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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Well since I've got TTRPGs on the brain.

Ozpin is convinced that Salem is getting dementia.

That's the only way he can explain a friendly talking Grimm.

The thing looks like a almost bald four year old child. Talks like one too.

And why the hell did she let it name itself Fartbuckle?

To hell with it let RWBY and JNPR keep it if he's lucky Nora will kill it on accident.
here's a sick joke. You know how humans are foreign to the Ever After? Well what if when the Cat killed Alyx, she ascended into Juniper? 😂 (this obviously is not possible as we see Jumiper Alyx, buts it's funny, sick, and horrible so here it is)
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"She smashed through a chicken coop," she hissed, glaring death at the horse. Orleans whinnied, unrepentant. Jaune sighed and patted her back.
This reminded me of something while horses are according to their digestive tracts and teeth herbivores they have been known to eat meat before specifically baby chicks and eggs, as well as small rodents and mammals, birds, and fish.

Concerningly there are also some noted mentions from World War 1 where horses, who like the soldiers there, were starving would sometimes be found to have taken bites out of the dead soldiers. There are also mentions of a horse from France named Lisette who may have bit off a Russian soldier's face. Cavalry horses are also noted throughout history to have been trained to kill by kicking and stomping as well as the well-known charges that were also used.

Edit: Andrew do you think it would be okay for me to post this over to SB as well or would the mods have an issue with it not really sure how strict they are about things even if it's only nonspecific information?
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This reminded me of something while horses are according to their digestive tracts and teeth herbivores they have been known to eat meat before specifically baby chicks and eggs, as well as small rodents and mammals, birds, and fish.

Concerningly there are also some noted mentions from World War 1 where horses, who like the soldiers there, were starving would sometimes be found to have taken bites out of the dead soldiers. There are also mentions of a horse from France named Lisette who may have bit off a Russian soldier's face. Cavalry horses are also noted throughout history to have been trained to kill by kicking and stomping as well as the well-known charges that were also used.

Edit: Andrew do you think it would be okay for me to post this over to SB as well or would the mods have an issue with it not really sure how strict they are about things even if it's only nonspecific information?

They only care about sex things. Go for it.
This reminded me of something while horses are according to their digestive tracts and teeth herbivores they have been known to eat meat before specifically baby chicks and eggs, as well as small rodents and mammals, birds, and fish.

Concerningly there are also some noted mentions from World War 1 where horses, who like the soldiers there, were starving would sometimes be found to have taken bites out of the dead soldiers. There are also mentions of a horse from France named Lisette who may have bit off a Russian soldier's face. Cavalry horses are also noted throughout history to have been trained to kill by kicking and stomping as well as the well-known charges that were also used.

Edit: Andrew do you think it would be okay for me to post this over to SB as well or would the mods have an issue with it not really sure how strict they are about things even if it's only nonspecific information?
Horses are strange creatures. Did you know their legs are structured more like human fingers than they are legs?
Sanctuary 10 New
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Despite everything she had been through, despite her maiming... Yang still couldn't help a little smirk when she saw her little sister staring at the toweled bodies of May, Arslan, Nora and Velvet as they slipped into the hot springs. Ruby's pout was a common occurrence when the subject of 'development' came up. She was able to wrap her real arm around her little sister and squeezed her comfortingly.

"Someday," she said gently, even as Ruby glared enviously: Especially at May, who flushed under the scrutiny.

"Um... Is-Is something wrong, Ruby?" The shy sniper asked.

"No. Nothing," Ruby sighed. Yang patted her on the head again, and Ruby scowled. "Yang, knock it off."

"Just being a good supportive big sister," Yang said quietly, her smile soft. Ruby huffed and crossed her arms under her chest.

"Ahhh," Nora sighed happily, slipping into the hot water, "It's so relaxing~... Beats that little bathroom at the farmhouse any day~!"

"Agreed," Arslan said softly, adjusting her hair in its neat little bun. She laid back in the hot water against the concrete bench. May sat beside her, her arms tight around herself as she looked around in some anxiety. Arslan, noticing this, smiled and squeezed May's shoulder.

