs...both for the Merlin and for access hopefully to Lyran markets...working with Kallon would help with that, but there were differences in the Lyran market even though it being the third succession war any battlemech was better than no battlemech.

If the clans did come crashing through the 'galactic north' of the Lyran commonwealth.... or even just bolstering Lyran ability to menace the Combine that benefitted the Federated Suns. He was hoping... against hope really that things held... and that they had as long as they did until ComStar fucked things up and gave the Crusaders the excuse they wanted... but he couldn't count on that.

Ian wanted the Wolf Dragoons back in FedSun service, wanted to throw them against the Combine, which would satisfy their not attacking previous employer clause, as well as serve strategic goals for the Federated Suns. The problem were the other details. The plan sounded great on paper... and that was the problem... how exactly did he try and approach the bug fuck insanity that was the clan's eugenics program or their mangled version of their own history.

Things, benign things like the Imp Assault Mech were on thing, but there were others that raised all kinds of alarm bells... which was why Zhukov was a program. The Federated Suns, as a larger entity, would probably be interested down the road but in the short term hew as going to need to diversify production beyond Sakhara ... the combine would almost certainly try and force an attack ... probably not before Justin graduated.... but that was going to be the problem, even with the jump circuit in place if he found himself, if Henry, away on Kathil trying to fix the McKenna yards it was going to depend on the defenses already in place.

He was already thinking about delaying work on unearthing the massive subterranean Fury depot until his grip here was better secured... production of gauss rifles were likely to be of interest to the AFFS... ammunition was cheap but it was also the weapon not the ammo which was explosive when hit by enemy fire. On the other hand despite their mass the damage and range potential was sure to get elicit interest... but was now really the right time?

The NAIS was at least a thing... Ian was putting the books taken from under Takashi's nose ... Henry scratched the pen on the corner of the paper in wider and wider loops to make sure the ink was flowing as he mulled... but it was still new...

He groaned, "We need to punch the combine in the nose again before they get up any kind of plan," A plan where they could launch an offensive against the Federated Suns on their own terms. The question was how, Ian wanted to do exactly that. Hanse didn't seem opposed to the idea, and there was support... but there was also opposition to an attack. It was probably one of the reasons Ian wanted the Dragoons to come back, if he could swing them ... Henry figured that it would be easy for Ian to justify sending them against the Combine without having protests from the 'loyal opposition' in the other marches.

He scribbled harder in the corner of the paper.

The problem was that the dragoons were clanners... and Ian was almost certainly going to get them read into the situation... he had mentioned von Strang's world to Yvonne Davion months earlier... that wasn't exactly some kind of huge secret but it wasn't common knowledge either... and it wasn't as if he was on the periphery border to begin with... hell he wasn't even in the right successor state to worry about von Strang or any of the former Rim World worlds... it wasn't as if he was in the Lyran Commonwealth... but if the clans did invade well the crazy periphery types were in the way...

... and of course there was the floating reminder every time he opened his essence, opened the 'character sheet' that he had an enemy in House Amaris.

Not ComStar surprisingly enough... but maybe that was just a matter of time, but if his essence was giving him a warning about it... it sure as fuck seemed important. He flipped through a couple of memos buried under the timetable...rebuild Bristol. It was a lot of grand talk... and he could use that... while they went about rebuilding the industry.

... keeping attention away from here though...

was easy enough...keep everyone watching Sakhara. It was an easy answer, but it didn't change that if the Combine did attack it was probably going to be against Sakhara.

There was achime... which informed he needed to make a decision about what he wanted to do... since he had a meeting with Hanse soon, where they were supposed to go over the legal injunction filed against the Demolishers and Schreks. Under Project Zhukov was in part a plan to produce an even cheaper option than the Zorya that he had used, did use on Sakhara ... and that was all well and good, but the Sphinx was that for an Inner Sphere tech base ... mass production of it would need to be something they could do.

It wasn't going to be fancy but if Bristol's defenders had them well no copyrights to worry about, and they could build a lot of them as an example to other Crucis March, and Draconis March worlds without worrying about high technology costs. An interim solution a standard medium tank to be mass produced for doctrinal reasons of good enough to fill the battle space and defend an area. He'd thought about it before, and it was the conversation he was going to carry on to the heir to the realm when they met for lunch today.
Notes: This is down the Hanse segment, its going up basically as is, because I'm running late, 1.7 will go up next week I will clean this up tomorrow for the copy past thing that QQ is doing because of the move to XF 2, but after that we will return to Sakhara and preparations for Justin and Alexandria's graduation.
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Argh... It is as if he has to pay for each space between words.

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