"Relax," she said.

"Trying to," May sighed. Velvet smiled across the baths.

"Are you afraid that Neptune will try to peep on us?"

"N-No, I'd see that coming in a heartbeat," May said quickly, her cheeks burning a brighter red. Nora grinned at her.

"Does that mean you'd be okay with it then?"

"N-NO!" May shook her head rapidly, "Not at all!"

"Besides," Arslan stated, "If he tried? I'd beat him black and blue."

"Same," Yang nodded.

Isabel entered the baths, now in her own pink towel. She had her hair up in a nice bun and her glasses on. She strode in and slid into the water near Ruby, Yang and Velvet. She sighed happily, enjoying the heat.

"That's much better," she nodded, leaning back on the concrete bench opposing May, Arslan and Nora. She breathed deeply of the hot spring mist then let it out as a long breath. She pushed her glasses up and rubbed her tired eyes.

"So, what news have you heard?" Ruby asked, almost shyly. Isabel smiled at her.

"It's mostly good, I promise," she said warmly. "Ruby, Yang: Your father and uncle are all right. They're fighting in Vale still. The Valean Defense Force has gotten its act together and is providing proper support. However, only about 20 percent of the city has been retaken."

"Two weeks and only twenty percent?" Arslan asked with wide eyes. Isabel nodded.

"Vale City is very large. The White Fang also hit several key areas with their bombs and the slaved Atlas units to maximize the Grimm invasion numbers. It's going to take a while, I'm afraid."

Velvet glared down at her reflection in the water. Yang clenched her fists. Arslan was grim while May looked even more morose. Nora frown deeply, and stared down at her hands. Ruby took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"What about... What about Professor Goodwitch? Oobleck? Port?"

"They're all alive, thankfully," Isabel said with a smile, "They joined up with the only high ranking member of the Council to survive: Rufus Winchester."

"Cardin's father?" Velvet asked in shock. Isabel nodded.

"Mm. He was a Huntsman Captain before he retired and went into politics. He was able to get a lot of people out of chambers when the Atlas guard drones opened fire." She shook her head in disgust.

"As it stands, he is the Chairman of Vale: Though he's been so busy with retaking the city he hasn't been able to issue many orders to anyone else. Just general emergency bulletins and a request for aid."

At Velvet's frown, Isabel gave her a soft smile.

"Your mother and siblings got out to Arminius on one of the evacuation flights," she said, "Nick got a hardcopy from the City Hall command center today."

"Oh..." Velvet trembled, her eyes filling with tears, "Oh thank God..."

Nora smiled and patted Velvet on the shoulder. The older girl nodded in thanks. She looked back at Isabel.

"Anything... Anything on Coco Adel? Or my other teammates?" She asked eagerly.

Isabel shook her head slowly, her face sad.

"Nothing yet," she said. "They aren't counted among the dead though."

Velvet bowed her head. Her lips became a thin line as she stared at her hands.

"I see," she murmured.

Isabel looked at Arslan.

"Your team is Vacuo, in the city of El Cid," she said, "Nadir is injured but appears to be stable. Reese and Bolin have been working with the city militia."

Arslan sighed softly.

"Thank the Breaker above," she whispered.

Isabel turned to May. She worried her lower lip.

"May, I-"

"I know," May whispered, staring down at the water, "I... I saw them all..." She shook her head.

Yeah. Yang remembered that all too well. Remembered seeing Brawnz, the leader of his self named team, kicking May away as he tried to pull Nolan and Roy free from a Nevermore. It was burned into her mind how May had screamed for them... And how they'd all been splattered by the bird-like Grimm.

It was one of many nightmarish images from that day that... That just weren't going away.

Arslan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her. Yang felt the need to do the same for Ruby. Nora again looked down.

"Well," Isabel sighed, "I'll... Have something to talk to you in private about later. Okay?"

May, confused, nevertheless nodded and fell silent again.

Velvet sucked in a deep breath.

"How... How did it go unnoticed for so long?" Velvet asked shakily. "How did no one stop all this?!"

She glared at Ruby.

"You-You and JNPR snuck out and fought the White Fang so many times!" She seethed. "How did you never figure this out?!"

"Hey!" Yang growled, "Don't even think of trying to pin this on us!"

"Why shouldn't I?!" Velvet snarled, even as Ruby flinched, "Your own teammate was the White Fang's princess! How do you know she wasn't making sure you didn't find the proof needed to shut this down?! To stop this-?!"

"She didn't!" Ruby insisted, shaking her head, "She was just-Yang! You saw what that creep did to her, right?!"

Yang tensed. Yeah... She had seen Blake at Adam's feet. At his mercy. Injured.

She'd seen the fear in Blake's eyes. She'd rushed in to stop him and... And...

"Blake wasn't behind this, all-all right?" Yang forced out, her metal arm trembling, "She wasn't! Adam was going to kill her-"

"How can you trust anything she did?!" Velvet demanded. "How do you know it wasn't-wasn't all staged, huh?! She lied to all of you about who she was! How can you trust a damn thing she said?!"

Isabel stood up and stepped between the two furious young ladies. She shook her head.

"That's enough," she stated, calm but firm. "Tearing each other apart isn't going to help."

Velvet growled and glared up at Isabel.

"Their teammate-!"

"Was White Fang," Isabel said gently, "Yes. And she's run off to Menagerie. That's true. That doesn't mean she was behind this attack Velvet."

Her eyes narrowed.

"But even if she was? Her teammates were just as fooled as everyone else. So don't take out your anger on them. They don't deserve it."

Velvet worked her jaw. Yang seethed, yet she hesitated. She was going over everything in her mind again. Everything to do with Blake.

She'd told Blake to slow down. To not push herself so hard. To not become obsessed with the White Fang.

They had intervened at a Dust shipment. At that rally. At Mount Glenn, though too late to actually stop the Breach from happening. Every time, they got there just at the right time. Even when the adults had failed to find anything.

As though Blake... Blake knew-

No, she thought to herself angrily, No! You saw how that guy... That guy was going to kill her, or-or worse! She couldn't have been faking it! She couldn't!

But then... Why was she alive? Why hadn't Adam finished her off? She'd passed out, been helpless. Had... Had Blake pleaded for her life? Offered to join Adam again for her?

What the hell had happened back there?

Why couldn't she just... She just deny it all? Flat out? Defend her friend?

The friend who abandoned you? Her mind asked treacherously.

She opened her mouth, but Ruby stood up. She pulled away from Yang's arm and marched into the center of the bath. She met Velvet's eyes firmly and when she spoke, her voice barely shook.

"I-I know what Blake did looks bad. I know... And we're going to talk to her about it when we see her again. But she couldn't have been faking! And she couldn't have-have done anything to let it happen! It's not... It's not her fault, all right?"

Velvet opened her mouth to retort, but Ruby kept plowing on.

"And I get it... I get it... I failed. You failed. Everyone... We all failed that day," she mumbled, "But it's not going to do... To do any good if we fight amongst ourselves."

She sucked in a breath. She reached out a hand and held it as steadily as she could.

"And we both want... We both want justice, don't we?" Ruby pressed. "For... For everyone?"

Velvet stared at Ruby for a long, tense moment. She tensed. Arslan leaned forward as Nora moved to stand up.

Velvet let out a soft sigh. She slowly reached out with her hand and took Ruby's. She bowed her head.

"... Yeah," she murmured, "Yeah... I-I do."

Ruby smiled through shining eyes.

Yang stared at the scene, feeling like she was a million miles away.

First Vomit Boy... Then Ruby... Then... All of this...

She stared at her artificial hand. She clenched it into a fist.

... What the fuck am I even doing here?

- - -

A bit short but what did you think?
A Bizarre Adventure New
I am bored and insane. So I got to thinking about a REALLY stupid idea:

- - -

I made Nick Arc an orphan with no clue as to his origins, save that he came from Albion and was raised by some crazy old paladin. Which is good and something I'll use in serious fics.

However... The fact he has no family can also be used in a rather demented way:

Nick Jonathan Arc is approached one day at his home in Radian by a man in a long white coat, a white schoolcap with the back torn off, and plenty of bling. He's extremely stoic and serious. Yet despite this... He looks rather familiar. His build is very muscular, and his face and chin resemble Nick's.

Man: "You Nick Jonathan Arc?"

Nick: "That's me. What can I do for you, stranger?"

Man: "Tell me... Do you have a five pointed star birthmark?"

Nick: "Eh? Oh... This thing?"

Nick shows it off, turning and baring the back of his neck to the man.

Nick: "Yeah. Are you that dermatologist Izzy said she was gonna get?"

Man: "No... You see, I also have that birthmark. My name is Jotaro Kujo. And you... Are part of a rather... Bizarre bloodline."

Nick: "Eh?"

As it turns out, Joseph Joestar (The second Jojo from "Battle Tendency" and Grandpa Joseph from "Stardust Crusaders"/"Diamond is Unbreakable") and his wife Suzy Q had a daughter besides Holly Kujo. Her name was Mary. She ran off from home when she became a teenager to live a party lifestyle. Unfortunately she got in too deep and before Joseph could find her, she died of a drug overdose.

But before that, she gave birth to a son she left in an orphanage. A boy who would be given the name Nick. He would later take "Jonathan" as his middle name, and Arc as his surname when he got married to Isabel.

But he is a Joestar. Same age as Jotaro, roughly. Indeed, during the battle with Dio, he too gained a Stand... But...

Jotaro: "You knew you had a Stand but didn't think anything of it?!"

Isabel: "Nick... Why exactly didn't you say you had some kind of soul projection Semblance?"

Nick: "Well... I didn't know it could go past my body. I just thought my fighting spirit was so awesome it increased the power of my sword strikes and punches! Wait, you mean it can actually go outside my body? COOL!"

Jotaro: "..."

Isabel: sigh "Only you, Nick... YOU IDIOT!" BONK!

Of course, here's the real kicker... Jaune Arc is also a Joestar. He has the birthmark. He has the bloodline.

And he's gonna be a target for anyone with a grudge against the Joestars...

So he's set for a Bizarre Adventure.

- - -

Yeah. Told you it was stupid.
I posted this to SB, but I will post here to.

I know that it sounds like everyone settled on a name for Tanya's, but I just realized the most amazing choice possible for hers has to be "O Canada" given how in person they tend to be incredibly polite at least from my personal experience, but they are historically the reason for a concerning amount of the rules in the Geneva Convention.
Story idea: Because of his seven sisters, Jaune is an expert in women's fashion and women's fashion only (that or he just doesn't care about being fashionable after being the dress up doll for so long). Something which very quickly catches the attention of fashionista Coco Adel as the two become very close and bond over the apparel of the fairer sex.
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Continued - after discovering Jaune's skill/experience with women's fashion Coco makes it a personal mission to get "Bunny Boy" a new set of wardrobes. Something Jaune either gives in to from experience with 7 sisters or vehemently rejects as he knows he'll end up as a mannequin. (Would be funny if she recognizes also Jaune's sweater and gets jealous of him having one as it's suppose to be super comfortable and also extremely durable.)
A few more ideas since it's Ruby's month:

-Ozpin asks Jaune to be Ruby's protector since while she is physically powerful, she is young and inexperienced. Hence Jaune spends a lot of time with Ruby to help her grow. And who better to teach her how to avoid being manipulated by bad people than a fraud?

-What if Jaune did ask Ruby out to the Dance, as friends? But by the end of the night, they're more than that.

-Ruby is unhappy with other girls monopolizing Jaune's time. She's not really sure why, but damnit, she wants more attention! So she tries to figure out how to do it!

-What if Ruby bonded more with Pyrrha over the burden of being prodigies and having to live up to everyone's high standards?

-Ruby and Blake discover a mutual love of shipping. Then Ruby gets an idea: Why don't they ship their friends together? In various couples?

-Ruby works with Jaune on a charity haunted house for the St. Lucy Orphanage, where Jaune volunteers at. Together, they make an incredibly scary and spooktacular event! And along the way bond very deeply.

-Ruby loves playing in the snow. Whitley, not so much. But while he's in Vale, he indulges her and find that playing in the snow isn't so bad.
Okay.. rando idea...

Sun while tring to get a commetment from Blake to go to the dance together gets shot down

And Ruby is sittin there.. kinda grumpy.. Sun asks why

"I mean everyone else but me got asked. I'm not big on the whlole dating thing.. but it'd be nice to be asked atleast."

"Well wanna go with me"


and we go from there.
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Anyone here watch Suisei no Gargantia?

Basically no more land, only water everywhere and people live on ship.

So imagine if that happens to Remnant. People live on ship with Atlas being the most biggest and advanced ship. Dust, you had to do underwater mining to get it. Grimm is more water type and Salem live on the giant whale grimm up in the sky.
Anyone here watch Suisei no Gargantia?

Basically no more land, only water everywhere and people live on ship.

So imagine if that happens to Remnant. People live on ship with Atlas being the most biggest and advanced ship. Dust, you had to do underwater mining to get it. Grimm is more water type and Salem live on the giant whale grimm up in the sky.

That would be a pretty big change. Honestly though you could have a lot of aquatic communities in the canon of RWBY. Mobile and floating towns on the water to stay safe from the Grimm.
Lancaster: "Rivalry" Revised Version New
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Ruby sighed in relief as she sat down on her bed with her Scroll rolled out. The dormroom was finally deserted, and she could get some game time. She adjusted her headset and grinned as her stream began.

"Hello Roseheads!" She greeted her fans as she went to the log-in menu for her favoritest MMORPG ever: Fantasy Galaxies of Conflict: Shadow Raids of Legend, "Sorry it's been a while! I just started Hunter Academy early, so I haven't had as much time for streaming! But I'm still here!"

She beamed as the comments section lit up with supportive messages... And some angry ones. She rolled her eyes at those. Her cute doggy girl anime avatar wagged its tail as she logged in.

"Anyway! Today we're gonna be doing a Shadow Fortress Dungeon!" Ruby announced, as she guided her Level 130 Space Wizard Shadow through the catacombs of a dark Space Wizard's lair, "This one was ruled by Lord Gorbaz, who in the expanded lore was a master of Space Wizard Necromancy trying to bring back his deceased wife and son, who then had to be slain by the Light Space Wizards in a laser sword duel! He turned back to the Goodside at the end and was reunited with his family's spirits in the afterlife! It's a really touching novel and comic! And it was in Paladins of the Ancient Republic, too!"

She made a face as she killed some low-level undead.

"And in the Wizney-verse, he was turned into an abusive wife beater and child abuser," Ruby groused, "Because Wizney hires people with major daddy issues. I don't have daddy issues! I could write a way better novel! Especially the tech parts! In fact, I-"

She paused as she entered the antechamber of the dread fortress. Her eyes narrowed, and she hissed into her microphone.


A painfully familiar game avatar turned to face her, wielding a red laser sword in each hand. The avatar was, unlike her red and black wearing Light Space Wizard Shadow, in bright white and black armor. He wore a samurai-like face mask and helmet and was tall and menacing.

It was her nemesis. A nasty, mean, sarcastic jerk of a gamer who had dogged her since she'd started streaming two years ago. He always toed the line, never becoming truly abusive so that he'd get kicked and banned. And she had to admit, quietly, he was quite competent. His streams, while filled with invective and insults, were very informative and showed a deep love and passion for the game and Fantasy Galaxies of Conflict.

But he was still a dick.

The worst part was? Whenever she encountered him, her streaming numbers went way up. Even as unpleasant as it was... Well... She did want to make her fans happy.

Even if it meant she had to deal with this jerkoff for a while.

"Lord Darkarc!" She growled as the avatar sent a very insulting emoji her way.

"Hello RoseScythe," a digitally altered voice greeted her, "Still min maxing your way through everything, I see."

"It's the only way to really play the game!" Ruby sneered, "It's intelligent gaming!"

"Or maybe you just pay to win," Lord Darkarc said mockingly.

"I DO NOT!" Ruby shouted back, as her comments section went crazy, "I only buy skins! And I got a really good one for completing Quest of the Doom Nova!"

"Everyone did Quest of the Doom Nova," Darkarc snorted.

"Back when it was easy, yeah!" Ruby growled, "But then they made it way harder!"

"In the dumbest ways possible!" Darkarc replied, "I guess that's why you liked it! You just min maxed your way through it like you do everything! Honestly, your streams are so boring!"

"THEY ARE NOT!" Ruby shouted. "You're just jealous I get more views!"

"You only get more views because you pretend to be a cute girl!" Darkarc taunted, "I bet you're a fat ugly cow in real life! Goes with your gaming skills!"


"Ooh, so scathing! What ya gonna do, uwu at me?" DarkArc laughed.

"THAT'S IT! PVP MODE, RIGHT NOW!" Ruby snarled.

They did fight... And Ruby's Stealth mechanics did let her get in some good hits. DarkArc was only two levels above her-It shouldn't have been an issue!

But then he called down an Aetheric Lightning Storm, and she was hit with every status effect known to man.


Her character went down. DarkArc's synthetic laughter filled her headphones as she gaped at the GAME OVER: RESPAWN? screen.


"I'll have beaten the quest before you even respawn!" DarkArc taunted, running out. "Later sweetheart! Drown your sorrow in shitty cookies, ya fat hag!"


"HA! My best friend's cookies would wreck your shitty cookies any day of the week!"


"Oh, that'll burn really bad when I finish the last boss," DarkArc jeered. "LOSER!"





Ruby respawned and chased after DarkArc. She avoided most of the mobs to get to the main boss-She was at a high enough level, she'd be fine.

She confronted Lord Garboz and fought him, summoning her companion characters to aid in the fight. It was honestly pretty rough, but she'd practically automated the AIs to work with her timing perfectly.

She finished off the boss, and whooped loudly.

"YEAH! GOTCHA!" Ruby cheered. "HA! Seven minutes, twenty seven seconds! Beat that!"

She heard DarkArc's taunting voice again.

"Read your messages and weep."

She checked the messaging channel. Her jaw dropped at the screenshot.

"Wha-FIVE MINUTES?!" She screeched.

"Oh! Oh! Is that the sound of despair?" DarkArc mocked her. "What a pity! What a pity! Guess your autistic screeching didn't avail you, sweetheart!"


"I'm shaking in my boots!"


She froze. She studied the screenshot a bit more. She caught sight of a familiar Scroll desktop wallpaper behind the game window. It looked like the corners of a picture... A picture she'd taken for...

"Sorry Roseheads, BRB," she said, pausing the game and the stream. She pulled off her headphones and opened the door.

She walked across the hallway and opened the door to Team JNPR's dorms, slowly and quietly. She peered inside.

"Well DarkArc Fans," Jaune Arc cackled, "I guess we'll see RoseScythe another day. And kill her. Now! Who wants to go to the lobby and murder some overconfident newbs?"

Ruby gaped in shock. She shut the door behind her, loudly. Jaune started, and slowly turned to stare at Ruby. He paused the stream.

"Ruby?" He muttered.

"... DarkArc?" She whispered.

Jaune stared in silence for a bit longer... Before his eyes widened.

"... RoseScythe?" He croaked.

The silence filled the room, heavy as a curtain. It was Ruby who broke it with wide eyes and a gasp.

"How could you be DarkArc?! You-You're so sweet! So kind-!"

Jaune stood up, staring in utter disbelief at his best friend. His jaw opened and closed before he found the words to respond. He pointed his finger at her in accusation.

"How could you be RoseScythe?! You insulted my mom, my dad, and my lesbian sister!"

Ruby clenched her fists and held them up to her chin in anguish.


Jaune shook his head furiously, holding his hands up.


Ruby blushed deeply.


Jaune leaned forward and threw his arms up in disbelief.


The little reaper shut her eyes tightly and wailed:


Jaune's jaw dropped again before he shrugged.

"I... I don't know! It's just... Normal..." He chuckled, and slowly reached up to scratch the back of his head, "Geez."

"Y-Yeah," Ruby giggled nervously, "Um, sorry."

"Yeah, uh… Same," Jaune said quietly.

The silence fell. Ruby sucked in a deep breath.

"... I um... I don't really do much streaming anymore. Beacon and all, it takes up so much time."

Jaune nodded, smiling in commiseration. It made her heart warm.

"Same. And uh... Training and fighting is a lot better for dealing with anger and frustration than video games."

Ruby nodded slowly.

"Oh... Is that why you were so nasty?"

Jaune winced. He again rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah... I didn't... I really didn't mean it. It's just hard not to let loose when you've got so much… Frustration. Family, friends... You know."

Ruby nodded again.

"S-Same... Really. I know how it can feel."

"Yeah," Jaune murmured softly.

Silence again fell, though it was far less awkward than before. Jaune cleared his throat. Ruby looked up at him, shaking a little.

"Sooo... Um... Y-You know, I liked all those indy horror games you played through. I'd never even heard of a lot of them!"

Jaune nodded with a warm smile.

"Yeah, my sister Orchid is really big into indy gaming. She's made a few that are artsy horror games, so I promoted them by playing through 'em."

Ruby smiled and rubbed her upper arm nervously.

"That's really nice of you. I liked those games too."

Jaune looked to the side and coughed softly. He then looked back to Ruby and smiled warmly.

"... Want to try playing one together some time?"

Ruby blushed.

"Y-You mean… Together together?"

Jaune nodded, utterly oblivious to the maelstrom of emotion he'd woken up in Ruby.

"Sure! I mean… It would be fun! Don't you think?"

Together!? As in... T-Together together?! Like Blake with her boyfriend? All... Kissy kissy?!

She fretted. She twisted and turned like a leaf in the wind, making Jaune stare.

"Ruby? You okay?"

Ruby, bright red, slowly turned back and focused on Jaune's face. The storm settled as she remembered that this was Jaune. Her best friend. Her... Well, best everything really.

As much ire as she'd directed at DarkArc... She could have gotten him banned or removed him at any time. She never did though. Not to someone who, despite his words, was so much like her. So passionate and so skilled.

Now that she knew he was her best friend...? It made her next words easy.

"... S-Sure. I'd like that."

"Heh, yeah," Jaune chuckled. He looked to the side. "Though um… It might make things… Awkward."

"Awkward?" Ruby asked, suddenly worried.

"I mean, um, since we, you know…" He shrugged. "We keep getting shipped together."

The little reaper nodded furiously as her cheeks burned red again.

"Haha... Ahaha... Y-Yeah, that's... That was weird, huh? I mean, they started doing that when I turned 14. So weird!"

Jaune's own laughter now became nervous.

"Y-Yeah... Heh... Weird."

"But um... Not so weird now, huh?" The reaper asked, though she immediately covered her red cheeks.

Jaune blinked in confusion but managed a nod.

"N-No! No…" He tilted his head. "Right?"

She reached out to take his hand.

"Definitely not!" Ruby giggled.

"So uh..." He led them towards the bed. Ruby squeaked.

"Ah! I-I'm not ready!"

"Ready for what?" Jaune asked, blinking in confusion. "We can just talk on the bed, right?"

Ruby froze. Her entire face burned bright red.

"R-Right! T-Talk! S-Sure! Talk about... Our plans! And... And nothing else!"

"Er... Yeah," Jaune said, confused but still smiling.

- - -

Made it extra shippy for our girl!
That would be a pretty big change. Honestly though you could have a lot of aquatic communities in the canon of RWBY. Mobile and floating towns on the water to stay safe from the Grimm.

More aquatic faunus, the ship of Menagerie will have a lot of that. Ironically, most human will rely on faunus for aquatic food.
oh my lord...DarkArc didnt close the stream...and the RoseBuds are also stream-sniping.


The Shipping has Reached Critical Mass!
Its Super Effective!
RoseScythe has taken Critical Wholesome Damage!
RoseScythe is close to fainting!

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